HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-25, Page 2itanic s Wireless Man Tells Dramatic Story QUIRY ADJOURNS Re - Titanic investigation Wm Ele surned in Washington, OPERATOR BRIDE ON STAND Yung Wireless Man Who Suryivecl Wreck Says His Chief Decided IT -lot to Ask Aid From Frankfurt, Which Was N carer, Than Carpethia, But Does Net know Why - Witnesses Are Subpoenaed. New York, April 22. -With drama- tic suddenness the Senate investiga- tIOD of the Titanic, eame to an end Saturday, so far as ,the New York hearing was concerned. It will be resumed, however, in. Washington go - day, when S. Bruce Limey and P. A. 8. Franklin, the chief ofacers of the 1Vhite Star Line, and more than a score of the officers and crew of the sunken vessel vvill appear before the committee. Intident to the sudden close of the hearing here was the story of Harold S. Bride, the second and only surviving wireless operator of the Titanic. His tale was one of suffering and of death. He told of the final plunge of the,vessel th its ocean bur- ial. Its saptain's end was also re - fettled. He leaped from the bridge when the waters were closing over his ship. The hearing -was abandoned without any explanation from the ;committee as to why it was transferred to Wash- ington. It was intimated, however, that the power of the Senate on Fed- eral territory would be undisputed in getting at the real facts, and no ques- • tion of state rights would arise to interfere. Throughout the hearing, 'also, officials of the "White Star Line had portaryed the dangers of sailors' p ) aparding-houses in New York as a ason why those detained by the • committee should be allowed to sail on the Lapland which left Saturday. Throughout the hearing El-turday Morning Wireless Operator Bride, prippled as a result of his experience, and seated in an invalid's chair, told his Tstory of the last moments,of the itanim piece/teal by the shrewd clues- ic. His narrative, drawn from *toning of Senator Smith of Michigan, chairman of the committee, held en- thralled the eommittee and the audi- enee, When his ordeal ended he was almost on the verge of collapse. After the hearing was resumed in t e afternoon, announeensent of the change of base in the -committee's plans was made. Herbert J. Pittman, the third officer of the Tiaeic, had kpen called to the witness chair and macre. Senator Smith directed ,one question to him, relating to the where- abouts of the ship's log. The witness said he did not know. _Rreanntiv Mr, Smith announced the •••••,••••••,,,,,e committee's decision to resume the in- Vestigation in Washington to -day. The committee devoted its entire day to en investigation cf the con-, motion of the wireless with the dims - ter, H. T. Cotton), the operator on the jaarpathia, was the first witness. Senator Smith sought to establish certain testimony he had given on the stand Friday, and this was seen, ended. Then came the "star' witness of the day. - Seated in an invalid's chair, Bride was wheeled to the l-"nd of a Jong table at which the oommittee sat. He was hollow-cheeked and wane and had just come from a physician's care. His hands were never quiet and he locked and interlocked his fingers in- cessantly. Like Cettam, who is 23 years old, Bride is merely a boy, a year younger than Cottiun. Neither bad any telegraphic experience pre- vious to taking up wireless telegraphy, and both told tales of long hours at low wages and days and nights spent without sleep, This inetcperience and the mental condition of the young operators were the two points on whieh Senator Smith bore persistently. He had put Oottam through a gruelling examina- tion, in which the youth testified that he bad not slept more than eight or ten hours between Sunday night when the Titanic °ailed for help and Thurs- day night when the vessel docked here with its load of unnervod^men and hysterical women. Bride's story was one that bore out virtually all that ' Ocititam's had established, except that his was one of nervous strain and worry and high-keled suspense. • Bride was closely questioned as to the first call for aid sent out by the Titanic. Ile said the first vesael to tuaswer wee the Frankfurt of the North German Lloyd Line. The operator on the Frankfurt, according to the wit- ness, apparently considered the call more or less trivial, for half an hour after the imperative appeal of the sea, he called the Titania to inquire speci. fically what was wrong. "Mr. Philliaas said he was a fool," Bride testified, referring to the chief operator on the Titanic, who lost his life "and told him to keep out" By "keeping out," Bride .deelared, "Phillips meant that the Frankfurt should not keep its wireless going, but should leave tbe trackless realni of the air free for the Titanic's call. No effort was made to re-establish communication with the- Frankfurt, although Phillips felt certain that the vessel was much nearer than the Oar- pathia, with which eommunication had been established. "This," Bride said, "Phillips judged by reason of the greater power • of the 'Hertzian waves'," •s • Senator Smith expressed astonish- ment at the statement. He repeatedly pressed the witness to answer why the aid of a vessel many miles nearer a sinking ship was not invoked. Bride evaded ft direct -answer by saying be did not know, that probably the Frankfurt's operator could not under- stand, and that Philips, his superior, had used his own judgment Bruce Ismay Makes Ptaterneut to Press New York, April 22. -In a state= ment given out last night, a. Brim Ismay replies to. various published statements regarding the Titanio aster, particularly these ao which his name has proinineetly figured. °"aa' "When I appeared before the Sens ate committee," the statement reads, "I understood the purport of the en- quiry was to ascertain the cause of the sinking of the Titanic, with a view to determining whether addition- al legislation was required to prevent the recurrence of so lorrible a dis- aster, , "I welcomed such an enquiry and appeared voluntarily without subpoe- na and answered all questions to the best of my ability with complete frankness and without reserve. I did not supp,ose the question of my per- sonal conduct was the subject of the enquiry, although I was ready to tell everything I did on the night of the collision. "As I have been subpoenaed to at- tend before the committee in Wash- ington to-moreow, I should prefer to make no statement out of respect $or the eommittee, but I do not think that courtes_y requires me to be silent In the face of the untrue statements made in some of the newspapers. 'When I went on board the Titanic set Southampton it vets my intention to retrarn by her. I had no intention ef remainining in the 1J. S. at that 4rne. I came merely to observe the esrw vessel, as I have done in other eaees of -this telemeter. On the voy- age / was a passenger and exercised ruo greater rights nor privileges than by other passenger. 1 was not con- sulted by the commander about the ship, her course, speed, navigation Ore her -conduct at sea. I saw Cap - tent Smith only casually, as other teigaengers did; I was never in his neeui eel' leeinever on rue orteg,e un - 1 11 after elle •Tt5ECIeni,; si....„,Lici not sit ttit his table in the seeei SnI 'hid 134 visited the engine-roia, bea afill thyi egh Qis 41,1ip, anti aill bot ge, ar Weifipt tole RI alfg Pciet of !I'M ship to w1iti64,W,1 ether firee efibin pas- sengei did not have eecess. "It is absolbtely 'find unqualifiedly false that I .e•tieir aaid-that I wished the Titanie- should make a speed re- cord or should increase her daily runs. I deny absolutely having said to any person that we would increase mir Speed in order to get out of the Ice zone. "The story that the White Stair' Line would receive an additional sum by way of bounty, or otherwise, for attaining a eertaie speed, is untrue. The White Star. Line receives from the British Government a fixed com- pensation of $350,000 per annum for carrying the male, without regard to the speed of any of its vessels, and no additional sum is paid." • Mr. Ismey goes on to tell how he got away from the shiP. "I worked at the starboard boats helping women and children into the boats and lowering them over the side. I did nothing with regard to the boats on. the port side. By that time every wooden lifeboat on the starboard side had been, lowered away, and I found that they -wen engaged in getting out the forward collapsible boat on the Starboard side. I assisted in this work, and all the women that were on, this deck were helped into the boat. • They were all, I think, tined -class pissons gee's. ' •i "ses the boat was going o'er the side, Mr. Carter, a passenger, and myself got in. At that time there was not a wonsan on the beat deck, nor any paseenger of any class, so far as •we eould see or hear. There had been 35 and 40 in it, I should think, most of them Slow Speed Saved Allan Line Ship Corsican • Chicago, April 2.2 --Stories of how the Atlantic liner Corsican; which •docked at St. -John's, N..13., last,Mon- day morning, after crashing into an iceberg, escaped disaster similar to that which overwhehnedthe steam. ship Titanic, were told here Saturday isy wparty of British immigrants who passed through Chicago bound for Idaho. The Corsican encountered a field of Inc Thursday April 11. he captain immediately gave Orders for the ves- sel to slow down and for three days steamed less than five knots an: hour. IThe 'Corsican picked it.s way through the perilous ice finally reaching port ,With all on board 'safe. arlY, on Friday ' morning, April 12, the steentshlierrasnect into it •menseet berg, but the slew rate at which the vessel was proceeding eaved the boat • from seriotis damage. The crash caus- ed excitement among the passengers who remained en deck ler two days, antil the steamship had safely passed through the field of ice. 'Mrs. Roblin's Father 111. Belleville, April 22. -Hon, E, Roblin of Winnipeg, with Mrs. Roblin, are in the city, having been called here owing to the'illness of Mr. N. 3, ;Dernill, ,who is Mrs.. Roblin's father, He was stricken with paralys.is d feu days ago: Despite ,his advanced age he showe&slight ithprOvement. ' Wouderint Discovery , An cmineut selentlst, the other clay; gave his opinion 'thee:the most wonderful discovery of genene -Yeare ;Was' the diseovory of Zam- Buk.. Just think! A's, soon as single thin layer of Zia,m-Buk ap- plied to a wound cm a, sere,- such in - :jury is ieteueed ,against blood pois- on ! Not one species of miceobe has beee found that Zana-Buk does ZIpt 1111! Then again, As tenon as Zam-Buk as applied to a eore, ora cut, OP to skin, diseaese, 11 lops the smart- ing.. That Is why ,chlicluten iare'saieb. friends of Zara-Buk, They ,caies • nothing, far the sciencai of tile thing. 4l1 they know isehat Kam- 13-ult etiopsi their pain. Metherie should never forget this. • Again. As 'peon ae Zam-Buk es applied lo a 'wound or to a disea,s,ed part„ the cells beneatil the lieltin'e surface are iso stexuelated-that new • healthy • teasue d quickly formed. Thiel forming pi !Teeth iheiaileley tee - rine from below es Zacm-eBukie sec - rel. of healing. The tissue thus, fou'irty- ed is \reeked up to the! !surface and literally, casts off' ghee- disieesed tissue" above it. ,Thes is why Zain- Buie cures are pertnamenit, Only the ether day, Mreeelarsh, of of• 101 Delorimiee Ave., Mon/treat called upon t.he Zara-Bule Co., and told them that for over •tWienty- five years hehaci been a martyr to eczema. His hands Were ,at one .,so covered with Dotes! that he bad to sleepin gloves.'5 Four years ago Zara -Bute vas introduced to him, -and' in a few iriontineicenaed hem To -clay -over /three years after his .cure of a diaeasei he had leo* twenty-five years -he is ME cured and.ha had no trace( of any return of the eczema! All druggists sell Zam-Bnk at a0o, box, or we will sendi free trial box if you send this adveralsenaent and a lc. stamp (to pay return postage), Addr,eee Zaxa-13u.k Co., ;Toronto. NO STRONG ENOUGH, The Presbyterian COrnmIttee on Churchl Union Met Oast week Ward sized up the situation as fallowee- That the Presbytenearn vote esteef- ficiently, strong, to eneenraee the Chumehea that organic union can- not belong delayed. That the op- position se too strong for the eelm- mitteel to recommend the General Assembly to take action to COM - summate the union iromediaitelet That the total vote and the 'whole 'situation is such as to justify a larger, measure of co-operation than has hitherto been, thought of. Reporel will 'remade to the next Synod along the 'lees referred to and the subject Willecome nP fee disculesione Soaxie people may not agree with the finding of the Com- mittee but if organic onion' never comegreat( good has been wrought by the better understand- ing between the churches proving that! in •eatentialw there is littlte dif- ference. Dropsical Swellings are clue solely to a, cliaeased aon- dition of the kidneys. :There is a quicld speedy cure in Anti' 1Jric Kidney Pills, J. B. Hovey ,sella them and guarantees 'them, to give the desired (result -5. Come back and Lget yew meineyi if you exit ndt perfeetly satiate& Be Wee you get ANTI URIC) PILLS. It '1r. MARION on ,every package. • Don't be &quitter. •There isetell plenty of room in the hall' of /tame, I seasier, to lead some men to drink than it is to delve thelet ••• - •" ' t , „All wornelt nee hitere Or les.% aried- ttrolite aald Kerte have faith in 'their Idalle young men Imighil5 manage 0 earn allying 11 their Vaithers) declined to do it for them. learhape the worst thing about cearsty is that it covers a multi- tude of saas, that ahould be exPos'ed, TORONTO TER GOOD? With divorce suits, murder, gas suflfeeatiene etc. nobody can, Itruhtfully. say 'Toronto, hens dull place to llve in, The old time signboard,- "Toronto /the Good," had better betaken doWn, orr ease a. new era, ilithe moral made estab- lished thirst Xvi 11 hoW ,sorde right to the appellation. • WHY EXPORT -GROW HERE. --- It sounds, very odd to heat that Ontario has been impozetemg poita- te•es front Ireland and Scotland this ,spring. Surely lathier is One crop In which Dila Province might easily increase by 50,000 bushels in one season ailed not use much exer- tion either. Clniton ideality can lead the Wee% ' STRIKE- ENDED. The Old Country coal strike es at an end and the nakabrs are resum- ing work'. 11 is to be hoped tile new, aerangemenle well work out setisfaeturely to all concerned. Stop Itching Scalp Overnight Guaranteed by AV. S. It. Holmes to Stop Falling Hair and Banish leandruff. --- Itchine Scale, keePs 'you ecratch- ing arid feeling miserable all the time. Wash your hair to -Alight wale pore soap and water, rub on a goodly quantity of Parisian Sage and the distegssing itchiness will be gone in the/Morning. • iParisian Sage ie a pure, retteesh- in cl g , nvigorating _hair dressing. Enelelee Putting an end to veal) etch, daindeuff and falling hair it nourishes the hale rooks! and puts' a splendid radiance into faded and unittarac ti,ve hale. It should be used by every Mena -- bee of the family 'to keep the scalp free " front dandruff gennis and Prevent baldneee, Lilaige• bottle 50 cents at W;S.B. Holmes and, deuge gists); everywhere. A FUNTRA SERWCE On the Carpathin,fOr the Husbands of •-Thirty Women Dr. 1. E. Kemp, a physician told of a funeral eervice held aboard the Carpathia for the dead 01 the 'I'itanie, for husbands of thirty women. All of these were under the age of 23, e.nd had been made widows by the disas- ter. lVfcist of the women were brides he declared, • •ICemp said althOugh",•tliehe husbands were mieeing, few of. them realized tbat the services were being held for their dead husbands, as the women thought they had been rescued. That the crew of the Carpathia picked up the bodies of three men and one baby, and that three of the per - !volts •rescued from the Titanic died la- ter from exposure and were buried at Sea, was also stated by Kerne. LADY DUFF GORDON A paesenger of the 'Titanic who with her husband were rescued Died Like Heroes "Major Butt escorted Inc to a seat In the boat," said Miss Marie Young, 'Ile helped me find a seat, arranged my clothing about me, stood erect, offed his hat stalled, and_said 'Good- e,' elle then he stepped back to the sok, already awash. As we were wed away I looked back and the t I saw of him, he was smiling and ving Ms hat to me." To Death Bravely - , Dr. Washington Dodge, of San anew°, thinks he saw the last of ajor Butt Silhouetted against the he saw Butt and Colonel Astor, Oda erect, their arms apparently :found each other's shoulders, stand - 00 the bridge of the Titaiaie, as o etricken leviatban lurched into tbe bold, black weter, Sank in Water Two Miles Deep Halifax, N. S., APril 15, -The place .where the 'Titanic sank; .aeccred- ing to an official af the Marine De- portment' here le about five hun- dred miles from 'Halifax, and the at that'apolnt about seventy bailee swath, of the Grand 13anks, is at least two Mlles deep. It dernidWay betweee Sable Island and Cape Race and in a lane Math those dan- gerous ,sancla ,which howhver, migh have been aplace of satiety had there been tinge 10 tun the Ti- tanic( there and beach her deit eche A WEAK -ACHING BACK noa4tharn' HalifaX intere,sited ill the 'White:Star Line, for it was ait the entrance to, this, harbor that, the Atlantic( Wait lest in Cilia aame., m anth, Aprel,,,thirity-nenie year Thea'd ono. Halifax man einibeard Geterge Weight, 'who '1,eltillinbig 11004 atria) to the Moditierainineam • „.NIONIREiNVg . THE -STANDARD le the IslisTelbTfai .WeeklyNewspaperithq 'Daininion , . . of Crkc1, .o It ie exe• ell le - eime. Ite usiee the niesf -expensive energy- ings, procuring the photographs from ell Serer •thd world. Its articles are carefully 8el5eted and its aditoria1,,, policy la . aboreeIghly Mdependent.... • .A. subscripthin 'ptb,-n'adrd 70-65t8 $2.0e pee. year O. any, adargeg canada, br Great 13ritair 6: TRY II FOR 1912!' e Standaid Cd4 .... .Lernited, Work ‘Vant'ed. Experieneed La ondress wants work to do at home, .Good references. Apply to TUE NEW ERA Tenders Wanted , Tenders -wanted for rebuilding a w brick , all at The New HAIL °Mite and making other repair% For ra further panticulacall at NEW ERA OFFICE, • NOlICE TO CREOITORi in the matter of the estate of David Jackson, late of the Township of Iliellett, in the • County of Huron, Yeoman, de. Ceased. -- Notice is hereby given punsuant to Sec, 55 of the' Trustees Act that all persona having claims against the' estate of the said de- ceased who( died on or about ''' •the seventeenth day of, February 1894 are required to send by poet pre- paid to the undersigned aclmartis- trate/ix or heir solicitor on or be- fore the( 27th day of April 1912 their names an dl addre,sses with full par- ticulars weeting of 'their claims, and statement of their aceoulatta and thei nature of the securaties (if 507)1held bytbem, duly verified by Stateltory declaration. And Takei notice Ithat after the said 2lithr day of April 1912 the paid administratIfix will' proceed to dis- tribute thel meets of the said esta,te among tbe parties entitled thereto, having regantl only to the claims of ,whicht he shall then have notice and the/ wad achninistratrax will not be liabla fox said assets or any nett thereof, to any person one sons of of whose claire rtoitiee shall net have been neceived by her or her solar, solicitor at the timei of such distribution,/ Baited •atClintcm this 91h day of April 1912. ; Fanny M. Jaeksoo, W. Bryclone, achnenistratrix. Clineoins . Ont, solicitor foil the administrateix. • Bay for Sale Strolt of hay fc..± We: About 5 Caused Her Much Misery. or 'a tone and 'Will lee.sold reason.- 'phone 12 on 143. • a.ble. Wra. Eedour, nolmesvillV, or Mrs. W. R. Hodge, Fielding, Sask., avritesi--"A few lams highly recommend- ing Doan's Midney Pills. ror this last year I have been troubled very much with tasty sick headaches, and a weak aching back, which caused me much misery, for I could not work, and bad no ambition for anything. My kidneys were very. badly but of order, and kept me from sleeping at nights. I tried many kinds of pills and medicines, but it seemed almost in vain. I began to give up in despair of ever being well and strong again, when a kind neighbor advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, which I did, and am thankful for the relief / obtained from them, for now I am never troubled with a sore back or sick headaches. "I will always say Doan's Kidney Pills for mine and can highly recommend them' to any sufferer." Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 81.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of ;nice by The T. Milburn.Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. - When ordering direct specify "Doan's." Fur Gauntlet Lost - Loot between Sontheotabe,,s and Clinton, a Man's Black Fur Gauntlet. $1,00 reward for same. J. 8,01P1'11C01113E For Sale • A large Yoekshire Sow and nine Pigs a,bouiti a .week JOSEPH CRICE Lae 45, Coinceseion 2, Tuckeremeth, Auction Sale 00 Friday, April 261.11, 1912, at 1.30 p.m. Residence of Mrs. ,Tee. Pairs, sr. A 14-roorni two eitonety breck dweiliag,'Hot water heating, elec- tric lighting, bath and all conven- iences, ALSO furniture and fur- nishingof above, including piano, and all clith.I.1) furniture, ca*(pefts, eualtains, be , bedding, etc. Full particulars ay be had an applica- tion at premises, or residence of Samoa Fair. , MRS, JAMES FAIR, SR: ElIouse tor -Sale or to Rent A 7 roolmeee ' frame house; on Efueom Selina opposite Comtner- pia incite", for sale ex', to irent. Ilbus.e es being" Pit en ,ge ed. Order. Walter Werke ,en ,don(deetaon. to , " XISS PORTER, • Retatetibury Street, Wanted, 1000 Spring Muskrat skinsAva1nk. led at 50a each. • 11, A. HOVEY, Clinton. mhortitOrti Cattle TITU SBAY, E'}IL 25th, 1912. Two red Bulls, each 18 menthe old and roan( Bull six mreethe old, foe sale, ecosoilable. • RUNDLE' HUNKING,d Lanesboxe eireeree-e,e-seter BARRISTER SOLICITOR' NOTAitY PUBLIC, ETC, ernerlien elFIPLIFILES' IIRLB conneyance Notary Public,' ,Good Farm for Sale Ad,: REAL ESTATEaAN1)1NST$RANOE joining Corporation of•Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Seaforth. Being Let 25, Coneeesion 2, Town- shep McKillop, County 01 Hurn, 100 Acres, all cleaned and in good state of cultivation, belingl well un- deidrainecl. There is a briek house fieted up within° d din coinvenieinc es A lat•ge 'bank/ barn (with stabling foe horses and 60 caittle, anti a man- 'ber of good box atoll's, ales) work- shop and driving eited, three good wells,' There ts an old d drehald an a good Young brchard nearly all northern, spies. d iacree seede to alfalfa, 15 acree of red Plover. Therle are 7 1-2 acres of Fall wheat also about 45 acrea of Fall plough- ing done. This farin b000ld cheap and on paey Itierms. The greater pert of the purchacie mon- ey may ammain) on Mortgage to suit purchaser. .A.ddress, BOX 475, SEAFORTH, ONT./ Barred Rock Eggs for Sate 1 Won on Barred Rocks atUlintota 4 firsts, 3 second% / lthircle • and special f beet eolleetio,n, leen 1-- Pullet mating, headed' by Millard cockerel, (limited number settings eggs $2.00 per 13.--Pen2-1 Cockerel • raating,lieaded by Millard cock. Pullets in this Pasof Aele good lay - layers, Eggs $2.00 per 13.-Pien 3-- peneheaded by a cock.erel bred front 'one( of the best laying strains int/ Canada. Ilene infhis •were bred from: 17 of my pullets which layed 436 eggs in 31 day. Eggs 81.00 peel 15. !guarantee a, good hate:ill or replace getting free of eharrge. A. Hovey, Clinton. Far Sa(e Bine Barred Plintouth Rock eggs $1,00 per 15 eggs. Also a few :White Cochin Bantam eggs $1.00 per 13,- Jabez Rands, Clinton. Rle ouse r Sale, On Huron Street, a desirable real- ,dence, well sit/fated), in good re- pair, nine rooms, pantry, closet% and both room. Goodl cellar, fur- nace, electric light, town water, good cist' ern and stable garden and lawn, quarter acre of ground Terms reasonable. Apply at THE NEW ERA e Field Stone 'Wanted. Field Stone suitable for road making is wanted by the Town of Clinton, Price $3.50 per cord 0113,- 000 pounds. • J. A. FORD, Chairman of Street Committee Logs Wanted All kinde of logs, Maple, Soft Elm and Basswood preferred. Highest price paid. Piano and Organ Co, Boarders Wanted .Having returned to town I am now prepared to take boarders, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house Mrs. klogridge, Ontario street Pasture Land • Some first class pasture land to be laulionaSt,. Clinton. H. T, RANCE1 NotarytPuhlic, Conveyancer. Financial and RealEetate. /NSITRANCE-AGENT-Represontine 14 Vas In. Psuraneo Conipanies."." Division Court Office. Medik,a1 OR 9.P.. W. TROPIPSON Jlolan, Surgeon.. Eta sneedul nAtentlea given to diseases of.- tbe • , Eyes carefully [examined. and :suitable • Eye, Ear• i.,:f:sprro;:da.nd Noe Offied5,nd Residence, Two doors' west of the ennauercial Botal Buren St. DRS. GUNN and GANDIER Dr, W. (twin, L. IL 5, P.,L, 8.5.S.. Milk Dr 9/, Gaudier, B.A. XII. OffIce-Ontarlo Street, Clinton, • Sight calla at residence, Rattenburs St. or at botolia.) DR. J. W. SHAW. EBTSICIAN, SURGEON, seouchetir, etc, odice awl residence OE Oat' bonbon, St.. oaooeite W. FUrail'El residence, DR. L. R. AXON DENTOIT 119 Stows aud Bridge Work a SPeriallif,- Graduate of 0.0,11.3.. Cbfeago. and Toronto. Baylleld ou'llIondays. Map Ist to becentbe DL IL FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'B More. Special oare taken to make dental treat - mem es • painless as poseible. THOMAS GUNDRY ' Live stook and general Auction ese GODERIOH • ONT 555 01 atom salmi a special's/. (Basis ef rtniv Ena arl3oe, Clinton,_prc.rers.y abtencirni to. Terms reasonable, Fanners" sole nets discounted G, D. MeTe,ggart M. D. MoTagger McTaggart Br e...e • • BANKERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON General Banking Businessi transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED - DraftSisitied, Interest allowed on deposit& The McKillop Mutual' Fire Insurance Co. Parts and Isolated Town Prate - arty Only Insured. • OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth Jae, Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderiele Thos. E. Hays, See-Treas., 1Seafoai • DIRECTORS, • Jas, Connelly, Holmesville; •Jobe/ Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.. Chesney, Seafoith. 1, Evans, Beech., woon.; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bra neweas, Brodhagen, M. McEtvan, Each Director is inspector of losses In his own locality. • AGENTS. Kobe Smith, Harlock; Ed Hinchlee Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmont4 ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville Payments may bemade at The Morrisle Clothing Co., Clinton, os C so'd in lots to suit purchasers, At Ft, H. alt, Goderieh, tractive pricee. Apply to John 'Lansford, R. City Agent iFARM 'FOR RENT Wire Fencing', The South 70 aeeas of lot teinibet 05 In ordedaio introduce the Ring Lock Prose Wine Penchi I will 31 ' xt during the Month of April at 25c at trod. Thig is a ne.w.Ven,citag and I especiaalyi.reconamen4 et. At thts loev 'price imust of emiere be cash. WWI. STANLEY, Rohnesvillfer 'Agent Prost 'Wire Pending. Rouse for Sale or to Rent. • A frame house on Isaac Street, six rooms, good well, 1-4..acre of land. Apply to IVIES. W. L, 'PEPPERS, Londesboro. and the South East peat of Lot no, 36 14 acres both in the lst coucession of S anley township is for rent for a term of years. This property is clOse to the own of Centel) and possessnon can be given at once. • For further partl- cidto If Phi t I' ton, Ont., or McCarthy, Boys aaalma chison, Barrisites, Barrie, Ont. ers a JACOB TAYLOR- ‘i'ire, Life and Accident. Insurance,, Real estate bought and sololi • Money to leak Office:Issec:Street, nextecloor Nevi pp y enry ee Olin- • Era. • Farm for Sale. The executor of the Southeombe Estate °Helm for sale' 50 acreaa -- East half' of lot 28, eon, 6, Hullett. .A. firet-elass farm, well watered and improyed, and' with good uildings. Also; the undepsigned offerer for sale, lot 29i eon. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms May, be bought together or separately. T,wo Rouses to Let JAMES SOUTHCOMBE. Clinton, The undersigned has two houses to let, apply to • Jacob Taylor SFILL .1A 13 SINE I am still i the Wall Paper Susi- nese, and ear in la position te show you ehe best Waal Paper e thaf have been shown in Clinitoire THERE ARE ALL KINDS AND PRICES RANGE PROlVeFOUR CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR. All papers bought! from me Will be hung very, cheaply. All kinds of house 'painting done and estimates /given on old and new work, To ,eall OT dnop a poreeard laiing samples to your; door. of19 Potts! Ford & McLeod IWe're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfaif- Alsike, aed Red Clover, 1 We always have on hand -Goes . Wheat, Peas, BaadeY and Peed Corn Highest Market* Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. Ford & McLeod QOAM Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods • carried in stook and solhl at the lowest possilole price, Orders may be left at Darie dr Rowland's Hardware store, or with W, J Stevenson, I• • at 'Electric Light Plant. assassasossissa. Grand Trunk DailwaY SYStem Railway Time Table, London, Huron and Bruce: North. •Passenger London, depart... . 8,80 a ra 4.50-p:en. Osntralla..., 1140 5,43 Exeter -0.53 5,54 Hensel', , ,... • 10.08 .6,05 Kippen - . . .... 10.16 6.11; Bruceleeld 10.30 6,19 Clinton 11.00 6,35 Londesboro 11.18 6,52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 t.13 Wingham, arrive11,50 7,35 South Passenger Wingham, m. dePart- 6.43 am 3.3813 ... . 6.54 Blyth. • .. 7.08 3.51e Lndesboro... 7.16 •4..04Clnton,I ..... 7.50 423Br fi 4/ $.12 Kipperee. .... 8.23' HensaIe, 8,32 Exeter • • 8.48 9,00 Lon,vvdones,t'S.rrive..... looco 6.10' :Buffalo and (lode • Stratford..•.....15 003 0 Se5forth........10.43 Clinton 11.07 Holmeseille 11.16 Goderich 11-35 'Oast 10 Gociericla.. . Clinton.... .. ....... Seatorth '7 Mitchell -8 Stratford 4.391 4.47; 4,52! 5.03, 3.15, Passenger P511 PM pm 12.20 h26 10.20' 1145 5.55 10.47 1,10 6.18 11,12 1.25 6.40 11.28 1,38 5,46 11.38 1.50 7.05 11,55 • Passenger rn M p50 7.10 2,40 4.50 / 7.26. 2.57 5.06 7,35 3,07 5,15 .52 8.25 5.32 .16 48 5.55 40 4.15 Z6,20 Dr. de Van's Female Pills. A reliable French regulator; neirer faIle. Tliceo pills aro exceedingly powerful in regulating the.. generative portion of the fern ale.systent. Refuse, = all 'cheap bnitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at I55a box, or three for 810. Mailed to any address. The Dtog 09., et, eatharines. On,,