HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-11, Page 4ies
4 44A
Was so successful from
eo every standpoint that
-0.1110 we could riot possibly
_) have hoped for better
We Thank You
We're showing New Snits
New Long ,Coats
New -EmbroideryDresses
New Gingham Dresses
New Silk IliireSees
New Tailored and
lingerie Waists
New MenaeDressea
New Sills stud Satin
Women who recognize the
advantage of early choice are
sure to be impressed with our
excellent showing Come and,
try on soma of our new gar-
Summer Dresses
All ready to put on and a
bewildering 8aSbrtnient to
choose from, made in Ging-
ham, Chambrey, Embroid-
ery. All neatly trimmed.
We have them in all sizes,
from / to 18 years Now
is the time to look after the '
children's wear while stocks
are complete.
This Store Selgs
High 'Vass Goads
seam:a-remnant asesase.
Eat Wawanosh
The following information taken soRREspoN0ENTs
from the Assessment roll eeturned hist
week hy Assessoe Wighttnan will be
of interest td many of tile Vatepayers :
Number of acro ass,eesed........41791
cleared ........32216
wood land , 3704
- slash land
swamp latid .... 4903
Value of real property exeSiis '
sive. of buildings a a ......31,132,103
Value of buildings .. ... .428,200
Business asseesment.. ,....... —.2657
Taxable income..........................203
. 'Notts' Assessment— a .....$1,5(.4 300
There are 493 children between the
ages of 5 and 2Ladd 310' between the
ages of 5 and 16, The population for
1012 is given as 158, an inceease of 13
over last year, 31 births anti 15'
deaths occurred in 101I. There are 241
dogs in East aVaavanoeb.
The •New Era wishes to in.
crease its staff of correspondents
througliout the county and in-
vites the help of those willing to
sena in teens, week to week,
tteins of .news in the neigber-
hcod. Matters n2 iniportanee
are always welcome, but equally
so are the iterne telling of the
esoyensenta of peeple to and
Amu) the locality. The New Era
asks that all willing to help in
the work, which will benefit the
locality by bringing 11 before the •
world, write to the Billet's of
• the New Bea, when supplies of
• paper, envelopes and postage
will be furnished,
eninitRonm"-' 0Jan:iglu 525k74thF
'MUIrt frearin}ree.1,363; lipsioreIV lo Seia.7
ior (aotranbi) 505,. Prercv.
,Manning 4.13, Clarence.. ali(aSvford. 1303,
Willier Scott, 880, Olive Lyon '808,
Olive Lyttle 325, Nellie 'Manning 325,'
Mary'Orawford 301, Moe Lyon' 260.
Senior III to junior IV-111tiositiouro
725 ,IViintinum to paes 803 -Everett
11111 500: , Kathleen McConnell 459
Reasie Orawfoed as,Della Braithwaite
465aaliaze1 Coonibs 385, May jamie-
8011,888, Janet Honking. Jarior III to
'Senior III -Maxirriern 680, Mitairrium
to pass 315-1tirlse Lyon 496 (honors)
Mildred Gray 432, Myrtle Grainger 371,
Nettie Woodman 841. Norman Mann-
ing 325, Julia Brown 282, Katie Brown
223. Ewart Blatchford, Principal,
ales. Youna her daughters came
hotne from 13rantforc3 on Friday last.
• Mrs. Dr. flarnilin, of Detroit,, and
Mrs, 'McDonald and daughter of Lon-
don, visited Mrs,. Lasham aor the holi-
Large shipinent of cattle last Satnr-
day and of hogaron Tuesday and Wed •
• Mrs. -Lash= and Mrs A. Wood-
man :ire on the sick list and not mak-
ing as muctaimprovement as friends
desire .
airs. W. C. Johnston, wife of the
wen -known undertaker here, was tem- bf the town of Clinton, when
ibly injured in a ennaway aecident they present a copy of by-law tamest.
last Wedneaday morning. Reling out ing the aforesaid right of way, and
of the village in a farmer's cutter to Is a co "y of • their aareement with
pay a visit in the count ey, they were
overtaken by a runaway teem, which
struck their cutter arid eadmed in on
, them. The cotter vos em ;shed, 10
kindling wood, and both occupants
were trampled benefit h the hot sea'
feet. The num, John McKinnon, by
name, was; bruised and scratched, but.
_The Campaign
• spent the Easter holiday e the guest of
Miss Nell Stitheeland, oe Seaforth,
her parents, Ma, and Mrs. D. Suther-
Anoint the Bgr irss Alma Mellow, of Warwick, is
visiting het' sister eles N. Behr on.
3 Mts. John Britton and family are
moving to Settforth this a -eek. We
Miss Vera Colclough spent Smulay
in Stratford the guest of bee cousins
Mrs. Nelsen Steep ad children, of
Goderich are visiting their uncle, Mr.
Henry Colelough. •
Mrs. Farnham and children spent
Sunday and Monday visiting her par-
ents at Seatortila Mr, and Mrs. D
McGregg,or. • ' '
Mr. Hiram Pronto'', of New Lis
keard. is visiting his mother,. Mrs
Jas. Ploctor and other reienda,
hasBegun• tiaip,Tesorry to lose them from our vill-
Continued from pagte 1.
Sir James! Whitney -The honor-
able gentleman( is looking tat one of
tb.em every „day he slts in this
• Mr. Proudfoort-Thef Pfpvincial
Secretagy is Heel inoart prominent
figure on thel Govestamelnle side of
the House. (Laughter.) r
If the' Prime Minister never( did
anything el ad theta abolish the
treating s ortern1 then he svould Inot
have Dave vam.
. Mr. ilsinudforolf. also urged upon
the Go.vennmenti to do away with
the present( system of Inelpectors
• and License rOommassioallerS: He
515 not( know what. the) Goveanie
• Moot Mould to establiish ila the way
of placing, :the liquor liceneei Isys-
tem under a commie,saorn, but if it
swould do away with many of the
• present officiator, would be a vera
good tnea suer e. ,
Ontario's' Liquor Revenue.
He spokd of the fact that the
S,Bereltary's( Depaxament
had arevenne of about 3650,363 . a
3Seaa• from,' liquor lleensas. They
paid oult(nearly iwo clollaaa
• froa Maiantenalnee of Pativinallal
iaislUtrultions such as Paisre(as and asy-
lums to care 2 or those who had Ito
, be cared 201' as the re,sullit of using
antoxicaiaing aiquors. Re' east)
of ithe great amo.uni of. gilante to
the wand of 32,700,000 rannuallty,
• that was wasted en the Manufac -
ur,e of lignoes Thist grain might be
used pr of itablry . an making bread
and foods Pos. the people avho surfa
fewed faom the use Of liquor.
the Bell Telephone Company regard-
ing connection at Clinton,
Thenfollowilia pathmester- changes
were nan.de : G'eoege Elliott instead
of John Wnon, and Charles Walters
instead of Charles Fuller.
a he Council agreed to Meet ae a
body April 15th at the small Colborne
was not seriously injured, and was bridge to arrange ter the erection 01 a
able to bold his horse. Mrs. Johnston's" new tablge in place of the one destroy,
leg was broken, and she was injared ed. Adjourhed to meet the first Mon.
internally. .Her,, present condition is day in May at. 1.30 o.
the full extent of her injuries. N. W. Trewartha
such that the pysicians cannot tell
The following is the result of the
promotion examination held at S. S,
Sealorth .No. 3. Goderich Township: Sunior
Mr. Hubert Henderson; teachea aq IV to Senior IV, Total 700 -Elva Prod
Jervis 423.
Bryanston, is hotne for tlie ho'idays. tor 428, 'Verna, Harold Lavis
423, Harold Cole, 800, Roy Munnings
Mrs. John S. Brown is spending
872, Gertie King 372, Cli
Easter with friends in Lucknow. fford n 01 tirlid
rohn Murk, of Walton, a for-
mer 301 . Senior III to junior 1V, Total
.. teenient ot Seaforian has pus-
chased,t he farm ot Mr, James Strong
in Tuokersmith, and is moving there
his week. Mr. ntrong and &unity
leave for Vancouver, B.
.m.v. John 0 Rota, of Totonto, is
visiting acquaintances here amd get.
tinga. line on the expoet cattle in this
section of the country.
Sir. and Mrs. Wm. Scott and Miss
Aileen, are spending Easter with rely".
tives in Wingham.
.The maple syrup season is in full
swims. wie h prides the same as last
year -8L25 0 gallon.
Dir. H. Clancy, of Peterboro, hes
joined the staff of the Dominion Bank.
A. tarp number from here attended
the Spring &sow at Clinton last.Thurs-
Miss Mildred Jones is home from
Toronto for the holidays. ,
Mrs. IL Lomhtua, of *Mato,. is
visiting her parente, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Barnett.
Mr Fred Hammet, of Sarnia, is
home for a few days
WES Mamie Morray, 02 tbe office
staff of the W. E. Sanford Clothing
Company, has been promoted to the
hcad offiee of the film in Hamilton,
and left for that city on Monday. •
Hill sold bis residence on John
street. to ale. John Cialbraith Me.
Galbraith sold lois residence on Ed -
wind street lo ale. 11111.
A. Ford, V 5 , disposed of his reel -
dello end sales stables to Geo, T.
Robertson, of East Waiver:web, who
will remove o Winghatn. Dr. Ford
i in to Hanover s
Mr. Bart Andrews, of Strata:1"d,
spent a few days with his frieed
Charles Dexter,
Me. John Stephenson, of Etheaspant
a few days, at the home of Edward
Miss Gertie.0 las, of G-oclerich Town
ship Spent Sunday with her friend
alio Lily Carter.
Louis Pingle, of Toronto, spent Sun-
day with his cousin Thomas Adams.
Miss lane Neilane, of Clinton,. spent
her vacation with Miss Pherne Bruce..
Miss Roselle Crawford, who has
been visiting at the home of her aunt,
redo Sohn Stephenson for the past six
months hasreturned to her hosne an
sLondeehoro, rr
• alio Maggie Adams spent a week,
with her cousitt.Miss Bessie Ouckerline
of Blyth
Miss Viva. Male is spending a few
months learning dredsaiaking in Clin-
ton. .
Mise May Caldvsell is spending a few
months learning the nilllinery Clin-
Urader the genial aniblender( Zia
Spring the( Skating Rank is dSsplec-
' ed by thxd diamond o.nrthe Park and
BoWaing 'lawn. t.
We have been in business in this Agaitrana again we looms seen how
to n for some tune, and we are look
ing to build up trade ha, alaays ad
vieing our patrons right
So when we tell -you that we have
found the effective eczemareniedy, you
can depend upon it that we giye our
advice, not in order to sell a few bottles
• ot tne,tlicine to skin sufferers, but be-
cause we know bow it will help our
business if we help our patrons.
We keep in stack and sell all the
• well known skin temedies. But we
will say this: If you are suffering
from any kind of skin trouble, eczema,
peoriasis, rash or letter, we *ant you
a few drops of this simple wash, ap-
plied to the skin, takes away the itch
instantly. •
D. D. D. Prescription made by the
D. D. D. Laboratories of Toronto is
composed of thyme], glycerine, oil of
wintergreen and other healing, sooth-
ing. cooling ingredients. And if you
are just crazy with itch, you Will feel
soo thed and cooled, the itch, absolutely
washed away the moment you apply
this D. D. D.
We haye made fast friends of more
than one family by recornmendin
this remedy to a skin eufferer here an
s lemov g .
Maitland Ledge, 1. 0. 0. , had a
social evening on Thuredaty, the 4th.
Progressive euchre was i he attraction.
There eva.s a large turnout of members.
F. J. Hill has disposed of his house
on Edward street to Frank, 1.)9WiS. of
Turnberry, who will remove to Wing.
ham in the fall.
The Wingham High School had
their annual reunion on Wednesday
evening. There Was a targe attend-
ance. The Whigham orchestra fur-
nished the music. '
The dog poisoner is busy ' in title
vicinity. and a close watch is being
kept by the pollee for the offender. A.
valua.ble hound betongieg to Me, John
Rogers was poisoned 5,011 a short, time
before a dog belonging to Mei la bin -
son met death in a similar matinee.
Residents of Lower Winghatti fear a
flood, as there is an immense zimount
of snow and ice to get away yet, and
the mild weather is causing it to go
very fast. In some places the ire is
several foct io thickness.
• Harloek
(Too Lola for titst wook.)
Maple syrup is the order of the day.
. Mr, Wm. M'cAethrunhaa beet) visit-
ing in the neiglaborhood for the past.
week. ,
The last meeting of the Literary
Society was held on Friday ever ing.
A social evening was given. The
meetings clueing the Winter have
been ()veritable and enjoyed dy
Mrs Geo. Knox, Sr., is still on 'the
sick list. We' hope to see her soon
around again, r
Miss Gertie Ferris had a slight at-
tack of scarlet fever on tier way to the
Mr, James Watt is borne for his holi-
days but intends,going back to his old
school Ruscomit.
Miss Ethel Capeling spent Sunday
with Miss Mau le alicGregor,
790 -Alvin Leonard 553, Daniel la -
don 438, Stewart Mair 877, Milton'llulr-
land 351 Senior 31 to Junior 111, Total
000-almile Feed 491, Altalind filcOard,
hey 430, Harry Ford 890, 'Fred. Lavis •
873, Niemen Male 315, Willitun Alcock
3 4. Junior II to Senior IL Total, 000
-al:truce Holland 405, Elsie Fergusion
MO Part IL to Junior 11- -Willie Mil-
ler, Wilrred Jervis. Pant 1. to Part 11
-Marion Alcoels, Violet Miller. Part
1 (s) -Willie Jervis, Dorothy Jervis,
Charlie Potter, Oven Peactor, Willie
Larder. Pare (b) -Ted Smith. Al-
bert Larder, .Eiarold Larder. Lilliae
alacVicar, Teacher,
L Mut( on got a car of bran and
shorts' this week. t
• Rev. Small supplied .Knox Choral
coining down Mu the gigger from
Blyth last Sunday. -
The Easter concert in ICnox Church
din net take place, It is posponed till
next Monday night.
John Harden has repaired the dam
age to the mill race caused by the re-
centflood and can run his mill again.
Marti int Mrs. J. PaXinan, Of Clinton,
spent Tuesday at the home of Me, T.
Me. and. Mrs. Wm. Ring, spent the
holiday as doe guest 62 them daughter,
Mrs. Walters, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Floody, of Blyth,
visited over Sunday in the village,
Mo. R. Adams was a, Toronto visitor
on Menday.
Rev. Mr. Furgeson, former pastor
of the Methodist Church spent a few
days visiting friends here.
&a A T. Cooper, of Clinton, ad-
dressed the special Sunday School ser'
vine in the alathodist Church last Sun
day morning.
Misses E Lyon and E. Mains, of
London spent Sunday at their homes
Miss Olvettrt Brigham, of Highgate,
is spending the nondays at her home
Rev. 4.31. J. Millyarcl, of Ltensall,
Secretary ot the London Oonferenee,
will preach in the Methodist Church
next Sunday =ening and evening.
Rev, J. lie 0 .terhout is preaching Su'n-
day school and Epworeth Leagne Anni-
versary sermons at Hensel' next Sun-
Wm, Temblyna'of Toronto Faculty
of Education spent the holidays at his
home bore,
Rev. J. H. Oeterhout preached in
Church last Sunday morning and Rev.
.Small, ot Blyth in Knox Church in the
The snow melting last week was
very rapid and many of the ce liars
were supplied with too much water.
The river was extra high ancl 1 Hutton
has suffeted heavy loss to his darn and
also in the mill. Many farmers lose
lencee wood, logs etc., and some get
lots of rubbisb left on the land.
olVisarcinonased for Exeter
The local scho
Special Easter services were held in
tha Presbytetie Churdh here on Sun-
daIiel.aatts Delgaty and ale. Robert
Boyce, of the Brnoston line, are hay
ing auction sales. Mr. Delgata'th hos
been held, and Mr, Boyce's will take
place next week The former NIB
rented his farm and is moving to (be
West. The latter is going to New
A very pi etty sodality tot* place at
the home of Mr, and furs, Alex, Mc -
Beth, Of the second conceesion of
Stanley, when theii eldest, daughter,
Miss Bella Ann, was inaaried 10 Mr.
loan George Kennard, of St. Marys,
by Rev. D ;felinstoti, of Varna. Only
the immediate relatives of the bride
and groom were present. The young
couple puepoee takoig a tour throng's
the Weet as far ite Prince Rupert,
' MOInnesville
Miss M. Hols,nd, of London, spent,
Baster at home, returning to London
on Monday morning accompanied by
her sister Flossie, who is spending 0
few days there,
Miss M. Proctor spent the Easter
holidays in Mitchel] and vicinity.
Mrs, R. B. Bloomfield, of Wingbana,
is visiting her friends around here.
• Mes. F. McCartney, of Gederich,
spent her holidoys in and around here,
dir. Wilfred Ootizons, of Tavistock,
spent Eater at his father here.
Rev. Mr, Couzeas has been confined
to the house the last week, by Pneu-
monia. We hope to soon hear of his
speedy recovery. Ills work on Sun-
day last was.taken by Mr. Greene, of
The floods of last Friday and Satur-
day did considerable damage to the
Councia-Adjourned meeting all
present. The Clerk was instructed to
write tbe Colborne Council that the
Goderich Townsio Council is prepared
to pass a by-law giving the Colborne
to try a full size • bottle of . . D. there and we want you to try it now, Telephone System a right of way to
Peeseription,• build a trunk line to the corporate
Goderiels TownShip
Wedded at Lloycltown: The marri-
age of Miss Er hel al. Smith, deughter
of Mr. ;101111 Stiortb of the 161:11 Ooncess-
Ion, Goderich Township to ?Jr. Will.
lam John elerral, also of the 10.11
Concession took place on 'Wednesday
evening April 3rd at St. -Mary Magda.
10110 Church, Lioydtown. The bride
looked charming in her travelling suit
of navy blue a ich bat to match. Rev.
J. H. Colclough. 13. A., cousin of the
brisle performet1 the ceremony. The
young couple returned home on Mon-
day 'evening after spending a few days
at (be rectory in Lloydtown. Their
many friends in this community join
in wishing them much joy throughout
their wedded life.
A. very pretty home wedding w
celebrated at the home of Isle. John
Colborne, laith Concession on Thu
day, April a, when their eldest dom
ter Charlotte was united in the holy
bonds of matrimony to Mr, Sylvesiar
Allen, of Seafortia At four o'clrerle
the bride entered the parlor to tee
slrains ortlie wedding march played
hy Kiss fellismi Sinclair. • The blade
looteed charming in a gown of 'whm e
einbeoidered lawn, and carried a ,1
of bridal roses and fern. The eel s -
molly was performed by Rev. 0, J i-
kins, Sts Paul's Chureh, Clinto
'aloe bride's travelling, suit was ,
brown broad cloth with hitt to mat .th
Mr. and airs. Allen left for their heel
in Seaforth amid the good wishes sa
their many. friends.
Porter'S Hill
Mrs, 8, Dawson, of Spri»gbank, is
visiting at the honie at her parents,
Me. and Mrs. Sohn Cox.
Harvey Pott '12 and si +ter Pearl ere
spending the E is:er holidays at MR
ere. and Mrs. Will Jordan and also
George Lindsay left for the West re-
T, 0. Oox and atteghter Bella
spent a few days in London :last week.
ales. Fred Moore and claugliter, of
Alumoe, ngended the funeral of her
niece Slancbe (lox on Tuesday last.
Mr. Mowat McDougall is visiting in
Mr. and eles. james Cox and Me.
Wm. Elliott vieited their sieter,
McClean who is very low ein Dun.
-gar) m Monday.
.6 6
Miss Rena Patterson returned from
the West last week.
-airs. McDonald has sold her farm
to Mr. Fee. Ellsmilton, , of Colbosne,loe
the sun) ot 85250.
The flood done, conei derabl e dame ge
Saturday night and Sunday the nOrI h
wing of the VVest abutment of no
bridge was undernainded has fell iv; n
the water the abutment has also crank-
ed in the centre and the north half 1, is
settler), making the bridge unsafe f..e
traveling over. Considerable detainee
hag also been done to the mill delta
The head gates are gone and part of
the Mere, also part oe the et-tabards-
ment between the race and river is
wasbed out. Wbat will be done to-
wards repairing will not be known un -
10 the proprietor, Mr. 01111'S of the
Soo arrives.
OS: cOilK Ag010-
Now, in the spring season, is the time when the
beautiful new creations in Wall Paper tempt the
home lover to re -decorate the rooms and give to the
whole house a beauty and freshness that fully trans-
forms it,
We invite you to the finest clis,day of new Wa
Papers we have ever shown.
These Wall Papers have been carefully selected
tor our trade, from- the choicest productions of the
seaSon, and we know that no finer goods can be se.
cured anywhere. The price will be found exceeding-
ly reasonable.
The New Papers are now ready for your inspection
a'adherents now stands401 for, 27 hem the town. No freight can be
against. As the timehandled, except by the. G. T. R. The
limit for voting'
expires April 15(13, all who have not a ea Be bridge is a wooden structure
mlneeted and has stood all floods for many
ngesdo,innctlttelairtelhatlhloatns intreex
MontlaY years. In some places the track has
evening. . been damaged.
At the .A.nnual metaing of the Lad- ' On its wild rush the river carried.
les' Aid, the follow:rots officers were away pieces ofe timber, rail fences,
elented--1 small trees and somethnes a piece of
President -Mrs. lie ff. Miller. a boathouse. Large pieces of ice from
First 'V lee Pres deut-Mes. 0, 8. two to five feet in thickness lammed
letrge congregations attended the
Easter eervices last Sunday
A special musical program was fur-
nished by the Choir.
In the morning the Pastor's text
was "Then were the Disciples glad
when they saw the Lord" The even -
hoe sermon was based on Job 14-14.
Next Sunday Rev. 4, A. Agnew will
occupyabe pulpit,' Rev. Me. Oosene
laid preach Anniversary sermons at
Rsv. Dr. Rutledge, of Wingliarrabas
been secueed for the Sunday School
Anniveesary which will he held April
At the mid week service Wednesday
evening April 17513 the progrnm will
he provided by the 'Woman's Mission -
retry Society. Rev.,
and Mrs. Bad
ker, of Seaforth, will take part and
will be Assisted by local talent. The
o,nrand Easter Phatele Offering will be
received. •
Ontario Street charge is stem -way in
favor of union. The vote of. the Quad
terly Officiel Boned wa.s 86 for and 8
against. Tte, vote of the members and
• Londeshor0
Following is the result or the pro.
motion exanfinations at Easter in
S. S. No 8, Hulletta Junior Room -
Maximum marks -600. Minimills' • to
prise 300. Senior 111 to Junior -
Annie Hiles 386, Maude Shobbrook 385,
Alfred Bunking360, Sohneten C. mw'
ford, 338. Junior lf Senion -
Maximum -560 -Minimum to pass 280
-Rachael Woodman 440, Bert all ob-
brook 328 George Johnston 285 Be ith
Sampson 255. Part Il to Junior I la-
Maxlmuni 260, Minimum to pas* Se -
Gladys Grainger 185, Ida, Lyon 203,
Stewart Little 116,Willie Manning 135.
Miss M. D. Cowan, teacher.
Is the Time For
Stove Moving
• will receive prompt at-
tention. Prices, given
on all kinds of
1 Rooliag, Siding, and
Contract Work.
Byatin & Sutter
sanitary Phsinhera I
Is la A AAA MA "4/0•A losi'4 A rr ',UV° I "I
Second Vice Pi esilent -Mee. H.
Recording Secretery-Mes.B. S. Gib.
see ings.
Treasurer -Mrs. John Gibbirgs.
The annual mseting of W. 17, al. So
was held on Tuesday afternoon when
the following officers were eleoted:-
President-Mrs C. E.Jervis.
1st Vice -President -Mrs. 13, Plu tn-
2nd Vice-President--Mes. George
Treasurer -Mrs. Jacob Taylor,
Recording Secretary-alss, W. Man-
Corresponding Secretary-alrs. Bea -
Superintendent Systematic Giving -
Mrs, I. Dodds.
A very interesting League Meeting
was held on Monday evening under
Ilia auspices of the Social and Litet-
ary Department, when the folio wil.g
program was rendered :
Devotional Exercises by the Pager.
Scripture Lesion -Mrs. Cosmos,.
Easter Story in Song -Miss Carr:e
against the foot of the raceway, and
cut off the poles with which the elec-
tric wires are connected, causing them
to be left at the bottom of the rivet, or
earl led away with the flood. This
caused great inconvenience, as no
lights were available in that part of
the town expect here and there where
O store was fittedup with lamps or
The ehurches were also much handi-
capped by lack of light, and held
services al: an earlier hour than usual.
About 11 o'clock at night it started
to rain, and this added to the appre-
hension as it was feared that the river
would raise even higher.
Dam Gives Away.
Word came that the dam at \Vox-
eter bad given away about 12 miles
from town. Mayor Spottom at once
sized up the situation and notified
people to get to places of safety as
quickly as possible. In a very few
minutes down came timbers, planks,
ice and a huge wave of water.
Instead of theriver taking its course
as in other -years, it got blocked at the
lower dam and surged across the
Shipley and several Leaguers. country flats
Duet -Feed and Charlie Thompson. Mayor Spottom got all the men
Reading -Miss Walters.
available and at once started to res -
Solo -Miss Tillie Akam,
elle those in Lower Winghtun. A large
Rending -Miss Dell Taylor. cake of ice struck Mr. Johnstmo's barn
tore off the side of the building as 11 11
were paper. Some eagle, horses, pigs
and fowl were dtowned,
Soule of the people insisted on re -
10 their houses, but after
Mayor Spottom and his volunteers ex-
plained the situation to them they
thought it best to get out.
Mr. Ernest Dennis and the Mayor
Levis. had manned boats and rowed to many
and Vice Posident- MrGordon I, houses. People were taken into the
boats and carried to place of safety.
Next Monday evening Rev. Mr.
Grant will give an address at the
Missionary meeting.
The annual election of Epworth
League officers was held at the close
ot the regular meeting on Monday
evening and resulted as follows :
Presiden G—)11 iss Carrie Shipley.
1st Vice President -Miss Hattie
3rd Vice President-eliss Emnoa
4th Vice President -Mr, Harold Pic
Recording Secretary -Mr. Elmer
A Strong Current.
Many who have gessoline yachts
had the engines. taken out of them.
Others whose boats were iu shape,
ventured out into the' st,rentn, but
with a current x unto; eg about 20 ladles
CorrBoeoesaopapiaird':ing Secretary- Misslincy
an hour and large cakes of ice coming
'ilown, they could not make much
Treasurer-Mr.Lesle Wasman. liendvva,y for fear of the boats getting
Pianiet--lIaiss Ethel Bradshaw. either swamped or breken, . •
Assistant -Miss Grace Walken
Auditors -Mr. McMurray ancl Miss bu
Minnie Ker of tte flooded district, and everythina
below is uncler ,vsater. The family as
npostuanirgs;aarry S
haw. 0. G.
Vanstone, and the captain of the Sal.
vation Army, got a boat and endeav-
ored to go out and rascee ()mack-
shanks, but the current WAS 100 swift
for them and they were obliged to
come back to the shore after making
severs,' atteisms in Gala manner.
Constable George Phippen with
sonie more dry land sai ors and a
craft which was leaking badly, en-
cleavoved to cross the watets, but the
boat swung around and one of the
party was thrown into the water.
Those in the boat managed to get near
a tree, and Mr. Phippen got a good *
hold of it while his other comrades
pulled the man in the water back into
tbe boat.'
Satiorday the village of Brussels
experienced one of the severest floods
in its history. About two o'clock 10
the afternoon the ice above the,Pryne
dam commenced to move over and
for three-quarters of an bour the river
was the scene of a mass of moving ice.
PreiVous to this two bridges in Mor- .
ris, known as the Martin and 'Clegg
bridges, were carrion away. The Pryne
dam, which had been repaired last
summer, gave away in the centre, The
floodgates were carried away, and the
Mutate was partly damaged. Tbe ,
ground floor of the engindroom anti
also the dling room of Wood's
woolle irr mills were also coms
pletely filled. Dyes, 'tow, etc.,
were amaged. the loss being estimat-
ed be ween five and seven hundred
doll re, The electric light plant, west
of tile bridge, had its coal swept away '
aria" the side torn out of its frame shed.
larttown was in darkness on Sata
nr ay, Sunday and Monclaynighte.
Bad Fiend
•at Ingham,'
Wingham, April &-The worst flood
in 50 years is now at its height here,
and the Maitland, always a good-sized
stream, is new over its banks in all
clirections, No less than six bridges
have been swept away between Wing
hare and Wroxeter, and three dams at
Gerrie. Teeswater and Wroxeter were
badly damaged.,. The loss to farmers
in the shape of drowned cattle, stock
spoiled by water, and buildings dam-
aged, will be heavy, It is stated today
that 3100,000 is a • conservative ernis
mate of the lose.
John Loalcridge, a teat:rent of Lower
Wingharn, who some weeks'ago had
both feet and legs frozen, was lying
helpless at his home. Before anybody
in the excitement that prevailed
thought of him, the water had sur-
rounded the house, and before people
reached him in a boat, the water' had
risen to the mattress of the bed. Lock -
ridge was badly frightened both by
the ehock of the flood and from fear
cif being drowned.
a" Unsafe for Trains,
About 8 o'clock on Saturday after-
noon the ice started to move from
Upper VVingloam.9 and began to jam
against bridges. The U. Ia. R. bridge
had two piles torn away, making it
unsafe for the traine to cease, The
trains nowetop at the crossroad on the
"B" line about a inile out, and boss
go and take the passengers to and