HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-23, Page 1ii. Established 1865, Vol, 46,,No, CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY'', MAY 23 1962 ! ' You. v rec ateM . W. H. Kerr & Son, Edit6rs and ')Publishers enuine Bargains Always Red,tile '11 vertise rents in the New Era, THE o al OF OANADA IN001t1'JRATPD' 1868. Capital.. $6,.250,000 Reserve - . _ $7,000,000 ' The Aunlial Statement, shows the foie \lowing increases for 1911 1910 1911 De osits ,9 7'2,079.097 $58,294.305 Loans*'c Investments 55,233,0;6 02,730,072 Total Assets 90,51.0,316 110,528,512 207 BRANCIIES and Correspondents throughout the world Interest allowed on Deposits. R.. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH EASTMAN K[[DAKS Just"received a fresh as- sortment of Eastman Kodaks Brownie " Cameras, Kodak 'l a'ilm.s, !Papers and Photogra- phic Supplies, Easfniail Kodak's' have al - ,ways led 0,n improvemenite and new:. ideas. Examine itheni : land be ,con- vinced. HOVEY Dispensing Chemist. Speaks Nail of our. Gee%PrOVioee Editor ofhe Sheffield DailyInde- pendent, . Pays Compliment to Ontario The 'editor of the Sheffield: (Eng) Daily Iude-Pendenft pays the follow- lug coznpliment to the P'ovince of Ontario,— Ontario has iwell been namied, "Thea Garden of :Canada." 9t cone tains) some of ;the loveliest, fruit derma kith() 'world. Fauit'tdiat in England will only grow under glass and with the tenderest care, is pro- duced' in the most lavish abund- ince, no,tablypeaches, grapies, nae1- cars and (tomatoes. ' Last year, to her: 338,258 acres of orcherads, she. produced 75 per cent of all the 'fruit grown in Canada, the.' value of the same being (three million pounds. Although four .'times .asi tlaage es England and tho thickest populat- ed province of Canada, .Ontarpo con tains only twice the numbed• ' of people that 'thea;__ are in ,'Glasgow. Slid has an area o4 740 miilions\o1' acres, and only onictthilr d of these heal yet bean survle/yed. Theale( is still 118 million acres belonginlg to tiro crown, and containing every' foam of` agricultural r and and (mineral wealth known to titan, only awaiting his advent, to yield 'it to him. with . bounteous 'hands." • Mr. C W, Starmar,;the writer of the above, has:twice vis'ite'd Can- ada, and has had .an oppo]'tuOityof seeing every portion of the Do- minion. Et is therefore with proper discernment that he ',titles fallen in lova 'with ,Ontario and hie testi- mony to her attractions 'will give encouragement to 'those who are now seeking (to make more widely Y known the obvious advantages which this province possesses. The Molsons Bank Incorporate(1 1855 Record of Progress for Fivc Years 19(6 1911 • CAPITAL , , RESERVE nn ,,Pnc,. 1006 $3,000,000.00 000.00 $4 0 000• .00 4,000,000.00 23,077,730.00 35,0,2,311.00 LOANS AND INVESTM ENTS 27,457,090.00 3S,S54,SOL00 - TOTALASSETS . . 33,090,102.00 48,237,274,00 Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal reties in the World. A GENERAL BANKIAa BICTSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVING`rS BANK DEPART'M'ENT at all Branches.' Interest allowed at highest Clinton Branch. ' C `F, DOWDING. current rate. Manager r •�1•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 • • 10 'WANTED. ♦ r _ • • • • •' i • r • • • • • " • • • • • • • We`w int 100 Boys to get some Genuine Bar t • • gains in Boys' ui s We made a big purchise of7. • ♦ . Boys' Clothing- from The Jackson Manufactuaing Co to t. before they took stock. The quantity was large, but the price tempting. • • Thursday, hursday, y 2 ;rd,; we are going Z • May ( a• - • to give the boys' of Clinton and, surrounding country° • an opportunity to buya Lion Brand Suit at less than 4 • • • the wholesale price. • • The Entire Lot at Two Prices •0 • 7.1,479 and $8.50 ,. • • • No. 1—$4.70 X407 :0 ._knickers, double seats and knees, strong silesia i • linings. Coats have -double elbows, concave'shOulders,•• •v- • unbreakable fronts•. The patterns neat and all wool, • • ' regularprice of this lot is : 6. o:and ,' .00 / r�(� • g 5, S7 `f 9 o • your choice for .,,—.... • • • • • •• • 50 Boys' Suits, Lion Brand, with plain or bloomer • 4 •• • .a • • • • • • No. 2-$8.50 5o Boys' Suits, Lion Brand. Under this number r you .can purchase Suits in the ver - finest worsteds and tweeds. Coats double breasted with vent, shout_:• der pads, double elbows, concave shoulder, Bartell pock -els; unbreakable fronts, knickers bloomer, With. i' belt straps, silesia lined. • In this lot there are Suits worth $'r'2' • 8.50 Ir and fo your choice for „ 4 Morrishihe Clothingbin9Co.. TORONTO, ONT. 1 eD., t c u r , ea_ or EveryBo "A adoes ,. ;, ., nolt. NOW- s . au excellent h time to, .eohnmanc . a sous ' ;' , of e s•, , Wr>It PI', ,caltalogne, e/, jHurao Co 11id Meetin The Good • Work Continues and Results are Encouraging, ---Agent Makes Report The regular monthly nieel.ing.:of the, ,Cliild'ren'a Aid Society as held in the Coart Rouse, f�roderich, on Tuesday, afternoon last, the attest dance being ,email. ' 'Pita report of!Cotai'ty Agent( E1- liott ;showed 'that 'good work was beungt done, and (theme{ are not e few cases always ont eche list .I.re- quiring ,attention. Sortie of thane caeos mqy be quoted thus : 1. Aneglec'tful another twos e' - port -ed as not properly terc_ng' for ani infalnft and if the doctors re- poa`;t is as anticipated the a'getii will take charge of the baby and. can place i(t in a good home, 2. A bey who had been placed in a good foster hoipe became dissatie- fied; and left it 'through the inter ference 01 relatives who have been warngdl against a reppiti'tion of their offence,• the lad is new placed in,a-• noither, home where he i,sw,ell sat- isfied, and the •home he left is sup- plied with another lad with mutual satisfaction to both parties. 3. The agent hast began asked by " reprea nita'tives. of city shelters 'to assistti infindlilr4(g hofnes for ,,'t'hree baby girls and one baby boy, Hand fen two boys of (theca land !five year.:' respectively ; and he has also a healthy infant girl of a few wed' -,s old for whom a'home is desired. 4. Mr. Elliott ;says' in his repor't:: "During the month we have replac- ed (two, children, one girl of 12 returned toStrail foied shelter and was just yesterday placed, by Mr, Ferguson, in a' private home; three boys c placed foi' other soeietiefa; started a boy of 13:.. to (school at Easter, who had been inat:Ride_ieh since last U11 and had not \alzeeln at school, He did nor. !want to start, but likos it now. i'Complainits of neglect received, 10: visits made, 10; personal inter- views 13; phone interviews, 10; let- ters written re the worlk, 32; let - t ere received, 17; applications ,re- ceived, 7. ",Wo have no\v 50 (names' of chil- dren on our visiting lists in Huron County, The visiting of thesechil- dren is a 'very important pa`s t of the work. A part' that has not been es well attended tows is neces- sary, . "We wo•nld :sugges't'that at this meetinat arrangelmlefnt,s be made for going; before the County Council to aeik, some assistance in carrying on the work of the !County Socigty, The influence of the ,society andats branches is noticeable( As ane in- stance, I had a complaint re a father trying to care for two small children, the mother dead and no houselceepler, It was said the little things wore often heft alone in the -house. I tried to get a constable to go with rue' (to 'the home,; but all had excuses, so I went out alone and found that the man had heard that a branch ,society had been formed and that an officer would be "after him, oohe had made, ar- rangements in another ?.one to have, the children for.'" The pi-esiaent, tar, �.ilio'it, lIessrs,- .Ross� ,and Pollock, and Dr. Strang were appoinited a committee to wait o theCountyCouncilattheir n h ou c June ;. session nask o' a .grant o e> s i 'and f t n g ran able, the county work to be ,fully met. '\VHO, WAS WRONG. the inspector and chairman of the license board of Centre Huron have given up their positon and Mr. Hanna, the provincial secretary, has stated that the finding will not be- !made public 11 looks as if s'bmeone was being shielded, ; Of course it is ane man's word against another and the public are lett to assume ` that the resignation of the officials are forth- coming, [Kincardine Reporter l vssainearartr 4011101, CAMPBELL'S L'S SOUP..,. Have you ever tried ;.11? One of'thej most delicious, savory and ,,satisfactory' soups of the clay, nourishing ;too, because Campbell's. Soup contains only'. the( best meats and vegeta- bles.. A' few of the kinds we keep— Consomme, Tomato, Chicken, Chicken Gumbo, Mock Turtle, Vegeitabl1e,1Beelf When) the gong, like distant If hum Calls us to our. bill -of -lanes . Then,' how anxiously I wonder Will. good Campbell's Soup be °'there? See Our North Window T O'NEIL THE HtJB GROCER. Phone 48 ' FISH iG l TI MEtS ITER€;; sv a gee v ®oeev000vm. • WITI3 Tun, C73URCI1ES e ST. 'PAUL'S CHURCE. There will be no service in this church in the evening, ' The Sons' of England intend bolding theirehurcb service in the English Church on Sunday 20th at 3 80 p, ns. Monday last was Rev. E, Jeakins', birthday and the meeting df the Young Ladies' Guild took the form of a birthday party in his honour. A most delightful evening es spent by all present, After the president, Mrs: J. McLeod had called the gathering to l' order, devotional exercises were con- ducted by Mr. e'rai k Merman. Lead memthe Guild then read poetical selections de- scbybtheiring- Mi. Jeakinthes' life frombers..birth tillrinow and even prophesying as of to itis fitti re. In, x:3gst graceful address in• which she told Mr, Jeakins what an inspiration he has keen'. to all since coming among us, ).Mfrs. McLeod pre - sen led him with a beautiful homier, of carnations. Mr. J. Hartley. in a few words, on behalf of the choir present- ed Mr, Jeakins with an enlarge photo- graph of the choir in snrpll0es, beauti- fully framed. Mr. Jeakins sincerely thanked his friends for their gifts and I assured Omni that a' clergyman could The 'Tg 1 a only have good success an hie work by having the hearty eo•nperetion of his IltallIC people. This he had enjoyed since coning to Clinton, After some ad. dresses and music members s J Guild served a most tasty lunch, the most important part of which was a beautiful large birthday cake. A charming evenings entertainment was brought to a close by the doxology and benediction. i d theb r of the AA uisa cert, Toronto Star, Edition of The Star: xNly afters - lion has been, drawn to an artield in the New York Evgnitng Jour_ nal of Tuesday, April 30th, 1012, en- titled "Skilful Drowning; of Pas- sengers and Skilful Running Away:'' I't would; be difficult to conceive of anything being 'written in vile].; • taste, :anything being published more false, more', mis,- leading, anything more indicatiVea of painful ignorance, and any- thing that would go to prove more the low tone of ee@Itain N(eav Yortt City dailies, than this article, Were Charles Dickens to visit New York again 'to -day, Methinks he would once more w'l/CI his Zion in Scathing denunciation of the "Neto York Sewer," and other kindred pepers.. They have pot died out with: the advance of eilu,cation and culture. They 'thrive on 'United States' soil' for they! are indigene OD 8. ,, . If'ih0 whole .thing were not eco inexpressibly sackita'would be laughable ftoread :the New York Evening Journal's comments upon the `Titanic" • disaster. A jour}- r.ald ubi,-odNew York City _] iniQ presuming to find fault with, to censure with some show, of. au- thority, to pretend to a know- ledge( of thing's petal/ling. to naval aichitcctura and naviga- tion, rto cat its venomous' slander upon the ohairtnan of a,suceessful British steamship company, and to criticize.' the conduct of a noble, able captain, who went down on hid bridge, aNew York. City jour►• nal, ',say, presuming :to do such (things, with • 'the. disgrace of the General Slocum" fresh upon ..New Yorkers with the shrieks of the hundreds of little ebillr,en yet dinning in their lear,:tnot inthe" centre: of the vast Atlantic in treacheroud calm' dark night, but in the broad ,su.nlight and daytime in a land -locked harbor ; with :the memory of the utter lack of hoai'e-t 'supervision and inspection b Y the if pre- servers officials, and or life e i r e servers so sl ilfully 'constructed as to, ,sink like lead in the water, when trusted to bear up the life' of sim- ple confidants in 13. S. Governme$,t inspection 1' Wisait has the Nelw York Evening Journal (to say about tho history' ofthe ;Collins Line of Atlantic s'#oamslrips .—t h,• c oaa1Y trans Atlantic line purely and iso'lelly %liked; Status that' the, citizens of that 'free and en1Lgg''lhtelned country navel ever attempted to ,conduct? Bead ifts history of incoiupetelncy, reacklessness and dis,ast•r • 'and then lett 'that paper hang it's s ha eact in, 'shaine, if tit poss,essete t'he facul- ty of cli,eeernation, and set its own house i,n order, and .clean, oft ilts own ignominious record before it again • deem to, criticize in ignor- ance and jealousy any acture near- ane 'dlsastea. It eannaoit even con- elude( .it article without reflera(ing to the Commission o•f enquiry. If ever the United States made itself the laughing -,,stock of civilized ,science; ,it was 00 115at occasion. A g bow f chairman o• knowing theu not a o a ship to say notching of a water- tight bulkhead' and its+ uses, non• e'Fien weaned in, the ,aaniegities of ,social life suflfielenftly to, 'kele{p his! from the i11 -.bred faux pas 04 suggesting! intoxication while on dusty' to an officer who hadcurion,s- ly been alae:o,tallev all- his life! I recommend the account 'given it, British .papers to the waiter{ of %hna infamous article in (thea Nevll York Evening 'journal, of the Matt - tall'Commission of Enquiry into tem "Titanic" dis'as'ter. The hall wilt not be crowded with over drte{=,sed, hysterical,. , ai'oltousiy ruquss;itrve women—the whole atmosphere will be redolent of calm, ,businesd-like, acienitific in'testrgacioai. iAnitek7'' States' ole cannotof be blamed fee: not possessing 1this faculty. They are like children in anaoy thing's; The English inq � unr y td them will b ' use gas Y meaningless, r ofna 61 dull an proaaie. Bb =:Lord' Mersey ;will know(' the 'stern from• the bow, ;hitt won't make, hiandelf ridiculous by asking. \v„lay paesenlg,ers werfqpout ' shut up en ivater-;tight ,e0bepart- ' merited and he will not regard 'every for resalted male as a criminal coward. Has inquiry will be workmanlike and even-lxtjtided! '�u,atiiee will be meted' out to all alike,' lie he fire- man ,or pearl Let usho,pe ;that -the insaneeal- ous,y of the United States for all. that is British may find' some other oitleb in future'tsan the aveWwu e of maligning he i and ;the g g h Div' tto(6. J.O'HN• 9•AN'SFOR.'D.' Clinton, May 15. Many Business Colleges close u e vacation during the summer. ELLIOTT 61hh iih'1iitiV'd Local News a MIYANWPWRM DEATH OF MRS. COOK. Last Friday morning Susie Ostrom, beloved wife of Joshua Cook died at her home on Ontario street at the age of 41 years. Mrs. Cook was born in Belleville and at the age of 7 years - moved with t her ;tinily to Goderich township and resided there 17 years. She was married to her husband 20 years ago and moved to, Clinton to reside. Their family consists of 3 boys and 1 girl Leonard, Joshua, Clinton and Slyrtle. The funeral service' was conducted at the home by Rev. J.E., Ford. Mrs. Cook was a faithful wife, a devoted mother, a helpful neighbor. She loved to attend the House of Prayer and tools a deep interest in the work in churches specially that of the W. l:L S. Interment took place to the Clinton cemetery, the pallbearers being as follows: O. Buchanan, J. Halstead, Jas. Harrison. W. II. Cook, H. Glazier, and Chas. Cook • The re. latives' and friends from a distance were Chas, and Mrs. (look, Stratford, Herb Halstead, of Goderich John and SErs. Halstead, of Goderich township; Harry and Sirs. Stevens of Plattsville; 0. Buchanan and wife, of Goderich; and Jas. Harrison, and wife of Gode rich township, Mrs. Cook is also sur Rived by a sister, Mrs, Alf Elliott of the Soo, and one Brother, Gilbert Ostrom at Owen Sound: Much sym paths is felt for the "family in their severe bereavement. ,,, ; HI�,h 11'1 >' $ Lh5 ON'E, A large, ]>lerry crl],wcl of (Meat thirty 'sat clown to dinner last ev- ening, at -the re,siclience of Thomas Jackson, 71., to commerat.e that gemtloman',s 50th -birthday. The table was beautifully de:cora'tsd. A illten badge with a ho to of the, host and d X a' con ile'e list of the 1 L i names: of the invited guests printed thereon was placed 1* each seatto- geith.er with ,a white or pink carna- tion. Needless! to say the menu Was, all that could be desired, and ample ju,saice dome thereto. After satisfying the wants of 'the inns* Dian, 'the ghost palled upon the grandfather of the Clinton. Club, Mr. John Ranzfor;d, to act as toast mast r. The first'toast drunk 'with ver -t great.anthu,siasm, was .t he health,. of the host. 'Mr. 'Ransfoctb, speak og from the depths of his, great le l g •CxpEli3O:]eC, rCin7nC ( his healers [hay. the ro del n st I ;ep,iico thing heitnigw of, wan age,` in Abet while it came,' and while, a mal looked older, and older tncntiz by month. and year by year, yet'hee dud! t fuel it 1 He could eat,: dri,nl , ,sleet], think, speak, 'enjoy life gen_ natty ' with tho youngest, and with the exception possibly ofa slight hardening of the blood vessels, he. knew of no` difference in Kiel feel ilgis to when he was 25 years of age. Mr. jet ka on responded veryfeel- ingly f e - igly and thanked `vis friends' for their good wishes. Dr. Shaw fol- lowed in a ,,.happy impromptu speech, in wdtich-I he rte erred to fro J'acks,on's love - for the ch]Jdrew;• ended by prea:3)11 1g Mz • Jackson with the valuable, gift, to him, of a' large balite of a. very' celebrated brant] of hair (tonic:.:Nil•. Ran)sfori next called up in M,r, 'D. A. Porxes-•. tar, who wa,s presented to the;etom- tiny as the silver tongued speaker,' Mao- well-known oratorical innate Froin a neighboring township, Mr Forrester, did not like..his aj.pultar .iSoai. His speech was a inasts(r1y r-.loq•u u,t- effort, and hie ,con,cluded by making ;a pre,sen'tatiom of,cut glass to ,the host as a little token of eslt. etn;',from his 'friieintls, On i.ehalf of Mr. 1?owding,• the toast' masts.• next made a presentation of a; aouvendn of ,a pleasant 'trip. that *Jr. Ja.cicmaer and Mr. Dowdflnlg had(made together! to the Pacific co:a,s(t. 1' 1The Inst item' • on the toastmaster's bill of fare was th6 calling npom.;Mr.'Fred Jackson to propose! the toast) of the ladileuly, coupled with the name of M•x,s •,T, Jackson, jr. Fred rose to the oe- v s 'evidently 6n his tas'an He/ z e e i a elemc(n,t. The very mention of the word "ladies" fared him wiidh boy- ish enthusiaism His s�ppeech wee good, as Indeed mi,ght'save been exp.eeted. 'Wig cannot close this shoait description without iefertritig the to, the happy 'incident of h host brims'seated at 'the, headd of at h' e ri ht the table,- and>!a , and he hand Wald supported by Feed' Jackson and' the gallan,trnajer, H,B.Comha,. whole 00 hie lett :MI', Joseph 'Rat• • an. ur 1 b 1v held the h'onror, and 'as one ldolehd and rememliezred lhat 'these faun „Mew now advanced ]n yea3;,r, sa eret erica happy .,choo1 boys,sit- ting.,. ill IIre 'seine foam, playing in thetas= e• playground; onel round Bat bat be reminded atm, onward march of 'time, and congratulate the four' etint eznpo1azne,s 'upon .'them jn- 'enita Inks, ' 'We .211 i ish 'you. Tom: Jackson; many happy a•e(tuane of the day, "Here iu your health and your family, and may you all live long and prosper. t • Personal Nates + -e".N.11 those having relatives or friende� • visiting in town or going awes wngtifyould tibatnofnounce the factitin eataech NIDweek, w50swsu , *1.444+444444+4-44+4411 Postmaster Scott,. of Brosse's,, was in town last Friday. - Mr. Ernie Danford was a visitor in Brentford lass week, Mr, J. Tuck, of Brussels, was a visi- ter in -town last week, Mies Wallace made a short visit to Goderich last Saturday. Ret. and Mrs, '1'. W. Uosens were visitors in $eaforth last week. Miss Jessie O'Neil arrived home this week from Toronto University, • Mr. H. 0. McBride, Architect, of London, was in town last week, Mrs, Geo; Ohidley. of Owen Sound, is visitiug with her parents in town: Miss Jean Scott arrived here last weekIrom 'Varsity for the summer vacation,. Mr. Athol McQuarrie, of the Gode- rich Signal Staff, gave the New Era a call on Monday. Rev. C. E Jeakins preached a spec- ial sermon in St. George Church, God- erich, last Thursday evening. Miss Maude and May Ferguson spent a very enjoyable holiday with their friend Miss Ida Naegele, of God erich, on Saturday last, Monday evening, Frank Smith cele- brated his 12th birthday at his home on Ontario Street, There was a merry crowd of his friends present and all bad a happy time. • Rev. 0. E. Jeakins expects bis sister, Miss Jeakins, of Montreal, next Mon- day to spend a month or so with him and his family. This will be gills lea: kin's first visit in Ontario. Mrs, Hartle entertained a fewf her lady friends o es on Wednesday even ing last. Mr. David 0, Forrester, who has been taking a coarse in the telegraphy department of the Stratford Business College, has accepted a position as assistant operator on the 0. P. R. Ayr. Mr. Toe Blaney who has been at Luckndtv.for some time was calling on old friends in town this week, Rev. and Mi s. Diehl and young son Louis, of Paisley are visiting with the tatter's mother, Mrs. McGarva, 111r. Lew Manning is holidaying in at his home here. Mayor and Mrs. Gibhinge are visit ing in Cleveland. Tne mayor will be absent for a few days, but dlirs, Gib bings.will visit for some time with her brother there. continued on page 4 Goderich District Meeting Annual MEeting of the Goderich District Held in Clinton This Week • Tho annual meeting 01 the Gode- rich District was held in the On- tario Street' Clnuch ou Tue,sday and Weclneaday, May 22nd and 23rd Presided over by the chairman. Ther_ was a very full attendance a the ministerial session onlTUles- day evening, the only ,escceptaon hong Bro.:B. Clement. A rel-,oha- tio.ni was nnani:mousiy .carried, con- veying toBro, Clement our broth-' early greetings and sannclere sympa- thy with hien in hist ,comparative 1'etirenl eat:. OurJ young inan, who zva,strain se r , ,erredfrota� the Tor(aa3'to CloJtf.e,r4 enee, who has coinpleitied his eon- erence course, was recommended to conference for ne:ceptron into full connection and ordinat'ioun, also' John C. 'Millian of the Be]'mil lei, etzeuat, was cordially atecom- mantled to -be received asa proba- tioner for oar work. , PW.0 others wore recommended to continue on probation, and those an superannuated list T•ecommleizr.d- ed for continuation.• The general" business meeting on Wednesday- was large ancllintiea'c'tste ing. The Rev. A. W. Barker was appointed Secretary, with'NIr. Long of Godeatch assistant. Rov, L.Bartlet't 'was appointed Isltastical secretary, and the Rev, L Baotleft;, and u3lr. J', A. Ravin ape pointed to audit the schedules, (the- 0)70015 concerting 01/501- bcrship finances, ete., e,ei era! ' ,en; cou'ragang advancers, were rioted. The various conference: commit - teal) were appointed, Stationing .Committee—Rev. 3. E. Ford. • ' Alternate—Rev. E. A. 'Fear.. Il'ESOLTJITIONS:' Tha 1'ollowsirg atasoluttiion was unanimously .carried,—That we re eo,gaLzo with 'great satisfaction the, atabitu3 ' assuined by ev'eaa ,both po- liltical part 04 eo,00erniln6" 'tire 0705- Lug of the bar sioo'inis and abolish- ing the 'treatins system. That wle hail ,with much. 'interesltl the stand taken by the leader- of the OpPosi tion, in the platform 'he has laid' do,wnf for his party. Th'enefoir!e wle wish to plena upon record our hearty appnecmation of and will give our hearty ,support to any patty ,that will stand • squarely for ; Provinelal Proloi'ntiolt, • , ,• Another ,strong resolution seas carri'o7,' 'expressing calla apppr'eicia- tion ot:Use prompt and thorough action of 'the. License epa rrtm e t hn` relation . to the inyeetiga(tiot'n and change's made re itlye,LieenseBoard: 'of centre Huron, which Will be for-' ea nj' y I,1'yours if you own a'Cam:es'a flow nice it will be in yoagslto come" to have a .collection or 'snaps taken in your younger. days. 'We have the Ensign Goods (lame rad ;!reach of evlery- one,. All prices from $1.60 up Tha real thing in Camerasats the futile Enisdgnetts, it easily 5 slips into aman's vest pocket or, ladies hand bag, and, yon nen make posit card size plc= , 'turas—Dont' Pail to See It. A!' Full Supply" log Photog- raphic hoto - raphic Suppliep, , g W. A. McConnell CONQUER THE WORLD You can if you have a KODAK If it isn't' an Eastman. it isn't a Kodak, and the place to get it is at Holmes' Drug Store' We also do Developing and Printing If interested, give us a call Kodaks $1.50 up REXALL STORE. W.S.R. Holmes Phm B. New Sprina gats Caps for Men anu boys ----0---- �` HIS week we pass into stock the very Iatest in Hats and Caps for Men and Boys and Children, These are well worth a visit to this store. They '. m natti- est �Pis r e the est range it has ever been our pleasure to,display, the prices New Sbus. dor Viten and Boys We are showing . a very swell range of Spring and Summer Shiits for hien arae boys, in plain and fancy colors. We are particularly anx- ious nious to show you through our stock of Summer Shirts with soft cuffs and detached collar, from $1 up, Conic in and Look Them'! Over. 'OZER & a Men's Taors anifurnishers warded to the Dlepar'tmment. Another .resolution was m vote of h t ' h�e trustees of Ontario W anits of a Street Church, and to the friends who: so kindly en'tertai(ngd'the egate8, , ..