HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-09, Page 5•'•",.:1THEfESSDA • r . ,snl?T.7Alffleereal?Ts.Te5s'!,74',. 'I'T.ft':•.1%..renenser,t1se ' THE. CLINTON NliWS • Our $15 Watch for Men and, Women 11111111116111/6111111110 Is one that will give ex- cellent satisfaction to the wearer, Both sizes, for Men and women The Movement - Is well regulated, and carries our broadest guarantee, . The Case Is durable—gold filled of the finest quality, CALL AND SEE"FHEM SCOZZar-dESERCE=MEMpragi W. IL IIRINAR JEWELER and OliSTICIAIN Births Marriages 4 Deaths 'MARRIAGES • ' .Por.D—p/oKARD. Iii Gosorioh 'Township an May 81th, enes A. A. Pickerel, boe'Ir. James Ford, Vic - 'tone, B. C. by the Rev. Dr, Oaten of 63ruisse1s, • DEATHS. CAMERON—In Carpenter, S.D., on .April 24th, Fred Careen:tee, aged 51 yeara, foairnerlyi of Stanley. leeeBRIEN—In Clinton:eta Monday May eth, Ann E. McLeod, reliet of • the fate William enellrien, aged( 76 eyear,s. Ho eseekers' Excursions TO • WESTERN CANADA. VIA 1CHICAGO AND „ST. PATTL 'May IRIS and 28.th; June. 11 and 25 and every +second Thursday there- aftee untll September 17th. Wienieen and retuatt 834.00 Edmoruton ante ceetalten $42.00, o Tickets will be on .s.ale �n ceetain :dates via &vela. and Northern Nat- : Vigation Company. IThrough Penmen Touriet Sleep - nes will be opeeated an eonneet4o01 With above exemnionn leaving To- ronto 10.30 p.m. NO CHANGE OF CARS. • For full patticulars and tickets call on or write,— • JOHN RANSFOELD &SON, Agents A. 0. •PATTISON. depot agent • .AE. Duff, district pa,seenger agent TorrontonOtit. CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T,It. Statiou kinds oil Coal on hand -- Chestnut Solt Coal ' Stove Blacksmith - Furnace Coke Kennel C08,1 and Wood 3 and 4. -inch size— 'The Tile is of the very best quality. Brick toOrder. ilstric- ffilil<'011T o. 'Vows Miss Mina Oarter is back to Ms. Allen's again for the slimmer months. Mrs, Ferris Sr., is slowly 1112Proving from her recent iI1nes but not strong enough to tro home, Quite a namberaround here intend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs Logan on Wednesda,y afternoon, A meeting of The Ladies Aid was held at the honae of Mrs, Parsons on Thursday afternoon. It bas recently been organized and hope it will be RUC. cessful in its work. e Mrs, I,ovett end Mrs. Govier spent Friday at the home of Wm. Shepherd, The crea,tuary man ha a made his appearance again. Miss Margaret and Norman tehem herd speet Sunday at C. Lowrie's. Pung.l_nnon Fall wheat ha this vicinity is looking fine and the farmers see great pro- spects for a geed crop this year. Mrs. L. 5. Palmer is visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. Jas. Beavers, in St. Marys, Miss Irene Oliver, of Ebenezer, is visiting at the home ea Jas. Johnston. Will Crawford, of Toronto, visited his parentshereon Wednesday. A lead of members of the local eV. M. e, attended the rniseionevy conven- tion in Godeeich Bert Beniuger and Bert Chatrean, of Riverdale, arrayed here this week to worn for the summer, Herb. Caesar left'this week for New Ontario, where he has secured a pose tion as fire ranger. Rev. Mr. Young has arrived home from Leedom where he spent a few days. . for the West' Tuesda Jos. Flynn of West Wya. wanosh, left 110119e. septhug is now pretty well advanced TO gilfiliESPONOENT •th's vicinity. The ground worked well and the seed has been got in in good shape. The fall vvtieat in most The New Eva wishes to in- crease its staff of correspondents throughout the county and in- vites the help of those willing to send in frem week to week, items of news M the neigbor- • hood, Matters of importance are always welcome, but equally se are the items telling of the movements •of people to and from the locality. The New Era asks that all willing to help in the work, which will benefit tbe locality by bringing it before the world, write to the Editor of the New Era, when supplies of paper, envelopes and postage will be furnished. Summerhill The Sunday School in Connection with Sae Peter's Olaurch will he re• sumed on Sundaye next at 2 o'clock under the Superinteeency of Mr. Thee Liiadsay. ' • 'Dm service in St. Peter's Clhurch on Sunday next will be held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Constance Mr. Chas. Riley and Mr. Wm, Mc. Kingley visited on the second concess- ion one evening last week. Mini Stella ()lark and 1Vlis M i s agg e Love spent Sundity at- Walton with, ' Exeter• • • the hitters parents. Mr. and Mrs Jas 'Miss Evelyn Carling hie returnee to New York, Rev, R. Hobbs, who has been ill for the past three reontbs, is able no re name part of his work. \V Mr. aliant Lightfoot, eniployed in Gilles' sawmill, had a narrow escape from death when he was caught in the shafting and only ior the tamely as- sistance of one of the men who happen- ed by, would have beeu killed. He escaped with a strained arm and back. Miss Evelyn ()ening, assistant super- intendent of' St. Luke's Hospital, New York, was called home owing the ill- ness of her sister, Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson, of London road south,sold all their house- hold effects on Saturday and left here to make their home with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Houston, in Michigan. Love. Mrs. Robert Laneon and Miss Leitch spent is couple of days in Goderich last week. - The Ladies' Aid of Winthrop Pres. byterian Church met at Mrs. Adam Michelson on Friday afternoon where • all spent a pleasant afternoon. Accident—On Friday evening when • Mrs. Harry Taylor and daughter were coming home fromSeaforth their horse took fright at an automobile and threw them all out ef the rig. We understand Mrs. El. Taylor is badly bruised besides having her shoulder blade badly orook•ed, We hope she may 190011 recover. Leieknow The enfant deugbter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sutherland died on Monday morning and was buried Wednesday, Death was due to pneumonia Prospects are bright fora good apple crop here this year. .T. G. Anderson M. P. P., bas a number of •orchards leased from the heelers, and will care for the seine in a scientific manner. ic now is a Local Option town No great excitement marked the pass- ing of t'ne old Order of things and the dawning of the new, although a nuni ber of thirty souls took advantage of the occasion yesterday to imbibe an extra supply, What the outcome will be in the matter onaccomniodation has not yet beets determined. In all pro. • bability the McGarry Hotel will re main epee and the Cain House will be close for a time at least. The latter is the larger place, and a proportionate rent, which some think exorbitant, is being asked for its In the meantime the stables ie connection with the Royal Hate], which was recently burn- ed, have been secured by two private individuals and will be kept open for the benefit of farmers, Tackersmith Miss Mamie Chesney, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Chesney, of Tuck- ersmith, has passed 13er examinatioris at the General hospital in Rochester, New *York, and came out first in her lass. Miss Chesuey's many friends wilt unite in congratulating, her no her seccess Mr. Peter McKay, the well known Shorthorn breeder of this township. last week disposed of a pure white Shorthorn bull twelve months old, t • Mr, Carson Moore, of McLennan Al- goma. his was an 'exceptionally good animal. Following is the monthly. Report for S.S. No. 4. Tuakersmith for the month of April. (Mass IVIleririan Orieh, jobless Turner, Grace Stephenson, Myrtle Cinch, Mary Turner, Ida Ball, Grace Walters. Class III—Viola Wise Winnie Hunt, Mabel Oriole Elva 'Note Edna ()rich, Phyllis Orieh, Bert Walters, Class IV—Wilbur Nott, Class Jr.—Vera Stephenson; George Falconer, Olass 1 Sr.—Emily Hunter.. Class I Jr.—Jessie Ball, Grace Stongs Edward Walters, Kenneth Hunt, °tarn epee Ball, Victor Falconer, Reginald, Shipley, Ernest Oriole • • ' Seatorth W. P. Thompson nes purehased the coal business of G. L. Chesney of this town Winnhans •. -At th The funeral took place Tuesday of Mrs. Wm. Moore, Who has been for many years a respected resident of Wingharn. She is surviyed by a large grown.up family, and her husband, Wm. Moore, who has been for many nears very active in educational circles as a member of the public school • board. The town.commil decided at its reg- ular meeting.' to open and grade several streets which are at present closed, as owing to the expected increase in pop- ulation when the new industries get running more building lots are requite ed. The council decided to fix the town park up suitable for a ball ground. Skinning the diamond, etc. J. W. 1VIeleibbon is removing his drug store in the McDonald Block to the large double store uext doonwhere he will have one of tbe • largest and most 'up-toe:late drug stores in West- ern Ontario. The Spotton Business College bas leased the eternises formerly occupied by Mr. McKibben, and intend using there for offices and headquarters for their extensive mail and correspon- dence courses. While Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser, of Morrie, Where driving on Main street Saturday night about 10 o'clock, some unknown person driving reck- lessly down the street ral into thena as their rig was being turned around. The stranger's front wheel caught in the hind wheel of the other rig, and Mr, and Mrs. Fraser were thrown • in a heap and thirty or forty of but. et scattered over the street. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser were unconscious; but re- covered in a few minutes, and seem not much tile worse, The unknown man drove rapidly away. Mr. Fraser • Pi, FORBES is a councillor of Morris township. Phone 52, -ADVERTISE IN THE NEW ERA inansamaimisnassearessaaessanann• ifi/ jaa', / / /i MEW IV"' "I al I—Tilr—ili' ,A4li. lir afj,A, , j esseene e!. • "Good to Oft" and so is every chair we show. You select one and have wife sb t a '!iesl•Pcsits4C11:ri;• lets 7T3',7 :1;:t°;•O amiss on ANY RIND OF A ()HAIR sin our Stock, They're sill good Just so with entire stock we show, It's best in town, and , that's why "those who know' buy furniture at our place, 00VER BAL U.NDERTA.IIING IND FITHNITII,HE rises?' have secured it nice comfortable, isemmenummesiemose e annoal meeting of the Sea - forth Rink Company, Limited, the following officers were elected. Presis dent, R. S. Hays ; vice-president, errs, o ert ; secretary,Wm. Ament directors, John Beattie, 3. U. Steele, Oscar Neil and John Rankin. The past season has been a very successful one, and it was decided to grant a dividend of seven per cent bo tlf stockholders. Before neat season, ex- tensive improvements are to be made in the rink for tbe comfort and con- venience of the patrons. At the last meeting of the Oollegiate Institute Board it was decided to add a commercial department to the sehool, and an advisory committee, represent- ing the different commercial and en- dustrial interests of the town, viz,, 3 McTavish, 3. C. Stiles, H. Hartry, and W. 0. T. Manion were appointed to work in conjunction with the baited to further the scheme. It is expected that the necessary arrangements thr carrying on the work will be, coroplet- ed during the summer, so tlaat when the Collegiate Institute reopens in September, a regular business college' muse will be in full operation. • IGoderieli Township , On 1/lay 8th at 11 o'clock, at,, the resitIence on Wel', Patton, 7th con. Goderielt Township, Miss A. A. Pickard Nya,a wedded to .Tames Ford of Vietoese 0. L'. The Rev. Dr, .0,eten of .Brussels performed the see-eerie:any an (the( presenee of ( the immediate relatives. MISS H. Levis played the" wedding tharch. The (broth eel -an -law of the bride MY. W. J. Batton led the bride to the al -tar M. and Mee Food reit on the af- terimon train for Victoria, B. ' C where they will reside. Being life long residents of (+oderich Town- ship they are followed by the good wiema of a, host of friends. The following is a copy of the assess- ment roll, which is of interest to the people of this section : Number of acres 52382 "• ". " cleared 42051 woodland 2181 swarop,slash or • waste 8150 Value of real property....... 41'385516 Value of buildings 800000 Propertyexempt from taxation 26000 Business assessment • ... 600 Total .. . $169211.3 Population 1820 Male persons between 21 a.e1 Births ..................................28 Dea,ths ----------------------------- ,5,1,,, . .. ... . . . anley " John Beattie has disposed of his reoiclence in Egmonclville to Mr, William Murdoch, of Stanley, We understand that. Mr, and Mrs. Mur- doch intend retiring from farming and coming to Egmondville to reside. PlaOSS is looting remarkably well and cpromises it good rop. The maple trees are now hi full bloom. The fine weather during the last two weeks has enabled the farmers to get in theirspring crop in good order. Mr. James McCully and his son Joseph of Colorado are at prEsent visiennat the home of air. Joseph McCully; Brucefield. They were visit- ing on ths second during the first of the week. It is thirty years since James was a resident of' the third Con- cession. The family there lived on the farm now ()Coupled by John E.Pepper. Mr. McCully notices great chanOs both in persons and places clueing the years of his absence. Mr. 'Theis. Feltner of ,Stanley ne- ecuived Ithel ;Riad news ,ot IthLei death of Ing nrotheaesen-law, ler. Prfed Cameron, who died on the 24th of AprH, at 10ampenter, S.D., after a .f ow dente illness, .frohn peeumenia, Mr. .Clamoren, was the yeas/igen. son of Ithel late aVIaleolin Cam.eron, who eeonneely resided orsthe 31el con- gesreen on, Stanley. The family moved Ito Dakota, in lthe early 80',a, and .the isuibiect of thie sketen re - elided theeer till 'his death, basing en- gaged reed of the time in !stook earning. OLO eemaine wore In- to/Ted at .Alpena, beside, therse ,of hie pan -eaten who predeceaseel hem notate 'yeas* ago, He is surveyed by a brother and two sisters. Rolmeeville Mr. John Fern delivered a very. fline hor,sd in Seafoeth last week,. Om 'which her eeeiven ithe isurie of ,$325.00. Quite a large ishiprnent of eggs was made from here last Saguenay Mosnaieg (109 crates) by Mr. N. W. Tr esyaa• tha. Mr. N. W. Trewartna has punches ed thU propeety in Efolmesville' eweed by LT. C. Elford of /13ufealo, paying, in tins neighborhood of $s,000 ,ros 'same. • The G.T.E.•etattion here has been neshingled .ancl otherwise relaaired thin week. A quiet wedding was .solemnized at (the home of Mr. Wna. Patton, on Wednesday, When Miss Alice Pick- ard, isietee of illfra. Patton', became the bride csf edr. James Ford of British Columbia, lonetlaer of Met John Ford °litho Huron Road. The happy couple left by the afternoon train via, C.P.R. far Veetoria. One Of Our Thriving Industries— On Friday evening of last week the directors of Holmesville Oheese and Butter Company met at tbe Factory to examine it for a few needed repairs and also to view the new pastherizing plant. The factory is in funning for another season's work. The whey is patituerized in the latest approved way, and a new 7,000 lb milk vat is being installed to handle the extra milk this season. The prospects are bright for an increneed make this sea- son, Mr. E. G. Williams has never had a cheese rejected yet, which gives our cheese a good name, and Mr. Holl- an4 as selesmaat has always obtained top prices for the output. Last 808 - sons patrons received what was equi- valent to 80 cents per pound for butter, and this season with Old Country cheese stock on hand tow, andpricss now higb prospects are still brighter. Porter's IHII Mrs. Tichborne is visiting at Joliet, Mich, Mrs. Sterling is visiting at Port Stanley. Miss Ruth Tichborne, who bas been working in Detroit for the, past few months, has retutned home. Mr. Fred Pickard wears a smiling face, a baby girl having arrived at their home recently. London !Road Word was received last week from Swift (furrent, that Mrs. Thomas Jennison, was seriously ill at the hospital there where she had gone under an operation, Mrs, Tennison is a daughter of Mr. Geo, Hanley. Chas. Reed is a busy man this week getting in his 50 acre farm with flax. Mrs. Isaa,c Deeds, of town is visiting on the Road this week. . Henson Mr, and Mrs, Martin, who were re- cently married in London, visited the parents of the latter, Mi. and Mrs. W. Richardson, for a fevv • days, and then left for their home in the 'West. The second rendering of the or- atorio, "Olivet to Calvary." was green ed with the largest audience that ever filled Carmel Clhurch. It. Ouch:rave and staff are putting cement foundations' under the yens dences of D. Urquhart, T. Madsen , and the postoffice a,nd residence at- tached. Miss Jennie Morieth, of Brucefield, has been visiting friends here_recently, E. Ronnie, merchant, was in Lon- don recently. 'Miss Barth & Welsh has gone to visit her sister in Montreal. W. Welsh, who has operated a plan- ing naill and lumber yard here for about twenty yeare, has disposed of the property and businees to Henry Solder', svhcreeme here about a year ago from Saskatoon, . W. Welsh and sons leave shortly for Toronto, where they intend to work at the building trade. Rev. J. E. Millyard will preach to the I. 0. 0, 34',, and Rebekah lodges on May 12, when a large turnout of the members of both lodges is expected. Airs. S. McMartiti and children, of Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bonthron, Samuel- Coulter -was among those who received their degree in medicine at the Western University convoca- ion. -MrseJohn Flenry Betty had the miss 'fortune to fall from a stable loft and fracture her leg recently. De Gunn, of Clinton, was here in consultation recently. Christopher Eacrett. of Victoria Faris, is seriously ill. The 'peal band, under the leadership of Milen R,annie gave its first open air concert last gaturday evening The death of Mrs. 'Paul D, Bell occurred at her home, one mile west of Hensel', recently, after a brief ill- ness. Deceased was 87 years old, and one of the pioneers of the district, Her childhood was spent in Scotland, end she came to this Rection when it was all foreat, and took part in the transforming process, which has Wa4.tch, Faults 1),oes.Your • Watch 'RIM - Correctly ? ' • If Not, Mt us repair it for you. - It may be only•dirty, and,need cleaning, or stop' for lack ,olf- oar Whatever the, Reason, don't de- lay. 'W'Et give thorough examina- tion and regulation FREE, Anything more costs as.iittle .• satisfactory Work can be done. - •J Gri Jewelisr and optician Issuer ot Marriaze Licenses brought it to its present' state of de. "ilOPniSflbr She manes. besides her husband, now 81, fotsr sons and three da,ugeters. - The funeral took place to Rensall Union Cemetery. Varna The home of Mr. and Mrs, Roderick McKenzie was the scene of a very pretty home Wedding on Saturday, when their daughter, Fanny Douglas, beeetne the bride of Mr, Joseph James Richardson, a prosperous youngfartio- er of the Beyfield road, Stanley Town- ship. Precisely at 1I80 A. el. inns. D. W. Mash, aunt of the bride, took be place at the organ at the drawing - room, and struck up the sweet strains of Mendelssolnes Wedding March. The bride, who looked most charming mis becoming gown of inessaline silk, entered the room ott the arm of her father, and taking her position beside the groom, under it beautifully die coveted arch, the solemn words ahich united two were spoken by Rev. D. Johnston, in the presence of is few of the immediete relatives of the bride and groom. After the ceremony and congratula tions all repaired th the diningnoona, where a dainty wedding dinner was served. Afterwards tne bride and groom motored to Seafortle At Sea - teeth they took the Main for Toronto and Niagara Falls. The presents ex- pressed the high esteem in which the youeg couple Are held by a wide Circle of felends, Areong those present, were Prank and Allan McKenzie, Bruce - field. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McKenzie, Iiruceffeld; Miss Maggie McKenzie, London; Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Wyoming; Mr. ' and Mrs. 'R'chard Peck, Seaforth; Miss VineRichardson, Miss Clara 0, Richardson, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. T. la eicAsh, Mr. oed Mrs. D. W. Mash, Mr. Wm. IncAshe Miss Mary MeAsh, John Muesli, It. J. Richardson, Mrs, 0, Weeks, Mrs, C. 0, --Pilgrim, Mr. and Miss Peek, and Mrs. D. nohnston, Varna. The groom's gift to the bride was it beauti- ful newel necklace. On Thursday evening previous a number of the bride's lady friends met at he home and gave her a linen shower. Ceunty Dings' Mrs. McDonald of Auburn had a very successful sale of stock and farm implements on Monday, prices soering high, one horse bringing over $290 and the sale toalled $1925. - Assessor Long of Brussels has, re- turned his roll for 1912 and the sum- mary shows:—Taxable real property, 86.97750; Business tax $42157; Income 66580. Total assestment $386,487. The population 931. Harris Hamilton, who was formerly on the staff of the Standard Bank Bressels, and whose parental home is at Wroxeter, has been promoted to be manager of the Strathroy agency. Greta, the little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Brock, jr. Exeter got hold of a small quantity of carbolic acid on Monday last and in her play proceeded to make tea, and had in fact placed the bowl to her lips -when discovered. A doctor was immediately summoned and he found that the child had not taken any of the liquid but had touched it to her lips, which were somewhat burned. It was a close call. , lair. T. A. Russell, an Exeter old boy, has been Appointed a member of the Board of Governors of the Uni- versity of Toronto, The Winnipeg correspondent of the Oanerla Presbyterian bas this to say about a fermi), fluronite, anative of the township of TJsborne: The degree of D. D. was conferred on Rev. Peter Strang superintendent of missions in Southern Saskatchewan, by -the Senate of Manitoba College at the recent cons vocation, Mr. Strange's many western friends will be glad to know of the high honor bestowed and most heart - By congratulate him. He is doing hew appointment and the whole mission constituency will feel that "the goods are being delivered" by the new super. intendent. The little son of Mr. Frank Dever- eux Seaforth had the misfotune to get his hand caught in the gea,rling of a washing machine, cutting off the tip of one finer of the right hand. Mrs. James McKay of EgmondvilleS met with a very painful accident on Monday.In going down cellar she slipped, and falling, fractured two of her ribs. IL M. Young bas bought from Andrew Johnston the old Inwesley place on the 8th concession Oolborne, adjoining his own place. There are fifty acres in the place that has changed hands, and elm Young noW has a fine property of 200 acres. A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, 24th, when Miss Elenor Breckenridge, eldest daughter of Mr. and Ines. jos. Breckenridge of the boundary of Turneerry was united in marriage to Mr. Prank Nichol, a prosperous young farmer of Morris. Bev. J. E. Cooke of Bluevale perform- ed the ceremony. " King l3tos. haveneirchased from R. Vanstone, the site of • the burned Beaver Block, at Wingham 9nd work • has , already !segue preparatory to the s '?age Special Values in Rtigs and Linoleunis for April Never before has our showing of Rugs Ind Lino— leurns been as large or attractive as they are this season and never has our values been greater. ' At present we are Showing a beautiful - assortment of Squares in Tapestry, Velvet and Brussels, and 'our prices on these, you . will find, are away below what are usually asked for these goods Come and let us show you these goods and quote you our prices. - See our New Lace Curtains ' • Prices from 25C to $5.00 per pair. famemmtvetamm wirimmentraismormirszmanam Plumsteel •,!rose SNITILL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS j A NCW suppig of Peabody's Smocks Pants Overalls Has Arrived A GOOD SUPPLY OP WIRE AND SEEDS ON HAND, 5 31 Emporium Londesboro ereetionef a fine store. The building will be two storeys in height, with a thirty faob frontake. . On April 30, Rev. D. Perris of Wing - ham spoke the momentous words that introducei Mr. Andrew Oasernore of of Morris and Miss Emma Forsyth of Winghana into thematritnouial estate. W. L, Steeyes, fermiy pas. tor of Wingenan Baptist (Thumb, and new of Egerton street Ohurcb, Lon- don was ordained on Thursday, A.pril 25t1; - Mrs. James Kirton of the 5111 con. of Turtiberry is ill as the result of an attack of paralysis. On Friday last, W. 3. Elendeason of the Bluevale road, lost a floe mare and colt. It meant it cashioss of $250, at the price horses sell at now. Pat O'Neill of Bluevele has gone to Palmerston, Where he has secured it position as brakeman on the G. T. R. J. Cumming of Blyth has been laid aside for several weeks with blood poisoning in his hand. On Mondey it- ems found necessary to amputate two of his fingers. . Fraser Brown of Orediton left on Monday last for Windsor where he Wile commence a try out in the Berlin Canadian League ball team. The WuerthRaist & Co of Crediton have commenced seeding and already have about 25 acres in flax, They imported 150 bushels of Baal seed from lialelaciLid. rgeElilaer and Nelson Schenk of Crediton left on Wednesday for New Ontario, where they wid act at; fire rangers. We understand that Nelson will be stationed at his old place. This N the third summer for them. The estimated cost of the new Zurich school is about 57010.00 and as the trustees had been limited to 56000. 00 by the recent meeting of the rate- payers, another meeting will likely have to be called. The masons have started work on the houses to be erected by Messrs Snell and -Marchand on the sit of the mansion House at Exeter. Mr, H. Guinther of Deshwood has been having some misfortune these qast couple weeks with the axeis of his motor buses, breaking, The Goderich Blevator Clo, will build another million bushel elevator if necessary space can be got. Exeter ratepayers will vote on May 23rd, on it bylaw raising $5000 to con- • structe. drain on main street. The Jackson Mfg. Co's factory at Exeter have been closed for 4 week for stock taking and in order to add it number of new machines Mr, Rowe has brouglat out the inter- ests of his partner Mr. Atkinson, Furniture dealers of Exeter. An accident which might have proved serious happened to Mrs. Thos. Prior at her home in Exeter. She had gone up -stairs and in some way lost her balance and fell down the steps. In failing she sustained a fracture of a smart bone in her shoulder besides a shaking up. . Wm, Lightfoot who works in Mr. Gillies saw mill •Exeter met with it painful accident. His clothing caught in a set screw and wound him around. 1 'But for the presence of Mr. Percy Gills who caught him it woald ha,ve been triuch more serious. Mr. Williams of Usborne met with is serious accident, He was endeavors mg to close the barn doors when the doors blew open and knocked Mr. nsill'ains off the gangway and a- gainst a silo, causing a dislocation of bis shoukier, ' Messrs Alexander Bros. of West Wawanosh have had a record this year in sheep raising. They have fourteen ewes which- have this year given birth to thirty lambs and all the lambs have lived and are•doing nicely. Kincardine has a total assessment of 5003,605, an increase of $15,756 over last year. The population is 2,501 a decrease 01 127. ' On Tuesday a former Fordwich girl Miss Became Walkey, became the , bride of is Mr. Oldham of Toronto, Rev, Me. Hoskiegs of Palmerston performing the ceremony. Rev. W. W. Leech, who has spent the past year with his neice at Trews bridge, called an Mr. le P. Ayles- worth at Fordwich on Wednesdays He will visit his brother Mr Jae Leech of Gerrie. Mr. Leech is is his 78rd year and is still hale and hearty-. Alex Hill jr. of Fordwich has enter. ed into partnership with the firm owning norbetts iouadey in Owen `Sound and has gone to that town. The firm will branch out and mane. facture steel bridges, ens Hill having charge of the new department. Hamilton's bridge, 6th con., Howlett is unsafe for traffic 'and the council has posted up notices to that effect. The spring freshet undermined the west abutment. It will cost the town- ship about 51000, The old bridge will be made use of some otber place as the span is too short for this pakticular place, A new brigs with a longer spanwill be erected there. Washouts and injured culverts will cost tbe township about $500, Tins with the additionai expense of county losess will mike taxes high this year. , Ex.Deputy Reeve Hainstock of Herrick died an Sunday April 14th and was buried on the 17th. A family of 8 survive. An accident, winch might have re - suited seriously, occurred hist week at the Howickainento boundary, when Mrs. James Hyfidraan was driving to Harriston. Part of the harness broke, frightening the horse, eausing it to run away, The buggy was overturned and the top badly :smashed after the each pan to had been thrown out. Fortunately no one was hurt. The following stetistics have been taken from the rolls as returned by Oscar Klopp, for Hay Township:— acres 52,478; cleared land 42,490; 'wood- land 2,226; slash land 1,587; swamis 6,185; value of buildings 5788,690.00; exemptions 548,42e00; Business assess - merit $22,650,00; income $2,6000.00; Total assessment 52,444,904,00. popula- tion 2882; births 71; deaths 16; No of dogs 350; elr. McCullough, of Stratford, pur- chased a car of potatoes from Mr. • Wna, Johnston, of Blyth shipping them to Stratford last week. Mr. Geigereof Hensel!, was in Blyth. looking atter the seeding operations in connection with the flax mill, Mr. George Powell has charge of the seeding operations and is getting a considerable amount of seed auk the prospects seem bright for a large growth of flax in ties looality, this year. Messrs Gordon and George Cook left Blyth for Cochrane where they are gomg to farm, Alex MeLauchlin, whose home is a miles North of Brussels, had his fine span of heavy draft gray geldings in Brussels on Monday and put them on the scales, They Mimpeci the beam at 4,000 pounds J. K. Baker, appraised and settled the claim of John Lawson, Sith line, Morris for damage done to his barn roof recently. 45 feet of roofing one the West side of barn, rafters and all were torn off by the wind and carried about 30 feet, landing on it fence. Mr, Lawson was insured in the Huron Wind basurance Co. A short time ago C. Marsh, 7th coin, Grey had the misfortune to have a, bone broken in his right arm while working with his cattle. Susanna Shields, laeloved wife of Angus Carmichael, .Lot 20, Con. 17, Grey, passed away very suddenly, aged 47 years, 10 months and 0 days, She was in Brussels on the previous Saturday but Sunday evening not feeling very well she retired to rest. Mr. CarmichaeLhad gone to sleep and wtts awakened by his wife gasping. and she never spoke from that, pass- ing away before the physician arrived. Heart weakness was attributed as the cense of her sudden deeease,