HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-25, Page 1StnclaS!„,,,,, .,Sehobl Letson arcs Tor- , ., oinlo �Ja.1>eite_ on page 0, • Ates you reading our Storiy, , o,,CPy nithi.e',s Chau,i feiea,", It ,appears on Page T.,,, ,.Established 18.65,, Vol, 46, No. 44 CLINTON ONTARIO ;THURSDAY APRIL 25 1912 Titania Disaster on pages 1,2,3, i' 5 and 7 -all ,the, ,available i,nteeraar tb°p, W.,H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers t' - • New Industry for C 'hinton centre . Huron Has Sensation In License Board G. Huronites in Wrec THE 6 MINOR LOCALS. 1 W,e're getting nearer spring ® al a i p1 ever day. P. ��JJ ��JJ -ilii farmers are buy ,with spring ploughing aidfeeeddng, • OF . CANADA T1,100R1'3hATED 1869. Capital . $6,25o,000 Reserve - $7,o'oo,000 . The Annual Statement, shows the fol. , Iowing increases for 1911 1910 ' 1911 Deposits $72,079 607 $85,294.503 Loans & Investments 55,:283,6x0 62 r90072 Total Assets 92,510,316 1111,528,512 ' 207 BRANCHES and Correspondents throughout the world 'Interest allowed on Deposits. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. _CLINTON BRANCH EASTMAN K(D AKS Just; received a fresh ?as- sortment of Eastman: Kodaks Brownie Cameras, Kodak Films, Paper,d and Photogra- phic Supplies. - lEasltman Kodak,s:havie al.- fwdy a Led, bn improvements and Pawl ideas. Examine Ithemr , fund be ,con- vinced. r. E, II'oVEY Dispensing Chemist. dotes not. NOW is an excellent time to ,commences a course. WYtte for, catalogue. Fancy Large Pineapples Beautiful Ripe Bananas ,Big Juicy ,Oranges, and Fine Grape Fruit will make a delicious Fruit Salad for your Sunday diaper We ,cavi also supply you ,with Fresh Lettuce, • Green Onionsr Radishes :.:rindIC er e1 ' Y Sce.Onr North Window W. T. O'NEIL THE,. BUB GROCER } Phone 48 Many Business :Colleges .close . for vacation during the summer. TORONTO, ONT. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years igo6=1911 1906 CAPITAL . e . $3,000,000.00 $•1 ,DO''W010D 3,000,000.00 1,61u,uu0,O0' D11POS1TS23,677,730.00 35,042,81L00 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090.00 38,854,301,00 TOTAL ASSETS , , , 33,090,102.00 48,237,274.00 Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all 'Ni r• 1 , in h World. 1 _ les the the Principal t A GENERAL BANRINI. DIMNESS TRANSACTED. A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all. Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch. 4C E. DOWDING. Manager •♦ti••0••0♦•••0••••••••00•• 0•••••0•♦•••♦0••••00•♦000♦ ♦ Ml/n,�j.. S �� , a 3 tf nil h�,i t • • • •. ♦ ••• •. • • • • ♦ i. • • • • 2 •• • ••••• 66 Eio You Know the Password, ell- , ressetL" • • S SOON as you start wearing 2oth Century Brand arinents you will find that you have hi joined the "Brotherhood t f Good Dresser " The I password , is "Well -Dressed." It is never uttered aloud. You meet a member i brotherhood this and unconsciously the password "Well -Dressed" is passed a silent, ♦ by nt, appreciative glance. He, too, has but to • glance to, see that you belong to the "Brotherhood of Good Dressers," And remember, that a man who ♦ knows how to dress well is generally worth knowing. ,.to' You can approach -him, if needs be, with the assurance • that he is alive and courteous, ♦ Do you belong to the "Brotherhood of Good 4k Dressers" or the "Brotherhood of Bad Dressers" ? `i Each has its passward. We have given =you the pass- • word of the "Brotherhood of Good Dressers" The iprinting, publishing or uttering of the password used •' by the "Brotherhood of Bad Dressers" is contrary to the statute, therein provided, Just one word more— We are exclusive agents for Both Century Brand fine tailored garments for good dressers. • 1•• The Morrish Clothing C�,R . A Square stare Deal for Every" ltlp. M• •���•�s��:•••••••••••• •0••••••A••••••••••••••*4 • Saoth Huron Licenses Ten years. ago ,there were. 38 hostel and shop licenseg 1t1 South Huron, bust niftier 'May, 1, theate wi'il be but 13. - Lieense,s Commissioners John Mid dleton, Joseph Omitting and Wm. Delbridge, and Inspector John Tor- ranee, -•met fHen.sall on. Saturday last and decided /tot grant lacenlse.e ea the following ;houses;;' Exeter-Colninereiatll House, Cen- tral and Metropolitan, Hensall ,Commercial and Ring "G,eorge. Zurich-IYomimion and .Cummer eia'1, ) ,, Bayfield -Albion and ;Commercial eentealia- W,'Moff,at't. :Cre,,ditton, August 51111. Grand Bend -Ezra Brenner. Dashwood -Wm Zimmer. Mrs. Nicholson, .'of.•Blake, was giveN three m'omlths. to lee" • out, Goderich Cannot Offer Camp Ground Council Decides That $925 Rental Is Too. Much for Attrill Estate. Goderich, April 20. -Coll Kodgin, of London, commanding No. 1 'div- ision, was notifiel officially that arrangements cannot be made to secure ground for the millitary camp site. A motion to this effect, although it met much opposition, passed at last night's council meeting and the hope of having the camp of No. 1 division located at this paint is abandoned. Costly Experiments. Not so long ago all the members of _the c uncil were working together to get the camp permanently settled here. Two years of experiment with the camp on the Attrill estate cost them dearily and when they wished to get a price of rental from the trust com- pany in charge of the property the figure was so large it balked all good intentions. For two weeke' use of the land, $1,000 was declared a "holdup" by ,members of the council. The figure at which the trusts corporation offered _the estate last night was $925, but even this was too much. This One Too Small. As an alternative the idea was con. sidered of offering a small site, the Hamlinkfarm, which contains ,150 acres and could be obtained at a rental of300 $ It was thought this property might be so unsatisfactory as to spoil chances for the permanent site being established here, so it was not ser- iously considered One of the members advocated a publiceubscription to raistethe rent of the property, but this was declared impracticable. After long discussion the motion to abandou the project passed. Clinton Secures ♦ Another industry,. Represen"tative,s of Gunn, Lang- lois & Co„ :Were in town las Fre- • day and completed arrangements :whereby they pur.ehase fronf the L. Suibtieif 0o., the Standard Move (tor and five cared of (land ladjoipi 11ng the G. T.R. Thel large brick building Will be used by the company fos{.produoe, Two floors will be used for fatten Ing poultry, one flaor'for plucking 'and the ground't) fr pineg and shipp1ng .,egg,floos, foW'1oand' otackhr produce. They. will !putt in an electric ele- • vator„ and intend to make, thie • point alarge ;centre for l i1oduicet. .The large iframe building as been rented by the ,Suiter Coin- * any 'for one year, ,and they w6t1 • continue their (lour and feed bust - 'teas, also •buy,.grain, 'but the Glint) ♦ ;Company soon :expect Ito occupy • the, whole plant lana may erect a, ♦ manufacturing plant. N, lW. Tre ♦ ,wartha will bein ,ckiargei here end ♦ he ;will also look/ niter the breed- .; i' in g demonstration: plant at 'Holnn- • ,esville, The toWin will give the • ,company free Walter, but no otthee ♦ eangeslsions are misked ,fora • :Por the prat yyeaf the I•ndutstrial • Committee' of the Council have •s been trying to get this' ,eoineern to ,come 'to ',Clinton and ;we are glad to see c ,t;esadful.hat thein ,efforts: have (been • • • • . ♦ i ♦ •• v. • 4 • ... r a fe#y .!'• n i Inspector and Commissioner Implicated In Charge Centre Huron Has Sensation in License Administration, Goderich, 'April 23. -A sensation has bean serum nn connection With the, license ,edrnini1ttration Of Centre Huron, M. J. Farr„ 'proprie- tor of the Union :Hotel, makes a c•harg,e implica,tiine the iieenee"'- iii - It is alleged; were to guarante the renewal •e1his license and cul. off one ,,of ,hie ,eompe'tiltoasi; The .toren ,council passed a by-law ,early; in'the year providingfor the .eutttog; Doff of'.twd licen,sea i, 1'18 to,w a, and those( has 'been a great deal of speculation alas Iko Which two (would be , 'saien fi.ced(r' Crowns Attorney Seager slue (com- VIVID TALE Of DISASTER Major P - . ��Ic�®rI the One I Male Survivor from n Canada mulnicated. with the 'Attorney -Gen- spedto n9 0, o the'. c m ,o es'al's department regaatd'ing Tar8t',s r a one fc msn'' ei n- charge, and the 'dreparitmen't has :ere for (the riding, ,who in return ordered an investigation •00 ridiay foe a sulladantial gash, paymentt, Isb mtex' CALLED TO PORT ELGiN l TRAIN KILLS TEAM AND INJURES DRIVER RIVER Auburn, April 21 Rev. Mr. Mann • ,who has been in (charge of !the T M H seape Years, . has received ,a call to Porro t chulrch: here fox the Two en Have a Very Narrow E • pat four' From Death at Walton Elgin, ..F1 aswrtderstood ,that he Blyth, April 24.-A serious acci,d will accept, crit' happened at Walton Timeda r aflternoon as the C.' P.R. westbound ,Sway -freight .coming into Walton ,stru'ck a; team or.sorses belonging t,o Peter' itIarraw,s, seafuouislly. injur- ing John Fulton and ,slightlyinjur- ing 13arrotw,rr. The team was killed and the wagon (Smashed. Local News WY -U' m yliVlrr'rlf Y' AM CARS OFF TRACT.,' TO DEVELOP POWER IN The train from Toronto, due here at 11 o'clock, Wednesday did not arrive' until about 12:30, owing to some HURON COUNTY. freight cars having left the track near. Georgetown. a OUT OP 10 FAVOR UNION. - The largest figures compiled on the vote of the Methodist church in favor of the union of the Methodist, Pres• byterian and Opngregational 'church- esshow almost 90 per cent of the memberabip and adherents of the church in -favor of a triune church. Reports fr`o'm the mission fields show an exceptionally strong vote for amalgamation. DAY :POWER TURNED ON, Winghani Advance-ln another; paragraph will be found reference Ito. Ffydro--Electric power ,in Hurn county, So far asWingham Is con- , cenned,, the cost ofhydrd power furnished, here will place it alto- gether roust ,of the question, The Commission has made estimates of the mast to those 'mwn let ali r e s. that passed by-laws favoring ,it, and white at Goderich a rate( .of $16,50 per horsepower iss quoted, Ike, rate" for 'Wimg hand would ,be $55.82, which Would be practically prahibitsve1 We may inform the public that day -time electric pow- er, developed by Wingham water powers and furnished by its own ,eleetrie plant, was 'bur(aedi on or' noon, on Monday, April' 22. CLINTON TO THE FRONT. 'Mr. John Ranivecir(d, our well- known citizen, hes been appointed one of the efficia'l delegates from the Canadian Matnr(faolurers' As'sb- eiation' ot r'epresen't them at .the 8th ,congress. of Chamber of Com- meree of'the Beeping, Ito bel heldln London, England, in'the 'moln(tif Of Jung, 'His associates who, will. also attend are -M. Cu ry,v;. Montrieal; Geo. E, Drummond, Montreal; H. -J. Waddle, 'Hamilton; T. J. Storey, Brockville ; and 3, F. Ellis, Toronto, Mr. Ran,sfortd ,cannolt baclq out now as he hi also a delegate %from, 'the Clinton Board of Ttladte, and we have no doubt but .he will, let the Empire know just where .Clinton is. ••••••••®••oesCe •Riaee9.e•e EditoAial Notes 00900000000e•0000**•®•a••0 Hin,oan's hopes for the future .arse worth 100 ,cents on' the dollar, Titanie will be a name long re- membered end ,coupled With a sad- ness in'l uurclreds of homes met .dee- ,e lbabloin';words, Notv( a crush off spring wosjkt, ;Goad eul'tivaition, clean seed, and intensive: preferably jto extensive ffarming are the pivot pelmas sound which neiet,lraxvest will gather. Quebec Temperance people are seeking for legislative ieandidatee 1e the -,coming nieeltiole who will promise to uphold (their banner, prov,On standard bearer, isl tusnally b.elbter, than an. •electioa promising 0 e. ar Rutoos' has it f, G'hat..,the' paweris may init:erfer•e intthe,I'ta]aan-,,Turkey war' if1tleb' ,00,mbatanits-,aro lsatv9- fied', to quilt.. • Surely dal ail .good ,conscience the}nasl9a'cres shoultd be shopped even if ,Italy ,andthe;Turk,s are both- opposed itto,fhe, ,cessation„ ,The 20itth (century; no questiotni of principle at stake and yet them:oat .devilish -devised methods of 1w'ar fare are perm ted ttob:ei continued. Shame on:this ' ay',s ,civ�lrzation, 11 looks ata -if (the (White Star Steamship Company mould be 'al- moslt' indicted for the ;wilful de- struction of 1000 people fon account of insufficientliffeboatu, 017h.e probabilities are, 1t,hankls to the wireless telegraphy, Twat not a human being • aboard (the 'Titanic would- have'been lost In the dread - Snit disaster if yadequate ;life -boat provision had been made,,' 21 knobs and hour (was Itearing it off, In a most foolhardy manner by ats old E N R,OO.., t 00°40000" ,� -a sal as Ca lain Smith • d , - ,warned at that, The penalty of VINCENT-ASTOR �- - t pain , an fore- Son of Cola J. J. Astor, the .New York millionaire the who is heir to great- er part oft the $200,000,000left by h father. ate h r . a trav,elliing on ocean greyhounds will ,ComitMoe to be 'thu 'eepet1tion o,fat liters n au p >st g of humanitY2 There] -are,Other mou(i important asse n tio1 in lnf e' than ispeed, d, one of which iisisecie'lty for life as, far as possibly; attainable,. Government Will Aid In Develop- ment Wank—Towns May Get. Power at $25 a Horsepower, As we reported last week, the meet.- ing of the hydro -electric commission- ers and representatives of Huron Co., was held in Clinton last Thursday afternoon, There was a representative gather- ing among those being present were: - Mayor and Council of Clinton ; Gode- rich-Mayor A. C. Reid, B. 0. Mun- Mugs, W. F. Clark, W. R. Hoimes and Wm. Lane ; Wingham:-Mayor Spotton, C. G. Vanstone ; Bayfield: -- Dr, Smith,H. W. Erwin, J. Thompson, John Whiddon ; Blyth -A. B. Oarr ; Bensall-W. J. Doherty, G. Bush G. Petty ; Stanley -Reeve Glenn Col- borne -Reeve Kernighan. Many other citizens of Clinton were present. e Engineer'Acers gave the result of a systeatic investiation from month- ly readings taken at the Black Hole during the last twelve months, and theresults proved pr ved to be surprising to both Commissioners arid people. p ogle. They estimate that at certain seasons of the year over 5,000 horsepower can be de- veloped, and also place the minimum at about 1,000 horsepower, so that in conjunction with Niagara power ' a1• ready at Seaforth, and within about fifteen'miles of the new plant, it would be a very desirable source of supply for the power users of this district. The commission found that the flow of water was much greater than they expected and their original estimate. of $275,Od0 for construction and equip- ment would have to be increased to about 5586,000, one half of which would be for dam construction, As the users of power increased there would be no reason why Huron coun- ty could not have as cheap power as any place in Ontario. If the municipalities wish to go ahead the Government will advance the money at four per cent., repayable_ in thirty years. The proposition is to construct the Niagara line from Seaforth to Goderich at once, and use the power in the construction of the new works.. A schedule of prices was presented, but these are subject to revision when the amount of power wanted by the municipalities is known, The promise of a $25 rate. given by Hon. Adam ' Beck to nearby towns is within possibility when the Maitland is' harnessed' and reasonably. patronized. MORE HYDRO ELECTRIC PROMISES. [Stratford, Beacon., The representatives of the Hydro- Electric Commission met with repre- sentatives from Huron .County at Clinton on Thursday, and Engineer Ace ereported• that 5,000 horsepower coup be developed at certain seasons. of th year with minimum of 1,000, on the Maitland. River, about fitteen miles from Seaforth, at which point it is proposed to erect a plant to supplement the Hydro -Electric to be extended. from Seaforth to Goderich if the municipalities ant ' cost of this plant will bet $586,000 about twice the original estimate. A schedule of prices, was submitted which are subject to revision but the representatives of the Hydro -Electric Commission, assured the representa- tives of the municipalities that as the use of power increased there was no reason that Huron County should not have as cheap power as any place in Ontario, The prornsse of a rate of $25 a horsepower given by Hon, Adam Beck is said to be within pos- sibility when the Maitland is har- nessed, rhe people of Huron should not place too much confidence in Mr. Heck's promises. The charge made in Stratford ` by the Hydro -Electric Commission to the Light and Heat Commission is $32, and this does not include everything, while the esti- mated cost was only $29.50. In St. Marys more is • being charged than the original estimate, and it would probably be a • wise thing for Huron municipalities to get an independent report on Maitland power before em- barking in so serious an undertaking with hopes of 425 per horsepower. Ms, Alex. McKay, ex -M:1'. fox Hamil'ton, and latterly,,ilryspectorof, C site 's w ms, n dead, , 7llve Isituation lin :the !Porcupine gold camp is generally Jenconmjtg-' ing, although four' prop ertn"e 'have ,eloissed w1tleiin a, Znont',h, CHARGES CARELESSNESS 'Captain and Crew, He Says, Were Open to Censure.. -Hundreds of Men Died like Heroes The mystery which has shrouded ;the last -hours of the famous Cana- dians who went down to their doom with the ill-fated liner Titanic, was penetrated when. Major Arthur Peu- chen, of the Queen's Own Rifles of Toronto, and president of the Stan- dard Chemical company, related the Story of his own _miraculous escape from the sea. Major Peuchen alone 'Of the ten Canadian men on the Ti- tanic has retained to tellof the Iast fours of his friends who perished with the ship. It was only his training as a sailor and a soldier, and his own physical agility which singled him out as the commander of the sixth lifeboat to leave the ship, and -thus saved his Flife- Before parting from the , fast sink - Titanic, Major Peuchen spoke briefly with the late Mr. C. M. Hays, general manager of the Grand Trunk Eailway."GOODBYE, PEUCHEN I FEEL THAT THIS SHIP WILL LAST ANOTHER EIGHT HOURS, AND BY THAT TIMJO WE SHALL HAVE AS- :SISTANCE," were the last known 'words of the great railway magnate. One of the most cherished objects, 'which Major Peuchen bore with him from the wreck, is a small piece of ;coarse paper, on which is scrawled iths Major's sea commission. This paper stood between death and rte vic- tim, and to it Major Peuchen owes his ,life. It reads: "Major Arthur Peuchen was or- dered into the boat by me owing to the fact that I required a sea - Man, which he proved to be, as well as a brave man. (Signed) D.C. H. LYNTOLLIE. "Second Officer late SS. Titanic," This is Major Pe uo hen's instruction' for taking over the sixth lifeboat in- tetead of remaining on board to goto pis fate 'with the other Canadians who. Wereassociates, his Major Peuchen gained his seafaring knowledge. as the skipper of the yacht 4Vireda, which he stilled in Toronto for six years. With him also sailed the, in ni a one Mr. Rose of W teM.Hugo Pg, a of the Titanic's Canadian victims. The Major told- his story on his arrival at the Waldorf Hotel, surrounded by his two children and wife,and his brother-in-law, Mr, Wm,. Thompson, of Orilna, Ontario, Major Peuchen's Story n"It was Sunday evening, a starry ight, and calm," be said -There was en exceptional bill -of -fare on for even- ing dinner. We were all In evening dress, and, probably the ladies with many a jewel Music went on as usual, JOSEPH BRUCE ISMAY its0anaging "Director of the White at , Lite who was saved. I dined with Mr, Markiand Moisopr Mr. and Mrs. Allison, and their little girl. Everything was exceptionally right. Then I went to the smoking scout and met. Mr, Beattie, a partner of Mr. Hugo Ross of Winnipeg, for- imerly of Toronto... I also met Mr, Nic- Carthy, of the Union Bank, oP, "Vett= ,couver, and a financial mon from Tor- onto. Tlk was unusually bright. This Was I said About Good night, Ion ani c Thenlock. going to turn. ba.' I had just reached my berth when T heard a dull thud, It was not like a collision, and i didn't thlnk it serious. That's extraordinar ;I. thought, and went up to see. I ra upstairs, and, on the way, met a j ,,riend who laughingly said that we ' ;had struck ail iceberg -and Wo went i /upon decic. - d truck aft of the bow, about seventy, (ve kept from the point, and had. I draped along the: starboard tilde. .It 1 usf either ave hlfted tine ,see %f n id or e e a e e p e � f ' Ix n,pwa *Mel' slog 40 11,4 T h. t , 9 , 8 t "There we found that we 11n Con'tinu'ed 114 !'Page• 3. Forrnialdehyde Only small cost Recommended by grain experts Make you money i Ask those who have used it Leaves bright, clean grain Directions on every bottle Cats grain smut Helps your` neighbor You will make no mistake Don't sew without it Every farmer should use it In full pint bottles and standard 1 strength at 50c each, W. A IUIc e nn 11 .0000i0A0000000010000 ,, ,,, ,00 0000,0 Mi1io1 inIng a Repulailon ;The; last few years we have made, a reputation for selling 'the best 'Formaldehyde. This year we haves the same good brand- Star Brand Formaldehyde It is ai' sure killer for Smut in Grain. Use It -it means, money in your pocket. 50e a Pint REXALL STORE. W.S.R. Holmes Phm B. y _ New • Sprinq Vials � Caps For Men and Bogs Tint?IS week we pass.int stock the very .latest. in. Hats and Caps for Men and Boys and Children, These are well worth a visit to this store. • They comprise the natti- est range it has 'ever been our pleasure to display, the prices CW SidrIS for IPenII OS We are showing a very swell range of Spring and s Summer Shifts for men and boys, in plain and fancy colors. We are particularly anx- ious to show you through our stock of Sulnmer Shirts with soft cuffs and detached llar from co , $1 up, Col➢le in and Look ,. Them Over. Men's Tailors and furnishers 410•••1.,•••••••10.0 sammosmorneememeneetmen N,eWapapershave been good eel $ers tin ,town last( week, This gloriotes :climate of ; Pane. ada does molt leeein to be eun;ning - short. of ,cold ,,tvieather,