HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-25, Page 8• Page , '8 wersessialaWeSsF,Iesesemetess , • LADIEs• Spripo TopCoats $400,00 worth of Ladies Spring Coats to be cleared at cost and less. Fifty in the lot in black and fawn, striped and plain covert cloth. Come early and get first choice at a great saving. Sizes 32 to 44; $10 Coats tor $5.98 Ladies plain and striped Top Coats in fawn and black, plain or patched pockets with fiap, good length trimmed with covered buttons, reg. $10 for 6.98 $7.50 Coats for $5.75 Ladies plain black and pain fawn Covert Spring Coats, strapped and plain seams, long lapel, trimmed wlth covered buttons, all sizes, reg. $7.50 for 5.75 $1.00 Coats tor $3.78 Ladies short Spring Coats, made of good quality black broadcloth, suitably trimined with buttons, plain seams, all sizes,_regular $5.00 for 3.5 Regal Taffeta PETTICOATS Under priced For Quid( Selling Two dozen only, Regal Taffeta 'Underskirts, in black. navy, blue and brown, deep flounce and dust frill, splendid wearing quality, length 39 to 42, regu- lar $2.25 clearing at 1.49 Odd Sizes and Qualities in Corsets Three dozen D. & A. Corsess in Ake and drab assorted lenth and size, regular $1 'and $1.75, clearing Saturday at 69c each. COME EARLY. Uozer c 2rown DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON 1 STAMP CAMPAIGN'S SUCCESS. The Christmas Stamp Campaign of 1911-12 broke all previous rec- ords for the ,National Sanitartuan 'Association, The total tetutrns in round figures were $16,000, being an advance of $5,000 over the total of $11,000 r,eceived last year, ;which was the higlheat figure reached up to that time. ' ImAss MEETING. A maps meeting under the auspi- ces of the Clinton branch W.C.T.U. will be held on 'Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the 93aptist Church. • Mrs, ChYtraler,,superlintendentingethe Juv,enilo Department, ;will ,address the meeting. special music will be Central Business College Stratford, Ont. Our classes are now. larger than ever before but we have enlarged our quarters and we have rootn for a few more students, You may enter at any time. We have a staff of nine experienced instructors and our courses are the best. Our graduates succeed, This week three recent gradu- ates informed us that they have positions paying 265, $'70 and 2125 per month. We have three doper tments,Commercial,-Short. hand and Telegraphy. Write for our free catalogue now. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL given by . Members of the :choir. All are laear.tily, invited to this ser- vice. COULDN'T( SEE ECLIPSE, ' A cloudy sky prevented observa- tion here of an 'eclipse; of the !sun, 'which, was due East Thursday, 'ac- cording to the almanac, which says, "Thei central Jeclipse will be •total Tor about 22minutes at the mi,ddie of its .durattiorg. For 'the rest of jjt duration 5wfl fbe lannular,*? Tbis Was OUT haat chance. for 1912, Tor atostal :eclipse ;which; will occur On October next twill( beinvisible Canada. Imetal roofing. shingles gives longer and more et50,4, kit complete protection, per F dollar of cost, than roof - Ing. With' over 300 . i i awmccolsews Ira: 000-., smtiliaptRntthyie000na-tbs7RriutrebalvideryaRGdridoi: es n or he 11!-- CI Diatutlikitibt 3 permanent colors- '• Red, Brown, Green- oanndthnaattunreavriSrloaotef.. Look 0 into it before you decide ' Sole Canadian Wm THESTANDARDPAINTCO. meanada.LItnaedAlantreal. albriNaalterPrfili THOS.21NIzi.INZIE, veuentemainiernardasesameamaya t10:1 Brighten Up rime This is not only the time for cleaning and scrubbing and polishing but for brightening up the home with, • PAINTS AND VARNISHES ., and making it permanently cheerful and coz,y. Its surprising what Ia lot you can do with a can of Paint, Varnish or Euanael, a bitash and a little energy. That Old Floor, your soiled and scratched Woodwork. Dingy Furniture , all these can be made clean and new if you use proper ...,- Paints and Varnishes En Tins 15e -'30e 55e T5e 931,00 oursIDE Tule HOUSE Don't neglect the outside of your home. Painting not only makes it look fresh and neat, but protects the wood and metal from decay and rust, lengthening the life of the building. Of course the important thing is choosing ca 'paint which Looks Best, Wears the Longest, is the Easiest to Applyannct affords the greatest protection for the money. Poor Paint is dear at any price, We Recommend 1 - SI-11RwIN-WILLIAins PAINTS I Because.they are scienti0cally made from the purest material • regular, colors, Price $2.00 per gallon, Ask for color cards We are local agents for BRANTFORD ItF113111311 ROOFING- . the beat Roofing for Houses, Barns and Factories. Square yard in a roll, Wibh nails and cement, Price $1.75 482.50 al3.00. aw•nmamma• *nue• • mem 1-11:11?LePINI) W. S. HARLAND W. J. HARLAND Hardware, Stoves and Sporting Goods •.--• e ••••••••••••••••••••••••••'4••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • (-'ocal - • :4' .... , . t „ • , , . Nev.s. .. , 4•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••!,..+..4+44444,44444441, SHOE PRICES do VP. . . ;,,,i4;444.•44•4ii,44 • he Prie° ;;oe ''ia'avane- \ $ CLINTON MARKETS - * The hianufadturers hp-, (1,ta- and phoca ÷ . , • .flSty ,ce,nc, pain. Rubbees too' go Hoge ts. Butter 25c to 26e Eggs 2:0e to 21e Wheat . ...... . . . 90-95 Oates , 50-55 Peas .1,00 a- ,Barley . ...... .75-80 ."a Shorts .. ........... , 4 * 'area $21.00 3-4•444-4.4.44444.4.4.+4.4/44.4.+444+44 up, proportionIlea advance Is to gf feet the selling price in Clin- ton as well aa eleewhere, B4OOM ONTARIO. A small Alberta towel 'spends thousands of dollars on an ,advert-' j8jfl 0jflWilk& a•rieh and pros, - per ows !county Ori Onitario is afraid to spend a few hundred,* Ancilyet p e opl e wonder that west ern .townis go ah.eaca quickly. - CLINTON OFFERS? San IFtrancisco isefferling $6,000 in prizes ,for the putPoise of beautt- Vying he city by Mame of Hewer gardens, window boxes and lawns!? The) :children ate being interested iaaithe rao'vertient and eery avail- able vacant plot -a ground is being turned Onto a beau•ty spot /win of verdure and eolor: • STILL WINTER LIKE, The ;weather man is;still boot of d,the job as last Thursday night be gave the citizens an imitation cif a snow storm and, the air was de - 4, 4. JOINED BANKS. a The New Era madan errari in last weeklamaper •in stating that Mr. Fred Rumball had joined the Molsone Bank. It should have been the Royal Bank. and Mr. Laurie Greig hs joined the Mot - sans Bank, DISTRICT MEETING HELD IN CLINTON. The May .District Meeting of the Goderich District of the London Methodist Conference, w011 be held itn Ontario Street Church, on May 21st and 22nd. NO HOPE FOR RECOVERY.. pidedly PhillY. After a pleasant • . . Rev. James Liviingaton, formerly a pastor cif (Rattenbury Street Church, but Wilito'has been, at Mit- • chell, tools a turn for, the worse on NEWSPAPER CHANGE. Sunday last and no hopes are pn- tertained at all. His ,condition is such that am is Steadily Weakening mornme on Monday this section' was visited by another ligiA to a s.now.in the evening. Mr. E. Zeller has purchased the interests of his partner Mt P. 3. Wickwire inthe. ,Zurich Herald, Crecliton.,Star and Dashwood Pio- neer and the Zurich and Crediton plants will ,shortly be moved under one, roof. Mr. Wickwire -will con- tinue to be on the ,staf 9, GRAFTING WAX. Take four pounds of resin, two pounds of loaeswax, and- one pound of beef tallow, or instead Of the tallow a pint of linseed oil. Thistle the mixture recoanmended by Prof. iCromf (Atha Ontario Agrigulturgl College. THE QUIET DAYS. ' 33usiness men (often say 'when busitnesa has not beenver, brisk, "It has been quietf to -day.' Do Ave ever atop to think, We wonder, how ble,st are the quid days -the days when troithing happens? There is no illness to give anxiety, no bus- iness burdens or dther troubles to disturb, but, on the •contrary, the* is the delightful een,selousiness,that all is well in the home and be/fore us the promise 09 peaceful day. We know -of no [condition of life that/ brings mom pleasure or that shoul& fill the bead more full of gratitude than a truly "quiet day." THE F,OUlliTH ESTATE. Last meek wereceived a copy of The Bownianville Statesman and we notice that the owners (*that well known Journal have just had installed anew printing Press. The New Era is glad to sect that success has been theirs and hone 09 may king ,continue. ,The younger pa- peamen look upon the senior mem- ber, Mr. M.A. Jame e tasa kind of "granddaddy" to them When in- formation is wanted as he has been long bathe busine,ss2 and' has been a success in it, - WHOLE COUNTY PAYS. 'County Clerk Wm. Lane is in re- ceipt of a. letter frorof Dr. R. W. Bruce Smith, Ontario Inspector, of Houses of Refuge, •which ,spealos.of ithe repealing of a section of a cer- tain Act. The paragraPh dealing with it is 'as fdlows,--" You will note that the .sectioni in the form- er Act giving power, to the cbunty to collect from the' different mu- nicipalities the 'sum •of 2E( for tho maintainence of each. Inmate sent to the House of Refugetherefrtom has been repealed, and that in future the inmates of Houses of Refuge are to be supported by the whole county without reference, to tthe municipality trom .which, in- mates naybe cOnimated." CLINTON AT A GLANCE. Wide, shaded streets, •Beautiful Macadamised roads leading to the toWn from9 every direction: Good railroad' facilities, Unlimited supply of purest iwa- teAr. tonna of many fine' churches!, Well-built, sub,stantial homes with beautiful grounde. Sahoole outclassed by to other In Western Ontario. / A contented, prosperous laboring community. Strikes unknown. A high proportion of families Who/ own 'their ownl homes. ; IVLamutacituring +establishments sending products to the borders' of Canada and abroad. A climate unexcelled in Ontario. LOCALS. The farmers aro 'bevy these days The roost progressive !business- men in any town ,arei those who talk to the public threugh the newspapers. They are 'Candid with you. • A business goes ahead according Ito how well -how persistently Stas advertised. NeXt WednesdaY will be Key Day'. The amoke ;from the rubbish heap is not all pleasant these even - e venings. • The roads are drying, uaiin gond shape. The :roller' skates, 'slapping rope/ and baseballs are once( In evidence. eeeeeeeeeeeeemeeeeeeseeee- I 87 POSITIONS t•Wlexe offered our graduates * • during lalaach, according to • • om Employment Dept. file. • e Itpu, 'never need :wait, • • Thorough pr.epa,ration (with 'II 0 - • • us. insures Marneclitute rettarne • e* ini CaShafes" you. • Get free e• • 'Catalogue. - • e :Central 33usingew College • • ,Yonge and Gerrard Sitneet • • !row watt°, • • • e • II. SHAW, President. • • *. G • essfes••••••••••••••••••••• REPORTS .TO BRANTFORD. Dick Tasker reports ,next week to the Brantford Baseball Team for the earning season intim Canadian Baseball League. Dick's -old fiends 'will all hope fox la successful year and many •will (try and see the games at Brantford and London :this year the day a he pitChes. This oughti, 96 be a good year'. for Dick: EDWARD FLOODY HURT. Edward Flood,y of Close 'avenue, Toronto, an official of the Inland Revenue Department, and foamerly of Clinton, was struck by..ct gar at Yonge and Shulter streets, Tues. - clay afternoon, and very seriously injured, kelt is reported noW as ne- covering, A FOUVTAIN PEN FILLER., The, W. D. Fair Co. have mow a fountain: pen filler in their store, Where all these (using fountain pens can have thenii, filled free of charge. 11 58 advertising Carter!s ink, and is a good advertiaemeiat. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 'This afternoon' ithe Woinen's Institute is meeting at the homelof Mrs. Dodds, Princess Street, and the annual election of officers will take place.. All members are re- quested to be present. DIVINE SERVICE. Next Sunday evening Clinton Oddfellows and visiting brethren will attend divine service at St. Paul's Church, When the • (rector, Rev. C. E. .Teakins, twill preach a special sermon to them. All mem- bers' are requested to meet in the Lodge Room by 6.30 o'clock and march to the church. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS, Advertising ile,looking uriand all our advertising As interesting. We try to consider (the interests of our, readers as well as our tadvertieere and much of 0,UT advertising is AB good lassaeiws infect 01 really,ths news. Readers who miss the acIL v.ertisementa lose More than+ half the value oath° paper. Read the adveatisements every week. WILL YOU HELP. During the past month We have secured three more correspondents in various localIties isurrouncltrog Clinton will help us int gathering the news of townehipa. If your locality is not being represented each week in The 'NeW Era, will you help? We are ,always gladto • get news, but would like to get permanent correspondents.. Wri'te us or call at the. Office( a,ncl• we will give) you supiallect r''UtLICHASED A MOTOR TRUCK. Mr, 3.W. PllboItt, liv.eryman, re- cently purchased' a ;Clinton Motor Truck and will havailtt fitted with seats Ito be used in his livery • for ithe Hayfield and otheri tr,ade. We understand df the buoineas twat. - rants it regdiar traps will be made to. Bay/laid [which will indeed be a great ,accommodation to the campers •and visitor. Mr. ;Gabe Elliott ,wili be the ,chauffeur. SINCLAIR vs) QUERIN. This actioe (was tried before His Honer Judge Doyle, .alt si. sPecial special sitting...of the County Court, at Go:derich, on the 23rd, inst, and was brought by the 'Plaintiff to re- eov,ex damages for injumle,sisusltain- ed :whilst being (ejected from 'the Defendant's Hotel onDatober llth, 1910. At the el:0'8e oftha Plaintiff's ease the action was dismissed with coatThere will likely be an .appld- cation for newlltrial. W.M. of Brius'sels‘and Charles 0.,arnow, of Gedetrich, for •Plaintit f, and R. Vanstone, of Winglyn, fox Defend- ant. • . MINOR LOCALS. ,S9 the public 'school children of Ontario; are looking for a herf),'„ here is ;what Dr. ,Ge.O. Locke, 'chief libratraeli Of TOrOcht0, aaY,a ;hiflopie work is the Moab amid, most tra- hbisnan, and Moot Ifutile (educa- tional tm,eithod ever perpetrated an the itinlnan race, It should be abolished, forever."' rt is going to be harder than ever loa• young people Ito dodge an ode noation. Legislation is being Pro- posed to make atteaclanc'e at night school compulsory in the case of boys and girls between the ages of fourteen and seventeen whose eduteatiant'has been neglected/. In this ,country where( fat:grail- reed accidents are aniatter of al- most daily happenings it is a we- re ar kable entrast •that 54 Presented by the lofficial 'Board as :le fatal accidents on Briideh unite...tile, Dna' mg 'the pest yeaa there were but thaee accidents to British trains attended! with,loes off life the Le- ta nubaber of fatalitiea being but tourteenc For th,e seven year,s pato ceding the average of killed in railaload a„ccidente W5C but 23, MINOR LOCALS, May Day next Wednceday, Help Clinton grow. 60 :cents in advane,e geta the New ra !be .Tan, tst. 121.5, A]TNOW: iEi2te g,elrutniooanrlityll.C. front :Wednesday pan, is Chalatrnas EO -B Vuy. your ple, „. ADVERTISING -ISMS. A stron9 seliting treason lost in a mass of pour aclveretisinetalk is like a, grain ,qfpheot in a bushel of ehatf-net Worth looking for, DID NOT MEET. .The organizatioe Meeting at St. P ula Sunday School root& on Tuteaday night for the purpose of orgabizing a tennils, club, wa,e • off i A date will be set later, ASSESSOR THROUGH. Assessor Cottle finished his wocrli and has banded in'itthe roll to the Clerk. The ,assesement and pop- ul atien are peaetteally thq sarcte as last year with a ery, 1ittle ellen-gest LEAP YEAR -DANCE, The young -ladies of town. are holding a Leap- 'year 'dance In the Pastime Club rObm, on Wednesday evening May 1401, Tho Phalen Or- chestra willh snpply the music. IMPROVEMENTS. Wilkin ishaving the ' paper- haoivlgienizi,,s his residence,,, belfotne na The house formerly occupied by Mr. 3. McOlocherty is being .1,e -- 0 -tingled. BE A BOOSTER.. Within the corner of any town there are those who believe in tear- ing down rather than .bniicking ..up, pulling to pieces rather thanl con- structing ,and placing itogethere Isnkt it a blessing that they are in • the minority? What would we do without a few boosters? WHAT WE MAY EXPECT. Hyacinths. Hooki Honk( Horse races. • Huanahs for Hulifen. House cleaning. Hoe and rake. erusades. Hard etudy for exams. ,WAS AT NEW YORK. Mr. Arthur Foal& so» of Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Ford, has been ,at New York, being _sent there by the Win- nipeg, Telegrem, to get special re- ports on the wreck of /the( iTitanicl. Mr. Ford is the Telegrams special cotaespondeat at Ottawa. AN APRIL WEDDING. One °lithe pleasant eventof the seasoia took place at ithq Ontajrio Street Methodist Parsonage on Wednesday evening at 6,e'elock, when Mr. Reheat Williara Gibbings of the township ,of Hada and Wise Louie Cartwright of tlie same place were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. T. Wesley COO - ens, The newly -wedded couple 'will settle near .Alma‘. May their pleasurea be many and their, Sor- rows few. A RUNAWAY. • Last Friday afternoon •aatearn of hotse,s belonging to John Stewart, of Tualeersmiltra ran awey from the ,Suittees elevator and came uP Vic- toria street, They got off the road onto the lawns and raced past 24 Fitzimmon's, Chief;Wheatley's and broke small +trees, etc. They 'Lam- ed and ran acroaa the :street 'strik- ing the corner of Eallaunroe's home and both horses fell and ' became tangled: up in !the harneal. The 'tengu• of the wagon struck the house With sugh foace that it baoke .Tha lioase,s were. cut( .a little and harness damaged. The lawns were also' well marked with the wagon and howees. STRU(CK 33Y A STREET CAR. Mr. 31 Moody of ;Toronto, one of the Inland Revenue officers and well known as the popular secre- tary of the Huta= Old( Boys +As:se- riatim, had themisfortuneto • be :struck by a -atm et car -on Tuesflay afeerrioon,- while crossing Yonge stree% He was thrown 'violently to the ground, .hle head striking the eurb and rendering him uncoil- scious; 'fortunately the ;can was quickly 'stopped and did not pass over himt He was hurried: to the holepital, where it was found that he was uot ls•eriously injured' be- Yomd a:severe bruise to his knee, After aegaining ,conscionsmess he was taken to hi si own home where he is quietly acetic:1r, at will be some daysbefore he ta able to get ,around/ He as a brother -in -Jaw of D, Cant:elan, • Clinton, and Ilia naan-y Hulot friend's will be de- lighted to know that ihe got, off:as well aa he did, a MOST UNUSUAL. Leadtan Coaafarence of the Meth- odist church is parsing 'through a peculiar experience just now in the laying aside at at least five (well known pastors from active work owing to 011 health . In thel liat le Rev. Jas. LIvingabon, Of Mitchell; Rev, R.Hobbs of tramp's Street, Ex- eter; Rev, 'Wm. Godwin; of Pat* Hill; Rev. W. H. !Butt, of London; and Rev, 'W. J. Howisoneaf Wallace - burg: The first and last+ mention- ed were former pastoala of Clinton We are sure these brethram 'share' in the (sympathy of Method - /ism far beyond the bounds of Lon- don ecirkfleT enoe and 'the hope avitl be entertained 'that +speedy ,eonver- eacence may ensue, • THE COUNTY ,BRIDGES, The Road and Bridge committee of the County Council met last Satur- day, at Auburn bridge Mr. J. Hill, of Mitchell being presea with the en- gineer, They report that so far as can be ascertained the susperstruoture is not damaged, but the foundation of the west abutment is washed out, the abutment badly cracked 'and partly out of place. It will have to be re- moved and a new "one put in, and until this is done brailiq should be stopped. The same may be said of an „$5 -foot bridge between Howiek and Grey Townships. The engineer was atithorized to call for tenders for the needed work on both, bridges, and meanwhile do his best to provide far the interrupted traffic. Considerable damage has been dello by washouts. About 2,000 yatds of the approach to Ball's bridge, on the Colborne side, is goneeabout 1,000 yards ef the ap- proach to a small bridge in Zetland is damaged, as is also the approach to, Bluevale bridge. The engineer was in- structed to have the damage re- paired as fast as possible in each , case, r asatait DAY, APRIL 25th, 1912, Wall Paper at 5c a LiZoll can be_made, and it can be made good enough to be worth ten dollars a roll. Between the,two tremes lies the figure Which represents a fair price for papers that will give you a sense of artistic sat- isfaction when intelligently used in the decoration of your home. J. Very cheap papers are not bad because they are cheap, but are cheap because the things that go to make a good wall paper 'require a little money. -(C, In our stock we have all kinds of , 'papers but we are particularly interested in having' you s‘our assortment of artistic goods at medium price. (I, May we have your _inspection ? ANS' TheW. De Fair eoc Often the eheapest-Always the Best A atlkaAft a ata AAA at a a AAAAANWtAth MA OtrYtAAAltraf~AlaAANYVatlaaik 1 1 Seliinci Out Boot and shoe Business will be" sold on Terms to Suit Purchaser. Rent of Budding Reasonable "5 • The undersigned having decided to dispose of their Boot and Shoe Business, will start • SATURDAY, APRIL 20th to sell their stock at great reductions. Shoes Must Go Regardless of Cost I Now is the Time to Get Bargains Now'S wizen a Shrewd pager Bugs Shoes Jas. Twitchell &Son CLINTON 3 . AAAwmAAANvovvkANNAA,AAAAvvvvyvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvy.4.0 RIFLE LEAGUE PETITION. A petition was forwarded to the De- partment of Militia by the Huron County Rifle League. asking that 200 rounds of ammunition, instead of 100 rounds, be served to each member of a ciyilian rifle association, and that members of rifie associations be fur- nished with ammunitiou, no matter how long they have been members, providing they are active members in good standing. A goodly marnber signed the petition and it was for- warded by the secretary to E. N. Lewis, M. P. for West Huron, who presented it to the Militia Council. Mr, Lewis has received a reply from Hon, Col. Hughes, latinistee of Militia, in which he expressed his pleasure at the interest taken in the League by 'the boys." The letter stated that "tho matter of increasing the amount of ammunition to, civilian rifle associ- a.tions is receiving my most serious attention, and if you will kindly have me reminded in the course of twe or three weeks I will then have an ans ewer for you." PRESS" ASSO.CIA'TION. , ,Ottawat la preparing to give a royal reception ato Ithe Canadian P.n.s's+ Association when it coavenes. for Oita' 54th -annual mestingen June 611 and ath( :Thaough the generl- one co-operatiora of the :Minesteet of Agriculture, the :Mayor and coun- cil of Ottawa, the Ottawa publish - ems and other citizens, an excellent programme of eatertainment has been 'arranged, including a civic anquet, an autorao bile trip ten- dered by the OittaWa. Valley Motor League, a.luneheon at the Experi- mental 'Farm and an entertainmeAt at the Dominion Theatre, ALL WHEELS sirop TO -DAY. At precisely half past eleven, Mon- treal time, Thursday morning, there was absolute, cessation of work in every department of the G. T. R. and, G. T. P. and their affiliated lines for a space of five minutes, as a memorial to the late President Hays. This striking and far-reaching memorial will embrace three counties, Canada, Great Britain and the United States, many lines of railway on this con- tinent, and also steamboat sevices on the great lakes and the Pacific. coast. While the memorial service started in Montreal at half past eleven the five minutes of moarmeg will start in Lon- don, England. at 4.30 P. M. and at 0.30. A. al, at Prince Rupert. while differ- ent times will be brought into play o» the thousands of miles between these points, Instructions will be sent ay wireless to the Pacific and lake vessels and sharp at the appointed time they, as well as the trains, shop machines and employes throughout the whole • system will come bo a standstill at the appointed hour. i4+++4.4.++++4.4.4- +4. a'.1,i.4.4.1,4.4.44444.+4.4,44.•+.5+.14.31...+. OPR NEW SHOES 11,11111:72111=1 For men and women observe so closely the little points that ,give ease and comfort, and embody those features,that count for correct and becoming •gtyles that no matter how particular you may be, there is a Shoe In our stock that is JUST tXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT And if you buy it, you will be surprised at how long it will last and retain its neat appearance, for these shoes are really better than you have reason to expect. Do not mig§ the oppottitnity to obtain • real' genuine foot comfort, and the maximum of Shoe Service. Gel A Pair 01 our Shoes 01 Nee 4111100== AMMO FRIED JACKSON'S DISTINCTIVE SHOES 4.!