HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-09, Page 4'Page4 - Miiltnery and Drees Making' liendet-to Wear Garments Tire You tiouse--eleaning ? If so you will need New Rugs, New Curtains New Art Satins, New Oilcloths and New Mailings. Something to add a touch of newness after the dust and dirt gathered during the long winter, has been driven away. We have a complete stock of Lace Curtains, and also the latest arid most up to -date things in Curtain Nets, Madras Screens, Etc. Prices from I5c a yard to $1.0U a yard. , We are showing a larger range of Rugs in out Dept. this,seaSpn. Don't Fail to See Our Rugs Before Buying. • GRAND SNOWING Of isprhig SIPS Ready=to-=wear Garments Suits Coats Dresses Choice assortments of Charm. ing styles in -Suits, Coats, Dresses and Blouses that will appeal to women of the most refined tastes, Over Forty Different Styles in Separate Skirts to Choose Ib'rOnd. 'Lower Prices Than Onrs . Means Less.goality • Sri/IASI-I. MILLINER* Our Millinery .stocks are now; at their bdst as- sorttnents; are larger and more varied than they can possibly be later on. There is wide variety of choice that you will get nowhere else in town. We are showing New Shapes, New Flowers, New Trimmings. Come in any day,. There is al- ways something fresh here to see.. This Store for Illighoglass .Millinery .1742=Egam,cc=1Commougazimms=3231=13321:010EZEMS91911111Mamn! ••••••••ol..11••••=6.7•••••••••••=ay•Mmad•••••••WIlilta 1 +++++++++++.04-a+++++++++++ I Miss A.nnio MeCorvie ententateed : a Tow of her friends on ;Monday .i• + .,.. PERsoNALs. I I eve'ung• ' _ Mr. and Xtri 'George E. Hall and , •• 'family Jepent Sunday at "The Sur-. It is the desire of the ., on Ceardeee the guests °Mewed I .; publishers that allshould Mils. C. W. Langley. + take ati interest hi this •Mils. Wileard, sister of Mrs. Thos. + column oe THE mew + McKenzie, jr., who has spent the 1 Elle. If you have friends : to at San, Diego, Cal., atetuned o er hone fli Blyth lest week, + visiting yell, or are go- I iv ....- + . Ir. 'win. Jackson has been ap- ing away for a trip, leave• pointed onef el the official ,umpires • i. word or send it on a post at tho W. 0.B. Assecietion touena- - card. ianie lit ilyy.hicii; will beheld en Lendon + Miss Blve.Brown of Clintoni who has been attending the Ciseehr I Mr. !Prank/ O'Neil returned last e3osimees College at Stratford haas week 'front 111001Fle jaw. "paseed hex( final ,examinablon; acid IVLf. and/ 1VIes. J. Leslie Kern were secuated herr diploma. in ;Bru,seels fox Sunday, • The wepealif published lehat Rev. •Ile. Geo, Daer, who resedes, meat ' Mr. Heyman of (Wallacebneg, was Blyth was in town Monday. i ill and unable to attend tolled du - Dr. Axon 'spent the week end ties wee incorrect, as hefts in finale - with hie mottles' ,at Caledonia. class health and doing as good wark ashei ever did, _which is ea Y - Miss Alinal Arinetroing, of Toren- lines a good: deal. He has not inlseed en town. to, •isecinewing old acelliaintain,des; a S•undaye4 servitee on account of Mrs., 'Cook eand her,sietr eMiss not ealsillY beaten. e 1 illness Mr. ,s•everi years, le peobaki Maine, Of ,Blyith,) wereteegeiters in eV, Dr. Oatee ,ofleraseele, was in Itown trule1W: - • ...,-. town on Tuesday- enroute to tl Rev. Mr. Irwin, 4,(the gooet-eelles home at •Mr. Paleten, Gedeelell telen the broeher, Mr, J. A. lirlyieta *town, ship, where heltied.tihe'rnatrinaesaiat. •t; or • a fay dam 7..'''' ;:!.. . bow between lyftes Alice .Pieltard • and Mr Jam a Pord of IVI t v°' -i We are g.l,ad ibo see Mr, Erecl.Runt- 13io, ' el ' - -e et bah (5r. is -canoe( more able to be A- ,. . • bout ,aitter) hes illneas. , , Mess Cornish* who is Vendering lile. and' Mese Alex. Ross •of Wing- goad ear vice sea teacher i• n hana, ;spent, Sunday with ilhe. form- P; !If °TOO township, bas tendered ere brother, Mai, Hugh Roos, • • tigee Lehelogtiorteaon,nd, \,vtutoitilieeasrteagfieltt vOif Mr. TiOttel Dean, of (Goderieli, elcisle olflth.e iterea. She pule,peq: 'wee en town, last Thursdiay even- golne to ing Torono., we. mrd tadeitarti, , a trepreeenting the Goderich , ?Baseball team. 'Mae C4, L. Walker and Mr, John -Mee Rev •Grant was at home to Donaldson ef Goderich has bright . her iedyi hem* last Friday elk* the 'ilinte0 livery lin Bean; toed, - Carmichael cif Halifax, • noon en henereeof bee ,. oeulsjio, miss IltI:olinil,clainl'sd'a'ale°o.tattecl.pillo3stseMiels..sWiten°.A.thlt,Ite; . . . ee lel wheghotho.od of • and Mrs. Erskine and, family seeeeeie jitee. .eeneibr left tees atter.. lett elere week toe their new home ' ,uunn at ICOtoo). after the basinees nowletom, Quebec, followed by ,This, will mean laza Mr. Walker and 1;talatitboe,:i.tf wishes Of :the citizens easily wee moveeto Branum -el eee we are isoery, to see themgo alter Me. R. A. Doiwne agent fox the living herd fox (the past.five itfelars, Prudential Inettrance Co, in eown, Mr. 'Walker is a firetenelass eiver(y- , %attended thei ,annuai banquet of menand with his p,artner no doubt ..the.Compeny', at Stratford last will make( geed. The family well ,Theesday evening, be 121419,ed MO/Iberia Street church Where Miss 'Bessie has been an ac- tive worker, In the ,chobe Leages and Sunday School, ilVIr. IWalker has disposed of his town thouseeop vfet.orja street and Albert iserept, and ethus free feons propexty town. G. L. ;seeps some when he -takes (the notion, Mr. Pllioltie of 1:31oderich, eitae eown on Friday lose on Ins way to • Brussels with a boy to be ,placed in a home. Over BO have been placed eine& he has taken over tis inepox- tale work, • Mr, and Mee Jehn'Wise Tacker- emith, announce the megagetadret of (their; eldest daughtex, Pearl, to Mr. John A, In,neo, slot wolf, and (Mrs. Alex. Innes, Stanley 'MP "Stay in Ontario" ia ,ain injuln,c-: tion _that May be harkened to with inarrtage will take place ,garly, „in the asowaneo ithdk ,g..„3,0,e reeeeede June. r are epen to ehel man 'who pueisuee Me. Malt., !Humber, of Stratford, e ea y Camel* Induatily, an and beanagme of the G. L\ R. Base- open eye tothe advantage's lying ball team, was in town last Thus's- at the door, and ,a,earlefull appreeise day evening, to help form a base- ti01,1 oi !modern metheds axe keys hall league, He hes promised tothat will unlock thelreasure house Iring the team a couple of times to lei alarm Coemeyl and the Peeve/me • play IClinton, at large. ' • , Mr. and Mee. Stetter ,of ,Glencoe judging by the; ,s,alea already xe- are back to lelineen and 'will remain ported it looks as if 1912 would here while Mr. and Mrs. BaYnote are , prove ,a, record! year( fo rtho sale of away on a holiday Itrip to; the Old automobiles. The .utility of a ear or Country. The citizens; are 'glad to ;truck isnew considered as well as es'elcome back Mr. and Mrs, Built -ter, the plea,surel of !speedy travelling. • The 2310 annual Convention of W, M. 8, of Goderich district was he in North St., liburch, Goderich WodneedaY last, May 1st. The mor winiitltee ?vie ol ot. rneeodli,oshoradlovileh lttlecr10t31 District Organizer hi the chair. Aft the usual devotional exercises, t w.esponsive readings were read, Th followed the reading et the minutes last . year's convention, which we approved.'" - After the question had heels i troduced, reports were received fro , the different auxiliaries of the distrie thee° were of an interesting an profitable nature. Mrs, Leech isonouncecl that Mi Weliwood, the returned missionar who was expecteddo• be present at- tl Convention, had to cancel the engag nient, but anther returnee missio ary, Miss Virgo, had consented come instead. Mrs. Rev. Couzens of Itolinesvil conducted abort oonsecrationservic in whieh several ot the deligates too part, Mrs, Leech closed the sessio with prayer. - The afternoon session opened at ao with Mrs. Leech. again in the chai After the opening devotional exe cises, bible reading wag -given b Rey, Ford, Clinton, ,aper Which Mis Virgo. returned nitssionary fro China was intredeced to the Cet vention. Greetings to the con ventio sent from Exeter district convent io which was to meet at Clandebove th next day, were read. Miss Virg who expected to be present tit the convention, kindly consented to tak return greetings to therm A few reports from auxi'irivies tha were not represented in the mornin were now read, and all the repert were adopted. A very hearty aeleree of welcome to the delegates was give by Mrs. Colborne, and replied. to Mrs, Destow of Nile. Miss King of Goderich favored' tb Convention with solo, which she san very sweetly, after whith the noraina Hon of district Organizer toiek place Mrs, Leech was unanimously electe bar another year, A very interesting and in'structive paper was now read by Mrs. Rev Baker of Seafortb, on "The cause we love". • Kind greetings were tendered the conventten from Knox church and the W. 0. T. U. and were replied to by Mrs. Rev. Medd of Goderie.b. An excellent paper ert "The white alave traffic" was read by Mrs. Rev, hear, Blytb,' atter which Miss Virgo gave an interesting talk on some of the work in China, giving the ladies a chance to ask •any questions they dmired. Miss Freeman took charge of the question drawer, after which the offering was taken, end the meeting closed with the doxology. ' The evening session opened at 7 30. Mr. King, organise of North St. church kindly gave an organ recital until eight o'clock, which was yery much appreciated, and enjoyed by those present. At eight o'clock, Rev. A. Brown, pastor. of North St. church, took the chair, and opened the ser- vice. After singing a hymn, Mr. Brown called on Rev, Mr, Bartlett to lead in prayer. The choir then ren- dered an excellent anthem "Tell it out among the heathen that the Lord IS King." After a short address by the chair- man, Miss Virgo was called on, She first of all read a letter receiyed from Miss Olive Turner, a former. Goderich girl, who is now a missionary in China, which was full of interest and inform- ation re the work in China, Mhs• ' Virgo then gave some interesting information about her own work in (3hhilaisa. sMcOlioton then sling 5 solo "Lead:Kindly Light, which' was very much appreciated. The thanks of the convention was then given to the choir and to the deligates in their homes. After the offering was taken, the convention was closed with tlae bene- diction, • ports . ••••••••111111111111111111141•001106•11100 Mitchell wanes' Clinton to play a baseball game in ithe mooning of the 2411, at the former town against Goderich. Following ,arei the officers of the •Crediton Bowling Club e -Hon, Preis. Rev, D. Forster ; Pros, H. Ell- ber, M. P. P„ Vice -Pres, Sam Brown Seey.-trease Dr. Orme. • • Listowel (Hough Cup Team bare- ly held the eup last week, Wood- seoek tied) 'them' on •• their oWn grotalde.• UP to 10 minutes oi time Woodstock hadithe 'score 3-2 in their favor. The Creditor' junior baseballnlub held (their annual Meeting last week and eleetedithe following of- ficer's: Manager( Louis Carey; as- eistant manager R. Sweet; treas. Eldon Burn ; ; captain M. Hol tzm all ; ANNAAnnouukouvvvyvkAmAAAAnn I• NOW Is the Time For Pitunbing, Eavetroughing Stove Moving i ALL ORDERS • ill w receive prompt at- tention, Prices given • on all kinds of Rooting, Siding, and Contract Work. Byam &Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Pit4N,/i0WM.4•WAwAaAAA a eliiiitentet -own ;, • age, Lerma', Brown; .Aectistant„ Arthur ,Saine( brooke ; Mascot ,G-aiser ; assis- tant M. Sambrooke, Annual 'meeting elf 'Brussels Bowling Club was. held last ;Friday evening wilful the following o f- fielary, wast elected (-Hon. Presi - dent, '1, Farrow; President, Jas. G. Spates; Vico( President, J. F, ROw- land Secretary -Treasurer, A. Straehan ; Executive Committee', above officerud D. C. Ross, R. Downing and Re J. MeLauchlin. Follacitng are the officers for the 'Creclaton Ba.seball team :-Hon. PresIdent, 11,Ellber, M, P.; Pres., Herb E 3311ber tat Vice, Rohl. Sweet ; 2nd Vice, Elmer Shear - down; %Manager W. EL Pat; Aa - &latent (Manager, Everett Fanner; Captain Ildih Soong; Secy-Tv(ea5., F. F. Irish, The Stars expect to play in Daahwood on June are, ,alsq making arrangements loaf a 'nutaben of ganaes during (the 'Ihe executive committee meet- ing of the Western Ontario Bowl- ing Assioeia•tion, was held on Mon- day afternoon at London to ai- range inattepe, tier the coming tourney. It wa,e decided to com- mence the arm eel tourn,ame,n't at two, o'clock 011,11110 ,afternoari of July 22nd. The entries 'Llii,„,s..year will have to be in 'the hands of the ,secretary not later than ThurrIclay July 11t0, on which evening Dm draw will be made, 'Phisseyear all toternament games will be 15 ends with ithe exception of the finals in the Labatt trophy melee, 'svhiclh will be 21 ends. The entranee feet° each wink game and to the doubles Will beithe teazle as last year, The committee chrism:le to supervise the touxnament affaies{ Uses year is composed of Messrs. Elmund, Wel ,J S. ;McDougall, -7. Harley 'BrOwn, A. Tillman. W. Puttee, me., J. N. Wood, Dr.A. Scott, Sid Swift, E. A. 'Horton, at. Thomas; F. Smoke, Parke anal 3.0. Waddell, Peteoleg Do You Know 'im What rt foolish question to ask, why certainly everyone who has ever gone on the GreyhoundExcsion to Detroit will remember this 'face. It is E. H. Ayer. Excursion agent of the White Star Line who has been over this territory for 14 years, This year an extra day is added to the trip making the limit two days and a half. The Greyhound will leave Goderich for Detroit on June 14 and 080 A. M. and returning leave the City of the Straits Monday at I. P. AL They are counting on the largest crowd this year. Watch out for advt. next week. District News. Loniteoboro At a meeting of theEpworth League the following officers were elected: - Honorary President - Rave Mr. Osterhout. President -Miss A. Bell, Ist Vice President -Mies AL Vodden, 2nd Vice President -Miss M Lyon. Srd Vice President -Miss M.Brogden atb Vice President -Mr, W. Lvonar 51h Vice•President-Miss A, Braith- waite. Seeretary--ele, D, Carter. Treasurer --Miss L. Carter, Organist -Miss B. hillier. rim (louden have had a inetalic roof put on the Township Hall. -It was put on by. W. Riley. RO,g6 were shipped this week. The price is up to ,,$S 10. • James Brown and Willard Lee, ewe ole party who went to the West a short time ago have returnee as things there did not suit theta, *Tame& Fairservice was &heeling press hay to the station Ibis we, -It. W, Peffer started in the Fish lade Tuesday. He gets his supply from Kincardine cn the morning Ex.irese and drives around with them, R. Adams delivered tirees for the Pelham Nursery this -week. Miss Taylor, of Toronto, is assisting heeaunt, Mrs, Lesbian, who has not yet recovered her health. Mrs, (Rev) W. T, Pearcy has re- turned home after a month% visit with her friends. Mrs (Dr.) D. Allison rame house on Friday after two weeks visit at her parents home, ' J. Hutton expects to get a car load of Western oats in, a few days. The farmers are buying a lot of machinery this year by the way the articles are leaving the station. Iliillett ' Going To Toronto:- Mr. • Tames Snell goes to Toronto this week tai at- tend a special meeriing of the D ,111113. ion Sheep Breeders Association and the following letter speaks for Itself, - MA, JAMES SNELL, Esq. Clinton - ••Ontario DEAR SIR: - A meeting of the Directors of the Dominion Sheep Breeders Association will be held iat the office of the Secre- tary Parliament Bailding, Toronto at 2p, m. OD Friday May 10th fon the purpose Of receiving the report of the Committee appointed • at tliT last annual meeting to co-operate with the Dominion Department of Agriculture in inaugurating a campaign fer the advancement of the sheep indu try in • Canada. The Honorable Martin Burrell Minister of Agriculture is plac- [1 POLICY IS THE NEAREST APPROACH TO ALLIANCE IDEALP. Executive Committee Urges Nomination At Early Date Of Candidates FOr Tile Legislature if KnoWn--Tomperance Ideas ---Looking •" Towards Next Election, 'Toronto, April 27, -The following resilutions were unanimously Pass- ed by Ithel executive committee of the iOntariol branch oblthe Domin- ion Allianca abler deliberationsex- tendliii, over three hours: "That we reeognitze in the policy of abolition' of the bar platform aM- flounced by Mr. Ill, W. Vowel' tthe nearest approach propoSed lil re- cent years by any responsible par- ty to the Oftenreiterated ideals of thic Alliance iThelt we desire; • to express oar aPPrecialtion of (thef fact that the 'Parried • in Ontario, aile cotton get° recognize the deminanec of the ten•iperanceissue in provin- cial polities. "We bMieve, that the next elec- tion in this! province will be fought cut upon, this issue, and whereas the abolition; 'of lthe retail traffic in intoxicating liquoiel will secure lom &el province 'what local option byt.laws have been Isecnring under dibficullt tonationitl tor individual murecipalitie,s; Therefore, thee executive com- mittee luege4 upon all friends! of our cause the impedance of taking action Ito secure 'the nornine,tioleen , e v :try coaaslitu en cy, at the Poissible date of candidates of eharacter and) ability, whose de- clared policy will be the fantheslt ice in the herds of the Dominion 'Sheep Breeders' Aeaacietiona euro of money to be exponded for this purpose along lines directed and approved by this Department You are reenact - fully requested to he"present, Yonrs Very Truly, A. P. 'WESTERVELT Secretary Mw and Mvs. Herb Modgriclge of near Auburn spent Sunday with the tatters sister, Mrs. Chas. Mc.iening of Londesboro. - • Miss :Mabel and arm's, McCool spent Sunday at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Wm. Brown, of 13th Concession, Humphrey Snell has disposed of a fine team of horses to a party in Ex- eter. - Mrs, Thomas Carter is spending this week at the home of Richard Carter. -Miss Cora Forbes is engaged as teacher of S. S. No.5, for a short time owing to the illnesss of Miss McEwen. Willard Lee and James Brown have returned from thel West afterspencling a few weeks there. The'y say the West can't come np to Ontario. Wm. Cole, formerly of Hallett hot now of Ethel had the misforinne to have his saw mill burnb on Settee:lay night. Miss Violet Philies oi Clinton- 0. 0,2 is on the sick list' Ellie week, Mrs, Robt Ferris and Miss Ida are spending at moath with the formers sietee at Gadetich, Onirday last week Mrs. H. Taylor and two deughtees had a narrow escape while driving along the Huron Road when the horse took fright at an num. hits. Teylor is under the doctors cue but had no bones broken. The two daughters escaped injury. Broomfield James McCully mid son, of Denver, Colorado, are visiting at the home elf Joseph McCully of our village. H. Fitzsimons shipped hogs from our station on Thursday the price being $8.130 per hundred. An offering will be taken up in the Presbyterian Sabbath School on Sale bath next for the Chinese Fasx.ine Fend. It is hoped that the offering will be liberal. John McKenzie and wife attended the marriage of their niece, lilies Fan- nie McKenzie, of Stanley, to J. Rich- ardson, also of Stanley, on Saturday laat the important knot was tied by othf evRaervn.a ohnstore the popular pastor, MIs. Alex, Hoes has recieveh the sad intelligence of the death of ber sister- in.latv, Mrs. Hugh Rosswife of Dr, Ross, of Clifford, who died this week.air, Seeding now almost completed, — James II. O'Neil has sold his 50 acre Zizio,to Wm, Aikenhead tor for pi II George Turnees automobile was ul'u badly burned last week, the front seat and other parts were destroyed. The flre wits. put out by throwing ashes on the dames: The flames did not xeach ilihneed,g.asolene tank which bad just been advanced 10 that direction." wpfhat we a,ppreciate 'the tithend, Merits Itiltalt have been made during the past session of the legislatmee, strengthenine the Pres eine licansie "That we appreciate the 'stand taking by the provincial secretary in vetoing the license commissionier sI LTerais.karaing but we urge upon he go vernment the •nectessity fog! better cola reenten e of the law in New ,Ontario," The Meeting of the executive wee well attended, Members being pre- eent froral all .paree of ,Ontarlio. President Joseph 'Gil5son presided, While considerable discuseion was found necessary before IUio re- solutions were _agreed upon, they were all passed pradtically un- ammouielY• The reportof the pontical action • conettee, recommended by Rev. Sohn 'Coburn' ;recommended the beginning ofaeeducatecteal cam- paign in.OntaV/01 Secure creased in•tereet of temPerance efeetoes in the Work of tilde fee- PeetiVe political parties.. It wa5 agreed that elle oimanization oif the ternperance ieleetorsi ef every constituency he proceeded with. .The present/ field eeceeteries and local organizatione Will be used in this work, St, james' Square Church., Torent Dr, leoberison genuine Scotc matt and like si many of his count men is a highlyaalented preacher, is morever, sna,n of line scholarsh and of widely known literag power This will be the first occasion of h appearing in Clinton. The choir * render special music at both service Mr. &leant will go to . Toronto to tat Dr. Robertson's work for the day St. jameS Square, Miss ,Reatrie Monson- of Seaforthl will sing a sol at 'eaphi service. Dr. Cienclier vi also ming at 'the evening service, ONTARIO ST. CHURCH, - A very Aatisid.ctolry Meeting o the Quarterly Board wa,s held o Tucerlay evening, Mr. Lome TYn dell wart elected delegate, • to 10 District Meeting,' and Mr. Jame Milier The pwartotraPIP• ecgitttaeacl enguelt. o Ike completed' vote on chutre union es followst.-Foe 494; agains 27; total; vote 521. - The volte of Use Members of ftle, Quaterly Board was 36 Mei and, againet. • The Dietrictl Meeting 'will be helerin ,Ontariol Street church on the 21se and 22nd of title month. The program; given by (the Ep- 'worth League on, Monday, ,evening was retnospeetive( and prospective. Excellent repoota were given hy the retiring, -officer's, after, wide tho pe,5tor introduced the new offi- ears. They expressed the aNproe ciatien erf the( honor .conf erre on them, and l spoke briefly of their their plane feet comieg year, At the cloise of the service the. executive- Wet and Iselected the various Committee. The prospects are very) bright folr isaliceesislful year. Net Monday evening the mopithly eniesion.ary meeting will bo held. A very interesting feat- ure of the program will beam ad- dress by Rev., C. E. Sealrens. The offering will be in *behalf of else roeward Movement. The ,contee- eutimie foe/ missions ha the year &het that( juet .closed mere the larlg- est tithe histotry of the• League The Annual Iteadei,s' Meeting was held last Thursday evening when the ,niembeesthip roll was re - Next Sunday morning the pastor visliorgach on "Isalah'e Temple Alt the/ evening Iserviee a•spetf.al yeeorunitiogn pwellol,ple.bespuibe jaecelti_ed„srytomintehte. •Chartielter." MARRIAGES McKENZIE - RICHARDSON-- In Stantey May 410 at the home of the brides parents, second (laugh- ter of 'qr. Roderick fkieKenzie to J. Richardson, of Stanley, by the Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Varna, Toronto parenest of a family of children who allowed !the latter to absent (themeelves from ,public ochool. were (aentenced` to ten days in jail, but or proraese of amend- ment were allowed off on 'suspend- ed 'sentence, ell'here are ether ace ealities where the law wouldiskand elotme poushin‘g um he th`e, interest ef the boys and girls. The Trulane Law. list practically a :dead letter ! with many a Board of Truistees and, ' shame to state it parents ar More ;culpable as Ithe family tie should bet istroinger lthau the offi- cial relationship of pupil and trun- itorbhPishfulreP'ciltinIn°Int waken 11° 11.041•0t0,6000e1104,0110 • WITH TELM CHURCHES. Ile "100094000.•••••••011,1111s • 'WESLEY ClitIRCB. The pastor' will eonchict both sere vicee. Subjeet foe lthe 'morning "Missionary Aim and Motive" Pox the evening, "The ininiatry (of Wo-- a I Ina,n." Special celebration of lV/cith- o en e' Day iin Sunday School andet q (the evening, 'SerViee. Wear the, a white flower. P 'WILLIS CHURCH. p • Anniversary Services will be held in ef, the Presbyterian Church next Sunday. " The special preacher for Able occasion is Rev. Andeew Robertson D. D, of O LICENSES WILL HAVE'TO • GO Mr. Rowell EXplaIns His Ottawa --Shops Under Option. Polley Local Ottawa, May 143.-"T1ie impression that iseetne to have become preval- mitt these our policy eldest not in- clude the wiping out of club license ea the wrong." Snell ev,as the statement of Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C. leader of the- Lib- eral party in Ontareo, who is in 01- awa 'to -day on legal business, In dincussiing hie celebrated "abolish the bar" policy. • Mr. Rowell 'stated that while club licenses 'were( nept lexpeessly men- tioned ;lathe( fisisit clansie af.his r6 - solution, it was the party's inten- tion to wipethere out to dex ets .second clause, "1 de not see how Sir James Whitney is vane' to enforce his propesed 'nu titeating' law," said the Liberal leader. "I think er will be ,se &Meek( to eaery out, gad that *will do More hem than • good. As regards our own Polley a will, if carried( out, retakellt lten- possible to obtain; heftier unless it is • bought in isealedi paekages in the shops and even then shops May be abolithed "by Weal option, which would elihL be left in foxee." Ilullett Court of Revision • --- Nntlee, ,Igs hereby given that the ,Court foe the Revision of (the As- • .seelineut Ron oldie Township of Hulleitt, will be held in ;the 'Town - hip Hall, on saturdiay, the 25th day 12Iay, at 10 a.M., ter the purtposer f hearing (and settling eomplai(ritta gain* {the maid assessinent erison.is linVingt business' at the ount will please attend at the staid ime and place without furtherl '1 , ' JAMES CAMPBELL Clerk. lnallett May 8th, 1912. toommonamononoonmenvono 1109.11$0111t The New Wall Papers have new beauties. Many delicate color plays are seen —light grounds strewn' with bright blossoms and new effects generally, The stock can be describ- ed only in the superlative degree. With a whole mar- ket before us we'd be stupid not to pick the best, As a matter of fact there's nothing anywhere round here to be- gin to compare with onr as, sortment, ALL PAPER DIMMED FREE Cooper&Co CLINTON MillieefefileMetMemEETIM'ESiefetiliellni Our ant 1 e hinan SERTISINIC, You neap lindsomethhag you Column are looking for in our Want en Page 2 • 0, t'NtWit.kit0.1, Rose Comb Brown Leghorn. Eggs For Sale5 10 this pen are prize win - nem and are (excellent laYers. Eggs $1,110 for 15. A geed batch guale, • enteed. H. A. HOVEY, Clinton 41600)60606411111090allefieffete1019060 Tenders Wanted Tenders wanted fox rebuilding a brick svettlii at The New Biles Minds and making, other repairer. For further Pargieulara call at NEW ERA. OFFICE. isesoseeseetroosemeimmempes Wanted at Once • Wanted at once, Dining React girls. Highest wages. Apply CITY HOTEL, London Private Sale The undersigned wishes to &is - 'pose of household fureitureand ,stoves during the ,coming week. Aet cluiekly, Also al driving .out- Xit for gale. Alsoi some hens and chickens. Call at house on Victoria Street any hour. r. E+, L. WALKER. . For Sale er Rent Kami.11111 A eantiortable 7 -roomed cottage on Nenth Street, good garden with bruwt 1:3.,esi good. -water. All in good eondition, Apply 10 New Era or Ite (MRS, .T. )3TATLER To Graze Cattle The undersigned is prepared to graze 30 head of cattle for the pea - ken 01 1912 Plenty Gf 'water and shade. Apply to JOHN WARD, Summerhill P. O. Mortgage Sale ulnae& ,andi pursuant 'bathe pow- er tilf, ale cofftained in th certailki, aclenture of MoaftgageA Made by William 'Howard, thee will bo off- ered far 1.1alo by public auction, by Thotina§, altthe Albion ffottel, .13aybielu, on .monciiay, the 2010r day cif 'May, 1912, at three o'clock 'in (the gternoon, ithe properfty; namely,- Lo{te One and Two inlianRe ,‘X" isa thd leaid Village 'of Bayfieict, eontaming lay adineasur molt, Twenty aores of land, More or less Dm (filo prepelity There ia barb 20x20 Itrith a leante 20x1.2, also a etable 31x16, and a etone inilk house 10x12, Thexe esalso an orchard. TERUS 011 SALE --20 per cent. of th.e pterelia,sei Money on clay of ttalel and 'the balance within 30'days thereaftete inamediate poAsessicrn ,can - be Punther' Particulars and conclitien,s will bellied° lenoWn on the 'day! ,o(f sale or ,ean beyhata on • appiteeition Ibo.the uncler,sagaied. There 'will be(a treservad• bid. Dated lat (Goderiell this 6th day of Inan A.D., 1912,• • IProuldfoott, HaIriO & Voniaors Solicitors, ( ,„_ , „._ Ooderielis tki, It