HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-04-04, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1885. Vol, 48, No. 41.
APRIL 4 1912 W. H. Kerr 8z Son, Editors and Publishers
Royal Bark
Capital . . $6,25o,Goo
Reserve $7,000;000
The Annual Sbatement, shows the fol-
lowing hure.ises for 1911
1010 1911
Deposits *72,079 607 308,291.808
Loans &
Investments 59,283;676 62,790,072
Total Assets 94510,346 110,523,512
207 BRANCHES and
Correspondents throughout the world
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Ala received a fresh las-
eortment Dastlitan; Kodake
'Brownie Cameras Kodak
Films, PaFeee and Photogra-
phic Supplies, •
Bardeman( Kedges have 'al-
evarys led in improvernentie
and neevj ideas.
EXereisee these(' :land be ,eun-
- vinced.
.,T, I.IFI00-VEIL7
Dispensing Chemist.
o1 vee a e Dos oi ee 01
general deliveryt will be opened On
Good Friday from 0.30 to 10.30 a.m.
and 2.45 La 3.45 p.m.
Lux arid
Con4ort Soap
'Will help( you to do your
house cleaning, Which de hard
enough atthe best
'Why don't you try some of
our Labor Lighteners4 as -
Gold Dust,
opta Ilowder
Bon -Ami,
Ye Rub
Soap Chips
and Lux
Then 'there es Comfort Soap
for ten days eve are selling
6 'Bars for 25 cent,.
Comfort Soap,
Comfort S.oap,
Canada's pride, '
And Cliasithn's„ hope.
Phone 48
Increase your, Earning Power
attending the Popular
1 Best place in Canada' for High TORONTO, OIN'T.
* Grade Businesa , Education. Enter
I now. Open all year. Catalogue
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Record of Progress for Five Yea ts 1506.1911
1906 1911
CAPITAL , • $8,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00
'RESERVE . . 3,000,000.00 4,800,000.00
DEPOSITS . . , , . 28,6.77,780.00 35,042,811.00
TOTAL ASSETS . . . . 33:090,192.00 48:287,274.00
Has fit• Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all
the Principal 'ties in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
, Clinton Brancl3. C E. lDOWDING. Manager
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• • Ready-to•Wear 1 Ordered
• ig Purchase
, .
4. We have just made a big purchase of Boys' Clo-
thing from the Jackson Manufacturing Co. The ;
quantity was forge, but the price was so tempting we
• couldn't resist the opportunfty of securing such Big 1;
• • Bargains for our niany Boy Customers -and just the
• time when the Boys will require a suit for Easter.
• The reason for their big sacrifice was- to clear 1
t them out before they take stock on "April lst. -We
• couldn't begin to handle the quantity if we sold them 1
• in the regular way, so we are putting them all in at i
• one price, which will mean
: Two Suits for the Price of One
; Starting Saturday, March 30th, you
• can have your choice ol the 4.79 I
: entire lot tor
• •
t There is not a Suit worth less than $6.5o, and a :
• •
• number are worth $8.5o and A10.00. o
• :
This is a Grand Opportnnity to buy the Boy a
Suit torlaster at Malt Price
Come -Look or Buy, but Act I
This issue commences an- ;
other year for the propric- 4.4'
tors of THE NEW ERA. *
The titne has gone quickly +
4 end sometWe hope the future will he 1
hnes plasantly.
bright and we may issue a I
better paper than ever. ..i.
4. Now that we are getting to
4. know everyone and our ways
4. are known to our readers and ei•
+ correspondents everything
4 moves along sraoothly.
4 We have been to a big ex
+ pense in three short years
I and all has been for the im-
iprovernent of the plant. We
have instelled a 5 h, p., elec.
• trie motor and fixtures ;
+ s
Roger type -setting machine ; 1
wire stitcher ; labor saving
leads and slugs, ruleand
4 possible a $150 worth of new
I type. After New Years our
big press broke and the re-
pairs etc., with new rollers
have amounted to over $100,
in stating the above, We
+ Want our readers to see that
* in not paying up the subscrip-
• tions promptly and the ad-
vertising accounts and job
+ work, it means hard scratch";
Iing sometimes to make ends
meet, whereas if everything
was paid promptly we would -
not be in tight corners now
and again. We hope our
readers will see that in pay-
ing their subscriptions a year
in advance as it should be,
•+ they are indeed taking an in.
terest in the NE Pie ERA.
For all past favors we ex-
tend our THANKS to our
1 many friends.
4. i !I
+ 4+••••+++++++++++++++++++ .
lost His Hand
Thomas McMillan, of Hullett3 Met
With Serious Accident.
A serious accident occurred to Mr
Thomas McMillan, stock breeder, of
Berra on Friday morning. While
crushing grain at his barn his left hand
slipped into the cog wheels and, was so
badly crushed that Drs. Scott and
Burrows, who( , were humecliately
selA for, found it: riece,selar.y itb
itr.: at the wrist. ,One of the
bonleri abov,O the fvorisit wasebrokeu
also, e
Mie. McMillen's' friends all over
Canade „well be miry to hear): of
his iniehap but veldt hope no. other
complications set in and that
duie !timer he wall be around agaan.
Council Meeting.
The eegulart April meeting of the
Council was held Monday ievening,
AU teteenbere present except Oonca
aloe; .41‘. J &Asian,' who i,s etpease
ent la British Columbia.
Al circular' frorn th;e ;Union 'of
Canadian Mifn4e1pa1iti wa,s read
and felled.,
Al itetteil froin the Prime White
Road OR Co., of Cinclinloatet Ohio.,
eras Stead and referred to the
street' committee. •
The Armyt usseeived availed of
$5,00 for ithei use of hall on a-
necent Sunday.,
By-law No. 5, ito borrow $1500 to
Meet current i expenditure wee
This( Street Committee was the
on1y. commiettee to have a report
to hand, n.,e
Council adjourned.
Easter with all its brightnes and
hopefulness comes to us next Sunday.
Should Be President -As the Cone
ferenee year cf Methodism draws to a
clese there is a natural forshadowing
'of what; %nay tranepire in the coming
Former Exeter Man toefromn.ev?iitt jeonofetriaecinci:tyeerneortl:fhefe=rig
of a Presidenethe honor giving toRev.
Dr. 'Warnfr, of St. i'holnas, lasb year
Killed at Thorold
good second. The New Era would be
G. I', R. Brakeman Harty Boon
Kneeked From Vie dear,
St Catharines. April 3. Harry Bonn
of Hamilton, brakeman on G. Te
freight, was knocked from the top of
a car and instantly killed, when his
head muck an overhead bridge at
Thorold. Boon, who formerly resided
at Exeter, leaves a wife' and child at
Bamilten. Coroner Herodopened an
inquest this morning.
glad to see the reverend gentleman
elevated to the chair at the next Con-
ference, which will convene at St.
Thomas. We believe his long exper-
eence, excellent executive ability, good
judgment and talent in pulpit mad on
platform should well qualify him for
the high office and we hope to see
Rev. Mr, Ford the choice,
That British!, Columbla political
climate must be undergoing ,great
.changeS-from the ;sunshine of the
past to the. "frost° of last week.
Had net ',liberali mercury stopped
at per° it would. .no.t have been so
bad. The Terra( reads! like an old
cricket score -40-0, and the ,winnere
still at the bat,
-To the man looking doeirbAn the
House- of 'Coe:mons' at "walk, that
body of nalSonal legisealtoed re-
minds hin somewhat of a snow -
stalled antotmobiller Iti snakes( a
great noise and fuse, throve
SnOIW about eonsidembly, and ev-
ery inetanit givase pronelee of go
Mg ahead, bolt 'there et stick, fume
lag and puirrilog ;Wrsthonit making
any progrietset In the end a Itemn
oif alienates' heel to pull the aultokno-
bille out of thel snascrbanle. tW1h.alt-
lever May( belthd political bank In
WhIch ILIA House i.s floundering it
has to pull Ilieviellt .o.ut, tor there
are none Who( ,cain come to les
• That is !the w.ay, in whieh he
House ()eters appeare Ito an Onlook-
er, but • as d Matter ,ot feet, 'the
Houseneves, gets issit.o the p.asition
of the atetomobeees It May
flounder, bait' Stir( from choine ;
mey Mark !time', but It is because it
doles not Wifah tO go ahead; its- pro-
ceediangeteettirnes may appeal' to to
a masa of Meaningless coefusion,
but if one will study the rules' gov-
erning its procedure 'eat( will 'find
that its eanfusion ilegtiated Orwpr
fusion, and that there le Method en
its Inedness.
There le railways( something be-
fore 'the House. Yon natty ithtnk et
only the dimirder .heuir, but you are
=retake)n. 'The House ie always
trying to do soneething and it al-
ways hes! voarde !sort of business be-
fore et -questions', Motions, reslolex-
teen s, bilis, leatineatee- sloanething,
fat the moots part, that makes it
lesielniesilble for at member to give
expriespion to setae of the 'thoughts
Theee is inelehod, en the anednesS,
and excellent Method, toe; it one
will Lake 'the( trouble to look into
it a bit -a Mee:hod. that ds the fruit
of years, one taights'alanost, .say, eel
cieneu ries of experience, -end whose
worth has been proven by uls,e one
dierell pos.siele eiecumstancesi The
order of businessi f,oiloiwed by ehe
House hale been framed eleseth
vieW eo fade cleating with !every
class of bueines 0 'that May 'anise. --
the business of ptiva.to esemberst
and the busine,sel of ,the -Therverie-
Merit, Public businesel alsel that
which conciernsOndtvidual interests
The Morrish Clothing c,.9.
• A Square Deal lor Every Man." --leach kind has les !turn, according
••••••********............. to en order that emens peed of the
rueles, af Ithee
Routirte Proceedings.
The eoultiine proceedingsl with
which the House opens, are the
same each day -prayers; present-
teg peltleions, rieadlieg and teeeiv-
thg p6itI8OnS, Preseelting e" eporte,
naoltione, the introduction of pub-
lic bailee As a, rultekellIthis is des -
Rased af w8thir ewes Sty/ erienute&
Thin the House takes ;up the day's
program, ands leverse day has les
ow -n prograea.i established by the
rules ot the House. Por instance,
an Monday AO p regraM is -Pri-
vate bills, questions: put by mem-
bers, notiese,s of motions', Public bills
gevernrnent Inotices /of traotio33, gov-
innetet bills. 10111. Tuesdaert gov-
ernmeot bust/tem "coulee first, and
eo on ithpough the ,wieelt, the (seder
of businie30, beeng varied each day
so asto gtve, kende' of busdnesti
a chance of receiving atterition.
ITsuelly after the finet ,six days'
ot the soulless the rules arovaried
son:Seemliest an the order of bust -
Wise foe eertaan daysl chejeged iso as
to give( mozel stelae to Government
Each day an orders wipe8 is
printed and .destrienmedi alew mine
reties before the opening of the eitt
log. That piper gives the day's
ceder of bustn,e,se, end its deems axe
ek lee t I
a len up, eac n proper urn.
Eech day's Witting ea opened ,with
prayers readt byl the Speakerand
until prayeo s ere over- yesierre ate
not admitted to galleries, nor are
the newspaper men admielted to
their perch above( the speakers
chaise he Hones ot Cotemons does
net wish to lee !seen of, Mali when it
prays, Daring the- reading pf itne
prayers alleltanee Wij613 uncomeared
heads, elite members Who have ar-
rived late( have eo Wait in the
lobby until peayere ere over for
the &sore of else ,chaanhers are
guarceed and einem may enter to.
cliisburb the devotions.
Atter, Pra.yee 'War
Prayers over, ;the politie'el War -
1 5a30 begins. Looking downs from
the galleryl the visetar sometianee
wander what sort, et .a.code of nean
niers goiacsns ithd ,cotecluct pf the
Continued 00 Page 3.
a ,.. . •
• . •
• 0
• ' to
0 A prominent real estate •
• man of the town is respon- •
•sible for the statement that •
a •
• there ie not a vacant first •
• clasS house in Clinton for 0
2 rent thot he 'knows of, Under •
5 these . circumstances there :
• should be Erplendid scope in g
O the town for investments in it
• property. Lots are cheaper If
• here than in the cities of the •
9 West, cost of building is low-
g er, and living conditions bet- 2
O ter. Why, then, not own a 'a
• house tor your -self in prefer- •
2 enee to buying in distant 9
g planes you know not of ? g
. There are good investments §
2 . in the tvestere fiche but we _le
g doubt if in the long eun they ;
• will prove better than those 0.
2 here, •
g what hi the matter with It
• our real estate men that they •
• are not able to retain tlse peo• 6
• ple's surplus funds for invest -
1 2
• ment here -right here in
prosperons,beautihil Clinton? i
Lack of appreciation of ad-
* vertising, valsich the wester- I
Iner uses so profitably, is pro-
bably the cause. *
S 1
High Court ofJoitice.
Th.e spring sittings of the High
Court of justice for Huron county
opened in the court house, Goderich,
on Tuesday afternoon of last week at
8 o'cleck. The Honorable Mr. Justice
Britton was the presiding judge. -Et.
'D. Gamble, 1, CS, of Toronto, was
present as Crown prosecutor.
T. e two criminal cases on the
docket were dioposed of and seven
civil cases also were dealt with.
In the case of rape against Ernest
Lusby, of Centralia, the accused plead-
ed guilty on the advice of his counsel,
F. W. Gladman, of Exeter. His Lord-
ship sentenced him to WO years' penal
servitude at Kingston.. Lusby is only
about eighteen years of age, and his
victim was a young girl of about
sixteen years.
In the case The King vs. M. 0,
Johnston, the Orovsn officer announc-
ed that proceedings bad teen stayed
by the direction of the Attorney.
The civil cues were disposed of as
Stinson v, Stinson. -An action to set
aside a will for want of testamentary
character, After the action had been
entered for trial an order was made
for a commission to examine witnesses
outside the Province, so the trial was
postponed until the next: nonsjury
sittings. M. G. Cameron K. C., for
plaintiff; W. Proudfoot, K. 0„ for de-
Youngson vs. Doty-eeal.-An action
for a bresteh of contract of hiring. An
order having been made for a commis-
sion to issue to Winnipeg to examine
witnesses, the trial was postponed
until the bext non jury sittings. Chas.
Gamow for plaintiff; W, Proudfoot
for defendants
Parsons vs. Gibbons. --An action
to animal a marriage for non-compli-
ance with marriage laws. Sudgement
was entered for the plaintiff, declar-
ing and ajudging that a valid marriage
was not affected. R. el. Robertson
(Stratford) for plaintiff; M. D. Gamble
(Torohto) for the A ttroney General.
Dultnage vs. Leopard. -An action
for a specific° performn.nee of an
agreement to sell an hotel in Wine -
ham. judgement was reserved W.
Proudfoot and Et Vanstone (Wing
ham) for plaintiff; Charles Garrote and
and Dudley Holmes (WInghani) for
Geo. D. Ross Co. vs. MacKay et -al. --
An actin on a promissory note
braught by a Montreal firtn against
'Rot Art McKay and Angus MacDonald,
of Goderich, This Was on the doeket
as a jury owe, but His Lerdship dis-
pensed with the jury. Judgment
was entered fur the plaintiffs against
the defendants for$1,091.56 with costs,
and that the counter claim be dis
missed with oasts and without pre-
jedice to any action already brougl3t
or that may be entered for the sub-
ject I -natter of such counterclaim.
Chas. Garrow for plaintiffs; M.
Cameron, X. C., for defendants.
The Guy Major Co. vs. Canadian
Flax Mills 0o. et -al -An. seinen to
recover penalties for not making
returns to the Government uncle's the
Joint Stock Companies ace Judo.
meet was reserved. R. S. Hays (Sea.
forth) for plaintiffs :0 D Gamble
and le Brown (toth of Toronto)for des
fendants, .
Collie et -el. vs. McLean.- An action
by heirs and- heiresses at law of,the
late Thomas M,cKn,y, of Tuckersnith.
to have interest declared therein.
The action was settled as follows:
The costs of all parties as between
solietor and client are first to be
deducted from the monies in the
hands of the administrator; the bal-
ance io to be divided in three parts:
one to be paid to the widow of the
late Thomas McKay, one to the child-
ren of Mergaret Collie, and the other
to Sohn Taylor, a hell brother of the
late Thos. McKay. On the payment
of such the defendant is to be relieved
of ail liability in connection with the ,
estate W. Proudfoot, K. C., for '
plaintiff; Mr. 61-. Cameron, K. 0, for
fever at Windsor last summer, Mr.
Livingstone came bonse much iae
proved in health, abont the let
of March he was in good health, and
was then taken ill with what is belie
ved to be an affestion of the liver. He
has grown steadily worse.
Will Operate.
Stratford, April 3.."- Rev, Jairms
Livingsioneis in a very serious con
(Mien in the local hospital, • and the
attending phyoicians have not yet
been able to diagnose just what he is
suffering from, An operation iri re be
performed on Thuraday moraing if the
patient's condition will permit, with a
view of trying to locate the trouble,
District News.
„ Mrs, Walter Green Passed Away.
-On March 21ot, at Portage la Prairie,
Manitoba, Mary Wilson, relict of the
late Walter Green, passed away, aged
51 years. She was a daughter of the
tete John Wilson, 81.11 line, Morris,
and went West 25 years ago, when she
married Mr. Gireen. She is survived
hv. I sons and a brother, Iraac3 in the
United Ststes, Mrs. Gi
reen s well
remembered by the people of Morris.
On Aaturday last a let of fat cattle
were shipped from this station.
The congregations at Church on
Sunday were rather small in number
Rev. Peavey occupied the pulpit in
the Methodist Church at night.
On Monday Rev. Peens?' and family
left on a visit to Toronto and other
pieces for a couple of weeks.
Rev. Mr. Small will supply Knox
Church pulpit next Sunday.
I. Hutton started the saw mill last
Friday and is doing a rushing business
this week.
Several parties are buoy making
maple syrup around here.
Hogs were shipped on Wednesday
and the price is very good.
Fred Johnston got a oar load of B.
C. shingles this week.
Word was received from William
Bell that he and his horse were in a
wreck on the C. P. R.this side of Fort
William but after some 'time another
ear was got and they were able to pro-
ceed for the West.
Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinten, will
take charge of the service in the Meth-
odist Church, Easter Sunday, morning
and will address the Sunday School
pupils. Ihe pupils are requested to
meet in the basement at 15 minutes to
Mr, Len Sparks, Who has been at
home during -the winter, left on Tues
day for Saskatoon' and from that
place to Peace River.
The farmers here have been trying,
to make raaple syrup, but sap Is not
running very plentiful yet. '
London Road
Mr Geo. Hanley had the misfortune
to lose $10 in Clinton last week./
We welcome the robins and/ ilack-
birds back again this week. /
The Eastet entertainment ce, the
London Road Leagne will be here ae
the home of Mr li Livermore on Mon-
day evening.
Two yeare ago this time a good
many farmers were throngh seeding
but it will be near May before they can
start this year,
Making syrup is a slow job this year
so far,
poet sow anythingi but dean
seed if 'you ;expeel to reap a hare
vesit aerate of weede,
Good Morning! 'Have you had
any Maple syrup and Pancakes at
your heuse, yet?'
!rat vs. Roosevelt ie the argu-
ment being pule milk boards by
cue. Americanconsentsi.
Temperance Workers
Meet Here New Shirts
Rev. James Livingstone
In Critical Condition
Former Clinton Pastor Dangerously
111 at Hospital in Stratford.
Mitchell, April 3. - Rev. James
Livingstone was taken to 'the Strat
ford General Hospital today in 0 very
critical condition. He has been very ill
at his home here for some weeks, and
for the past few days has been in such
O condition that ee has been unable
to take any noerishments not even a
glase of water. Following his Meese
with ptomaine poisouing and typhoid
Represents the nuenber. of
members in the Nyal Family
Remedies. There es a remedy
for everything, from] the
ereaernent of the hair on
your head, to the corns on
you: feet, and everyonegoocl
These 'axe 130 tsocret prep-
arations;, we can tell
you exactly the corapcisition
of every Nyall line.
We recommend Nyal Rem-
edies becaose,wie know they
are stirling quality,
We also cavey1 a full line -0if
Nyal Toilet Preparations.
W, A. McConnell
Gene [111INSidSIR
,You gam% b].alnel AS 1 or hav-
ing the Rexall Bug, its a good
thing to'have; just listen to a
!tame eboxy. A ishert time ago
one of nor eusltomerisi gas 3
boxes of Rexrull' Kidney tilts.
In about 3 Weeks he.seast two
boxes beck, paying, he ;was
completely rimed of rheuena-
tisna in leis batk and lege • one
box dridlthetrick and evrinted
Ito exchange lthe e boxes, ;say-
ing that if h e evter needed
medicine again eta.; rhenium-
Itisms it Would beRexall Kid.
ney Pals fox him. They must
be good 102' thei retmov,e the
ers ac,itt, from, idie blood.
Sold only, by
W.g.R. Holmes
Phan B.
by Mr. and lets. Andre:Ave, Mies
Bolle( and Mr. Best. Miss Shipley
gavieI an excellent! reading. The
ierhwairlim. twee ocicupeed by Rev. a. A.
0mA/eared on Page 3.
1 Last Call for
Fur Coats
On Monday net we put
away our Men's Fur Coats.
Before doing so, we offer
you your choice of our en-
tire stock of Coon, Mosgow,
Calf, Galleway, and Dog
skin Coats at cost.
Remember -Next season
all classes of Furs will be up
in price and it will pay you
well to buy now.
OvOr 13 Local Option Campaigns
Are Expected in Huron Co.,
in 1913.
Last Friday a moodier netitheaeweo
are, interested In the Tempera(nicis
movement In Huron' comety gather-
ed at Weseeel ,chnech, to diocese
&lee situations,
Mr. Prank!, Buchanan of IVinghatni
Priesiclent of the/ Huron Co, .4,8 600
Miami presided.
The Setretary's gepoiet svas read
and edoptied. -
Bietpreseptaitiveit spoke upon the
riecent eampaign/ .of Local optiloiogin
Huron, {County end showt e
03441 041 agf eat in eoese plaia(esl.
Rev. IB, G. Powell, of Exeiterecon-
dueled a "Voters', Li* Conference."
The campaign! !Resolution and of-
f Lessee ,commiltitee brought in their
'rieporres whichw,ere adopted.
The offieerist ,elected foe item en-
suing mean are ;---
President-F. Buchanan, Wing -
ham. ,
Secreltaey-A, 41'. Coopee, Clint On.
Treaseree-Rev. J, !Greene,
Vice -presidents -A.13. C.karr, 1317th
North ; (W. II. leerr, Brus-
eele, 'Centre( ; 3. D. IVIcCaeliess
Ex'etear, South 13.uran,
It ,w-a;a decided( that the .oefideee
should call another convenebon if
tleey'l 'saw fit to do beecire the
January elections., ,
Bev. Mr. Kettlewell, of lToeonto,
Feed Secretary, 01 the Contairje
,Teitup,erance Aellance( cleliivexed A
vcety able addirees- on !the work of
'the Alliance in -the eveineng.
1131esidAs peyote]; eeleettions by the
choir, a quartet' was well ;rendered
We are showing the sea-
son's newest in Men's and
Boys' Shirts, soft and stiff !
fronts, with or without col- 1
la.rs, starched and soft cuffs,
All sizes. Ties to match.
New Easter Hats
The new Easter Hats for
Men and Boys are now in
stock, in hard and soit
3ha,pes, in all the newest
We would be- pleased to
have you' call and see them
Men s Tailors and rupnishers