HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-18, Page 2TOR ADVISE ATI9k aved b E Fnathain's Yegetable Compound. Swarthmore, Penn. - "For. fifteen ears I suffered untold agony, and for one period of• nearly two years I had hem- orrhages and th e doctors told fee I Would have to un- dergo an operation, but I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- pound and am in good health now. I am all over the Change of Life and cannot praise yourVegetable Compound , too highly. Everywoman should take itat that time. I recommend it to both old • and young for female troubles." -Mrs. DAILY SCIVINIRRSGILL, Swarthmore, Pa. Canadian Woman's Exparience: a Fort William , Ont. -"I feel as if I 'could not tell others enough about the good Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound has done for me. I was weak and tired and I could not rest nights. A friend recomMended your Compound and I soon'gained health and strength and could not wish to sleep better. I know other women who have taken it for the same purpose and they join me in prais- ing it." -Mrs. Wm. A. BUFFY, 631 South Vickal. Street, Fort Williams, Ontario. k. Since we guarantee that all testimo- nials which we publish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound has the vir- tue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffering in a like manner? leIf you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkhani Medicine Co. (corals dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a Woman and held in strict confidence. 4.11•11....101.1•8011111•1 Seat orth Hurons Re.Organized.-A largely at tended and enthusiastic meeting of the Huron Friotball Club for re organ izetion purposes was held in the council chamber on Tuesday evening. It is probable that the club will enter two teams in the Western Association this season, but in any event we will I have a junior team and of such class Sir JOl sa 17n 11ingua i Jai -ilea Makes a Belated Statement of Piens, , FRNCII FOR TWO YEARS $.".1 ,....•,1370011.440,,,- or, English Will Beeehe Led-Mt:lege of In- ttru�tlh tri EverY Foem First and the Premier Says Bet - .ter Inspection Will Be Made In Future -only Authorized Text Books Will Be Permitted. Toronto, April 15. -The appointment of additional inspectors and of super- vising inspectors to test the progresi made and enforce the carrying out of the regulations. ' Also, where necessary, to give not only additional financial aid, but to make state aid conditional upon the employment of teachers capable of giving instruction in English. Thus did the Prime Minister at the closing session of the Legislature on Saturday morning declare the Gov- ernment's intentions to deal with the English -French schools of the pro- vince, In view of Dr. Merchant's re- port. The Premiee on Tieing stated that the 'attitude of the Government re- mained the same as that outlined last session, which was then express- ed in the following resolution, passed unanimously. That the English language shall be he language of instruction and of all communieations with the pupils in thepublic; and separate sehools of the province, except where, in the opin• ion of the department, it is impracti- cable by reason of pupils not under- standing English. "Let me say that this is the present position of the Government and I mean to stand by it," declared the Premier. nBefore the close of last session we anracunced that when pi.r. Merchant's report came, if we found that any of the alleged abuses have occurred, this Government pledges itself -to abolish any s-uch abilses if they are found. That was .our attitude then and it is our attitude now." Sir James announced that, having ascertained the nrment conditions as to give a good account ore them selves. Mr. Frank Sills represented the club at the annual meeting of the Western Fcotball Aesociation at Woodstock. -The following officers .were elected for the season: Hon. president, R. el, Sproat; hon. vice, De. Mackay; president, Frank Sills; vice, W. Oughton; secretary, Harry Scott; treasurer, W. Watts: committee. 0. Stewart, .Et. Smith and I. E. Willis' 1.1 Hovey is Agentin. Clmton for Anti Uric Pffis We havet thci agency fox Anit Uric Sagedna Bair Tonic; Rheum° the Great Rheumatic Cure, eve guarantee these preparations on a money back basis. J. E. Hovey t' , Druggist. Wingham , The Wingham Baseball Club bas reorganized far the coming season and will put a very strong teana in the field. The officers were elceed as follows: Honorary president, Rem Fattier Blair; manager, J. Putland; secretary treasurer. 0, M. Forbes; cap tain, F. Stuart. O�k'sCOttoti Root Compound.: The great Uterine Tonic, and poniy safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in Mace degrees of strength -No. 4, ; No. 2, 00 degreeS stronger, 3; No. 1„ Lor special cases, 0 per box, Sell,. by alldruggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address cattfilEDEINIOit,TesatiTs. ONT. (for/wall ' rfOrn cornehissioneri rePore, fee Government proposed to take the, course which he had indicated. "There is nothieg else foe us to do, but to carry out Bee pledges we Illacles last' esseion," continued Sir Tames. 'That is why keie. illiajneee netreSalley et the part M the „ GeNeimmene smem, ;ma eseasm D. 'Racine' FeenelaCahadian mem- ber for Russell, • aekecl how long a child woula'attencl sehool beforts the uae of French as a means of instenc- a ould be diseontinued. ' "Two •years °ray, will be required to learn the English lemermee," an- swered Sir James. "Do you mean bythat •that the English language will be teed exclu- sively at the end of that period?" ask- ed Mr. Racine. • "Nt, I did not say English alone," WaS the aply, "but ba that the stu- dies would be undertaken by amens of the English language alone," The leader of the Opposition, re- plying to Sir James, declared that the report of Dr. Merchant showed a ser- ious condition, and that the Eeglish- French schools are, as a whole, lack- ing in efficiency. ".We all agree that the present con- dition should not be allowed to con- tinue," he said. "No ohild in Canada,' whether Eng- lish or French, is properly equipped unless he has a good working knowl- edge of the English language." "Nothing short of that is fair," con- tinued Me. Rowell. "Till the Govern- ment takes action to guerantee a suf- ficient supply of competent teachers it has not done ifs duty." "That is just one of the things we propose to do," the Premier inter- rupted. Sir James Whitney -allied the Op- position leader's attention to the fact that the Government intended to make state aid conditional upon the employment of teachers capable of giving instruction in English, and where necessary to give financial aid toward) the payment of such teachers. "If the teachers are not there to be obtained this could not be done," was the Opposition leader's parting shot. Z. Mageau (Lib., Sture-mon Falls) arose' to follow his leader with a speech but on Sir James calling his attention to the fact that it was get- ting on for 1 o'clock and, that his making a speech at this time weuld 16116ANNEENR When A Dog Has Rabies The following "hints re,specting rabies in dag,s" have been -adapted by the Toronto Humane Society from( an animal repoet of the Roy- als Society for the prevention Of Cruelty to Animals, London:, Eng - and, and are published, with the advice to give dogs plenty of ev.a- ter and place It where they can get it at any time :- Foaming at the mouth, raging mad.ness and flits are 'the last forms of rabies. The first signs are seen iin,liabits -the dog's behavior is -enterely chenged and eta coualtepance es al- tered.. Are affected animal becomes dull, gloomy and taciturn read tries to hide Itself in out of the way places or when spoken to by ite maker it looks up apparently with an effort tol be .cheerful,, Rs countenance dropplegt the Moment afterwads alto an emiressioire of ;wretched-. ness, and eta eyes stareng moilth a sasevoid in them; sometimes it col - Mete dirty pieces of rope, which it hides, omit lareseless the moment it lies down, finderug no place c.om- f °Mabee, or it seems to be under fitful, delusione and faleciesit sees things, or heaps sound's, ailed starts at them, and subsides the Moment afterwards into supinelnees. Its temper generally changes, from nattier so debility to disagreeable- ness. . . In many eastance,s et vomits, the ejected: matter being streaked With blo o d. Though surly, it is not • vtcious, at' thiseetage of the naalade, but, on the contrary, it is unueually af- fectionate; and yet its expre,ssiena of love seem tinged with amelan- Mealy \Mach impresses a careful ob- server With the unhappy thought that the poor creature is conscious of Its zenous condition, and of a danger to its friends that it may be the agent of Sometimes it show s destrust Pro- ferring ,solitude te the company (IL thosd it has loved; at others, . an imploringi despairing, appeal is made to its master to save it from imp e n Oen g. ,dmaeter. Its master's voice always has a semi -magical influence On it. In more decided cases it snapsat the air, apparently seeking f or something ,it cannel) field, and scrapes inceseantlY. These are bad signs; especially if at the same time the poor ,cneat- ure becomes fastidMus in feeding. or refused food ,Which It formeiray was partial to, and, instead, shows a merbid disposition to teat 'carpet, wool, wood, ,earth, stones, excee- ment, ete., When the peculiar noise is heard, which is neither: a ,aniarl, nor a growl, nor ,a Park, nor a howl, but ail of these, id which the howl pre- dominates, then no doubt ,cari be Generally ,arabid do,g !tries to es- cape from its •master, probably fearing to injure. him read other whom it leases; and ehen fiWandere „moving along 'with !no visible ob- ject; or aim, but still going on tend on, frequently at a quick pace lens - tel ate, eteength faale, yoma-'PostOffice:T..: your Pray/tits • - "w7RITE your name and address in the lines above', clip out this ad, and mail it now. • We will send, bY W return mail, a book that tells how to make yours a "Twentieth Century" farm. You wouldn't be satisfied to use a Scythe to cut your "grain, When a modern harvester can do it so much better, would you? Nor to use the old soft-irori plough -share that your ancestors walked behind, when you can get an up-to-date riding plough? Every Canadian farmer realizes the advantages of Twentieth Century implements. The next step is The 20th Century Material ---Concrete Concrete is as far ahead of brick, stone, or wood as the harvester id ahead of the scythe or the riding -plough is ahead of the, old. 'iron plough -share. Condrete is easily mixed, and easily placed. It resists heat and cold as no -other material can; hence is best,for ice -houses, root - cellars, 'barns, silos and homes. It never needs repair; therefore It Makes the, best walks, fence -posts, culverts, drain -tiles, Survey monuments, bridges and culverts. It cannot burn; you can clean a concrete poultry -house by Allem it with straw and setting the straw afire. r The lice, ticks and all germs will be burned, but the hwaso id' uninjured, eatgeemalemeameetteeteammea •te It is cheap -sand and gravel cen be taken from your own; farineel, Cement, the only material you must buy, forme from one -'seventh to one-tenth of the whole volume. Do' You want to know Mere about Concrete on the Earrete Then write your name and address in the lines Above, or on a • 'postcard. mail it to us, and you will receiveeby return mail 'a copy Of , ".What the.Farrner Can Do With Concrete" • • • Not a ca6.1ogue, but a 160 -page book, profusely illustra.ted,': expIaInIng how, you can use ociemeete on YOUR farm, • , CANADA CEMENT CO, IA& NAndaiLmaic BUILDING . elfaieltreen , Untl 1 took "Frtlit.a.11vess Saeusilat OeTT.t Vele cli ...eissUreRele,„e%k fir Vffer.F1' 141° Ta6t es yea; wens oftstmalion, ialigee and Catarrh of the Stpulach. I tried.- inahy remedies and mana doctors but • clerteed119.1erehett. eVeetalsere Finally, 1 'fead et adveteleaatent of Fruit-a-tives decided to give ' Fruit-a-tiaes ' a trial and found they did exactly what was claimed for them. •e I have now taken 'Fruit -a -tires' for -some monthsand find that they are the " only remedy that does me good. r have -recommended °Fruit-a-tives' to a. great many of my frieude and I cannot praise these fruit tablets too highly". PAUL J. ,JONES "Fruit-a-tives" is the only natural cure for- Constipation and Stomach Trouble, because it is the -only medicine in the world that is made of fruit juices and valuable tonics. Hundreds of people have been cured, as if by a miracle, ey .taking "Fruit -a -fives'', the famous fruit medicine. s 50c. a box, 6 for ease., trial size, es. Atedealers, or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa. necessitate tile prolonging, or the ses- sion over Tuesday, he agreed not to do so. . The House then rose until 12 noon 'Tuesday when the Legislature will be formally prorogued by Lieutenant - Governor Sir Sohn Gibson. In the Legislature on Saturday morning J. C. Elliott (W. allicalleeex) moved the second reading of the bill to amend the Law Reform Act. "We opposed the first reading of thehill and we will object to the se- cond reading," said Hon. J. J. Foy. "The Law Reform Act was not passed in the interests of the Bar, but of the public. This Government some years ago promised law reform ansi incident to this was the doing away with the multiplicity of appeals." N. W. Rowell argued that the judges of the province were almost unani- mously opposed to three sections di the act, . "I do not propose to brirese the judges into politics," declared Sir James. "If they are brought in it will not be by me." The bill was declared lost on diva sion. The Premier moved that as a num- ber of members had ben absent from the Legislature through illness, that the House agree to pay all members their indemnity, To this Allan Studholme, the Labor member for East Hamilton, objected on the grdund that a number of mem- hers who were not ill had not attend- ed as often as they should. Sir James declared that he agreed with what Mr. Stud holrne -stated, and that he would therefore change the resolution to name the three members who"- had been taken° ill. They were Hon. A. G. MacKay, North Grey; Hon. .4. J. IvIatheson, Lanark, and A. M. Rankin, Frontenac. The Labor member a,nuounced. that he would second the resolution as altered and it wee carried. Hair Quickly Stops Falling. Itching Scalp Vanishes Overnight and Dandruff Is Abolished There is one hale Inc that you can put your faith Mead that is Parisian Sage. et Mops fallimgeleair, Ge mon,ey back, Drives out" daincieuff, or money back.• Stops etching ,seelp, ow money Mack. A W. S. R.- Heintes Ithe druggist you knew; so Well es the man who seas' it, • Parisian Sage is a splendid hair dre,s,sing ; 31 ee ecedainitely perfumed and refreehing that it makes the the scalp feel fine Ith,e Minute you apply et. 11-1 is ies-ed daily -by Mous, andof clever women who eealize that Parisian Sage keene their hair lustrone and faseen'ateng. If• you have hair troubles get Paragon' Sage today at W. S.R. Holmes and druggists' every;vhere, Large bate. tie 50 cents, 1 Zitt e,7:Ytit MONIREAL THE STANDARD 14 the Nd,tleifill Weekly Newspaper bi thd Domihion ef Canada. It is national in all ets It used thg niest expensive Inge, procuring tho photographs from k aneram U1 Over the world. Its articles `are carefully, 'selected end its editorial, polieyee ls eberoeghle Sndependent..,, A subscriptiod " tb' Mdets $2.00 per year to- any, acldrese Canada; :er Greet Britian, a :TRY, IT ,E0,R 191z1'. ntr-eal Standaed FulsfiellindeeCeder Limited Publishees, I Or anted oErx0Pae,,..i?tile-149111C°edt L'4ni 1'''lc:ecTclrarQ:utileelcw'enSa40,se:08.,Wl°ivAll •,Slitirtitorn Cattle , . - Two redI Bsbs, emtehilhaontlisold and !roarsixezoethefee" eao. ete, .easottsle. ' MB . LE HIJNKiNqe, nclesnoe ilender g Wanted menders ;wanted fox xelettilddlag a 'brick wall at The New Retie offices and Makeng other reipailas For further paiesicualare call at NEW ERA (OFFICE. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS' In 'the matter of the estate of David Jackson, late of the Township Of Iluliott, in the • County of Huron, Yi.••ankan, de. • ceased. • Notice is hereby given pues,uant to Sem 55 ofIthe Trustee Ace 1897, that all persons haven ,diamas against the( estate of the said de- ceased who( diedamin or about' the seventeenth day of February 1894 are required to send by poet pre- paid to the undersigned achnlials- tratibe or her solicitor on or be- fore the 27th clay of Apria 1912 their names ansi addresses with full par- ticulars in welting of etheir and statement of thetr acclouides and the( nature of the secuakties (if any) held byehem, duly verefeed by Statultary declarration. And Take notice that after the said 27Itle day of Apeil 1912 the paid admeniserateax will( proceed to des- eribute the( amets of the !said (abate among the parties entitled thereito, having tregaed, only to the claims of !which; he shell then have notice and the' seal aclminiatratifix will not be liabld for said assets or ,any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose{ claim notice ethall not have' been received by her or her saidasolicitor at 'the thinei of such diatribution. Dated at Clinton this 9th day of April 1912. Fenny M. Jackson-, W. Brydone, a chnenistratrix. Clintain, Ont. solicitor foil tae acimmistratrix. Notice to Creditors - - In the matter of the estate of Lucy Ram Philips, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County ofibtrott, spinster, deceased. Notice li herebY given, Pursuant to Sea 65, of the Trustee Act that all persons haying claims or demands against the estate of the said Lucy 1St Philips deceased, who died 00 05 about the gbh day of December 1011,, are required to send by post, prepaid, or doily& to the ander- signed solicitor,for R. J, Gibbingskiministrator, on or before the 20th day of Apv,1912.thelr Oink - Ran and surnames and addresses, with full par- ticulars. In writing, of their claims, and state meat of their accounts and the nature of the seenrities (If any] held by them, duly verified by statutory declaration, And take notice that after the said 20th day of 1112, the said Administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re' gard only to the claims of which they shall, then have notice, and that the said Administra- tor will not be liable for the said assets, or any .?1L ood Frtrnt to"' solo Ad, • w . . . .BARBISWBIt 001101T011)1+ ROTA' Y Joining' ()corporation ot • , PUBleIC, ETO, Scatorth, orauTon Being Lot 25, Con ceeseon 2, Town's ;31)4 of McKelion, Comity of Heron, 100 Acres, elll cleared aed ia good etate oe-cuetiyation, being ,mele una clardraieseci. There is a brick house fitted leg evlithasto dern eaneeeseildeicee A large 'bards( begat {yeah etabling f.or horses. and 60,eatle, and a nulna bet, of good box !Awns, also work- shop and- driving !shed, three good wells, Tilmrle, is Su cad orchard and goQ(.1, lyoungi br,ckard nearly all heather)), spies. Five taeree eeedeci to alfalfa,, ,e acres- 'of reel mlover, There are 71-2 acres of Fall wheal also about 45 acre§ 'of Fall ploughs ing done. This farm( will be,seld cheap ' and on patty. Iterra,s. Tim greater part of the! purchase'inoa- eY may, amenable 051 Moregage eo suet purchaser. Address, aox 475, SEAFORTH, ONT. Barred Rot* Eggs for Sate ----- I NOM on Barred Reeks at Clint*4 fixate ' 3 s!econcisa 1 thhele mad speciel fox best collecteom. Pen 1-- 1 Pullet inateng, headed by Millard ,cockerel, (limited( numbee settings eggs $2.00 per 13.-Pan2m Cockerel mating, headed by Millard cecle. Pullets In time pen( are good lay.: layers. Eggs $2.00 per 13. -ren) 0 - Utility pen,headiece by( a .cockexel bred froni one „loathe beat laying strains. ke . Canada., Rena in this were bred . from' 17 of my pullets ,Which layed 436 egge 1m 31 day,s, Eggs $1.00 pee{ 15. I gumantee m good hatch ex replace setting free of charge, II. A. Hovey, Clinton. 1 --`For Sale , Blue Barred Plymouth. Rocimeggs $1,00 per 15 eggs. ' Also a few White Cochin Bantam eggs $1,00 per Jabez Rands, !Clinton, House ter Sale On likirOin Street, a desirable reel - ,deuce, well situabed,, in good re- pair, nine rooms, pantry, Meseta, and, bath, room. Good ,cellar, fur- nace, electric light, town water, good cistern and „stable, garden and lawn, quarter acre of ground' Terms reasonable. Apply at THE NEW ERA For Safe Here is a bargain -A 3 h, p. en- gine and upright, holler with 68 It. of belting,, -and 13 fa, oe. shaftiag. Also ',a lathe. All fox( $20. Apply -to NORMAN HOLTZHATJER Field Stone Wanted. ---m Field Stone suitable for road making is wanted by the Town of Clinton. Price $3.50' per cord of 13,- 000 pounds. J. A. FORD, Chairman of Street Commettee Logs Wanted All kinds of lags, Maple:Soft Elm part thereof, to LIMY person or persona of Whose alld Basswood preferred. Highest distribution. claim notice shall not then have boon received i price paid. their by them or Solicitor at the time of such W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co. Dated at Clint= theist day of April, 1012 Clinton, Ont., Boarders Wanted w. 1312TDONE Solicitor for the said Administrator Having returned to town I am now prepared to take boarders, either Bay for Sale ladies or gentlemen. Apply et house Mrs, Mogridge, Ontafio street Steek of hay, ftr talo. Abont 5 or !atone and willebees.old reateolne abee. Wm. Bedour, Holmesvillee or Pasture Land 'phone 12 on 143. Wanted, 1000 Spring Muskrat skins wain/t- ea alt 00e1 each. , , H. A. HOVEY, Clinton. Wire Fencing. In oedee ees introduce the Reag Lock Froetl Wipe Fencing I will sell It during the month af April at 25c wod. This; is a new Fenciing and I especiallmerecommend it. At this leev Price ,mtest of cousre be cash. , WM. 'STANLEY, Hohmesvil eta 'AgsTents Frost Wive F.enciseg, House for Sale or to Rent. A frame house oe Isaac Street, six rooms, goad ,well, 1-4 acre of land. Apply to • IVLRS. W. L. 'PEEFERS, Londesboxo, Tnn flonses lo Let.. The undersigned has two houses to let, apply Lb • Jacob Taylor Some first Glass pasture land to be. sad in lots to suit purchasers. At tractive prices.- Apply. to John Rensford, G T. R. Clity Agent •erikiti.RS D • ()onneyancet Notary Public,', ponarnis$ioner, ee REAL ESTATEeANI) INSURANCE 'leerier of IVIarriage Licensee, ss,,,,i Huroneelt„ °Heston, HT.RANCEiu , ,s NotaesePu bile, Conveyancer, Financial a,nd Rear Estate , INSI/RANCErAGRNT-2 °Presenting 14 Fire In, &nuance boinpanies.,, Division Court -Office. • • OW eS.,. W. TOOMPSON rielan, Surgeon, Eto special attention given to diseases of:the, Eye, Ear, Throat, and. Noes, DYes cei•efully texamined, and :suitable prescribed, ,Office:and Residence, Two deers West of the Commercial Dote) Huron St, DRS, GUNN and GARBLER Dr. W. Dunn. L.51. r., L. Lc 5., Etun 1)5' .5 (1, Candler. B.A. N.B. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight collo at residence, Rattefiburr Si. or at bosolbal DR. d. W. SHAW. 2HySICIAN, SURGEON, cooed -lour. etc. °Mee and residence on Rat- tenbury St., =porde W. Farran'a residence, DR. F. R. AXON DENTIST - hi Crown and ltridge Moth a Specialty:: Graduate of O.O.D.S.. Chicago, and 11.0,0.5 Toronto. Ditylleld on-Illondavs, May let lo Deeemhe DR. IL FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E store. Special oars taken to make dental treat. ment as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRV Live stock and general Auction ter GODERIOH ONT /...-tstolg sales a spernals/ Oidets at at Naw ERA office, canton, prt,mmy attended to. Terms reasonable. Farmers sale nets discounted G. D. MeTaggart M. D, MoTaggar Mel'agg t rose • 13RNMERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON o General Banking Business traneacted NOTES DISCOUNTED • Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Parra and Isolated Town Preys arty Only Insured. • OFFICERS. J. 13. McLean, President, Seaforth Jas. Connolly, 'Vire Pres., Goderich Thos. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Meeafor th DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Hohnesville; Jahn Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoith. I. Evans, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, T. Ben ° • 1 newels, 13 rodhagen, M. 11 cErean. Clinton. Each Director is inspector of losses lo his own locality. AGENTS, Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmonde ville; J. W. Yeo, Hohnesville Payments may be „made at The Morrish( Clothing Co., Clintoin; or R.H. Cutt, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR euarroal FAtill FOR RENT \ Fire, Life and Accident Insurance The South 70 acres of lot number 35 and the South East part .01 Lot no, 30 14 acres both in the lst concession of anley township is fervent for a terns of years. This property is clOsc to the town of Clinton and possesssion can be given- et once, For further parti- culars apply to Henry Plumsteel, Clin- ton, Ont., or McCarthy, Boys & Mur- chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont. Farm tor Sale. ----- • The executor of the Southeombe Estate{ °Mira for sale 50 acre a - East half of lot 28, eon. 6, 'Hullett. A. firet-class lax, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also -the undersigned offere for sale, lot 29,, con. 6,11u11.- ett, 100 acres. These farms May, be bought together or separately. JAMES MOUTITCOMBE, Clinton. Ford & McLeod We're n))iv 'selling frimethy -Seed eeceeere-ilaea'i---_--lli7Ssi\ I (Gfeealso have taWtadi?c, Alf alf a,1 SAle, an1 ell°vef[reaLva7sleaveenSnd -Goose a • - a. Wheat Peas, Barley end Feed Corn Highest Market lerices d for Ha and !all ;Grains. e iFord& McLeod I am still intim Wall Paper Btesi- nese; ,and am' in a position to whose you elle teat Wall Papers that have been shown in ClinIto(n. THERE ARE ALL KINDS AND PRICES RANGE FROIVZ POUR CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR. All papers bought from inc Will be hang Very pheaply. , kieds of house painting done • and eetimattes ,giVeti on old and' neve woe*. mme • To eat or diem) a post card ,will bring sainple,e eo your door. Pai • '1'1,1, • , • Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest pomible price. Orders may be left at Davie & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W, J. Slevenson, RtElectric Light -Plant Real estate bought and sold Money to loan -- Office:issac:Street, nexidoor ;to) New Era, Grasid Trunk Railway SYstemoo.• Railway Time Table London, Huron and 13ruce. North Passenger London, depart..., . 8,80 a m 4,50M:1n Centralia ..... 9,40 5,43 Exeter... ... ..... 9 53 5,54 Hensel! ... . .... 10,08 6,05 Kippen 10.16 6,11 Brucefielcl 10.30 6.19 Clinton . .. 11.00 6,35 Londesboro.... 11.18 052 Blyth ........ ... 11.27 7.00 Beegrave 11,40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35 • South Passenger Wingham, depart6.43 sem 8.38p ne Belgrave......... 6.54 3,44; Blythm. ..... . . a 7,08 3,55 Londesboro.... 7.16 4,04 Clinton 7.50 • 4,23 e Brucefield 8.12 4.39 .. 8.23 4.47 Bensalem ... . . p.s2 4.52 Exeter 8.48 5.05 Centralia , 9,00 5.15 Loeclomearrive10 00 6.10 :Buffalo and tiode West Passengex am pm 'p m pm Stratford.. ... ...10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20 Mitchell......, -10.22 12.45 5.55 10,47 Seeforth........10.45 1,10 6,18 31,12 ()Helton .........11.07 1.25 6,40 11.28 1-lohnes eine 11.16 1,83 646 11.88 Goderich..., .. -11-35 I 1,50 7.05 11,55 Least essenger _ rn p pan eioclerich. 7,10 2.40 9.50 Hohnesville 7.26 2.57 ,5,06 Clinton.. ... . . ,7 85 3,07 15.15 Seatorth ......,7 52 3.25 5.32 Mitehell 16 848 a.55 Stratfora..... 8,40 4.15 1:6.20 i' Dr. de Van's Femate Pils A reliable French regulator; neyer fails, These" pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at gg a box, oethree for 510. Mailed to any address. The acebell »rug Co,, 51. ontbarenea Ont.