HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-11, Page 2age
Proved of Great Value to Me"
is only pne explanation for the
futulers of enthusiastic letters that we
eceive praising Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia
Tablets, and that is that these iable,te
certainly do cure tuty kind of stomach
Here is a typical, letter from Miss
Eliza Armsworthy, Canso, N. 9. :
"It is with pleasure I write to inform,
you that your .Na•Dru-Co Dyspepsia
Tablets have proved of great value to
Ie. I tried remedy after remedy but
without any lasting g,ocrl. Having heard
of your tablets curing such cases as
mine I decided to give them a fair trial.
They proved satisfactory iu my case."
The remaricable success of Na.Dru-Co
Dyspepsia Tablets is such a success as
can only come to an honest remedy,
compounded according to an exception-
ally good formula, from pure ingre-
dients; by expert chemists. If you are
troubled with your stomach juit ask
your Druggist about Na-Dru,Co
Dyspepsia Tablets, compounded by the
National Drug and Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited, and sold throughout
the Dominion at eoe. a box. 142
men Ordered to Work.
London, APril 8. -The decision of
the MinersFederation Saturnay af-
ternoon to order the men to resume
Work has brought Intense relief to
the whole country, The termination
of the coal strike virtually amounts
..t� raising a ruinons siege of the nil.
tions industries, which has inflieted
financial loss by far largerlhan would
have been. aused by a war with a
gfeat power of similar duration.
In Scotland the miners will return
to the collieries to -day, but as to.clay
ia a holiday in England and Wales,
the strikers there will not return to
the coal fields until to -morrow. In
ellany of the mines two or three days
letere will elapse before repairs can
be completed. By the end of the week,
however, it is expeeted thee every col-
liery will be in fall swing. -
+ -
i- Baby's little ills are nutty
and need close attention.
4,Worras are among the most
+ common of these ailments -
• there being scarcely a child
: who is not afflicted by them
1 - at some time or other. These,
thouglacan be readily banal -
ed by the frequeut use of
1 Baby's Own Tablets- the
only remedy sold under the
•.., guarantee of a governraent
• analyst to contain no opiate
• or other harmful drug, Con-
t earning them Mrs. Jos. Diagle
j Ste, Perpetue, Que., writes:-
• "My baby was trolabled with
t worms ; he was nervous and •
I had no appetite. I gave him •
• Baby's Own Tablets and he •
•.. was soon well again." The •
• Tablets are sold by medicine :
• - dealers or by mail at 25 cents *
• a box from The Dr. Williams' •
. Medicine Oo„ Brockville, Ont, •
•iteztieneisZeleZee-...4=etteret' •......texe- er •
* *
Russia and Turkey Are Now at
London, April 8.e -The relations of
Russia and Turkey, which a few weeks
ago caused the circulation of alarm-
ing may at any moment reach
an acute stage, and again the bone of
canthatipie well be r trdo, ewe. eta- .
It the 7close of the Russo-Japanese
war, 'Tnekey moved some troops into
nee Persian Province of Azerbaijan, a
etripQj w1pl bae leeekee eliepula Jae
upWercis of 200 far. Turkey crams
thts strip; Persia holds it, but the
ownership has yet to be decided.
The question has been subject of nego-
tations, but while these have been
going on, Russia asserts that Tarkey
has :been slowly moving het forces for-
ward until they have gone even be-
aorrd the disputed etrip and now corn -
'mend the western part of Azerbaijan
from Lake Urumiah to the frontier
and could with ease attaclaethe Rus-
sian Province of Erivale.
Turkey's firmness in supporting her
contention, and not only placing
troops in the disputed strip, but mov-
ing them forward, has given rise in
Russia to a suspicion that setae other
power is behind the Ottoman Govern-
:Left Throat and Lungs
Very -Sore.
There is no better cure for a cough Or
cold than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
'e It is rich in the lung -healing virtues
of the Norway pine tree, and is a pleasant,
safe and effectual medicine that May be
conedentially relied upon as a specific
for ,„Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarse-
eierts, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and all Throat
end Lung Troubles.
a, Mr. $. Monagban, Charlottetown,
writes: --- el certify that
Wooa's Norway Pine Syrille is au excel-
lent medicine for coughs and colds. last
•ietintet I contracted a heavy cold which
iiay lungs and throat very sore. I
bed M give tip work and stay in the house
`tor two weelts. I used several cough
Mixtures, but got no relief until a friend
eitlyleeci vee to use Dr. Wood's Norway
Piie Senip. Three bottles entirely cured
renearld I can recommend it as the best
Medicine fax coughs."
•Don't be imposed upon by taking any-
thing but "Dr. Wood's" as there iitt
many ituitatione Of this sterling remedy
on the market. .
'X. Wood's" is put up in a yeitow
wrapper; three pine trees the trade merle;
price 25 math. Manufactured only by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Rivers on the Rampage
C.P.R. Bridge Is Gone, and Main
$treet Is Flooded Three Feet Deep
=Galt's Damage Is Estimated at
$100,000 and Grand River Is Still
Rising Guelph Situation Is
Serious -• People Rescued.
London, April S. -Reports from all
• over Western Ontario' last night tell
of floods that lpriVe resulted in bun.
dreds of thousands of dollars' loss.
At Walkerton there is three feet of
water in the main street and the Can-
adian Pacific bridge has been swept
awhy. Truax lumber mills have had
a large part of their stock ewept
At Brantford the 'city officials are
watching in fear of the dyke breaking,
When there would be 1,500 people in
West Brantford flooded out. At Galt
there was a bad state of affairs last
'night, the damage being estimated at
$100,000. Yesterday meeting early a'
number of homes were flooded out
and several invalids had to be taken
out in boats. Teeter street last night
was a river fax over three-quarters of
a mile, and in some places near Galt
the rive? is half a mile wide. The
water level is dropping, however.
The Thames at London is high on
the south branch, but there is no
immediate danger.
At Chatham the water is rising,
but is two feet below the highest
level at the end of the Week. There'
has been a lot of low land flooded in
Kent, but ,most of the farmers there
are prepared for an annual washout
and rather look fox it.
At Paris there is four feet of water
in the Penman mills, which are close
to the river. The damage here is
particular heavy.
Grand River Rising.
Galt, April 8. -All day yesterday the
Grand River rose, until it has exceed-
ed, the record of the past twenty-five
years. With the bursting of Elora
dam a rush of water was precipitated.
As it rose it spread wide over areas
on all sides, submerging back gar-
dens and the low lying streets, inaad-
Ing cellars. and lower flits, sWeelailee
away buildings, walls and fences, forc-
ing a passage through drains into
quarters iar remote from the course of
the stream, and covering the railway
track and the country highways.
The flood spread out over the paved
toadway into adjacent foundries and
factories. The large premises of Getty
& Scott, shoe naanufactuters, were
Visited by the waters, ahd stock dam-
age estimated at $40,000 was done.
The water is half way to Main
street. South on the same street the
occupants of riverside residences have
to' be rescued from the flood by the
fire department. All the afternoon
boats and rafts were in requisition
Miscuing people from perilous situa-
tions. From Main street down the
street is flooded.
The Grand River flood is still in-
creasing in volume and growing in
Menace. North and South Water
street has a depth of two or three
feet, blocking access to postoffiee, ho-
tel, stores and private residences. Sub-
merged district embraces all lower
Main sereet and extends east to Ains-
he street inclusive. Fein bridges with-
in the town limits are threatened
with destruction. The water has ris-
en twenty-five feet. Damage will
reach a hundred thousand dollars
with no insulin -ea -a: -
Grave Situation In Guelph.
Guelph, April 8. -The wort flood
thaelths visited 'Guelph in forty-three
year is now th be seen here. The
River Speed Roth to overflow her
leenees Seemlay afternme has
risen &ear:ire' hetire5 that ilea un-
til the present. Two bridges above
Goldiete big mill were carried away
during Saturday niglit and the water
is several feet, deep in the factories of
the Taylor -Forbes Co., and nut Guelph
Carpet MilIs 0o.
The fire brigade had to be called
out during Saturday night to assist in
removing people from their homes af-
ter the vtater had sae:rounded them.
Many of the men were taken out of
the upstairs Nei/laws. Cellars are
flooded and the whole southern end
and eastern portion of the city is eut
off from -the rest of the city. The
billy• avilable mane of reachitg
many houses is by boats, and as the
boathouses are also surrounded by
water, it is impossible to giet any
baats. The situation is very grave
and there is not much relief in sight.
• Rideau Overflows Banks.
Ottawa, April 8. -The Rideau River
is overflowing its low banks at Ot-
tawe east and some of the streets
end lands are flooded. Lower down in
Ottawa blasting has been going on,
but it is- not knowh •hinv successful
it will be in etayipg_et flood in New
Edinburgh or Eastview. eateare- ae.
Jut below Billing's Bridge, further
out of the city and up the river, there
is an ice jam, and the water is nearly
up to the planking, of the roadway,
vitiate a huge cake of ice is against
the piers of the bridge. It looks' data
gerous to the safety of the main
bridge out of the city, and there is
epareety ap the Filen. banks above !led'
below the structureannereeteeteee---a.a...,
• OWeil Sound In Water's Grip. ;
Owen Sound, April 8.-Thousandg.
of dollars of damage was done Satur-
lay night and early yesterday rimm-
ing by an unprecedented freshet. The
Sydenhain River began to rise about
midnight, and,with the heavy rain
which was falling, by 3 o'clock had
reached the highest point on reoterd.
About 4 o clock two mill clams and
the Ninth street bridge were practi-
cally demolished. Many pleaseere boats
were lost.
Heavy Loss at Meaford.
Meaford, April 8. -There has been
thOusands of dollars damage dmie
here by the watere of the Big Read
River. Roth of the dams belonging
to the Georgian Bay Milling & Power
Co. have been sweptaway and tbe
iron bridge near their ficur Oiill is
also gone, and several rods Of the
stroet washed away.
Riindle's da,m and woollen mill, and
Toeld'e Tannery are swept away, and
alsO ten rods of the G.T.E. track, and
at present it looks as if the two re-
Flai,uing iron brir1ra wiLi &see go.
The property damage is now $100,000
or over.
• Bruce County Hard Hit.
• Southampton, April 8. -The warm
weather of the last few days is caus-
ing heavy floods. Two new steel
bridges, one in town the other two
milee ont, erected by Name County a
year ilgo at a cost of over $30,000, are
destroyed. The Sagueen Electric Light
& Power Co.'s plant, two miles up
the river, is in great danger. Already
the race is totally destroyed, and a
part of the dam.
• Were Rescued In Boats.
Paisley, April 8. --The greatest flood
in forty years occurred here Saturday
night and yesterday a number of resi-
dents had to be taken out from their
hornes in boats. Two mill dams were
partly swept away by the flood. e
Beaverton In Darkness.
Beaverton, April 8. -Owing to the
spring, freshets there was quite an
excitieg time here Saturday night and
yesterday. The Beaver River is high-
er than it has been known to be , be-
fore. The C.N.O. Railway bridge cross-
ing the Beaver Rivet • and several
bridges in Thorah have been consider-
ably damaged.
30,000 Are Homeless.
$t. Louis, April 8. -Thirty thousand
persons homeless, two thousand
equare miles of country inundated,
thirty persons drowned, and a finan-
cial loss of $10,000,000 constitute the
result of a two weeks' &pod in the
Mississippi alley. These figures were
arrived at Saturday night by Govern-
ment engineers and officials of state
levee boards engaged in battling the
raving sweep of the Mississippi River
from points in- Illinois to threatened
places in Mississippi and Arkansas.
Water- is pouring into Arkansas
through three new breaks in the levee
south of Memphis. These gave way
Saturday, and several hundred square
miles are subject to iiooding.
The elderly Gentleman
is just froen ten to ;twenty yeare
older ithan helooks 'when bees a
rheumatic( leaf:lee:ere Rhteumatism
racks the whole isyetem. The con-
stant dull pain puled the face out
of shape and amain ;withrheumat-
ttism esold at forty. linemen:1Am
.ean be cured. Rheurace will curie it,
,Quickly and permanently by enrich-
ing the 'blood and) driving out the
turie acid pet -sons, that ,wear out the
system. Since Itheu.mo beacenne
known eve have been unable to men-
tion late naines of thet numetrous
persona from whom 'we have Ile-
ceired testimonials. Itheamo ia
positevely guaranteed by J. E.
leCoVeY youx druggiet he will tell
you iust how (good( et es iand What
every ote in; ithwn thinks' of et.
Ttheurno is $1.00 per bottle at .T.E.
Hovey or direct au charges prepaid
from B. V. Marion, BridgeburgeOnt,
G. Y. R. Fireman Killed. .
Belleville, April 8.-A young man,
George W. Runtble of Trenton, on
Saturday afternoon received fatal in-
juxies by being struck by a G.T.R.
freight trpin near Trenton. The vic-
tim died in the ambulance on the way
to the hospital. An inquest will be
held on Monday.
1 Rumble had made two trial trips
on the (4,T.R. as fireman. He was
unmarried and hie parents reside at
Children Cry
eAsTo R IA'
The Dominion linen mills will be
moved from Bracebridge to Guelph.
Rev. Dr. Thomas Griffith, a former
prominent Methodist clergyman, died
in Toronto yesterday.
The amendmeet to the school act
, in Manitoba, providing separate
schools for Catholics, has become law
withoat comment from the Opposition.
i A despatch from Shangnei reported
a serious anti -foreign sentiment, at-
tributed to the delay of the powers in
granting recognition to the Republic.
The Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.
secured the coritract to build a new
lake steamer for the Keystone Com-
ps/3y of -Montreal in competition with
British firms,
F. al. Clergue, Alex. Simpson of
Ottawa and D. D. Porter of Londone
Eng. are behind a proposal to con.
etrieCt g two million dollar drydock at
Sault Ste, Marie. -- -e..
Mrs. Leonard of Ottawa has extend-
ed her offer for another year to core
tribuM 10 per cent. of the amount
subscribed for a women's eesidenee
at Queen's University.
The Paris police yesterday arrested
another member of the automobile
band which has been terrorizing Perth
and the suburbs for some weeke past.
The man taker; into custody ie Rene
; mond Callentin.
I The contractelate been aevanied fot
the conetruetion in Vancouver of the
I largest floating steel dryclock on tho
' Pacific Coast. 11 will accommodate
the largest Peel& .shipe and will gest
a million and ae half.
Major-General Leoneed Wood, chief
of staff of hhe U. 8, army, predices
that more than 40,000 persona will be
homelese and More than 10,000 others
will have to be fed as a result of the
Mississippi River flood.
While seeking. toys, in a cupboard,
Wilfred, tho three -gear -old eon of
Thornite O'Neil of Dresden found
some cerrosive sublinvate tablets and
ate them. The doctors hope tto be
able eo Feave tbe eland's life.
Att a meeting ,of Kingston Comor-
e/tante Association, Meejor W. a.
Hughes received thee official recora-
mendatiola kr itte poaltien •di waiden
of the penitentiary, te 'thke 'tkehelee
of Dr. J. M. Plated, -resIgned.
navigation, at thee poitieih 'of the
Eft. .Lawrerethetattes opened yesterday
afternoon by the ereaval alearockville
of the ferry sieerntereBegether, Which
plowed teer way throwgh the the 'froth
Morris towm, direetly acrose the
Gas Claims
Two Victims
Tote -alto, Apeil S. -The mimber ef
those who Italie met death by gas tea
location in Totonto 'eine() the begie;
ning of the yeer Wee brought tip
eighteen by the stefpfoeation tit tilt&
Italians et a York street rooming
house etitly Sdrlday nifirbing. Anothe
er Italian who Was fotind with theth
Met Was revived at St. Michael's
Hospital. '
The two Italians stiffocated are
Petro Rossi, aged about 45; end his
son Narisiso Rossi, aged 10. Rossi
Geovani, aged 25, a son -in -lave of Pe-
tro Rossi, was the 'Italian who Was
Winnipeg Casa Saill-d.
Winuipe4, April 8 -With customary
ceremony, Licutenant-Governer D. 0.
Cameron prorogued the Legislature,
Saturday afternoon, the speech from
Li throne congratulating the pro.
vince on the satisfactory settlement of
the boundary question and on the
legislation for control of a certain
class of public utilities.
A settlemeut was reached at, the
leventh hour between the two dis-
putants, who have taken up so much
of the time of the Legislature, viz.,
the City of Winnipeg and the Heese
The basis of Saturday's agreement is
that the it,y, in return for the with-
dreavel of the obnoxious "Manitoba
'power bill and the emasculation of
the radial railways bill, agrees to
Purcheze all ,polea in the city at .valu-
ation and rent space to the Winnipeg
Electric Co., or He\ successors. This
saves the city from an awkward legal
tangle following on the action of its
engioeers in erecting poles and wires
right over and even between the poles
and wires of the company.
City officials express themselves as
satisfied with the agreement. The
ernsent of Sir Wiliam Mackenzie has
Vet to be obtained.
Flue Turns on the ight.
San Francisco, April 8.-Abraharn
Ruef, convicted political boes ef San
Francisco, now serving a sentence of
fourteen years in San Quentin prison,
began in The San Francisco Bulletin
yesterday a series of articles, which
he. declares will 05:Istituto a. com-
plete expoee of the men accused with
him in the graft prosecutions, but not-
Directors of public utility corpora-
tions and railroads, public officials
and politicians are named by Ruef in
his prologue and he declares he will
show how money was promised and
paid. „.
Once, Mote ROD AND nalen' IN
CANADA is out with a. ppecial
Spring Fitithingt Inattiber--ehe April
it:Aug-and as usual there is some-
thring to intent:se fieherpean, in ev-
exy of the Dominion. The
Rest Easy Fishing Club's Canadian
'.Outing °rental Frioneh River is the
opening eisimb.erf and, believe ,us, it
is a good) one, illustrating the Hine
sweet imdidgedi in by a party of Am.
eriean spozitsMien who answered
the, calla of the Wad ito Algo,nquila,
Park. in Mel eltory itiwav not Mite,
big llsit that golt away eels: ielvai
denced by reprodactionseof Photo-
araaas taken, bythe 0Official Phot-
ographer" Who% accompanied the
party; one ,of Avhieh, "I love my
Beet Geri), but 0 you 'Mnacallbeigeel
/has beset utilized as a primer cut, Of
exceptional interest also is the ac-
count ole? ifishing ttrip tihrotigh
Tusket Lakeee ItTovia Scotia. In the
Game Conservation, Departmetet
the Pump 'or Repeating Shotgun es
discussed from various standpoints
and undea (the headeng of the Cul-
ture of Blackl aaad Silver Foxest a
gecand inaealmeInItr entitled "Hered-
ity" is publeshed. .0itheal articles
are in keeping ewith the character
of a special fielding number of this
It ?DUO Catarrh, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma,
Threat -Troubles„ Hoarse.
ness, •
Fax .diseases of the lungs, throat
and nasal passages motmtain air has
always been deemed ssautary
cattse of its pureness and' freedom
from disease germs. The Air of pine
forests, laden with minute particles
of volatile gerni-clestroying prin-
ciples, has enjoyed an almost tines:-
arnPled reputation in these diseases
After years of exhaustive study a
chemist deviSed a Means of supply-
ing right at horde a healing balsamic,
remedy that is „even More effective in
Catarrhal diseases than the air of the
pine. woods, Of course, this remedy
was copyrighted in every civilized
country and was at once offered to
the /Albite under the name of "Ca.
tarrhozone." Its succees has • been
Just think of it 1 A healing, sooth-
ing eubstance capable of. destroying
these noxious organisms which excite
a,nd maintain disease. Capable,_also,
of allaying congestion and of stimU-
latIng the healing processes of na-
ture, which are combined in that in-
valuable compound so well and so
favorably known, to the medical
world as "Catarrhozone."
Catarrhozono is simple' the -concen-
trated qualities of the air of' pine
woods. If you breathe et you will
derive more benefit in one hour than
you could possibly get from the
woods in a year.
This great advantage arideS from
the fact that, in addition to those
healing emanations from pine, other
ingrediente distilled from the veget-
able kingdom are se imitea is to give
results that could not possibly be de-
rived in the simple form IrL which
hattre supplia Medicated air. •
For an diseaseS Of the nose, car,
'throat, bronchial 'tubes and air pass -
'ages -for catarrh in every forrn-
'Cure, is certain with Catarrhozone,
Which is not a nostrum, but a high-
class sc tontine treatment. Large
sine, sufficient for two siitintbs' use
(gtrara.nteed) prieee 1 •
TIleaRSDAY, APRIL 11, 1912,
WHY SHOULD YOLI Good Farm tor Sale
• •
• When You Call Get Gni Pills
Get ahead of, your olcl enemy, Rheu-
matism. Start in, right now, to take
Gin Pills and be free from pain and
suffering this winter. Gin Pills will
keep the kidneys well and strong -will
neutralize -uric acid -correct any urinary
or bladder trouble -prevent hands, feet
and. legs from swelling -and enable
you to enjoy the cold weather as you
did years ago. Here's proof
"It affords me great pleasure to
convey not only to you but to all
sufferers from Bacirache and Rheuma-
tism, the great relief I have obtained
feom the use of Gilt Pills. I feel thankful
to you. I recommend Gin Pills to
everyone suffering as I did".
Write us for free sample of Gin Pills
to try, Then ,get the regular size boxes
at your dealer s or direct front us-soc,
a box, 6 for $2,50. Money refunded if
Gin Pills fail to cure. National Drug
& Chemical Co, of Canada, letaithd,
Dept. A Toronto, 97
Canadian magazene evhich is pub -
'jelled by W. J. Taylor, Limited
Ve oodetock Ont.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of
Lucy Mar. Philips, late of the
Town of Clinton, in the County
of Huron, spinster, deceaSed.
Notiee iti 11(00,r -even, pursuant to Sec. SG, of
the Trustee Act that all persons having
claims or demands against the estate of the said
Luoy Philips deceased, who died on or about
the 6th day of December 3911, are required to
send by Post, prepaid, or deliver to the under-
signed solieitor,for B. J, GibbingsAdministrittor,
on. or before the 20th day of Apro.91S,their
tian and surnames anti addressss. with lull par-
ticulars. in writing, of their claims, and stete-
ment of their Recounts and the nature of the
securities [if any] held by Miens duly verified
by statutory declaration.
And take notice that after the said 20th &ay of
April, 1910, the EOM Administ,ator will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceasea
• among the parties entitled thereto, having re*
gara only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice, and that the said Administra,
tor will not be liable fot the said assets. or any
Part thereof, to any Person or persons of whose
claim notice shall not then have been received
by them or their Solicitor at the time of such
Dated at Clinton the 3st day of April, 5012
W. iertatoien,
Clinton, Ont.,
Solicitor' for the said Administrator
Hay for Sale
Stsph of hay, far bath. A.boat 5
or Atone and Will lbletsoed rearthine
able. .Wni, Bedour, Holmetivill0, or
!phone 12 on 143.
1000 Sprintgt Muskrat skins. walnO
le,d. 50c1 each.
H. A. HOVEY, Clinton.
Wire Fencing.
In erdeh ffio inteoduae the Riling
Lock Tercnre Vila* Fencing 1 will,sell All k
it duriaig the hamieh of April at 25e
al rod. Thiel is a new Ferteeng and I price
I especiailyfaecaramencl it. . At thes a Deb
and B
loW prede,must of .cousre be cash. .
jams, Cot poraltion of
• Seaforih.
Beim, Lot 25 CoTices,slon 2, Town-
shlp of MeEdlop, County of 'Huron,
100 Aeree, cleared :led in good
stale ol eultivatiom beangi ,wiel11131-
d&dmiaecl. ,There a brick house
Hated ua with ni 0 Clar eeetleenieglice,S
A lane !bank barn twith etabling
1! os horeee and Wowed°, and a num-
ber of good box, etalls, idea work-
shop and cleaning ;shed, threegoocl
wells. Theee es ale old orchard and
a. geeod, lYoung orchard neazly 411
noettleern spies. Five .aeree seeded
to alfalfa, 15 acres of rod elover.
There are 7 1-2 acres of Fall wheate
alto about 45 acres ;of Fall plough-
ing done. This f In; Win be isold
cheap mice on easy( tterm,s. The
greater part of the pureha,ee mon-
ey heay ;remain on Maatgage, ;to
suit purchaser. Addreea,
Barred Rork Et,o's for Sale
wen on Barred Rocks at ClintOla
4 fia ets 3 seconda; 1 thirte and
special' fax beet collectian. Peu 1 --
Pallet mating, beaded) by Millard
,co.cecerel, (limetece number setting,s
eggs $2.00 per 13.-Pea2--; Cockerel
inateng, headed by Millard cock.
Pullets en thiel Penf elate good lay -
layers, Egg,s $2.00 per 13. ---Then 3-
letilitty pen, headleds by, a cockerel
bred front one; af the best laying
strainie - Canada. Hann in this
were bred froml 1001! ray pullets
which layed 436 eggs in 31 days.
Eggs 51.00 pea 15. I guarantee a
good hatch oir replace eetteng free
of ahaage, H. A. Hovey, Clinton.
For Sale
Blue Barred Plymouith Rook eggs
$L00 per 15 eggs. Aliso a few:White
Cochin Bantam eggs $1.00 per 13, -
Jabez Rands,-Cleatotn.
noose tor Sate
On Huron Street, a desirable te,si-
'deuce, well situabed,, in good re-
pair, nine rooms, pantry, clo,sette,
aad 'bath room. Good, ,cellar, fur-
nace, electric light, town water:
good cistern and atable, garden
and lawn, quarter acre of ground
Terms reasonable. Apply at
gine ,a
of belt
Also a
For Sale
teliNtieLE 13. BALE,
Conneyanea :Notary Public,: T',14
Commissioner, ete.:
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
HurongSt., Clinton,
Notary-2Pu blie, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real; Eetate,
INST_MANCF, AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In
Ssurance Compsnies...
Division Court Office.
snecial attention given to dieeases of:the,
EYOB earefnllY lexernined, and. :suitable
Office:and Residence.
Two doom' west of the Commercial hotel
Dr, W. Gunn, IL 11.0. 9., Edit&
Dr 0, handier. li.A.
Ottioe-Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night calls at residence, Rattenbuis St..
or at hoinital
Eye, Ear Throat and lg Be
econehenr, etc., office end residence on Rat--
tenbury St., opposite W, Tarran's residence.
Si 0/03111 1131d llridge wort/ uSotejally,-
Graduate of 0,0.53.0.. Chicago, and 11.0,D,S,
hayfield on -Mondays. Mar bit to Deconbe.
Officer: over O'NEIL'S 13ore.
Special care taken to make dental trate
mem as painless as possible.
Live stook and general Auction the
kat re 'tont sates a specialty °idols et A%
Mew ERA meta, Clinton, preatray at:tended
to. Terms reasonable. Fanners sale note
000 po
. Writ STAIII,EY, Holenietsvillr
Agentrantost Wire FenciIng.
House tor Sale or to Rent.
A frame house Oil Isaac Street, six
rooms, igood well, f.-4 acre of land,
Apply (to .
lams. W. L. PEPPERS,
Two Houses to Let
The undersigned has WO hOUSEIS to
let, apply to
Jacob Taylor
- THE STANDARD is the' Natiihill
Weekly Newspaper 'of the Dominion
bf Canada. It Is. national en all Ito
It' uses the; 'expensivb' enernve
legs, procuring the 'photographs erom
all 'over the world.
Its articles are carefully selected a.1nd
its editorial policy is thoroughly
.A. subscription to The Standard
costs $2.00 per year to any addreese ere
aapacia, or Great Britain.
TRY, 11' FOR 19121
aelelp,ntreal Standard Publishing Cd.
Limited, Publishers.
Boarders Wanted
Having returned to town I am now
preparede to take hoarders, either
ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house
Mrs, Mogridge, Ontario street
J '••••••
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale Clinton M.
Chesney, Seafoith• T. Evans, 13eech.
woont J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, 1. Ben
newels, Brodhagen, M. Mawan,.
Each Director is inspector of losses In
his own locality,
Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley
Seaford); James Cumming, Egmonda
ville; J. W. Yeo, HoImsvjjIe
Payments may be „made at The
Morrisee Clo.thing Co., Clinton, or
R.H. theta Goderich.
Pasture Laud
Some first; class pasture land to be
sold in lots: to suit purchasers. At
tractive prices, Apply to
John Rensforci, G T. R. City Agent
The South 70 acres of rot number 35
and the South East part of Lot no, 86
14 acres both in the lst coecession of
anley township is forrent for a term
of years. This property fa clOse to the
town of Ciineon and posserisslon can
be given at once, For further parti-
culars apply to Henry Plumsteel, Clin-
ton, One, or McCarthy, F3oys & Mur-
chison, Banisters, Barrie, Ont.
Farm tor Sale.
The executor of the Southeornbe
Estate of fees, for wile 50 acre le -
East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hullett
A firet-elass farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. Alsol the undersigned
offerEi f or sales, lot 29r con. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms Way be
bought together or separately.
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling Timothy Seed
II L . 7 (Geeevernment ,Standard.). A f if
S 1 S We also hae e on hand, 1 a a,
Alsele, a,nd Red Clover.
'WSJ e always have on hand ---Goose
nieneeeTeaTereneereee "
X lain Sit in in Rio Wall Paper Bud-
neas, ama in a posetion to eho w
you ehe beet Papers thathave
been shaWn Clintolni,
AIL papers bought! front Ine
be hang' very cheaply.
All kends of hauls° 'painting done
and estimates given on old and
tew work.
To eall or drop a poet -card will
bring teemples to youn door,
__---.. 0
, Wheat, Pews, Barley and Feed Corn
Higheet 1Vtarket Prices paid for Hay
anct all Grains.
FO r d & McLeod
, 01.00; sma let
SIZO 50c, at all dealers or the Oa-
tarrhoZone Corapani, leitigstan, Ont, IL" •
Before placing your orders for
your season's eupply of Goal, get
our prices. The very best goode
carried in stock and tiold at the
loweet possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson.,
Rt Electric Light Plant.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
Moneyto loan
Office:Isaac:Street, nextedt;or :to: New
Grand Trunk Railway System oz
Railway Tinae Table
London, Huron and Bruce,
North' Passenger
London, depart.. 8,80 a m 4.50 On
Centralia ........... 9.40 6,43
Exeter 953 5.51
Hensel' 10.08 6,05
Kippen 10.16 all
Brucefield ----------10.80 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6,85
Londesboro 11.18 652
Blyth......... t1.27 '7.00
Belgrave... ...... 11.40 1.13
Wingharre arrive1L50 7.35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart8.43,a me3.33a) m
Belgrave 6.54
Blyth 7.08 3.56
Londesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton 7.50 4.23
Brueefleld 8.12 4.39
Kippen ....... a 8.23 4,47
Flenealll 8.32 462
Exeter. „ 8.48 5,05
• Centralia 9.00 5.15
Londonnarrivela 00 6.10
:Boffalo and (lode
• Wes' Passenger
am pin pm pm
Stratford .. . 12.20 5.215 10.20;
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.4T
Sesiforth.... .. . 10.45 1.10 6.18 11,12
Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.401L28
Holm es eille11.16 1,33 6 46 11.88,
Goderich 11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55
East 1 essenger
alt pm pm
Goeterieh. 7.10 2.40 4.50;
Holmesvilth , 7,20 2,57 5.06
Clinton. .. 7.86 807 5.15
Saatortls 752 3.25 5,82
Mitchell 8.16 848 855
Stratfo 9 40 4.15 :',6,20
Dr. le Van's Female Pills,
A reit ble French regulator; never fails, Theso.
pilis ar4 exceedingly icowerful in regulating the
generati a portion of tic female system. Refuge;
all ehbn imitations. Dr. de Van' are Sold tit
$5 a bool, or three for 510. Mailed tonny address.
The lic eteUtierng co,. Bt. eatnatinee, Ont.