HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-11, Page 5Our $15 WatchI Ste]P Visitw'°s lin for Men and Women Is one that will give ex- cellent satisfaction to the wearer. Both sizes, for hien and women , The Movement Is well regulated, and carries our broadest guarantee. - The Lase Is durable—gold filled of the e finest quality. CALL AND SEE I'HENI. Tti, nun JEWELER and OPTICIAN enceee 104044etiD Lined 1 IIon1eseekers and Settlers Excursions to Western Canada via Chicago t,, • April 10thf and 23rd a.ad 30th arid every second Tuesday ttheeafter until Sept. loth inclusive. Special 'train ,trill. leave Toaontto at 1,30 p.m. on above dates for Ed- maniton alnd points in Manitoba and .Saskatchewan, via Chicago and St. Pauft, ,carryings *]rough co,aches and Pullman Tourase Sleepees ' Nee ,CHANGE OP 'CARS. Full Full partticulare frown any K, rand Trunk Agent, or C, R. 1VIeCu'tcheolry, A1b.erta ;Government) Agent, Pal- mer House ',Block, Toronto, One, THE' MOST POPULAR ROUTE TO Montreal, Bu2 Sala New York. Philadelphia, Detroit. Chicago. is .via Grand Trunk Route. ' :STEAMSHIP TICKETS ,0N SALE .V1A ALL LINES. For lull particulars and tickets call •on or write,- JOHN RANSFORD •& SON, Agents A. 0. PATTISON, depot agent A.E. Duff, district agent pa,s,s'enger Toa•onto, ,Ont. q - VI1NOR LOCALS. Hold onttd Huron. Clinton's • Spriiagt Pah' is ae: 1 oder. Next M ond'ay'"schools will re -op - on. .Band Concerts Will soon be on he pro:gilam. Easter holiday! exavellers Were euanerons, Watch ,the New Era for Spring Advertisements,.: Assislt the Board of :Health by a general claan( up. .The :cash, system is on the en - release among- bujsinessmeln,, The impleinenit agents are ,bu;sy nre aring for the spring ;work, { Nervi Erni kelepho,nes are Noe, 30 • and 90. Will you kindly stake the hint? 93rd, anniversary of the ,I.O. F, Order in America( well be celebrated re on April 2,dth. Clinton bliss 'Lindsay, of Toronto, ;ivas, i Mrs, Joel'-McLeod'was an Easter Miss Ceara Lindsey t t, 0 St. a 'home foal Gaster,"ar am s'ne aspen he visitor. in Londo(tr, haledays sit hen? lions hear. Mr. A• Weide - n enit M J p Easter Sue- a ao1..Waseman, of Guelph, ryas Miss. M 1], ClxiclI,ey s+pent • rho day with( his eon apt Aylmer, irone foe )-',aster. Santer vaea�Lola vis�itixtl; friends at few day -s! with her sister Mrs, A .J ng sehoo et For Erie, was home Mrs ereorge COOk and children Grigg this week � 'Mie J Irtang ofDeltrowt spenit a Mies Stella Oopp, who ,is 'tench- Torolnto• c' 1 fur 'the ,vacation:. Master 'Palf''Clegho.rn;and his cis l 0 1 ae been in Prof. Glenn, W. Campbell, was a ter a e'spencling a few days en Tee- Bo d 1 'll f d Aylmer visiting his reedier. onto. _ - t31r. ,IVluaree Jackson, Spent -tire Dr: Thonlpsor was a visitor in ice Shepherd left Mon Easter vacation ia'tho'me here, [Marys on Monday. Mr. W. Bryd'onex was in Torotlto Rev, W. W. Wylie, leen Toronto O t s oily t at Ixo onr begin e;st�•(this weelt, his 'week attending. a convention, Miss Leona Kerr, of 'Wingham, M CrI ly d Grey Kei>lnedV trip to Toe-onto\;his -week, spent Fasten with friends'. Messrs. Stewart/ •tc , brother v 'Detroit. r and Tranlc Scott Mr, John Rice who h wmanvi e foal afew lays, re- unne toner Monday. • Mr Ciamo Mon - flay afteenootr ;to resume his posi- tion. ;with the Maisoni. 'Dank - quois, Ont. .. isseis' lac s an spent (their holidays with their, 'n rot , visited dei Seaforth this week Mr. W. D. )Thair Shade a business Muss Tena Sheerer, of `Wingham, %gas an Eas'teal Visitor In bonen, holidays London'. Nlr incl Mrs. W Steep spend• Miss Maud Liv enlace e spent her q visitors at P iti glia, Mass AJeanf Scott Was home for f Mies t , Hollmes visited Mr s.. Janie Shepherd left Easter Easter, { Mr, and ;Mrs. W. T. O'Neill ,spent , Y {children ac_ .Toronto epi, • Taster at Bufifalo, Ottawa.' • Mr, JackeSterling of Sarnia spent Mrs. Eekinier spent the -',aster' Mr, Donald' Ross, a medical 5teee l i,n Easi=er at Petlloli,a, it snanit 7Fa*ss' ,m,+h 'n;.. Mother.' _-. _ hoiidlays in London. Jennie • beards a Brlarf(ittlord . Mrs. 21. RaTnoal and bah v'seted at the( parental honla at' Glencoe'. • Mien' tRetti Cook Ispen't thet hali- of Brussels-, were r n'towti'this(w eek. Mr, ane ,Mrs. Cies. Mckinnon, of ' Kencardane, spenit''their , Baster va- his IEasltes•',lt-oladays under The par - c � ation rn tatgnl ental roof, ' Mr. •and) Mrs, W. R. 13billyar andMies J'annid'Rehires [spentEasterwith relativeal. end friendis ,-ins Brantford, • Mrs. W. Kilbride and Miss- Kin - days with/ Parente friends. Master Peed Pugh is visiting his grandmother atLondoln, faintly ,Were a!t Bonrmanville foe- Mr•;, Aitelrisonl of Miilverton, Easter attendings the ,celebr'ate'd')of former•entedelitex spenit afew clays' the Diamond tveddding alnn'iversary of Mr, 1;eU'ar's paremlts, • Miss Peale T+'argulrar and beetle. er Wilfred spenit the Easter holi- days visiting relatives in Goderich. Mae Clarence Oopp who -is attend- ing 'Litniversity, was home foal the.. holidays. • Mrs. Geo, walker, of Gerrie, was a visittoef over• Sunday the guesti of Mr, and Mrs. Munch, at ti(Howse. of (Refuge. , Mrs, 2t. E. Manning left last nveelt; •goo Denver, Col„ owing 'tothe sex Tows Meese of her mother Mrs Fishes, ' Misses Ida) and Lena Holmes, of Toronto, spent -the vacation ;with Mr, and Mrs., Chant and other eld old friends.; . 1Vlias Florence Serene of Walker- -Pe, spent the Bea,stel•-tide meth Mian Florence Cuioniinghame. Mr. 'Wi e Greig, who is tvi.'th the Jackson Co., at Exeter , was home for Easter. Mrs, Rie4 gnve a P1e t thimble tea -en Monday, from four to eight, ial Toads of her (niece, Miss IRult'her- feed, off 'Gate, Miss LanoreeR•ultherf ord.; and Mas ter Warrinor Rutherford spent Eastern week; ;the :guests of thein aunt, ;Mrs. John Rice. Hugh B, Grigg of :the Molsons Bank Stmooe and W. Roy Grigg 01 the eland of Montreal'Goderfc'h vis- ited at 'thole home here otter East' Dr. Lindsay, and Miss LIrrdrsa of London, ¶w.erel visitors dw, o tony'this' week. e• Mires Sadie East, who is at res- ent :teaching school •a't /Wallace - burg is ,spending •the holidays at her biome in.Hullett. Mrs. W, Kyle accompanied by her seers r from s _ l Kn ppel, were e ee sty with Mrs. Kyles .s molther Mrs. J. Mitchell of Athol tstieet, Mes- ter Willie de „still spending the holi- days wilth' his grandrno'tlxer here. Mr. Rorke, of Meek -dale, ,Gnibario,. was a visitor{ with his brolth,er, Me, Hugh Rorke. of ttolvn. It is eight years ,since Mr. Iborke left Cienttaln , and he noticed „several Orainges' an Clinton lei -thee time, . Among the School teachers who , were Irome{ for the vaoatiom were,- Mies,es Lyle( Feed, Molly Clef f, Ir-- • ane t ears•o'n, Hazel Ker, stag lRtsby' Killty, From Thursd'ay's Glebe we .take the folio\ving . enlmounceni.ent,-M1•. and Mrs, . Daniel McGill, Chesley, annoan,ce /the -•engagement of thee.' datvghter, Kathleen, Woithi;ugtdn, to Dr/ Fredereclt Axon, . tCLiniten•,: The Maer age will Italie lace early fal Y e th hoarse of Mrs. It ansolie Langham,. Saslratclxewan, Miss Laura King, a farmer 'CLint- ton 'girl, who le 'el:tendiing Alma Collegevisiltee with Mes. David Cools 'elide :w,eek. ,Mi,s,s King ex- pects tto leave et' ;the end of•her, course for her home 1111 Lloydnlie- seer. the 'guest of his aunt, Sirs, S. SL Cooper, ell's. .A. Sheen. es Viisiting,friendsi,u Goderich, .. • Mr, J. C. Lindsay, ' •of Leedom, spent Easter; at hie home. Mr. anc>; Mrs. Brine Soolbt, of Gull Lake, Sask., the former •an old Brussels boy were ,calling on olid friends in+taaiu on Saturday, Mee Morgan Agaew, of Straftifokd was Mare ter!Ea,slter,- ., 'Mr. Chas. Treelike of S!traiefolx•'d spent :I}aeter{.a't his home in town. Miss Edina( Cooper, of Toronto Varsity .spent Easter with -her, mother herb." Mr. and( Mrs. Ed. Munro, stied Harry iw,eree visitor1s is1 Goden'ich en Good Friday.' ielr, 'Charles Hale, who 'has a posi- tion 1V; thu McCerneek's 1radtorly London, scene Gooc'1 Friday ,at his. home m in Hallett Miss V,ioes, Johnston of Goderich rtes the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Arthur took, of Albert street. -Mies Leaman; pie ofthe staff •of teachers at Alma, [College St, Thom- as, de spending Eastter hoeidays, at Wesley Paesonage With her friend Miss Katq Perd. Mrs, George Nott spent the Eas- ter holidayst with friends in Gode-' rich, ' • Mies Kathleen* Bast of the Cana-, dean Courier staff, Toronto, (bent; Sunday et the home other Mo'thera, Miss Laura Welkin of Goderfieh was hornet for Sunday, Mise Walkinshaw:' lsp.eat Easter with friends at Blyth. Miss Rona L'avis of George!tow a,.' ri was home for (the Easter vacation,, Misses Jessie) and Irate Ford of Alma Collag e, St.. Thomas ,were er' e IX Beater vacation. n'i Miss Jessie Ford will now remain Tomo. 3lrs. George Roberton an chil- dren hitdren ;were Laster visitare a Bruer- sees. ruereels. .. Miss Gend.iei is visiting • ;with Mrs. (Dr,) Genn. The visitor is a sister of. Dr, Gandier. Mr. Chas. Hall, who is la a( Bank at Toronlio was an Easter visi- tor is-for at his home In town.. Mrs. Preece( its visiting her ;sis- ter at Cen'tilaliat. for few weeks. Mr. Martin) O'Donlelell, n'ao is weekieg alt St. ;eetli,erines, (speitut Caster at his home 'here. . Mr. Alberill Turner left last week fox Re-Betowii S•a,sk. The 'N'ew Era tvishe,s Ilam! Snccess inn the 'West, - Miss Dell and Reza- 'O'Neil, of Toronto, spent( the vacatioln, kti t the parental home. Mrs, Joe, Multch and daughter, spent Easter{ at Wiugham, - Mrs, W. Watson, of Blyth, spent a fete hours am;town 'Good Fridays, Mus, Hodgen and Miss Edilth Hodg•ens of Toronto, seeltat Easter with ol=d/ friends nix towlty, ; • The Baseball' team will have to look four anew pitcher as Al, Doh- erty had answered (the call to :the West He iefl la,s:tweek for Sas'lt- aitoon, accompanied( by "eV, Mantle - lean. ' lea Sherrilttx ,Whose farm in on tree border of Hensel) ,Yves in town, Wed- nesday, In epeakilagl tto (the New Era Mr, Sherr'it't remembers ,com- ins, ito Olinrltolli when tilt eouid only boast of three houses'. Mr, Sher- tt nvad on a visit anti( w,atq Wait- e' foe+ ILrain•,eolnlneeeeon. . This is a Coca Tilde To purchase Sugar and Tea, as prizes are advan inn- OThen'you w'11 be thinking about Timothy Seed, GRed• iover, Alsike, and Lucerne ' r fls is the Place to Buy ragN, EMPORIUM r ` ? yyy���yy 14p�1�1��t9�ir►V'�� "GOo o.SHOO' a,ncl so is every ch=air we show, You select one and have wife select other, It will ' be a "toss tip" which is best. You can'tgo amiss on ANY RIND OF A CHAIR in our stock, They're all good Just so with entire stock we show, It's best in . town, and that's tyhy "those who know; buy furniture at our place, HOOVER BA L ,L tNDEIIT i1.ICING' INT! FURNITURE ommommummermearommaumar9 - Mr Wad'teni Jackson, of Braistfotrd ;Was r,enewingl old frietndship in town on Good Friday dree spent (the Raster vacation at their pare,nta3 (home in St. Thomas biles WigirtmaneofSeaforth Wee a visitor en town this w,eelci. Miss Libby) IGibbings, accompani- ed by hes ;friend, Miss Bondi of Toronto, ,were) visitorshere, Mr. •andlMrre J. W. Treleaven andFeiss Nosmer/were Easter visitors at Lucicnaw: c' Miss Hattie Sutherland of Hensel ryas •a visttoln in town. Thursday of this week, Mrs. Edward p', Lee and Masher. Jack of Jackson, Mich., are ,spend- ing' a month lot Mrs. J. Stiriui gs. 1VIr.' Wallcinshewl and Mies. L. eekihshaw were in Goderich ole Monday. Mrs, Johnson. nine Miss Isabel, spent Easteil with Rev. and -Mrs: (ltnnre at Londete Mrs. G. E. McTaggart enter- tains hell'lfriends this - evening to cards, lers,(DrlEiliott of Lucknow' ,visit- ed :with Mrs. Wm. Graham on W'ed- eesday, Dr, Stelvamtf.leftthis moeningt,fo Toronto after( a pleasant visit ;here. lees. Cartereend family and ;solei and (emcee, leult eionxclayl for Bi1a(nl:- ford ;where' they will reside lhfue ;tune. t • Miss Jessie Thompson .was an Easter vielboe inToron'to. Miss ansI Pelee Bdbth 13aines, of London :wereehome for Easter. Mrs, A, I3'. Tierney and daughter Hiss Dorothy of Blyth, Were visit- ors deetotvn tide week, Mr. John Leslie Tete been sonlen.- ed'to,the{ house with atsevere pold This es -something unusual for Mr. Leslie ands his -old friend-st, All wish font a,speedy (recovery. 1VIr. and Mrs. Constantine, of Zee - lob. were ialClx' iilt t of m his week 3Vir, said, Mrs, Will Maxwell, of \5, iingham, were visilor,s With 'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Ttose• this( -week. 11•s. W, R,' Counter and t",Billie" •werel Rueter visitors at .Brant- ford. 2.1r. Geo. McTa ant, combined ,business and; pleasure re itt Toronto this week, C Miss Floral .Baines, of .Goderich spent a felt( days uncler•the par•e'n- tal woof. Mr. andreIrs, Alfred Pelhke have Monied ito'Cie/item/Civliere 10. Pelhke will Inanage(enImplement shop, - Nliteliell Recorder.- lvlr•, J, W. Irwin of Londolii was renewing ped. frieedships in 'town. Mr. and'tMrs: T': Southeombe' of London spenit feaster visiting the Misses Southcombelthere. INVINVIAMMWM Local Nees „t YMAP M Ap IA MINOR LOCALS. Roads are molt good, ` Now de the ,time'to -catch Spring Trade •;wide alively advt. in the New Era, VESTRY MEETING. The annual Easter Vestry` Meeting • JolrieCraig, ofltheMotor Car of St. Pauls Church held on -Monday • weeks Wa•'st in Toronto last week qtr N Uusinesst eveneig was aell attended d The ' • er in Tosoitd; MnsTorteaca ,ex- Treasurer's interim report proved highly satisfactory and is probably e• Miss Edsf1I Tosrssc n -one of the best ever presented, the -• poets to gob to Lethbridge ehoet'ly, gross recents showing - a sustantial : Mies Ruby 'Walken, ,of ,Toronto increase; the Baster offertory amount p came iiplbo Clinton for the holidays ed to The Rector nearl 300. with more to come. e re appoented sir H. T. ,with biles( Kadbieleen East and case Renee as Rector's .Warden, Mr, • visited With Miss Gertrude Chant. J»mes Duaford was elected People's CO elms, eeeeesiiq Kerr epeat Easlte•, Walden and Mr, K Erskine Vestry 0 • 0'=—J Headaches Cu red. riT11 e 3 headaches rcaused bflinperfect-eyes. We can perraaneTEiy cure such headaches with glasses. If we fall we will re. .fund yourmoney, 11/ /i 74. J. Grigg Jeweler and optician Issuer of Marriage licenses cessor and friend Rev. 0. R. Gu' ane far. tene r dad ext a s Y excellent n twork and: with It h and others I could not have :been enabled cut the foundation laid by him to do whatever has been I soweth and another reapeth nSucc ss. spiritually must ever be the ideal in onr minds. What that bas been 1 do not know. It is ours to work, and to leave ,the results with Him, Some would mention large congregations, !!! good collections and much impression, .tea Rather would we desire the success not seen, of men and women, boys and girls, who have been helped and strengthened and who have taken the Lord fur their God. That success we cannot know of. The Last Great Day. will reveal Re' The finances of the Parish appear' to be in a very hopeful condition, 1 understand teat/ the loose offerings this year are over :116000 more the Special Values in ' RELlagegr4S -- anummemememeneure and Linoleums •� for Never before has our showing of Rugs iii; Lina.–, leums been as large or attractive as they are this season and -never has our values been greater. At present we are Showing a beautiful assortment of Squares in Tapestry, Velvet and Brussels, and -our prices on these, you will find, are away below what are usually asked for these goods Come and let us show you these goods' and quote you Our prices.' See our New Lace Curtains Pri ce§ from 25t: to $g.00 per pair. Pill steelh a SMALL, PROPITS-0 MORE 'BUSINESS girths, Marriages et Deaths 1 sale, reasonable, (. RUNDLE HUNKING, )3IRT$S, Landes bore OOLSON-0n April 4th, at Seaforth, Tenders * n to Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Colson, a son. ell(tel'+=A t�'ti MARRIAGES the previous year. Our special ooilect,J CANTELGN-HEARN-In Clinton, heartily responding to the appeals ions have been excellent, oar people on Wednesday, April lath, by Rev. D. X. Grant, Miss Lettie Elya, second which have been made, My only daughter of 51r. and Mrs, Robert A. regret is that there is not more Efearu, Princess Street, to err. Lorne enthusiam over Missions, Perhaps Canteen of Goderich township, the fanit does nob lie with the peonle ALLEN-COLBORNE-At the home The Choir. Our choir is ;lastly a of Mr. John Colburne,luth Concession, source of'pride to every member of Goderich Township, by Rev. 0. ba- the pariah. During the year the kins, Clinton, on Thursday. April 4111, members have been vested in surplice Olarlotte, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Colborne, to Mr. Sylvester Alien, of Seaforth, and eassoele '.which has added beauty and dignity to our seevicet We feel that onr ctaoer• is second to none and the thanks of this vestry is due to the choir and organist. Miss May Bentley for their excellent assist tance in our common worship. I think you will all agree with me that in country her work is highly spoken of and is eminently satisfactory, During the year past the General Synod of our Church met in London, It is a source of pride toils that one of the lay representatives of this Diocese is from this Parish ant that he has been appointed a member of the most important .of all the Synod Com. mit.tees-,that on Player Book Revis- ion. - Oni of our lay -representatives is also a member of our own Executive Committee of this Diocese. Remosals, We miss the famiies of Mews t sss U O, Rance, D. M. McLean, rph Ball. The followingheuUers have been removed to ed h y death, John \Vson, Miss Thompson, Wee Foster, Mrs. Ryder, James Thompson, Wm. Slonuan, Mrs. 13, Churclxi 1, Mrs, Charles Johnston, Mrs. Dowding, Mrs, Evans, Mrs. Hearn. To their relations and friends we extended one>sym- pathy, New femiles have joined them. selves to our Church and we bid them a cordial weicome. In conclusion I have a heart full of gratitude to God for an the mercies of the year past. For 'what sur•.cess G�> '4fy£' 2 and blessings have been ours to Iain; er • bean the.g'arit.11 w�aY* dtsa�ts *a , I thank i=ou al; for the forebearauce, shown us since coining among r 7 , kindly consideration. anc loveyou have s tiff Ia �� anted, -yon, MERRILL-SMITH-At SI; Mary Magdalene's Church, Lloydtown, f ork t'onnty, on - Wednesday, April .3rd, 1912, by Rev..1. H. Oolclough, B. A,, cousin of the bride, Ethel Melviva, eldest daughter of: Mr. John Smith to William. John Merrill, both of Gode- rich Township. DEATHS. COOPER-lu Clinton, on April 711, Ohristina Ross relict of the late Thos, Cooper, aged 71 years. e-LEPEER -In Oxbow, Sask , on April Sed Minnie Edna Ail', beloved wife of A. G. Gleiser, aged 24 years 6 months and 9 days. A9�&, 0u r +.Y ' ADVERTISING eau You may find something you are looking for in our Want 0ouuin We more thatci appreciate your thoughtfulness Experienced Laundress wants work e ran say. God is not to do at home, Good references.. unrighteous to forget your work and Appl I.o labor of love. We - are thankful ' for Y what the Cbureb of England is doingTHE NEW ERA this community. We believe' ther is the brightest prospect for this con- gregation. If each will do his part, if all will work harmoniously together there is no limit tc our usefullness in Lite Master's Service, Shorthorn Cattle Two red Bulls, each ;18 mouths old and a.•oari Bull. six inq'ptthe old, for Tenders wanted foe rebuilding "'a brick ,wall at .The New Eed„ odllfcte and makinggsi other zepairee Por further paifticularst call at NEW ERA OFFICE. Rouse for Sale or to -Rent A 7 roomed frame house on Huron Street opposite Commer- cial Hotel,' for sale or to rent. House es being pet la good ceder, waterworks in co:n(neetion. Apply to , 'MISS PORTER,. Rattenhury Street. MYUIGira TO CREDITORS' In the matter of the eat: tto of David Jackson, late of the Township of Iitiilett, las the Coauety of Huron, Yeornall, de- ceased.. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec, 55 of'the Trustee Act 1897, that: all persons having claims against the estate of the sate) de- ceased wild died an or about' the ev a entoe t n h da 1 Of February Y 1894 are n•equirol to send by::pest pre- paid to the undersigned adinees- tratlfix or.heir 'solicitor on or be- fore the' 27th clay of April 1912 their names and( adclre,sses .with full par- ,tiewlars in ws¢tiu„g of 'their claims, and statement of their aceoulnfts and the maitre of Me sectiAirties if anylheld bythem, duly verified by •Statn'bory, cleclarration, And' Take neoeee that :after the said 27t1i( da orApril 1912 the paid administrate ix :Wile proceed to (lie - tribute onsets; of t) S-: , 1 9;5.5 3e Steel P.oL 'L • L a,e among' tliei parties entitled' thereto, having -regasdd oily to elle cleiels of Vehicle he shall (then have notice and the said adminestra'tt{ix will not beliabld for said assets or; any part ,thereoft to any person or per- sons of whose claim notice shall not have been receivedby her or her saidesoliciltor at the time et such distribubionl Dated at Clinton this 9th day .of April 1912, - Fanny M. Jackson, W, Brdone adminestratrie. Clintoln,, Ont, ,solicitor: foe the administratrix, aalayeasacra00000aaaaaseae•ace•••ee••onatas a eaoasee•eeee d• • • Ensure S9e000 St 1 c trie Sole As we are going out of business in Seaforth and - going g0111S ogeSt, we are putting `. on at once a big sale of our splendid stock of Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware Paints. Fencing, Stoves, Etc. This will afford everyone an opportunity such as has never been seen in Seaforth to purchase Hardware at sacrifice prices. In many lines cost is no consideration, They must go. We,lnean business, Come and Saye Money. Icily tor Future Li se 11 leenaeyeeen i nee smelter wee Net- Uteri:, The followinggen lemert Mclieod 1' F • Thos; Creaks, P, W. Evans, T, :Fier- elan, A: Clarkson D Holloway, Moore, -F3 ttley, F. Bowden anti A. Lawson,Messis. J.' McLeod and K. Erskine were appointed Auditors. Messrs J. Rarsfotdt,'T,'D. Johnston re cin • Me. H. L. [Brown, of Toa onto; was Y s 12 . The Rev. O. a visiltoaf with [relatives and friends P Je ak:ns addressed the audience as in (towns over Easter. following,-. To The. Members of the vestry, Miss Matsorsa( and Miss t eyl St, Paul's Church, Claton • Brown, off Brussel eepenit. Easter • with (thele sister Mrs. .J Lesrlie• have been • • tie aroev,ie atDrusnbo, ppnmted sidesmenTV, 7olinstoneT • Mr. 'Clifford Andrews of the iceman, II Barcliit ®. Royal. Banlo staff et Oshawa, `ryas • an Eastee visitor at the,parentee o oway, B. • • home here, ,Mrs. 'CJombcf (and.' daughter Miss Combe, relu,rnetk'tholme ,last ,week from an,ex�tend ocl visit •at St. Thom— tiers app ted lav, Delegates to as the Syron. The meeting was adjour • Paints, ass and Putt red until May 0t' 19 5y r Woven Wire Fencing and Poultry • Spades,Netting. Shovels and Garden Tools, e Sherwin - William Glass White Lead and Linseed Oil• • Wasbing.Machlnes, Wringers, Galvanized 'Pubs • Stoves and Ranges, Carpenter's Tools and x,11 Shelf Hardware A splendid line' of Hand -made Pails aura Wash Boilers Granitewat•e and Galvanized Iron ware Horse Clippers, Manilla Rope, Wire P , and Nails • • In the Province of God I ha v b perms to 1 to ;preside cvat, my first nnuaa Vestry Meeting in connection with thisechumch Jest with. Ithisl ,church, Just "'o e ago the honor of asking' me eo becopne your Rector. You will know that • under decide, but since ce the decision I have g t Z reason to regret • and this feeling only grown f • as the days pass on 1 say this •thot g' d brightest forme since entering • the ministry. The work of theChurch 1•: as been n ` sac Kerr, 1 • • one year steadily. : with relatives u n • Everything Reduced tor' arid friends in and around' Climlton, year g ( you did hie • y 9 a Quick, Sharp Sa• fe M' • Mr, and Miss Holmes, of Lueknow, ,were Emgel, visitors, 4 5 ea • • • • • isles Helen( and (W,illa 'Ford are expected home from Queens Utni- versi'ty next week and after a week the pecular circumstances then • • or sod re leave for Saskatchewan eit was difficult .matte- to • qe where ttthti l fns th,a sunimer,lteach ,at Redden no rad the slightest • stronger 0, Mrs. Sheep, iof' Tos:onito, ;spent w the ;h ' L. olxdayS vnsitin her the last has G g pare is year been the happiest LA � • n Mm. anti (Mrs John eack,sote an brl rmg • tenbriay , ;deet;. r.Y e Rat - Successor to Chesney Archibald • r, an Mrs. Walter T. Smith and arc i has gone • • Wesley 'H d on quietly but I trust sural and • eag M d Ho ward Smith of Seaeolritdr If there h y spent Easter est 'r.e, John Stirliings cess we must forgetthe.work of others Mis Sn e'Fly'w Mother, River Cot- in time prtst.:. My immediate prede 3•!•!•!•!!!••!•rlr•G•lli.!!•!•,! !•lSl*.s!!..•!••i•!•!0!!+!!!A tape !tr !•!a•��lt►!l*�s®®s® w SHAFORTII •