The Clinton New Era, 1912-04-11, Page 8Page
.„ C iS
$400,00 worth ol Ladies Spring Coats o be
cleared at cost and less. Fifty in the lot in black and
fawn, striped and plan loth, Come early and
overt t
get first choice at a great savittg. Sizes 32 to 44.
$10 Coats tor $5,98
Ladies plain and striped Top Coats in fawn and
black, plain or patched pockets with flap, good length
trimmed with covered buttons, reg. $10 for 6.98
$T.50 Coats for $5.75
Ladies plain blackianol pain fawn Covert Spring
Coats, strapped and plain seams, long lapel, trimmed
with covered buttons, all sizes, reg. $7.50 for 5.75
$5.00 Coats tor $3.78
Ladies short Spring Coats, made of good quality
black broadcloth, gnitably trimmed with buttons, plain
seams, all sizes, regular $5.00 for 3.57
•Two dozen only,
black.• navy, blue and
frill, splendid wearing
Under priced
For Quick
Regal Taffeta Underskirts, in
brown, deep flounce and dust
quality, length '39 to 42, regu-
Odd Sizes and Qualities .
in Corsets
Three dozen D. & A. Corsess in white and drab
assorted lenth and size, regular $1 and $1.75, clearing
Saturday at 69c each, COME EARLY.
Uozer c 2rown
ost•••••••••••••••••••• •••••• • • •
• .4+••,,, • ••• •• ••••••••
Local Ne
flogs 7.3o $7-35 4.'+'
But,ter:' 30 to 31 a+
Eggs.. 21 to 22
Peas' .$1.00 92 t,c$1.9090
,Oatts.. 45 to 50 ,
-Barley ...... ....a., 70 to SO
4- Shorts $23,00 4
a• Bran ' - $21.00 *
• •
The annual ex,rmrsioni under tale
auspice,s, of the West Huron Farm -1
ere' Institute to the Guelph Agric-
ultural College will beheld ithis
year on Tune( Sth,
A lady purchased Isome wall pa -
pea in Toronita. .Ouri local Mer-
chants could have done as well by
her: The Toronto( article arrived
here untrimme.d. The lady kook it
to o'ana of the 'local Me0 00 have ft
...trimmed. If 'dad lady aveuld give
the publiclite benefit of the negve
tome shel lases, it Would be very
helpful to nervone persons.,--Kia-
eardine Reporter. '
Hereafter it will: be illegal for
anyone -to clistributc4 "Mark your
ballot cards" or similar literature
on polling, days lin any municipality
ile Dntarig. presoik the proari.13-
glom apptieS only to TotOnito,. but
on Taesdayf th.0 Municipal commit-
tee, of ithei Legislatture acqeptedii
bill Making it apply gen.erally.
The New Era joins in hearty cola,
gratulatiens, withl our brethren of
the Fourth( Estate, to Bro. Davis,
of Masi Mitchell Advocate, and lus
good !wife, lov,eri the celebration of
the 50th anniv,ersary of their tnar-
aiage and the 76th Way find
them jogging along together. Our
quill driving brother has dealt the
old addage-''The good die young,'
-a solar plexu,ss bloiw. Their long
residence inMi1chell, and the fact
• that their large 'home ,circle is un-
sbroklein to the; call 'to which none
min sayt Nay I are noteworthy
features in the family, history.
Central Business College
• Stratford, Ont.
Our classes are now larger than
ever before but we have enlarged
our quarters and we have room
for a few more students, You
may enter at any time. We
,have a staff of nine experienced
instructors and our courses are
the best. Our graduates succeed.
This week three recent gradu-
ates informed us that, they have
positions paying $65, $'70 and
8125 per month. We have three
departments,Com 111 ercial-Short-
hand and Telegraphy,, Write
for our free catalogue now.
• D. A. nicLachlin
Several washouts are reported RS a
result of the sudden thaw ancl. several ma,
of the main roads leading to the town
were impassable for a few days. Near
Holmesyille a small bridge has been
washed away and part of the rcir d
washed out. At Harvey's on'the Base
line. there is another washout. The
new bridge, connecting Godericla
Township and Colborne, just north of
Holmesvilte, was made 100 feet shorter
than the old one, and as a result the
small bridge on the Goderich Town-
ship side has been washed away.
There would also have been serious
trouble on tin? London Road near Olin-
ton.had repaints not been made to the
bridge last yea& As it is -the flow of
water and ice was immense.
Following is the population for the
Townships in Huron County.
1911 1901
A.ndall are ons ia .Clariat's Wide,
• Love facliii,crilqu' lading all. fear,
--Robert Mathe
Owing to ths Eoo or travel and
washouts, the trains have been away
late. Monday nights train did not get
in till 11 minutes to 1,1useday 1/101.11-
in tr.
East Saturday maiming the team of
the House of Itetuge ran away. They
were captured at Forbes coal yard, .
The •houses owned by the Miss 13ut-
ler testate e pig np for sale last
Saturdaby Auctioneer Cmuclry, but
the prices held by die Executors were
not reached, except, the house occupied
by Mr John Rice. • It traS purchased
by Mr. Gundry.
Mr. *Warr ;Diehl of Stanley (bawler
ship, did (some ploughing on
NVeclnesclay ancleports the frost
out of t11cground !there.
Initial steps{ have been 'taken to-
ward •Lhd foiluation ofa cadet
corps in conleeetion, with 'lhe Col-
legiate 1nr1jitute It 15 liltely
that 110cornpanfel will be formed
The instructor, will be 01ator Ranee.
From the/ Canaelian-Amerleao
published in Chicago and dated
April 6,1912, we.clip the following
Which refers; 100 an old time Editor
of the( •New Era in the person. 01
Alm. 'Robert' Matheson, Our read-
ers wilt well emember Iris letter
to them( a year ago last Christ,
TII SDA.Y, APRILi 11, 1012.
And then, again, he tha suffra-
gettes assume control of things in
this country and we have a woman
GovernonGeneral we may expect to
see a Cabinet made up of the following.
Secretary of Millinery.
Secretary of social functions.
Secretary of Embroidery.
Secretary of manicuring and cos-
Secretary of bridge whist.
Secretary of music and art.
Ethical cult ure general.
Sociological problem general.
U -BER -0
1R506,,PIABIS. faininTtnina.
is strongly fire -resisting
- rated first-class by
Fire Insurance Com-
panies. it will not ignite
from sparks or burning
brands, and has saved
many a building. Made
In 3 Permanent Colors
-Red, Brown, Green
-and in natural Slate.
Solo Canadian Mfra.7s
of Canada,Lholted,Montreal.
• Below we Mention a levy Articles that
• You will Find Useltil at this Season
1110PSTIC1iS -Self wringing, complete with cloth 356
Old fashioned mop sticks . „ . ..... . . .......15c
SCRUB BRUSHES -AU fresh goods at 103 15c 20c
HOUSE BROOMS -A new stock just in 40c 40c 500
CARPET BEATERS --Stiitable far Rugs and Carpets...... Ific 15c
IflUST BINE -A sanitary sweepiug compound, tins ... .. 35c
WASH 'FURS -Made of galvanized iron, light to handle,• no
hoops to loosen . , ..... . . . • . . ... 75c 350-05c
WAST! BOARDS -We offer an extra quality 25c
JAPAILA€--A varnish stain that makes old furniture look like
new, in tins. a . 15c 30e 50c 900
FLOOR PAINT -Sherwin Williams line will dry over night,
in pints and quarts . . 35c 05c
Agents for Sherwin-Williams Paints -Best on Earth
• Ask tor Color Card,
Hardware, Stoves and Sporting Goods
Grey2,850 3,557
Morris.. . 2.240 2,606
Purnberry 1,897 21.11
Wawanosh, E
Hay 1,929 1,980
8 011 8,627
McKillop 2 230 2.685
Stanley I 830 2,152
Tuck ersmith 3 453 1,172
2.221 2,463
Usborne 1.041 2,307
2,030 3,497
Colborne 1 002 1 866
1 926 2 528
Hullett 2 409 2,898
Wawanosb, W 1 343 2,218
37,190 11,877
Deere ase
Only the( names of students ob-
taining 50 pen cent of the aggre-
gate Marks are pubitshed, Repoirits
showing istaltement of •each stu-
dent's istanding, has been sent to
th.e parents and ,shonld be careful-
ly considered, and , retuaileci
proMptly after( the holidays. 'At-
tention is called to. the record of
attendance andpunctuality la 'the
reports r No student can succeed
whose attendanee! is irregular or
who gives( in,sufficient attention 'to
thelprelpaIrntion of home- work For
first -flags ho.norss 75 or cent is
required; for( second-class honors,
66 pet cent. afor peal_ 50 per cent.
Form IV, part I - Second -4a9*
„honors, N. Welsh 66; pass -I. Glen
56, R. Oantelen 52.3,
Part II. first-class honors.- D.
Cosen,s 75.3. Pastai-H.Reicl 63.4, F.
Tamblyn 60, V. Welsh; 53.1.
Parra IIIFirst-clasS honorlsr.-V.
Barge 75, second-claaa honors -G.
Weir 721; L. Wasrnan 71.8, J. Aiken -
head 71,5, E. Lyon 71.4, H. Turner,
71, E. Holland 68, H. Middleton 68, E.
La.vis 68. Pass -B. Brogclen 63.5, M.
Mali' 63, R. Dewat 61.2, R.Irlsaint 68.1,
F. Slomant 57.5, E. Torranee 67, J. J.
'Weir 54.5; 'G. Walker 54.2, p.Nichoi-
som 53.9, E. Harland 53.4, G,Drapet
53.0,- M. Shipley. 53.1, V. Braithwaite
50.6, D. Bart 50.
Honick 3 463
On Friday • ;evening of last week
the annual( election of %Wens arid
banquet of thei University of Tor, -
onto Alumni Association, of the
, Middie States? 'took place at the
Blackstone Hotel, before a numer-
ons conapany of graduat._es, their
wives and, lady friends. The guest
of honor was Prialfe,ssor Ramsay
Wright, vice; president .of the Unia
versity, .whol came as the guest of
the association. T'he fame of Prof.
Wright in biological researah is
world-wide. and there.,was a feel-
ing of regret among the alumni,
when hej announced in his acrdress
his approaching retirement after
forty years' ,service to the 116fiver,
sit -A. The prof esson gave his rea-
son f or resigning his desire fordei-
sure fort re,search work he \VAS un-
able to accomplish While holding a
professor's chair. Peof, Wrigh•t
gave a glowingiLaccount of the pro-
gress of the UniveMity which has
Form II-Fitat-elasgt honors -- E.
Beacom 83.9, E. Grey 80.6, G. Mc-
Taggant 79.3, W. McGregor 79.1,
Seeoin d-ciass honors -M. McGowan
71.1, A. Hoare 71, I. Elliott 69.9, 3.
Wylie 69.7, 0. Cole 68.8, V. Evans 67.0
J. Middleton 66.4. Pase - K. Reid
65.2, 11. Macarthur 65, S. Scott 63, H.
Forrest 60.9, W. incNaugliton 59.1.
W Walker 58,8, M. Yates 58.5_ M,E1-
Hatt 57.7, S. Henry 57, F. Ford 56.4,
E. Wasman 55.7, I. Wtlkin 55,- M.
Hall 54.45 bl. Gunn 53.9, 'V. Hearn, 53.6
J. Morrie 53.3, M. Daividson 52.9s, Bi
Boss 52.7/ N. Miller 52.5, W. Nelson
521, Carbeolf 57.5, O. McGill 61.3,
F. Thonapson, 50.5,
• Form I -First -mass( honors - S.
Smillie 81.9,1NE.:Vlanning 78.1, Sec-
ond-class honors -S. 'Woods 74.6, P.
Mobilet 73.8, St. Wallis 70.6: H. Shaw
70.4, H. Rodaway 70, E. Wise 69.3,
M /VIcTaggarit 67.2, J. Sm51Ite 66.8,18.
Cook 66.4/ C. Beacom 60.2. Pas,s-J.
.Smttli, 65.75 L. Barge, 62.9, G. Hudie
62,4, 'W. Caldwell 61.8, 'P. WheaelleY
61.5, R. Rennie 61.1, C,Ka1Per 80.7., 1.
Roberton 60.6,1 CI:lame 60.3, K..ble-
Yaughton 60.1, G. McDougall 59.8, M.
Milnie 59.3, R.Chariren 58.6, E. jamie-
son 57.8/ L•Collins, 56.9, L. Cook 56.5
L. Kennedy .56.5, all. Mar. 56.1, H.
Johnson " 65, D.10ante1ogn 51.8, 'H.
Holmes 54.6.. E. Poavell 54, E. Stewart
53,9, L.Howd 52.9,, W. DiUing, 52.5,
A. Elliati0 52.4, C. Marshall 50.9, R,
r ailr,c(st 50,6, 1"\
. From April ath Merges into st
• 011' Slimmer Term from July 2
g 2nd, and gives opportunity •
• for ,coetinuous preparation e
• far the ,better glass ofl post- •
tions. In influenice equip-
• ment and service, we have 2
2 no superiors. Free catalogue g
explains why. Write Central a
• 13usinese, College of Toronto •
• "'Lange and Gerrard Six.
• •
er- W. H. SHAW, President. •
• •
The Customl !Club of the Civil
Service League, at Toronto recently
organized and; pleated officers. Mr.
R. Hohne.s..1: °innerly editor of The
N a Era, Was elected patron.
Freight is moving ,alt a lively T ate
on the G. T.13.
• See (ths Clinton Auto Truck. It's
all right.
GO centa ;secures the New. Brat to
Jan. 151. 1913. Take advantage of
this ofifer
Read the advertisements of the
the busiresd men aad save! money
thereby. •
A quiet home wedding took place
tan Wednesday'aof 'this ;week. Rev.
Mr. Granitaled the matrimonial
knot between Miss Lottie Elva, see
end daughter, of Mr. and adirs.Robt.
'A. ;Hearn, ;and Mr. 'Lorne iCasatelon
of Goderichi LTow,nship. The New
Era ()Keil congratulations. '
The barl er shop of Medd & blutch
was robbed Weditesday night a this
week. About 810 worth of razors etc..
were stolen. We understand the
palice have taken a hand bathe matter.
Lc is hoped that the guilty party will
get a good se ntence to cure this petty
thieving. -
1, 0, 0. F. SERVICES. „-
The Clinton lodge of the -I. 0. 0. pi.
will attend Divine service in St. Pauls
church on Sudday, April 211th, More
particulars later.
The choirtnoncert to be given
last Monday (livening ,at the Pres-
byterian Church', tondesboro, was
pc stpon ed on account( (of the roads
It is expectediito be given on Mon-
day e. eaarg,,',April 101±,
now become one of the greatest
seats ot learning in America.
At thA close of 'the address the
President off the association, PAO.
Holgate, dean' of the Northwester
)niv.ersity, assured" Prof. Wright
that Ithe deep and loving ;Interest
01 1110 alumni would folaow him to
the aimo al old England, where he
is about 1(1 ,spend his, last days,
Seated next; Oo the guest of hon-
or .waa' tobeat Matheson, former
editor .of thd Britt sh-tAmerican
and of the Canacli raa-fAmericser,
who having. graduated in 1856 was
the oldest graduate pre,sent. On
being.. called/ 0 f or reminisa enses, of
the early Lclays at the univeliaity,
Mr. Matheson dafelt chiefly on the
liberality of the Canadian system
of education from the lowest to the
highest inalitations of loath:king,
whereby ths poogest boy could
obtain a complete education, pra-
ctically free. Under the iriOneime
of !thin feeling of grattitudq he
read arc oniginal peon in honor of
Canada. Dr. W, F. Dickson, Prof.
Harvey .and Dr. J. F. Campbell were
other interesting ,speakers. The
Alumni 'Glee Club rendered several
splendid selections. Altogether
the third annuaj gathering of the
Toronto Alumni 'Vas pronounced'
the best yet held.
Following turd the original verses
read by Me. Matheson and which
evoked hearty applause;
Swift as the; lightning's vivid beam
Flashed fromeast to .wesit,
So ruins' the' thrill of botherihood
In leach 'Canadian, breast,
Instinctive a.s•the, needle's flight
To its magnetic( pole, '
So turns ,eaelv true !Canadian
heart -
As to RS destined goal.
As graven on each exiled palm).
/The ,nainer of Zion shone,
cleem,enshrined in every heart
Is Canadas proud ;throne.
Whene'er (the honor of our land
Is touched by foreign foe,
There leaps ,ito life a.,•fervici flatne
A patrioti6 glow.
From ocean shore to oceaii ;shore
Her widd domain exitend,s,
From inland seia to frozen pole
Her kinghonr never ends,
The wave that frets Atla;nities
coast 1 .
Or lays\ "Pacifie51s1rorae,
• The iceberg in the Artie seas,
Her aceptuei floateth O'er. •
Her cleep•.....soll tickled by Hie hoe
Shall laupt..1 with harvest unfalth'
Eter boun'clies,9 pnairles Tot shall fill
The garners of Ithe earth.
Hurr ah 1 Hurrah 1 for Canada;
Tha young, the free, the brave!
In all her girand dominion
Her flag floats o'er naislave 1
0, Godf of nations, he her guide
To lead our nation on,
Should north and south ,as kiln -
dr ed
Be mingled Into ,oine,
Or linked with adamantine bond
With noble motherland;
Or as, youngest among na.,tionsi
We Independent! ;stand,
Ma.y Canada's glad mission be .
To air) ithe ,coming dawn,
When like an overflowing sea
The gospel tido flaws on{
And man to man a brother is
And national disappear,
Wall Paper
at 5c a Roll
can be made, and it can bb
Ise made good enough to
be worth ten dollars a roll. Between the two ex
tremes Hes the figure which represents a fair price
for papers that will give you a sense of artistic sat-
isfaction when intelligently used in the decoration
of your home. E. Very cheap papers are not bad
1 because they are cheap, but are cheap because the
things that go to make a good wall paper require
a little money. (II. In our stock we have all kinds of
papers but we are particularly interested in having
you see our assortment of artistic goods at medium
price. L May we have your inspection?
eW.D. Fair co.
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
The Pastime Club held their annual
Easter dance on Monday evening in
their Club room. A most enjoyable
time was spent by all.
. Somebody has to mend the socks,
And starch the frocks. •
• Somebody has to wash the floors,
And dust the doors;
Somebody has to boil and bake,
And make the cake,
All lovers .bf baseball are re-
quested to attendfsehe re -organiza-
tion reeetingdof the 'Clinton Base
Ball Club .in the Council Chamber
on Monday (evening, April 151±. It
Will alscL lbe decided if Clinton will
go in thca(Perth-lluron League this
year, Lot ioveryonelleome.
Word Waal eeceived here of the
death of 18rs.(1A. G. Gleiser, sister 61
Mrs. Will Plulmateel, entitle aga of
26 years. • Deceased %Vas a former
resident here!, being 'a daughter af
Mr. anclayIrs. J. W. 'Hill, ;who went
west aboutriseven years ago. Be-
sides hen 'husband she is survived
by aittricf boy [three years old, The
funeral toold place at Oxbow, Sask.,
on Good( ttlrid ay. "
On Tuesday, at the House of
Refuge, one p8' ,Clirsteira's earliest
settlers passed sway, at the •age of
88 yearssffn the person of William,
Smithson, The old gentleananawas
Well known by the older .citizens
and ha S ;seen his family pass away.
and is noanclnlIy ,suaviverl by grand-
children. The funerartves held ,oin,
Thursday of nil week from the.
home of .Williant McIntyre, of
Clinton, '
Evangelist A. A. Walsh,' D. D. (an
old Lonaon Road boy) received a
telegram Monday !liming calling
him to the pastorate ot the Firast
Baptist church of Sabetha, Kansas,
Dr. Walsh was pastor of this churah
in 1910 and Ief 1 the pastorate to fill
evangelistic engagements, being sue-
caeclect by Rev, Sherman Moore, The
people cis Sabetha have been trying to
persuade Dr. Walsh to return, and
have succeeded sending a flattering
call over the long lines of wire, which
he answered in the same manner,
informing them. that they might
expect him the first week in A,pril.
Dr. Walsh has travelled in rnanv
states and the church, realiziug ,his
lenge experience, bas granted him the
pi allege of taking such evangelistic
mak as he deems wise.
• I,aet Friday Mr. al. Wilitse closed
up his' grocery atore and dispoSed
of the( 038:lance of his stock' 'to the
mierchaints in town. MriWittise will
leave in 1 llew days far WiaakApep'.,
10 thereat estatei ,thisines5
with Weapon, who 'has been out
there tate{ past couple of years
During hiS !residence in Ito am Mr,
Wilts° took ea active intereat in
\tits welfare5 serving as leournaillon
and mayor With distinction. He was
also an aceivd worker in Ontario 81.
(Church, We are porty to see him
go, bull Wish him ;success lin Wintiri.
peg. At present/ inns. Witt:se and
olllaies .s,will rernaini in
On Stinclayathere passed away at,
her home( on Albert Street, Chris-
tine Ross, (relict ot the late Thos
Cooper, atahsta.geof 71 years,
Cooper han'Iresidecl in Clipitan, and
locality all hiertffife, having been
barn on thicta,ondon Bond. A fam-
ily of threectlaughteas and ttvo sons
suri',Tive, Mrs. A. J. Morrish and
.clifisn.sit.SosavA; nongilefeleazd elVlolinalin(nigoviC0000dpe6nr of
Homer of Helena; Montana. Mrs. J.
Ilenderaon of Duluth, Ca sister, Was
here 1051 vie funeral, •but two bro-
theirs, 8ob/J(110as of Ida1io, and Jas.
of Callfornia, !Were unable to be
present, Rev. Dr, (fiteavart, the 'old,
P aster cif the( Sle,ceased, conducted
funeral service,: ,asaisited by Rev.
Mr. Grant. , The Mallbearer's
Ouninghame, Jas. Fair, J. lents,
D. IVIcOorvie, W. G. Smyth, and( J.
Hunter. •
A.nd fry the steak;
SomebodIr has10 buy things cheap,
And wash and sweep, -
With little sleep -
That's mother.
Meeting of Publigity Committee. -
A meetsng of the Publicity Com-
mittee of the Clinton Board of Trade
was held on Tuesday evening, to out
line a policy for the coming year, that
would best to hying the particular
needs of Clinton before the general
public, and also as te the best ineans
of getting into touch with men and
concerns that might benefit the Town.
She Committee would urge the citi
zens of the Town to give them every
support and assistance, especially in
the way of information and advice
that might be of use to them to lam=
the town.
at the home:of her cousin, Mrs. Little,'
Among those spending Easter in our
neighborhood are, John Ross, of Pais.
ley, Lizzie Aikenheatl, of London, Miss
Taylor, of Detroit, Joseph Grey, of ,
Hamilton, Duncan McDonald, of Lon-
don and Wilson Turner, of Draytor.
Rev H Wood, of St. Thomas, will
be inducted to the Presbyterian
Church on the 1.81± oat April in the
The choir of the PresbyterianChurch
met at the home of W. MeBeth on
Saturday and presented, bliss Grace
Murdock, one of the meribbers with tu
silver card receiver on am eve of her
marriage to Mr. bleNeil,ofSt. Thomas.
Rev, Charles Mustard,. formerly of
Brucefield, has retbrned to his congre-
gation in Toronto after taking a post
graduate course in Theology at _Glas-
gow and Edinburgh Scotland, Ills
wife accompanied him to Scotland.
. Mr. Culvert, of Elderton, and wife
are visiting their father, Mr. Bowie.
Thornton Mustard, of Toronto,spent
Easter at home.
• Mrs, Wm. Graham, of Clinton, visit
ed last week at the home of Inc brer
ther B. R. Higgins
Miss Flossie Stanbury of Toronte is
visiting her many friends around here.
Mrs Geddie, of Ee'gri.c e, is the guest
,of Mrs, Ferguson.
Mr. Alex NPLeod, of Toronto Uni.
versity is visiting the home of his par-
Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, of Detroit,
spent Easter in their cottage.
Mr. Wm. Whiddon, of Goderich, has
returned after spending a pleasant
time with his many friends here.
Landon Ronal
• The sugar making season, is about
over for this year.
Mr and Mrs 'Wheeler, from London,
visited here for Easter.
Misses Rossella and Mahle Liver-
more, of Toronto were visitora at
home with Mr and Mr a El Livermore.
Mrs. Janina Nott is visiting friends
'n town this week,
The League had a very enjoyable
time on Monday evening. The Stan-
ley ladies provided the lunch and Boole
say they did better than the Tucker -
smith ladies.
Sohn Murdock, St,. has returned
from spending the Winter in Detroit.
Mrs. John Walker and Mrs. Grain-
ger spent the Baster time visiting at
the home of Mrs. Summers of Blyth.
John Elliot, of our village has gone
to A ter a,
A numbeifrom our vicinity attend-
ed the Stock Fair in Clinton on Thurs-
day last.
Miss Cooper, Clinton, spent Easter
bliss Emma Morrison entertained tr
number at her frieniss on Friday after-
noon of lase week, when a linen show-
er was tendered to Miss Grace blur.
dock, who this week becomes the bride
of Mr. McNeil of St. Thomas. A very
pleasant afternoon was spent and a,
sumptuous supper was served by Mrs,
Miss Lellie Met:low-an is spending
Ee,stier with friends in London.
_Mies Belle R. McKay who spent the
winter with her grandmother, Mrs,
John McCowan returned last week to
her home in Hamilton, Ontario,
Masters John and Archie Bryant -
are spending Easter with their grand-
mother Mr0. John McGowan,
Miss Vera Pepper is spending East-
er wiLia her grandmother Mrs. A. Car-
ter, Clinton,
Misses Jean Mustard, M. B. bichlwen
Mary Gilmore and Tena Baird attenct.,
ed the shower last Friday given by
Miss Emily Morrison to Miss Grace
Murdoch, previous to the hitters mar.
Roy Baer left on Tuesday for Moose
Jaw, Sask.
Mr and ivIrs Schwanz spent a few
days visiting with friends in Waterloo
, Tavistock and other points:
I Miss L. Clark is spending the Easter
holidays at her home in Goderich.
W 30 Forster has secured the
services of W. Prouse for the Summer.
The spring freshet has done an im-
mense amount of damage this year,
the water in the river having been at
least four feet higher than it has ever
been known to be before. The water
attainel its maxiniunt depth on Sun-
day but is rapidly subsiding having
fallen about eight feet on Wednesday
morning. A number of bridges and
culverts are badly damaged among
them being l3alt's Bridge, approach on
the West end being washed out, Ben -
miller bridge approach on East end
badly washed and the small bridge at
the foot of Hohnesville hill's also bad-
ly damaged. Two culverts on the
Maitland which were badly rushed are
being repaired this week. F. Fisher
and Chas. Bteckow having the
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