HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-09, Page 6Page To Mail is Sir°. nger PREVENTION Of TOEIERGO10516. , Than His Stomach The Whole world has been appal- led at the Titanic ditsaster becauetp e ,A„ strong man is strong all over. No man cart be 1,601 livewere lose, many of them hoin, t t omes," f , e2 strong who is suffering from weak stoma311 with its moeittee(fuin: a eeV consequent ittdigestion, or from seine other disease P. and °Veal' bet of ntews in ehe Way of evidence( inIthe inveselga.tfon. jE) of the stomach and its associated organs, which irn. eagerlk ',SealDliked 1 Wo weeks pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach ,s0i;11 Vallit in is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition ailter elle( tragedy to ewer La contained in food, which is the source of all physical ANS\ what ,ca,49ed the Weaker. Sugges- strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right," 4tion,s haVe alreadY been mado'both rst t when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable by alewsPapeand mulltetldes of feeling in the stomaeh after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond. avoid (the repetition of belch all eaenbecause it oe- , ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. awfut serophe ; Such a man should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical cuseecl wielsina 1 ew hems. Right - Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other ly ere _ organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood. The ravages of disease go °nine invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes icessamen anion44. ,them none more teth't 3 the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH AND STRENGTH TO sidiously fetal an he 1 ea THE WHOLE BODY. . 1 white plagues, eseberculesio, thous - You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non- ands dying., every year, and yee alcoholic medicine or KNOWN COMPOSITION, not even though the urgent dealer , there wee not much said or thought may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. of it until' .wilthin recent yeare, I . . yeaes, when medical Men have dis- ee.,....eeesee...eeee- I covered &het it may be prevented, ssemmeasseessesseeeemeelisse and theY believe within a f OW year's ilty. wiped out. The United States has OUNOANNON PASTOR Rev. Mr. NeLeem) Moderfator ot ina•de great progrese inthie the Maileand IsresibYterYs presided tion, greeter 'than has Canada. An- and with bane wewe Rev. Mr, Hai 4y, altheaevidence of whet Its being ISPOWINDETE 01 Lochioisai; Rey. Mr. McArthur, Of done ecrese the lbne weegiven on 1 e Kincardine ; Rev. Win, West, of . Thursday oelase week, when anew i Bluezalet; Rev. Mr: 'Hai:0110M Cif i home c.osteng $150,000, foe the, pee - I Leeburn, ancl eteV. Ne. Duriesil oe ventton of tubmmulesest nin schficleen New Lucknow, ithe Modeptetor of these "%avulse SNownes.ally .opened it Paelmitage ItneressiVe Ceremony When i chargee while vacant. e Pastor of Two Charges i Rev, Wm. McArthur preached a The Importancof Vies institu- sn i IS Fe rMally Installed. ' very ableisermon. heeWile be seen when et iseltatedithat seethes eforterilght it Will have The pima el Kook Cllitirch, 'God- accommodatien fee 175 preetuwer- ---- erich, was present and rendered milleisis tenement children, .and it ‘pp 't h 'c es expeeted that !seven hundred' Dung,annion, .A.prie 26.•-eYesiterelaY \ wale a most 'memorable day foe the 1 From 5.30 to,7,30 large ,crowds , ,cheldrein wile be prevented frean PereebYteriansi of' Dunganlia!on mad thronged the baeement of :the ' Itakiing tu•beweielosie• every year, al- l -eat AlibeSlt, WILSD. Rev. G. Gomm, a , ehurch /bo partake of therich viancle meet hale menially astPeristhed an. • ' d b the 1 d the Titanic desastee. A. noble work truly. A great many medical men, artd philanthro- Piste -attended the opening of s the building which hes: attached a 170- acre faera. The, erection of the „prevented:um wee made passable by Ithe benefaetione of J. Pierpont Meagan, Jacob Schiff, Aneleiew Car- negie, • John'. D. Roelcefeller and marry othe• e. We have !started •on this wowk! in Caineda. Thee eseete- Pie !shad& stimulate the Domialion and Peovilncial Peeleatmenits, ad priVate philanthroPY, to prosecute !g the ood work. recent graduate of Knox College, .el1P1 wao exclatined ante indneted into 'the ies. Following this an ersterteine pastorate of Eristeine Churche Dun- anent was heldi in the •anditorann, garments and Rt. Andrew's eatereh, whieh was More than filled. Port Alberlt--teve charges; 'which , • have eeen withosee a pastor fos• over ayease. In the aftereoon the ' When beying) bielnitio,n the New auditorium wes taxed to ite .capac- Era. yousamesosprnsemeseenlanrteRnmewataxtaccestenemmosux angeffini6I5M&..K ING IS WILD OATS APING A HARVEST OF SORROW ) "esesseg How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. "Sewing their wild oats" in various ways. Recessee, violation of na- - tire's laws, "wine, women and song" -all have their Yeti have re- formed but What about the seed you have sown -what about the harvest? Don't ust to luck. If you are resent within the of any secret habit pping your life 'f you are sue , resells of if your from at p clutche which is s by degrees; fering from th past indiscretions, blood has been tainted any private disease and y dare.not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent life -DRS. K. &, K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dis- eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Diseases of Man. If unable to call, write for a Quention Blank for • 11031E THEATAIENT DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY 11 Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. 1. BO"'NOTICE Analaettaenrs di Cfror°rtilesponti caiedlegittpabrettuadednrtelnseaintodgirr Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we tee and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian bushiest; only. Address all letters as follows: Write for our ,,,,DvaRteSa.dKdrEeNssN.EDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. JUST MUT BUYS. PROMINENT RAILROAD MAN A boy eoeet learns !that his father expects thine to be a man, that his mOther is confidentehe wJ1l always be her baby. . If a boy is .quiet .everyone won- dero whatl4 he nis up to now, anel 11 uniey !they know. Send a boy on (an •ergand, rand When he reaehesi bbs destiaaelost he is laccorapended-iby four other boys and a dog. "I wander," every healthy boy thinks ashe gets up \fronn dianee, "if Molthen hale .anYlthing in tile house ;foe !supper." A b.oiy likes ithe playing the meet that involves the hardest Work: and the- work that requires the least exertion. ' A boys curiesety issumused by a releagemede the same ,as a girls es aretsseeby bureau clra.tvelis. When temothen ,scolds her son and ithet boy,s father Agrees with her, thief makes ner so mad she fore ,gets the bay land goes after the ether. Untie a boy; ie 23, he:3;01441es hie %- Traits to •enlbeetailli girls !aide ,a f ure unless her seueallagand laugh- ing leent .be heard in the. next .b1 eck. 11 is every girls opinion that by beginning eo tag her brother by eight Meths( remenen.g, he can be in- duced to begin a piece of work by the time he ;should be getting ready (for bed at nbght.' 2versehory, should have a dog so that the .esse feel, When bile mother and falthee find fault with hisn encl STRONGLY ADVISES HIS Filo:Nos TO TRY GIN PILLS FOR TI -IE KIDNEYS "I have been a Pullman Conductor on the C. P. R. and Michigan Cefitral during the last three years. About four years aeo, I wag laid p with intense pains in the groin, a very sore back, and suffered most severely when I tried to urinate. I treated with my family Physician for two months for gravel in the bladder but did not receive any benefit. About that time, I met another railroad man who had been similarly 'effected and who had been cured by taking Gin Pills, after 4es esseeeee ete *el 1! VI/17#_.,4147.4/14ras",--- 44(04-- . / r I feeel 114 ,4111 / 4 esti 4 Ch,ewGum (5e7)* ii Here are two gum trees as they flourish on selected plantations in Central America. Note the manner in which the sap of the trees is made to flow into the receptacle. This sap or milky substance is boiled in the bush then shipped to our big, sunlit factory in carefullypackedcakes, where it is refined and flavored and made into toothsome 0 -Pee - the best Chewing Gum pou can bup. O-Pee-Chee means perfection—It is the one perfect gum—the chewing gum that's good for you. Because it contains properties which aid digestion. O-Pee-Chee Gum is always smooth and en- joyable and flavored to suit your ta4e. State your:, favorite flavor when v, ou buy O-Pee-Chee Gum. It is sold by all dealers who sell the best gum, and it's "Ohrso-good." 0 zee' ' 41,1 ' 4, Ch 71 having been given up by a prominent physician wl o treated hen for Diabetes. He is now running on the road and is perfectly cured. He strongly advised me to try Gin Pills which I did,--witb the result that the pains lef t me entirely. PRANK S. IDE, BUVB`Ar,O, 17, 500. a box, 6 for P.eo. Sample free. Write Natiohal Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. . If you suffer with Constipation or tteed a gentle laxative, take NATIONAL LAZY LIVER PILLS. esc. a box. 105 make. hen, say 'please" aletheltable that" he bee at least .ane true settis- lied frlencl. . MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM POPULATION Of HURON COUNTY. Tee folleiving figures taken from the assessment rolls for the years quoted, as shown in County °leek Lane's office, show the gradurtl re- duction of population in this county: TO WNSH1 PS • 1008 1909 1910 1911 Ashfield .2710 2689 2003 2670 Colborne ........1527 1452 1472 1490 Goderich --------1957 1056 1918 1776 Grey. . . . . 3006 3004 2848 2777 Hellett ::........2475 2450 2482 2392 Hay. -3140 3151 3071 2900 Howick.:... -.3600 3002 3565 3517 Morris .. : .2210 2110 2125 210 McKillop . . ... 2303 2234 2198 2168 Stanley..........I829 1788 1785 1791 Stephen ........8650 3583 3508 8555 Turnberry 1806 18415 1655 1690 Tuckersmith 2109 2123 2190 2064 Usborne- .. . . 1975 1003 1350 1818 East Wawanosh.I616 1619 1569 1530 West Wawanoshl009 1705 1729 1712 -- -- 37914 37327 36014 30017 „ TOWNS AND VILLAGES Bayfield 510 529 591 505 Blyth 816 772 741 680 Brussels 1189 1.3.70 1191 1051 Clinton ...... 2443 2389 2300 2205 Exeter . .... WOO 1010. 1606 1519 Goderich 4632 4551 Itiel 4705 Hensrcll 804 822 832 785 Seafor•th 2251 2145 2112 2120 VVingham 2810 2351 2885 2481 Wroxeter 145 411 303 , 371 Nuecular wheumettere exists in two fOgrAs, aclete lame chronic. In acute Inescialar rheutnattem there is fire!: naticed a dull pain in theinuse cies ;which gradually di:wren:tees. This pain cleteh !sidles from one netesele to annethee and the work- ing oe !these =Ades Snakes the pain very severe. eluecular thou- metism is 4 blood disease •alnd should not lbe neglected, a Proper trelaitment 'should begin with the firesympboms. Rheum° is eecom- mendedby the foremost people ev- erywhere because' it drives all the uric !acid' poisons from the blood and 'eta:riche% it sie that the ystem becomes healthy and free frolm the tortures of rheumeatieni. J. E. Hov- ey iselig Rhetnno and guarantees 11 to give/ entire isategfaction or mOn- ey refunded. Get a bottle of Rheu- mo leo-day, 'and' rid youteelf of rheutraationa. teLEADS SELF DE.FeNCE. Arthur Ellis Confident That He Will Be Acquitted. Minden, May 6. -Arthur Ellis is confident that his plea of self-defence will be accepted when he is arraigned before Magistrate Fielding at Lindsay on Thursday or Friday for the murder of Lewis Porter. The inquest will be concluded here on Monday night, and at its conclusion Ellis will be taken to Lindsay by Constable Welch, Provinsial Detective Reburn will re- main for the inquest and will be at tlie preliminary hearing before the magistrate. Ellis stated in his cell aell3e lockup here yesterday that he had faith in his plea of self-defence. He denied that the sheeting wae a result of a family feud, and also denied that he had said to anyone that he expected to be hanged for the crime. Five shots were fired he says, ef which he fired three after Porter had fired at him twice. He was sure ghat Porter had gone out on the day of the murder with the intention of getting a shot at himself. He said he did not know why he carried the body so far from the road after he had killed Porter, as he could have taken it and sunk it in Gull Lake, nearby. He admitted that he and Porter had had several arguments, but stated that he and his victim were on speaking terms till the last. Several tvitressees have been sub- poenaed for the inquest to -night and Dr. T. A. White will give the result of the post mortem examinalion. Charles Wood also has been summon- ed to ten at what time he heard five shots fired. No Successor Chosen. London, May 6.-A. W. Smithera said yesterday that no Suecossot to the late 0. M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk, will be appointed until after he arrived in Montreal. Mr, Smithers will leave here for that city next week. Italians Seize -Rhodes. ' Rome, May 6. -Premier Giolitti an- nounced in the Chamber of Deputies yesterday afternoon that the Italian squadron had seited and occupied the Island of Rhodes without opposition. \A large body of troops disembarked from the transports. Landed at Last. Kingston, Ma,y 0. -Two years ego David Walker secured whisky- for a man on the Indian list and escaped the law until Saturday, when he was arrested. Magistrate Farrell fined $25 and costs or ohe month. He went don. 811101101101118000111111001110001110061100,0 Edito.tial Notes imessessio••••••••••••••es The people Wiwi were seeifeereuil aboult •Cancteliane eradang vsith the 'Quilted Stacie and who were ye ready to give harengues en the a.nti-Britesh pelicY, asthey called it, have probably discovered; that al- thoulgh reciprocity dice got carry that the trade! with oue Amerecan ceulaina in(ceeasicsclf Ab00.10 15 per cent intim peal year whee that with Greet IBritaist only increareed by lese then 8 per cent. Oule Im- por4s from ?the; 'United Statos. show 29 increase oe neaely $70,000,000. IL '11-1141SDAY, MAY 9h, 1912. TIRED RUN-DOWN PEOPLE A North Carolina Man Suggests a R Greensbore,N.erh0d7 -4-"For a long, titaeq wee so run down and delalle tated that / could lim-dly drag around, My appetite was poor and I could not sleep nights. I had trled different ;m- oaned tonicwithout benefit. I wag advised to try your , 'Cod liver and iron tonic. Vinol, and I ani so glad / diet, for it gave tee a hearty appetite, I soon commenced to sleep soundly, and I feel strong, well and more ac- tive thain have for years. Every run- down or 'debilitated persion- should just give Vince e trIalet IL Allebrooks What Vinol did. for Mr. Allsbrook It will do for every weak, run-down or debilitated persen In this yleinity. To , show our faith we .will fmnieh the medicine free if it does not do as we eleim. tome In 'and get a bottle on these terms.' Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. 17031 10690 16625 16575 Totals 54055 54017 53230 52022 looks very Pala) aelf ate natureal avenues Of Iteade 'wile overleap al- armist any burial. Nd one will deny that the Great 'West lo!st Ixtil- lions of! dollare last year in the tie up of grain oeviim.g to the barri- cade although Ina,ny a intehel went South as it vsass Despite the Increase of udeere- tereitory undeei,Lo.call Option the commitments bet yew' were 757 in excess of tthe- year before. It may be explained, t o some, extent, poesibly on account et • Mord rigid ceisforaeraent ()lithe Bawl but the pe - cord tenet a good one. Thei;cs hest been a Merry war over the raix.ed Imareiage qaeetion dur- ing the page ow years bull its palace tical working one would lead the public to believe !that little heed es 'really % paid to these discussions after .aU. We notice by elegfelteee Generales Report for Ontazio that 605 bridegrooms oft itho -Roman Catholic faith linked up with 'Pro- testants and alarge number of Ro- man Cathelic bridel found' their way into 'Protestant homes,. An old saying isthati "Love laughs at lockemilths" and it evidently is not prepared yet Ito draw, elenemina- tional line,s aseserad would imagine There es, an mgent nyovement 021, eocit 4to ham Marriages among bre laminar affeeted peoples or those of weak 'intoned and a desire ex- pressed to have ehe law ehanged so thab marriage licensee will have to be advertised eo so to eliminate clandestine eneone. 4,471 Women were married last; year. between the ages of 16 and 19 years. ' Patricia. lathe. enune to be given to the newly acquired .distr4ut in the' North comprising 148,000 smears ranee added eo.Ontario. lb is nara- ,I.e.73 Ifrateihrodeaceufgetbader.Governor Gent- eerda Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ZAS"TORIA eadlowie,s ica,Olneraaiiie. Good butter was elle factory oultput for 1910 valued. „abo,ut $16,000,000. In cheese over 251,000,000 pounds+ were turned out. Butter price averaged 201-2 gents and cheese 9 cents. There are now ;six condensed milk faetories Ontario. Good butter will always) find a eeady Market, and' the inereasellt caTe in taaailleac- tare, pareelling, andl use -of !cold storage had given an inhaineed value to •the moduct, !sometimes net any too plea,sing to the consuiner. On good authority 1400 Isehool teachoes esreporited as the shore - age in the provincial !supply Ito Pro- perly equip ehei schools et O•ntaaliee The present average yearly output fele Inc Wheel ef tprovidinag the necessary number even if Sabeisies have increa,sed to nearly double•the old average nate. The New Era gives you the pews Quarter of 1912 heti already pees - ed and eeis time to get buoy. VSELuNIME ESs .Whait good thing* are you soy - leg about ClintOti that 'will indace people to leucite within et,s bound- aries? Are being fast driven off the market by the overpower- ing merit of Nerviline, which has more strength in one ,drop than is found in a quart of or- dinary remedies. Full of pain-, subduing properties, healing and soothing, its influence- on, rheumatism, sciatica, and lum, bago is unsurpassed. Nervilins is without question the best household liniment made. For nearly fifty years a staple in every drug store in America. DROPIALL OTgERS, dropped ell liniments but Nor, I; Dine because I found Nerelline the quickest to relieve pain," writes E. S. Benton of St. John's. "If my children are oroupy or sick, Ner- vinare cures them. If a case of cramps or stomach-ache turns up, Nervinne le ever ready. We usp Nerviline for neuralgia., rheumatism, and ail kinds of aches and pains; ivs good as any doeter," Use Only "Nerviline" Good to 'rub on any part of the body -soothing, ,antisoptio, and Jost full of pain -relieving power. just as good for Internal pains, 'like cramps, tootha,ehe, dysrpepata, etc. You can't beat Nerviline as a general household panacea for the aches and pains of the whole family; Try it: so4 4h.rge 250 14.040, ae all esalerei IEADA Seems TB With riE e Habitual any People. 1851 ir - 3Mualr, .... .... 449/%14131) Wesat.Tf°:1°I,nlit°112ella.1..n. . r,14,.aerlok00431-5tito 1. BarleY, for feed :hteo,a t b. tg, soho , h e1. 006900 B43410,1ey7s.bhue8lhei Peas, bushel 0 85 0 63 0 65' 125 Buckwheat, bushel Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, creamery, lb, ells— 0 SO 0 81 Butter, creamery, sends 0 27 13utter, oeparator, chtry, 10„ 0 21 Butter, store tots 0 g; Eggs, new-lald 0 23 0 74 Cheese, new, lb "0 ..... 015 01 Cheese old ^. si ..... 0 154/4 0 Heueycomba, dozen .... ,„ 2 60 $ Honey, extracted 013 rd Montreal Grain and Produce. NthTeRpErAieeles iMieraey to -day; -ay yoliceeinwero gf Corn -American leo. 2 yettow, 900. I "e Oats-Canadlan western, esle e143105 Canadiati western No. 8, 50sio; esetra iinfg48'5:oecis,:07; No. locti white, Sr , Barley-Ivian1toba feed, .640 to 65e; ina11. Buckwheat -No. 2, 74o to 751. I Plotu`-Manitolaa Wheat patents', firsts, 116.801 ffebOndrl, 25.801 etmate bakers 85.10; winter eatehts, choice, $5,10 to $5.86 straight rollers, Kos to 54,763 bags, $1,,S dlings, $29; moUillie, $20 to $84, to 52.11. 529; short, $213 mid nouea oata--13arrele, IPA; buff, 50 11) $2,56. -4 41, )Say -N0, 2, pet ton, ear tote, .e1e.e0 $19. Cheese---rinest westerns, 13o to 1.8eIc finest easterns, leers to asese. Butter -Choicest creamery, 263/40 to 220 seconds, 241Ke to 254/80. 18E0 gtgo9..-Fresh, 4208zoulto Ma 1 No. 2 Stock, - Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, $1.75 Rogs-Dressed, country, $18.26 to $18.10, Lard -Compound, tierces, 176 lbs., 134,09 short mess back,bbPiso-He a.y y Canadian 8135btlso.,45451) to e5se p$215e;ceCsr Canada wood pails, 20 lbs., net, Wee nure, tierces, 875 lbs., 13Vae; wood. pans, 20 ibrk, het 1.4V4,o. 800Beiber,,F$21a1.660'. bble.,, 200 lbs., 514.10; tlerceri Liverpool Provisions. Oati;-• "1'11 Some are seldom, if ever, free from it, suffering continually and woridering why they can get no - Headaches are generally caused by some derangement of the stomach or bowels, or both. Burdock Blood Bitters removes acidity of the stomach, improves digestion, regu- lates the constipated bowels, and pro- motes a perfect circulation of pure blood to all portions of the body, thereby curing the headaches by removing the cause. Mrs. L. Maguire, Kinmount, Ont., writes: -"I. ani writing you a few lines to tell you what your Burdock Blood Bitters has done for me. I used to be greatly troubled with headaches, but after using two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I was completely cured. This was two years ago aed I have had no return of headache since." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. SUFFRAGETTES OUT Twenty Thousand of Them Par- ade In New York. ALL CLASSES IN EVIDENCE From the Richest to the Poorest Amer- . lean Advocates of Suffrage. For Wo- men Line Up in Remarkable Procession and Flags and Cheers Greet the Demonstreeion as it Passes Along Fifth Avenue. New York, May 6. -With more than twenty thousand women and several thousand men in line the Woman Suf- frage Parade which started up Fifth avenue at a late hour Saturday after- noon was not finished when darkness fell. At the last moment the parade, which was expected to have about 15,000 marchers, was found to be grow- ing rapidly all along the line. Preparationi3 had been made for the assignment of additional maroher13, but not for the number who joined the movement in the last hour of the formations of the various divisions. There were suffragettes -- militant and non-militarnt-aotive workers in the campaign and those tvho were merely sympathetic who marched to combat the idea that "only a handful of women want the ballot." The line of march from Washing- ton square to Carnegie Hall was pack- ed. From the windows of Fifth ave- nue there flew flags in honor of the ocoasion, and every window that gave a view of the avenue was a grandstand that applauded as the women passed in review. The personnel of the parade, aside from the various shades of suffrage belief represented, presented a per feet democracy embracing women from almost every walk of life. • Women from the farming districti) marched side by side with women whose names are widely known, are representative of great wealth and proud social distinction, under the banner of sympathetie interest of the New York State Suffrage Association, headed by Miss Harriet May Mills, president, and Miss May Morrison, acting as grand marshal. Women who represent the riches and the old Knickerbocker aristocracy of New York City marched with the same degree of enthusiasm as the long line of working women and the hosts Srom the east side. Delegations from the six suffrage states and i good sized bodies from ten other states where women are lisle ing for the vote, lent to the parade a national aspect. From the time the big suffrage array moved from under the arch at Wash- ington sesame at 5 o'clock until nearly 6.30, when the army reached Carnegie .after ies two and a hall mile walk, Fifth avenue presented a movs Ing picture of brilliant color. - - - — MARKET REPORTS; Decal w ito, 4014101 0, 4 1414 Whit LIVERPOOL, May 4.---neecie-Extrel Indio, mess, 117s 6d. Pork-Prhtle mese 95 western, s; hams, short cut, 14 10 10 lbs„ 60s; bacon, Cumberland tut, 28 t0 80, lbs,, 555 641; Short ribs, 10 to 24 ibie, 2 8e; clear bellies, 14 to 16 Ms, SOS lor clear middles, light, 29 to 84 186. Od; long cleat' middles, heavy, 8 to lbs„ 56s; short clear backs, 16 te 20 ibie 52s; shoulders, square, 11 M .18 itaie 48 Lard -Prime western, In tierces, 62s 041; American, refined, 550Cheese-Cana" dian, finest white, 92e 6011 colored, 740, Tallow -Prime oltY, 820 Dd. Turpentimie spirits -375. Resin -Common 113s 4401, Petroleum-Retined, 93101. Linseed 011 -42s. Cotton seed refined, London, 85e ed. spot, 28s -8d. Tallosv-Australiase f. Buffalo Grain Market, BUFFALO, doing. Winter, firm. UFFALO, May 4, -Spring wheati Corn-Pirm. Oats -Steady. ' I ' Barley -R.24 to 01.32. 111, , Duluth Grain Market, Teel DULUTH, May 4. -Wheat -N0, 1 hard,. 91.1731; No. 1 northern, 1.16%; No. 11 maths ern, 514458' Max, S1.1.6 bid; July, 51.1614; Sept, $1.079. CATTLE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher -Live Stock - Latest Qu o t at I o n i. CHICAGO, may 4. -Statements from experts that crops had deteriorated raPiel. ly in Northwesterh Nanses led wheat traders to -day into a lively movemeel pI buy, enTtherre7,0Wrtaflal ivxt8Orlifear t esdayhatt woutecogi0uni bard against tho bears, The, _marke closed steady at a net adv.:nese bf 14¢,e to 1i44bav. eisnaAl_couolut;:nti.2111)0,036esrlicilteco hfig,086a,riatatt:it ttecc>;:oska404,101:2161 to efid higher than on elridayr oorti u chcasged to Yet Iowa+. AntvseeD *beef closed 411,c higher, Berlin lArt higher, and Budapest 14:e lower. .. Winnipeg Options' „ 43 . East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BRFFALO, May 4,--Catt1e-1ted ceipts, 100 head; ,good demand and strong Yeats -Receipts, 300 head; fairly aotivi and 500 lower, $4.50 to 68.60. Plots -Receipts, 4000 head; fairly active rateady to 10c higher; heaVy, $8.10 to $9,16 milted, 08 to $8.10; yorkers, $7 to 881 p125 96,75 to 14.90; roughs, 57 to $7.10; stagt $6' 10 $6; 'dairies, MAO tO $7.90. 4. Sheep and Lambs-lieoeipts, 11,400 heed dull; sheep 25o lower; Iambs 4043 lowy et iambs, el to $9; yearlings, 97.50 to , 5 wethers, 57 to 97.264'res, $13 ts3 tee sheep, mixed, $2 to 90.16. Chicago Live Stock. )) CHICAGO, Max 4.--Cattle-Recepl SON market stow and steady; beeves. 9 to $0; Texas steers, 95.85 to $7.88. Weeter Steers, $e70 to 97.70; stockers al% feederil $4.3.5 to OM; cows and heifee , 9.240 16 571-1.65cigselletveesedriaS50, at& rt0a.rket, etead up; light, $7.14 to 97.95; mixed, lee 87.72%; heavy., $7.2.0 to 5775; rough, $7. $7.46; pigs, KW to 50.80; bulk of sAk $7.60 to Sheel)-41eCeiPtB, 1000; market, stor native, $4,50 to $7.75; western, 55 to Yearlings, $0,50 to SUSI lambs, _ nal $0.25 to P.75; western, Soo to Mei. Liverpool Live Stock. LIVERPOOL, May 4. -John Rogers Co. state that there were no cattle Ai sale In the Birkenhead market, 911 that quotations. were 0.0 last melee No Wee. Bidding from 12 1-2o to 313 COWANSVILLE, Que., May 41--,A 135tit .e 0 ttnd Canadian steers front 16 to 10c per pound may be taken approe Mately. the meeting of the Eastern Tewnship Dairymen's Asaociation, held here td day, sixteen facteriee boarded 00 packages of butter. leleven buygr Were present. The butter all pole eke cheese market 280 boltee tea) offerti Cheese Markets. LONDON, Ont., May 4, -At to -day' . , ,1' 131ILLI5VILLD, May 4.-Elghtii li iii dred boxes of cheese were offered ha to -day, all white. All sold at 12 ST. HYACINTHE, Que.; May 4, Two bundred and seventy packag butter sold at Mc. • • WATE114COWN, NX., May 4.-C11ee8 sales were 5000 at 10 i -4c to 14 8-40, a Small sizeS. CANTON', N.Y., My • 4. -One then 21e; 2000 boxes cheese at 14 8-4e; Mall Sand tubs butter sold here to-de:34 il ket: firm, tARTEKS rirTLE !VIER PILLS. lifi , Sick Manche and relieve all the trembles Ind.' dent to a bilious state of the system, such ae ;Dizziness, Nausea Drowsiness, Distress des eating, Pain in the'SIde, &e. While their most 0cma2kablo success has been shown in owing sck liked:die, yet Carter's Little Liver PIlle 505 equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre. venting this ann oyin g Complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulatethe liver and regulate the bowels. Even if theyonlj, rend , H Ache they wonld be almost priceless to thosewha, eager from this distressIngeomplaint; butforta. :lately their goodness does notend here,and axes(' Who once try them will ilnd these little plus valu-' able In so many ways that they 0111 not be w'l- ling to do without them. But after all sick head , ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that hare is whero we make on r great boost. Ompillseareit while others do not Garter's Little Liver Pills aro very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make 04000. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe oe pnrge, bat by their gentle action please all wha liseo wan mum: Go.. xalw Ens. tto WELkiilDolk.. li