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,1-401J18 TRAcy
Copyright b
McLeod Or Allem Toronto •
al.E.1M.Vi itT3Fik, fa
ig, Irthrieffenalinf, hehlrennIthrhn- -
ins them, Noeve Srminotide, gene
.61 t g route, if you knew it, and hand
PA -ter yam road mane, ; Mean to take
nr Plane iintil your car •is, put right,
irn lite 'where to expect You. You
t to be ship-shape in three days,
' e ntmoet.".
i';,. y lord-" began the overwhelmed
41.311 see you hanged an nigh as Ham.
before I hand dyer my Melcury to
14 If that is what reu are thiuking
1/' Said Meclenham, sharply.'
p, she is builtalike a Wateh, It
QJ1d tke you a month to understand
Now , you boy, 4 off to Soya's-
oJe's. Where can I buy b. chauf-
o r`g. kit, Siramonds?"
te ?new lordship is really toe Wild, I
hpu on't think of permitting it/' mute
taped Simmonds.
"Wnat, then -do yen; refuse my [4-
61gitance?" ‘
len't that, my loi-d. I am awful,i
n, 'Are, you afraid that I shall run off
Itiitla Mise Vanrenen-hold her , to rani,
1116M --send Black Hand lettere tla herl
father, and that sert et thine" i
"Prom what little I have •Iseen 0
• s Vanrenen she is much more liken
n o run.off with you, my lord. But-"
• n 'You're growing incoherent, Simj
' onds. For goodness' saketell me'
• Where 1 am to go. You can slfela
nave ail the rest to me, and we haven't,
minute to lose if I aro to secure
nr sort of a decent motoring kit be.i
, r I turn up at the hotel, Pull your -
1f together, man. Action front and;
ret Guns unlimbered and ftrst range:,
der dispatched in nineteen seconds
h, what?" i
immonds squared his shoulders. He;
been a driver in the Royal Artila
, ry before he joined Viscount Me -
ham's troop of Imperial Yeomanry.
Ifeli was no nirther argument. Dale,.
. dental in phlegni now that Illyot was.
, ;elf backed, was already unscrew-:
g the luggage carrier. •
r Half an hour later, the Mercury,
Urled with sinuous grace out Of ,the;
, sy Strand into the courtyard of UM
voy Hotel. The enclosure snorted!
th motors, the air was petrolise, alh
e world of the hotel was going, or',
ad already gone, to Epsom. ,
,One quick glance at the lines of traf-i
‘ m
a , o showed Hedenhathat the Swiss
ar -Admiral on duty would not al -
1w him to remain an unnecessary in-
stant in front of the actual doorway. He
Bwung his car to the exit side, crept
n behind a departing taxicab, and
grabbed a hurrying boy in buttons.
"You listen to me, boy," he said. ,
The boy remarked that his hearing
was perfect. •
"Well, ,go to Miss Vaiirenen and say
that her Motor is waiting. Seize a por-
ter, and do not leave him until he has
nrought • two canvas trunks from the
, lady's rooms. Help him to strap them
on the grid, and Pll give each of you
The boy vanished. Never before bad
cnauffeur addressed him este con-
• Vincingly,
, ,
i. Medenham, standing by the Side of
klie car, wag. deep in the contourt of
It road map of Swipe% when a sweet If
ehmewhat petulantheyoice, apparently,
at his elbow, complained that 'its oven-,
0 could not see Simmonds anirtvhere.I
, -me__ . en__ ...-• • , - •• • n
• .._•....•........ I •• . • • .
Ele turned instantly. A7s1irci",-stialghte
flgured girl, wearing a dust -cloak ann
motor veil, had come out from the Saa
voy Court doorway and was scrutinize
Mg every autornible in sight. Near
leer was a short, stout woman whosa
personality seemto be strangely
familiar to Medenham. Ile never for-
got anyone, and this lady was certain-
ly not one of his acquaintances; nevem
theless, her features, her • robin -like,
strut, her very ainplitude.of girth and
;singular rotundity of form, came;
definitely within the net of his retere'
tive memory. - •
To be sure, he gave her but brief'
survey, since her companion, in all!
likelihood Miss Vanrenen, might quite,
reasonably attract his attention. In-,
deed, she would find favor in the-eyen
of any young man, let alone one whoi
• had such cause as Viscount Medenham
to be interested in her appearance.
• En her amazingly lovely face the;
, haughty beauty ofan aristocrat- was
softened by a touch of that piquant
, femininity which the well-bred Amer-
• lean girl seems to bring from Paris
with her clothes, A mass of dark;
• brown hair formed a forehead, nose,,
• ehaLmnatenetemf nlrecist.Gnmenanremulare
, Coaarcastialccwannoa.
has helped countless
thousands of thin, weak,'
delicate children—rnaqe
them strong, plump
and robust.
It creates an appetite,
aids digestion, fins the
veins with rich rect.'
blood. '•"-
After illness •or loss
of weight from any
• cause, it brings strength
and flesh quicker than
anything else. -
ity,' 'wane ner narare nianefen einem
lightly more pronounced in type,'
Would hint at unusual etrength of char-
acter were not the impreesion instant-
ly dispelled by the changieg lights in
a 'Pair of marvelously blue eyes. In
the course of a single second laledene
alai found himself .eoinparing them to
lue dean -muck, to the a,zure deptith of,,
sunlit sea, to the exquisite tint of,
he myosotis, Tlagn he swallowed hes,
Ourprise, and, 1,ifte11 his cap. • ---" '
"May I ask if you are Miss Van-.
tenon?" he said.._ - '
• The blue eyes' met his. For tie'
first time in his life he was thrilled
to the core by a woman's glance. '
, She answered with a smile, an ap,
broving smile, perhaps; for the vis4
count looked very smart in his tight-,
fitting unifortn, but none the less won-
"Then I am here instead of Sim -
monde. His car was put out of come
mission an hour ago by a brutal rain
h.ay van, and will not lee ready for thq
road during the next day or two. Mayi
f offer my services in the meantime?'
The girl's astonished gaze traveled,
from Medenham to the spick and span.
automobile. For the moment he had:
forgotten his role, and each word he'
littered deepened her bewilderment,
Which grew stronger when she looked,
at the Mercury. The sleek coach -work
and spotless leaner upholstery, 'the,
shining brass fittingsand glistening
wings, every visible detail in fact, gave
good promise of the excellence of the:
engine stowed away beneath the
muare , bonnet Evidently Miss. Van-
genen had cultivated the habit of gain
ering information rapidly. •
"This car?" she exclaimed, with a
delightful lilting of, arched eyebrows,
"Yes, you will not be disappointed,
In it, I assure you. I am doing Sime
famine a friendly turn in taking his
place, so I hope the slight accident'
will not make any difference to your.
"But -why • has not Simmonds him-
self come to explain matters?" '
"He oould not leave his car, which
Es in a side street off Piccadilly. He,
would have sent a note, but he remem-
Lndevriting, so, as a proof of my gen-
uineness, he gave me your itinerary.",
Medenhana produced a closely -writ-
ten sheet of note -paper, which Miss,
Vanrenen presumably recognized. She
turned to her stout cernpanion, who
bad been summing up car and thaua
feur with eareful eyes since egenen-
ham first spoke. •
"What do you think, Mrs, Dever?"
4Whe acjd'heenlaeard the name, Meden-
laam as so amazed that the last yes -
Lige of chauffeurism vanished from
his manner.
"You don't mean to say you are
Jimmy Devar's mother?" he gasped. ,
'Mrs. Devon positively jumped, If a
look could have slain he would ha,vel
•fallen then and there, As it Was, dhe
tried to freeze him to death, ,
"Do I understand that you are ;speak),
ng of Caiatain Deva.r, of' Horton's
-Ione?" she said, a look as an iceberg),
said he coolly, though .re-
rrotting .the lapse. He had .stupidly
ought about an awkward incidenM
aud Must remember in future not t4
i.cldress either lady ,as an equal.
"I was not aware that my son was
bn familiar terrafe witn the chauffeur'
"Sorry, ,but the, name Slipped out
unawares. CaptahinDevar its, or used
to be, very easy-going in Ms ays, you
ere that you had never seen Ms-
• ""So 11 would seernh She tureed her
hank on him disdainfully. 81,1n the en.
cumstances, Cynthia," she said, '1 am
inclined to believe thin wi oughl to
make further inquiriee I:Afore wo,ar
;change tare, and drivers, in tine lash'
•i "But whit is to he done?. M1 our
arrangements are madeaneur ' rooms
hrdered-4 bane even sent father each
day' aldros,' If eve cancel every:
.11.lng• by telegraph he will be alarmed."
'Oh, I did, not mean tti'dt," protest-
ed the lady hurriedly. it was evident
jnatmilee hardly knew what to say.
.Medenhanne wholly unexpected query
had- umierved her, '.
"le there any alternative?" demand-
hdegn tale ruefully lancing from one
., •
UBSD& aa 9.2
Woman's Power
vet; man
Lesson 111., -Second Quarter, For
° to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a '
Woman's most •gloi.loue endovvinent is the power
, il ,t
worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on. • Apr21, 1912.
no oneln the wide world can know, tlie heart agony '
she ennures. The woman who suffers from weak=
• 'nos and derangement of ,her syeteen, soon loses
• her personel magnetism. Her general health suffers
' and she loses her good looks, her amiability and
wninanlY charm. • Da. R. V. Pierce, of Beffalo, N. Y., with the assistance
" of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured 'many -thousands
of women, He has devieed a successful remedy for woman's ailments. It
is known as Dr. Pierce's Fayorite Prescription. It is a positive specific for '
the weaknesses and disorders eouliar to women It urifies regulate
Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will advise
• you to accept a substitute in or'ner to malcd a little laeger profit.
t Pi asant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Liver' and Bowels.
Fer Stia" - • L. ,
"Itis rather late, to nire another car
to -day, 'I admit--" began Mrs. Devar.
"It would be quite imposeible, mad:
am," pin in hinder -Mani. This is Derby
ay, and there is not a motor .to be
nbtained i Londoe except a' taxioab.
It was sheer good lack for Siena:Londe
that hewas able no..secure me as his
'deputy." •-
He thanked his star's for that word
?'madam." Certainly the mere souod
lof it seemed to soothe Mrs. Devar's
;jarred nerves, and -the appearance ef
the Mercury was even more reaestue
. "Ah, well," she said, "We are not
traveling into the wilds.. If desirable,
We can always return to town by train,
By the way, chauffeur, What is your
For an instant Medenham hesitated:
Then he took the plunge, strong in
the belief that a half-forgotten trans
action between himself and "Jimmy"
iDevar would prevent that impecu,nieue,
warrior fioni discussing bim freeiy, in
the family circle.
"George Augustus Fitzroy," he sad,
• Mrs. Devar's brows Imittedmehe wOs
regaining her self-possession, and 'a
sarcastic. smile now chased away
perplexing thought She was about to
say something when Cynthia Vanren-
en broke in excitedly:
"I declare to goodness if the hotel
people have not fastened on our boxes
already. They seem to know our
minds better than we do ourselves.
And here is the man with the -wraps
Please be careful with that cam-
era Yes, put it there, with the
glasses. What are you doing, Fitz-
roy?" for Medenham was discharging
his obligations to the boy in buttons
and a porter.
"Paying my debte," said be, smilinp
at her.
"Of course you realize that ,I PaY
all expenses?" sbe said, , with just the
requisite note of hauteur in her voice
that the situation called for.
"This in entirely a personal matter,
I assure you, Miss Vanreuen."
Medenham could not help smiling:
he stooped and felt a tire unnecesear-
fly. Cynthia was puzzled. She wrote
that evening to Irma Norris, her cous-
in in Philadelphia -"Fitzroy is a new
line in chauffeurs."
"By the way, where is your trunk?"
She demanded suddenly.
came alway unexpectedly, so I
have arranged that it shall be sent
to Brighton in, rail," he explatned.
Apparently, there was nothing more
to be said. The two ladies seated
themselves, and the car sped out mto
the Strand, They watched' the driver's
adroit yet scrupulously careful deal-
ing with •the traffic, and Cynthia, at
least, quickly graspedthe essential
fact that the six cylinders worked with
a silent power that held cheap every
other vehicle passed or overtaken on
,the road. ,
"It is a lovely automobile," she mur.
mured with a little sigh of satisfac•
"Quife an up-to-date car, I fancy,"
agreed her friend.
, "I don't understand how thls man,
Fitzroy, can afford to use it for hiring
:purposesf Yet, that ite his affair -not
mine. I rather like him. Don't you?"
; "His manners are ' somewhat off.
ha,nd, but such persons are given to
'aping their superiors. George Augus-
',tue Fitzroy, too --it is ridiculous. Pit*
toy is the family 'name of the Earle
;of Fairholme, and their eldest sons
have been caristened George Augus-
tus ever since the beginning of the
'eighteenth century." '
"The name seems to tit our chauf-
feur all right, and I guess he has as
good a claim to it as any other man."
Cynthia was apt to flaunt the. Stars
end Stripelb when Mrs. Dever angd her
class conventions, and the older wo-
man had the, tact to agree with a
careless nod. Nevertheless, lead Oyu.
thia Vanrenen known how strictly ac-
curate was her comment she would
have been the most astounded girl ia
London at that minute. The Vis-
countcy, of course, was nothing cumin
than a courtesytitle; in the cold eye
of the law, Medenham's full legal name
was that which Mrs. :Devon deemed
ridleulows. As events shaped them-
selves, it was of the utmost import-
hnce to Cynthia and ten Medenham,
and' to overal other personseenho had
icet yet risen above their common hon
aeon, that Mrs. Devar's sneer should
arsamermeelemamee, alancomele than lady
herself Wa,s not eashieemad of the soft
Continued next week
PalpitatIon.of the Heart
Weakness an Chokinglpell
When the heart begins(to beat irregu-
larly, palpitate and throb, beats fast for
a time, then so slow as to seem ahnost to
Stop, it causes great anxiety and alarm.
When the laeart does thisanany people are
kept in a state of morbid fear of death,
and become weak, worn and miserable,
To all such sufferers Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills will give prompt and
permanent relief., •'
Mrs. John J. Dowhey, Neve Glasgow,
NS., writes:-"Juet a few lines to 1et
you know what your Milburn's Heart
find Nerve Pills have done for me. 3,
was troubled with weakness and paten '
tation of the heart, would' have severe
cheking spells, and could scarcely lie
citiwa at all. I tried manneremedieg,
but got none to answer my case like your
Pills., I can recommend them highly to
all having heart or nerve troubles,"
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes foe
91.25. For sale at all dealers or will be
mailed direct on receipt of price by
The T:Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto
• tiihy I Keep Poultry
The eight reasons given' by Profer-
sor Gilbert., of she Central Expert..
mental Farm of Ottawa, as to why
farmers should take up poultry keep-
ing art: --
1-Because the farmer ought-, by
poultry, be able to convert a good deal
of the waste of his farm info money in
the shape of eggs and poultry for
2-.Bacause, with intelligent man-
agemept, they ought to be an all -year
revenue producer, with the exception
of about two months in the moulting
3 --Because poultry will yield him a
quicker return for canna1 invested
than any other branch of agrigulture.•
4 -Because, the manure from the
poultry -house will make a valuable
fertilizer for either vegetable garden
or orchard, and the fowls, if allowed
to roam in plum or apple orchards
will destroy all injurious inseets.'
5-Becauee, while cereals and fruits
can only be succesefully grown in cer-
tain sections, poultry can be raised for
•table use or layers of eggs in all parts
of the country.
6 -Because poultry raising is an em-
ployment in which the farmer's wife
or daughters can engage in and leave
him free to attend to other depart -
7 -Because it will bring him best
results in the eh pe of new -laid eggs
diming winter when the farmer has
most time on bis hands.
8 -Because, to start-pointry raising
on the farm re quires very little cern-
tal, an by good mananementepoultry
can be made a very vaulable adjunct
to the farm.
The most afflicted people on
earth are ±1
1080 suffer from rheum_
autism and (about one-fourth of our
'people are afflicted\ with this ter-
rible, time racking, bone crippling
disea,se. So Manypeople neglect
'themselves and rbenimatis,ni fol-
inlows 114 one forM, Med then anoth-
'er until they are an example of the
tortures of rheumatism. Rheum°
has gained the greatest reputation
through being a quick and Perman-
ent cure foe( rheumatism knits
many forms. Rheumo is so good
we guarantee( nit even in chrolnac
cases and J.E. Hovey •sitands back
of our( fgnarantee and, will reffund
your Money if Rhemno; is not nest
the best( rheumatic, etus kn (awn.
Don't puff off getting a: bottle Of
Rheumo to -day it means your health
a.ncl happiness.
' Wm. Holland Disappears.
Belleville, April 15. -The dieppear-
anee cif Wm, Holland, a prominent
farmer of Faraday Township,Hast-
ings County, is causing uneasiness.
On Thursday last he went to Ban-
etof t village to draw money as secre-
tary -treasurer of a school section in
Dangsethen Townrehip, which adjoins
Faraday Township, for the purpose nf
I :paying Um teacher, Miss George. He
chcl not pay the teacher but made
t a cheek. for $50 and afterwards
deposited 910: This • was the last
seen of limn
It is leaved he, has been drowned
in Other Lake, (-Mee which hemay
have traveled to made his home, Hol-
land is e married man And has .four
children, • '
shorfii noMsain
is hest Val,.110
PR etfilth
One P., f tile Best
• Piano Factories
in Canada
Doherty Piano and
Organ Co., Ltmited
Factories and Head Office
Price per'box sinfor $5. one emu pieciseasix
280 H RGR E STREET, Plain pkg. on rooe ofrice.. Neu) pamphlet , 1 •
•• • • - • " °UBE HEADAGI'lqe
Text of fhe Lesson, Mark iii, 7-19.
Memory Verses, 14, 15 -Golden Taxi,
John xv, '16,R. V.-Cemnientary Pre-
pared by Rev. D, M. Stearns. "
• The firriPpart of this lesson is found
in Matt xii 15-21 as well as in hieing
and the record of the choosing of the
eive i(found bn h gtt. x and Luke yi
nd in ourison verseS Our medita-
tion is upon the record as found in the
several gospels. When Jesus knew that
they had determined to kill Him He
mithdrew with His disciples to the sea.
When people resist the gospel and will
not beer of our Lord, Jesus our in
structious are to let them alone and
Withdraw from tbem (Matt. x, 14; Acts
xiii 40. II. John x, 11). As then multi-
tudes followed Jesus because they
needed what He had to give, so there
are multitudes, uow hungering for they
know not what, but 11 10 Himself they
need.. In those days they heard what
great things He did, and they came to
Him from all parts. even from Tyre
and Sidon, as well as from beyond
Jordan, and Ile healed them all and
cast out untllean spirits (Matt. xi!, 15)
and charged the healed ones not to
make ' him known. The crowd so
thronged Him that He bade his disciplee to bring Him a boat that from it
He might be able the better to teach
them. We are vessels also, and He de-
sires from and through us to make the
glad tiding e known, but few seem
willing to give Him the vessel. Tbe
quotation from Ise. xlii, 14, in Matt.
xii, 15-21, must be understood in the
light of the context, and thus it is
plain that the bruised reed and smok-
ing flax represent His enemies, whom
He might easily break in piehes, but
the time is not yet. Compare II Kings
genii, 21. Some see in the reed and flax
a suggestion of the weakness of His
own people with which He will not
deal severely. Tbat phase of the truth
is found en Heb. iv.,15, le, but here we
are pointed, onwareto the link of
judgment upon Ells enemies, and after
tbat the winning of the nations to
Himself through Israel, now meekness
and submission and suffering, and then
the glory.
Luke vi, 12, 13, tells of His spending
all Melt in prayer to God and then,
wlen it was day, of His choosing
e of His disciples, whom Ile
name apostles. I often wonder if we
understand prayer as practised by
Him. Think of our prayers, a few mo.
inents Of confession and petition, and
contrast this "continued all ninht in
prayer to -God." He had nothing of sin
to confess, so it must have been an all
night of communion with His Father
concerning the things of tbe kingdom
and concerning these men whom He
was about to set apart specially for
Himself. Verse 13 of our lesson says
that He called unto Him whom He
would and they came unto Him. On
the last night before he was crucified
He said to them, "Ye have not chosen
me, but I have chosen you and or-
dained you, that ye should go and
bring forth fruit and that your fruit
should remain." When he called these
men He had in mind not merely the
few years of ministry in a mortal body,
with much weakness and failure on
their part, but He saw the kingdom
and the twelve thrones on which they
would sit ruling the twelve tribes of
-Israel (Matt. mix, 28; Luke axle, 30).
It was not the time to talk 'with them
of that; but, though He did speak of it
before He left them, He 'also said, "I
have yet many things to say unto you
but ye cannot bear them now" (John
xv, 16; xvi, 12). He called them that
they might be "with Him." He want-
ed them not only in His company, but
to be wholly one with Him, seeing
things as He did, having Efia mind
about things, as far as such mortals
could; but oh, how they failed, and
how we fail, and bow we must grieve
Him by our unbelief and our own
thoughts`instead of His! He wanted
tbem with Him that Ole might send
them forth to preach and to heal,
Whom He blesses He desires to make
O blessing to nthers, and Ile has left
no here in Ells stead, saying to His
Father, "I am no more in the world,
, but these are in tbe world." He also
prayed• that through Its the world'
might believe and know (John xvii, 11;
xxi, 23). Ile not only prayed for the
apostles, but for all who should be-
lieve on Iliai through their word (John
Syll, 20)1 Fro we are included in His
PfsfYer, and He ever liveth to make in-
tercession for no. In the order in which
we have them in our lesson, the one
who denied Him is firet, and the one
who betrayed Him is last, and Itis the
same.in lelattbew and Luke, while the
order of the others varies just a. little.
It must be for a purpose that the
weakest and the Worst begin and end
the list, the one a true disciple, one of
the inner three, and after Pentecost
used more than either of the others; the
other a devil. Yet infinite wisdom did
the choosing, and His way 13 always
perfect, So we are dumb and can only
wonder that He ever chose us "chose
'us before the foundation of the world
that we should be holy and withont
blame before Him in love" (Epli. 1, 4).
With the exception of Peter and John,
how little we know of any of theml
Phillgi and Andrem are to the front,
not In tbe most favorable ligbh at the
feeding of the 5,000; James and John
deeire first places, in the,' kingdom;
Thomas ie the last to believe in the'
renurrection, yet He keed them all.
' •
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OUS Debaity, Nola mad Brain, Worry, Dee -
pendency k''ssmal Weakness, Bmissions, Apo,
mettorrittea ,and-lOseta of Abase Or Ice„oesses.
Is rich in food. value an&
easy to digest. • It is just
Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground
from the choicest Cocoa
Nurses and Doctors recommend its
use*in sickness or in liealth. 571
A:2:451+14011,'0,, 0a/0 501055330
Exeter Times: -Exeter's clever ball
tosser, Tomnly Catania, has received
a ,contract from the Brantford pro-
fessional base ball team, with a re-
quest to sign and report on May 1st,
at a• good salary. Tom has proven
himself to be a good pitcher and is
worthy of a place in the Canadian
League, He has been working with
the home team for some years and
with good support he has always been
a winner. Put him with fast company
and he will undoubtedly measure up
with the best, Tom is a steady chap.
a good sport and if he accepts the
offer will be much missed, as he was
the mainstay of the Exeter team.
The annual meeting of The Exeter
Lawn Bowling Association was held
in the Town Hall on Fridan evening
last when the following officers were
elected, -Pres, D. Clarke; Vice -
Pres., 1. R. Carling; Sec., R N.
Creech; Treas., N. D. Hudson; Chan•
lain, Rey. D. W. Collins; Auditors,
J. A.Steward, W, EI-Levett; Grounds
Moro., Messrs. Stewart, Creech,
Carling,' Taman and Stanhury; Tour-
nament Corn., Messrs. Dickson, Hea
man, Clarke, Snell. BaWden, Creech;
Entertainment Com,, Messrs, Stewart
Hurdon and Taylor: The membership
tee was made the same as lastyear, $5.
, I stop that itch in two
seconds with D. D. D.
Nd remedy that I have ever sold
for BezencianPsoriasie, and all other
diseasee of the skin has given more
thorough satisfaction than the
D. D. D. Prescription for
Hohnes, Druggist,
The annual meeting of the support-
ers of the Brucefield football team
was held last Tuesday. Aftet a very
successful year for 1011, and who wish
to thank the patrons who have so
nobly stood by them in the past and
who hope to"havetheir hearty support
in the future. the following oificers
elected for 1012: Hon. vice president,
A. Mustard; presibent, P. Bowery;
first vice presideet, J. Keiser; seconb
vice president, J. Snider; secretary
treasurer, W. D. Swam manager, J.
Mustard: captain, W. Layton. Capt.
Layton is securing a strong team, and
he is confident of landing the chant
bionship for 1012.
Balby'S Oenn Tablets are a sale
edicenci for all little ones. They
are gu:araniteed by a government
analyst to be alesolutely free from
opiates and other harinful/drugs-
that is why 50 many motherg will
give their baby nabbing else in the
Way of medicine. Concerliring them.
Mrs, Sohn Thompson, Coultits, Alta.,
says: "I have given my baby, when
needed, Baby's Own Tablets and
think they are the bean eemedy for
constipation have • ever nsed, I
would not be without them in the
honed." The Tablets are sold •at 25
cents a box from 'The Dr. William's
'Medicine Co., Brockville, Out,
Powers Have Drafted Terms for Set-
tlement of the War.
Rome, April 15,--ror 8, month past
the powers have been trying to reach
a,greoment among theinselves as
to how Turkey ooulcl I be best ap-
Proachecl with reference to a settle-
ment of the war with Italy. • The
powers had already a,sked Italy on
what conditions she would be Teady
to make peace. The Italian condi-
tions did not prove acceptable to
Tutkey, to • which Governmerit they
were communmated unofficially. It
became evident to the powers that
an oflicial presentation of these eon-
ditiens to Turkey would be a waste of,
tinie. They1 therefore decided to adopt
a new' coarse and ask Turkey onwhat
• oonditions she would be ready to clis-
cuss a •ce,ssation of hostilities.
o No Mediation In Tripoli Yet.
Constantinople, April 15 -The state-
meot emanating from St. Petersbmg
that the powers had' mane proposals
of mediation to Constantinople, with
a view to bringing to an end the war
between Tierkey and Italy, is incon
rect. 'Although all the arabaseadors
here have received the text of an
identical note to be submitted to the
Porte, none as yet' heel been anibinit-
ted. It ie stated that the ambassadors
will takeethe projected stepe separate-
ly on April 16,
, t'„• , •1, •
f Page. '
' Melia etroat, and Josepn Sala aged.
ne., ef eneo pundas street, Were ar-
rested early Sunday morning in a• r'
laue in the rear of the south eide
of Dundee •street‘eby P, Q. Smith
fella -wings, series diehingiarins• Chris-
topher Sparks, Myrtle atenue, Runny-
mede, evas lathe arrested at an ae-
coinplice, •
Soeith fennel GUI and Ball eronein
ing 031 a- led in the roar of W, R. •
Sheppard's 'clothing store, come)! ei
DAnclas and Panne avenue, Whenthe
bora were • placed in custody they
eonfessed' to a series of thefts,
They admitted having broken it
the rear of the W. M. 13a1dwio Gee
fancy goods store at 21,694 Dundee,
street and stealing about $5 in cash.
from the cash Tegieters.
On April 4 they entered the tailoie
nog, establishment of A. hi. Gabel at
1,741, Dundas street via the coal shute,
removing therefrom three suits of
clothing valued at $40 and Marched
out the front door, which 'was lockeci
by a spring loch. Here 'they' left a
hundred 22 cartridges, which they
saeiacIr the
meyfoinbuneder,in an empty house
On April lOtli they •entered Pearce's
thug store at 1,031 Dundas street and'
tole nearly 850 worth of cigars, eigaa-
ettes and perfume. Apparently feel-
ing the need of dash they broken open
a contribution box for the IVIuskoka.
Hospital and removed 30 onts in
Gill and Sparks have beenbefore
the police before on different occa-
sions. • They have admitted all the
Two Youthfld Berglars. •
Westerly Bran ch win cure,. Soid'tri, all druggists or Mail° in
TOrant0 A nil 15 -Two youthful
Get pure blood and keep it pure by
removing every trace of impure morbid
matter from the system.
Burdock Blood,Bitters has been on the
market about thirty-five years, and is one
of the very best medicines procurable for
the cure of boils and pimples.
Miss J. M. Wallace,Black's Harbor,
N.B. writes: -"About five years ago
tny 'face was entirely covered with
Pimples, I tried everything people told
me about, but found no relief. At last I
thought of B.B.)3. and decided to try a
bottle. After finishing two bottles I
was entirely cured, and would advise
any lady who wants a beautiful complex-
ion to use BBB."
Mrs. Ellsworth Mayne, Springfield,
P.B.I., writes: - "My face and neck
were covered with boils, and I tried all
kinds of remedies, but they did me no
good. I went to many doctors, but they
could not cure me. I then tried Burdock
Blood Bitters, and I must say it is a won -
derail remedy for the cure of boils."
• Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured
only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Girl Aceidentally'Shot
' Toronto, April 15. -While playing
with a loaded revolver about eight
o'clock last night, Annie Taylor, aged,
14 375500, of 43 Simco street, shot
herself and now lies in St. Michael's
Hospital in a dying condition. The
bulkt entered her breast just above
the heart, and her chances of recovery.
aTe very -slight.
The girl lived -with her sister, Mrs.
Arthur Osborne, who keeps a room-
ing home° at 43 Sinicoe street. The
Osbornes were packing their house-
hold goods preparatory to having
them removed to Mr. Osborne's press-
ing and cleaning shop at 161 York
street to -day. While lifting some
wearing apparel from a drawer, An-
nie Taylor found a revolver. It is
said that she pulled the trigger a.
couple of times, but there was no
response. Than she began examining
it, and in doing 'so pulled the trigger
again. This tirne the trigger hit a
loaded snell. The girl sank to the
floor. •
She was immediately removed in
the police ambulance to the hospital.
At an early hour this morning she was
reported as being in a precarious
condition. • ,
• Elal3y as Smothered!. I
Hamilton, April 15.-Aecident4l1y
smothered to death by its mother, Via
five -weeks -old infant of Martha Brod.
Hoke was found dead in bed beside
her Saturday morning. The mother,
who is prostrated with grief, statee
that she put the baby to bed at eight
o'clock and woke up several timee
during the night to feed it,,but that
when she woke up yesterday morning
it was dead. The little body was
taken to the morgue, but Dr. Carry
stated that no inquest will be held
as all the evidence p.oints to accident
81 death. .
• Fell Down Sieints:
Toronto, April 15. -William 13ailev
lies in St. Michael's Hospital with a
severe scalp wound as a result of
fallingeclown stairs in the Clyde I -To-
tal, Eaeb-King street, last night. Ile
tripped on .0 piece of carpet at the
head of the .gtairs and rolled ciewn
to the next floor.,
Oen Wile,
' 0 -
sc. Pacaelitille Wrapper BeloW'.
IVert% elooffean:osanornagaszoeasy.
.-ern-----s—e• ' IcgE
A ElIS'"In'i. ' ° t
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,•• ..,, •, 043011.11=13 .,,IticrilAvc.gotincil c, .1'
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: 'titeitr 1144'47 lrcgcgal4, °•,'I'‘e°-'-','''.:-°''''"'''6
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. •, WINNIPEG MAN madediree. rho GO Me loin on burg ars ,fosanh Gill emed 16 of 180 SICI