The Clinton New Era, 1912-04-25, Page 4Millinery and Dress , Making Couch &Co. es -s -e -e --se Ready -to Wear Garment s • Ladies' Suits, eoats, Skirts and Dresses In a stock like ours, continually being refreshed with new goods, it means that every visit to this store i is marked by some new feature of interest. This 1 week we are showing many new garments from some I of the best makers in Canada, and we emphasize the fact—It's a Pleasure to Show Our G-oods. Three Specials tor Saturday in our Ready to-wearDept. • Special NO. 1 Two dozen only, Black • Silk Upderskirts, very fine • quality silk, would be 'good value at $5,00, Saturday for only 3.98 Special No. 2 ".1414ri One dozen only, smartly• ''‘; 'ifIirdi tailored Walking Skirts; ma - triple], tweed; regular $5.00 „n Saturday.— ,, . . 3.98 " Special No. 3 Two dozen only. Cream Net Waists, silk lined, short and Jong ehtetes, very special for Saturday 2.99 MILLINER,Y That is Always Fresh There is always something new to be seen in our show room because we are always in close touch with the markets, and when anything new appears it is not long before itsppears in our show room. This Store for High.Class MiUinery ZNISIMIIIMEMOSEESOLENEMEm2mm . ......................... .. I pER0,,,Als. . : tha.t all should It is ..the desire of the publishers I 4 . take an interest in lids + ,* Columns. of THE NEI, I 1 ETU. If you have friends .., 'visiting you, or are an- ; ing away for a Bit). leave IWord or send it on a post card. • 44++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ate Institute has been appointed ex- aminer in Grammar, by tne Education Department, Toronto, at the coming departmental examinations. Miss Bell O'Neil is visiting in onto, Mr. Mr. John Ransford returned from a businees trip to 'slew York and Tor- onto. MrsCleghorn went to Toranto on Thureday, ateshe received word that her isestee wan very U. • Mr. W. S. R. Holmes attended bbe Rexall convention of dealer's in the Company's medicines, last week in Toronto, Thus, was a large number present, and a pleasant time enjoyed. Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Winghane was the guest at the Ontario Street Parsonage, and also called on other old friends who reside here and who were once members at other various places wtere the Dr, was stabioned. The many friends of Ex -Mae or Rum - ball, of London will be nary to hear of bis serious illness. lee took a turn for the worse Wednesday morning and is in a very critical condition. he Is a cousin of M. .f. Ford, and nep- hew of .Mr. Fred Rumball, Sr., Huron Street. , Rev. T. Wesley Omens preached in Wingham on Sunday. Miss Hattie Sutherland, of Henna% was visiting Mrs, J. McGarva. • Mrs. 0. H. Pugh enti resins the "600" Olub at her home this evening. Mr. Thomas Jackson Jr., returned home last week from his Western trite Dr. Stnitht of 'Stratford, was the rtuest of Major and Mrs. Combe over bundav. Mr. John Brigham, of Hullett Town- ship near Blyth, gavo •the New Era a call on Wednesday. Mr. J. Becker has taken a position with the Building and Bridge ideptirt- ment ot the G. T. R. Mies Callahan, of Strathroy, spent a feattdays last week the guest of Mr? anertfre. W. Kilbride, Airs. J. Hartley, who has , made a visit of a few weeks at Toronto is ex- pected home this evening. Mrs, R. Baker left on Tuesday morn- ing to visit her daughter Mrs. I. R. Andrews, of Edson, Alberta. Mr. Mackenzie Wright, of the Wil - soh Publishing CO., of Toronto, gave the New Era a call on Wednesday. Mrs. Samuel Lee,/ (formerly Miss Mabel Clark), of G,odeeiehewas visiting in Clinton and Londesboro this week Mr, and Ms. Geo, L. Walker are • spending a few days with relatives and friends around Walton and Brus- sel. • MSS Kate Ford, of AIME4 College. St, lhoutas, was home for Sunday to see her sisters before they left for the West. • Miss HowlbY, who has spent the winter with Rev, and Mrs. J. E. Ford left for her home in Windsor Monday morning. Mr. 0. D. Dowding, who has been visiting at the Pacific Coast and who is now in Chicago is expected back in a • few day. , Mr. S. G. Plummer, a welbknewn citizen of Clinton was taken to the Hospital for treatment last:week. His old friends all hope that the treat- ment will benefit him., A note from Rev. Dr, Stewart states • that they haws moved to their new home 200 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, • Their old friends here will wish them many pleesant years in ()heir new su- rounthngs. Mieses Helen and Willa Ford,- Who have been attending Queen's Univer. sity, -Kingston, were home for a few days and left on Monday for Ruddell, • Sask., wherethey will teach during the Summer, ' Miss J. Baker, of Whitby Collegiate institute, formerly of Clinton Collegi. Mr. F. L. Willgoose, of London, who gives singing lessondein town -and who has also taken part in recitals had a very narrow escape from serious in- jury on Tuesday night while returning from Ansa Craig in an mita, 'eeveral laeies who were in the ear:elven •in- jured, s, Thefesplts of the exarainations Queen's University, Kingston, are published bilis week and we are glad to notice among the successful candi. dates in their respective years the names of Mies Helen D. Ford and Miss Willa M. Ford, daughters of Rev. Jas. E. Ford, of Wesley Church. Little Etta Hardy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hardy, of town has been in el health all winter and grave fears were entertained for her health. This week a coughing fit brought up a head of timothrseed, that had been in her lung and was causing all the trouble. She cannot imagine how or when she swallowed it. At present she is recovering and herefriends will hope for a complete recovery. A Godericli despatch hadethe foliox- ing personal which refers to two young ladies well known in town pleasant- evening was spent at the home of J. El. and Mrs. Speiran of God- erich on Wednesday evening of last week when a number of young people gathered to bid farewell to Miss Stella, Statham and Miss Lulu Mulholland, who are leaving for Toronto to take new positions. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Stanley Mrs J. Elayner a Georgetown is visiting this week at the home of her rother Mr. Alex, Thompson. Mrs. Hayiaer will leave in a shot time for the West. Mrs, Geo. Baird and Miss Tens, Baird visited Mrs. S. McKenzie, Tucker. smith on Tuesday. Masters Jno. and Archie Bryant who were visiting their grandmother during Easter, retureed to their home In London at the end of last week. Mrs. John McCoWan Sr, still con- tinues in a poor state of health. ••••••••••••••••••••, • WITH TM?' critmertEs. 11101111111111000111111110011410111111111 • BAPTIST CRURCEL Suitable references were )nade bv the pastor, in his sermons on Sun- da y last, to the .tragity disaster Of the, Titanic, "The facton of con- seie'ned in the crisis, ol life," (was the morning, subject, and in the ev- ening {fhe text was, "How are the mighty fallen, and (the( weapons of war perished," The 'Services, wene both impressive and profitable. "Persery6rance" 1Was Ithe (theme 'at the B. Y. P. U. meeting on Mon- day .night, Mr, Jas. 'Pucker pre- sided, and a general dismission on the subject (ensued.. Next Meutiay the 'important sub- ject of "EaPtist (PrimciPles" SVill be ,Laken up by (the( pastor ST. PAU-L'S, CHURCH. The Ladies Guild vL11 hold their annual )neeting and lea in. •St; PauP,s School roorn on Monday April. 29th, at 3 o'clack sharpA good attendance is requested. On Sunday morning last a Me- morial service was helcli for /those who lo,St their liVes in the wreck of the Illitanic. • The Rector preached an eloquent seaman, basing his wen -arks on at Luke XIII ; 4 and 5. He said that the Jews believed that, all calaltni- tine Were the 0(1(ot:erg:e0ee5 of the sale Of the euffersi This la a false belief. The 1600, who, a week ago, ware alive and well batare; now dead wee& not greater slanged than. We who are sail/ alive and pampers:met Yet the Wreck furn- ishes,' for us the S',304eCilltni improve our opportaneties and •make ouw-deace With God. The philosopher 'sees, In this -accident' a subjeet of deep 'speculation, the capitalist pees en it ,a loss of Mil- lions but theaClultielani sees in it that it ts a. terribie thing tt(al1in. to the hands of the Maieg God. By this accident Gad would teach tes to open our eyes leo the perils that are continually ;mend about us. He Would teach tee to heed the Fleet •Oommanchneat, "Thou ,shalt havel none Other God e but Me." The. wirelests mes4age saved( hun- dreds of live,e so let us heed the wireless menage -of the still Small Voice: One bright sport en the ,great disaster is, thee absolute e - garnets*, of humanity; the million- aire and stokeee ,emigrant and cap- tain Were one- an death. Then too the men gave up -their lives 'to save ;the Women and children ; the strong died tea the (weak. Greater love haith no man :than this, t/hat a man laid dawn his lete for his trienda. At the concluisien of the sermon the' organist -accompanied by Mr. Plied,en on the violin, rendered roost beaultifully, "The Dead March. in Saul?'" . In the evening ad 'rector preach ed, a sermon to men ;from the text Ephesianal vi. 10, "Be 'strong en ,the Lord,' Gecl's gift 'to rnan are body, mlawl and spirit, and these ,shouldl betuned up to thet htgbest to make theist of Rte. Although a tlarge sineery frame is d great Wessling, itis, resettle emit,/ faxml of strength Instead of preservisag thee ,strength some 'abuse it aud wreck it. ,While the speaker ,spoke [Strongly en favor of clean, rnanly sport, he ledndemned dis.siPation and reeomsnended the foematioa �f an anti -treating •[league in the tolevre Steength in Mind canststs of power of will and self ,contitoi. He is who can say ao at -the right tame and 'who can reply quietly even ev,hen Insulted. strength Wes as, (the istnengtiht af ten, because his heart was puree" Men fall in this becatesei of f ear; Teas to stand aloney ehoo,seng watheat to follow the ,crowd. 'The greatest Strange -1, oi. au! is,• the strength of 'spade. 'You are only a. man, but amen means ,aseee of God and a son ,of God bythehelp of.his Paith.er, May .oveaccane all o 'temptations. In tiles Iservice the T organist .Wa,s essaited by Mr. Phae ' WESLEY CIIHRCH e Ilutaphreys, who displayed wea- l:10*NA potver as a vdealint ',in the solo,( "Abide With Ufa." azd the choir Watt assisted by'Mrsj len and Mr. 'Pilling an their violins 4, ports Last Sunday evening Rev. J. E. 000110114100011-01$111)114111110119e011011 Ford( took' as his 'subjeet "Current Evenlis" and drew lessons Ito be learned from the ITitanict accident, Mr. Ford spoke also( of !the great bravery of the then on board. All had played lhe par. -U of 'heroes, 'and had dome their 'duty like men. It was a high ,example hi the • bent traditions, of British 'fie.anaarrahip. • 00110110111090.9099111111111149911090 ONTARIO ST. cnunca Last Sunday was anniversary day in Ontario St. 1Viethodist church for the Sunday School and Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Wingham, •was the special preacher of the day. In the morning the auditorium was crowded the centre seats being reserved for the scholars. The reverend •gentlemen took his text -from the 80 chapter of Proverbs. verses 25. 26, 27, and 28, and drew lessons from (1.) The Ant -do the right thing at the right time; (2) The Conies -to fly to the right place for safety; (3) The Locusts -to prepare in the Summer time; and (4) Spider - Keep at it till 'you succeed. Many useful lessons were brought out for the children as well as the grown up folk. In addition to the anthem "Sing () Heaven': by the choir, Mrs. Humphreys, sang "The Saviours Command" which was appreciated by all .present. In the att•ernoan a ;special session of the San -day School was held; SuperinItendent Hooper had charge of the ,servilee. An antereeting, fea- ture of (the at tel(noon wee the San'daY School/ choir which did Well in the* iselectiame. Following NV 815 the progitant- Devattonal exercisee. Seledtion by Sunday School chola. Motion Song by Mess Shipley's • elReseeeitatIon by 3 gdds. Seledteon by Sunday School choir Seed exercise by, 6 glades, Address by Die Rutledge. Seledtion bySandaY School chola,: Ciesesg ,exercises, In the eve,neng Rev, Dr, Rutledge took as Ws text, "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother," and opoire °lithe love thee should be en the hated, The Sunday( School coralmitted asked foe $50 and re- ceivect over $75. • The echool has had in isueeeesful year 'and( enteret an a new year now. The annual Weld. S. Peetter thanit offering pervice was, held on Wed- e,sday evening', April Weth. Atter devotional exercises., conducted by the pastor, Mrs. 'Casette, president af 'the- auxiliary, itoole the ehair, The following program wee ren- dered,- Selo-Rev, A. W. Barker, B.D. Beading-letise Carrie Shipley, Solo -Miss, D. Clut Ads:leen-Mrs, (Reve Barker. Solo -Rev, A. W. Barker The meeting Wall one' of 'special interest, and plane' The offer- ing ,amounited to over $30f. WILLIS CHURCH. At a congregational meeting held last week Messrs. W. (liresdone, G. MeTaggart, J. Stevenson, Vir, Len and T. jack,so,n, de, were electedeto fill the Vaeancies which were in the Board of Management. The regular nasally meetiog. of Us e -Wets' Club was held on Tueste The outstanding features of the day evening, The folloWing hitt- foundering of the Titanic and the ceze were elected foe the ensuing great loss of life may be summarized Wdare- in the following paragraphs: - Flan. Pres., lets's. D. K. Grant, That the ship was steaming at Pee,sedent, Miss E. Chidthey twenty-one knots an hour or more at Viee 'Pres., Mrs, L.. Paisley the time of the disaster. Secrettariy, Mtn 33. McIver. That the part of berg she struck Treasuree , le Walkluashatv. was subuierged. That she was opened up like a oar - dine can for half her length below the the water line. That the supp.orts of the watertight bulkhead were interfered with. That accordingly they could not be closed, the water haying unchecked ingress into the liner, That the.ofecers, from the Captain edown, at first scoffed contemptu- ously at the idea of the Titanic sink - Following are the the °tricot's of the Dashwood Junior BaseBall team: - Pres. T. Kliunp, Vice Pres. Ed. Nadi - ger, Managing Com, Geo Shore, H. Zimmer, Sec. Tres. Geo. Falighoffer, Captain W. C. The club is now open for games with neighboring teethe. Following officers were elected_ for Bruasels foot.ball, team: Hon. Pi7esi. dent: J. P, Rowland President, F. 11, Gilroy.; Viee-President, John Leckie; Secretary Treasurer, Glen Armstrong; Manager. N. F. Gtrry; Coach, Jas. Ballantyne; Captain. 0. Scott. The club is open fora game on May 24, A meeting trf the Exeter Baseball enthusiasts was held when the fol- lowing °Ricers were elected Hon. Presidents Reeve W. J. lieanaan S. G. Bawden and James Bawden; Presi- dent F. Boyle; Vice President W. W. Taman; Sec, Treas. M, Hoskins; Rana. ger 11. A xt; Mascott EL Parsons; Managing committee; president, manager, aecytreas. 11. Bissett and W. Bradt. The. boys had a successful season last year and played good ball and the prospects for this seanon are better than ever. The annual meetiug of the Goderich lo van bowling club was held recap tly. The treasurer's statemen t syas received and some buoiness matters were at- tended to, after which the following officers were eleoted: Honorary- presi- dent, R. S. Williams; president, (J. A. Nairn; vice-president, 0. 0. Whitely; secretary, Wm. Lane; treasurer, Joseph Kidd; members of executive committee, Dr. B.unter, F, J. 13ublancl, Dr, Maciclin. The membership fee for the season of 3912 was fixed at $5. 00, and Messrs. Edwards and Whitely were named as a canyassing coin mittee The annual meeting of theeS tratford Bowling Club was held last Wednes. day night in the board room of the city hall with president, Mr. R. D. Waugh, in the chair. The fina,ncial statement was read and adopted and showed the Club's finances to be in a very flourishing •condition, The fol- lowing officers were elected for the en- suing year : Presidents Chas, Far- quharson, Vice president, W. A. Moore. Secretary Treasurer, W. H. Gregory. Eixecutive Committee, Messrs, W.13, Studley, E. Killer, 3. Lloyd and G. Hodgins. Mr, Alex. Valli was appointed deligate to the 0. B. A. meeting in Toronto, Mr. R. E Waugh was appointed deligate to the W. 0, B. A. rueeting in London, apd Mr. Chas. Farquharson was selected to represent Stratford at the meeting of the Faill Cup Trustees in Mitchell, Mr.• &rudely annennaced that he would donate four first prizes and Mr. Moore four second prizes for comped ition among the local members Dome facts About Disaster Roasevelttle hat gala the ring ie tvouid -appear in, (the Patesidentaal race and he has demonsiteated, 000- siderable eltrenath already. in the try out; People who, do net" care or him paattecularly Inch drawn to iitn by his cleteemenation and farce character, t We steciseld like to see ate have, .another testa in ehe White House. • TOLD BY SURVIVORS Thomas Wilson, Life of the sea)ne survivors of the Titanic, said that th only showing of cowardice on the bca was when an Italian juraped Into lifeboat ahead of the women and r fused to get out at the command of an officer, who immediately drew a revolver and shot him in the cheek• n e 1 stueat itingee n ne haw peen- I! sen anything. He went down with the ,t. ship." a Mr. astord Farewell „WI saw Mr. Hays shortly before I left the boat," said Mrs. Candee of We .511. ng on, and he appeared calm end collected. Mrs. Hays had left him by that time,- I also saw Ma Astor and his wife part. As .the boat in whi Mrs, Aeicir Was leaving' ' started lie • stood on the rail and waVed his land , . .. throwing kisses. a ' ' e,-,. a . , ee This Man Dived "It we's a very bright night and I could not see any icebergs," add C. le Roman of Kentucky. "I save that ahe Titanic was sinking and dee/ 'pc} • I would take my chances swimmir a 1 knew if I stayed long I would e drawn down by the suction. 1 di . td off the deck into the sea and wee picked up by one of the lifeboats." Looked in Her Children "I saw one Swedieh woman who was outside with her five little child- ren go back into her cabin, and I heard the click of the key in the door," said James Tanglin of Iowa. "One Eng - lisle woman went over to tbe piano, while the Italians simply fell on their knees to pray without making an ee : fort to save themselves." 1 l Died With •Her Husband Mrs: Isador Straus was drowned because she would not leave her bus band. A person who was standing te- side the aged couple on the deck Of the Titanic heard Mr. Straus say to • his wile: "Get into the lifeboat." To that she replied: "I will not leave yeu. I will. get .into \ k1.7, e boat ouly if you twoiwMil' Mr. Straus the boat. They must have Strans refused to make a moo n died together. ' Went Out of Her Mind May R. Birlthead, a passenger on ;the Carpet -Ma, said: " Many of the' eurvivors of the Titanic, eepecially women, as rimy be expected, Were in is, violent !date of excitemeat When res- cue& and one women appeared to have lost Ter mind entirely. There were no bodies to be seen afterward, except that of a child -which was sup- port by a, life preserver. It presum- ably had been frozen to death One eecond cahln woman Ion seven child - W. T. Stead In feed - Win. T. Stead, the noted English dearnalist and. author, calmed- sauntea ad -oiled) the 'deck of the Titanic after she struck the leeberee, dluietly, he 'discusied with fellOw-passengers the probable size of the great berg, tow. ering only a short distance away, ex- p ess ng the opinion that a few were "unneceesarily alarmed." "I think I will turn inse he ventured to his companion, turnedeon his heel, and went to his stateroom. He was ,peer seen again on deck, according to fellow -passengers. It is believed that he went right to bed and to -sleep and in bliseful unconsciousness he Pas- sed with the great vessel into the ospriwritritwinogrl.d, of which he was so fond Slipped off the Raft Daniel 'I'. Bailer, New Yorke said.: "I was adrift alone in a raft for six hours. I saw a woman in night cloth- ing near by, swam to her side and dragged her to the raft. She was un - Musicians and slipped off into the water and was drowned." Lifeboats Sucked down William Jones, -a Titanic stoker who manned one of the lifeboats, sale, , he was 700 yards away when the ves- sel sank, and that he saw four life- boats, filled with women, drawn down.. Two woraen in his boat died of ex- • Found Baby Girl 1 Margeret Hayes,' New York, said: "When I was put into a lifeboat 1I found a two -year -odd baby girl In my, arm% I do not know, who placed it I there, or who ite mother is. I have i been taking care of it ever'since." Stuck to His Key Phillips, the wireless operator pf ' oil Titanic, stuck to Me key. "I'll I neWer eorget his sticking to that key Watt tae, 'washing hie legs," e geld big assailants Harold )3ride, daearean the captain himself had told eke ta wave edema& EI.0_11e.,1,81,0 That when the time came to dis- abuse people of this idea the women refused to enter the boats, arguing that the Titanic was safe. The valuable space in the lifeboats, therefore, went unoccupied. That there were • not enough life- boats for one-third of the ship's com- plement of passengers and crew. Dr, 3.31. Clereesha, a leading phy- sician of Port Hope, is dead. whop bleYingi Melnition bhe Neve Era. CHILDREN'S FAIRS Ontario Department of Agrieultdrd) to'Eneourage Children in Farming 'Taranto, April 8.-dthe idepente meat of agricutture of ,Ontario' has de.cidedto encourage the study of agricultural subjects by /elle chile dean of ,the puiblic sehoola by tine eel:dishing a isystetn of Isphool fairs AleleaseftAlVelatellenalealdeetsfeetAAAAA NOW Is the Time For Plumbing, • Eavetroughing Stove 1 Moving 1 3 3 ALL ORDERS 3 will receive prompt at- i •, tention. Prices given on all kinds of RoOfing, Siding, and Contract.Work. Byam it Sutter Sanitary Plumbers • 2atb., W011i PaperTiole HOS eiliC Again Now, in the spring season, is the time when the beautiful new creations in Wall Par tempt the home lover to re -decorate the rooms and give to the whole house a beauty and freshness that fully trans- forms it, We invite `you to the finest display of new Wall Papers we have ever shown.' These Wall Pap'ers have been carefully selected tor our trade, from the choicest productions of the season, and we know that no finer goods can be se. cured anywhere. The price will be found exceeding- ly reasonable. • • The New Papers are now ready for your inspection ALL PAPERS TRDIMED FREE 1-• tee, amunnEganumenazummanwimme,k to be held each year, independ- end of all oither fairs. A ehildrea's day will be seldapare When the youtthful conneetitors may coined together with their- Seed's, vegetables and poultry'. Under the present isysteen, where 'school children enter exhibets at the var- ious fall faire, Itheeefeerei rialvariOely given second place, and relegated to HOMO back carnag of a building Than, again, .talth so tunny other lines of exhibite eo divert atten- tion children's exhibitian,s are eot given as nauch pratainence asehey deserve, -- The new department is irf charge of Prof. McCheady of Guelph Col- lege. District -News. Brussels. Mr. Alex, Strachan, me of the lead- ing. merchants of the town was taken n seously ill with appendicitis. He was taken to Fergus Hospital, where a successful operation was performed. Mr, Strachan is progressing nicely. Dr. Ross, a former Brusseis boy, has opened a dental parlor in Wiugharre Mr. Sohn Barr, of Morris Township, was one of the men who eseeped being injured in the Georgetown wreck. Outside of a few bruises he escaped safely. Mr. John Elliott, of Southampton came home te attend the Richards- Elliotb wedding, which took place on Wednesday. Mr. Richards arrived from McLeod on Saturday. Leehurn Mi', Wm. Fathergham of Gode- rich es visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr,s. Atex, Chieboaa. ides. D. 'Cummings, of Chicago lees vetudned to her manned home end her many friends' weleosne her t the,ir J . Mrs. M. Tobiai has stelturned atom her eecent iillne,se and is able Ito be about agaln( Word hes been eteeeivecle here ot the ellinese of Mits. Johed Olditton of Alberta, atso Miss Jessie( Lainkla.ter has been Paid up wilth an adidack 01 meas,else There matey felendelhence, hopeto hear of it speedeeCovery • On the twat suf.:Ida-34 in May, Da. Law of ITatatalto well conduct per - vice. In the church here and a aol- eariltary colltediliseetwill 1)e taken in 'aid of 'she church ,sibede. We( hope 'that everyone oat the 'commix -lit.'s that can will Ise present. , very (Wonted vely to the sermon. A. very interesting series of views was given in the Methodist Church oil. Wednesday night by the Pastor, Rev, Osterhout. Tne views were on "Eng- land, Ireland and Scotland, also Ten 'Nights in A Bar ether& The Village Blacksmith, The Courting, and Photo- graphing the Baby." IYou may find something you are looking tor in our Want Column itt On Page 2 etatetanteereffeldefloggatesulassi Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Eggs For Sale. Our W nt ADVERTISING eolurnn Haag in this pen are prize -win- -0055,, and are -excellent laves'. Eggs. $1,e0 far 15. A goad hatch guara anteed. • , H, A. HOVEY, Clinton Cheaper Feed Than Shorts A first-clase pastare land to rent in -eluding 128 acres weth abundance of water and ishade trees,. Will be rented all in one ix' in part und if not will be taken bY the head, Ap- ply phone 12-143 ,Godericle eowna •WM. BED01311, 'Hain esville Londesboro The regular meeting of the Woman s Institute will be held on Thursday afternoon next at the home of Mrs, Fred Johnston. As there will bean election of officers a fuli attendance of roeinbers is requested. j. Button received a car of flour. bran and shorts tele week. 5, Eleffron, of Blyth shipped a car of cattle from here on Satarday and had a close call near Georgetown on Sun- day morning in a train wreck. On Wednesday a load of hoge were shipped by 2. Watson. William Lee had a barn raising on Wednesday 'on the old homestead where the barn was burned last Fall. John Non is beiping W. Hell, of Colborne at his SDAV mill, Mrs. Brodgen has a nephew from Pilot Mound visiting her. He is a son of Robert Riddein It is expected that over 80 acres of sugar beets will be grown around here this year. Mr, Coombs left'here on Tuesday for to spend the Summer in the West. M. Bruce was threshing clover for come parties on Tuesday. Mrs. (De) Allison is away at her therehome as he is very sick at /me- nd The price of eggs advanced here this eek. The saw -mill finished work for this ascii on Saturday. Next Sunday evening in the Metho- et Church Miss Allen, a Deaconess of oronto will give an address on• eaconese work. All are invited to at' her, fa se fie di he Last Sunday evening Rey, Osterhout preached on the subject of the' Titanic Disaster." A large crowd listened - Pasture Land to Rent We have attests hundred bushels' o/ Good Feed Core left which we will ,clear -out at 82q per bushel foe any order oyez 10' bushels. e • -• • - • ' L SVITTER CO pho,ne 64, Elevator. llomeseekers and Settlers Excursions to Western Canada via Chicago April leth and 23rd and 30th and every .secand ,Tuesday theeeat ter antil Sept. 17th inclesive. Special train Will leave Toronto at 10.30 pen, on abov,e dates for Ed- tionten and points le Manitoba and Saskatchewan, viss Chicago and at. Pawl, carrying, $,Irongth coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleepers. ,CHANGE OF CARS: Full paaticulare froan any Gland Trunk Agent, or 0.13. McCutcheare Alberta Government Agent, Pal- mer Howse ',Black, Taranto On -t THE ,MOSII POPULAR ROUTE TO Menteeal, eiteetallo. Netv Yosk. Philadelphia, Detroit, Chiettg-o, is via Grand Trunk Route. STEAMSHIP TICKETS ON SALE VIA ALL LINES. , For bell partieulars and tickete call on or et/attar- JOHN RANSFORD & SON, 'Agent/3 A. 0. PATTISON. depot agent A.E. mat dialereet paetionger, agen,t T,Oirealeos ,Oset. ,1 , • i fr'f