HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-11, Page 1lf77
usTAutasunu leo:, vol. 44., No. 01 (DA
APRIL '11 1912
"- •
W. H. Kerr'& Son, Editors and Publishers
o3ral Bap
rilconpail,ATED 1860.
'Crap/tat . . . q6,25 p, o o o
• Reserve . $7,000,000
The Annual Statement, shows the foh
. lowing increases for 1911
1910 1911
Deposits $72,079 607 $88,291.808
, Loans &
Investments 55,283,670 62,790,072
Total Assets 92,510,816 110,528,512
207 BRANCHES and
• Correspondents throughout the world
• Interest allowed on Deposits.
Jude received a fresh as-
sortment of Eastman+ Kodaks
Br wade Cameras s Kodak
Films Paper 0 and Photogra-
phic Supplies.
Eastman Kodak,s have al -
Ways lea irnprov,ements
and new( ideas.
Examine them'', (and be con-
Dispensing Chemist.
. , •-• '
, • ,
! • eac
Cha,„ for Clinton, •
ltolw cosy colttictges are you
ericlaIng ito btudd in 1912?
+ •
Fancy Large Pineapples
Beautiful Ripe Bananas
Big Juicy Oranges,
and 'Flag ,Grape Frait •
,will Make' a delicious Fruit
Salad for„yeur Sunda.y dinner
We can also supply you ,with
Fresh. Lettuce,
Green Onion*
and Celery
See Our North Window
Phone 48
Increase your Earning Power 1.15
attending the Popular
Best place in Canada for High
Grade Business s Education. Enter
'Dow. Open all year. Catalogue
thq 'wages and expert( horse"
•at:,block o
, sri,111,(c)altilipl'aiHevyt
GrOW1.0 men itgreed(:that•they rivalled any-
. 3, , I pi nit 'ented hdel`
• uron, • Ilan sglii:'I.e's:PITVeCis.:OglaY,
a vine( some sup,erb animals
. • .•,
, . eta Wal ng 1them. The number of an-
• :trine an each class: ran knout 'iseveia
to sevonleam.
• , • ' , ,s" , . .
Farrhete .Of Huron County -.!..eaftS, more sfinglet.:( roadsters" than
Farniers Going in forit Extensively,
-Trees Winter Well,
In Ithe( •ilhere ;were
caltiti.es ,shorthorns ;were ,the
.i • '
in .Raisingnt,i_inrse
.4:tinsels* every ant-
•••mal shown, 11,0oveyer was of the
••. high,est Bbanclarcl
•DaOliwo,oc1., March '27 .-It looks •. ' Horan aba eadyf f am 0 us forille
Huron 'comity is about to go into raian5 ee_lialliY: il iHl. alaYdrilag 'well! faVorable haepittation. Although
Peach grolWing very exteusivelY• neede tte q(ehio strafte. this act, AI net ahandonityg the breeding of
While thei soil and clihnote, condi-. is Jsupplied 5111:the annual exhibition ,o,thei2 .stock enliwety, tarrinew ...and
thins may possibly, in other parts of treat stack alt the 1Huron County.•
dealers are( ,confialing Moist of :their
of Ontarrios bebetter • adapted to • Stack Show held each spring. The attention to horses; for Ione measom
this Ispeeles, of fruit, yet it has been fifth. annual show brought a legion
malarlY among Others, the price. -
known for' years that ,certaie grad- of fasanrs1 and Atock-lniiederct lto There is more( money Jin horiee
es of pea,eliel can be,succe,Ssfully Clinton last Thur,sday, and the
, than in.cattle) for ,the farmer," was
grown tip here1 In a:Li-nest every Floss, ot stack; shown was the best the reply, giveaa In answer; to the en-
ea:chat d Itheie la one tfree, bat this in the( land, according to experts. ciniry as tot- the 'scarcity ot the cat -
has been enough to establish the Ali -most impassable roads to the
fiery Much egg this ,sectionil Pre-lellijaelelli, as a +aback" horse,s, "is 'rapidly( acquiring ' amore
fadt +alai the fruit can be grown, east ti annorth, prevtie exhibits.
prevented many
as the fe,e- trees bear; well/ and from ,alttending the show .airad1 also A cancrate example of the above
the peach is cif a good quality. irate
caus,ed asmall number' of entriesan
many clas,setiss particularly in the
cattle. As it was, however, the at-
tendance eclipsed any previous
year, and the number of eistaieg,
the aVeraRe was large. Last year's
exhibition 'wile the most ,succlessfel
up to that time, but :this saw
outclassed it both in point ot at-
tendance and entries of ,stack.
,Owing to the( time of year, cattle
being hard to keep in good shape
this ,seasson, 'the preponderance
of ;exhibits 'v0'a,s in (horses. O these,'
heavy horse were in the majority
• reason is easily( 'supplied. While on
soil in :this' vicinity he inclined to be the facet -tont the show- was an ex -
sandy, ,whicli is conslid•ered best hibiltiom only, itnetthe side streets' of
fruit farming, Tie ,winters,though the town were consummated a
severe anienoitas hard on the lireea great many( "deals" in which sever -
as might besuppased for the roots al of the prize animals changed
are, well pactleated by the snow, owners at bigi prices. A.draught
and the trees seem to he bard9 and. team' owned by Mr. 'Elias Ball, of
able -Ito -withstand the frose, MritT. Hullett, sold1 to a Western buyer'
B. Word,en has been In'this :sectionf for $750, Of the team, omej was a
for the past few weeks, and has filly weighing 2,050 pound's, ainidthe
booked orders for 1,500 peach -trees' two werd well Smatched.
for spring delivery among a dozen,• The judging took place on the
farmers It is believed this is only.Main street Otte tow,n, which was.
the beginning. / thronged by spectators. Ai note-
worth"y feature of the exhibition
is that no.entry fee is charged.
In order( to understand the spirit
of Parliament'proriakation clay a
man hag only to close his eyes aind
from that sacred chamber Of the
-mind in whielf are stored the pie -
tunes of boyhods call up the Mem-
ory of closing days atschool. That
was thd ,school boy's prorogation.
That broke the chains of ;school
duties and opened the 'doors 'to the
freedom of vacation; and 'yet min-
gled with the joys were some
twinges of regrets
• Man is buitl-a boy of larger g(owth
and melaftively( hs tails and trials
are not a, bit More ancluous or
worrying than, are those the,s,chool
boy has to bear,, To the Member
he session of Parliament has beep
school frorn ;which .prorogation
eta' hint free. The freedom is
lelcome, and yet the old building
its familiar rooms and ,eorridons,
are quitted :with feelings Akin to
,Of one group al members this
cannot be said-thei Members who
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• •
• — •
e •
ha Ordered •
—Clothing ..,---. - Clothing •:
4 •
e ••••
••ooa p •••
• We have just made a big purchase of Boys' Clo-
• • thing from the Jackson Manufacturing Co, The
quantity was large, but the price was so tempting we
couldn't resist the opportunfty of securing such Big
• Bargains for our many Boy Customers—and just the
time when the Boys will require a suit for Raster.
Thereason for their big sacrifice was to clear
them out before they take stock on April 1st. We
couldn't begin to handle the quantity if we sold them
in the regular way, so we are putting them all in at
one price, which •will mean
I Two Suits for the Price of One
Starting Saturday, March 0tit, you
41• can have your chore ot the 479
• entire lot lor
There is not a Sult worth less than $6.5o, and a •
number are worth $8.5o and $10.00. 3
This is a Grand Opportunity to buy the Boy a
Suit or Easter at Half Price • • .
• •
Come—Look or Buy, but Act
• 1 Quickly.
t 'SEE mriroow DISPLAY
The Cainpaiin Against
.The Bor. Begun
Mr. W. Proudfoot, M. P. P,, on
••• Issue,
Mr. W. Prondfootl (Centre (Eluron)
refereed tot -he statement of the
Prime Minister that the leader of
the Opposition had -adopted the
The expensesl of the f air. are boltie
by publid subscription anq by policy ot thet abolition of ;the bars
for the express purimse ot driving
grants from( the town and "die.fer- him °the Prime Minister) into-- the
ent township councils. Prize win-
ners leave part of their svininling,s to
assist paying. expens(es. Judging
occupied thef entire afternoon,.
The world and :wordy of the, ar- years tire members of the Govern-,
rangements fon the fair, -as well as ment havd been eleeted by the
the crecliN for its remarkable. inc- united effortstot the liquor people.
cess, fell to the lot of 1 the k follow- I and glad to see that as a result of
arms of the( liquor dealers.
"I sa, that is just svhere ,he has
bee,n f or al great. number of years'?
declared Mr.Prondt dot. "For many
ing officers : James Snell, of Cliku1 this splendid; resolution of th,elea&.
ed, but( which is Maw attended( to ton president ;: George Hoarle, .er of the Opposition he has broken
in order that they may, be sent ton, vice-president; 11. Graham, away. If thet Government do -es n'o-
po,stage free Clinton, treasurer Dr. Shaw, Chat- thing else! than adopt this amend-
ment to abolish( the treating sys-
tem the( time 01 our leader has been
very twel,..1 spent in taking the Prime
Minister club of the arms of the
liquor peopld Fog that is the
.ef feet of MS amendment. If, as he
says, there was nothing necessary
to be'done, -why did .he take this
position ? He ;stated that It was
not necessary to do anything at all.
and yet he comes forward with this
reseluitio,n, ;showing dearly that
something had to be done."
Mr. Proudfaold pointed out that
by abolishing+ the bars they would
in a much( more effiledtive. mariner
do away with (treating "The
Prime Minister, says he :will be
pleased to see the (treating system
dome away( with. Then why does
hi nett join hands With Ithe Oppo,si-
tioal doing .a\eay with the bars."
With thd close of the session the
private Member's( franking privil-
ege ceases. From the writing -
rooms, andi even from, the Chamber
itself, outgoing( mail Matter is now
carried laa huge baskets' by the mes-
sengers, and dumped into :the past
office in miniturd avalanches. Al-
most mightf and day the pastoffice
staff works trying to keep their
decks clear, and get the members'
packets down to their constituene
cies before the members' sic:Ptah
there themselveS.
•These are sitrenuoue days for
pages and me,ssengers.t. The pages
are altvays' busy, but throughout a
considerable part/ of the session the
messengers are like the flower. C01
the field; fel:they toil not. Their
quarters are an the ground floor
below thd po,stotfice, and there
they swahme like ants in a hill,
Some are( permanent messenger%
and they are glad to' see the end
of the session, for \with Parliament
away they, not have to keep
up 'even the appearance of labor.
The se,ssianal hnessenger gee things
from another', point of view, for.
with ;the end of the session comes
the end of their jobs. r All now
have Itaturn alit and lhcapl, Parlia-
ment to get away home.
Well, the time comes when the
Who Wa.s The Central :Figure( in
the Ceremonies of
and Mr. B. Hoover, Clinton, act-
ing-seeretaries. (FartY-five oat,-
ectors" als,ol assisted In making the
e.vent a successl
The judges( were) Heavy horses,
Edwarcl Charlton, Dunerleath, And
John Vance s Tavistock; light hors-
es, John Kelly, Listowel; cattle,An-
drew Whitlow, Guelph.
The prize winners were)„
Ile'avy horselc-Olydesclales, shah
lion Clyde, 3 years old and+ over)
First, Spot, N. Horton ;, second,
Donnydeer, W. Moon; :third, The
Viking, Wesley Nott.
Stallio,n under years-F.11+st,
Thos, McMichael., Lord Ronald;
second, Dale' Bros., Gallant Lad;
third, Dale Bros,, Lord Burton,.
Stallions under( 2 years -First,
Wm. Gray; second, W.Henry ;
sweep,stakes, best! Clyde stallion',
Wm. Grays
Heavy' draught brood mare -First
Levi Wiltse & Son ; is,econd, D. Dish--
eringham ; third, Fred Pickard.
Heavy draught( filly or gelding, 3
years and/ over-Firet, John Shan-
ahan ; seconds Thos. Lawson,; third,
John Shanah,alni
Heavy. draughtil family of three
colts and isire-First, Thos. McMi-
Government eaki sets away clear Heavy draught( gelding, under 3
to the end of its program of bu,si-+ / years- Firsts Wm. Dale ; second,
neas. The 'supplied have-.- been Lorne Tindyall ; third, Tretvarhta.
voted, 'whiell is the Main thing, for
itis just( asimpagsible for ,a Gov-
ernment Pe g-Ati en, without hnoney
as it Ss for al ship Ito mil Without
water. Practictally all of the bills
suave gon4 up Ito (the Senate, and 8010; second., W.Michael; third, N.
patience truly. heroic. Things are Wes -Harris; ;second's, John Shama -
Radford. •
the venera,bled are floundex'ing
through them with am industry and Best team i heavy draught --First,
gang forward, and it tnow becomes han; thirds D.Fisheringhana.
pos,sible to fix! a time for ringing
down thq curtain on thq Partial: Adgricultural Mina.d mitre, 3 yeads
mentary drama. an over -First,. Reuben' Grigg
second, Ch.arles Wrieht third Thos,
HMI Excellency Proro,gues.
'The ringing ,clawle done by His
Excelle:ney thelGovernor-De(nlenia,
Heavy draughts 2 years and und-
er -First, George Dale.
Heavy clraughti eat, filly or
gelding -First, Tho,s. McMichael &
l'. -TAKE A 1,00IC
weelc 'Ivo are featuring Toilet 1,
Madam Sherry Face Powder
Almonrose Message; Crea m 3
Almond Creamt
Cold Cream'
Talcom Patecleal - in three 5
odoes-Egyptian Late* Roe •
and violet.
Zoclenta. Tooth Paste,
' Zedenta Tooth Powder,
lYfilkweed Cream,
Complexion Soaps
Veiveola :Face Powder.
W. A. McConnell 1
Mr., Blake's Statement.
Referring to Mr. Blake's; state-
knent read( by 'the:Pail:Ise Miniateru
that daing.away With the bars
would simply be driving the treat-
ing systeni into some other( 'chain-,
neli Mr. Proudfooti said that lie•
believed Mr.. Blake Po mean that it
would drive the ;treating system
into the( clubs. He wished to paint
out that the policy of the leader of
the Opposition ,was to wipe out
not 'merely' the bars, but also Leen-
sed chit*
The Prime Minister had mention-
ed the lack of en(forcereent of the
Scotts' act years ago-. Public opin-
ion, said Mr. Pi'oudfoot, had ad-
vanced a great deal since that
time; No effort', ha.d, been made to
enforce the( Scott act, andhad it
bean enforced as law,s were enforc-
ed ito-day, there ,would have bean
an entirely, difterent result!. 'So
far as' ishop4 were ,concerned they
would be wiped out by local op-
"Once the bars are Wipecl OW:
Ma,ir, there will be .ne dculty at' all
Maintaining a
The last few years we have
made' a reputation for selling
the best Formaldehyde. This
year we ha-ve the same good
brand -
Formaldehyde •
It is a sure killer for Smut
in Grain. Use it -it means
money in Your pocket.
50e a Pint
Pima B.
In 'wiping out the shop, licensed. ,
who is.informed t the day an'Filly Wm,
gelding under 3 years- Because 'wherever local Option has/
First, Dale ; seem ,
hour by the ;Prime 1V1iniater. :This the hotelkeepers. Without 'the
Mali'; third, Thos. Shipley. cause of :this assistance, given by
Isis] accordance( with :nhe teas of FillY and gelding.1 Year alald 'wad- assistance of the hal:ell-coopers the
the case. Thq the,ory is that His er 2 -First') (W."Pickard';+ second
ExcellemOy, On the ,a.dvice of his J-, y,oumgmat, liquor Itraffiel could not standl."
d failed to pass it has failed be -
ministers, fclxee It all, and tlecitl,ee Bes,t agricultural team in hadness HandWritine on the Wall
the time( 'ait,which Parhament shall
be sent' about -As; busdnes,s, and so
His Excelleney',..91 secretary ltvittes
the Speakeif of ,the-ftwo, Houses, of-
ficially liatterminA, them of "the 'day
form the 'Government. To them and houn When 1 -lis Excellency will
prowogation bringa a feeling some- cense down( a,nd prorogue Parlia.
what likel that which comes; to a merit. „
Man 'who( has had an aching tooth The hour fbied is usually 1011r,
extracted. While Parliament is o'.ellock in the( a-fternonn; but sorae-
sitting Itlie Government are the times proa•ogation takes place in
character in ,thet once popularop-i tit -c eyealine.
era, Wang, ;who suddenly found Alt the fore,noon sitting, thecon-
himaelf With an elephant an, his eluding businLetse of the session is
trilallgel re- tra(nsacted, and an'adjoiarnment la
hands. ;Pr or o.gaition
-lief, and sends away 'the( elephaint made until! the hoar- fixed foe the
to graze; in Commons. The session
at an ends the Minister,s can sleep limn
proTogatiom peremon'y. Before the
alt night{ without the haunting anntive,st a crowd 01 ispeidtaitore
began to gather on Parliarnent Hill,
nighica'are of qaestiead to answer, where theycanwitness the arrival
bills to detend's attacics Co resist;;
and departure_ of His Excellency
and they' can devote their days to and listen to the batnl!that accora-
the business of their department* patsies the- guard of ;honor. The
instead at tol :the hara,ssing taslk 010 Senate Chamber -hos been specially
have been removed and A the second, A..' lerrell.
Heifer 1 1;r -1 -latest,' Harry Smith; ,.,_,
1 and accept your. Because any -
ours, We wgu. aae i
orowogalboat, •T enai o s ' ' t • '
Heifer 2yrs-First, Harry Smith gabbing
fighting their party's battle.s inthe ,,
pat:anged fon; the ;ceremony lot . .
of the ChambAr ;trill accommod,ate 1 jateym,pherealottnyees-wapil..1
lrble, Signs. , ,• he S t r's do ice •
space thud gatned additional chairs Buil 1 yr-Firstu Harry •Smith, ; 11''t'lailentgliiii:dit:illwh-aayv:f
have been! placed, so that the floor second Jame g Snell, • pont,
be a good moves and any hing an
the Senate is in session, ' These The tpDreimateltb. °mid Iljept:intiaclineeNev., ori more Phan twice as As when Ilerfards---Cow 3 yrs and over first
Kepple Disney, :
Fat Steer ---t Fiatet, NarrY
Disney. tinned Mat. Pffiondf oat, 'that the
extra seats! are for the SPecially Bulli 2 yrs and over, Fiirlst,Keppie
ritzelin_ raensloyinateloaalitz, jatbbs,,othineteralyat.stioergodooda
mons ; "secured, Harry Fitzeimmanisl. 1 sh°a(17-11hgeaarstethd4 tab'aarn:ehlret.17. ‘a1:4;:a's 1±
Thos. Coleman; !third, Jame,s The Prime Minister had seen the
-First, James Faster ; ;second,
n.,,Ight. , , handwriting on the( wall. He knew
General team -'First, J. Re -olds; tvvarelidlillsommt'' outphillensgs Isteo eberuonufehrtact 1,tlitm;
se,eand, Lail 'Paisley ; third, Wm, policy °tithe( ,Opposition he would
Hill + not bet ableto keep his ;seat after
Specia1-43edt Watched team, an,other general election. The
James Fisher ;I best gray team, IC, J, Prime Minister had said they had
Wallis: been returned, three, times or. the
bands, M. Crinh, (stallion Hacking:
15 1_2 Present ,systenti If that. were so. ,
Roadsters -Stallion under .
Wm, Dale; , n um! esai a; was that the\ people
_ , thentiaW.? had he changed his p051-
of Ontario4 had also changed?
Carriage, horse, in harness- First Sir James( Whitney -What diff er-
J. Elliott; second, W. H. - Lobb ; ence do -es It makell 51 is a good
third, 'Hiram( Hill, : ' ;thing? (APPlauSe.)
Carriage Iteam-+ First, HialAni Mr. Proudfo,ot -Ithinki that your
+ho+Ta.,,sNe _. Eli joirteittt: J., ,W, a+eselultion is a good thimg. But
Elliott; second, Thos.11/1gliffichael & what we propose is a great deal bet
;tax ' 61 d'ff • ' b -
Sons; Ithippd, Glenn Cornish. 1 tweet) us. You have proposed a
t, That us let i es ene., e
'Cattle -Shorthorns ; cow; 3 yea.4 mu.ch better than yours. But if
very gaocli tilling, but ours i,l, very
and over-=FirsIts Harry Smith. (there 'were Ivo pos,siblitity o.e our
The anecomingi of prorogation. is
indicated by aS Inany ismgnis, ithe
aneorying of spring.. One !lathe in-'
• dustry of !the two Hauses - and, of
the Meraberd individually. Bills
that have been long ,debated and
Whose paissa,gd has bee;n time and
time a
invited guestS of lt,he Senate, Most
,atas delayed, are ru,shed of whore are ladies - leaked frohn
throng like a spring flood that Governmenit Houses the wives of
has broken through a dam that foe 1.0al Wet IVIrnostersi ithe wives of
a Moe held ift back, Both Houses 1 Members of both •Hous,es, of offi- seDalirciy, Lootetvv1--ryarrt:ikti itlarands; lea.aolta„,, saeattaao thdevatahlabdedadpaApe,peaendi,.ciatilieca4 pa,baei:
sit in ths forenoon, in lithe Miter- 1 cers of ;the Militia, of judges, 01'
terrier% drill," Native erdeir' of the 'dies prohninsentl inthe social life d
f 'Oaktie--DIploan.a, best • female,
I .' . ., slatitioto oeinvlyt. to Take politica capital
I It 1 e a poll ' 'cal capital
noon nc4 again. t night. 1 ye op , t IVIlin ste Is;
i 1 r and other la- ' t Mr. :Pe nuclltoot did not
anc4 a "Drill D u y '
day. 1 the capital. Theg(attend recep.-+ aan'Y out o45t.
'best 'reale, Harey. Weer' P
cle" 'd iln- -tiont dress. Hun reds' et" other ; beat:three of. any breed., six Jam eS Whitney' had
som e mar neap ,e
eat(' that
1 him
• ' • e d' 'who' liarrY Smith- '
th le bad' ona
Then there( ithe am, oxi
ais CIPS
For Men and Bogs
.4; e c)r.r, , One
Th M ish 'Cloth', f 1 rr' 0 t, syt:inwlitieh AllahaTe °I; a, galleries( and helP, to make ag.arr, Pk"! , Seg ani who 'Oa ibece; an. I
• dies, almosti as ree,hly,a; tare , • .• , jiies 00012.5,7 mal'ileira
try et Meimberie not( seen+red leelate) fl°°T ' aoted Ito 1,tir, :el.:Logi:kit-tor dealer(
co • L'' 1u/he s o,f the( Conahnons gro P'"7 Ithe Chatn,ber,„, ttatran.g UO APO,' ,.(.5?ck 2103, „glrx .+1.1 e.)„- Ithilaig. that -would
.4. ' ih '• • t 1bine3f18e aUg1c111)ne -j'ae:i4Hs theC'sSepatei .011033:bet a acene.` f3c1PAen,47t:ael cits,y1411),atcibroken,4.1,1•veliai his pyrtail eale '
' A Square is, tor •Every
T HIS week we pass into
J1 stock the very latest
in Hats ancl Caps for Men
and Boys and Children,
These are well worth a
visit to this store.
They comprise the natti-
est range it has ever been
our pleasure to display, the
r Min and Do s
We are showing a very
swell range of Spring and
Summer Shirts for men and
boys, in plain and fancy
We are particularly anx-
ious to show you through
our stock of Summer Shirts
with soft cuffs and detached
collar, from $1 up.
Conte in and Look
Them Over.
Men's Tailors and FillrilliSDCPS
. •
In a few( short weeks we ;shall all
he complaining of the; heat; We
ere a diseententedi people And neve
es s'atisfaed. -
Spring millinery Was in evidence
last Suaida,(v, although old Prolis
bel a e I baday,