HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-18, Page 5V.StrUERUSUM75=4MUVUESSE01 TITTARS DA eet APR' ••••••eeememeemmeee, lath, Our $15 Watch for Men and Women 11111.111moremmelomesenneemaarres Is one that will give ex- cellent satisfaction to the wearer. Both sizes, for men and women The Movement is well regulated, and carries ' our broadest guarantee. The Case Is durable --gold filled of the finest quality. CALL AND SEE THEM W. II, 11ERVAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN '10411110;MISENSMII2siaggliN r...,..,........ 1(.0tr.uWant ADVERTISING ' eOhliMill- I , ---0_......_„... You may find something you are looking Mr in otir Want Column ti On Pagle 2 Etigermozolasznazi 00•0111000.0006•06613•111 • • WITH TFLa CHURCHES. • •000em000••••••eeeee WESLEY cannon The paa' bor Rev. T.E. Ford, evill conduct bothseevice,snext Sunday. 'The subjeet ± the Mortdng Mill be, aThe Charter of the Chriseian .Chueelne In' the evening, "Cttr- seat Evert:M." ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Sermon to Mena -The rector Will preach a special sermom to men and young men at jn,ext Sunday even - Ines 'service. The subject. will be "Strength, or a Sound Mead in a Sound Body." All men, especially, yeung men evill be cordially evel- gorcta. Mrs. Humphries will sing at the evening service. CHURCH. The eegular monthly meeting of the Girls Club will be held next Tuesday+ evening, the 23rd, at 8 o'clock. Asr the election of,officess f ow the ensulag year Will take place, a large attendance is re- quested. • ONTARIO ST. CHURCH Sunday School anniversary ser- vices 'will be held next Sunday. Rem. Dr. Routiedge of Winghtim will -preach moaning tend evening, Special! music will be furnished by the church choke In the summing Mrs. Howerd Flumplerie,s, will ,eistg. A masa meeting ,Will be held ptn tho auditorium at 2.30 pen., when a splendid program :will be rendier;ed by the school,. Dr. Routledgeewill also give an address,. The monthly missionexy meeting of the EpWoeth League was held an Monday levemeng. Bev, Mr. Grant gave a vary interesteng ad - on Bereaucla. - Sevexal /ambers were fotetaished. by ithe Lea,gners, ,llstriict OC7 uron o� ONNEW ew Dungannon David prout, county %instable, has posted proclamations in- the village prohibiting roller eltating, bicycling, trucking on the sidewalks and shoot-, irtg within the village limits. A most successful concert was held last Friday evening in the Agricultural Hall under the auspices of the Den- gannon Public Library, when the hall was nearly filled, The concert was produced by the members of the A'. Y. P. A. et St, Paul's Church, who rendered appropriate solos, duets and other music and reproduced their pop- ular play "Scenes in a Restaurant." Wm. Bailie acted as chairman and the , proceeds amounted to $35. 1 Wingliant The Maitland has subsided and the 1912.f1Ood is a thing of the past. ' Many men and teams are eusy re pairing the damage, which is not as great as Was at first expected. W. P. Grierson has disposed of his house and lots ou Patrick street to Geo. Danger ancl is removing from town, . E. C. White, tailor, has removed in- to shoe) and residents in Hutchinson Block lately occupied by W. J. llenn.„ in rs. Huffman, milliner, is removing to Gregory Block. The concert under the auspices of Lord ()battles Beresford's Own Cana- dian Troopiof Boy Scouts of Wing - ham, held n the town hall lasb even- ing, was well attended. The. boy scouts gave an exhibition of signalling and a demonstration of first aid to the injured in a very creditable manner. Scout George Bowman was presented with the serail of hottor awarded to him for life saving. Exeter Owing to the cave in of the large rain on Main street, many of the ouses and bueiness places have been flooded OUb. In some of the houses the water flowed out of the cellar win- dows. The gristmill had six feet of water in the basement, and had to close down. Exeter had quite an exciting time during the past ten days, owing to the rise of the Aux ° Sauble. It was thougbt that the dam would give way, but through the efforts of a large num- ber bf menewho worked all night in breaking up the ice and placing nem- bers of bags of sand, very little dam. age was done. • A special meeting of the council was called for the purpose of consider. ing the putting in of a new sewer on the west side of Main street, which will cost $4,000. Bey. E. G. Powell was called to Cor- unna last Monday morning on az. count of his mother's death Mrs. G. Powell. Mrs. Powell was born in Ireland and came to Canada when a girl and was a member of the Methodist church all her life. Al- though 82 years old she did her own work and *as around as usual on Saturday night. She took a slight stroke and passed away. on Sunday,. Funeral will be held ta._ Methodist church Oorunna on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Goderich The flood in the Maitland River was bigher this year than for a num- ber of years, and did quite a lot of damage to bridges throughout the county. The Goderich breakwater was undermined about the centre, and about 100 yards were canted over into the the river, making quite a break 10 the lumber piling docks 'on the north side. The new resident engineer V. M. Roberts, who was recently ap pointe3, has surveyed the damage,a,nd it it is said it will take at least $10,000 to repair it. Fortunately tbe ice in the lake was out from the sham, as a REV. fl J. M. PERKINS IS YOUNGEST RURAL DEAN A Former Gorrie Boy Honored liev. R. J. M. Peekins has been re- ceiving congratulations on every side on his appointtnent to the position of rural dean for Oxford County. Among his parishioners and townspeople as a wbole the appointment Is viewed with considerable interest for two reasons. In the first place it is the first tioae that the appointment has come to an Ingersoll rector in about thirty-five years, Mr. Perkins also has the dis- tinction, from what can be ascertain- ed, of being. the youngest rural dean of the d' nerawerianzivateneaseasevewasetireassa Th Is s a Good TiMe To purchase Sugar and Tea, as prices are advancing. Then you will.be thinking about Timothy Seed, Red Clover, Alsike, and Lucerne This is the Place to Buy ADA MS LoMIARAT alliatellenn""_naalatiMia tWn'e 0131=0000011=111 Ivm•nwseas 4301•01=11110M50004...." _ A 1 1 i, i -kirk "GOO110 SU On" and eo is every chair we show. You select one and have wife select other. It will be a; "toss up" which is best. You can't go amiss on ANT KIND OF A CHAIR in our stock. They're all good Just so with entire stoele we ) show, It's best in town, and that's why "those who know' H ()OVER BAL -NUE buy furniture at our place UNDERTAKING AND plURNITURE ammaimmimenum 01101001, TO CORRESPONDENTS. The New Era, wishes to in. crease its staff oecerrespondents throughout the county and in- vites the help of those willing to send in from week to week, items of news in the neigbor- hood. 'Flatters of importance are always welcome, but equally so are •the items telling of the • movements of people to and from the locality. The'New Era asks that all willing to help in the work, which will benefit the locality by bringing it before the world, write to the Editor of the New Era,' when supplies of paper, envelopes and postage will be furnished, jam at the mouth of the river would have caused untold damage to shipp- ing and. vessels wintering in the har- bor. Alex. Saunders, manager_ of the Goderich Organ Factory Company has purchased the beautiful grounds and residence of the late Wm Kiely, on Nelson street, This is the most beaut- iful residence in Goderich, and has been. on the market for several years. Mr, Saunders intends making some extensive changes, including a large garage to hold several automobiles, . George Johnston has -purchased the large park known as Ransford Grove and the Miller place adjoining, and is going inteathe chicken farm business on a large' settle. M. Johnston has had several years' experience in this iine. The Horticultural Society is distill)» uting a large number of flower bulbs and other seeds to their weathers. This society has done a great deal to encourage beaubEul homes in Gode. rich, and created quite a competition. VVin. Coats, the registrar of"Huron, is quite an enthusiast in this line, and has the mdst magnificent display of roses to be seen in Western Ontario, over one thousand rose bushesyMr. Coats -had roses all last season, and in bloom as late as October. The Goderich' town council intend abandoning oiling the streets this year and resorting back to She old-fashion- ed watering system that the board of trade protested so strongly against two years ago. Varna Mr,and Mrs, A. Duncan entertained a number of the young people in honor of their daughter Pearl, who will go west with her brother Herb and slater. in*law. The evening was spent in games and music. Mrs. S, D. Rathwell and daughters have returned to their home in Luck. now, atter spending Eastertide with her father, Mr. T. Keyes. Miss Hattie Johnson and Miss Elsie Reyes, of New Dundee, were guests of her aunt, Mrs, A. Robinson, Belgrave Mr, Chas, McClelland is in Toronto Ibis week on business. A. Taylor is painting and papering the inside of his stcre, which makes !Date an improvement to it. Mr. William Bray and Florence of St. Helens spent Easter with bis daughter, Mrs. John Gentles, Mr. Frank &amiss of '3outh Porcu- pine spent Baster with his brother John of Belgrave. He reports no sign of spring when he left there on Thurs- day. Be left on Tuesday for New Ontario, Traci oek School re -opened on Monday with Mr, Dickson still as teacher. „•••°- A meeting of the W. F. M. St, was held at the home of Mrs. Herrington on Friday afternoon. Quite a number of ladies were present. Miss Mary Parsons left this week for Ruseomb. Miss Minnie Campbell spent Sunday under the parental roof. Majim Watt left this week for Rue. comb. Mrs Parson, Toronto, hes been the guest at the home of Charlie Parson over Easter. A few from around here attended the Spring Fair at Seaforth ' on Tues. day afternoon, Constance Rey. Mr. Millyard, of Hensall, preached here on Sunday afternoon. School re -opened. on Monday after the Easter holidays. Quite a number of little ones startieg to school, • Mrs. C. MeGreggor and. son Ross are improving now after their sickness. Mr. Frank Norwood hive had attack of eppendicitee, We are glad to say he is on the mend. • Mr. Wm, Linsey mid family have moved to Florence Ont., where Mr. Lindsay has bought a Livery business. The Woman's Missionary Society are hevieg an open Meeting on Thurs- day evening when Mrs, Osterhoin will give a talk on Missionary work. Sennett Miss Edith Jenkins, teacher of Pore, ter's Hill School event her vacation under the parental roof John Ilowarcl spent Tuesday ef last week with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Cart - right. elm. Wm, Hiles and Miss Annie smelt a week with relatives in London, Mrs, P. Shobroek is spending a few weeks at the house of Mrs, D, Floody, of Blyth. Miss Keatlso, Weymouth spent a few days of last week with Illytle friends Miss Myrtle Philips was the guest of her frieed Miss Sinclair of Goderich Township a few days last week, Miss Della 1\100°01 visited Mrs, L. Awde a few days this week, Mr, Humphrey Snell, who lost his barn last fall is preparing to erect a • new one this summer. Still Doing Business. -.When any- one thinks that James Snell ez Sons are not doing business in the sheep lines they are badly fooled. Only re- cently Mi. Snell received word from W. Walker, of Sunnydale Farm, Whitewood, Sask., to ship one of his best rams out to him by August of this yeer. In the letter it stated that Mr. Walker had had great euceess with his sheep so far and many far- mers were commenchtg to raise them. ast week Messrs Snetl also shipped a, Porter's 11111 , Idiss Nellie McDonald of London, epent a few days in the neighborhood last week. e Miss Jenkins spent tbe Easter holi- days at ber home in Blyth. Miss May Lindsay, of Goderiele is visiting at her mothers. Miss Jennie Woods is visiting in Miss Cressie ?pent Sunday on the Maitland Concession. Those who attended the funeral of Mrs. John McLean. of Duegannon on Thursday were Air. John Cox and dauglster Maggie, Mrs, James Cox, L,eslie Cox, Mrs, Milton Woods, Mrs. Jambs Harrison, Mr. Wm. eilliott and daughter Cressie and Tom Elliott. Seaforth , Misses 13essie and Norah Kennedy,' ofeWingham, spent the Easter vaca- tion with their grandmother, Mrs. J. 0. Mackay, Goderich street Mr. and Mrs. Norman Henry have left for Huntsville, their new home. Mr. Robert Bell, Dr, Mackay and Mr. A. D. Stitherla.nd have returned from a trip to Detroit. Messrs, Forbes Bios. have secured • the contract for the new telephone line at Aylmer, also for the extension of the line at Shakespeare, The latter line was erected by them and con- structed so satisfactorily that they were given the new extension. 'Mrs. Adana Hays and Mrs. J. H. Hays have returned from a visit at Leese). The Misses Holman have returned front Mitehell, where they had been visiting friends, Miss Minnie Mackay is attending the teachers' convention in Toronto this week, Mrs, John Killortin, an old resident, of Seaforth, widow of John Killoran, died suddenly at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Burns, 44 Oriole road. Toronto, on Monday afternoon, The deceased had been visiting her daugh- ter for the past couple of months and had been well most of the time, and the sudden collapse was not expected. She had been a tesident of Seaforth for over fifty yeaae, and- is survived by a large family. The funeral was held on Wednesday this week, Leeloiin Miss Winnie Shaw returned back to Toronto on Saturday after 'spending several menthe with her parents here, bliss jean Glutton returned back to her school at Carthage on Monday after spending her Easter vecation. Ruth Shaw has gone to teach school at Nile after beitig successful with her exams at Nornea.1 School at Stratford. • "Congratulations Ruth." Miss Lizzie Horton returned home on Wednesday of histeveek from near Stratford where she spent Easter week with her sister Mrs, G. Clinton. Miss nee Linklater also returned the same day from near Sebriegville, where she spent Baster week with her sister eft% Win, Ruston. airs. Alex. loung,of Goderiele visit- ed her friend eire. A Olutton, on Sat- lirOannYMonday-the day aneounced for Ike bee to finish shingling the ehureh shed which was built last autumn the hainnters began to pound at eighe o'clock and about a dozen mai made a rod showing in the forenonn. In a tort time in the afternoon the num- ber was double that of the fornoon and by fie o'clock the work wits coin- pleted over fifteen sgna.res having been laid that day. Mr, James Link - later holds the honor of being the old- est men on the job having passed his three score years and ten and yet quite smart even on the side of a roof, The building committee were much encouraged and are very grateful for the free response to the call for help, londesitaro The sawnallawill close in a few days. The Base Ball Olub will have a meeting on Saturday evening to re- organize for the season. On Tuesday Fred Gibbs, William Griffith, Louis Pingle and Wale/A Lee left here for the Westerne/ountry. They were accompanied by D. Floody. of Blyth, and Jaines Brown and Frank Gibbs, of Clinton. - The concert given in Knox Church on Monday evening was good but the attendance was small. D. Cantelon, of Olinton,wes here on Wednesday purchaeing potatoee. Our merchants are paying high prices for eggs ad butter. liming work is starting slowly. Harrison Lyon has rented Mrs. Sore eph Garrette foam for this year. One farmer near the the village sold $770.00 worth of hog e two weeks ago at one sale. • A severe thunder storm visited these parts qn Sunday evening but no dam- age was done. Miss Viva Male is assisting Mrs. Adams at the millinery for a short time. , The Woman's Missionary Society of the blethodist church held the reg- ular monthly meeting on Wednesday and Use follovving officers were elected for the combat; year :- President -Mrs. (Rev.) Osterhout, Vice Peesident-Mrs, Bell. Treasurer -Mrs, Collinson. Recording Seeretary-Ma Brogden Corresponding Secretary -Mrs.Breg- den, Supt. Systematic Giving -Mrs, Tam - Organist -Mabel Vodden. Brneefield At "Evergreen Fair," the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Murdoch, Stan- ley Township, a very pleasing event took place on Thursday at high twon, when their second daughter, Miss Giant O., was married to Mr. John S. IVIeNeil; of St. Thomas. The cere- mony was performed by Rev, N. Shaw of Egmoridville. The bride was given away by her fathenand looked charm- ing in a dress of duchess' eatea. She carried a bouquet of lillies of the valley and carnationte Guests from a dis- tance were present from Se, Thomas, Rodney, London and Hensall. After, the ceremony all sat down to a sump - amiss dinner. Mr. and Mrs, McNeil left on the evening train for an ex- tended trip to Buffalo, Clevela,nd, To- ledo, and Detroit. On their return they will take up theft residence in Se Thomas, London Road Mr. John McKnight takes the League/ Meeting next Tueeday night which will lee beld at Mr. lealeenerls. Willeb rams Does, Your Watch Run Correctly ? If Not, let us repair it for yout It inay. be only dirty, and need cleaningi OT stop for leek ail 014V , 'Whatever a he( Reason, clan't WE give thorough examina- tion and regulatiou FREE. • Anything Mare costa as, little as satesfactary) Nroaile can be dorm. , 11. J. Grigg Jeweler and Optician Issuer ol Illarriage Licenses1 wllj seetharer all at -work. aVir. Jos. Shipley got 3rd Prize foe' two( year did filly alt the SeatIctzth Spring Fair on Thesday, The little son of Andrew David - see, Who was lsitten by his dog a week ago, is getting on as well as Pan be expected., Godarien Vie, Wm. IVIerrill and wife *turn ed from the* honeymoon on P/Ianday, and' a. f of their Many causing took them by surprise on Thursday evening and presented With a shower of granite and linen. They enjoyed the surprese and ap- preciated the 'thoughtfulnees of their friends. A.eter the pra,senta- tioes, and a speech, from ear. Mere rill, tthe party etjoyed thenneliVas in innocent alleles aad amusement meluding some good Music. After Partaking) of a bountiful eepast they all departed, wishing Mr. and Mee. Merrill Many happy yea* of married eif e. Myth. W. and Mrs. Jackeon spent the Easter holidays with friends at Tor- onto and Whitby. The By-law authorizing a loan ;a $6,000 to the new flax mill to be erect- ed here was carried lest Friday and the new Company will proceed to at- tend to their part of the bargain at an early theta Blyth is to be congratu- abed on securing the industry as the • promoters are reliable men. Matrimonial -Miss Ida Gibbs, for merle' of Blyth, and Frederick John ston were married at 180 Burrows Ave., Winnipeg, by Rev. W. A, Mc Lean, Presbyterian minister, at 4 In m, on Wednesday April 3 The bride was beconsingly dressed in white voile. They have started housekeeping on the groones beautiful farm, near South ey, Saskatchewen, with the healey good weans of a wide &role of friends. ; messesisemumaceine Page' LI eassimereeineaseamiemei Special Values in Rugs and Linoleums for April Never before has our showing of'Rugs ind Line- leums been as large or attractivc as they are this season and never has our values been greater. At present we are Showing' a beautiful assortment of Squares in Tapestry, Velvet and Brussels, and -our prices on these, you will find, are away below what are usually asked for these goods Come and let us show you these goods and quote you our prices. See our New Lace Curtains Prices from 25c to $5,bo per pair. Piumsteel Bros, SMALL PROFITS:: •MORE BUSINESS 110TUIMEIIIMIS ICONUMUMUULMea Jr: -Clinton Cook 62 per cant. Div. II Sr.-Tatal - 200 - Percy Ladd 189, Lyda alorrisb, 182, Irene Cold Edward Cleghorn 178, Mary Chidley 175, Eleanor Kemp 173, Erskine Evans 172, Lois, Holmes 164, Learia Nediger 163, Mildred, Could 157. Jr. -Mansfield Cook 154, Hattie Greig 152, Nellie WatkIns 145. • M. E. Chidley-, Teidier. Div, III. Sr. -Alice Teck•itt 92 per cent., Mabel Marshall 87, Leona Hearn 82, Ina Trewhill 81, Frank. Smith 80, Marian Gibbings 79, Sadie Walsh 73, Elsie Holtzhauer 72, Leatal Harland 69, Helen Forrester 69, Aileen Armour 68, Agnes Fair 65 Jr. -Harold 1VIanneng 90 per cent Murray McNeil 73, George Evans 66 Marlorie Barge 62, Sadie Yesbee 61, Nettie Glazier 60, Leslie Huller 59, Earl Cooper 57, Orville 'Murlphy 57, Cecil Pecklitt 56, Fred Grimes 55, J. Wilson, Teacher Div. IV. Sr.-Efarry Lawrence 91 Lyda! Livermoce 89, Ethel WasMan 88, George Middleton 88, Robbie Sehrenk 87, Jessie Jaekson 86, Beesie Harland 86, Edith Jorietv 86, Ernest Livermore 85, Edna Weet 85 • Mary Taylor 82i Benefit Hall 82, Clete Ieunford 82, Fanny Hellyter 110 Edna McCaughey 79, Fred Wtalis 79 Elsie Greene 78, Alex. Eagleson 78, Wafted Seeley 77. Jr.-Eulalie Hill 87, Marian An- drews 86, Merrit Nediger 83, Flora Miller 80, Roth Aegeut 78, Lawrence West 77, Ban each 70, James Wal- ker 51, , k L. Stevens, Teacher, Div. V Sr.--Peomatect from Sec- ond Book to Thied Book 'Maximum Meek 550, To Pass 350 -Willie Coop- er 497, Beryl Cooper 496, Leightoal SValkee 490, Stewart McBrien 486, Helen Ross 480, Agnes, Walker 473, Mildred Liverraore 469, Willie Bell se ride was very !tightly esteemed 467, Annie Lawrelnice 267, G. W. n this locality and was wen worthy Barge 466, Hattie Livermare 451, 02 11. leer mother is still a resident Evelyn Cluff 450, josephine Yesbee of Blytb, 435, Frances Xasbec 119, Ambrose e MeCorvio 89 per cent, Maguire, 405. Alieet Fluker 89, George Walker 88, • CLINTON SCHOOL REPORT se SiWelice eCoopl:r8;10Gegarrlee ,T8o1h,lineloenY 87 * Bert Slonian 83, Helen CraWford 82, Ernest Brad,shaW 82, John Taylor 75, Fred Pickett 72. H. Courtice, Teacher, Div. VI.--Pronioted to, Second Book i Total 354n To pees 115. - Fergus Reyeolds 292, Dear othy Rorke 285, Amy ilellyar 276, Gor- don Hall 270, Harry Munro 262 lelaajory Beaton 253, Dixie Fair 244 namie McCreary( 242, Hart/ Ball Div, I Sr -James 'Wylie 68 per cent, Jentnee Miller 68, Harriet Can - talon 68, Foster Copp 68,- Gertie Wallis ,68 Freek Fenlaebaker 66, Lloyd Waken 66, Chester jobristotne 62, Austin. Nediger 62, Austin 'Mar- t' 60, Ch oes, , ea 236, 'Willie lautteb. 235, Lottie Judd 234, Jack Bowden 233, Etta Hardy, 229, Katie, Ladd 227, Jabez Rande 226, Bessie, Murphy 224, Russ41 Erbteon{ 198, Hugh Maguire 192 ?repeated to Sr. Class in Div. 'VI, Total 400. To pass, 200. -Macgregor Great 340, Kenneth Carter 333t, Bessie Meerish 331, Alex McRae 330. Ketie Wylie 3230 George Carter 321, Agnea ateynolde 300, Asa Bolton, 299, Jean Erskine 298, Stewart Tay- lor, 296, eoe Yesbee 273, Cecil Cook 1261 Amos fasbaldeseon 261, Jessie, McCreary, 2.5s, Amy Gould 258, Stewart McDonald 252, Fred Elliott 251, John Yesbee 217, Charlie Ful- ford 225, Margaret Mennel 202, E. C. Tiplady, Teacher, Div. -The followting hive been 'promoted from{ Div, VII. to Div. Total Marks e50. Required to Paso 140, -Leona, Taylor 213, Daisy Ned.' igezt 212, Jean eanler 207, Helen Grigg e05, Wilbur 13ezzo, 201, Aticl- dray Collyer 200, Gladys Wiatee 199, Margaret Cree 186, Pearce, Reid 176, Malcolm) McTaggart 168, Mary .Ar- ge,nt 167, Henry Slomatte 159, Alfred Glaziese 153, Donna Melholittend 148, Wellie Miller 141, The followeng have been Promot- ed from the Brinier to the Fleet Reader, in Div. VII. Total marks 250,--Geatrude pewter 233, Leila McCartney 223,.Harold Lawson 215, Nisbet Cook 201 Herbert Floltzauest 198, Gordan LaWson 196, Helen, Rob- erto/I 196, jewels, Irving 194; Gladye McGuire 185, jessie Maguire 185, Percy Livermore 179, Lucy Leery .176, George Menne' 17e, Douglas Tozer 171, Ruth Evaas 172, Lillian Judd 147, 'Mervin Deeves 145, Doeglas Ball 139, Lawrence Wheat- - Iey 134, M. Teaches:. Div, V111,-Fromated to Div. VII. IVIMe"Tke gs g a 19tbt3341711, aWb n ie353e0le-MEalteltan34°51, mAnIrile:;1:11313113,3845w, iFtzie'arnkc4Szelittes tn, 333444,, Frank Meech, 341, Margaret Clege horn 341, Ivy Tieeves 336, Roy LiV- Hilton Butt! 327, Charlie Cook 326; Robert Middleton 324e Walter Os- balde,sten 323, Eddie Wittse 304,11a - land, Welkee 302, Harry Cochrane 295, Hisie Cooper 283, Abbie Carrick 278, Leuela, eifeCleschy 241, OeiVee Murphy 111iaC213a4s. s.-Noem'an IVIeNeil 122: Audrey McIntyre 121, Beet McGtere 117, Kathleen Livermore 115, Kath- erine Grant 115, How,ard Gould' 110, Jack Britton llo Sadie Gibba 110, Se.c.o,nce Clasa.-Barry Combe 98, Vien,ell Huller 89, Eric Reed 89, Ag- nes Cornbe 82. ' Minnie Ken Teacher'. owtociamessecosomeassosem.asessecooseesootteeseeeeso•seetneeeseseeseeseeeeeesese 0 0 0 „ 0 e e e • I ; e al • • • MU 0 e) eo to : BeelalleleraaliatieteleatesminzemereamegeggellegfeiteMelaileaaMETESSE221 at o ID, at at • • Entil e $9,000 Stock to be Sold • • • • . • • • • I Remember that our Big Hardware Sale is now g . . : going on where Bargain are to be g • • e had in every Department. • . • . • . • , • . • . • . . . Don't Miss This i • • • • • • to e D OPPORTUNITY • • • • •• • • • • • 0, • • young bull to Tara. It pays to keep me So, of Ithe farMars have 'porn - the best, tneoced seeding but next 'week L. etiESNEY Successor to Chesney & Archibald SE/WORTH • 60, • • • • • • • • 011,00.0.e00040•0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••fe•••••••••••••••••••••••00