The Clinton New Era, 1912-04-11, Page 3THURSDAY', A,
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Canada •
ab es' :
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When The Parliament of
The Dominion is Prorogued
Continued ironic page 1. eral saying: "May it please your
Royal leighnes,s ; the Coma:hone of
Canada, have voted she supplles ro-
la (the °emblem 1 giarted to enable the Goaernreelolt
In the Chaanaer of the Commons- to defray. the expenses of the pub -
the Membere esseinble at the weal tic service. Irtlthe name of theCorn-
thous' neithing to do but await Mons I pre seek ite,Your Royaalligh-
their sunenonn
sf teethe SeatteChrn
ia- nos,s a ball entieleria—aral here the
-brare It is ithe lalet time ithei ;mem- ,freads ;the long ,ancl fernial title•sati
biers ;wall face one tanoltheat - that the supply ball.
session, and for' that eceaseen The, Clerk ,of. the Seeatte, ,wrth
Party ,aniainesetle,e erre ,clilopped 010012. bowing, goes (teethe bar and
and in a; spent of good fellowship, releerves fermi the Speakee oe ithe
merle ,aesumed than real, ,ehey pasha Commons See supply bill.. R,eturn-
the ;waltiregi minutes, usually (not iag ere tele 'table he hands it to( else
anomie than ten ar eifteep. Jokes Cierk of to Crown in Chaleceiar,
are theatres): aertes,s the floor, and ,so who in bath languages eernouneee
tote axe balls of paper saga Mae, iltS tilate. Tiler( the .Cleric of the
paper sleets, and if the Heave is Senate de.elaree idle royal atseent
. Is featunatics enough to peseasts a thiesie words Lan aria ,yealeseye
lona osier Ira lereaale cl upon to intake names His; Royal Highness., the Go v -
a speech 'which is perhaps, Ithe-oasaY leanetreG,ener ale Greeks' his
speech of 'the petesioai not reported- subjects accepts( their benevolences
in felt in Hansard. - I and arateate ;Sothis bill."
And note/lathe gene- of the battery This eompreteeethe legisialtion 'of
.Napeen begin, to boom, an- the sieeelon, and the eeeyerpor-Gen-
mouncing thee his Excellency has epeal, stilla ;seated and . wearing his
set out from -Gover.nmenit louse het, reatheehe -speech from the
• foe Paeliament Hille Strains pf theitoase, filet in gaglash end then in
martial innalo, too, float Into( the Fesench. It is e( feeinal lexpreasion
Chamber fecan lase bend that has of appeoval of the Govermenenit'a
,ace,ompanfed the Governor-Gcluere legisheteom, mita texpressaon of
al's Pock -Guard,s to the, terea,ce thanks to the; legitslatore. '
• betosae, the Innen entrainee of Ithe The apeeel_ from the Itheome
building, Where they await the ar- ended, the( Speaker of the Senate
rival of Diet vice -regal party steads the proalamation peeeoga-'
Drawn by fowl hoialeet, and eccone-
panSecl by outeidees and a squad-
ron of cavalry, the Governor -Geta
(era's carsiag.el da,sliee up to the.
front atilt!' building, and,. attend -
led byhi militare ,staff, ae enters
the Seeraitre Chamber and. takes his
seat on the vice-regel throne.
1 reaper coonat Ithen gtOtipi,. Cook
jdowel t...bouie one ,cup of liquor
latert fours tablespoomeale of Mier in
siauteipani and pone oaee it the
hot sauce, andone cup; 'of tscalcled
'milk (or" mere if too thick); season
with saltand pepperl and two . tea-
spooefues, 01 leMen juiee. 'Half ,a-
e'up of slicedi Inuehrecens- may be
aclide,d If .wishect,
The Ceremonies.
The Ushea of (the Black Roca is
despatched ot euramon the Com-
mons, ;which he deem in exactly the
same ruannea as when he cello the
Commons to the Senate Chamber
for elm( opening of ithe seesioas.
The summon e delivered, the Serge
leamitatra-Arnas tsh.ouldere the ina.ce
and letads the way. At his
heels marche,0 the robed Speakea
with threeaciorneweel hat on head
and behind! tenor* (the Commoners
aflocki of sheep Bed by !their
shepherd. They ,crowd Into the
narrow space below the bar of the
Senate, and atitheis front, and
staadieg oat el Halle platfarni, es -
their Speakert with areal of manu-
incript in bighead. ,Oe hie head' he
gill keep a his odd Little( hat, juse
as the (Govertner-G-eneral, !seated
on the throne, directly epposite at
elite °their end of the Chamber,
wears hie plumed 4aiiIiitary hat. The
Speaker remaining toy er'ecl in .ae-
gordancle "with the English prac-
tice established centuries. ago To
show that he fist ;Commoner and
the representative. of the people
Was note overawed b..eauee be0od
in the peesence of :the eovereigte.
It is al brilliant and impresseive
-scene—the Governer -General' (His
Royal laighneee on ithie eecaeltala in
the uniform, of his military aiank ;
ihis a:dietary/ *aft and the officers
oi the 'militia in unliform, alutd flee
Rrirute, Minister and !several of his
colleagues in.the uniform 01 Privy
Councillors, gland at the right
and left o(f the throne; the black
robed officials( ()lithe Senate, and
Justieel of the Supreme Court
in scarlea robes seated around the
table beloia the throne; tlie grave
•Senators filling the eir,sit two slows
.01 chairs On 'either (side of (the
Chamber; belaina them the ladies in
their beautiful( gowns; and lest but
mot lease' the Coanimons a(na their
Speaker, Crowded into ithe space
belotw the bar,
The giving of the royal assent to
.the 'that have passed balls
Houste,s, te 'the first proceeding.
• The C-lerk of the Crown in•Chan-
cery made their titles, and; then
the Clerk of the Senate, holding
the bills( :thee° his heacle an a buna
sale, tied of coarse, with red tape,
cleelar,es in Engles)" stnd In French
• that Hi et Royal Highnessi, in Hie
Maiiesteris name aseemits to these
bills, Hiel Royal Highniese ,at 'the
same time raving las plumed hat
• and bowing approval,
• The Supply Sill
zing Parliament, and the se,ssient at
lase is elf an end.
:His Royal( Highness and ;stag
eea.v,e Ince Chamber, and a few Min-
utes latex( are in their cantalges
and enItheirl Nay to Gov,eatneneset
• The crowd pours oat of the build-
ing anal Ottawa society goes holhe
to dinner. an- little groups the
members pay( good-bye to ome an-
other, ande the oultgoin,g trains ems-
ry them to the four earners of the
Dominion. Aineother chapters of
political history.' hes teen dosed..
Dee bill, and the Most impostajne
orse of all, is not Mahal -bundle, It
Is dealla (with en a Ispecial way
That isitelei, !supply bill, and( tilts,
•special treatment is for the pima
pose of agaiiireMphesizing the fact
that It is( the Commons, the elect-
ed re,presentative,s1 ca the people ;
and they alone, who control the.
national .purs.e.The roll that the
Sp,eaker (merles in hes handy is the
• supply bill.
• The Speakerof the Conixiions
now addreseee the Governor- Gene
Nittnre Needs Aid in Haling New
BeallleGiVing Blood,
ant the spring the ,system iesecle
a tante. To be healthy, you must
thavssai new blood just as the trees
Must( hav,e new rap ttio renew thee;
vitality. Nature' demands it, and
without this /IOW; blood you will
feel; ;weak and languid. You may
have, twinges of rheuMatieln. or the
sharp, stabbing paha.' often:sell&
Of tien there arel disfiguring pimples
or eruptions on the olden In other,
easel there temerely a feeleng ef
ithednes,ss and a variable) appelete,
Anyl .of these axe( ei.gns that the
blood is out of order—that the
Indoor lite of Went= has letssemed
yowl vitallty, What you, need tin
spring is a !tonic, nradiciaie to pat
right, and in allathe world of nsed-
IMOD eleme is no tonic ran tequal
William's lank Piles. These pills
actually make, vew,S rich, Ted blood
—Your greatest need, in ispreee.
Phi e new blood drive, e out the
seeds of disease and makes easily
tilled mem women and •children
bright, activie and strong. llare.
MUVray Marshall, Zephyr, Cate
says: "I do not believe I would ever
havie been well and strang again
but foes' ear. William's Piaik Pala. I
Was isaweale and nervous that I
could not be left an, the house,
(alone I :would' take weak spent;
with myt heart and think I wasg
do dle. MI 'tried doetors and
elleotrie belts, but they did me no
good. ;Then a friend urged bee to
-try Dr. 'William's Pink PiIl. To
surprise, I soon, noticed my appe-
tae improv-ing, and from that On
I improvedl ;rapidly until I was en -
'toying (the best of health, andl I
havie not been teoubled with weak-
neg. er nervousIne,ss since."
These piaisl are Is -old by all med-
icine dealers/ or can behad by mail
alt 60 gents a. box ox eix. boxero for
$2.50 from, The. Dr. 'William's Medi-
cine Co., Brockville. Ont.
Mrs. Joseph Tbroop, Upper Point
de )3ute, N.B., writes;—" I cannot speak
too well of Leans Kidney, Pills. For
rwo years I was,so tirecalite was a burden '
and 1 got up more tired than when I went
to bed, and my back was So lame I
could hardly straighten up. I took df.
ferent kinds of medicine, but none oi
them did me any good until a friend
advised me to try Doan's, Kidney Pills.
I did so, aid to -day I don't know what
it is to be tired, and my lame back is all
gone. I can recommend them to any
person -suffering with lame back, ana that
terrible tired feeling."
1)oan's Kidney Pills are a purely vege-
table medicine, realizing quiets, perma-
nent relief, without any ill after effects.
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 Icents per
box, or 3 boxes for 81.25, at all dealers
or mailed direct on receipt of price, by
The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Termite,
ant. t
If ordering direct specify "Deatia,",
Sir John Hare Coming
TO Judge Earl Grey DraMatic
• Competition in Canada
London, Aprill 4.—Sir John, Slane,
accompanaed by Lady, and nes
Bare sailed, pen the Olympic Vast
Wednesday oa lleW YOric, en rOntO
to OittlaIWAIL
Tii114 tamotfir mit& ehe
trip • to Oaaiada to judge the eon-
ttestt,amts in thel Earl Grey cem-
petitiom of amatearl draraatie soc-
Sauce, Tartarte.—Ta half a pint of
mayonnaiele, ,whicif hes 15,eeln teea-
sculled twittii! a pinch of musated, add
• these iin reclients, chopped fine :—
Two tabespoomitila of ,eapere, 'three
olives, ewe( ouncee of cucumber
Pickles and a It able,speonful of
chopped parsley. alhis es Rood 'with
freted OT boRecir flesh, tried oysitere,
boiled itaegue (or salad.
Tomato aance.—Cook ball a labia -
spoonful each qf chopped celery
(mien and earreit in a quaalea of a
cup of bathe& until liven browned-;
stir inn quarter et a purr eel ,flour
unita evellehlanded, then wild grad-
ually, !earring, on(e card o.thirrd
,cups of brown( etock and two -third -9i
of ,a,cual pf stle(wIed and letraineci
toknatoles in ,which a quarter ot a
;teaspoonful Of ;soda bee been - die -
solved. i SeAteoin ;wiltii a- sprig of
fireeler-cha.pp,ed ,parslea and caeca
thyme, aetteasprionfull of isaft and
dash of pepp,er, and eook ;twenty
Ate Swans for Easter Dinner.
Nidgara Falls, Ont., April Bs—Roast
swan formed the staple article of Eas-
ter dinner in many homes here yes-
terday. More than three hundred
swans have been taken from the lower
river during the past two days, many
being killed by being carried over the
falls, while scores were slag by hunt-
ers. They are flavored litre goose.
C.P,R. Purser to Be Extradited.
London, April 8.—An extradition
Leder bas been ruade against Purser
William Atherton on charges of forg-
ery and theft upon the C.P.R.
Local News gi
"Ilustle for Huron" and grow
rich by !testing\ heii possibilities to
a fullerl lextent than has yet been
done. Faith Mete coulaity's wearied
coupled eviell works to illleseralte
your belief will prove your loyalty
and fateerf yowl bank aceount.
The role played by Toronto de -
toothy es en entersiug fake accident
suits at the er..perise of the ProVin-
elal adrainistration ef ju,sticest
possune ;with doeter and law-
yer, and then acknowledging the
ruse to the judge, WM not as huge
a joke as theythought. If the
Justic,e had chalked up a, good still
sentence foe (ccattempt of Court
they \Paula have been caught in
their oweeiteap. It strikes us that
the phytemen ;who( deagnoeed their
eaees an treated them for sup-
posed injuate,4 wo,u1c1( be clisp,odecl
to eell out at 10 cents on the dollar
wleen he crime to know, that the
whole performance was bluff. The
leasens learned may mot be without
good ita the- publie at large and
well be aleelee "to call for a itestimg
in sults arising that may of tea, put
litigants in a hot box, It was vary
cheap notteriety.
Dr. Steele, M.P. for South Perth,
Mehemet a new man onithe job,
Polled $2,000 from the Ottawa tree -
anew for aitownt clock to the, 'town
. of If the ,worthy Dr.
would 'tell Basaister Lewis, M. P,
for West Huron,( how to feel the
party pull Ise that( a $2,000 time
Piece weal, j chime off the holies
ili Olintanee publie bungling he
would _be doing a Matinee§ to a fel-
low parliament arian aluxiousl en-
ough to perform hie part if he only
anctereteed the proper' ,signals At
the Finance Ma:lege:am office door.
Some of those indicetord have
proven v,erittablei (alarm elp,eks in
constetutteloseites /where they were
expeeted to put therellecto,rete ia a
beautiful decania political sleep.
Leaving Joking. aside Is a mot about
emee these presemtatione, were "eut
ocean' War all know( why they are
made--noit on acclaulret of there in-
Itainsie bat/ asa guarantee Joe
• ',good faith"--thait you'll remember
me. , ,
Es,sex amid' LaMbeon ,Courety
Councils atria Oita a Publicity cam-
paign ana Will distribute thous,.
ands of copiele pf pampbeelts1 In ter-
ritorly mot inowl reached by their
exposits, extolling their/ emirs fault
eotbacco, vegetables, ate. There is
not mech doubt pftwtheit the, result
of such a pradtitealeoursieiwillaneaa
to ales people of those Counties the weak and run-down, as Vince, and
'Fire feet that( ;the eyes of the buts- we ask people in this vicinity to tea
tease Weed; will he turned toward a beetle ee vela with the under.
,_•,,,•,••_Csteeeelak aniet a:cli a it -hem, twat !sena a to put standing that their raoney will be re-
turned if it does feet do all we claim.
;them oin eheirl Mettle( as produeere
1 Writing from Poplar, B.C., Mrs. O.
Hanson, proprietress of the Comnier-
cial Hotel, says: "1 suffered for years
@with bleeding pies. The pain was so
1 bad at times that I could hardly -walk,
and ordinary remedies seemed utterly
unable to give me imy ease. Filially
I decided to undergo an operation,
smd went to the Sacred Heart Hospital
le Spokane. There they performed an
Separation. For a time I was certainly
a better, but within twelve months thew
Ipiles became as painful as ever. I
tried liniments, hot poultices, various
'pile cures,' and indeed everything I
could think would be likely to do any
good, but still I continued to suaer,
a andthe shooting, burning, stinging e
Npains, the dull, aching, a wern-out 'a)
re feeling that the disease causes cones
Itinued ea bad as ever.
"One day I read about Zara -Bilk
and thought I would try it. The first
one or two boxes gave me rnoro ease
than anything else I had tried, so Ig
I went( on with the treatment. In a a
43 short time I began to feel altogethertg
1 diniyil'seerlfeneb antni:lbylete.:ca, WTehila'tIw:'senthtroene
using Zean-Bulr, and by the thne Thad
used six borea I was delighted to 6.ncle,
years ago, and there has beou
return of the trouble." la
0- Zanx-Buk is a sure cure for plea, tj
eczema, uleeree abscesses, eruptions,
chapped bands, varicose sores, burns,
6 scalds, bruises, inflamed Retakes, and
all slcin injuries and diseesee. Drug-
gists and stores everywhere, rec. box,
or Zarn-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. .0.,
Commie el:these over the comanod-
Rees grown in 'Humeri! and -thereby
stimulete ;the empuese to launeh
out on elle see of expansicm. With
the expeetation( that( the voyage
would lama the people of this
Counity at the harboe of largo;
trade, ,and lietteilment of marali-
tions asthery, zelaecl to_the rauniei-
Deletes favorably located and with
ernbounded lout u(natealized pos,s-
Yeses ago the Provincial Legis-
lative Opposition headed a mead°
against centralizatioar in Toeonto
'and ;were Most anxioua en/large
the powers of County Councils, to
cover such privel,egee as making
appolntreents, admenliatrating the
license lew, etc, A change came
over the dreame of the past and
new seated tithe official chariot,
and holding the Teens, they appear
to 'think 'the whole thing is aro-
route Torointto 1 'rah! 'rah 1 leah."
The; feat -ens af the( new bill be -
2 oar( the Provincial session was to
remove Houses pf Refuge! from
county jurisdieteon and classify
there With goverament enstitutione
such as jails and asylums, •reatte
tae oaficiale ana assume gwrierbael
oversaght. County jallexte
privileged to loan help to 'the Re-
fuge farrastfrona Ithe gentry ;whose
names may appeae onithe register
of 'the residenca of the high ,walls
so that their maaeles might not re-
lax. That Cowley Cern:tells ,were
competent to build illouse,s of
Refoge, plan teethe officiary and
by years of ;practical experience,
Prove their ability 'to manage them
most secctessfully is apparentto the
most dubious ana yet all thee Is to
be •changed without saying "by
your Cleave," anti a new cosidielon
hold sway that will probably lack
tae preserve elay economy or the
clore attention of local Inspectorial
management. 'Phis is sorely ce ease
of legistatiom 'preceding( mienacipal
agittatien or desire. Sonseitimee
Governmenits area .very cleaf to de-
mands foe ionaetments urgently
preasted Toy [the electorate, and are
slaw to ,open itheie eyes to Well
authenticated facts in such cope
:regions naleel Well prodded,. We
believe County Councils could oaf 0-
y be granted largee pasversito deal
with. variou.s municipal iesuestwith
the assurance that the work vsoulci
lee better. performed, than from
the Parliament buildings at To-
* 4
• •
. some .1 the big deparimente)
.1* stores in the larger cities are
• trying to entice Clinton people -•
to do then, shopping with them, •
'offering as a hat to nay their 4.
ra,ilroad fare both ways. In t
fact, these very offers are being 4
made in Clinton from time to
time, Don't be caught napping,
+ They are a delusion and a
+ SNARE The railroad tares
4) comes out of your pocket. Do
you suppose that the managers
of these large departmental
• AtOreS are public benefactors in
4' disguise ? Have they such a per-
+ sonal regard for you that they
• ane willing to pay your fare to
4' their store and return just to
•e, give you a pleasure jaunt or
• to afford them the opportunity
*/* of exchanging felicitations •with
you 1 No, indeed, it's as cold
4 busineso proposition with them
t and your railroad fare comes out
• • of your own pocket. It will pay ;
• you better to stop at norne and es
a make your purchaees from Olin- ea
• ton stores. To take advantage •
• of the free (?) railroad fare offer +
you have to buy just at the one
•, store, and your purchases must et
; reach a certain sum beeore the +
home and you are not (=teed
▪ to any store; you have the re
+ stocks of all the stores from ,.•
• which to make your selection •
and you don't buy unnecessary 4.
4. articles merely to bring the total ,*
• of purchasee up to the requived
Shop in Clinton, spend your •
• money here. Your dealer can +
1. sell you better quality aud offer I
+ you better prices. If you want
O quality goods follow the :trivet!.
• tising columns of
Look 'Out for Trouble
The after-effects of the Grip are apt
to be serious; but a normal healthy
condition may be restored in a sur-
prisingly short time by Vinol.
Watertown, Wis,—"After a severe
attack of the Grip my system was in
a very weakened, neryous and run-
down condition. I began takieg Vinol
with the very beat results, and in a
tirely different person, and I am better made a point that especially pleased
'short time I began to feel like an en- —
him, he would smile, and the center -
and stronger than have been for ton his face took on was expressive
years." Adelaide Gomm. (We guaran- of a pain in bis stomach.
tee tale testiMordal to be genuine-) "1 At first it did not seem to Jacqueline
such a valuable strength creator arid
am' °tar° that she could ceder° to look at him.
We have never sold in
health restorer for the convalescent, But he had a remarkable intellect and
the gift of expressing his edieetasidime
fare is allowed you. Buy at
+ '
Electric Restorer for Men
restores every neive in the body
Pvimh°L13vhit°ainit°y.11 Premature decay and all sexual
to its proper tension ; restores
weaknesS averted at once. Phosphonel will
make you a new man. Price 88a box, or two for
55. Mailed to any address. The Seeliell Drug
Co., St. Catharinee. Ont. •
Forced to Live on Stale Bread and
AVODiDAIA, N. 13,, October, isth.
"I have been a great sufferer from
Indigestion for fifteen years. I was
forced to deny myself all such hearty
foods as beans, meats, potatoes and
could not drink tea or coffee, For the
past two years, I lived os porridge,
stale bread, etc, I had treatment from
Iwo doctors, and tried nearly every
kind -of medicine, but got worse.
"Finally I saw a testimonial of
"Fruit-a-tives" and concluded to give
them a trial. I took nearly four boxes -
of "Fruit -a -fives" and they have made
me feel like a newinan. I can eat all
kinds of hearty foods without suffering,
and am no longer constipated."
Many people look on "Fruit-a-tivesa
as, a miraculous medicine. It has
indeed performed what have seemed
like miraculous cures in hundreds of
cases of chronic Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Constipation and Biliousness.
eFruit-atives" is the only medicine
in the world made of fresh fruit juices
and valuable tonics. soc. a box, 6 for
ease, or trial size 250. At all dealers
or from Finit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa.
"Sitting' On A Damp 0100d."
The parish minister paid a yisit of
condolence to a rustic widow whose
husband he had buried the day before,
He found the good lady in great grief,
and endeavoured to administer the
consolations of his tattle
'Dont cry like that, my good
woman," he said, "We don't need to
sorrow as those who have no hope.
Your husband_ was a sincere Christian
a,nd a good living man. He is an angel
now. Think of that, and be comforte,"
"That's what vexes me Mame" re
plied the widow, with a renewed out
burst of tears.
The astonished minister could only
gasp, "What do you mesa, Betty?
Vexed that John is an angel?"
"Aye" she replied, "I canna sleep at
nicht for thinkin' on ma pair auld
man, wit' nee allies on, sittin' on a
damp clood, blawin' on a both!'
The wontele of Chineiare to hie
given the franchise. Perhape they
could giver Sister/ Pankhurst the
0222204011020400402400•0400 ••••••••••••••••••••••4004 2
Ili 0
1 Our Weekly Short Story I
• .
o •
The Rev,
Mr, Muldoon
"Jack," said Deacon Henderson to
his daughter, Jacqueline, "a new min
ester is coming to occupy the pulpi
made vacant by 3ornegan, :stow you
drove out of it."
"Yon, know very well-thet you flirted
witb him, then refused hinia
"But I didn't drive him away."
"When he heeded me his resignation
he told me tbat it would be impossi-
ble for him to live near you aud for-
get you."
Jacqueline bung her head,
"This young man wbo is coming in
his place has been accepted at my in-
stigation because Ile is painfully home-
ly. Be has fiery red hair and freckles;
he is long boned and disjointed."
"What bra that got to do with it?"
"A great deal. It is Wipes:We for
you to let a handsome, attractive man
elone. I expect Me latuldoen to repel
you by bie ugliness. We are getting
tired of bunting up ministers for you
to make fools of ;and drive away. We
are going to try one of a different
"Why not get an old married Man?"
"You know very well what the sal-
ary is. If we should do as you sug-
gest we would have a family to sup-
port besides the minister, and we are
too poor for that."
"Well, papa, if Mr. Muldoon is as
hideous as you say I don't think yoli
will be put to the trouble of getting
another man on my account."
The first Sunday the new e clergy-
Inan preached Jacqueline was indis-
posed and should not !rave gone to
tchurcla, but the was so curiora to keats
how homely he really was that she
went to bear and see him. He wag
homelier than he had been painted.
Besides his natural blemishes there
was an artificial one. Wben a boy 115
had fallen against a buzzscivv, which
had left a frightful scar on his left
cheek. Then when preaching, having
t 1.1CP1d.
aeie next Sunday she was obliged to
begin all over again, but the process
of getting used to looking mem him,
his fiery red halr, his scarred cbeek
and worst of Eta that dreadful smile
at clinching an argiunent, required less
time than the Sunday before. elore-
over, his intellectual part began to in-
fluenceber. What comprehensive icleas1
What heart! What different way of
looking at things from the cut and
dried theology that had .come down
through the ceuturiesl How her heart
bled for those whom he pictured driv-
en by their surrounding circumstances
into crime "The children of the poor,"
be said, "are sent to jail, the children
of the rich to dancing ecaeol."
And so he accounted for that grow-
ing criminality among the children and
youth of the land, filling more and
snore the columns of the newspapers,
Ulustrating their inevitable course by
such graphic words as those quoted.
lacqueline went home from church
and all the rest of the day was think-
ing on that fearful procession of little
children with but one path before
them, and that leaeing to came. And
mingled with this picture was the face
• of the minister, but one engaging fea-
ture in it- sympathy lighted by pro-
test against this Mullen injustice.
For a time Jacqueline tried to stop
her ears against this childish wail.
A.ny effort to relleee it seemed hope-
less. But she was at lag w,on over by
the minister's exhortation to work wi-
der the inspiration of faith and leave
Ilia rest to Providence. And so under
his direction she became the leader of
an association cot women workers in
the add of charity. While the band -
some, gentlenaanlike pastors of her
church had discoursed to her from
the pulpit upon theological princi-
ples that had been wrangled oyer for
ages and at other times had poured
soft nothings into ber vvilling ear this
"friglit" by a sympathy for his fellow
beings had unconsciously walked by a
• etraight path to her heart. The hair
was still a fiery red; the scar, the ex-
cruciating smile, were as hideous as be-
fore, but not to her, for she did not see
them. They ha rl been obscured by a
livine light that emenated from the
spiritual ,part of this repellant body.
One day the deacon, Jacqueline's fa-
ther, said to bee
"Jack, I bave noticed that you are
taking a great interest in the work in -
:mired by Mr, Muldoon. I brougbt hen
lege thinking that his ugliness would
protect him. I fear that it has failed."
"Father," said the girl impressively,
"when again you choose for such a pur—
pose a_homely man to occupy the pul-
pit of our church I would advise you to
Select one without the gift of intellec-
tuality and the divine attrileutes of a
real Christian. If you intend to warn
me it Is too late. But this time it is
ae who has won the game, not 1, Last
evening while here he asked me to be
hIS Wife, and I gladly consented.",
Minutes, ;with one t ;slice ar'd latl'el'icflial-fGr 'and Ise' it
les produatts2 raY
'a. Will the C. W' 8' R' Rtanies* Mon she had Mate forgotten his ugli-
lteaf, a sprig of par,sley, end tsix a
words. For aw e ssae
with her eyes turned away. By de-
grees she was enabled to endure the
sight of him for a few minutes at a
time, 'and before tbe end of his ser
one slice of eaeroit, .bit of - haY ing. thel bee marketa pro,ceir-
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