HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-09, Page 1S011.1 ; TOOSr ,CLIA v'I vG 151NTS -on page 3. Report :oCCiodcrich District \C;D -011 page 4, • Established 1865, Vol, 46; NO 46 poweamme- CLINTON ONTARIO 'F HURSDAY MAY , 9 1912 if You 7tw eci to A Genuine Bargains Always Read the Ticlvertisetnents in the New Era 1afhv ay "men` a.t.Clinton- pslge'3 1101voll'1 platform; meets with. ;an. proval-rag's 1, W. 1-1. Kerr & $on; Editors and Publishers THE loyal Bark OF CANADA irto00rnn,ATED 1660, Capital $6,250 ,000 O Reserve $7,000,000 The Annual Statement, shows the fol- lowing increases for 1911 1010 1011 I Deposits 372,079 607 385,294.808 Loans & I Investments 55,283,676 02,790,072 Total Assets 92,510,346,110,52S,512 207 BRANCHES and Correspondents throughout -the world. Interest allowed on Deposits. R. E. MANNiING, Mgr. CLINTON N I N BRANCH L, _ u' EAASTMAN KOD2KS Just received a fresh tae_ sorbs:lone of Eastman, Kodaks • Trowstie Cameras, Kodak Films;: •,Papers and Photogra . phic Supplies. • Eastman Kodak's have 'al- wa s sed {�n improvemenete and pew; ideas. Examine then' , and be none vitnced. :• M1NOR LOCALS. Who !said(: heat? Beautiful isnrowers. 'Got it ho hanrnipclt out. The tteetesi.eee beginning to bloom Fancy Large Pineapples Beautiful Ripe Bananas Big Juicy ,Oran'ges, 1 and Eine ,Grape Fruit will snake' a delicious Fruit Salad-:fosi your Sunday dinlnier W.e tau also ;supply you with Fresh Lettuce, Grein Onions, Radishes and Celery See Our North Window W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 Many Business Colleges close 'for vacation during the summer, ELLIOTT •/ TORONTO, ONT. Dispensing Chemist. e does not. NOW is an excellent time, to eoimmencet a course. Write for; catalogue. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years 1906=1911 1906 • CAPITAL ' . $3,000,000.00 $4 0 000.00 ° RIE4E1tVE . . 3,000,000.00 4,000,000,00 DEPO'ITS 23,077,780.00 35,042,311.00 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,000.00 38,354,801.00 TOTAL ASSETS . 33,090,192,00 48,237,274.00 Ras 85 Branches in Canada, Dna Agents and Correspondents all idenisin a the Principal r sties in the World. A GENERAL -MINIUM. B11JSINESS TRANSACTED. S A ViNGS BANK DEPARTMENT TM ENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch_ C E, DOWDiNG. Manager F••••ee♦Ne4♦N••••••••• •e•eer•••••••e•ee•••••*e•• • • - - We Want You to See s 1 SpringGoods i Z i • Z. • CROP IIEPURT---FRUIT. To The F_tlilor Oj' '17ie A'ow Era The prospects for a crop of apples in Huron C6nntythis year looks very ,, favorable at the present tame. e, The following varieties are going to bloom heavy, Spy, Baldwin, Musset(, hinge and somoot the earlier varieties as well, while greeniugs are going to be light on account of their heavy bear- ing last year. Cherries are going to bloom well, while pears are medium, Plums look welt at the present time. Peaches will not be a heavy crop this year. The trees .have come through the winter in first Oats condition only ie being, a few of the tender varieties � frozen back at all; Much activity is noticed in spraying and if' the weather is favorable during the pollinization period. we may expect a good crop of fruit. 1.3. 13, SLOAN. Porter's HillI, NEW•CHURCH DEDICATED INSPECTOR MUST GD, HANNASAY5 MR, Report On Goderich License Charges Not To, Be Made Public: Toronto, May 6. -William Patter- son, chairman of the Centre Huron Board of hicense Commissioners, and Albert. Asquith, the license inspector, aro to be removed from office as a result of theinvestigation into the • charges before Commissioner Eudo Saunders, of the License Department. 71116 was made known by Hon. W. 3. Hanna on Saturday. "While not handing out a copy of Mr. Saunders' report," said the Min- ister, "I may say that the report of the evidence leaves me no alternative but to change the chairman of the commission as well as the inspector. Apart entirely from the inspector's in- structions in the Matter, facts brought out, snake it clear that his usefulness as an inspector is gone." Pa.tterson's resignation is already in - IN SOUTH LONDON >; y 1 the hands of the Minister, and will therefore be accepted. The dismissal Roman Catholics Have Very Hand- some House Of Worship. London, Ont., May 5,-A handsome new Romon Catholic Church, at the corner of Duchess avenue and .Cath- cart street, in South London, was de- dicated this morning to 'et. Martin of Tours: Right R;v., Bishop Fallon dedicated the church and celebrated Pontificia( High Mass, at the conclu- sion of, which he congratulated the parish and the pastor, Rev. Father Laurendeau. He was assisted by Rev. Mons. Aylward and Rev. leather Valentine of this city. Rev. Father West of•Ss. Therms acted as deacon, and Rev. Rather Tobin of St, Mary's Church, London, as sub -deacon. Rev. Father Tierney being master of cere- monies. The parish was established in January, 1911, and such progress has been made tbat it has been pos- sible to build ' a beautiful structure that will seat upwards of five hundred people, • • • 2 We're ready with everything that e. _ new and ♦ • • We have assembled for this season's business• by far the most . extensive assortment of high grade i. merchandise ever shownhers, 'andw e can tr truthfully ♦-' • state that the values we offer leave no room for doubt i • regarding the advantages of buying from this store.• '. i ZS i. correct this season -in apparel for men and boys, Rev. Father Laurendeau is welt and favorably known in Clinton have ing been Pastor at St. Augustine church for a number of years. ELOPED FROM TORONTO -ED MI�IITT AND ca hi iCiME, sa ANNIE HAILES, AGED EIGHTEEN, DIES IN DETROIT AFTER TAKING CARBOLIC ACID. Z'' o is • de e Men s S rin •St it In all the latest m p $8,5o to $2'6,00 s, • f y styles nS9inart dna t � Youth's Spring 'Susts pp. Y + S oo to. $15.00 7•J • Detroit, May 1. -The body of Miss Animal Hailes, aged 18, the daugleter of Arlthurf Planes, Robert street,, Tosanatoe lies in the Wayne counity' morgue,, here to-n;ight, D. Richards, 33, :and( married, with. whom fit is alleged the young wo- man man away from Toronto' last Sunday, eslocked up at headgbau teras, astthei man lea the case. He lives on Dovercourt road, TomYon-in Richards and M'i'ss Hanes, it le said, .posing, as man' and wife, se- cured inane at 52 Bagley avenue upon their' arrival 3rfDetlrpit last Sunday, r.Fuxtther thin, thins, little was known 'of Ithe eowple until af- ter the ,euicid,e of the gam( to -night when Coroner Ro,thbaeher started an inve,st1 a son into the circum- Stances crrc n - Rt ne s surrounding the suicide. Ra lerndehat Richards was a paetner in a: reotaurl,3;nt•on College street, Toseon'tot and that Mise.. Hailes was one to the employees in Che place. Forty-eigh'8 houses after the disappearance of the couple, W. Martindale, with whom Ric'ivard,s was initeroseedl an, Heal estate Mate. tete, located them in this city and he arrived here lines morliaingfrom t h of Aeauxth, the inspector, rs a result of his own evidence before Mr. Saun- ders, in which he admitted that he had been offered a bribe by the hotel - keeper, yet had not reported the fact to the board, and had later recom- mended that the hotelkeeper, who offered the .bribe, be given a license. For this he was sharply criticized by Mr. Saunders, and the commiesione'r followed it up by advising his dismissals ..e„,_. REV, J. 1 HOBO, CLINTON, A CDNOENCS HEAD Likely To Be President In London Conference. Its a month 4he(hYleltlhodisteCdaflea'- onces in Canada will be in sessions and ,alread'y,';there is.conjecltuao ie to the men who will be elected; to the office( of president for each. It es 'the general custom to a'egard the second highest man of one . year as the logical candidate foe election the afollowingl year, and ,thee exile way et generally works out. In Londo,xf .,con{Peaetnee, {Rev. Dr. Warner of St. Thomas, was elected pre;sidennt last year on Ithe second In nears to him in Ilot The me � ba order were Rev. J. E. Poaid' of Clin- ton; Rev. W.G. H. McAllister of Blenheim; Rev. (y.-,N.'flazen and both of Lea- den.D.N. McCamu,s bo _ don. Rev. sMr, Ford- Lslikely ;to be a con- siderable has received elected, i q siderabe vote( for. -(two or three years past. Ile ie one • of the best known (conference figures. -Lon- don°Free Press. SundaySchool Convention A Successful Meeting Held in St. Paul's Church ---New Officers Elected. AI thc, regular May meeting, of the Rural Deanery 1o1Huron and the Sunday. School 'Convention in St. Penile Church, 'Wedne:edgy. Rev. C. E. Jeakin,s presided. (The i;c•leowing officor,si were electled, Roe, Press. ReV. Ru4al Dean Doh- erty, B. A., Ifensall. ' Pres. Rev. B. A. Kinder,_ B. •Ar,, Gonne. , 'Vice Pres. Mr. John 'Haoitley,Clin se ton. Sec: Tress. Rev. E. H. Crory, B. A., Winglwm. Deanery Supeele te(ndento. Teacher .Training, Miss L.eTouz- el, ,Groderieh, Hoare Departmemn,t, Bev, John Berry, M.A.,B.D.. Seaforth. Font Roll, Mns,s Fleuty, 'Wingham' Dungannon, • Pont Aljbeit-- Rev, Young. . Bavtield, Varna, Goshen- Ren. Condell: Hensa11, StaffseeRev, Rural Dean Doherty, Middleton, 'Holme,rnille,' Suunmer- (sill Mr. Dunbar. Rev,,; T. B. Howard, BA.', • Wood- Stock. to Rey. R.. A. Hiltz, B II., T'orol iso. • Canon S.Ooruld, M D., BA., / Tor- onto.' Van. Archdeacoif, Richardson, 141, A., D.C,L., London. PUPILS ERR BRIGHT d MONTHOF APRIL. List Of Those Who Excelled in JUDGE MABEE' DiAl Mr. Ju0ltice Janos P, Mabee, Chairman eftb Dotrnio3c n Board of Railway Coivani eitenees, died in St, Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Mon - da r afternoon( at 3.15. Shot tlytjaf- er l o roc he su fe•ed ,, rev t, c lsl if II fl ere I collapse fro, heant failure and gradally s nk, The send was peaceful. 'Ilia 1aet1 flours werlo withon,t Ieuffcra,ngi end he 'retained eon,soi:ou(sness ,until waithin +a few mo'ment's 04 the final pasa9ug; Tho ,grim( arclier isltill'loves a ellen- ing :m;aris, .By (flue death of'Jwdlge' Mabee, inithel' prime •of a,. nolt.able causer ofsptendid public service Canada 1olt,cs a great citizen, one who hadin a'rnarlred degree von. v vg ti the esteem! and .affection of her people 1rone the Atlantic to (the' Pacific. The deceased leaves a son, Lion- el, 'with( the"N,ational Trust Com The Various Grades. pany, Torossito, and, a dauighter, 1Mlabel, at home,. both of whom were present at their; father's bedside "- t 'when that end .earzxe. They. :weep Div, I -Sena, -James "Wylie 87 Per r summoned (immediately aft/,er the 85,c ter o J n ' 'Miller�' sl cent,e nuqf lC RP 82, Chessteat Jelealtane 81, Giffoaid' Beaton 81, Frauki Pena*ebaker 80', Wilfred 'Crich 791 Charlie Can,telo,n 77, AuntieNed4gerer1,'Wal,nr Shier 76, Bernie' Hell 75, Lloyd Ries, 33,, Cleniton'Coole 71, iAnstin'M,art1n(''71 Charlie Thoanpsosi 70, Willie Appvle- by69, Harrieit Cantelon65, Gertie Wallis 62.' Jns,-Florence, Fawceett*. fl2 : Per ,newt, Sarah Baines69, !Merle Moore 63. Div: II -Series, -Fall marks 160. Percy 2,add142, Irene Cole 137,, Lyda Morai,sh 128,'Brakine Evans` 122, Mary Chidley 120. Elenor Kemp 1116, 'Edwin Judd; 112, Louis Holm- es 110, Leona Nediger' 110, Janet Wylie 109, Dorian. Stephenson 108, Edward 'Cleghorn 102,Herbeut Mc- Kenzie 101, BelssieChowen 100. I•nitermediato.-=Hattie Greig 11.3, Bertha Yates 102, Nellie Watkins 96 Beside O'Neil 95, Jrs.-Beryl Cooper 149, Frlanees Yesbec 145,1 Willie Bell 140, GeeW. Barge 131, Agnes Walker 123, S,Mc Brien 121, Evelyn 'Chief 100, Ibt.B. Chidley, (Teacher. Div. III. class 1-, Leolta Harlalnd 93lper cent, Agnes Wale 91, Alice Peckitk ^90, Charlotte Sheeley 90; Frank Smith89, Ruth 'MeMa 88, Helen IFornelslter82, Marion Gib bingse2, (Tura Trowhi1181, Mabel Marska1181, !Hannah 'Argent 78, Frieda'Walliis75, Leona 'Hearin 73, Harald �Menning72, Aileen Armour. 69, Willie Slosnan,66. Class II,-Oecit Peckilee 8 •C per Bent, htarlorle Barge66, Leslie Azul-` 1ex66, Murray McNeil 65. • Class III.-A'nnid Lawreneg93 .,per cent, 'Helen Rolss89, Leighton Walk- er85, Mildred Livermore 82; Jose- phine j phiue Yq J: i1sosn, Teacher, IV. Src.=Harry Lawa'ancei8J ,t.,1 8tA E he per cent, Goo,rgre Middleton ,. Waseen'n83, Harry Ranco 83, Lida 1 d a' ran s e,, CSa 82, • ome83 B a w L'veim a L l Erneslt Ltveri',ore82, v .}dna 2MIcCau- ghey80, Bobbie Schre lk 79, Jessie Jackson79, Clete Dunford 78, Ernie Liititle76, Ernest Hall'75, Mary 'Tay- 1or71, Anne Eagleson 71, Edna'Wos(t 71, 'Edith Jones70,'1Mtadreieu Shaw 69, Fanny ,13clyar67, Sadie Draper 66. Jrs.-Fred Walles87 per cent, Asn Deeves85, Earl Steep 80, Marian An- drew;s80, Ruins Argent 76, llstera'llb Nediger75, Pears Gould 70, 'Wilbur Wel;s1t67, Lawrence West 63, Jean Bell 63,Florat Miller 62, Will Ful- ford40, James( 'Walker 35. - Primary Depantmenat, Muss Pontd Toron!to in company with t eine Clinton. l father, loan endeavor toswducethe 1VIissionary Departments Meegill ,to:retuxni home, When 'biles , Metcalf, :Blyth, Halide learnedf that her parents were telly cognizant of ,the post- ai ttion in which ,the had placed! her, ♦ �o s>t S Y1n Busts The kind t t will please both self,sh e( became _ late ion while Richards. despondent and � • parent and boys 169 to X12' wa -absent fromtbe Bagley ave- ♦ ♦ • • • a -• Men's1Felt Hats We have a Hat; that will exactly G • A • Hath Good dressers will 1 find the • • MeriS Straw a • • Boys' Spring Hats In Felt and Straw nue house, the g swallowed 1to wed, a 4 dose of capbolic acid. 'Iles moan's • attracted attendee); wind the police •' ambulance 'wee hurriedly euennao,n- • ed,` butt( the; ttni£oatunate girl- died' •' while onthq way oto St:' 'Mary's Hoispital • Rechardis when( hearrivedi.at `fore; boarding house some time afterie Hats they like best, here Adult .Bible Class, IMI. John Hart- ley, Clinton, Hart-ley,Clinton, :Representative on Diociean Ex- ecutive, 'Rev. D. W.'Collins,'Exeter, It wee decuded .to hold the toext meeting at Gerrie. Sessions ,were held inithe forenoon when ,(,holy communion Was admini,sltered and a paper was read by' Rev. John, Ber- ry, ,NI. A, off Seaforlth. At Ithe afternoon emission papers were road( by Mies Clete Ford,; f o Clinton, oin'•the Preparation and At stitudo.of'the Teacher in the Prim- ary eparl men, and Leo ' ofunl on, on Late -vents, Teacher. Div. V. Srs.-Coma Miller 92' per cent, Cecil Mclntyre92, Alnw Mc- Corvie90, Charlie Cole 89, George Viealker89, Maggie( Hastings 87y,Be iii Sloman85, Earle Jolrnson85, Edna Hastings85, IGeorge Sbipley 84, Phamie Cree83,Ernest Bradshaw 83, Tom Craig79," Cecil Cooper 79, John Taylor78. Mar•cu;l Tierney 75, Jrs.-Forges (Reyavold4 94,: pee rent, ,Bessie Mutephy93 Harry Mun- 1 91 role92, Harry Ball John 'Chiang , Hall 89 Gordon, '�; ,n ei ' eGuar 9 ' M , Charlie n d a Jabez Rands 88, ' ulc 89 J Willie .M t ht ,< Amy iHellyar88, Dixie Fate 87, Jack Bawden:82, Samuel McCreary , Lotttie Judd70, Marjorie Beaton79, D the 'heart eollapsed wl1asn the phy- sicians, Drel Gaven, Bruce ,ands E1- lioltt,, 9ssuledt a brief bulleltiin ating, that; hope for recovery was at 'an end. ;The 1unerall was held at hie na- tive village,' Port Rowan on Wed- nesday s flterno,on MGR i'J 131;E. A TINIQUB FIGURE The Toronto Telegram pays the :following tribute( to Judge Mabee: A unique figure' an!the public life IXflCanla a of late( years has been James P.'Mebee, Chairmen •of the Board of Railwtay iCommisseoners ,for Canada: Since his advent on the Board he h' been,to'shippers,m h s as tarc snit and aattihezf Volk looking fou a '4square deal," asthe "shadow o a great meld in aweary land," 'Glfteds to an eminent degree with the saving grace Of comimon,senee' the Chief( Comanies�toner, big of 'frame, deep al vont@ and•blunt of manners hat been a veretable'thoroi inithe ,sada ,of 'smooth railway law- yers who woashipped'the• god .Tech- Tech- nicality. "Tho greatest good to the great- est great est nuimbeti has been hiss nno,t {o,9 and he allowed nething,tolsta d'Jn the way of obtaining it. No pent-up code confined the powers of Mabee's ttribulnal, The whole vast universe of common ,seine is his. ".Butt you! must be bound by'tke rules of evidence," said a lawyer to hien ons day. "? q," was Kee a'eply, "we are botind- by northing but what we think ars( right. This is not a .court common of law. et isaitribua>ral of con sense.". - To estranger entering, a froom in which Mabeee'us taibunal was en ses noticeable ' , t thing tsuo,n, ithq ;first g would bolded absence of formality.' But when the chairman began to 1 speak everything else was ,over- . shadowed by his personality. ,.011,•1•, n,,,,,, , .. ,,;,.r.,,•••14 , Formaldehyde Only small cost n Recommended by grain experts11 Make you money Ask those who have used it Leaves bright, clean grain Directions on every bottle Eats grain emu llelpsour neighbor You will make no mistake on't BOW it f3 w without. Every farmer should use it 3 In full pint bottles and standard strength at 50c each. .. W. A McConnell !V WW..h..Wn°.N,Jn✓,In✓W.•. , „ WW. osimommer eeNQCIER THE WORLD You ,can if you have a KODAK If ilt i,sn'b an (Eastman. it isn't a Kodak, and the place to get` it es at Hollies' Drug Store We also do Developing and: Printing If interested, give us a call Kodaks $1.50 up REXALL STORE. W'.R. llolmes Phm B. New j Sprina� a1� � Caps. For Men and Bogs HIS week we pass into very latest stock the v y in Hats and Caps for Men. andBoys and Children, These are well worth a visit to this store. They comprise the natti- est range it has ever been our pleasure to display, the prices NC ..r ogs Dorothy Rorke 77. H Covatt200 Teaeluer. Plwwtneas of s'peelch, directness 0f for NCH end Div. VI, S?. -'Topa( 200 Marks - method, eripne'sls of eoanment, anti i Kenn th Carter 171,. Agnes Rey- a1 acuity on 'instinctively+s;eparat- noid�Ii54, • IBe,seid SMlorrash 146, Jo.e •e the 'Wheat from 'she chaff have , t(We are showing a very. g 1 ti Yesbec 145, George Carter 110, Stew are ,Taylor 140, Macgregor C a lte.3 Alex MMlcRae:135, Amos ,Osbaldesiton 131, Jean Ealskine 127, Asa Bolton 123, Mergie, McLeod 120, Jr, class-Tolta6 i15Marks-Audrey Collyer 111,, Leona Taylor 102, Jean Miller •100, Nellie Rulteldge98, 1MIar-. ion McIntyre94, !Wilbte Bezzo 91, Margaret ICree84, Dailey Nedigerl83, Mary Argentin, Pearl Reid 70, HHelen Grigg: 69. E. C. ,Tiplady, Teacher been the predominateng character-- letics o(fithel loran who, in recen years has made the Dominion Rall - way Board the biggest thinigl in ':Canada, and ,given it the unquali- fied confidence of idle people. HIS CAREER. Hen. Jamas Pitt' Mabee,. comes of linked Empire Loyalist descent, being (the! eldest Isom of; Col. S. 1'. IVIabee, nollaa;ton of customs; and• Frances .S.Lenton, of Lineollnehiffet Div. VII., Sr. iclass-Teetel marks " England, 250 -Gertrude Fowler 233, iHelen H.e was boarn at P0111 Rowan, On- Bobeo'tonr 220, 93arold Lawison 219' natio, Novemb'ea 5.18i9; Was •eau• 13erberlt Holtzhaueal 217, Leila 'MIe- •. ea;ted at S't. Tholna;e. 'High Sc`ho'ol, Ca'citney 21b, Nisbet Gook 211, Dou and became a beet:esteer in 1592, K. C,. g sic Irving 207, in 1889, benches( ofltlue La'WiSocvoty las I]rskind 207, Jes Mc- Leod - Meavnn Deeves 203,.GIadys McGuure in 1904, ands had ai eceesSuliy prat warns ss, much agreed, d :at D t by Mrs J e• tined ,atLvstowel, Stratford -end It,he news but meadil a read to ac-' d, Cl' t ,the Ideal Re- 198. ,Goa'd'om Zaw,son 195. •, Y g company'the' officers ito�`the police- sullt of al Skilfully ,Taught Corson. Jr. ,class-Tolbar marks 150 -Ivy Toronto. i1M.Ir. Mabee was senior' headquarters where he wap held Addre;ssos, were given by Rev. R. plewee 131, Eleanor 2eIcTaggar;t 127, member 'of lthel law firm o11 Mabee & h q n 'Ma:rgarot ;Cleghorn, 126, Anica 'hill Makins, his pantOer being Mr. J. C, ors 11nv the aate cane ofthetoren- of Rutz B. A.„ cols a on Secreta r. oris 'unvosltgga!tiloxt into the ,cit^cupn- of Sunday Schools and Rev. D?•:. •124, 'B'o'bbie(; i1lacUdlastoa 124, Switzer 't�iakinis>'l?:.IC.,n�omi �seni•or me'mbe'r 1sltances leading up iso !the suicide. Gould, S.eeretary of M. S. C, C. Graolvs.1.23, Roy Livermore do 123 , Of the firtie ae .mai i aabr'iiliatn,t 7a vov r R v et A.' Charlie Coble 121, Walter Orsbal 'ton 121, Winnie.M.clelath 120, Prank and bila appearance en -count always •Mulch 120, atttmacted1 ,ad'miratioinl ,M. Wilt,soa ,Teaeb,er Blom 19pb to 1008 he was judge 01 ondt162 the High' :Oouut of,Onitario5,serning 90 1110 International] Inland Water'. ways Commission. in 1905, Commis- sioner fou{ the Consolidation of ,Ossi- 451-00 Sltatuteisl in 1906, and was. ap- li poieeted ,chairman of,the ,C,auadean Board of R:aliwase Comenesseoeere on elar.c3 2.8,1908, 'Ilewalsi at one - time preisadent' ofthe '.Noayth Perth R'e(Ifosln" latssencialtiion, and uneue-,. oetetully :contested this rideng im bu the Deeneneo(n(, election: 011904, being defeated by Mr• A.' F. Mac - Laren, ex -M, P. 35C to' $'2.5 • 0 0 Panama Hats Direct from -the makers Men's .l'ana� � S $3:50 tO $10.00 • , Detroit, May 3.-Aecoindusrglto Im^ •ossron rehensave • All kinds of Shirts for all kinds of 4, iii ration 'Ins eetoei Frick, of Do- Metz gave a very comp • Spring. Shirts • trait, gt` P b taken in D address on Teaches( - Training and I • men 50C to $2.50. no ac ao'n can e.. ; e-' Re -v, Dee •Could a, most inspxring. • l trait or fled Uarited Staters to a- ♦ ,�se�r..;a� adro.�s on I'oaeugn Mrss n '" ti's Socks In Silk, Cotton l andCashmere eer Men's - ioe to 75c 4 venge Ithe death of Anna Hailes, the e it's w -,as !the most inv. VIII,, 4,th,class'-Eric 'R• • Toronto ''i who k l The ,con, ention n Barry Comb 160, (Nolen Ladd i68, • afyear-old a'oa1,t gin e, ran faits( do ftus ata'1p here, on 641- siti,cce ry every, lerg m of tire Clyde Kenngdyc.102, Kathleen Liv- ne,slday, Iaftten' anal,) to this ,city : De,anery, every, .clergyman bfe•i,ng 0rm'ore 150, Jack 'Wigginton 160, with a Te�,ronto business Man, when present 1b g;either with four fro a Ja,ek l3rittom 144, George Elliott 140 old that/ she zwe:t otua n ,to her•owteido the Deaneey. A.udr y McIntyre 130 Agnes Coanhe ,t t aU , 11 a t ,e e`'va alar e number of del-Jealcints 120; Jean parents, eo i e!There se= -wag at and the Papers Fords McInty IThe b siin'eiss man as tUleged Inn nd dresses' wet of a high-ordea, ---�Cilrar1 Mennelt 147,Sns ry a ad , 3rd',clase ` have ,fled tto Canada and Hadi said le. u! 1 tone. 1 n o . txnetlY �sPnrrt ,a .t .n ;. 1Er,n�OsVt k'o>rd 130,.E • 1 hes offence( is not extradhtable, and f a d1a i ;sell .Bezle° 146, T The: itwd Toronto -friends o>f the . 'Following we're the mini,aters pier QVliller 121, My'tie Carroek 118. b nn h d f' latgsewt i *lilt class AKenneth leoeke, Ruth 1 h t j C •oly Hale Kaltlo BOa,ton, Qllea C d Hanes, father E t p v �Collnns ,steel, 'Label Johmeton, Fer usotu Can a, g �, Boys' Sweaters In Cotton and Fine: Worsteds •, 25c tO $1,25 . o Children's Rompers In Galatia and strong Ameri- can ' p can Chambre 4oc toa75c Y,. The r C. Morrish Clothing A Square Deal for Every Mau:' • ••+ ulsvness an, who are accuse o• nor P1unn- ,aiding his escape else have rotten- rug am- ev. ,r John Sub - to Canada. Arthur . a as, a ter Exeter- ,e to '.Tied 'N cd - of lthd dead(gnrl, ictus ecll to Tame ' 8°00A:11 -Rev, ;Beery. ger, ' t t clwit( thebody. Clinton Rev Jealcins •gar,,, Wallace Wheatley, 0 o es er. a r 'n y Yl. Jean Ball, r stet a --Ma , cl ass 13 "i t� g.. •r � h.m, ,, h 'n r Godorich=Ret ..'Fat era g Brussels, Walton -Rev.: Cameron, Simpson . Wilfred Grant, ,'Myrtle formerly ed 1301 rave Blyth, , Auburn- Rev, `Sweet, Francis Baines, BuitonB0i e The Hailed faintlyf yY g fn Clinton, and ehe reel). actisee- ,'Parr, l ton, t"1 •' f. 3 s Fordwich Gerrie, !Wroxeter `- ' *Names ischii order of merit. ♦. towned by the girls rlend in' v; Kinder, Minnie Ker, :Teetlier eee+lleel►_•!••••M ,*•_•,••••••••• ♦•++•+s4efsl. l�esetr..,.NM towel. Swell range of Spring and Summer Shuts for men' and boys, in plain and fancy colors. In Odtober , 1884 heInarried Mar',i,e S., daughter oT'Willea'mt,Tlnonold,, of 1 Mount !Williams, ,Oxne, Mrs. Mab eo,• died 110 February, 1910. Jutdgo33la-: bee Wes memboxl ,of the Rideau 'Cawb, tOtttawa, end Of the York and o His home 1 oro t Ilr h ' truto ;C wb., T n , ,o o , a T iu ITo>ro'ntd, was ,,at 15: Spar(th r4n?t%, We are particularly anx- ious to showy 'ou through our stock of Summer Shirts with soft cuffs and detached; collar, from $1 up. Come in and Look Them Over. men's Iailars`al l illrnishers but of latei hehad been re,sidnng i,n• Ottawa and 'at Port Rowan. Bus luae two ,children; a son, Lienee and 'diaughter, 1h1abel,both of whom were ,popular young people while., the family; resided:4m Sta;altfoa'd,