HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-18, Page 4Page 4
Ready -to
Ladies' Suits,
eoats, Skirts and
In a stock like, ours, continually being refreshed
with new goods, it means that every visit to this store
is marked by some new feature of interest. This
week we are showing many new garments from some
of the best makzrs in Canada, and we emphasize the
fact—It's a Pleasure to Show Our Goods:
Three Specials tor
Saturday in our
Ready to -wear DePt.
Special No. 1
Two dozen only, Black
Silk Underskirts. very line
quality silk, would be good
value at $5.00, Saturday for
only . ...... , 3.98
Special No. 2
One dozen only, smartly
tailored Walking Skirts; ma-
terial, tweed; regular 35.00
Saturday..... . . ...... 3.9S
eeiall No, 3
Two dozen only. ()ream Net
Waists,`silk lined, shor t and
long sleeves, very special for
SatUrday.... .. . ... 2.99
• MILLINERY That is Always Fresh
There is always something new to be seen in our
show room because we are' always in close touch with
the markets, and when anything new appears it is not
long before it appears in our show room.
This Store for Fligh.elass
WIMSZSMIZZIE:a====2:2 rp.12
• It is the desire of the
publishers that all should
4.take an interest in this
+ column of THE NEIV
IERA.. If you have friends
visiting you, or are go-
: ing away for a trip, leave
+ word or send it on a post
• card.
+ +++++++++++++++++++++++4
+ Mrs. EL B. C•ombe, returned Ai,;,
▪ week from' a visit with IBulitalo
• friends. •
+ M. E. N, Lewis, M. P., of Goaan-
+ ich, was calling ,on the faitbfful
last week.
Mr: Will Johnson left on Monday
- foe Toronto' ,Where .he expects to
remata for sometime.
• lffr. Andrew Porter'. of Cioderichy
al former Clintonian, was calling
an friends intaWn ta,st week. .
•Jlarristee Best, of Seafor(th, made
+ businexe culls in ;town last Friday
t land Wednesday of ithis ;week.
Mr. and Mrs. Holland. who hav.e
+ residedin towr4 for the pest year
left this week for .Calgary, Alta4
Mr. H. Wilitse left Monday afteeL
noon foe Winnipe . His old friends
s oWn all wesh ith2 ;success bathe
West '
M. J. Rthrisfo;rd lain Toronto ten
meek. •
5IiSE1 Agile Emigh, of B1 yth, •wa
in it ON71. Wednesday, •
Mr. 'Will. Czech, 'of Sealforth, 'was
in town op W,ednesclay.
CT ONO Abtorney Seeger, of God
mech., ,was in town ithes week.
Mr. Robert MacKenzle of Queen'
Univessity Inisegeton ie ,expecte
home this evenang.
Mr., Peed, Thimbtull has itaken
posetion in the Moeecese Bank in
Mrs. King, at Clinton, vieited
with her • sister Mrs.. Bennett tales
week—Blyth S.tandard.
Mr. Dunlop of Ithe Noisome, Bank
stale hes, 'rented 'the MeCiacherey
coetage on noseph ,tweet.
The' Miese.s. Hoover who spent
the "Bastes: holidaysiiu town ineuen
ece to Toronito, last 'Peek.
•.1›- 'Mine Edina P.esenebaker left
Tuesday fox Goderich where .ehe
intends spending a few weeks.,
B. spetion HIgh. Shoo l In--
speetor eves, at the Collegiate in-
stiltitte far •three clays inspecting
the school. '
Mrs. A. McMurray and Mee Ear-
rY Fiezimanons Teens:lied lest week
from nple,asani viree with eelatives
and friends at Sudbury.
After spending the weneer vesit-
lne relatives and felelede Mt Lon-
don and litamiltoln "Mien Graham
leas rettaln.ed .to town seed \vie' re-
sume lier •cleaves in painting.
Eneas Crich ,w1es viniitings in Olin-
duririg the past week. It ie 32
years pence Mr. Crich left Tuckesn-
snittir 111'7111cl 'Township he was
barn. Mr, Ceich's mother, is a res.-
• ident of 'Clinton' and is ova: 80
years of age hue real ;smart foei an
old lady--Brusteela Poen
• Mis.s Gilehelet of the G. N. W. Tel,
Co. town is at 'Platteville thin week
attending the funeral other broth-
er -in -lave 'Me. R. J. Neale Mr.
Nealel •was for Many years a BM,C-
cesof td eechant Matte/vilep
but has, been in failing 'health for
some yeaen He leaves. •a wife ,and
one; daughteal avbs. W. Ramsay of
oe Ayr. ' _
The many fa -lends or eire, Joshua
Penton, 'Brandon, formeally of Clin-
ton, will he sorry to learn W he
entsf °Annie about tiix Week $ ago In
felling on the ice and breakieg her
leg, She" is note en the Brandon
1Gesseral nospital and is improving ,
aa feet as. ean be expented allthough 1
she will be,eontined to her roots
ton, Tuckerensith• and eatorth
1VIrs. Wasmen and Miss Bthel, of
•Clintose are visitor,s 'with- George
ad Mrs. 'Pollard, ithel twines:ft%
pa,re.nts, in 13russels.
Mr, Albeet Seeley and family left
this week on a pleasure latip •to
Quell Lake, S,ask. They will be ab-
sent Ioe a few weeks.
Mrs. joe Webster and her elsvo
daughters . of Lositleebeeo • were
guestof Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Saville
from Priday until Monday. .
Mr. and Mee. D. Craweorn aed
tamely, whohave resided In town
fon elle( past few. year's are Mov-
ing tto Dublin sithesse they will re-
side in•fulture.
Mr. Garage nIo.are, of Clinton.
vice-president of the Huron Coun-
ty Stock Show, attended 'the Me-
ehan Spring Fair on Tuescley--Mitt-
cheill Advo,calte.
Little Mises Helen Gregg, Tues. -
any,' .ententaitned 36 of her gira
frie,ndento e birthday party !rem
4.30 lto 8.-30. Helen :was 8 year,s. A
pleasant. time was spent, by all.
Seaforth Spring
Show Was Good
• Tuesday • wan a delightful , day
Lor the annual Spring Pair held
in S,eaf °ante. Enteiee .were many
and the crowd was !large,
Following, was the prize-win/lees
Liebe Horses—Standard bred Pae
Big seallion, Melville Crich; :single
raadster, A.. Close, Robert Dever-
eux, A. Darling • single carrla. 6J,
Nicholson, D; Crawford; load4sterl
1 'learn, A.,HaYs, J. Sparrow; heckneY
stallion, W. Dale.
Judge; 3.8. Koch, Tavietock. '
Heavy Horses— Aged Clycleselale
seallien, names Brooks, 3. J. 1Miller,
N. Horton, Thos. Dickson; t hr,ee-
1 Yean old etallion, Dale BrotheUs;
evat year cold stallion, Dale (Benin ;
Canadian bred Clydesdale under
three years, James Carlin; Sweep -
seekers jamest Brooks; Shire stal-
lion, J. Blake; :Pereheron stalllore
.I.P. McIntosh; heavy draft team,
Wm. Jacebs, Simon 'Hiuniter &eon,
Jahn Hoggarth • brood Mare i
7,enV, L.1ren''1,;,-11.,eneliteS.74r,!:',1:11.eltl"ei',A;9k.'7, • , ,,•'' • ,
,l31aek ,or ge'ldIngifoaled", ila Li, Ottawa; Geadjsie, Who is at- WENT DOWN. 'WITH HIS amp
1900; Roberto -Reid, Chas, Wright, P. tenclingi .istesene,est college in Lon -
Woods . filly or gelding °ailed in don and Arthur .,at 4.0mo,
1910?: Wm, Cairns, D,,Potheeizgliarn, • ,
3. Shipley ; best foal. James arlin
John-, McGee -in, George Harn.
Aerie's:literal—Team.10 harnees, T.
Coleman, W. A. Hamilton, Charles
Wright ; brood mare in foal, elms.
Wright, 3. Sumner, P. Baerfews ;
or gelding foaled 111 1000, T.
Deaver, H. .Mahaffy,, Robert Doig;
• filly or geicli,ng foaled in 1010,'W.
A. Hann/lean, W. Tre.wartha, D.
Fotheringbane ; beet foaled in 1911,
G, McMichael, C. Wright,
General purpo,se team, John
Decher, W. 11. P1 t1. • •
Judge—T. Ja.cksem, Searboato.
Cottle—Aged Shorthorn bull, Jas.
Cawan, James Carlin.
Judge—E. V, Thompson, Guelph,
0E11. 111111 WOODS
Is NOW In Brucefield.
^ ^
St. Thomas, April 113—The closing
week of the pastorate of Res. Hall
Woods ivas one of surprises and of
testimony, On the evening of April I
tie young pole took possession of
tbeie pastoe's Lome, •and during the
evening presented their pastor and
wife wale a silver fere bowl and their
daughter wlth a silver spoor,. On
Pliday eveninsrafter the pre -commun-
ion seevice, a acial hour was epent in
the basement wibh the ;mister and his
wite. Tea was served by the ladies.
kettle °lc se of the first table Mrs. J.
Brown read a kindly worded aderess,
and Mrs. R Kerr presented their
pastor, on behalf of the congregation,
with a well-filled purse of gold, Mrs.
Woods nith a silver pudding dish,and
Florence with a spoon. The pastor
very feelingly replied, thanking the
'congregation fcr their expressions of
love and good will to himselrand fam-
The farewell service on Sunday even-
ing took the form of 1 he mean:minion of
the Lord's Supper. Mr. Woods poke
from John 15-9, taking the subject.
"The Gladness of the Communion. '
About FA members sat down. Among
these were 11 members of the Young
People's societies,'Who were received
in full communion on Friday eighe
At tbe close of the table Mr. Woods
even thanked the congregation on be-
half of himself and family for their
many tokens of love and esteem, and
exborteethem to be of one mind, to
hold close to Jesus Christ, and the
future would be assured.
Mr. Woods and family left for their
new field' of labor at Brumfield on
Monday afternoon, followed by the
hest nestles of their inlay friends in
St: Thoma.
Some Great Shipwrecks
Tbe greatest disaster in tbe record
of modern ocean navigatioft was re-
corded in the brief despetenes printed
on Monday morning. The foundeling
of the Titanic will make a place in
history beside the capsizing of the
Royal George with "twice four hun-
dred men," and the loss of the troop-
ship Birkenhead. One of the most
(dramatic events of the nineteenth
century, when a detachment of Brit-
ish soldiers stood at attention on t he
deck of the sinking ship, while the
boat i took off the woman and chil-
dren aboard.
Other terrible tales of the toll that
ocean takes of thotes„who do business
in great water include the loss of the
White Star steamer Atiantio oft the
coast of Nova Scotia in 1873, when 547
people were drown, the few persons
saved being rescued by fisbermen
on the cliffs; the sinking of the Prin-
cess Alice in the Thames in 1878 after
a collision, with 700 souls on board;
the loss of the Anchor liner Utopia off
Gibraltar in 1891 by collision, when
574 immigrants were drowned; tbe
sinking of La Bourgoyme, a Jerenoh
liner, in 1898, with a loss of 580 lives.
and most terrible of all until Sun-
day the burning of the excursing
steamer Genera/ SIOCUU3 off New York
in 1901, when 1,400 people, including
hundreds of children, perisded by fire
or threw themselves overboard and
Web e drowned.
Rector at illyoralig
Takes ills life
Rev, John Ounne While Unbalance'd
From 111 Health Shoots IlimSelf,
Wyoming, Ont., April. 15.—Rev.
Johe Gunge, aged 53, brother of
Rev. Chas. R• . Gunne, eeeeor of
Christi Chureh, London, and ;him-
self rector of ;the Anglican 10hurch
here, -ended his life alt hie home
Monday morning. ,The late Mr.
Gunne, who' was deepty beloved
not only by .the members of hie o
congregations but also by the peo-
ple of Wyoming and the district in
generain had been trill :health for
a long ;time, Pox Months 1175 found
iitimposibLe to eleep, but while his
condition wits euffecielet to cause
uneasinese, It was not thought that
hie mind had become, •.affeneern
Early elo.ridey Morning his ,veife
• heard the report od a gun in, the
helmet and at once' Isen about ilevesite
igaiting, ADM.'S a 'time she found
the body otner husband, in 'bee
night eobe. in the batbroonv. 015,
• the floor beside bran wa,su a double-
baerelledl ehotgun, one barrel of
wheel"r had been discharged. •The
unfontunaile Man had placed the
nutzeneunde.r his chin end had fir=
ed, past of his head and; face being
carrier% away
Dr. Kidd was at on.e.e Isurainon,c1,
and he Meuse'. notified Dr, C.alder,
of Wyoming, :who decided than an
in,quesit ;wee enrnecessary.
The lake MreGurnsie had been in
WYomine fOr •itIVIeltatY-SiX Y ea l',9(
fle was Imperilail73 a elergynaare of
high ,attaintaesets, and his moek
never' flagged In the iIraterests ol
his tellow-meb. The keenest re-
gret is felt here athlete untimely
end, and the Most profound
pathy is laelng, extended the be-
reaved Emile% 'He's au:reined by
the widow end ea..ehien
•, , , on Droner, W, S. Dale, W. Teddy, .of 'the Bank on Toronto '
World's Greatest Boat
at Bothim of Atlantic
011,ti.aue4 fro *4 page 1.
And no man knew dearly what was
'eaking place In that stretch of waters,
where the giant 'icebergs were making
a mock a all •that the world knew
best in shipbuilding.
; As the wireless tells in story, in
phut, interrupted periods, the sea-
ways between the icebergs were crow-
ded with the wallowing hoats of the
Titenic and the great ship herself,
bow emptied, half full of water for-
ward, was heeling forward on her fore-
foot, her stern high out of the water
so the the tremendous scresys were
visible dimly and on the verge ot drop-
ping beneath the surface. It was a
pectaele of marine disaster that Call
never fade from the memory a the
seamen whoeame up on the Carpatbia
--the' most. wonderful of ehip s on the
verge of her end and her people scat-
tered over the face of the waters in
little, rocking boats.
• Capt. 11. J. Sthith, of the Titanic,
the admiral ef the ;White Star fleet,
the •careful veteran 'of the Atlantic
who has breuget so many of the line's
(Meet Teasels across the Atlantic on
their maiden trips, realized that them
was no chance of his vessel etaying
ebove water and that reliance must
be had on the small boats. With such
the ship was splendidly equipned. She
had fifty lifeboats—wele, • unsinkable,
capable of resisting the battering of
geavy BEMS, They were capable of
olding flfty persees each. The wo-
men and children were placed in
Fame of these boats, each boat In
charge of an oMcer of the ship. Then
the old men, and such of the men pas-
sengers as were All or afflicted, were
ordered Into boats, and after these
Pad been accommodated room was
found for hundreds more. So far as
could be told bss the aggravating'y
scant and cryptic wIrelese from the
ships that found the Titanic, tbese
boats were afloat and fending away
from the Titanic and threatening Ice-
bergs, when the Ce.rpathia blazed
through the gloom. It was a long and
perilous taste but theCarpathia so
tnanceuvred that more than 800 of the
Titanic's passengers found their way
to her decks and ba due time started
for New York where they will arrive
on Thuladay or Friday:
W. T. Stead, the British journatist.
Jiihn Jacob Astor, New York Million-
aire banker.
leador Straus, New York merchant.
Benjamin Guggenheim, millionaire
• Geo. D. Widener, Philadelphia,
"traction king."
Major Butt, A.D.O. to President
• Col. Roebling, millionaire engineer.
Chas. 1V1. Hays, of G. T. R. .-
11.M. Moisten, Mout-Mal,
--Baxter, Montreal.
H.3. Allison, Montreal.
Davidson, Montreal.
Dr. A. Pain, HamIlton.
Montreal has lost • 11 of her 16
baesengerS aboard the Titanic,
The Muster Boll
First -clans passengers 318
Second. 262
Thera •4 .., 890
Crew 860
Total • s 2330
ICnown to be saved 675
Probably lost 1655
The Titanic" when she len South-
ampton had about 1,300 passengers
on board, of whom 350 were in the
first °abbe. Among these latter are
F. D. Millet, the artist and president
of the Consolidated American Acad-
emy at Borne; Major Archibald Butt,
railitarg aide to President Taft; 0. 11/.
Hays, president of the Grand Truek
Railway; J. Bruce 'may, chairmatt
and managing director of the White
Star Line; Henry B. Harris, the Am-
erican theatrical manager; W. T,
Steed; Mrs. Isedor Straus; Mr. and
Mee. nohn Jacob Astor; M. and Mrs,
George D. Widener; Benjamin Gug,
genheine and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
firat Report of
• The Accillut
While Making Her Maiden Trip •From
Southampton to New York trieeNew
Marine Monster Fouls Floating
Ice and Her 1,300 Passengers
•' Are In Danger--Virgibian Can '
Accommodate 900 Mora -
Montreal, April 15.—The Allan line
office here last night received a wire:
less message from the captain of the
company's gteamship Virginias' stat-
ing that he had been in Wireless cone
munication with the White Star liner
Titanic, which ehad been in collision
with an iceberg and requested assist-
ance. The Virginiaine Captain re-
ported that he was on his way to the
reitanio. •
The Virginian sailel from Halifax
eneterday morning, and at the time
the wireless message was sept, she is,
reckoned to haveebeeri, about abeam
of Cape Race. She has 000 passen-
gers en booed, but can arroomneoclate
900 more o the Tijonio's passengers.
As she is rot far from Halifax. the
remainder, will pot have to endure
any west .amount of disoonsfort.
The message from the Virginian's
oapeafti was eent by wirelees t (ne1leuese
, 4.0 therree by osble to Halifax,
&1x tbti by wire to Montreal. The
Allan etanials here exp eet to heap
yeeti elelet,"7,inerfreres
Among the Canadian pas.setigers on
the Titanic were: '
Major Peuchen, Toronto:
Thornton Davidson and wife, Mon-
treal (son-in-law and daughter of C.
M. Hays).
Mrs. F. C. Douglas.
Mrs. James Baxter, Meetreal.
1VIrs. C. M. Hays and daughter, Mon-
Mrs. Thornton Davidson, Montreal
Markland Molson, broker, Montreal.
Dr. Alfred Pain, Hamilton.
Mr. H. J. Allison, wife and daughter,
Mrs. J. C. Hogaboorn, Toronto.
Mark Fortune, well-known real es-
tate agent, and three daughters, Win-
nipeg, who had been spending the win-
ter on the Riviera.
• Hugo Rom, Winnipeg, real estate
Man, son 0!thelate A. W, Ross, a
politician. le
Thompson Beattie, real estate agent,
George F. Graham, buyer for
Eaton's chinaware department, Winne.
Pen -
Timms MoCaffery, Western euper-
intendent' of the _Union Bank, Van-
W. H. Parr, Montreal.
J. I. Borebank, Winnipeg, formerly
et Toronto.
V. Payne, secretary of C. en Hays.
These Reported Safe
Major Peuchen, Toronto. s
Mrs. Hogaboom, Toronto.
• C. AL FlaYte Wife and.. daughter,
Tbornton Davidson, Montreal,
Mrs. James Baxter, Montreal.
Mrs. Fred C. Douglas.
Mrs. Mark Fortune, 'Winnipeg.
Miss Lucille Fortune, Winnipeg. .
Miss Alice Fortune, Wfnnipeg.
The Canadians not accounted for
are Mr. Mark Fortune and apparent -
one of his three daughters; Mark,
land Moleon, Montreal; Dr, Pain, Ha, -
Ron; Ur. and Mrs. Allizon and daugh-
ter, Montreal; Hugo Rose, Winnipeg;
Thompson Beattie, Winnipeg; Thomas
McCaffery, Vancouver; 0. M. Have
Montreal; Thornton Davidson, Mon-
Also unaccounted for the W. H.
Parr, Montreal; J. ,T, Borebank,
plpeg, formerly of Toronto, and V.
Payne, Montreal.
Commanders Of District Are
Securing the Opinions of
• the Officers '
(London Advertiser)
The commanders of the different
regiments in this district acting under
instructions from Oltatva,aen sending
circular letters to the cfficere of the
various corps sounding them on the
advisability of having their men
march from their base to Goderich for
camp this summer.
In this city this fact has rather
dampoued the hones of those who
have been working to have the camp
bronght back to London. but there
ere sonse who ()resell willing to be
lieve that the Department of Militia
will make a change and drill the
troops here as in former years.
The scheme, as outlined to the offi-
cers. foe the big march, is to have
the different bodies equipped as for
war, with full supplies of all soils,
and then have regiments Mom all di-
rections in 'Western Ontario converge
upou Goderich.
Of couree, the plan would work even
better here, and it may be that the
name of Goderich used in ties con-
nection bas no eepecial significance,
1 5 - Is the Time For
Stove Aloving
will receive prompt at-
tention. Prices given
on all kinds of
Rooting, Siding, and
Contract Work.
flyam St Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers
-APto# \Tour liorne
Woll Paper lline
Has e IOC Agalt
Now, in the spring sekson, is the time when the
beautiful new creations in Wall Paper tempt the
home lover to re -decorate the rooms and give to the
- whole house a beauty and freshness that fully trans.
forms it, • •
We invite you to the finest display of dew Wall
Papers we have ever shown.
These Wall Papers have been carefully selected
for our trade, from 'the choicest productions of the
season, and we know that no finer goods can be se
•cured anywhere. The price will be found exceeding-
ly reasonable,
The New Papers are now ready for your inspection
Births, Marriawes &Deaths
, ,
HUNTER—In Goderich, on Thurs-
day, April 11. 1012, the wife of A. C.
Hunter, M. le, of a son,
COOK—In Tuckersmith,on Tuesday,
A.pH1 10, Emma Cook, aged 02 year,
KILLORAN—Suddenly on Monday,
A.prit 15111, at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs, E. D. 13rown, 41 Oriole
road, Winnifred Ryan, widow of the
late John Killoran, of Seaforth, One
• Miss Nettie leaser, who has been
with bee aunt, Mrs. It Young, near
Sarnia, during the winter returned to
her home ab Easter,
Mrs, P. Campbell, of Clinton, visited
at the home of Mr. Alex, Thomson
this week.
The Sabbath School bald laS. S. No.
I, Stanley during the Summer, was re.
opened last Sabbath April 1415. The
attendance was email ab the opening.
Charles H. Reid Justified In Action
Xaken to Defend Property
Goderich, April 16 —Chas. H. Reid.
of Brucafield, was Tuesday acquitted
by Judge Doyle cm the charge ot doing
"grievous bodily harm" to John Alex-
ander, of Tuekersmith Township. In
a Teams atekuctfield cattle yards some
months ago, Alexander wee struck
with a stick in the hands of Reid and
sussanted a fractured arm. He laid
charge against Reid and the case wa
heard yesterday in the courthouse
here, attrseting a large number from
Zees: tiyel.d. The defence WAS tbet
Reid struck the blow in defence of his
He bad purchased some steers from
John Alexander and his brother and
paid a sueo to bind -the deal. On the
delivery of the animals et Brumfield
• the balance was to be paid, .but as the
brothers failed to deliver one of the
animals purchased, the amount of the
cheque was some $15 less than they
asked, -They refused to accept the
money, and said they would take the
cattle away again unless the amount
was increased. Reid refused to do this
and the Alexander brothers made an
attempt to regain possession of the
steers, already being loaded into car.
The violence which Reid used the
struggle that fol owed, the court de-
cided was justifiable as the cattle were
e, A 7 roomed frame house on
- Huron Serene opposite Conamer-
, dal Ilcst.en fox sale or to 1;01117.
House is being pot en good oeder.
Wieterireeks' iss conereetien. ',Apply,
Rattembury Street,
1 Die Nesbitt'n eounsel has submit -
ted their terms to the Attfonney-
Generate of Ontario—Pori:one:I Bank
Presideinif pill return use the prne-
k entU charge of Forgery igthe Au^
thorthies1 do not proceed to lay
fresh aectileatioten
Fur Gauntlet Lost
Lost between J. Soutb.combe's
and Clinton, a Man's Black Flue
Gauntlet. $1.00 reward for same.
To Whom R Concerns
The emdereigned has placed. his
book e With W. Bryclosse, barristext
and. all -owing will kindly settle at
once. •
For Sale
• A laege Yerkshire SOP and nine
Pigs abouti a. week old.
Loit 45, Conceeeion 2, 'Peckeremith,
Auction Sale
On Friday, April 26th, 191.e, e 1,30
p.m. Residence of Mn. Jast Fair,
sr. A 14-roora two ;storey "Meek
dwelling. Hot water heating, elec-
tric lighting, bath and 'all conven-
iences. ALSO furniture and fure
nishing,s; of above, including piano,
and all other furnihme, •carlpets,
euntains, beds, bedding, ate. Pull
particulars may be had on applica-
tion at premises, or residence of
James. Fair.
House lor Sale or to Rent
egally his.
The undelivered aniinal, it is said,
was afflicted with elunspnew", a,nd
had been resold by Alexander at a
better price than that which Reid had
offered, te was over this beast that
the trouble occurred.
Crown.Attorney Seeger, assisted by
Al. G. Ciameron, prosecuted Mr. Reid,
who was defended by Wm, Proud -
foot, K. C.
Beattie Nesbit Captured.
Was Arrested Last Thursday in
Dr. Beattie Nesbitt who for the past
year or so has been living in Chicago
while detectives have been searching
for him, was arrested by Detect-
ive Wallace of Tomtits:, and is now
before the American Courts to be
extradited on the charge of forgery
arising from the wreck of the Partners
onieseekers and Settlers
Excursions to Western
Canada via Chicago
A.pria 10111 and 23rd and 30111 and
every second Tuesday thereafter
until. Sept. 17.0,k/elusive.
Special train Will leave Toronto
at 10.30 p.m, on above dates for Ed-
monton alnd points in Manitoba and
Saskatchewan, via Chicago and St.
eaerYing enrough coaches and
Pullman Toineet Steepens,
Pull paanieulare froina any Grand
Trunk Agent, or 0.11. McCutcheole,
Alberta :Govern/mei-AI Agent, Eat -
mer House( 'Block, Toronto, Ont.
' Montreal,
• N,ew York,
te vie Grand Trunk Route.
Foe full particulars end tickets call
on or ;writes --
A, 0. TA.TTISON. depot agent
A33. Duff, disereett pespenger agent