HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-25, Page 7SD
Pit 25th,
THITlitSDAY, MARCH 26th 19
1/Vhat Lydia.E.Pinkham'sVeg-
etable 'Compound Did For
Their Health—Tlieir own
Statements Follow.
Italiburton, P.EL ;—" I had a doctor
examine me and he said I had falling of
the womb, so I have been taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
it has done me a lot off good. All the
bearing -down pains have vanished. I
, have gained ten pounds in -weight, the
discharge is all gone, and I feel better
than I have for a long time. ' I think any
woman is foolish to suffer as I did for
the sake of a few dollars.
"You can use my letter as a testimo-
nial. It may encourage otheepoor women
who suffer as I did to use your_Vegetable
..Compound." — Mrs. GEo. CoLLIourr,
Haliburton Lot 7 P.E.I.
; ;
yead What This Woman Says:
New Moorefield, Ohio.—'` I take great
pleasure in thanking you for what your
has done for me. I
had bearing down
pains, was dizzy and
weak, had pains in
lower back and could
not be upon my feet
long enough to get a
meal. As long as I
laid on my back I
would feel better,
but when I would
get up those bearing
down pains would come back, and the
doetor said I bad female trouble. Lydia
E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound was
- the only medicine that helped me and I
have been growing stronger ever since
I commenced to take it. I hope it will
helplother suffering women as it has me.
You can use this letter."—Mrs. CASSIE
LLOYD, New Moorefield, Clark Co.,Ohio.
Now that the east of the Olome
Rulei bill for Ireland is published
it does not appear ae much of a
bugaboo' steleome of tts, opponened
predicted. Almest every phase of
the situation ;where .danger was
apprehended has been ;safeguard-
ed. One of 'the 'Most interetstilag
debates in the Old Land Parliamedt
de assured over it. Timo ,works
wondeim and we will Mot be ;sea-
prlsed if the Emerald Isle Will ere
long enjoy what has, beeia long
sought!' and just ;aslo!ng fought—a
goodly measure of ;self-govern-
Merit- The people Who argue foe
it are just se honeet irt"thele eon,
vietiens as those opposed.
is the highest typal of
is the highest type of
curative food.
The nourishing and
curative elements in
Scott's Emulsion are so
perfectly combined that
all (babies, children and
adults) are equally bene.
fitted and- bidilt up.
Be sure to get SCOTTS-- M
the Standard and cdways
the bes.
m remne
-- ---e— —.,---....—.
• • I sr '11"114sie• -"nap -ea-, 'Di e rer —
Cynthia's hauffeur 'a ' ''' ' ' ...' ''' ' 'Y''''''
. and my,, responsibility made there.
No7- thank youeem this to Medenham
. ; Who; wee offering her a ;glass of wimp.'
. .
13y Lula Tracy
i '‘I drink water only. Have you any?"
1 Mrs. Dever took the wine, and Me-
-Mlenham fished in the basket foe the
popyxighlii by McLe0 d'-&, Allen, 'Mammal°. •. St. Galmier, since Lady St, Maur ctil-
.„ _
, fivat,ed amit_sseten.etr_nillotteuese.. .
Continued next week
trIftniftel1 came waton expresso me
trenuous emotione by fainting flts or
ysteria, some such feminine exped-
ient would certainly have prevented
her from going another hundred yards
Meng the south road had some wizard
I( old her how nearly she had guessed
t.h.e truth.
, But.,the luck of the born adventurer
eaved Medenhani from premature ex-
posure. "I dare all" was the motto
bi his house, and it was fated to be
tested in full measure ere he saw Lon-
don again. Of these consideratirms
the purring Mercury neither knew nor
Cared. She sang the song of the free
highway, and sped through the leafy
lanes of Surrey with a fine disregard
for Acts of Parliament and the, "rues
and regulations therein made and pro-
videde.' , Soon after one o'clock, how-
ever, she was compelled to climb the
down's in meek agreement with t vr,)
lines of toiling ehars-a-bancs and la-
boring motors. Just to show her met-
tle -when •the opportunity offered, she
took the steep hill Opposite the atads
I vriih a greyhound rush thet vastly die
;concerted a policeman who told Me
denim:a to "hurry up out of the dibe."
' Then, having found a clear space,
iehe dozed for a while and Cynthia,
like a true -born American, began the
'day's business by, giving the answer
before either of her companions even
'thought of putting the Great Mites
tion. •
"Grimalkin will win!" she cried,
"Mr. Deane told my father so. I want
to play Grimalkin for ten dollars!"
, •
hanC-who /tzar approacnen-tmiti-f&m.-.-,:a
during the •tum'ult.
Cynthia's eyee sparkled,
"Five pounds; why, I heard gout°
.betting person over there offering only
three to one."
It_was a task beyond his powers to
curb an unruly tongue In the presence
of this emancipated schoolgirl. He
mot her ebullient mood helfwat
e ea have already beaten the market
—that is, if -I get the money. Horyible
thought! I' naay be welshed!" •
, strode back rapidly to the book- .
maker's stand.
. The First Day's Run.
' Though Medenhara :was no turf de-
votee, he .formed distinctly -unfavor-
Able conclusions as to the financial
stability of the bawling bookmakers
hear at hand. . .
"If you wish to do any.betting, Miss
!Vanreiten," he said; "give ma the mon-
ey and I will invest it for -you. There
Is no hurry. The Derby will not be
run -till three o'clock. We have an
hour and a half in which to study
form." •
For the life of him he could not im-
trate :the complete annihilation. of self
pra.ctited. by the welftred English
aervant. The American girl missed
the absence of this, trait far less than
eke other woman, but, by this Limn,
even Mrs. Dever began to wept Me-
denham's good-humored assumption of
equality as part of the day's amuse-
ment. ; ' .
Cynthia handed him a card. She
had bought while they were crawling
up the hill behind a break -load of jeer.
Ing •Cockneys.
"What will win the firstmace?" she
asked. "Father says you men often
hear more than the owners about the
real performances of horses."
, Medenham tried to look knowing.
He thanked his stars for Dale's inform-
• "I am told Eyot has a chance," he
Said. .
. "Well, put me a sovereign on Eyot, .
'please. Are you pleying the ponies,
Mom Dever?" ' '
• Teal lady, being quick-witted, took
care not to offend Cynthia by pre-
tending not to understand, thotigh it
get Medenham's teeth on edge to hear
11, racehorse called a pony. She open-, '
ed a gold purse and produced a coin. p
"I don't mind risking a little," She o
Medenham found, however, that she
also had handed him a sovereign; and
his conscience smote him; for he
!guessed already, With accuracy as it 1
happened, that she was Miss Vane '
renen's paid chaperon during the ale 1
sence of the girl's father on the Con- ,
tinent • ' , I
"Pereonally, I ani a duffer in mat-
ters, connected with the turf," he ex- ,
plained. "A friend of mine—a chauf4 I
teur--mentioned Eyot,—" - • , 1 .
that is all right," laughed;
.cynthia. "I like the colors—Eau de
Nuil and white, , Look! There he
goes!" . ';
• She had good eyes, as well as ll'imt-
ty ones, else she could not have dis-
tinguished the silk jacket :wore by tho j
Inoment -along the cleared course
rider of ,a horse cantering at thee
Crowded coups, fear rows deep, I
killed the rails itaf the ,Itj,dgts ben, !
FA! 1.1.4 tay-bned Pa'Fatri.t SI 601;:i
1 rear 49itiOtti idilismbcaft one<mle tea, I
erveninA Valle
'lase; irlttg 19, the vtidth of the ine 1
"What do YOU think of our chauf-
Jeer now?" cried Cynthia radiantly,
for the \Meiling of those few sover-
eigns was a real joy to her, and -the
manclow of the welsher had no terrors,
since she did not know what Meders
b ant meant. •
He improves on acquaintance,"
raitted Mm. Dever, thawing a little
-" - • •• - • ---- ----- -
under the influence of e successful
He soon returned, a,nd handed them
Six sovereigns apiece.
ely man paid *up like a Briton," ,
Ise said cheerfully. "I haye no reliable 7 --
Information as to the next race, so
What do you ladies say if we lunch
quietly before we attack the ring 901
the Derby?" I
There was an awkard pause. The
air of Epsom Downs is stimulating, •
Seven Had, Been Hurled Overboard
by Frantic Parents an Rescued
Seven babes, who may never be
;identified-, and whose parentej or
mothers at least, perished in theTa
tonic horror, were tenderly cared for
In New York foundling' asylums.
The babies were thrown to lifeboats
by their parent. No one knows their
names and their clothing gives no
clue to their identity, ,
In addition to these eeven infants
are two other children, five and four
years old --nameless so far as he
other survivors know—both insane.
One has the scarlet fever. The ether
Is eugering from spinal meningitis.
Probably neither will live.
Inethe frenzy of the departure from
the sinking Titanic, iaobobdy remem-
bers what parents hurled their
bo -
loved babes to the water, hoping that,
they might be ;saved. Efforts to have
survivor& on the .Carpathia ideutify
thern failed.
• rlineosseeme)
who it. was erroneously reported was
on the Titanic with her husband.
Wife of a Noted Novelist Says There
Were, a Few Male Cowards
Mrs. Jacques Putrelle, who was
rescued, but wbosee husband, the no-
ted novelist went down :with the Ti-
tanic, declared that the men who were
saved, except those required' to man
the mats, sneaked into the lifeboats.
I "I state this," she declared em-
phatically, "and I mean it "
Mrs. Ftttrelle joined with all the
other survivors in according,praise to
the heroism of these men, who died
"Eyot wins!" she cried delightedly.. that the women and children might
live. "Their conduct was magnificent,
- as. line as anything in the annals of
especially after one has 'found the; fact or fiction. ;
vrinner of the first race. ."I was just going to bed *hen the
"We have not brought anything to; crash came. Jack was_up in the smolt -
at," admitted Cynthia ruefully, "We ing saloon. The shock threw me down
rdered some sandwiches before leavst and I was struggling to my feet when
ng' the hotel, and we mean to stop: Jack rushed lu and cried: "Get dres-
tor tea at some old-world hotel in, sed at once, the boat is ping down,"
Reigate which Mrs. Dever recent= we found everything in confusion on
mends." • ;the deck. Wonaen were screaming
"Unfortunately I was not hungry at and rushing frantically about calling
Sandwich time," sighed Mrs. Dever, for their husbands and children. The
"If it comes to that, neither was L ;officers were roaring orders and ahem
Whereas I haive a most unromantic ape all boomed the tremendous bass of the
petite now. I am 'rather inclined to Titanic's feghorn, the behavior of the
doubt the quality of anything We can ;Pen, or most of them when they
buy here." , . • were told to stand aside and give the
Medenhain's face lit up. ; women and children first places in.the
"India!" he cried. "Have you been ittebeata was magnificent* A few cc -
to India?" wards tried to rush ahead but they
Yes, have you? 1Vly father and 'Were quickly thrown back."
Mrs. Devar's prominent eyes, he gave be
a quick turn to, a dangerous topic/
Naturally, the lady omitted the tell. lotting,- 01117
;since it was in Calcutta that ;the gal- PaY electl-BYe'-with a final hies he half
tale prefix to her son's_ rank, but it
was unquestionably true that the
Prit lyi'mY had diepepsed with his
"borrowed" fifty pounds from him. ,uP
ant ex -captain of Horton's Horse had,
? "very brave, when the time came to
i'lifted me into the boat, saying "Hurry
rat cabin passengers. The Others
boats to leave. Jack, poor boy, Was
May, you are keePing the others
three in my boat were
onf, the last life-
tance with the East Mize Vanrenea , 1 018 was a S'1?, 141:1,ti)1,4:11,,
'Warned by a sudden 1 f"
. expans on o •
'ilvere Women from the steerage. we
had been in the boat but a few min -
pee .2e ee es ,,..„4,•r - ,,,,y, „ , , ,„,_ ' alterm when the TRULL? made her final
V. 01117 only thialting that aclualta, ?Ping' ; it4-211.11i l•'-l'ach waving
One .9.1 the Best
Piano Factories
in Canada
W. Doherty Piano, and
Organ Co" Limited
Factories and Head Office
Western Branch,
• Mode am raleed no ferther protest, It
76'wfavea td NlVannhere
" 26°Ph3 Mote, Via -i 'in -661164. 01
tt jer of otitis, found that ,
,t P..rtms. was chalked up at five
tI and backed him .for four
pounds. He had to push and elbow
'his way through,a struggling crowd;
immediately after the bet was made,
Eyetai quotation wasreduced by two'
points la response to signals tick
tacked from the inclosures. This, of
course, argued a decided following for
Dares selection, and these eleventh
hour movements in the turf market
are illuminative. Before he got back
to the car there was a mighty shout;
of "They're off M! and he saw Cynthia
Vanrenen stand on the seat to watch'
the race through her glasses.
Mrs. Dever stood -up, too. Both'
wemen were so intent on the troop
of horeee now streaming ever the
;crest, of the six-turlong course that he
was able to stare his fill without ea'
teacting their attention. ,
"I like Cynthia," he said to himself,
"though I shall be in a deuce of si
ess 19 I meet her anywhere after:
his piece of masquerading. Not
much chance of that, I expect, seeing
that Dad and I go to Setetland early
In July. But what a bore to tumble
across JinetnY's meter! hope it is
not a case of' 'like mother like son,'
because dinaray is the limit," .
A strange roar, gathering force a.nd
volume each instant, tosss from a hun-
dred thousand throats. Soon the
shout became insistent, and CYIAllia
Vanrenen yielded to its nmgnetisra.
"Eyot wins!" she cried delightedly.
'Yes, 1201.10 of them can catch him twee.
Go oie jockey—don't look round!
Oh, if I were your Master I'd give
you such a talking to. Aleh-hl WeOve
won, Mra. Devar—evere tVOtt. Suet
think of
"How much, wonder?" Mrs. Dever,
though excited, had the calculating
nermle each,"., . fern ,laretieme
would preaare you for the raysteri ai,1 __seers -ea, aessiseis
workinp. K etL" ameme__-:irrhgara,
atiiTs this morning I was bewailing
the fact that my respected aunt had:
F(Tifl`71 vs mut came across Sim-;
fallen 111 ;and couldnot accompany; „aese;:f
me' to -day. May I offer • you the lune
Was So Choked Up
cheou which I provided for her?"'
He', withdrew the wielter .baskete
from .its nook' beneath the seat; be
fore his astonished guests could utter She Could Hardly
a protest, it was opened, and' lie' was
deftly unpacking the contents.
But that is your luncheon," pro -
tested Cyntlaia, finding it incumbent
os. her to say something by way of
politeful refusal.
"And Ms auntea my dear."
In those words Mrs. Dever convey-
ed skeptieism as to the aunt and ready.
acceptance of the proffeyed fare; but
Medenham paid no heed; he had dis-
covered the napkins, cutlery, even the
Oates, bore the family crest. The sil-
ver, too, was of a quality that could
not fail to evoke comment.
"Well; here gods!" he growled under
his breath. "If I come a purler it will,
not be forthe first time where wo-
men are cencerned."
He laughed as he produced some,
lobster in aspic and a- chicken.
"It is jolly useful to have as a
friend a butler in a big house," he
said. "I didn't knew what Tompkins
had given tee, but these confections
look all right."
• Mrs. Devar's glance dwelt on the,
the instant she took a plate. She,
pinned in her superior way. Whiles
Medenham was Wrestling with the;
cork of a' bottle of claret she wills-
"This Is screarainglrfunny, Cynthia.,
have solved the riddle at last Our,
chauffeur is using his master's car'
imd hiasMr's eatables as,well."
"Don't eare a cent," said Cynthia,
Who found the lobster admirable. ,
"But an,v inquiry le made and our
Cowan's seems to, hit the
right spot. It is a great
food for husky young ath-
letes : satisfies the appetite:
easy to digest: and delicious
4 c- COWAN'S
/ . •
Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of
the mucus membrane lining the air tubes
of the lungs, and shoulclQiever be ne-
glected', for 39 19 is very often the disease
becomes chronic, and then it is only a
short step to consumption.
On the first sign of bronchitis Dr,
Wood's Norway Pine ,Syrup should be
taken, and thus prevent it becoming
Mr. John D. MacDonald, College
• Grant, N.S,; writes:—" My- little girl,
• seven years old, caught a bad cold which
developed into bronchitis. She was so
choked up she ,could hardly breathe.
Reading about your wonderful medicine,
WZIod's Norway Pine Syrup, I decided
to try a bottle, and with such good re-
sides that I got another which completely
cured her. I cannot say too much in its
praise, and would not be without it in the
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is
pat an in a yellow wrepper; three pine
I trees the trade mark; price, 25 cents.
Manufactitred only by The T,
Rumor That Mackay -Bennett Is
Bringing Beek 64.
• Bulletin From St. srahn's and Reports
In Halifax State That Remains
Fetinsi Will Be Identifiable and
That That of Captain Smith le
Recovered But White Star
People Have Had No Word.
St. John's, Nfld., April 22—Sixty-
four bodies have been recovered by
the cable steamer Mackay -Bennett,
which 'has. been searching the' vicin-
ity of the Titanic disaster, according
td et report that rea,ched this city last
night. It is,said a namber of bodies
O which were recoveeed awere sunk
again, as they were without identifica-
tion marks. The names of those:iden-
tified -could not be obtained throtlgli
the . Cape Race wireless station.
The sixty-four bodies recovered are
regarded as identifiable, eecording to
the report. Those that were sunk were
presumably in a condition 'making •
their preservation impossible.
'Rumors In Halifax. -
Halifax, April 22.—The cable ship
Mackay -Bennett must have been
cruising 'at the ecene of the Titanie
Do you know this Elephant? .If
you have any painting to do this
Spring, let us introduce him to you.
He is the Elephant on every can of
For Buildings—Inside and ,Outside
which is made by the famous Canada Paint
Company, who have been making paint in
Canada. for nearly hall a century. -
It will pay you to talk to us about your paint-
ing. We carry a full stock of Elephant Liquid
Paint, so we can give you just the color you
want at just the right 'price. Elephant Liquid
Paint is the paint that covers well, wears well
and looks well. Come and see us about your
painting. You needn't buy unless you want to.
R. Rowland
You will be proud of
the bread yo 11 make
ATER seeing a batch of b
big, golden -crusted, snowy-
white loaves, that you
have baked from PURITY
FLOUR, ,you will, indeed, be
proud of your eookinability— ';i', •:
and proud of your wisdom in ''''''
deciding to pay the little extra
it costs to procure such high-class flour. You will
admit, too, that we are justified in the, pride we take
1 I in milling this superb flour. •
'...e� are, Mixed 111? isa it, Mr: Vall'; Co Limited Teronto, Ont.
anon PlaY .1)0 angry."
"More bread and better bread"
PURITY FLOUR is milled
exclusively from the best West-
ern hard ,.wheat—the world's
finest. More than that, PURITY
FLOUR, consists entirely ,of the
high-grade portions of the wheat.
The Tow - grade portions are
separated and excluded duririg
the PURITY process of milling.
Such high-class flour, of course,
expands more in the baking.
It makes "more bread and
better bread."
It makes lighter, flakier pastry„ too, if you just take °the pre-
caution to add more shortening. On account 'of its unusual
strength PURITY FLOUR, for best results, requires More
• shortening than ordinary flour.
Progressive dealers, everywhere; sell PURITY FLOUR
and take pride in recommending it.
O Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now. 106
SOLD LN CLINTON BY Beacom & Smythe:
Geo, ,McLennan & Co., Canteion
• L. Satter Co. Dishributors, W. T. O'Neil,
J. p. ShenParfl 8t,Co, Harrison Wiltse.
00 '
A bite of this and a taste of that, MI day
long, dulls the appetite and weakens the
Re.store your stomach to healthy vigor
by taking a Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet
altor each meal—and cut out the 'piecing'.
Na-Dru-CO Dyspepsia Tablets
are the best friends for sufferers from,
indigestion and dyspepia. ,,50o, a Box
at your Druggist's, Made by the
National Drug and Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited.
149 •
O ,vouttering for twenty -tour nears note
in seared} of bodies, but no word has
been received from her, except that
it was learned that a steamer proceed -
Mg -westward had seen bodies floating
at sea and notified the Mackay -Ben-
nett, which immediately proceeded to
the locality indicated. There had beeit
rumors that bodies wvie found, one
of -theee being that of aptain Smith.
The Mackay-Bennett/sailed with or- •
dors to report, her". period of Search
being left indefinite.
The <sable ship's instructions were
to report 'first to. New York and then
to Halifax. The White Star agents
said last night that nothing had come.
The Empress of Ireland sailed Sat-
urday night at seven o'clock for Liver-
pool and by 6 o'clock this morning
would be in the waters where the Ti -
O tanic went down. It is likely the
will speak with the Mackay -
Hold Up Express Office.
Grand 1 unction, Colo., April 21.—
Two masked robbers took $14,000 in
curreney from the depot office of the
Globe Express Co. here early Saturday
Miss Mary Lebeau, Edison, Sask.,
writes: --"I was troubled with heart
disease and nervousness for over twe
years, and was so bad at times I had to
sit up at night being unable to breathe,
and every little noise would make me
shake and shiver. I tried several doe-
-tors, but they were unable to do me may
good. A neighbor then advised me to try
a box of Milbum's Heart and Nerve
Pills. As soon as I began to take them
I began to feel much better, and by the
time I had used the third box I was com-
pletely cured. I would advise anybody
suffering from heart disease and nervous-
ness to trythese pills. They will save
quite a bill n doctor's fees."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve pins cure
all heart and nerve troubles by their
restorative influence on every organ and
tissue of the body.
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for .
$1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
ff Pert and Invert/4
i. 'i
,.........„.,...,......„...,..,..............,......, _
The American husband le lucky iln
one respect, at least. Ile doesn't
have to bay; hair for ahareM.
A! roan .eeases Ito be agood htts-
band when he begilns to feel lsorry .
fox himself.
lt'e difficult 200 'men to. peaeltice
economy and be popular at ,the
A woman isiso used Ito pinstag, .
things 'that she can't uhdersitand
why a man should Make Ise. much
fuss .about a milsiang ,button,
London Free Press is dubious
about the good faith of N. W. ROate•
Temperance, platforMi. Any-
body who' has followed the lour -
nail will laugh in their sleeve elt ito
bewailing the lot ot the temPer-
fence peopleItis a case of Utah ,
repr,ovimg sin.
Pi LL45.
Slcir Manche and relieve all the troubles Incl. ,
dent to tv bilious state of the systeul, Baca sio
Dizzhiess, Nausea, Drowsines ,s Distress, after
eating, Pain In the.Side, as. while their moat
remarkable success has been shown in Onting
1 • I: ,
Eetklache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pllle are
5300111 valuable in Constipation, curing and pre,
Venting thla annoyingComplaInt,,Whilotheyalso
' correct all disorders of theetoinach, stimulatethai
IlVor aud regulate the bowels. Exenif they °Ai,
AcheifiCy would be almost prIcolcactothoaewhre
13u11oi froin this dietressing complaint; but forte.
nately their goodness does not end here,and those
who once try theni will and these little pine .
able 10 80 many ways that they will 7100 710 w..1.
Ung 10 +31) without Meat. Banner all sick heal
Is the bane of so many lives that hero Is wheri
Wo make onr great boast. Oar pills omit while
others do not,
Carter's Little Liver Ms ere very small and
ver' easy to take. ()neer two pills make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable. and do not gripe or
twit, but by their gcutle action pleaao wile)
o OdtTila mazzanut co.„ tam 7.028.
WM. :121.1011%,