HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-04, Page 2By ThisSign
you know
that you are
getting the
one prepa-
ration that
has stood
the test for
over thirty-
five years
and still re-
mains the Sta-ndeard
tonic -food -medicine,
used and recommended
by the medical profes-
sion the world over.
is the embodiment of
elements that make for
good health and
Anolther sign of opting leas, mete)
And awe et id no take,
et's wegiatge now) or all the itetwn
And DO dedtoa t, eon break.
et seaweed, entitle; ',chicken coop,
Quite lowly lathe year;
It's goes Ito be ayeatrly pest, .
And weed 'wheat spring
The malady, affects) the brain,
But nee thee of the hen;
Though kis) ,cailedi tie chicken
ever, •
, Worst enonget boys and men.
They'unting levet and leenting
thee% c
Wherette'er they see a pen,
Tee thee eery,: rooeteris seen( tto
They, Avant a elliekkagl 13042.
Mgt klAcklag helo4a •liXIA Web,
t teeth,
+None to b gottf for ildRi
3 e.eterTboUY'e setting ghem,
As aoon's they. SOP ttoDIY.
So Ithel 3ectesatetr's1 all tlhe go,
(Who mill 'not one possess
As theyee beimg ehipped in wag-
on leach,
By freight and byexprees,
-Mothers •Recommend
-Baby's Own Tablets.
,Baby's Own Tabletape reemn-
Mended by ithousande Of thankful
ea &hese Who' have used them for
theie �±e ones and have found
theat a safe and ewe ,cure for ton-
stipatiot, Indiee,seion, .woame,alme
pia fevees ance all stomach tend
boiwe1teoubtes. Concerning them
Wes. Augueltq Bliete St. Dataasl,
'Que., (mites : "Meese island Sze an-
other box ef Baby.'s Dern Tabliets. I
have already used !them and have
found there asilexoellente remedy
'for little ones. Lee:tube ;strongly
recoil/intend talent to all) inothereet
alto Tablets are ;sold by raeclicine
'cleafters or bel Mali et 25atents a
box feciroj The Dr.Willienate
in Coe Breckvillies One.
Big Strikes ot
#Cgellt Years
onie of Ithe, biggest strikes,
,whifeh afteeltielel ithe; 'world of labor
'amine the nene Years are ue eol-
(Greet railway( and dock etleikee
in Anielterdamat lesitece 'from April
eth Ito 13th.
16,000 employes/ of itin worke
South Welles wane on ,serike in
August, 'Meeting 40.000 other
70,000 einployes on lElungarrian
,B'tate failliWayS IVBEf ostt isi April.
'Great strikes of Mase,aebusettie
`-leoltiton raperatielee began; in July.
A Mellen Men fwent out Omellthe
St -tee -owned railevays-in Ruseia in
Ameekee t oak strike, .affeetaing
40,000 ances lastecl keen April to
Leckout In Berlin buildine ;trades
leemeieneed isa May faff.eettng 45,
, I
6 Your
Thf.oat hSore
.it maY be only a
' plight cold now—iust
-a ticking in the
., Eat
..,,:eoon grow large andaraT
dang,erous. Of ten r,,v
they bccoine•chronic,
:develop catarrh and
,end in consuiription. • '''
Catatirhozone Is the
;remedy. It draws in-
flammittion and Sore-
ness out of the throat. •
Relieves the cough, • •
ts out the phlegm, , makes breathing
easy, Jails any germs lodged in the
rinucous lining of the throat or lungs,
Vothing in the Annals of Medicin0
so Effective for Bronchitis
and Throat TroobieS as
Catarrh,ezone inhaler can be carried
the, vest pocket ready f„.,nr use any
ime. Two monthstreat:Mont, only
41.00; medium size, 54e,', trial size, 25c.
Druggists, or N. C. Poison & Co., King -
tone, Oat., and Hartford, Con.m, U.
Amundsen the Victor
He Was 150 Mlles From Pole on
Third of Januare,
His Ship, the Terra Nova, Has Come
Out to New Zealand to Avoid the
Ice and Reports That He Will
Spend the Winter on His Quest"
Pressing, Forward to Reach
Goal as Soon as Possible.
London, April 1.—The long and im-
patiently awaited news of Captain
Scott's Antarctic extiodition has at
last arrived, but will bring the keen-
est disappointment to the cherished
hopes of all Englishmen that the Brit-
ish expedition might after all prove
to be the feet in the race for the
South Pole.
On January 3, nearly three weeks
after Amundsen hoisted the Norwe-
gian flag at the pole, Scott still had
150 miles to oaver before attaining the
object of his desire. The Terra Nova ,
has returned to New Zealand and re-
ports that Scott is still pressing for-
ward and will spend the winter in the
Since the news of Antundsen's suc-
cessful attempt, Englishman have
ount great nope e on uapt. weow emu-
, tiams Nknown e -
that Scott had chosen the lcniger
route, and as Amundsen's experience
proved the more difficult route, but,
presuming that he was favored by the
same exceptional weather conditions
as Amundsen, few doubted his suc-
Now conies the disappointing news
that Scott is spending another winter
in the Antarctic, and there will be
further weary waiting before it can be
ltnown whether he even succeeded in
reaching the Pole. According to sotne
of Captain Scott's intimate frienda
here, however, so surprise need be
felt at his decision to spend another
winter in the south, this having been
within the original scope of his in-
tentions. They suggest that he may
have learned of Antundsene exploit,
and thereupou determined to attempt
it great journey across the ice bar-
rier, returning from the side almost
opposite to that from tarhich he started
hie .
.1 Y.
If this is so, the Terre Nova prob.
ably received instructions to meet
Scott at some fixed date at a point
on the barrier opposite Graham Land,
not far to the south of Cape Horn. It
will be rememberee that the German
expedition is working from that side
end it is possible that the two parties
may meet. •
Spoke of Deporting
President C. M. Hays
Hon. G. P. Graham Is Particularly
Resentful of Railroad's Failure to
Keep Its Agreement With Him
Regarding Strikers Drastic
Steps May Be Taken Next Ses-
sion to Secure Recompense.
Ottawa, April 1. -The Grand Trunk
finaneial bMs passed • the House in
the dying hours of the twelfth Parlia-
ment on Saturday nicht, lilt not be-
fore a dozen members had expressed
in strong language their lc slings over
the way the Grand Trunk was alleged
to have violated its agreement with
the men. They made it very clear
that they were only allowing the pres-
ent bills to pass the Ho --se on ae-
count of the financial considerations
involved and because necessary im-
provements and betterments to the
road would be held, up, and expressed
themselves in vigorous terms in favor
of passing legislation to compel not
only the Grand Trunk but all rail-
ways to keep their agreements with
the men, and it was intimated that,
although the legislation was permit-
ted to pass,,the Grand Trunk would
be dealt with with a stern hand.
A special enactment will probably
he introduced in the fall to meet the
Mr. Borden moved that the rule be
suspended and that the (Stand Trunk
bills be taken up. When the chair-
man read the first clause of the bill,
Mr. Lancaster (Lincoln) rose and
spoke in terms of condemnation of the
Grand Trunk and of Mr Hays ea par-
ticular in connection with the strike
of 1910.
"It is very eiflicelt to know/-' see'
Mr, Lencitatee "witet might to be
ame in visLiptp.,113 of the people. I
&aye not a partac:e "1 roke,;„1," fim
promoters of this bill unuer Zee etre
cumstances. It was amended in com-
mittee so that it is in less dangerous
form than it was. Me Lancaster then
effete&ejeteedmeept to the bill,
winch weenot secohded, 1j the terips
of which the Geend lrui1 would be
elettedee in any future legislature Vete
eting mreiiiiistances similar to these
existing in the diapute between the
:earl al_gLits men, life eald that if he
c- see n; a, without injuring
the transporteeete interests el the
country, to hold up {.etill lie' Voialcl
willingly talk till midnight aria all
day 'Monday to kill the bill and add-
as mat he baa miming but contempt
for the management of the Grand
Trunk Raihvay.
. Me. Wilcox (N. Essex), in whose
constituency some of the strikers live,
spoke in a similar strain. He road an
order made by the Department of Im-
migration in 1910 •allowing railway
workers to come into the country
without the usual money require-
ments, whereupon Mr. Lancaster ask-
ed what would the honorable gentle-
man think of having Mr. Hays de-
ported as an undesirable alien, to
which Mr. Veileox replied, "I should
think it worthy of serious considera-
W. A. Clarke (North Wellington)
Urged that something ought to be,
done to protect the Grand Trunk em-
ployes on the branch lines. Many of
the old employes who had been taken
back by the company, were employed
on the branch lines and would there-
fore come under the act recently an-
nounced by the company. Mr. Clarke,
at the aftMO time, explained that he
had no particular objection to the
passage of the bill oa its merits, and,
as in the general public interest, the
need of betterments on the lines of
the Grand Trunk being unquesteon-
able, ,
Mr. leforphy (North Perth) said that
never again would a dollar be given
to the Grand Trunk unless it treated
its men fairly.
Hon. George P. Graham, ex -Minister
of Railways, told of his troubles with
the Grand Trunk, and eondernned the
management for its treatment of its -
men in the matter of the strike. He
said that he had not hesitated to tell
the Grand Trunk authorities when he
was in conference With them that he
did not respect men either th a high
O r low position who could not keep a
*tete Currie (North Simcoe) under
wheee charge the bill was introduced,
pointed DO yak etre/rely that the bill
del not deal tvith the labor question
ef tee Grand trunk reelivaY. It was
a puA'17 domestic hill ate!. tete noth-
leg to do vitelt tile relation of the
House of Commons to the enblic. As
far kis he could see, tieg eel was at.
tacked eet certain membire of tisa
HbVtlecailist -they rtre :raid to at-
tack the public bill ewe days ago
which gave a grant of fener ne11eon2e to
the Grand Trunk paihjay. 1:1tlete see.
porting. the bill, lie, Could not Justify
theeeneen et the Grand Trunk Rail-
fily in that they did not carry out
their agreement, but that had nothing
to do with this bill,
000 inen.
Agrarian strike! at Pa.rnea,f 40,0000
people a elected 0 began en May.
New South Wateeteoal strike 12,
000 Men; affeleted. loss $5,000,000,
Brieish railway and dockers
eblike, 500,000 miOrl thrown oat of
Meyer T. E. I3est of Niagara-on-the-
L'ake died rather suddenly.
Galt is to have a new *15,000 Arm-
ory and i.egiment of its own.
The, Ogilvie elevator and warehouse
at Morden, Man., were destroyed by
John Elliott, found starving in an
attic room in Toronto, (hod at St.
Michael's Hospital yesterday.
A -new company has been organized
with a capital of $5,000,000 to manu-
facture railway cars at Port Arthur.
A strike of gravediggers at Mount
Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, present-
ed the burial there of a child yester-
An earthquake occurred in Santiago,
Cuba, yesterday morning. The shocks
caused' considerable alarm, but DO
The treaty establishing ,a French
protectorate over Morocco has been
signed by the Sultan, according to
despatch from Fez.
Grace' Bryce, OD English girl, who
disappeared from her home in Winni-
peg, was found dead in a scrub in
the south end of that city.
-The balloting of British miners
showed a majority so far for resump-
tion of work, and the belief prevailed
that the coal crisis is practically over.
Despondent because of unemploy-
ment, Japes Watson, aged 35 years, of
76 Brock avenue, Toronto, cammitted
suicide on Saturday. He lifted a cap
from a blind gas tube and allowed
the .gas to eseace.
The Potato Canker
A Serious Disease
Ottawa, Meech 27. -Owing 10 the
shortage in eel. 'patatolei Qrop 11)1
year dealers in andgrowers. cif
potatoes findl 14 ustee,sseey, to lan-
petit large isupplige for table and
seed puepoee's free* Great Britain
Ireland and oiteee Eueopean poen-
tales. BuillOtin 63,leseed by the
From 40 to 50 Years of Age.
How It May Be Passed
hi Safety.
So.Wellington,B.C.- ',For a year dur-
ing the Change of Life I was all run
down. I was really
'rester too weak to walk and
" was very despondent
and thought I was
going to die, but al-
ter taking Lydia E.
Einkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound and
Blood Purifier my
*e‘; health and strength
returned. I am very
thankful to you and
praise yourmedicine.
I have advised several women who suf-
fered as I did to try your remedies. You
may publish this if you wish." - Mrs.
DAtun R. Moems, South Wellington,
Vancouver Islend, B. C.
No other medicine for woman's ills has
i'eceived such wide -spread and unquale
Bed endorsement, We know of no other
medicine which has such a record of suc-
cess as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound. For more than 30 years
it has beerethe standard remedy for wo-
man's ills such as inflammation, ulcera-
tion, Mimes, irregularities, periodic
pains and nervous prostration, ,and we
believe it is unequalled for women dur-
ing the period of change of life.
if Ton have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E.l'inkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound will help you, write
to Lydia E. Pinkham 1ifedicineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad-
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
Dominion Experimental Farm, Ott-
awa, explains how, poltaite ,canaker
has foundeete way Berdss the At-
lantic into Newfoundlaled with po-
tutees impoeeed, fro ee Europe.
Potato eankce lea disease at pre-
sent unknowlinisa Canada. 10 is
one of the usage ;serious' diseasee
known, affecting ea only ,the farm
lands on which potatoes aro grown,
but the diseaset is also directly in-
jualions 40 the t heath( of the con-
sume': of affected potatoes. Boil-
ing does hoe destroy the injurieus
propeeties. The ditseaao is char.
acee,riged by nodular excrescences,
which mate often bo larger than
the tuber itself, These ecankere"
aflteet telef plee of the potato and
are very stnall In the early etiagest
Any tubers found wait smeller or
larger outgroWthie ripenfeorn
where the eyes areeetuated,Should
under no coaideteen be used for
seed or table purposes. .The in-
troducition and) 'establislunent ef
this disease, would seriously .40111 -
promise one of Ithe moist important
agricatural indualtriee .of ;Canada
potalto-geoeving. Farmers land
eensurnees should be 'exceediegly
careful in using poltetoieel that may
have been siinpontedi from Great
Bretain or ehei ,continetne 'of Europe
Suspiciotrs-lookine 'tubers, should be
destroyed by time and not be
thrown on the; 'greuind, ror thie dis-
ease, if pr'eseete 'well establish it-
self permanently tithe, soil.
The bulletin r,eferred, to explains
in &tree thef eh.araeter of the dis-
ease,. ape is available toianyone
making application fo•r the same,
12 pure bred Plymouth Bock
Cockerels, Inc 1cent:tug. biras. Ap-
ply to John W. Yee, Helmesvillet
Fitr Sale
Blue Barred Plymouth Reek eggs
81.00 per 15 eggs. Also a few White
Coelen Bantam eggs $L00 per 13, -
Jabez Rands, 'Clinton,
For Sale
A Powerful electric belt, Dr. Me -
1 aughlie's, used, Only a few time.%
in first class 'condition. A( bargaie
foe persen requdeing one, Box X
,are of Newt Era.
Barred Rock . EffoS far Sate
I wen on Bareecl Reeks at Clinton,
4 firsts, 3 eeeendet. 1.thirce 'end
special fee beoe colleatten. Pen 1-
l'ullet, mating, headed; by Milland
,eoetterel, einikate nubaber settings
eggs ,$2.00 eser13.-leene--. Coekeeel
mating, headed , by Millard cock.
Pullets in thes. pent arts go.ocl lay -
layers. Ekg,a $2.00 per 13. -Pel 3-'
Tetteity pen, heaclecl, by a cockerel
bred from one eof the beet laying
stradne ent Canada. Hewtn tlua
were bred fremi 17o1 my pullets
which Iayed 436 eggs In 31 days,
Eggs $1.00 pare 15. I gu.aaantee a,
good hatch or replace setting free
of eharge, e H. A. Hovey, Clinton.
House tor Sale
by auetten, fie Gundry, Auction-
eer, wile offer: for sale at the (town
hail, Clinton, on Saturday, April 6th
1912, at 4 o'clock p.m.- Part of Lot
179, Huron street, ClintoneolnevIttch
is erected a eonifortable Brick
house welt good appointments,
The property! ice created in the
centre of the Staten in the rear (et
the Royal Malik Bleck, and is in
every way desirable. For etaarticu-
lees apply to. W.Brydo'ne. Clinton.
Good Farm lor Sale Ad-
joining Corporation of
Seatort h. -
Being Lot 25, Concession 2, Towle -
ship of McKillop, County of Huron,
100 Acres, all cleared and in good
state of cultivation, being: well un-
derdrained. There is a brick house
fitted up withmodern convenifelnees
A large 'bank barn evith stabling
for horses and 60 eetele, and a num-
ber of good box stalls, also work-
tihop and &Lying plied, three good
There is an old orchard adi
a good! 'Young orchard nearly all
nonthern spies. Five 'acres seedece
to alfalfa, 15 acres of red elover.e
There are 7 1-2 aeres of Fall whealt
also about 45 acres of Fall plough-
ing done. This tem; well beeold
cheap and) Oal Leasterms, The
greater part of the purchase motl-
ey may remain oin Mortgage _to
suit purchaser. Address,
Rle, 4th, 191e.
THE STANDARD is the National
Vireekly, 1'ewspapel.7bI thci Dominiori
of Caiiod.It5s natt5nal l 411 Lte
aims. 1
71 uSes thd 'tag ap-dfisivT3'
Inge procuring the pholog,raphs„ from
all 'over the world: .
Its artieles-''ard b0iY6fullY 511.35183 333
its editorial policy, Is ehereughly
A subserlptiori t.5 The' Stefitlard
bests $2.00 per year to' any addresa Iri
gp_.padd, or Great Ditaixi.
TRY IT FOR 1912! 0
(....:„Monts'eal Standard Publisliing
Limited, Publishers.
Grocery Business tor Sale
The undersigned, wishing to en-
gage in ether business, oftersehes
grocery business for sale.
House tar Sale
On Huron Street, a desirable real-
,dence, well situated, in good repair, nine rooms, pantry, .eloisetib
and both room. Good ,cellafr, fur-
nace, electric light, .teevri water,
good cistern and ,stable, garden
mad lawn, quarter acre of ground
Terms reasonable. Ariply at '
For Sale
Here is a bargain -At 3 h. p. en-
gine and uprighe boiler .With 6e ft.
of beiting„ fend 13 flt at shafting.
Also falalthe. All foe $20. Apply to
Field Stone Wanted,
Pied Stone suitable for read
making is wanted by the Town of
Clinton, Price e3.50 per cord of 13,-
000 pounds.
J. A. FORD, -
Chairman of Street Committee
Logs Wanted
All kinds, of logs, Mapie,Soft EIm
and Basswood preferred. Highest
peke paid.
W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co,
Boarders Wanted
Raving returned to town lam now
prepared to take boarders, either
ladies or gentlemen. Apply. et house
Mrs. ogridge, Ontario street
Rouse tor Sale or to Rent. Pasture Land
Some Bre; class pasture land to be
A frame houee on Isaac Street, six so el in lots; to suit purchasers, At
rooms, good Well, 1-4 acre of land. i
Apply to Solna Ransford G.- T le Cit A ent
(tractive prices. Apply to
puts. W. IL PEF,V-BRS, ' T. ' Y g
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received up to
April Dth fox the erection of a new
13rick and Cement School, in School
Section No. 11, Etullett. Plans and
specifieation,s can be ,seen at the
undersigned, lot 13, con. 10, Hullett.
The lowrset er any; tender not nec-
essarily. accepted.
Seereteey, Lendesboret
The South 70 acres of lot number 35
end the South Bast part of Lot no. 30
14 acres both in the 1st concession of
S anley township is forwent bit term
of yeare. This property is elate to the
town of Ciinton and possesssion can
be given at once. For further parte
callers apply to Henry Plurnsteee Clin-
ton, Ont., or McCarthy! Drees & Mur-
chison, Barristers, 13arrle,, One
AdDlinistrator's Sate oi Tenders Wautcd-
Little Linr Pills
Must Bear Signature •of
See Pee -Simile Wrapper Below.
Iffigar small and_aa owl
Intake °aurora
7----"; FOR REARACHr.
REM% I PaGre77Tegetinb""';.ei•G
.tNew Telephone
The Be'] Tetephenel Company foa
Canada Is 'Aeon to print( a neer everted
RECTORY far the Diseriet of Wies-
item ,Ontario, 01nollecliatgi
Patties who eoattempla.te begone -
leg Subseriber,s, 09 thANS1 lW110 weste
changes isa tleefite pefeeene entry
shoulid place Metal oaideris ;teeth the
Local 'Manager alt once to temere in -
serape isa thipt lessee.,
Connecting Companies
Should also repave additions, end
changes in theta, Ike of Subecribere
ettleter to the Lepel Manager, Jor
direct to fteet Speettell Agent's De-
partment, Montreal,
The Bell Telephone to'y
Ot Canada
OUSE elOg HeleeDeeliee
I sin' still kethe WalesPaPer,Busie
nese, and ane Ina posgtion 1 °Show
you the bet Wall Paper's teat have
.been sho(waa in Clinton'. •
'An Papers boughtfrom me Will
be bung Very eheaply.
All kinds of houee painting done
mad estimates igiven On old and
new week.
Tre feall or drop a poet card ,will
beteg saMples to, your doer.
Geo. Potts
1.3Ilouses 111 CftntonFor the erection of a one story
concrete building, 22x35 feet, at.
Th6 aerniiiietikettee of the estate of
Jane Butler, deceased, svill offer for
sale at public auction on Saturday,
6t1 day of Aprie 1912, aft the hour
of 3.30 o'clock in 'the teitternoon at
the Town Hall, Clinton, the follow-
ing properties, -
PARCEL NUMBER 1 -Lot No, 314
(1-4 'acre) ,on Jaanee SteClinton, eee
this property is erectlecin frame lc:et
tage, 1 roioans, otone ewilar witer-
weeks eenneetion, and( Ott Water
cistern, quarter aore. The [Worthen
Is very centx-4, near Ito !schools,poet
office and Orations
Nos. lele, le17, 1216 (1-5 acre each)
and part of Town Let No,
1215 on -Vietona Street, Clinton, 8
rooms :teeth woodshed, summer kit-
chere end hardl and, sett ;Water.
This property Mee acljaceet to the
piano fasatery ini convenient p051 -
tion for any 0neehan/42U
PARCBT., NUMBER 3 -Lot 962 (1-4
acre) on Norte Street, Cliebona
,which is ereebed a fiver
roomed esettage with woodshed. A.
very good home) for a small fam-
ily sleeking a eheari propeety.
TERMS -The property will be
sold siebjeet to a resenyes bid i end
to the approval. of the official guar-
dian, Tea per cent. of the
chase Money will be payaele at the
time of ale, and the balance on de-
livery 01 pOSeeSMOR, notlater ,than
June lst, 1912.
For particulars apply to Albert J.
Holloway, administrator, or to;
-Solicitor for Administeator
T. GI1NDRY, Attetioneer.
the goal, 1 or keeping coal etc.
Plena and specificationcan be
seen et tbel office of the County
Clerk. ,Tenders received up to
Meech 161h, next, and must lse ad-
dressed to Dr. 'W.F. Meeks Gode-
ride chairman of comnaietee . The
Rawest oaf any tender not heeesser-
ily accepted. Dr. W. le Clark, Chair
man; W.Lape, Clerk,
Dated Feb. 1211, 1912,
Farm tor Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate( offers, for sale 50 aerece -
East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hullett.
A first-class farm, well -watered
and improved, and with good
buildings, Mao the undersigned
offerfor sale, lot 29s con. 6,11.41-
ett, 100 acres. These farms May be
bought together or separately,
Ford & McLeod
Were now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard).
We also have ori hand, Alfalfa,
Alike, and Red Clover,
We always have on harel -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Eligheet Market Prices paid for Hay
Ford & McLeod
Custom Sawing Wanted. co AL
At R, Trick's .and at Thee Wallis
bush, oon. e .Goclerice Toevn,ship.
$3,00 per 'thousand, • .
Two Homes lo Let
The undersigned has two homes to
et, apply to
Jacob Taylor
' Before placing your orders for
seem season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price,
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowlands Hardware atone, or
W. J. Stevenson,
At Electric Light Plant.
e"` eeegmeeeeeeeee—eee.esee--...
Connoyancet Notary Public, ',=
Commissioner, etc.:
iesjter of Maeriage Licenses, sae,
/throttle; t,, Clinton,
H, T. RA N C ET;
Notaey(lsublie, Conveyancer,
Financial and RecieBstate,
INRIMANCE"AGDNT--IlepresenUng 14 Firs Jo -
asurance Companies
Division Court Office.
liatan, surgeon. Etc
medal attention given to diseases of:the
Eye, Ban Throat, and Noes,
Eyes carefully iescrolued, and :suitable!
OfEccpand /landslip°. ,
Two doors' west of the Commercial Hotel
Huron 55,'
Dr.'W. Gunn, L. n. a 7? .. IC. C. Bain
Dr. J. C. Gn.tiditer. B.A. TI.B,
0010e-Ontarto Street, Clinton.
Night oalls si residenee, Rattenlatry Bt.
Or at hosnital
Dtt. 1.1. W. SHAW.
PHYSICIAN, summon.
cconcheur, etc,, calico and residence on Eat-
tenbury et., opposite W. Farran's residence.
It CRON111 and Bridge \York a S5)ecialty4"
Graduate of 0.0 D.S.. Wow. and
Baylleld on'Mondays, May 185 50 beeembe
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special ORTE) taken to make dental tieat
matt ail painless es poesible.
Live stock and general Auction Nr.
Slam atom sales a apeman/ Oldest of at
NEW Efte. office, Olfritoin prt,rai ny. attended
to. Terms reasonable, Farmers sale note
G. D. MoTaggar AL D. IdeTaggor
MeTaggart Bros,
Genera! flanking Begin=
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo.
Perm and isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jas. Connolly. Viee Pres., Goderiell
Thos. E. Hays, SeeeTreas,, I See c rt b
Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; Jolla
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale Clinton; Me
Chesney, Seafortle T. Dale,
woont J. G, Grieve, Winthrop, J. Be is
newels, Brodhagen, 3e. MoBwan,.
Each Director is inspector of losseslit
hie own locality.
Robt. Smith, Harlock; 115 Iiinehler
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmondt.
vine; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments may be „made at The
Morrishe Clothing Co., Clintoae
11.H. Cute Godexich.
Fire, LifeTnd . Accident
Real estate bought and seigg
Money to loan
OfficceissactStreet, nextecloor.ttot New
Grand 'frank Railway System ca,
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Brune
North Passengers
Londen, depart._,. 8,80 a m 4.50 tem
Centralia 9.40 5,43
Exeter 953 5,541
Heneall , .... 10.08 6.05)
Kipper] 10.16 6.11;
Brueefield 10.30 6.191
Clinton 11.00 6.35,
Londesboro 11.18 652
Blyth 1ee27 7.00t
Belgrave 1I.40
•Wirigham, arrive11,50 7,35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart6.43 aine3.83ea m
Belgrave.........e6,54 3.44:
Blyth 7.08 866
Londesboro 7.18 4.00
Clinton 7.50 &23;
Drucefield 8,12 4.39'
le 8,23 4,47
8 32 4,52
8.48 5.05
Centralia—. ... 0.00 5.15
Londoneafrrive10,00 6.10'
:Buffalo and Gode
West Paesenget
11155 pm pm pm
Stratford .. ... .10.00 12.20 e25 10.20'
Mitchell 10,22 12.45 8;3510.47'
8eaforth ..... -10.45 1.10 6,18 31,12
Clinton.. • 11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28
Holmeseilie 11.18 1,38 646 11.38
Goderiela -11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55
East 1 assenger
am p ns pm
7,30 2.40 4.50
Hohnesville .. . .. . 7.26 2,57 5.06
Clinton 735 3,07 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 3,25 5.82
Mitchell 8.16 348 e.66
Stratford 8.40 4.35 t",6.20
Dr. de Van's Female ' pills,
A reliable Vreneh regulator ; never fails. These,
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the.,
generative. portion of the femole system, Refuse ,
all cheap imitations, Dr. de Vart'S are sold at
fl5 a box, or three for NO. Mailed to any address.
The Seobell Drug Cori St. catharinee, Ont..