HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-04, Page 51•••••msonnimmilleammmtlieussus j clisturbaneee, The rains of .1nly will I a i not be of general chat, act er. 'The Arro _. ,too. ou moisture, it iS pr011letNi, WIll tall tar ()lir 16 Watch . ., hortof the requiremets of growing f croi)s, Ext'rerne warmth Nvill 1.tive for Men and, Women aiseaseesseassaaserame Is one that will give ex- cellent satisfaction to the. wearer. Both sizes, for men and women 'The Movement Is well regulated, and carries our broadest guarantee, The ease Is durable—gold filled of the finest quality. CALL AND SEE THEM 67425M°2'21'4151,11---,•-=1:=TO23 !V 11 11111/11it JEWELER and OPTICIAN alMfallif3ESZIZIWIWalwarasgriaMSMI UiifiM-AiWhViAwAhi Local News iw &g. iftviMMFARAPAPI?,,MMM AsD BALL. ' Sratford Herald says: - &Tait Humber the hard working manage -a of the .G. T. R, teem, topaets that he will, M all probability, have two teams, as there are a•number of new men in the .city who are bell players of repute. Among them is Sander:seta' who pitch- ed so zuccessful for the !earn two years ago. 3a bas written the secre. tary of the Huron and Perth League dor admittance into their circuit.wbieh • comprises teams from' Goderich, Winghani, Clinton and Mitchell, The G. T. R. baseball club intend opening the season on Friday, April 12th, • with a dance in the G T te, relief July 14, Another cool spell will , follow J ply 23, will be hi I sufficient and central and weste 11-rn I regions wittuffer from serious dr- ought.. DEATH op A PIONEER Ofe HURON. There passed away on Sunday ing, March 31s1. at the reside hiS son 11. 8, Young, Sudbury N, et )(Stung, formerly of Blyth of the firm of Only, Young & ling, Salt salt manufacturers. Young teas born in Leeds County March 131h. 1839 and . moved , his parents to Hpron County, iHe was .a lifelong member o Methodist (...lburcli, filling ' man portant positions therein, al which were Trustee, Recorder iSunday School Superinten • In politics Mr. Young we staunch Liberal always takin active part III tbe airs it'S of his p Those left to mourn his i0;.“., at wife; one son Mr.. li, S. You ' Sudbury; one daughter ears. W Sloan of Toronto; 4180 tWO brO , lin 11 of California and \V LI Detrt it, one sister Mrs, F. C. Sp: of Wttigharn. The interinent to Blyth on Tuesday April 2nd. even - nee of , Mr. , Ont. SPfir• Mr. , Ont with 3833. 1 the y im• nong and dent. S a g an arty. ,e his ng of ,w. tilers . of rling ok at CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Sundays eras field day In Clanton Los' the Children's Aid Society ,oe 'Huron County and. ile,v, Flugh,Fee- guson, Perth Co. Ag,enit, 'Rev. 'Mr. Wateelont Po. Agent and Mr. Elliott, of Goderach, Huron Co. Agent Were instonen. The two reverend gentlennat ,etcl tnuctad the s ervicete ta3 the Vatious, church- es glade In the dreading a mass' meet- ingtera4 head in ith.e town haltiwthen the "Storm of a -Waif" avast kohl in vlasyst and Rev. Mr. alit-, less told of incidents and exper- lenceel of the ;work. The leeture itteelf ava,81 a treat from startto finish. Many of Ithef Wawa had mo- ral]. leesona that canal:et :soon he forgotten, especially th'oae of our prons isandr atoutag Men In their "teens who, because of idleness and tack of education) and 'training, had drieteclatinto crime .and beqn Elenlhe5Ice4 to prisola. ,Thet views of ehlidren f ound. existalag .the midet of neglect, and the views qf (their transfoamation artlea the isociell had taken them showed In a vivid way; that miahty week that 'the Childiews Aid 3s accomplishing or the children who otherwise vould neves have had a chance. A ocal branch, was organized with f,fittere ,as followei-Presliclent, J. liaetaey viee presidents, all the esident ministers; Secretary, Dr. , W. Thompson; Tneasurer, ft. E. aiming. A. pollee:tient .was taken n and amounted to $10.00.W5i3e the ulaseriptione arataansedt to over 35.00. Thea membership' fee is lao,ed at UM small awn of $1.00 eri rung be handed :to 1V1r.M-aan in- g oath,* Royal Beak 'to sad 45nhis important work. hall the proceeds of which are to be B used in purchasing new uniforms. 1 33ORNi Alf CLINTON. • A,bijah Meander Barton, a long time resident of the city, who died at Bremerton Tuesday', and was buried Suraday afternoon from Eagles' ha.), Ma Barton was a charter member of Mother Aerie No. 1, F. 0. E., as vvell -as a member of the Royal Arch. He was widely known in -Seattle, where he first eamein 1883as an iron moulder, Mr. Barton was born in Clinton, Ont., and spent his boyhood at ICineardine, s Ontario. He was elected President of the iron moulders' ueion in this city and served also as President of the Western Labor Union and city council in the 93's. Mr. Barton died at the age of 53. He is sutvived by bis widow; a brother, living at Serf - beck; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Gimes, •tof Seattle, ani a neice, Min Beseie Fergns61.--5eattle Times PREDICTS A HOT SUMMER Rev. Ira It. Hicks, "long-distance weather prognostic stole" ignoring • thick goose bones and heavy egairrel - pelts as • "absurd weather slaw," .predicts that the nannies of 1912b will be hot one, and that a drought 'will extend over the southern helt of states next sesson. An tees sterns - period centres aroand March 28, MOV- ing eastward. Storm periods cover April 0 Il and 11 15. The later period neer bring severe wind and ad storms and the temperatare will be laigh, it is predicted The stornay period will •extend to the ed of the month with a a marked increese in severity around -25 and 20, and a. posible brief change to colder weather following. Frost between May 8 -11 is not unlikely northward, Dv, Hicks believes. A Seismic and volcanic period Ocenrs June12j3 and the iuoit -wLi be , markea with rainstorms and electrical 1 Mrs, CARD OP ,TRADE. Phe rorganjz5qn: nieateiti,g of the Beard of Trade Was held- on •Tuesday levemisigt of this ;week 01 figete fon the coming yeateWeire .elected;-Presidett, Rattsfoed ; viete presideat, W. Jackaon; seeY- treas., C.D.:Dowding. Council - D.S.Cluff, JD's. Craig a.W.tioNn,D A, Forrester, Jas. Pan.; D. Cantelon W. Bryclone, Goo. McTaggart, F. ja.ckson, 1.1.T.Rance, AalaCooper, S. jAndreWs. Publicity Committee- A.T.Cooper, 31. T.Raince and II. W. Brown. The animal: eneeting will he held the first ,Tuesday and general( quatitarly meet/tags on the first Tuesday of Zulsr, October and rjanuary. Mr. T. Ronsfords Iloover and/ D. L. McPherson were appointed to a committee to meet Council! andsPublic Library Board to as-rang:el with Mr. Carnegie to balle1 ant additdton to the present Library bellding. The names of J. Ransford and Thom. Jackson, ire Will be forwarded as delegates -to the Boar& of Trade Congres,s Ito meet in London, England this sum- mer. The questionof the en- itratiest of C. P. R, ; new G. T.R, station; hydrosarectric S house, problem ; flasai mill industry were discuseeld.• The Boar& eof Trade is gotng 110 Nooktanitto the qu,estiqn of Local Option in other toWtas the size of Clinton tepee whathave klaent rtha therm or benefit to the town. DEATH OP MS: HEARN, There pessed away at ber home on Friday last the beloved wile ot Mr, Jams Ilearn. Mrs, !learn has been an invalid for a great many years. She yes married- t wice and 1st u valved b awl " ' sons y le lint rm. r, rage ;int! flumphrey, of Jacksonville, ammissmaatesesranisonsusessestasestamersessreststarassamentraceareeteeresseraressam This is a Good Time To purchase Sugar and Tea, asiorices are advancing. Then yoti will be thinking about Timothy Seed, Red Clover, Aske, a.nd Lucerne ThiS is the Place to Buy ,Q EMPORIUM R ADAM," LONDESBORO “Good to sit on" end se is every chair we show. _ You .select one and have wife select other. It will be a "toss up" vvhich is best. You can't go amiss on ANY KIND OF A CHAIR in our stook. They're all good O Just so with entire stock we show, It's best in town, and that's why "those who knovv' buy furniture at our place. HOOVER BALL -UNDERTAKING•4ND FURNITURE nuesmoommiummenessatmasamstwoo• , 'Florida, by , tbe second .matriage, f Deemed has lived her •aor a great 1 trimly years. The funeral will be held on 'Sattiretay afternoon cif this week, owing to the flurily not being able to get here sooner' and service will .be' heal in St. Pain's Chtwoh, conducted by ROV, C. E. hsakine, Horn alai family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole cornatunity in the sad be: eavernents. , 8irtit54, illarrlages& Deaths BIR THS. ,Breadfoota-In Tn,elversmti on, March 1210 1VIr. and! Mrs. 'Witillam Broadfoolt a son., .. DEATHS. " HEARN-al 1..)11.nt0ll, on Friday, Mar,.:13. 293h, the wife of Mr. James Hearn, SHEPHERD - In Clinton, on Fri, day, March 29th, Mr, James Shepherd. + - + . :' , PERSONALS. :kt is 'the—de—sire of tit : 4. + C 4, : publishers that all should + • take an interest in, this : • • •column of 'THE NEW :. : ' ERA. If you have friend's : + visiting you, or are go + + . + ot ing away for a trip, leave + Z word or send it on a post + + card.. . 4 • , Mr, Williana Gtbleings, iarho has spent late( ,Wisaterhere visiting his beettlieew and, other friandtal left qta Wednesday, foe luta home in den, Man. Re is likni 13.44. 80th year, and was the Heat white child born int 'title neighborhood. It ts .faow 29 yearsaname he first baoaed west Mr. 'Jas.. Dolg, who has bean, :the eickflast, do recovering. 0)2 Miss Soon Hunkinite of Rultrattis visiting herr tsiet ea, atlas. Angus 31e - Lod. • Ma tetla) 'Taylor of ce.'hna Sk. Thomas, s theme for [the Easter holidays, IVIr. and Mrs. 3. alantltey are 8p:ending) the Easter vacatio(neat Toronto. Mr. (Hartley is also at- tending the ,Olnitario Educational Association Which: tate.sta there. Mrs. Retry, Mohtieth of Powasan is visiting her eidter-inelaw, Mrs. James Ramat:ton, High :street. 1VIrs. MeV.) Diehl of Patisley was visiting her) mother, for a few daYs last :week. Ilea. W. miatehtord sof Con- trallas whet attended the .1Inton Cole -etas Tempera -nee' Corea entiton, was the( guest of Mr. and Mrs-. :C. IlaWleq "during his stay in towur Mr. (W. Murcia of Staattford [was renewing oicl frier/was1:1N in town olk Thursday. Inspector Asquith/ was tin town an Saturday. Miss( jteesia Dodcla is visiting with) aeaatived Blyth. Miss id11ia Doevear is- tate guest of her sister, :Mee. Percy :Cough. Mr. W. Kilbride, spent, the week lead ali Londolot and Straftheoy. Mrs, D. K. Grant 'well be a t Roma abase Manse, Ontario street, oi Tue.sday and Wednesday of lalextt Waal4 land( after that every Friday. Mr..Oliasea fruenbult, of Walton, is here •for the Spring Show, Th e1 friends of !Rey, Pr. Hanlon, bf Lonel'on, None pleased to se aim( in town last week. Mrs. Aisdeeiwa left WedneedaY for Winnipeg where she will make an. :extenders( Visit( with .daughter, 'Mr. Jack, Wier, of the C.C.I. is tpendisig biXhoildsys at home in Weoxteters Mrs. Twiacheillt and islatene Miss MLltoy IsPtenta a f ear days Met week the gaeets1 of Mr. and Mrs: :Emig)), at B13'5th4 , Littaq Mist Fanny Bell Wier, of ,Wroxstater, was, (the guest of ber aunt, Mrs. .T.Taartley, during 'the past !)Veek. ( nr. !Wilbur( Wallas Sett last Fri- day foe the West with -another oar oil horses., Mr, and. Mrs, Lhastat Twitegan oe Edmonton, Who' have beeneattend- lug CAI fenetal et alhe latter's father, Mr. Young,, of Woods.teek, areS.'at preSene vieiting 'at the home of elle' los:merle parenes; Mi.,ant.l. airs. Jane ter a tous40 Obelus return to Edmen- . ,Pbey este -aceompanated by Mrs. iTwitehellW r63slber, wass Mabel Young, ofi iWoodsitock,, who ._ also intends Snaltaisg new home en 'Ed - menton, • array' Briteefield John Snider has lately purchased a SherMck-kanning piano, Mrs. Mustaad has returned from visiting her mother, Mrs, McLaren, of Tiverton. Measrs. Hugh McGregor and John McCowan -shipped a car load of fat cattle to Toronto last week. Andrew Beatty, Westreinistete visit ed at the kerne of his sister, Mrs. Scott last week. Mrs. Little has tettuxned from visit- ing relatives at London. Mrs. George Turner has returned from visiting her parents at Lea,ming- ton. Invitations are issued for the marri- age of Miss Grace Murdock, of Stan. ley, to Mr. McNeil, of St. Thomas, to take place on April Dth. Mr. Wm. Aikenhead was on the Jury in Goderich host week. Mr. Wm. Scott was also at court es a witness. Mr Elcoat has gone to Alberta where he has a farm. The death of Rev, T. 0 Torripson of which was announced litst week was the first minister of the Union Presby- terian Church of our village. He was inducted 31 years ago, There is at pre- sent hut three charter members living, Mr. John Kitchee, Mr, Simon Mc- Kenzie and John Aikenhead, Mr. Thompson was ordained about 40 years ago at Duff's Church, McKillop by the late Rev. John Ross, of Bruce - field. After levying 13rucefield he went to British Columbia, where he remained some years There are still many in our neighborhood who learn. ed with sorrow of his sudden death, lie leaves besides his widow one son John Ross Thompson who is now a young man. neadzic b ei Cured. 51ihoe3. 'per cont. of headocho, or, caosed iroporfvci oYcs. ' NVe. can pormonentlY cure such hoaclaches with &asse,. tf wo will )' fund Yola, te.caw.dv. • — )/ • -------- • Grgg , •• i Jeweler and Optician Issuer lit Marriage Licenses Notiee to Creditors In the twitter of the estate of Bar. Philips, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County oflIttron, spinster, deceased. Notice la hereby giV'en, nutsUant 50 Sec. 55, of the Trustee Act that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said Lacy mrldfire deeeeeert, who died on or about 5I5 8111 day of December 1911, are required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the under- signed solialtor,for J, C-ibbingsAdministratoroS , or be[ore the 50553 day of Apr,1912,thei5 Ctbrie. tian and surnameS and addresses, with full par- ticulars. in writing, of their claims, and state. meat of their accounts and the uature of the soonrities fif any) hold by them, duly vericed by statutory declaration. And ifthe notice that after the sold 2051t day of April, 1919, the said Administ, ator will )So - 5555 50 distribute the assetsof the said deceased emntig the parties entitled thereto, lawhis re. dud only to the claims of which fixer than miaow° nonce, an l that the said Adminiqtra- tor will not be liable for the said assets, or any pert thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not then havebeen received by them or their Solicitor at the time of snob distribution, Dated at Dliaba hae let day of Apri1,1912 W, B11ZDo$i, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Administrator A. bouncing baby boy arrived at the home of Mr, G, W. Proctor this week. The service next Sabbath morning being Easter there wilt he suitable music rendered and in the evening there will be a cantata given. ale Sohn Cantalon of this village rooved to Clinton un Tuesday Homer being still engaged by Mr, N. W, Trc- wartha in the egg business. Clioton being more Central for bis share of work. The meeting that was to be held Tuesday eveniag was bold Monday evening fb the Episcopal °hunch. A fine address was given hy Rev. Mr. Hannah of the Lord's Day Alliance. There was a fair attendance. Council -All members present Two Commissioners of the Colbovne Muni- cipal Telephone Sysrem were present with agreements for a reciprocal ex- change of businese between the tele- phone systems of Colborne and Gotle- rich Township. After clue considera- tion and discussion it was decided to leave the matter over until the ad- journed meeting. A petition notify- ing the Council to have the road made four rode wide between Lot Part 25, Con, 7 and Lots 24 and 25, Con 8, was presented. The Council appointed the Reeve to obtait) legal advice bow to proceed from the Township Solicitor and report at the May meeting. Coun- cil adjourned Le meet Friday, April 5113, at 2 o'clock, N. W. Trewartha Clerk Brussels Mr. J. M. Tierney and family left for Guelp13 Maley, Mr. Kerney for- merly had the Canadian Express agency here. While in Guelph Mr. hammy will work in the interests of tbe London Life Insurance Company. M-, George Muldoon has strayed home from the West-, having solt1 his car of horses. He reports that the horsemen are having considerable loss owing to their horses being afflicted with the glanders. The Americir,n horses seem to suffer more than the Canadien, Godcrich To wnshin Mr. Walter Bathwell has returned again to the West to- look after his fw11,117..Frarik Whitmore has hired with Mr. John Johnson, at Brucefield for the Summer. Mr. 3. Marshall had a wood bsca Jot Week. Mr. John Thompson, assessoe for the Township is on his rounds agair, Wrn. l'erdue delivered a fine te sm of horses to a perty hi Brucefield last week, aud Wan sold a two year old colt to Mr, Leslie Cox, at a good figure. Dullett Me Charles flutton, of Gooderich, spent last week under the patent& roof. Miss Lon Cartright is spending a week at the home of James Cartright. Mr William !desk went to Toronto on Saturday to visit' his mother and his brother Mr, George Hesk. ' Miss Rose Weymouth is on the sick list at preserit, Scheol is closed this week in S S No. 5 owing to the illness of the teacher. Mrs Humphrey Snell visited ler, sister Mrs Henderson, of Set:aortal. • Miss Susan Hunkings is visiting at her sisters, Mrs McLeod, of Clinton Mr Sam Appleby has engaged for the Summer months with Mr 'James Dale. The %any fronds olf ex -Reeve 03i/11110453 ' %barn - ship, Will be a unit in their exprosa sten of magma coupled ;with warm sympathy toward him( in the aere thus accadlent 'that befell Kim, as a r,esullit f whterit 1 eillUerfeCA ttGlie loss of hie telt hand. laVe trust' the serious :shock wIll not impair his elanesed health and that he 'wilt soon hatable "to get about as of old and attend to his latanerons Public duties, -'"'"'"'"""'"""'"'"'""'"--"*'---"-"-- .1104M" -"7..".""" -.."''•••••••••7"-"*"................................____ _ ..*:.--""------ Assoms...“•••• Iloxamounkasnowlt rlieiviiet..edni.iere and are settled ill their oof' '-'"'''''......'"..../on•SOINIMIIMPIIIIIr tage, being tbe first visitors of the areasissestaisaaareatespaseassuereasant • Dan Cupid continues exceedingly Church choir to such , an extent that the choir now wavers in a sickly con- . busy shooting up the Presbyterian Special Value fl RUgS dition end is likely to be anialated un -1 less the Dove of Peace puts in an early mb to Cupids unereing aito is Miss appearance. The -latest victim to sue. cuand Linoleurns 'for April Laura Richardson the most popular soloist of the community and whose singing was eyer the support of the mamma, Church entertainments and which though it is I inishecltn the happy way I will be greatly missed in the future. We M4350553 to think that Miss Laura's story is here •ended even of all story books. ' The gentleman contractor, Mr, Duncan is little known around here but we trust the Varna correspondent will bring him our bur- dened with qualifications for the oecasion and we wish the happy couple every success in their new home in the Wet, s 000•0000000000000900 • • • WITH Tflta CHURCHES. • •0000800e100006000000 WILLIS CHURCH, The Services on Sunday next i Presbyterian Church will be ap nate Reefer and will 120 cloub largely ettended. The choir make a special , effort to meet occasion. Amongst other sir numbers, the . "Gloria In Rao from the Twelfth Mass of moaart be given. SALVATION ARMY. Special Esatee services will be at the Citadel on Easter Sunday. WESLEY CHURCH' Rev. .T. E. Ford preached Hoi vine Sunday morning, n the prop. t be will the ecia,1 lsis" will held mess Last Sunday morning Rev. 0, R. Miller, of Berlin, preached in this Church, in aid of the Children's Aid Society. of Huron (Jo. He preached a very interesting sertnon. There will be.special Easter servi next Sunday. The Pastor will pree oth morning and evening. Tka sub• ject in the morning will be "The five- fold catastrophe of theDeath of Christ uncrowned by the Resurrection. In the evening the subject will be "A Programme of Great Things." ces ch There will be • service in St. Paul'on s t3ood Friday at 10 80 ea to, and 8 p, tn. The Rev. Jas. Ford '03 Wesley Methodist Church will read the less- ons at the morning service, Never before has our showing of Rugs Ind Lino- leums been as large or attractive as they are this seasoii and never has our values been greater. At present we are Showing a beruutiful assortment of Squares in Tapestry, Velvet and Brussels, and our prices on these, you will find, are away below what are usually asked for these goods Come and let us show yoo these goods and quote you our prices. See our New Lace Curtains Prices from 25c 'to $5.00 per pair. azumeammclumetim.gommummazemeemainzezmn.,,,,,-„2,maza Pit; st ei s. SMALL PROFITS ; MORE BUSINESS eaSESIUNIZIME=29:11WerwMa•nnlabninnmzziR31422, Baster Hymns and Carols. The (Their will be still:ably decorated iith plants and flowers and the choir will render special music at both ser- vices. All are cordially welcome espee- oiallitlyirethhohseomweho have no particular Good Friday Services ST. PAI7L/3-CHU130II. tster is the Day of Days to the Christian. 11 58 the greatest fes15v01 ot the Oburch. In consequence tbe services in St. Paul's Claurch on Sun- day next will partake of a festival character and will be as follows :- Holy 0011111311121011 at8.30 a, in. Meriting Prayer and lioly Commun- ion at 11 00 a. 151.' Processional Hymn 171- "Welcome Happy Morning." Easter ()leant. ....... . .Hrtruphries Te D. um., .. .. . ... %Woodward Jubilate ..... .... 'then Ilytnn 157 --"Jesus Christ is risen today." Flyenn 102 -."Lights glittering morn bedecks the sky. Sermon by the Rector 2 Tim 1-10 Offertory Anthem -"They have takea away my Lord", Stainer, Renessional Hymn 109-"Alletnie, Hearts toHeaven and voices raise." Evening Prayer at 7,00 p. Processional Etyain 103 --"At [ho Lamb's High ll'eatst we sing." Alegnificat Btxrnetts Nunc Dimittis Katz Hymn lea -"The Strife is o'er, the battles done." Hymn 692- "On the Resurrection Morning" Sermon -Rev -22- 13. Wire Fencing, _— IA osclieti (tin introduce the Tuslig Lock 'Freed Wire Fencan,g I will sell It during the Morath of April at 26c a :rod. Thisl 15 53 new Fencing aad I especiallaCaeeommend at. At this loar prigs ,muslt 01 couare be cash. .WM. STA.NLEYS A.gentrTmout Wire FenclIng. r Do Von Want any Repairs? Now' is Ith.0 time to have your farm SinplementK put in shape. Any beoken' pants! ean be replaced by us, by lotting ns knoar. The snob - ter fthet ,hatter. All repairs Nall ' be sad at reasonable/places. J. B. MILLER, Clinton, ivitTher u1 -and, McCormick agent 10(tr Sale. -Good „general purpose Mare for see S a good/ thia'd horse foe any f amide tw,eigleff about 1250. Apply rut thq old Miller stand. . 3, 131 MILLER, Clinton) McCoomick Agency Ilay for Sale 03 hay. Rs E5310. About 5 Anthem -"Christ our Passover is or 6itone and will betsold reasloine sacrificed for us" -Schilling. abae. Wm. Bedour, 310-1niesvsli, 05 Recessional Hymn 27 -"The Day "'Phone 12 ori 148. Thou g'avest, Lord is ended." --- in the aftertioon at 3 o'clock there will be a Children's Service when the Rector will give a short address to the little folk, At this setvice the child- ren and members of the Sunday Scheel will present thew Missions' boxes. A childrens choir will lead in singing Wanted. 1000 Spring Muskrat skins 'want- ed. at 600: ;each. H. A. HOVEY, Clinton. Wanted Needlework wanted, plain oz .athlarwise, NEW ERA OFFICE, canton Easter Holiday Rates. single fare for round trip afininne um ehaage twenty-ftVe cents be,-; jiAveen aH stationa in Cantscla.Good' going .A.pril 4,5, 6, 7, and 815. Ree turn limit April 3.0th, 1912. lionteseckers Excursions to Western Canada, via Chicago April and, lath; and 301:11, aad ev- ery second Tuesday: thereafter un-, tal Sept. 17th: inclusive, Winnipeg .and ratunot $34.00. Edmonton and eetursa $42.00. Tickets good for 60 days. Excie portionate rates to otherl points, ia Manitoba, Saskatchewan nci, Alber- ta. Tickets will also be on sale QUI certain dates via Sarnia nd North- ern Navigation Company. Low Rates to Pacific, Coast. Tickets ,on pale daily until April 16th. SETTLERS ,ONE WAY TICKETS To 1Vfanitoba, SaeltatelteNvan nd Alberta, on sale every, Tuesday in March, and April, WHEN GOING TO Buffalo, NeW, York, Philadelphia Montreal trave v1 Gralnd TrUnk Railway System the only double track route. Foe full particulars and tickets call On 05 JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Agents A. O. PATTISON. depot agent A.M. Duff, district passenger agent Toronto, Oat. 0.••••••••000e00•000000e0000606000•9•••••••••••messeeamsezesene000000000000006 • • o , 0' • • • ▪ a • 0 • • • • • •• • 0 • • • • • Entire 199OOO Stitck to be Sol As we are going !z_lat--of business in Seaforth and going West, we are putting on at once a big sale of our splendid stock. of Hardware, •Graniteware, Tinware, Paints. Fencing, Stoves, Etc. This will afford every one an opportunity such as has never been seen in Seaforth to purchase Hardware at sacrifice prices. In many lines cost is no consideration, They must go. Wemean business. Conic and Save Money. . Buy tor Fulure USe Woven Wire Fencing and Poultry Netting Spades, Shovels and Garden Tools, White Lead and Linseed Oil Sherwin -William Paints, Glass and Putty , Washing Machines, Wringers, Galvanized Tubs Stoves and Ranges, Carpenter's Tools and all 'Shelf Hardware A splendid line of Hand -made Pails a.ud Wash Boilers Graniteware and Galvanized Iron ware Horse Clippers, Manilla lope, Wire and Nails Everything Reduced for a Quick, Sharp Sale L. eI4J3SNIEW Successor to Chesney & Archibald Hayfield SETIFORTH • • A special service of song will b given in St Andrews on Sunday next. Mrs. Atkinson arid family have ar- Leasaiestess0000000001000$00011110001/001111100•11110•000000•0111011100001110000•01110•000111000000•01 aw 15 85 • no o , • a • • ' • • • • • 15 • e • • • • • • • 0 •