HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-09, Page 20 ollepses of Part of FaotOte In Toronto Klee TWO, 1FTEEN PERSONS INJURED nis of 'the Walls of a New Structure For the, William Neilson Compeny Buckles Under Heavy Pressure of' Extra Flooring and Many Are Buried In the Delsris-Woman and Italian Workman Dead. Totonte, May 6.-3wo lives were instantly crushed out and fifteen peo- ple were more or less seriously injured onSaturclay morning when the south wall of the Wm. Neilson 'Coes factory ,on Gladstone avenue, south of College street, oollapeed, and carried timbers, lumber and human beings with it. The :casualty list is as follows: ' Dead. AfrS. Eva Anderson, aged 20, 1,206A Deffedn street. • Luege Scenes, aged 19, Italia, cler- ricknean, 740 Brock avenue. Injured. (In Western Hospital.) Mrs. Asanie Thompson, aged 45, 607 Dufferin street, badlybruised head, body and limbs, suffering from shock. Mist) Emily Watson, aged 18, 106 Russet avenue, gashed scalp and nose, injuries to breast and back, suf- tering from shock. Mist; Lettie ()any ,aged 27, 39 De - Grassi street, outs about head and face. Miss Susan Burns, 115 Summerhill avenue, aged 22, scalp wound and bruises, about head and legs, semi- ednecious until 4 p.m. yesterday. Bliss Mabel Bowman, aged 23, 771 Glacletone avenue, suffering from shook. William Lammy, aged 38, carpenter, 12 \Borden street, broken legs. Michele (Joe) Tersigni, builders' laborer, 15 Arthur street, aged 51, plight bruises. ; Charles Ferguson, aged 22, carpen-' • ter, $ Kimberley avenue, eyes injured, but and bruised about head and Moe. (Taken Home.) Miss Alma Ryan, 51 Bellevue ave- nue, aged 19, suffering from shook. Miss Emily Woseley, 47 Wyndham • street. Miss Pearl Allen, 17 Beaconsfield 'avenue. Airs. Smale, of the paper box de- partment, slightly injured by a fall- ing beam while trying to aid in the reseue. Miss Irene Lawson, 110 Bellewoods avenue. , The piling on Friday of 'what if', estimated as ninety tons of heed - wood flooring upon the top floors of the building is believed by the city's bgilding inspector to have caused the collapse. Mr. Neilson, sr., would not Make a statement. , The wall brake flrst at its eastern 'wed and pitched down toward the west where It was met by the wreckage from that section. A score of employes Were caught in the avalanche and eareied into the basement, where the &rumbled ruins closed over them. Screams and groans followed the collapse. Great clouds of mortar -dust eurrouncled the place And shut off the view ,of the havoc wrought by the disaster. C. Collins was standing at the eoriaer of Brock and Dundas streets, when he heard a cre4 like thunder and turning saw the wall tumbline • to the ground. He promptly turnea In an alarm to the fire department and then rushed to a nearby house and called for the police ambulances. Mrs. Eva Anderson, a newly -mar- ried young woman, was the first to be taken out. She was dead. Louis Shine, an Italian, was also dead when • the men -reached him, but fifteen others owe their lives to the valient efforts of firemen, police and work- men on the building. • William Lammy, a carpenter, who was working on the fifth storey, no- ticed the wall start to bulge and jumped. three 'storeys at the back of the budding to a two-storey annex. Both of his legs were broken, but if he had remained on the roof where he was he would have been quite safe. •Several of the workers fainted in the it but were revived with water and • evhialcy and went back to the task --with renewed vigor. The men tore frantically at the evreekage as feeble groans issued from the bottom of the • black hole. Chief Thompson encour- aged the men to greater efforts and had 'great difficulty in preventing 'other willing people from throwing bricks on the workers. Motor and horse ambulances from every maarter of the city rushed the patients to the /Western Hospital wbere H. 0. Tom- lin, su,perintendent, had a large staff •of doctors and Muses waiting, to treat • them. , Last night • the Western Hospital, where 'all the -maimed victims of the disaster were taken, said all were do- ing as well as could be expected, Dr. J. E. Elliott opened ma inquest et the morgue at 10 a.m» this morning, but will adjourn or a week so that full eviden,ce of all the -circumstances surrounding the disaster may be se- cured. A great many points will have to be gene into thoroughly and many varying theories fully considered be- fore any conclusions as to the cause of the disaster ean be niade by the city authorities. Mutinous Seamen Discharged. Portsmouth, Eng, May 0. -The sea- men Of the White Star liner Olympic, who quit that vessel after the strike of the firemen,ewere allowed to go on Satrazday by the magistrates sitting In the police court, here, where the men were tried on a charge of mu tiny. The megieteetes decided that the charges were proved against the 54 mutineers, but expressed the opin- ion that it would be inexpedient to imprison or fine the defendants un- der th:e eirctemstances which had arisen prior to their -refusal to obey ordere. -ASTOR I For infants and chneren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of &444 tires Colds, Catarr E I NO treatment le simpler , or more pleasant. No remedy so free.-fresn PernieleaS 'drugs, You Simply' inhale Catarrhozone -- Its medicated vapor cieee the rest. Won't eee. useCan tarrhozone and cured ?. r Two months' treatment, $1'.0 0'. Sample 'size, 35 cents; all dealers, or N. 0, Poison & Co., Hartford, Ind ICingston, Ont, , Ce‘tarrhozorte A Guaranteed Cure. 24 HOURS OF SNOW IN CANAOA'S WEST Heavy Fall Expected To Do •Much For the Crops This Year. Winnipeg, May , 2 -One of the heaTietalt pr9„eirditafiOnsi OIT(ireeOrti In the' shaP.O 01LslIVW, (sleet, and 'rain hosi visited Mose parltst of the spring Wheat( .ectulnitcret of the Cana-, Man prairie: West, elioinlg immense good to eiresei lucky or ',energetic earmexs 'who: have ,got any eotaisid- erable proportion of (thew ,iseeelliee& over, bileti tendingto delay seeding low a gre,atti many More. Feoln Saskatoon right. south to 'Me/else-jaw ghee rained or ,sntowed steadily for 24 hours,. Preeipita Cep 'wee leas inithe eastern and ehe southern, Parts:of Saskatchewan aed in.Wesitee o Manitoba, bult en southern land eouthwestern parts of thee province which too often safer lucent( idrought, ftateeners te- :cord whet sokne of them ;claim is the dine( Mae rain dinetwo yea*. Meer anteneesually drysummer, ffeelowed by earlY freeze, and coupled wale light enowfalle, feare had be,ent expressed that therees not !enough! Moesture to the coun- try, but these are now dispelled. Setting !Wei delay to iseeding againelt tied advaineagee of the raengaU the ,countery as a whole genes iimmenteelY.. FAMILY HAIR DRESSING Benefits the Hair of Men, Women and Children. 'Get a bottle' of delightfule fleshing Peels/an( Sage Madam, and have everybodyi in the ,hou,se uise etremalaely. Ws( fine for children as well as grown ups peed W. S. R, guarantees Paresien Sage to drive away ,d,andruff, 'stop tel- ling hair! ox Aching ,s,calwor money back. \Large bottle( 50cente. elthink Parisian Sage 15 good as a hair grower, lt es, good to red the flak Meldeincernfil and stop 'the hair from falling? :met. It es a, beauti- flier esseevellf aeaecalp eleaner. intend to keen it in the houeee I know it helped my head," -Hannah Harkness', Marshalltown, Iowa. 71.IiW OD YOU7110-17 Say, hove, do you hoe your Atm, young chap? Say, hone de you hoe your row ! Do you hoe et fair, Do you hoe ittequaee, Do you) hoe it ,the best you know? Do you cult !the weedpas you ought to do, And leave tehatts worth while there? The harem:4 you'll (Tanner deponclo on you; Are won working. =the ,squaree Are you' killinmehe noxiou,s weeds', young chap? Are you makenee et stataight and clean? Are yen going !straight At a hustling gait, Are you sealeteren,g all that' g Mean? Do you! laugh and sdag and whietle And dame aeltep -ca, two, Ate Ithd row you hoie lead/3.11p' lthe hell? The harvestl is up to you. -Meetly° o cl. I El 11110 am Mr. - .1101101_„ Ito Chocolielte Cakes -Three ouncea Hour, three ounces sugar, two man - pea hotter,: two or three eggs, four ounces grated chocolate, one tablee spoonful trielki one tea/epees:Mut baking , powder. Modem-great:a ineeter end leugarr, add' egg e well beaten„ 1he/3j Moue ;'ectix ,ehocolalte. land Milk into a Peke, add to batter Piet hetet tin and ,cookc °Wen !tee to fifteen milatitee, when cold, ice. Icing Two °meets( gel'ated ehocolatee ferule oleneete icing ,ellgetpe put that pateeepau and heat, !add Slav owing and a litele Reek Cakes -Pane pound flour, Mx °armee butter, two teaspoons baking powder, , neve egg, quarter pound kateWb 0,1eMeee fittleriter Pound ,currantia, beta :Minces peel, a lettle tnilk..littb thee butter Pito floine acklesugaie ,enreante, peel and ba -')c tng poWdero Mix very letilly with egg and tenth. Flotiw over itse and mGENMANTHOROUGNNEss There are no, flies In! :Bav.aela• .This iewlellaordenaree ietol,Olueelt Ole made by the( United States, nenisel, in that countew, and it es 'Made witn his haired etnota-leee lheare, Thiel .desicovery was snede tin the following way: The: bead of an Aniertcan fermi 'teeth that muislifull- nese th:aef has clweraeterized his na- • tion in all itis business clevelote- molt, wrote the cones -dein Bavarea 'Llia:t lie had( !something new in ethe way of flypaper, and he would like to vsend( the consul alsample to dis- tribute round .ancl, that olffecipl eame tack - with the istaetteng in- forma,tien eleat a flypaper would not be 'saleable o.ver ther,e. For thie cleanth (the !following reasons "were given: The oeOple of Bavaria aim „eo cleanly thait fliers ean'e live. Flied are a metter of tath. No filtil!p0 11,14,5. It . any country hes a ,elerplus of flies et has a:surplus fith. Thd ,consul wend . . an tt„o pay, !‘"Pheee, are 'ete few flifes , 10vle-avarlial'Ithet tehete gannet be am-, garded as ,u.'peat. ,,This is due, to the leeateernd ,ele,anliinees of Beene - °ant loita and ply grourtdo e'rei Ian ,oetibee. Ooserlf _yarde, elleye . , keptean, anathe nal Wee% and :entran(oes,are ,alst• (Moth lancl ,as OaP and Water mid muelelectien make them, There are no districts thee eou1 be justly , ,ctil I edeslutne, 'nett .evest in ehe destriete whales,' butedengs hunicleede of t,ei5IVIS,.01C1 are the Mule. Garbage e mollectecl edit clesed tine Peed regularly: 'rea :novect" • • ,• ' . . Oniths contenen't wooxpendlaga large ening' cielmoneet annually for lly.papem fly eralpe, .ande other die-. VIC00 tOt; :getting rid Of the 'p,esite, When, .all (thee es" heecesisary would be to istrietly, observe isenetatY itheee and -to elseteeesp ,and Walber and ree move fly -'breeding filth 1 roan OUT premises, . e mextuee <min sPooln nee. Bakeen a very hoie oven. Queen Cakee-One pouted flour, our (emcee beetter, four • ounces lard, half pound isatgae, one packet of baking, powder, fouir eggs, one cupful of milk, a few currants. °Sheeeviebury Cakes -One pound flour' half pound butter, half Pound isugar, five( eggs, ,one (teaspoonful baking powder, a pinch Meat. Mix dry ingredientte leogether, rub :the Matter, beat the egge well, and 'then make all Leto astiff paste, roll then, and cult! into 'small cakes'. Bake in moderate oven. Launching P,t 1-Ci;nstort Kingston, May G. -The new Govern- ment tug Belleehesee, now being built at the Kingston ship buildinz yards, will be launched on Saturday. To Look Into Merger. Ottawa, May 6. -The Minister of Finance has not been officially notified of the proposed merger of the Royal Bank of Canada and of the Traders' Bank _of Canada, which has been de- cided upon be the directere of both institutions. While the proposal will have to be finally passed upon by the Minister of Finauce and the Treasury Board, it is not likely to come before the Gov - eminent for a month or more. At least 30 days must elapse before the shareholders of the two institutions will have ratified the merger, and the formal application to the Minister for approval can only be made aiter the shareholders' meeting. Hon. W. T. White will, it is under- stood, insist upon e very thorough explanation of all the circumstances and investigation of the condition of the two banks before he issues his certificate to allow the absorption of the Traders' Bank by the Royal. Left Over Ten Millions. New York, May 0. -The will of Ben- jamin Guggenheim, who perished in the Titanic disaster, was filed yester- day in the Surrogate Court. The amount of property is not stated, ex- cept as being more than $10,000,000, After disposing of more than $10,000,- 000 to various charities, the will dis- poses of the residue -one-third to his widow, MTS. Flora Guggenheim, and the other two-thirds equally divided among his children. His widow and two brothers, Simon and William, are named as executors. The will was executed Deo. 3, 1e05. 'DAYJIGIIT ROBBERY If -your' emalp is Achy yeti have dandruff; and dandruff /pellet:here- Ming littld germ that will isurely rob you of your hair. That germ Must be killel if you wanit toseave what hair you have and grow hair thet is healthy and clean SAG -EINE is the acknowledged 'dandruff gerin killer, kis sold at 500 a large bottle by J. B. Hovey in Clinton and rigid- ly gua,raniteece to' C710, ae, is cleireed tor . Yoe( eannot afford lei' me - glee your hair and future appear- ance when) euch a hair itanic bs SAGEINB await you at J. E. Hov- ey'e.:. It is dainitlyl perfumed and eset not sticky or greaser, WO 11115 FARMER 013101/111. ? Lang, Sask.'April 24.-A typical cese af what tho defeat Oirectieroe- ity iscoating the farmers of ;Sas- katchewan. wa,s cited from this pawn, J, Hoodi of ILang, a well- known /armee of elle district re - natty is,hipped 0 ear ,of flax to Migensepolie. !He paid :seven days •clernmerage eo thee he could get the advantage of the :special eate winch camel into 'effect ,March 7th through ithe effete of the Pro- vincial Agricultural Department. When he [came eo figure, op the tra,n'eaction finally, after paying duty and other expenses, he found himself $400 to the 'good over and above what he would have got had he solcli at Lang 30 (the Canadian market. • ' NERVOUSN ES S Is ,cohnimort tot perseens Mom Miele acid poesonistge. Dit is caused freen the nee-lie/el and likely eetakethe farta 01 tlespeeeeemen worry. Ante Uric Pill.e.cleeve tieic acid feobei the 'system and mere all: kidney !troubles, J. B. Hovey isetls Anti, Teri& Pills with hia Persoletal guarantee. ,113. VM1Veteriont an every box. t The pesseentelf etheis ativey -froht the picnic be:Meese et raigett rain. You 'should put your property en your name ibefeee Starting out to beat the other fallow/ at his own game. 1MS Ullre. quicklyslope_ noodhe, cares oolds, levant the the.t einei:Inn,ds • • ?S cents, eeettee. 1 TO KEEP UP SEARCH Canadian Steamer Will Look For Titanic Victims. TO FOLLOW GULP 'STREAM White Star Line Officials Prevail on Canadian Government to Let the Steamship Montmagny Go Out to the Edge of the Stream In the Hope of Finding Further Re - Mains -- To Pay Damages. Halfax, May 6. -The' search for Ti- tania bodies is to be continued and the Government steamship Montmag- ny will sail to -day, relieving the IVIinia, which is expected to arrive with less than twenty bodies to -day. The White Star efficials tried to get another steamship, but •failed. The two cable ships are required for their regular work, the French cable re- quiring the Mackay -Bennett, while the Minia is also needed elsewhere. Efforts were made to obtain the steamship Seal, which has wireless equipment, but these proved futile. As a last recourse an a.pplitation was made to the ,sDominion Govern- ment for the Montmagny, which has been lying here for some time under- going repair. This work was about concluded. At first the officials retest ed to allow the Montmagny, but a 'request was made direct to Hon. R. L. Borden and through him to the Minieter of Marine, and the steamship was ordered to get ready. Barges have been alongside all day at the dockyard coaling the Montmagrly and she will be ready to sail this after- noon. The Montmagny is about four knots faster than either of the cable ships and is well adapted for the job she will have in hand. Ten days' supply of provisions will be taken along. The Government steamer in prosecuting hes, search will cruise along the edge of the gulf stream, and it is expected that the bodies will be found in cold water as far north perhaps as 100 miles from the place where the Ti- tanic went down. The Mackay -Bennett reported them drifting northeasterly and the Monte magny's cruise will be in that direct tion. A conference was held yesterday with the captain of the Mackay -Ben- nett so that the commander of the Montmagny will be possessed of all the iraformation at that officer's dis- posal. • Oaptaip Peter,- Johnson, in charge of the lighthouse service on this coast, an experienced navigator, will be on board the Montmagny. Rabbi Got Wrong odies. Halifax, May 6.-A new develop. ment has transpired regarding the bodies taken from» the Fairview Ceme- tery by Hebrews while the bodies were there awaiting interment. The Hebrews were required by the Authorities to return them to the morgue. This was clone. et now ap- pears that the bodies taken were not all Hebrews. Since the order for in. terment some of them have been iden- tified and it is held that they are not those of Hebrews. The Attorney -General, it is under. stood, will take steps to secum pay. ment for, damages to the coffins in t enges to which they hav.e beee subjected, • The matter will come 1.11) again to -day. he Oh Big Soap Merger. St. Stephen, N.B., May 0.-A big commercial deal was oompleted here last week when the St. Croix Soap Manufacturing Co. at St. Stephen amalgamated with John Taylor & 0o. of Toronto. The now corporation will be known as the Canadian Soaps, Limited, and is capitalized at $2,000,- 000, a majority of the stock being held in St. Stephen. None of the stock will be placed on the market. J. E. Ganong of St. Stephen is president, and the directors are: C. W. Young and G. W. Ganong, St. Ste- phen; Henry Wright, A. F. Taylor, M. it. Taylor and A. 0, Taylor of To- ronto. Each establishment will be ruo under its present mamagement. The Ontario and western business will be handled from Tbronto and the Que- bec, Maritime Provinces and West India trade from St. Stephen. ' - Cheese Factory Burned. feettekville, May 6. -Willow Clheese Factory, at South Augusta, one of the oldest and best equipped in the Brook. villa section, caught fire Saturday by e spark from the chimney and was festally destroyed, entailing, a loss of $7,000, with an insurance of $4,000. The maker, James Rechatelactre who lived in the banding, in atte:mettleg to save his effects and the genie of teillseee te e te, ad bsexarse.ly Ithernextot: .01.'whewttet locality leaved St. George% ,Arsgsb Church, close be, which ea several times. The Mottere leitte ed by James Biseell ar Sons el leaticlie -elite. knay bet a perteeni /who w,antes, yeti to work yor him for And many laactlealaIl!Y'Wouxntli'gladie Merry ta second 4i3u-'-jfh f ir at weee would only gave hien, teeleance, THUftSDAY, MAY eth 1.812. ' tessEs HATE " )4 'Re:semi:de 'Bays leaky' Hee (ere: ,Are' All Against, ,Rirro• Outabarland; Mair 6.-'`13osser,' the Democratie party .and M the Re- publiean pa,rtee 001 Rooseeelt ohauged on Saterdey, have combited to dem feat him. He asserted that Dem:sera- • tic "bosses.' awe thole own doWrifall Of be shettld titin, .14 was theMast clay of his Maryland campaign, the final hot p1 which eyes fired.eere Saturdley The:colonel Made, a Miran/ of speeehes as he erevelecleaerosetbe state and in Cumberland he,spbite his Met appeal for support in the mim,. ariee• on Monday. From Cumberland he started back for Oeetee Bey fer a week's rest. t• • .`"The Demommts are almost ais mueht concerned in the euteotrie as eve are," he said in his speech at liaemetaten. "If we overtheow our, OW11 •bosses; the example will be catching. Thae's why the Demobratic bosees are furtively tticling the bases le our own party to defeat us. • When one boss is thrown downthe other bosses shake on their feet. If we shake down our own bosses, the °there axe not going to stand very "In Baltimore our political oppon- ents, the Demcierats, are 'aiding the federal • officeholders 'because they think that if they beat the plain peo- ple in the Republican paety, the par- ty will be.easier to cleteat," he said. ' The colonel made speeches at West - minister, Frederick, Hagerstown, Hancock and °timberland. The peo- ple of Frederick and Cumberland took a holiday and made a great event of it. In both cities there was parades through crowded streets, with bands and escorts of mounted men and men afoot. Should Keep Pictures at Home. London, May 0. -At the annual ban- quet of the Royal'Aeademy last night, the president, Sir Edward J. Poynter, paid a warna tribute to the late Edwin A. Abbey. Referring to H. 0. Feick's purchase of a Rembrandt from Lord Feversham for $250,000, Sir Edward recommended the passage of a law requiririg owners to give •the Gevern- inent an option on valuable art works before selling to outsiders. Premier Asquith and Winston Churchill also spoke, while the Amer- ican ambassador, Whitelaw 'Reid, and John Hays Hammond were among the guests. Premier Asquith said that the country could not view with equanim- ity the sale of great paintings abroad, but at the same time aould not ex- pect the British taxpayer, on whose shoulders rested so many heavy bur- dens, to enter into competition with the millionaires of the world. We are peotnised increased coat 1 Mere Irteltber nae leeen inteeleted iia » ' WRVTbn1f»se. the. 'necitJ Of thekoninotacturersy', , • 04'-E,1,3?1Parta'°*ifl" annelletteep,odelblee Mee .ehei de- Pleteoln and" nopeatebotedenee oterue pi:limo-its:cheese age ,T reporie4 land sehoole Much arg.ent / . the m deptossed f:alletil off an retrial, •• en' the preceding yea While this id true the( Cost per pupil for the Peet lc:Years/ had, nearly erebletlt The editteateenal quesiteonies a•Prol. Lem, wodnech titit shoulO eniatc1igso Ithe'• 'neetsiti ioar,ef ,13;ea3:, thought. ' ' Shorthorn Cattle Teto mete Bulis, each 18 menthe old and roan Bull six menthe ()Id, for sale, reasonable. RUNDI,B HUNKING. Lendeiboro • 'Wanted. 1000 Speing Muskrat Akins want- ed at 500 each. 17, A, HOVEY, Clinton. Barred Rork Eggs for Sale Von on Barred Ro,cks at Clinto 4 ferafis' - 3 seconds:, 1 ,thircic and specialfor beat coltection. »Pen 1 - mating, headed by Millard oockerel, (limitodl number settings eggs $2,00 per 13.-Pen2--Cockerel waiting, headed by Millard cock, Pullets in thisi pen; pro good lay - layers, Eggs $2.00 per 13.--Pote 3- 15tility pen, h,eadied by a cockerel bred frolO 'one( lof the best laying strains ale Canada. Hens in this were bred from 17 of my pullets which layed 436 egge in 31day. Eggs $1.00 per( 15. I guarantee good haitch or replace setting free of charge, H. A. Hovey, Clinton. For Sale Blue Barred Plymotrth Rockoggs $1.00 per 15 eggs. Also a flew Winte Cochin Bantam eggs $1.00 per 13. - Jabez Rands, ClInton. House tor Sale »�rto Rent A ?roomed fame house on Huron Street! opposite Corneae). - Mal Hotel,: for sale ow to rent. House is being put tin good order. Waterworks 30 conirceeitio.n. :Apply to ' MISS -PORTER, Raetenbury Street. Two Houses to Let of bo,otsshoes and rubbers accord- The undersigned has two houseeto ingto era'cle jowl*. Wonder:et thee let, apply to will cause More kicking or will ,thejacob Taylor public come to the conclusion that „ • , BACK WAS SO LAME LIFE WAS A BURDEN FOR TWO YEARS. Mrs. Joseph Throop, Upper Point de Bute, N.B., writes: -"I cannot speak too well of Doan's Kidney Pills. For ewo years I was so tired life was a burden and I got up more tired than when I went to bed, and my back was so ,lame I could hardly straighten up. I took dif- ferent kinds of medicine, but none of them did me any good until a friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I did so, and to -day 'don't know what 17 13 to be tired, and ,ffiy lame back is all gone. I can recommend them to any person suffering with lame back, and that terrible tired feeling." Doan's Kidney Pills are a purely vege- table medicine, realizing quick, perma- nent relief, without any ill after effects. Doan's Kidne§ Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 81.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price, by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Iftorderitig direct specify "Doan's." STILL IN If SS -7 I am still inthe Wall Paper Bu,si- nese, and am in a position to show you the best Well Papers that have been shown in Clinton,. THERE ARE ALL KINDS AND PRICES RANGE FROM FOWTR CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR. All papers boughtf from me will be hung very cheaply. All kinds of home painting done and eetimates given on old lane new work. To :call es drop a post card will bring samples to your door. Field Stone Wanted. • Field Stene suitable for road making is wanted" by the Town el Clinton, Price ,$3.50 per cord 01 13,- 000 pounde. - J. A. FORD, Chairman el Street Committee . Logs 'Wanted All kindst of lags, Maple, Soft Elm and Basswood preferred. Highest Ni.elLtry aeicl. Piano and Organ Co. Boarders Wanted ..• Having returned to town I am now prepared to take boarders, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply at hoese Mrs. elogridge, Ontario street Pasture Land Some first class pasture land to be sold in lots to suit purchasers. At tractive prices, Apply to John Ransforci, G T. R. CityAgent . FARM FOR RENT The South'70 acres of lot number 35 and -the South East part of Lot no, 36 14 acres ,both in the lst conceesion of Stanley township is torrent for a term of yeare. This property is Mae to the town of Clinton and possesssion can be given at once, For further parte celars apply to Henry Plurnsteel, Clint toe, Ont, o: McCarthy, Boys & Mur- chison, Ont,, Barrie, Ont. Farm tor Sale. The executer of the SButheontbe Estate °Raga for sale 50 scree - East half of lot 28, ton. 6, Hullett. A first-class farm, • Well watered and improyed, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned effete for sale, lot 29,: mon. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres, These farms May, be bought together or eeparately. :TAMES SOUTHCOMBB. Clinton. Geo. Potts FordA McLeod • ' THE STANDARD 10 !.t.11 -1g Weekly, Newspaper .f„ the; Derniniori 'of Canedeel Je le Kati:epee ig ajt 144 alms. 71. used th 1111131 istige-rsive ings, procuring the, phetogrephg. from all Over the ;world. Its articles 'are cafphiyit-elated end itsteditoreatteLPleeteelee te nidepeedent. »» A ' Thi -4 .ccvt,s 3.2.00 per yeae tS tn edelreee 30 •Qanada; er Greet PritaMt TRY IT FOR 1912r '0 ; ie.:entree! Standard Ptiblishing s•-• Limited, l'eiblishete. We're now eelling Timothy Seed (Government Standard). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Pea, Barley and Peed Corn Highest 1Vtarket Prices paid for Hay and all ,Grains. Ford & McLeod DeRIRDMISelleeeelateeeleffeelieellineleillefillinte Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland's Hardwate Istote, or with W. J. Stevenson, at Blectrie 114ghtV9i4iint BARRISTER flOLI0IT010 ROTA:OT P11,61410, ETC. oraNTOP OIIRFIL.ES 13+ HaiLE • Oonneyance, Notary Public, •Comma issiotter, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, • Huron St,, Clinton, H T RANCE1 Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate,. INSURANCE;!AGENT-Renresenting 11Fire Zit kimonos Companies.. Division. Court Office. MedikAL DRI 1. W. THOMPSON &sot, Surgeon, Ole meets] attention given to diseases ofifilee Ere, Ear, Tbroat, and 1,Toss. Byes carefully examined, end suitable prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doe *west of the Conunerefal Ifotef litiren St. DRS. GUNN and DANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L. U. C. V., L. Ediss Dr.J 1, Gaudier. 11.A. MAL Oftlee-Ontario Street, Clinton. / Sight male at residence, Rettenbro I St. or at hospital ' DR. J. W. SHAW. • RRYSICIAR. SURGEON. cconeheur, etc,, ottice and residence on Rat» tenbury 811,, onvosite W. Farran's residence. DR. E. IL, AXON DENTIST. 15 CrOwn and Bridge Work a Specialty. - Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago. and It.0,Du3- Toronto. Daylleld ou'lliondava. May lstSo Deeeinbo. DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental treat ment its painless as closable. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction sev GODERIOH ONT rat m stepa sales a apeman) Cadets sf at Env/ ERA office, Clinton, prtonetly attended to. Terms res&sonahle. Farmers- sale note discounted G. D. McTaggart MoTaggar McTaggart Brose BANKERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON General Banking Business' transacted NOTES D1BCOUNTED Drab' isened. interest allowed On deposits. The McKillop Mutual, Fire Insurance co. Farm and Isolated Town PrO170 arty Only Insured. Jae, Connolly,OFI1FTIrcePi -es., Goderiele J, B. McLean, President, Seaforth Thos, E, Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth DIRECTORS, Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; Jobe Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M, Chesney, Seafoitir 1. Evans, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben neweis, Brodhagen, Itt. McEwant, Clinton. Each Director is inspector of losses le his AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchloy Seaford]; James Cumming, Eg-moncl!, ville; J. W. 'leo, Holmesville Payments may bo „made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or- R.H. Cutt, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR e LnlapN Fire, Life and Accident II1Surante Real Gstate bought and sold Money to loan Office Jame Street, next door to New Era Grand Tritnlatatiway System Railway Time Table London, Huron arid Bruce. North Passenger London, depart.... 8.80 a m 4,50 m Centralia ,, . .... 9.40 5.43 Exeter ...... 0 53 5,54 Hensall 10.08 6.05 Kippen 10.16 6,1/ Brucefield 10.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6,35 Londesboro 11.18 6,52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 » 7,13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7,35 South Passenger Winghana, depart., 6,43 Mrn 3.33 Belgrave » 6,54 3.44 letylh .. . . .. . 7.08 3,58 Londesboro.... 7.16 4.04 (Minton .. 7,50 1.23 Brueefield 8,12 4.39 Kippen 8.23 4.47 Heneele 8.32 4,52' Exeter 8,48 5.05, Centralia. ......•9.00 5,I5' Londonearrive 1000 • 0.10 :Buffalo an dtelode '-West Passengez a DI pm pin pm Stratford 10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5,55 10.47 Seaforth ..... 1M45 1.10 6.18 11,12 Clinton . . 11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28 liolmesv11lle,11.16 1,33 6,46 11.38. Goderich.....,,11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East 1 aissenger a na pin pan Goderich..... ...... . 7.10 2.40 1.50` Holrnesville , . . ... . 7,26 2,57 5.06 ,Olinton 7.35 3,07 5.15 'Seatorth • 7.52 3.25 5.32 .. 8,16 3,48 5.55 Stratford-- ... 8.40 4.15 ;6.20 Dr. de Van's Female Pills ',A reliable French regulator. never fails. These t)Vls are exceedingly powerfe'l In regulating the nerstive portion of the female system. Refuge all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at ? 855 boa, er three for 010. Mailed to any address. Who SerdeeD Drag Co,, 55. Catharines, ord.