HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-04, Page 3. ,
The ollairneen of the/ various
anueicipalities were 'elected' as foie.
'1Godexliele-11. 3. MgGartv,
.0linton-Dr, Thompson,
Wingh,am-Dr. Irwin.
Seafgailth-J. R. Govientock.
dr. Smith.
Hayfield -Rev. 3. Melnarla.n.e,
Blyth -3. Moody. •
Brues,ele-Riev. F. J. Oaiten,
•Exeter -3.11. McCailinian
;Wroxeiter-Rev. Mr. Collis.
A shfield-W. R. Reid.
Oolborne-John Dusts),
Gociarech Twp, --Mr.
Grey -J. E. Strachan.
Heinelt-W. Walton.
lEfulleitt-R. I. 'Ping/lend.
licKillop-R. Saar/lett.
Morris -Rev. Mr, Ferguson,
Stanley --Thos,
Stepheta-Geo. Downs.
Tuckersmiith-I. D. Gemmed.
Tomb erity-W. Hi Cruickshank.
But WaWanoish-Jos, Kerr.
West Wawano,s33.-W.13aiitY.
Among ,he delegatesWeie
Rev, T. W. "Talatchford/ Centralia,
Rev, B.A. Pear Blyth.
3.3. 'Calevell, .Cederich.
Rev, Dr. ,Onion, 13rusee1e.
R. Scarlett, Winthrop.
Rev. A. W. Barker, Seaforth,
A. D. Somerville, Winithrope.
Rev. Nell Shama Egnaoudville.
3.D, Menem eil, Egmo,ndville.
Henry A. Horton; Danlop;
• M. W. Howell, ,Goderich.
Alfred B. Carr, Blyth.
Frank O'Brien, Chisellinest.
Rev. E. G. Powell, Exeter,
Rev, Robezt Hicks, Crediton.
Rev. 3.11. 3. Millyard, Hensel'.
A. E, Lloyd, Wingbam. '
Rev. 3.11. Osterhout, Londe,sboro,
D. D. Wilson, Seaforth.
F. Buchanan, Weaglaare.
Rev. 3.E. Ford, Clinton.
Rev. S. Greene,
Rev. T. W, Cosens,
A, T. Cooper.
Dr. Thompson.
11.3. Miller.
Jos. Siteve,ns.
D. Tiplady.
J. Crooks.
She had suffered with rheumat-
,isin for years and the constant pain
had .kept hen in ,constant agony.
the least damp affected her, Many
an old person has bowl .oured by
Rheum° and when( all elsefailed
Rheum° strengthen,s. and, builds tif
the whole (system, it purifies an
-enriches the blood so that the most
enfeebled .cleculation is (made
strong. Rheum° is am great and.
so 'sure areniedy, that J. E.Hovey
sells it with a guarantee to give
entire setisfactian or money back.
A month's treatmend, • only oasts
$1.00 sold byi J.E.Hovey Or dirout
all chaege prepaid; from B. V. Mar-
ion, Bridgeburg, Ont.
1110147 THEY LOOK AT TT.
The' London Advertiser sunernar-
izes opinion caMr. licieveRP,s :tem-
perance policy 'as falaingannito Lour
1, ,Opposetlo,n through motives of
seltiereste This ,elas.si is not
restrieded to pareone dtirectly .en-
gaged In the manufacture and sale
of liquor. There are other trades
.whieh profit by the bus/nese of the
barroom, and ;there( are large fin-
a,ncial intexesta ennertwined with
ithe liquor traffic,
2. Advocates of total prohibition
who look askance at anything that
falls short.( olf it.
3. 'Conservatives ,who, !though
prolesaIng to favor the; temper-
ance cauriee Mold at Mr. Rowell
policy through par Lisad epectaelee
pretend to s,ea only, •a p,ollticai
4. Men of all partieet avho would
,welcornie thel, abolition nf the bar
as a green ancl( prelatical neep,smie
for the reduction etif,the ovals of
the liquor, (traffic" and Who there-
fore Weilcom,s lite advocacy by any
via,blie Man.
( "The last glass.," Stays the, Adver-
tiser ",00napreeesi the; majoxity of
the. People of the province, arid the
maIcuitY Of Ithel vinitc. Not L
the lifielongVonservative,e among t
thein, or even thei majority, wall I
leave their party: on this dame, but P
there, ars( t1ousand,s1 electoxa in
, this province, evad !they are a grotv-
number, whol are inet ti.ad to
party, and whol look on the tem-
perance questionas thai Moat Pie b
portant .one ilaPanVincla Polities. W
Many of them have, for sorm,e years
not been, t °evinced( that the dif-
ferienee betavieen the .two parties 1
was ;substantial, .and they wane m
even inellnedl to ouispeet the good o
faith of tithe Literal leader in the
Teat ejection,. :They lard aininority
lust now, and will be for yews et ft
come, but Liberalism, to ,tr,ue to
ate traditions,/ muati appeal toethe
e'en:emit lwileaCti is attracted by a fl
moral %sue in polities,. :TrueLib- a
exalts ask only this of thanLeaders
and do not demand' that they. find
° (the shortest nut to office."
"Oh How 1 Itched!
What long. nerve-racking days of
eametant torture -what ;sleepless
nights of terrible agony -itch -itch
Itch, constant retch„ until it;scelned
that Iinusti 'teed all my very ekin
Instant relief -my. iskiee cooled
soothed and healedre.
The very, 'firstr drops of D. D. D.
Prescription for Eczema ;stopped
that awful itch 'instantly : yea, the
very moment D. D. D. touched the
buening skim, the torture :ceased."
D. D. D. has been kno win: for yeaes,
as ItheE,onlyl Pal/able,
eczema remedy,- for at washes away
the disease( germ ai and leaves the
skin as dear. and hlenOtilY anithat
uf a child.
I If you will come to our store. we
have had( thiei agency for this re-
inedya for. so many .year,s, that we
ean tell you all about Le D. D.
eripition and haw it cures le czeina.
Or you can get a free trial bottle
by iwriting, .D. D. D. Laboratories,
.49 Colborne St, fliosonto, S.R.
Hoilm,es, Druggist.
Exp,cr tit en S W1h FaI111!who conduets tlieu lexpexinaent
The members ()lithe Ontario Ag-
ricultural and Experimental Union
are pieased, to ,state that for 1912
they ape prepared to distribute in-
to every Townehip of Ontario atm.:c-
ella/ of hIgla quality for ;experi-
ments wIth grains, fodder crops,
roots, grasses ,and clovers, as
follows :
No. 1-Teeting three varieties of
Oats. 3 Plots.
No, 2a--Tesiting 0.A. C, No. 21
Barley and Emmen 2 Plots.
No. 21e -Testing ;two varieties of
two -rowed 13aeley.. 2 Plots.
. No. 3-Teslingt ;level vawaette,s of
HUllnes,s Barley. 2 Plots.
4 --Testing two varieties of
Spring 'wheat, 2 'Plots.
No. 6 -eating two' vareetlea of
Buckwheat. 2 Plots,
-No. 6 -.Testing ,two varieties of
Field Peas, 2 Plots,
No. 7 -Testing tWo varieties o
Spring Rye. 2 Plots.
No. 8-Tesiting itevoi varieties o
Soy, Soja, 0r Japanese Beans.
No, 9-Tesiting three varieties 0
Iluskieg Coen. 3 Plots.
No. 10 -Besting „three varieties of
Mongols. 3 Plots. '
No. 11 -Testing two: varieties of
Sugar Beets for feeding purposes..
2 Plats. •
No. 12 --Testing J-hree varieties of
Swedish Tornips. 3 Plots,
No. 13-Testingt itwol varieties of
Pall Turnips. 2 Plata,
No. 14 -Testing bedvarieties of
Carrots. 2 Plats.
No. 15 -Testing tihree varieties of
Fodder and Silage Corn, 3 Plots, '
" No. 16--Ilesting „three varieties Of
Millet. 3 Plots.
No. 17 -Testing two; vatiolice of
Sorghum. 2 Plots.
No. 18 -Testing Gras d Peas and
two varieties of Vetches. 3 Plots'.
No, 19 -Testing Rape, Kal,e and
Field Cabbage, . 3 Plots.
No, 20-Testifig three varieties of
Clever. 3 Plots.
No. 21-Testingt twovaefietie,s .of
Alfalfa. (Limernea 2 Plots.
No. 22 -Testing four varieties of
.Gras,ses„ 4 Pleb%
Na, 23-Test9ng.theee varieties of
Field Eleians. 3 Plots.
No. 24-T.esting j1iiee varieties of
Sweet Coro. 3 Plots,
No. 28a-Tesiting "Live Varieties of
Early Potatoes. 2 Plots,
No. 28b -Testing two varieties of
Medium Ripening Potatoes 2 Plots.
acli person applying fox anex-
periment should. write Ida name
and addreasl very carefully and
eliceild give the name of theCounty
in ,whIeli helixes.
C, A. Zavitz,
Ontario Agrie: College,
Guelph, March, 1912,
A Good Medicine For The
- -
Do Not Use. Hare.h. Purgaityese-
A Tonic' is all" You Need.
Not exactly sick -but not feeling
quite well. Than is the way most
PeoPle feel in speen.g. Easily tired,
appetite fickle, sornetirneel head-
aches, and' a feeling of depres-
sion, Pimple,s or eruptions. may an -
pear on the skin/ or there raay be
twInges of rheumatism or neural-,
gva. Any of theses Incheatei that
the bloodl is out of order -that tire
Indoor life( of ,wanitlen has left its
meek upon you and may .easily dee'
2 velope into more serions trouble.
I Do not dose youneelf with purge -
f 1 tives, as so IrtanY, Peopledo, in the
, hope that yon can put y,our blood
No, 28e -Testing few° varieties of
ate, Potatoes. 2 Plots.
Na, 29 -Testing nfree grain Mix -
in es for Grain production, 3
No. 30- 71'esting three grain mix-
tiees for Fodder pc ,alletiOn. 3
Beni plot is to be two rods leng
ane ro wide, except No. 28,
hich Seto be one rod isquare.
Any peeson in .Pidtarlo may ,ahnoee
ny DNE of the experiments fox
912 and apply for the Same. The
aterial leen' be furnished in the
xcler in which the applications are
ecelVed While the eupply lasts'. It
ight bereell for each applicant to
eke a Second choicefor fear the
mist ;caudal nolt be ,granted. All
aterial %II 'FPO, iu1,14131110,4 Ogitite:1171
TO, oincharg,e to eachapplicant,
nci the produce( will, of eternise,
eeohne, /the peoperty lof the peeson
Av..% a die.S' CAMLOGUE
St. Thonuis,Ont
right, Purgatives gallop through
the system a,nd weaken instead of
giving strength. Any clo;ctor wili
:tell you, this; is true. What yon
need in spring( deal Itancie that will
make newt blood and build upithe
nerves'. Dr, William's Pink Pills is
the only medicine that eon do this
speedily, safely and enrely. Every
close of this( naiediclne makes neni
blood whiela cleave' the akin,
strengthens the appetite and makes
tired, depressed men, 'women and
children bright, active and strong.'
Mrs. 'Viand° Mag. g, Lemberg, Sask., '
says : "1 .can unhesitatingly wecom-
mend Dr. William's Pink Pills ae.a
blood builder, and itonee. I was
very Much run down, when I began
using the paisand a few boXe2
fully restored ray health."
Sold by all Medicine, dealers by
mail at 50 mote a bow oireix- boeties
for $2,50 fromThe Dr. ',William's
Medicine Do., Brockville, Ont. -
reisagree an Sugar Case,
Now York, April 1. -The jury in the
ease of J'ohn E. Parsons, Washington
B. Thomas, George IL Frasier and
Arthur Donner, charged with violat-
ing the ctiminal clause of the Sher-
man anti-trust law while directors af
the American Sugar Refining Co.,
reported a disagreement yesterday
morning. The defendants were charg-
ed with conspiracy in reetraint of
teade th closing the Pennsylvania Su-
gar Refining Co. plant.
The jurors were out from noon Sat-
urday. It was reported that they
stood eight to four for accjuit.tal, but
one juror, who said he favored ac-
quittal, stated that he was in the min-
Five Hundred More For Alberta.
Edmonton, Mts., 1,--:Spaeial
trains, run by the Immigration De-
partment of the Province of Alberta
nextrweek, will bring live hundred
homeseekers„ some from eastern (Jae-
ada and the United States. They
will leave Montreal April 2, via, To-
ronto, Chicago and St Paul to Ed-
monton and 'Calgary, '
H BAciA-TO==THE-LA-No-or-L-ivi No e -
. .
• - - . _ • – of
Dr,uggiet, I Clinton
Having two pounds of butter in the
house simultaneously.
Getting a folder from a steamship
company for a round-the•world
„Haying two sets of pearl shirt ettads
al) in working order. '
Getting a "spring opening" card
from high -t oiled
Haring a friend ask us What kind
of a car we are going to drive this
flaying an agent try to sell us a silk
hat polisher.
Electric Restorer for Palen
van anc---T7itZl7P11°sPh°n°114esel:tiaeie°.vgeedrYrecntiyarsavrgrclin;atlrlhee.febTcTeai
weakness averted at once. Phoephonol wiil
maim you a new men. Price 585 box, or two for
$8. Mailed to any address. The Ste:melt Drug
go., at, CatharIneN Ont.
The motorists were in favor in the
Legislature last Thursday afternoon.
When the Motoi Vehicles Act went
to committee it was attended to allow
a higher speed maximum, and after it
goes into effect motorists will be able
to run their -machines at fifteen miles
an hour in cities, towns and villiages,
and twenty miles an hour on the
rural roads. The provincial secretary
described the present speed limit as an
absurdity since it was Seldom it ever
quickly atone coudhs, cures colds, heals
the throat aud lauds • • 25 cents.
As a result of five year's experi.
ments at the 0. A- 0. it has oeeii
found that the most effective treat-
ment tor the prevention of smut, in
either oats or wheat, is found from
immersing the seed, in a solution
made by adding one pint of formaliu
to 42 gallons of water. The grain is
immersed in ibis foe a .period of
ttventy minutes, The gram should,
however, be sown as soon after im-
mersion as possible as if it is left out
of the ground too long :quip immere-
ion there is danger at the vitality of
the seed being redueed.
Children Cry
The tides are caused by the' sun
drawing the water out and the moon
drawing it in again.
A circle is line which meete its
other end without ending.
An angle is a triangle with only two
Sae -Andrew is the patent saint of
Scotland. The patent saint of Eng,
and is Unica] jack,
An old soldiers is called a vegetarian
A centipede is a Erench measure of
The Home Office is where Home
Rule is made
A bishop without a diocese is called
a suffragist.
In the houses of the poor Me drains
are in a fearful state and quite unfit
for human Inibitation,
Children Cry
Undershirts that will not roll up
under the sleeve.
Collar buttons that will not roll
under the bureau.
Salad forks that will not leak and
mess up the neck, tie,
Fountain pen that will not get
more ink on the fingers than on the
White vest that will uot make a
man /oak ' like a bartender in die
Suspender bubton that will not aline
off laming a waltz,
Braes collar button that will not
discolor the neck. -
Nose glasses that will nob fall off
into die ecam.
Pelee teeth, that will not' stick in
molaeses candy,
Via Chicago, including, all points
on Grand Trunk! Pacific Railway,
April 2nd, lath/ ,ancl. 3011x; May llth
and 28ith; Ilene leth and 25th ; July
9th and 23rd; August 6th and 20th ;
Sept. 3rd and 17th.. Winnipeg and
return $34; Edmonton eked return
$12.00. Tickets good for 60 days.
Propontionate rates 'to principal
points In Manitoba, Saisleatcheevaina
and Alberta. Homeseekens 'excur-
sion tickets ,also beonsale on
certain dotes vie, Sarnia nd North-
ern Navigation CornpanY.
parteculars, tickets and illuetrated
literature froen any Grand Munk
agent ox Write A.S. Deft district
passenger agent, Toronto, Ont.
We call the attention of all news-
paper readers in this town and district
to the fact that we have made special
errangentents with The Weekly
Mail and Empire, of Toronto, to corn -
bine with our paper at a popular bar.
gain pie% Vele here offer The
Weekly Mail and Empire and The IsleW
Ere the two together, for one year at
the nominal rate of 41,55 to inelnde
free a large portrait of the Right Ben.
R L. Borden, 18 x 24 inches, which will
be sent postpaid to every subscriber
who takes advantage of the proposi-
tion. Now here is a chance to obtain
-the two naost usefal newspapers to
readers in our commonalty, and we
state this advisedly, for The Weekly
Mail and Empire u3 conceded to be the
greatest home and fireside paper
published in the Dominion, while ours.
covering as it does all the local news,
aud acivoce,ting the best interests of
is important district, will best serve
1 residents vvithin the horizon of eur
reulation. Sencl all orders M office
The 'slew Era.
British olum
Peeanier Richard McBridei wham
the people of Brielele Columbia re-
turned to pperer Thursday/ woe
born in Neen'''Westnailesitier, B, 0. De-
cember 15,1870, theson of the 'late
Arithui $1.1elcBride, ;wander( of the
provincial.penatenitiary.. He was
'educated for the. laW, and was Calln
ed to the ban in 1892, and suceles,se
fully pranticed in Victoria. Ho Was
defeated in hid first candidature, -
2 or the. House 02 Commons -4n1096,
when helves, in hin 20t3 year; but
was eiedtecli to the Legislature in
in 1898, Int 1901 he.was appointed
nainiater of mines; alacT ,wheu his'
patty was defeated( the next year
becam9 Opiate:Edition loader, In 1903
he lee the Conserva,teves to vie -
tory, and became, when leas than
33 years of age„ premier of has
native peovine,e. He has been, re-
turned at ;each, succeeding electioin.
He is a. greet) admirer of athletic
Correated returns in the( Bitish
Columbia electione :show that Par-
ker Williams, 'Socialiet, won by 9
votes, against 11.B, Merl in New-
castle. Jack Place, Socialist, 'wee
eleeted in, Nanaimo. The House
will, therefore, consist of these two
Socialists and forty Conseevatitesi
Pollowing /lee gesultt,F) coxrated to
date -
'Alberni -T. 0.0. W,00d/ ace',
Aitlin-llon. 11.E. Young. acel.
Caribeo -I. A. Praser and Dr. H.
Callaghan, 'about 100 majority emb
Chilliwack-S.A. Cannley, accl.
Columbia -Parsons and Forster,
both Conservativiee, mulling neck -
and -neck; several places to hear
iroan. I
Coenox-IM. Manson, majority 22
Caw:khan-Hayward, inajonty 23
'Cranbrook-Thos. Caven, ace!,
Delta -Prank McKenzie,
Denaln,ey-W,,T. Manson,
Esquimault-R, H. Pooley, Can
servative, 208; 11. D. Heltneken, CO
servative, 188, John Jardine, Iini
Conservative, 96; lel, B. Jacke,on
Liberal, 156 G. Oliver/ Socialist, 2
Feenie-Hon, W, 11 Ross
Greenwood-Iackson, inajorlity260
Grand Foxlcs-E. Miller, acct.
Is1an0s--11o.n. A. ID. McPhillipt,.
Kasio-H.P, McKay, acel,
Kamloops -3. P. Shaw
. son -J.11. McLean.
Nainaimo-jack Place, Socialist
Newcastle -P, Williams, Socialist
New Westrainster-T, Gifford(
Okanagan -Price
Reyellstoke-T, Taylor; accl.
Ilichraond-Han. lin Cartes Cot-
ton ace"'
Rosslancl-L. A. Carnpbell,
Saanich-D, Eberts,
Similltatneen-L, W, $hatford, ago'
Skeena-W. Manson,
Slocan-W. Hunter.
Yale -A, Limas
Yinie-3,11. Schofield
Vanco,uver-lion, 3. W. Bower 5,-
109; A. 13. MaeGoevan! 0,027; G. A.
Maguane. 5,019; 21.11. Watson 5,001 ;
I.E. Tisdale! 5,067.
Vet:tom-Hon. R. McBride 3288;
If.13, Thomps,on 2547; Fred Davey
2375; H.P. Bebosail 2309.
Collapsed In Hospital.
Toronto, April 1, -After an Hitless
of several weeks Mrs. Jinannna Mur-
phy, aged 70 yeare of 87 Wrig eta
nue,: left her cot in St, Michas Hos,
pital with -the intention of ettenclieg
early morning mass yesterday, but
she had only walked 1100' steps :dome
the hospital corridor when she eel,
lapsed to, the floor. She died witine
.a few momenta, The Initly was re-
moved to her home.
Is the way Miss Alta Abel of West
Baden, Ind., summed up heri existence
after having sought' in vain fee health,
She writes: "I` was a anniplete wreck
---always tired, worn out and nervous.
I had to spend about onethircl of my
time in bed. "
"Vine', your delicious cod liver ancl
Iron tonic, was recommended, and r
can truly say it has done me more
good than all the medicine! ever took
In my i life, That nervous and tired
feeling is all gond. / have gained In
health, flesh and strength, until I feel
like another person." (We g-uarantee
Ibis testimonial to be genuine)
What Vinel did for Miss Abel, Wei
Ineow it will do for, every iteryrnme
rtinedown, overwerkedrtired, thin and
discouraged woman in this vteinity.
Try a bottle of 'Vino' with the
derstanding that your money will I3d,
returned 12 it Iona not bell) u.
Sold and guaranteed in aillann by -
W. S.. 11. Roiraes.
Dandruff Goes
Ititieliest Dandruff Cure ',World
:has Rvernown..
• , ,
If you event to get eld Ape damie
Tuff in theehoriteee peeleible • time
get abatt! f Pa:Llama, Sage to-
day' andl, wee( it.
Besides, bank:tiling ,clanicleuff and
making your scalp Inintraicalla(teer
elean P,arialime Sage is guarieleteed
to stop fanning hair :and itching
snalpeand imparit life 'and beauty
'to the hole.
One of Roeheisteins most pronain-?
met barbers .weite,s.
Genineeman ; "Lam a barber. of fif-
teen yews experience„ have nee,d
many lthings' fon bale, but inovfel
Lound anythilngi equal) to :Parisian
Sage f or removing cla.ndruff. It is
aloo aispleudid theirl dnessling and'
quickly stops itching .s.ealp. I have
used it fox the lest three years:,
T. 3). Smith, Chambea, of Commeree
Badg.,. Rochester, N June 27, 1911.
P.ansian Sage is sold by W. 8.11,
Holmes and druggists leverywhere
for 50 cents.
!kW fine at would bell a scam of
Public Schools ,would go in Inc
school gaedens, ale year. The
Government will Make{ a 'grant to
the work if the instroctions, aelaid
clown by the Department of Educa-
tion, are followed. Such- a plan
(might open the way too. broaden-
ing of the Agricultural idea in con-
nection twith the school course. Wie,
notice the Kent Bridge Farmers'
Club axe onfering a prize of $10 for
the best School Garden and this
Women's Instittete: ,a,ra giving a
prize foi, ithe•best kept lawn inl con-.
nection with a faerd home. This
actio;n is assuredly along pradtioal
lines and m1ghl be .copied wiht
good effect by Huron County,
Terrible Result of
Blood Poison
After 'Um& operations Mat Buie
was Tried aud Proved Success-
If PeOPl'ek" would ,onla' use Zara -
Brae, fox chronic sores, blood -poise
on, etc., before permitting anopex-
anon, scores of Limbs, would be eeav-
Mr, Robt, Pattersool of North
Pelham, ,Wielland Co., Ont., writes:
"My daughte4, Annie/ had • blood -
poison alt her( fingee. The doctor
operated twice an the finger, but
id no obtain the cleeteed
and ,a,thita operation was c,olnield-
ered neces,sary.
Three doctors were present at
this operations bull after It had
been performed the wound did not
heel. Try as we itsvould( we wield
not gel anythilag to clam the
We idlest tried Zana-Buk, and it
Was really wonderful to watclt how
this balm healed the wound Each
day there Vas a marked Improve-
ment First the Wound'in !the
paim 02 Usa hand closed, and then
the finger, ,which had been bad so
°bag began to heal. The diseased
flesh (teemed: Ito rise out of the
wound and then, drop off, and tem'
healthy flesh 'formed' from Ina aw,
pushing oft( ther diseased tissue:
In a short( time the, wound was
Completely healed, Had ,we
pliccl Zanss-BukJ at hesl we might
have saved( the finger.
We hocij another, proof of Zam-
Bule's power in the ease, of my eon
When itIvio yews old he had ' his
land badly mangled. .01:110 finger
hall to be , amputated( and Melt
a miming( sore far seine months.
This wound, 'also, was tinally
heaaed by Zane-Bult."
For oltranic sores, blood -poison
ulcer% anseeesee, scalp sore, pinis.
eruptions, inflanee1. patehe,s, ecze-
ma, .cuits/ burns, bruises, and all
skin injuries and dieteases Zeal -Bak
is without equal. 50c. box alli drug -
elate and ',sitoees, or post fneie, Atom
Zam-Bult Co. Toronto, for price
Have youtreedi Zam-Bult Soap? a5e.
• cr
ireettAir so)14, 0,b1/4141Li
Eigaint -r
Caper Saucte.-,One-Ithird of 5 cup
of better,, (three tablespoo.needo of
flour, one and icleeehalf eups of hot
,water, half a tealsaeoonifial of
a dash of pepPler and half a,eup of
capers. 'Melt half the butter and
add flour ,With seasoning% Pour
the hot 'water/ OM gradnailly, mpg
five mlnuities, add nesnalining ',batter
in small piedee and the capers las%
Serve avithe boiled! 'nuitton.
Hollancielse Sande -01,e= half
a ,cup of butter, and add, the yolks
, of IfiWq eggs, one, alta time, beat -1
Ing thoroughly; then a third of a
gup of boiling waiter, ,Cook in a
double boiler( Palen 21 maches the
.consietency of a (custard' and, jaat
before removing from the fire, add
haaf ateaapoonful ,of ;mite a dash
of 'cayenne pepper and a table I
Yards Opposite G. T, R. Station
All Mods oi Coal on hand—
Chestnut Solt Coal
Stove Kennel Coal
Furnace Coke -
Plione 5%
A WATCH is a 'delicate piece
114.of machinery. It calls fc,r,
fess attentioti. than most
machinery, but must be cleaned
and oi;ed occasionally to keep
perfect time.
With proper care a Waltham
Match will keep perfect time
for a lifetime. It will pay you
a well to let us clean your watch"
every 12 or di months.
W. R. Counter
. Jeweler and Optician.
issuer of
Ma rr laze Licenses.
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
44 ,spectat values in Art
Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Music -Emporium
C Hoare:
,Boot Maker and Repairer
Opposite Postoffice.
Repairing done promptly.
Skates put on while you '
Skate straps 6f „splid.leati er
cut any. length clesiitel. -
Suit cases and trunks.re
A trial will convince you of
the neatness 'and ptornptness
with which 1 execue my work
Store Open every evening,