The Clinton New Era, 1912-03-28, Page 7Coviares Seems to hit the
right spot. It is a great
food for husky young ath-
letes : satisfies the appetite:
easy to digest: and delicious
1 around one iffincjii silo were a Petro'',
(.iesS he conkd ho happy. But Usti oth,
er, iPc ill ''u dOr feq all tangible
stibstances seemedto be giving "wny,
she .was possessed by two thoughts
which Surged in her brain like' com-
batants. I1 not a 'princess, What was
ehe? If not a princess,. 'she was free.
She stele a swift glance at Carmichael,
who seemed. far retuoved. from the
heart of thls black ,business,- and had
he been looking at her be 'would have
seen the gates opening lute' Eden.
"Whatwas this little anger like?"
askedthe duke,
. shuddering.
. "One 111130 it
had been cut' or
The man was
" Y es , high-,
The duke si-
lently toyed with
the, little. yellow
shoes. Suddenly
he laughed, but
ft was the terri-
.! ble langhter of a
"VIE MAN WAS Go me, all -
TALL?" ,you, Gretchen,.
and you. Dildegarde; come, Carmi-
chael; and you, Arnsberg, all of You!
Let as go end pay a .visit to our good
friend Herbeck."
Goose Girl
C*Pright. 1909by the Bobble
Merrill Company
'-xotil seer num von arursueig.
`.V.i'Ould you not like to be a princess,
L A Princess! Gretchen's heart fiut-
t, end. A princess! She laid her head
gildegarde's shoulder. She was
:Weak, and this was some dream.
"But who, then, am tr, asked Hilda
;Era*. • •
"Tell what you know," said Hans tri
itherdrpsy. "Highness, he alone knows
!the 1nan *to brought about all this."
"The archpletter of thle ,damnablo
inipiNteir The Mike's eyes became
ye, his Mee, Ms wbole body. Every
at 'of his heart cried out for venge,
Ce. "Who is be? Tell mel give
to me, man. and all of you shall
.te free, glye hlta into these bands.
.pv11 battier The duke's hands worked
lQflVule1y lis if they 'were already
;letind fife -throat of this uneeen, im-
,Piaeakle enemy. He was terrible in
„thie indolent. ,
1 The gseeproduced a letter. It had
;threeigilfZi arsend .26 7ty`g:.
that it made the original offer It was
' t
The handwriting was pal-
ably 'Cllegaised. The duke flung the erthleeii.
l:6191100 M the floor.
"Fo011 Is that all you have? Tell
the what you ktow, man or I shall
have you shot In th,e morning, immuni:
ty or no itemunityl Quick!" ways rouse his sense of justice. You
"Highlleas," said the MAY, there
will, of course, pardon the move -I
,oughly 'alarmed. "this is how It hap -
made..• There • will be no publieiti.
• pened. My band was staying at the
There will be no newspaper notoriety,
time in D , reiberg. We told ;fortunes eseee
_, NF"' ""clw 11(411112g*
'end exhibited an. Italian puppet show. ```''
of what has really happened."
;The letter came first. I was poor and "For that consideration your excel-
lency has my deepest thanks," replied
Prince Ludwig.• ,
"I thought it best to let you go with-
out seeing the duke. • The meeting be-
tween yen two might be painful."
"That alsO is thoughtful of your ex-
cellency," said the king. "I have no
desire to see or speak to his highness."
"There is, hoverer, one 'favor I
should like to ask," said the prince. •
"Can I grant it?"
HE king of Jugendheit, Prince
Ludwig and the chancellor sat
in the form of a triangle. Her -
beck *as making a pyramid of
his finger tips, sometimes touching his
chin with his thumbs. His face was
,His royal highness, etill in the guise
of a mountaineer, sat stiffly in his
chair, the expression on 'his face hard-
ly translatable; that on the king's not
at all. He Was dressed in the brilliant
uniform of a colonel In the Prussian
uhlans, an honor conferred upon him
recently by King William. Prior to
his advent into the grand duchy of
Ebrenstein he had been to Berlin. A
whim for which he was now grateful
had cozened him into carrying this
uniform along with him on his ad.ven-,
tures. It Was •only •after he net
Gretchen tbat there came moments
when he forgot he was a king. Be
was pale. From hour to hour his
heart seemed to grow colder and small-
er and harder, till it now rested in his
breast with the heaviness of a stone,
out of whkh life and the care of living
had been squeezed. He rarely spoke,
leaving the burden of the conversation
to rest upon his uncle's tongue.
"So your royal highness will under-
stand," said Herbeck, "that it was the
simplest move I could make and the
safest. Were it known or had it been
known Mk morning that the king of
Jugendheit and the prince regent had
entered Drelberg in disguise and had
been lodged in the Steinschloss there
would have been a serious riot in the
city. So I had you arrested as spies.
Presently a closed carriage will convey
you to the frontier and the unfortm
nate incident will be ended. And when
you cross the frontier it :would be wise
to disperse the aeons waiting there
for you."
Do You Feel This
Do you feel all tired out? Do you sometimes
think you just can't work away at your prole',
sion or trade any longer? Do you have a poor ape-
tite, and lay awake at nights unable to sleep ? Are
your nerves all gone, and your st0Mach too? Has ain.
bition to forge ahead in the world left you? If so, fon
might as well put a stop to your misery. You earl do it if
you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
make you a different individual,. It willimet your laY,y liver
to work. It will set things right in your stomach, and
your at/Petite will come back. It will purify your 'blood'.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption,
it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after Con,.
sumption has almoSt gained a foothold in the fotm of a
lingering cough i bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about a .
cure p )8 per cent. of all caScs. It is a reraedy originally prepared by Doctor
R.V. Pierce. Medical advice is given free to all who wish to write Inc same.
Gres success ling. -come from a wide experience and varied practice. '
• Don't be wheedled by a penny -grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi-
tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be "just as good." Dr,
Pierce's medicines are Or KNOWN COrni"osiTioN. Their every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit.
forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
, •
Prince Ludwig Smiled. "It was only
an army of defense. The duke, bad
nearly 20,000 men at the maneuvers. I
have no desire for war; but, on the
other hand, lam always ready for it."
"There will never be any war be-
tween us," prophetically. "The duke
grows Impatient at times, but I can al -
lsometinies desperate. I was to take
--4“4"ereaserte-ard-leMee'iree with strange
le •
; "Ali" interrupted the deice, with a
despairing gesture toward Geumbach.
;"Why did you not leave u
• "Highness, a great wrong as been
• done, and God brought • me here to
right it."
"You are a brave man," darkly.
"I am in your bands, highness," star- "Easily. I wishao leave a sum of
dily. "In a mad monient 1 committed money "in trust to be paid to one
a crime. I would not accept till I had
talked personally with him. He came
at last. His face was hidden and his
voice muffled. But this sew -when
be gave me the firstMitif of the money
I was Certain I shoald know him
again." .
"13y his little finger, highness."
"His • little finger?" Von Arnsherg re-
The two women, large eyed and be-
wildered, clung to each other's hand
tensely. These were imarthreaking
times. -Glretcben's mtnd, however, ab --
sorbed nothing, neither the words nor
The picture. 1 -Ter thouglits reyolvua`
'hinsseit :igainst the 0e515. 9001/1106011126006111110190111041$0108
"Yes. I am mad, but It. is the sane
madness of a- terribly wronged man. , Editorial Notzs
Come here, you gypsy!" The duke
seized Herbeek's hand and pressed it
down fiercely on the deslc. "Look at.x-'rosperity discovers vice, adve'r-
that and tell me if it is not the hand efty,vietue.
of a Judas!" .
• "That Is the hand, highness," said A !gorgeous hat batrayis a
the-gyps'y without -Ifegration. , and vain mind.
The duke Gung the hand aside. As
be did so semething snappect'in Her-
beck's brain, though at that instant
he was not conscious of it.
"It was you -soul It was yourl3and
that wrecked 'my life -yours! Ah,. 10
there "such vMainy? Are such Men
born and do they live? My wife dead,
my 'own heart broken. Arnsberg min-
ed and disgraced! And these two chit.
17 0 h;S Ciiie
quickly stops coughs, cures colds; heals
the imoat and - - 25 cents.
Virtue the 'strength. and beauty
of the soal,iis the beet 3ft f heav-
True happiness consist* heat kr a
dren, which is mine? Villain, vrliat multitude of Mendes' but in their
have you to say? What was your pur- *oath ancl choice.,
Prise?" •
ment? How long had he been steeling FOR FLETCHER'S
How many years, thought Herbeck, Children Cry -
had he been preparing for this mo.
his heart against this very scene? Fu- eASTORIA
tile dream! He drew himself together
with a supreme effort. He would face He whd calhi awoinan -ungr ate -
this hour as he had always planned to full sum,s 'up Fall the evil she can be
face its% Found out! He looked at his .guility of.
finger, touched it with an Impersonal
curiosity. He had forgotten all about Absence of oceupation isnot rest,
such a possibillq. A little finger to A Inind. 1 quite 'meant is ,a 'mind
have stopped the wheel of so great a disitrees,d.
scheine! Ironyl... • -.--
"Tour highness." he said, bis voice To be proud onearning is the
soft and strangely clear, "I have been greateet ignorance,
waiting for this hour. So I am found
out! How little we know what God Time tempers love. but net re -
intends!" • moves. ,
"Yon speak of God? You blaspheme!"
"Bear with me for a apace. I shall
Window smashing doe d not win
not hold you long." friends for OM' ,s0oteii suffektgettes
"But why? What have I done to in the Did Daind and if they. Ron -
you that you should wreck all I hold tinue to, act as disorderliee no one,
dear?" pill sympathize much with them if
• have practically governed this country
Herbeek fumbled with his collar. "I they see the inside' of the prison
for their "Panes." RI ie` a o"FarbtY"
• for sixteen years. In that time I have =air tiont's4efoldt INIorainthitnII:j3ItY,h%
made it prosperous and happy. I have ever aimed at thel Windows, hence
given you a substantial treasury. -I the law should pot be too isevere..
have made you an army. I have
brought peace where you would have
Lesson )(Ill.—First Quarter, For
March 31, 1912. _
'Feet of the Lesson; a Comprehensive
Quarterly , Review - Golden Text
Matt. iv, 16 --Commentary Prepared,
by Rev. ID, M. Stearns.
' LESSON I. --The birth of John the,
Rabtist foretold (Luke 1, 5-23). Golden!,
Text, Heb. zi, 6,,, "Without faith it 14:
impossible to please Him." It has been
truly said that delay in answering,
prayer is not deidal. The time bad not
come until now to answer this prayer.,
"Aa for God, Hie way is perfect" (Pa,
xviii, 80). Note the affliction of Zache'
I be h did n t belie e Let
Caused Her Miseu.
writes: -"A few lines highly recommend-
ing Doan's Kidney Pills. For this last
year I have been troubled very much
with nasty sick headaches, and a weak
aching back, which- caused me much
misery, for I could not work, and had no
ambition for anything. My kidneys were
very badly out of order, and kept me
from sleeping at nights. I tried rnany
kinds of pills and medicines, but it seemed
almost in vain. I began to give up in
lespair of ever being, well and strong
again, when a kind neighbor advised me
to try Dean's ICidney Pills, which I did,
and am thankful for the relief I. obtained
from them, for now I am. never troubled
with a sore back or siekheedaches'
"I will always say Doan's Kidney Pins,
for mine arid can highly recommend them
to any sufferer."
Price, 60 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
$1.25.•at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T.elefilburn;Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When orde.riug direct specify "Dean's-"
Gretchen SchWarz, who, lives in, the
Krumerweg. She is ambitions to be-
come a singer. Let nothing stand be-
tween her and her desires."
"Granted." •
The heart of the king at the sound
of that dear name suddenly expanded
and staled him. .The stiffness went
out of his sheulders. •
"Ahe this little world of ours! • The
mistakes,and futile schemes we make
upon itl" The chancellor dallied with.
his quill pep. "It was a cynical morn
of fate that, your majesty should see
the goose girl drst" -
"Enough!" cried the king vehement-
ly. "Let us have no more retrospec-
tion, if you please. Moreoyer, shall
be obliged to you if you will summon
at once the carriage which, is to take
us to the frontier. The situation has
been amicably and satisfactorily ex-
Plained. I see no !reason why we
• should be detained any longer."
"Nor I," added Prince Ludwig. "I
am rather weary of these tatters.
should even like a bath."
The three of them Were immediately
attracted by a.„ singular noise in the
orriclor. T4 door swiinglp Velen, tlY,
crashing against the wall and shive*F-
Ing into atoms the Venetian mirror.
The king, the prince and the chancellor
were instantly upot their feet. The
king • clutched the back of his chair
with a grip of iron.. Gretchen? 13er
highness? What was Gretchen -doing
here? Ah, could he have flown!
The duke came in first, ad ho wale!
ed till the others were inside. Then
he shut the door with lesser violence
and rushed over to the chancellor.
"Herbeck, you villain!"
• The chancellor, stared- at the gypsy,
at Ton Arneherg, at Grumbach.
"Ilerbeek. you black scoundrel!"
cried The duke., "Can You realize how
difficult .it is not to take you by the
throat and strangle you -here and
"Ile is madl"'seld Herbeck, bracine ,
brought war. To my people God will
witness' that I have done my duty as A Remarkable
I saw It. One dee I fell the victim
of a mad dream. And to think that
I almost won!"
"And I?" said filidegarde, her hands
clinched and pressed against her bos-
om. "What have you done to me, who
am innocent of any tvrong? What
haveyou done to me?"
"You, my child? I have wronged
you greatest of all. The wrong I have
done to you is irreparable. Ab, •have
not my arms hungered for the touch of
you, toy heart ached for the longing
of you? To see you day after day,
always humble before you, always
glad to kfse the back of your handl
Have I not lived in hell, your high-
ness?" turning to the duke.
• "What ani and who am 1?" whis-
pered Hildegartle, her heart almost
ceasing to beat.
"I am your fatheid"
The Grand Duke of Ehrenstein be;
held the chancellor with that phase of
astonishment which leaves the mind
unclouded. What a project! What a
mind to conceive it, to perfect it down
to so small a detail as e. jeweler's mark
in the gold of the locket! And a little
finger to betray it. In a flash he saw
,vividly all this mau had undergone
day by day, unfaltering...unhesitant,
forgetting nothing, remembering..every-
thing but the one insignificant Item
which was to overthrow him.
Prince Ludwig took off his hat. "13er.
beck, you are a great politician."
"No, prince," replied Eterbeek with
neffable sadness. "Had I been a great
politician I should have succeeded. Ah,
give this to ray merit; self never en-
tered into this dream. It was all done
for my child." -
flildegarde not"'move, nor had
she moved Since the revelation.
"Hildegarde," said the duke. "you
shall become my daughter,' and you
shall- dwell here till the end of your
days. I will try to right the wrong
that has been done to you."
"No, your highness," elm replied.
"There is but one place for me, and
that is at my father's side." And res.
olutely she walked to the chancellor'S
left, and her band stole down and met
his firmly. "My father, I forgive you,"
she said, with quiet dignity.
"You" forgive me?" The chancellof
could not believe his ears.
"Yes, father,"
Tben, recalling all the Child bungeg
in his arms and heart, he Wept lifer
to leis breast convulsively, and the we
The most afflicted people on
earth are those suffer from rheum-
atism and (about one-fourth of our •
people are afflicted1 With this ter -
ar as cause e o v .
us live in the presence of God, like Gra
briel, and go forth from Him.
Lessee IL -The birth of John the;
Baptist (Luke i, 57-80). Golden Text,
Luke i, 68, "Blessed' be the Lord Goffl.
ef Israel, for He hath visited and re -.1
deemed His people." John the -Baptist
was to be filled with the Holy Spirit
from his. birth; Elisabeth was filled'
when Mary CAME to see her and spok4,
to her; Zacharias was filled after he
had written that the child's name'
should be John (verses 15, 41, 67). The
Spirit always honors God and Christ
LESSON III. -The birth of Jesus (Luke
ii, 1-20). Golden Text, Luke ii, 11,
"For unto you is born this day in the
city of David a Saviour, which is;
Christ the Lord." A world moved by
a royal decree brought Mary to Beth-
lehem that E,:lcriptute might be fulfilled.
Earth Cares not -1 mean earth's great
Ones -but all heaven cares and a feW
lowly ones on the earth. The shep-
herds believed and acted accordingly
and found as told them.
LESSON IV. -The presentation in the
temple (Luke 11, 22-8E0., Golden Text,
Luke ii, 80, 81; II. V, "For mine 'eyes
have seen Thy salvation, which Thou'
haat prepared before the face of all,
peoples." The son of a poor woman, so,
poor that she could bring only the eV!
fering appointed for the pooreet, and
yet recognized by Spirit tilled Simeon
as the salvation of Jehovah, a light for
the nations and the glory of Israel. ,
Luse= V. -The wise men led by the
star Matt 11, 1-12). Golden Text, /au!
xlv, 22, "Look unto Me and be ye,
saved all the ends of the earth, for
em God, and there is none else." TheyA
came to Jerusalem to find and to woo,'
ship the King of the Jews, and, hav-
ing found Him, they opened their treas-
ures to Him even though He was only
a babe in Mary's arms. So all nations
will come when Ile shall be King (er.
1?). .
LESSON VL -The boy Jesus in the
temple (Luke 11, 40-52). golden Text;
Luke 11 49 R. V. "How is it that yel
time racking, bone crippling
disease. So Inanyl peoPliei neglect
Ithemselves andi rhienmatierd fole
Wows in one for ta Rad then anoth-
er untrl they are, aniexample of the
tortures of rheulnialtism. Itheurno
has Igained the greatest reputation
through being a quick and perman-
ent elITO fog rheulualtiem inito
many forms. Rheumo taiga good
we guaaaete iJJt ;avian; in chrolnic
cases and, J. E, Hovey atm.& back
of owl rguaranted and will reflunid
your 'money if Rheamoi isnot just
the bead 3:heuroatie cure kn own.
Donk put! off getting a bottle of
Rheum() (to -day it 'means your health
and happiness.
Waged fedie diOPped oniii brIgb
"And who am I?" said Gretchen.
"Bremner, you say this little goose
girl 10 my daugbter?"
"1 solemnly swear it, highness. Look
into her face agein carefully."
The duke did so, a hand on either
cheek. He scrutinized every 'contour,
the color of the eyes, the low, broad
biow, the clime of the chin. Out of
the past he conjured up the mothes
face. Yes, beyond any doubt there
was a haunting likeness, and Ise had
neVer noted it before.
"Rut who will prove it to the world?"
he cried hopelessly; still holding
Gretchen's wondering face between
Continued next week
Did Net I -1.m Hite.
Montreal, March 25. -One of the
most curious pleas ever heard in 0
local law court was marls Saturday
by J. H. Paquin, who was sued by
ei insurance company. Paquin ad.
mitted signing for some shares of
stc,ck, but declared that at the time
when this occurred he WaS a candi-
date for alderman, The agent of the
c mpany had called just before elec-
tier) and had solicited him to buy
shares_ declaring that•this would help
hisu in heing "Jeated. HoweVer, he
was very badly beaten at the polls,
and ir, conseet.ence he ltd not think
he shbuld he called tipon to pay up.
T.11.3 judge saw otherwise, heWeVer-
'Are being fast • driven off.
the market by the overpower-
ing merit of Nerviline, which
has more strength in One drop
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rheumatsm, selatica and lum'
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Whig saiVCS Calla CIFC teZeiria
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mealy different( rialveri hays been
;tiled for ski r( deseaseirei Bat 'it has
been found thall ;these ealv,ea only,
clog the/ pores ' and tanned belate;-
trate' to the 'Innen skin b;elow the
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ane lodged. ,
,This -the quality of penetrating- ,
probably explaine Ithe tremiando '
suicceso ofethe ,well-knowrai ,
eczema remedy., oil of winter- ;
green, tbyreol, glycerine, etc., as '
compounded in D. D. D. Prescripe
droptped all liniments but Nor,
vildne because I found, bierviline the
quickest to relieve' pain," writes E.
)8r',,lor, of St John's 'If my
children somGr.-luny or s'l1
Mires t,h'in
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cramps Or , etorr7a,e'll u0pC,
Iq '1' • is ever rea.tly „" We use
Nerviline for neu.ralgta rheumatism,
and an kinds of aches and pains;
it good as any doltor.”
so 'OniyNerviilne
Good to rub on any ,part of the
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You can't beat Nervillne as a
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Ts -S '
Largo Vic bottles, at all „dealers.
sought Me? Knew ye not that I
must be In My Father's house?" We'
see Christ, our passover, at His first
passover, and yet it was instituted by.
Him 1,400 years before and is yet te;
have its complete fulfillment in con-
nection with Israel at His second com-i
Ing. We must not suppose, as Marl;
did, but know with certainty.
LESSON VIL-The ministry of Join;
the Baptist (Luke lit, 7-20). golden'
Text, Matt. III, 2, "Repent ye, for thel
kingdora of heaven is at hand."John,
Was the herald of the Messiah foretold!
by Isaiah and Malachi, a man great ini
the sight of the Lord, no greater ever'
born of woman by ordinary generatiomi
yet, although so faitheul, how short his
ministry, bow strange his end! Let us,t
like him, point all to Jesus.
LESSON VIII.- The baptism and
temptation of Jesus (Mark I, 9-11;
Matt. iv, 1-11). Golden Text, Heb. ii,
18, "For in that He Himself bath suf-i
fered being tempted He is able to sue-'
cor them that are tempted." Note the
submission of Jesus for our sakes, th
opened heaven, the Fatliere voice, the
Spirit as a dove. Then see Him con-
quering the devil by the sword of the
Spirit, leaving us an example,
Lesson IX. -The call of the first dis
ciples Mark I, 14-28). Golden Text,
Matt. ix, 87, 88, "The harvest truly I
plenteous, but the laborers are few.
Pray ye therefore." * * * Remember
the six who were gathered unto Him iiii,
John 1, 35-51, This is another call td
four of the six and an instance of MS
power over evil spirits. He is ever,
calling us nearer to Him for service
and assuring us of His all power oil
our behalf.
Lnssox X. -Jesus the healer (Mark 1,
29-45). Golden Text, Matt. viii, MI
"Himself took our infirmities and bare
our sicknesses." The healing of fever'
and leprosy with a touch or a word
and all manner of disease just as eas1-1
ly gives us an idea of the kingdo
where the inhabitant shall not say, Il
am sick. This kingdom was at handl
when Jesus Christ was here, but has'
been postponed till His return.
Lesson XL -The paralytic &rely*
and healed (Mark ii, 1-12). Groldeni
Text, Ps. ciii, 2, 3, "Bless the Lord, 0'
ray soul, and forget not all His bemel
fits who forgiveth, * 4' * who heal.,
eth." * * * The faith of the fel*
friends amply rewarded, the faultfind-j
ing Pharisees rebuked and the sick
man healed in body and soul. See the
main thing is to come to Jesus; it does
not matter hotv-through the reef et
any other way. ;
Lessee' XII, -Feasting and fasting,
(Mark if, 13-22). Golden Text, Mark 11,
17, "I came not to call the righteone,!
but sinner." Let it stand out in large
lettere that "this man reeeiveth sin-
ners." Publicans and harlots are wel-
come if penitent, while self righteoUs
people cannot be received. There Must
be a new birth before there ean be a
new life; no patching up the old with
eiedttee the new. but neve all thredgh.
We have sold other remedies tor 1 W. 5.11, HoP..ines Druggist,
elrie troubles but none the!: ,we,cain,
earn eeconernendi Itighly, ;thig
f we know that 0, D. I). stops the
itch Wei:ince.
Of ,nourse .other druggielle have
D. D, D, Presnripteon-go to ;theta, if
OiU colnel ius-L•but
Ifre,cept some, 'bilgt profit isubeiran!te'e
• But if yore noinci to our store, eve
ean tell you all about D, D. D. Pres-
cription and( howl euree eczenia,
be.cause ave havO had l the agencer
fox Erelong,
Or you onn get a free- itrial bottle;
by writing , thO D. D. D. Laboxatore
„lee, 49.Colboome St., Toronto.
The Marquess of Hertford died after
undergoing an operation.
Four of the five mon elected to the
Owen Sound Town Council OD Satur-
day ate opposed to local option.
The Countess of Warwick, who er-
eived in America two weeks ago to
lecture, cancelled her engag,emenk
and sailed Saturday for home.
Rev. Jas. Hannon, D,D formerly
president of the Guelph conference,
diel at St. Mary's last evening, at the
home of his sori-in-law, Rev. F. 14
.,„The Government has decided to Put
a night lettergram service into effect
over the Government-owned telegraph
lines in the Thiminion, starting on
April 1. '
A Spanish force had a severe en-
gagement with Riffien tribesmen Sat-
urday. The Spaniards lost a colonel,
three lieutenants and twenty-nine
men killed.
Andre Kopassis Effendi, prince -gov-
ernor of the Island of Samos, was as-
sassinated yesterday by a Greek, who
fired several shots at laim-. The assas-
sin was arrested.
The C.P.R. have just been notified
that they have been assessed 6139,400
laj the State of Maine for damages
caused by their locomotives setting
fire to forests in that state.
A Maine Central passenger train
struck a cart containing Holt COUSiTIR
of Ellsworth and his eight-year-old
son, yesterday, killing the boy iu-
stantly and fatally injuring the man.
A mob broke into the City Hall at
Fort Smith, Ark., Saturday night,
seized an unidentified negro who had
mei/Lonely shot and' probably fatally
wounded Deputy Constable Andrew
shod xi/main
asleep .1)) Ile lira,
is hes/ value
on earlh e
One .9,f the Best
FlO(10 OCTOrteS
in Canada
W. Doherty Piano and
Organ Co ,
, Factories and Read Office
Weeterts Branch,
For infauts oati
The Kind You 'Have bap 13001
Bears the
signature of
filZ —4, 4
ItC3n.,r4a "ginc)-ui. 1%/lecri-37-?
Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures
say- No Names or Testimonials used without written consent
Case No. 10888. , Symptoms when he
started treatment: -Age 21, single, in-
dulged in Immoral habits seventi Yearn.
VariCose veins on both siaos-plmples
on the face,' etc. After two months'
treatinent he -Writes as follows: -"Your
AVOICOMe letterto hand and am Very
glad to say that I think myself cured.
My Varicose Veins have completely die -
appeared for quite a while and it seems
a cure. 1 wprk harder and &nil lees
tired. 5 have no desire for that habit
whatever and if I stay like this, which
X have every reason to believe X will.
Thanking you for your kind attention,"
Patient No. 16474. "The spots are all
gone from my legs and arms anti 0 feel
good now, I ant very' grateful to you
and shall never forget the favor your
medicines have done for me. You can
use my name in recommending it to
any sufferer. I am going to get mar-
rled soon. Thanking you once more,
Datlent No. 10701i. Ago 23. Magi°.
Indulged in immorailmits 4 years, De-
posit in urine and drnine at night,
• Varicose Veins on both sides,
back, week sextally.. Ile wrItes:-"I
received Your letter of resent date and
in reply I ant pleased to say that after
taking' two menthe' treatment I would
consider myself completely cured, as I
have seen no signs of them coming
back (one year).
refloatNo. 111922. "X have not had.
o regular Efrass1011.1 don't know when
and am feeling ano. The 'world seems
altogether different to Me and. I thank .
God for directing me to you. You have
Dittleat No. 12222.This patient (aged
(S) had a chronic ense of Nervoue De-
Illty and Sexual Weakness and was run
down in vigor and vitality. After One
month's treatment he reports as fol-
lows: -"I am feeling very well. I have
gained 14 Pounds 10 one month, se that
I will have tp congratulate you." Later
report: -"I am beginning to feel more
like a man. I feel my condition is
getting better every week." Els last re-
portt-"Dear Dootore-As I feel this le
the last Manth's treatment that 1 will
• have to get, I thought at one time I
Weald, never be mired but f put con -
mance in you from, the start and you
been an honest doctor With me." have eared me." '
CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for' a Question
Blank for Home Treatment.
aDmoudttbe mildrend to.otir Can.
LITIV2212=211===1 DRS. Ingif,IEDV& leggiNEVY,"WINVeifiR, ONT.
Cor. Michigan Ave and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich.
Reaching , Um, if..!eople,
A prominent real estate dealer,
In 'Toronto ,saye.that he 'gets;
hotter and quicker resultdfrom
Itho Classified Want Ade. than
peril any ;Alit:faking ef .publicity.!
Ho states that the results .are
put of proportion' to ttle_stnall
expanse Involved:
Thera Is a inOral Iiilhat fiat. yeti
if you want to roacif'the people,
,oanyrieel..00l't, n Iv 11.ta,
civertise Now