The Clinton New Era, 1912-03-28, Page 6Page It ill11111191•111111111.2111111111111 Mplanti CO„ arm Ts . orrncrlull'inds LJuaranteea rare. Ire of nd nd nd Ii ft ter tll ell Len ell Sh ed nt, ed 18 _ 1)1'.. 1114' ADAM Sil°14111 I This lady, who prior to hey:. mar: Dr. Adam Seerte was Mieff Co, An 18 6 5 the lion. gentleman had ' -his early educiytion at Eictou Academy _ thrilliKL REPORT& . Liverpool -Whea,- Future:: Close. Low- fe , , I le ToRTIiRED , . . 'iv I . ,e0.. . , (fro•-talrin r • . 0 to ltdlaeg. ,Consul. arld'S that the attack was made bY pirates 'and \vas not due to anti.forLgn hatred. ' ' Chinese,' gend-' , . , . , '. are pursuing the pirates, c , i 1 WQRVThe A IN 1,11 . , ' FOR MY .L1V1NO . 41'M an' • • ,. riagetwith illizaheth S.mith of Hamilton, Ont. is ' are of Ct-tda's 'verY bus), women, laving quite a long list of self-inr- eosed duties to cover in cotinection with the ditfereet brancke§ of Work that a,ppeal speeially the fair sex,,,Ine Ottawa- and elsewhere in the, go- . ..., , 110'0101i, haying indeed earned no sme, I share of distinction in a member of the oets Landing 'depa ref: en te of women'S work in her'pro-Mintial days. Since hei, marriage efis Shortt hall ' taken.. a t'ery deem" Intertiet in all forms of philanthropy, especially that Pert/tilling, to the public health, ' She Is at present, convener, of Ole Public „,a,th ,committee of . the ,National Connell of Women, and is on a similar committee, of which '1.,ady Abeteleen, Is convenor, in the Internationale Council. She 18 also keenly interested In the Anti-Tubereulosis Crusade.' She is an active niember of the y.W.C.A. haying'held the office of president. in ' the Kingston brench for several years, during -her reeldence in Lhat city, ;Hrs. Shortt it ' fyae who first wrote ' -to. Queen's University 'to ask for se- Pirate classes for ,wornen and was the firet regularly 'matriculated wo- . • . oi..-• le. j "' '4, • % 7e ilir, t -a 4, f'. . ..., :,..,,,,,pAr -f,.: ' e ee ere •IO ii. 3.:- ...te il•V ..se i, • : . . . er Chic go 1-110her-Ltve Stock • , ' a --LatesZ .Quotations. . . CRICAc10,' lliferell 23.---trightness be. - °erne so pronounced to -day in the .May wheat option here that shorts in other futures Joined a .stampedc to cover. Nows or export.sales'lled a strengthen. lug effect.' The close showed a net ad- , ranee of Et %c te 1140. Latest trading left corn 1,4.1 to 90c up; oats with a gain of a f/te to 1/2c. and hog products vary- tog froth 2""e. decline to a rise, of a nicitel.. , The,'LlverPool market closed to on .wheat ISO lower than yesterday, and oa corn •9f,d higher to VI lower, Paris wheat cieSed Unehanged to 14,5 lilfglier, Antwerp unchanged, and Bet (at ge higtep.' • • .. . OP' 1-1.1C'IL Low ' L.1Qse" C. 1°2e' monov,, net; ....ilin 11001.4 • 11003a, - 1100iitab 11002r,, j 'uly ..,.., 1: .. I. nr., ' i 0" ' °01°"s4'4%. July __eve, 103 102% 101.'s 103'M -„°"1-e- ' Teeei Y, Teeter'. eel), teee eise Flax, may .c.1 ssip • . .0 , „, 3. Toronto Grain Mafeet, ,N-wvilliea:tt. gi.cjaoite,habautl.e.1...... 400 11 to '6.02.7 Rye bush& ...... ........,110 . , 0Baartsie.rosub$eitei00 Jo (.1:5.! ' ' ., - s ,E. SS v...nms OF GAS. ' e ri . '' • ( Aged Toronto Woman and Her Daugh- '' AND NEE O' DIN PILLS a...rd ter Ai.e Asphyelathdf AND TERRIBLE SICK HEADACHES ' • - " , , ‘ - .. „ Toronto, March 20.--ivlothet and . 294 Gcq'T)°11 'r•f S'L'I'I'1014' N'Y' DRY FARMING WISDOM. . . ,f (..nelitcr, B001 Completely Cored ,hy,,,Fruit-Miyes Liu., . , , . . 33,,,..easpaN,,O,nt. July ,07th; 191o. street, ell Was a .dreadful• sufferer for many because years from $icit Headaches and Bilious - ness or Torpid Liver, I tried' litany remLi'es and physicians,' but' notloing Qteti1.5:cir • .. ; •-i d I 1 seemea to do me any oo . , 'final y • used eVrait-a-tives" and after the first c', :boricou I We. as se• In:eh better that I con- cPB"1":"..3.10.. thined using.- these fruit tablets lind they, .uforustri . lia,yie ceetti Li rieuliyy cctiarne dr eneioe tn. , me, n a -,,rmit. a-tives" to anyone who suffers from Headaches Biliousness or S t 010 a eh le", el ,-, '-se ' ' 'eel at s ISAAC:VANSICKLE; , . . . Mrs, Amelia ' Liiaden and i, ad 11 • v. e h ,xiated b .• ian ,e e i ‘ er asp1t , Y iii -their becitotene at 117 Borden on Sunday morning. Alarmed they failed to come down'stairs e._, brealtfast, shout ' it o'clock,. the tnc):,'Ilit,rrcs, leleitelle° lirl.Ts gill'e'cil-do„vt; eas .enees and found the t\vo women . . bed' •. A. ,i'll'ck of ulster 'a 'rai Bath, _streets ems summoned, but he d that life in both .cases had. boon extinct for, several houre. ' Chief COroner, Dr. A. L. Johnson was, note rind inAructed Coroner- Dr. NI,. A. , ' ...# I < ,,e4,:. •-4 f.ee e ..e .....1 e r 1 # ,: 1 . " Will ' you , . __ %.4„......._..,......„, knadlylyifineolfourinr05. ' CeinPins , in New York acl jitoyut? thIeluelarniaesdt summer. My daughter went to . Kingston,. Out, . ' - -------, The .NhyciaenadrlythbeyHaonwE0):1)1,,trxplaineti Vi7fillng on "Some" Dry Farming Problents," A. M. Ten EYcir, superin- tendent of the western an as expere merit station, Fort flaYs, Kam, says; Beperts bave lost many a convert tO dry farming by cloudleg., the issue. They put in jupt a little too much sce fence and not quite enough common eense. What a farmer wants is plain Engfieh in short sentencee and not many to a paragraph. You can't make Thousands of people have nad the experience es Mrs VanSickle., Graham to investigate. Re decided that an Investigation was unnecessary,' e a... . witeee- <.." ere _ It too plein for the man who struggles , with dry, het winds. same . - • - • - -Alley have tried doctors and taken all :sorts .of Medicine Only to find. that Feent-a-tives "' i the one .and only r em ea y tit a t actually elites :these , , "Pruit-a-tives" is the only Medicine i • , . on the world, made of fruit juices, and is the ereatest lever Care ever raise. coydecl'. It aets directly on Liver; IC i d :1 e Ys. and. 61 -1.n -sweetens . the stomeeh and purifies the blood.. ' '. I I as cleat i was purely accideeta . . A gas heater,- with the jet thrown wide open, allowing the fumes to es. cape, was the cause of the ttagedy, Albert J. Leaden, a son, returned from work at the Majestic 'Theatre, where he ' is emoloycd as an electri- elan, ,at midnight. •et, thee thee Mrs. Leeden was just going' to bed.' She went downstairs to give, her son s -up- per, and .a short time later returned ' .,.". --- , "se.1 and ill 80010 to me to be thforeyIedicilanemyeasnodmEillaedlitlegrooTar02:11ei, ' eut of YourPin and the' iipiroe- ' ,. ", 'A,' . .,.. -,-.--- tee he , the sturaxier 'there. She got Pills and sent them, I tried them and found them beet medicine that I ever used . . a't?ilt•v!. So far as cultivation is concerned, there are exactly three principal Steps in this dry farming businees, and shy , . . 'farmingodis it should be understd, ., , conserving,the Moisture, nothing more. Hem thee ore. First.-2The L011. m.ust, be loosened to a eonsieetable depth in order to pre. Pere, a reservoir to receive the rain and man student to enter the University.troubles. In 1884 she graduated in medicine, one, of the, first three women to • de so, and besides' her degree from.. Qne.en'e • she holds' a diploma frometlie,Oetarlo College of Physiciaus Mid Surgeeas, ,so that she was able to practice me- 'Maine, tvhich she - did for two years in Hamilton. In Ottawa, Mrs. ShorttCheese, holds the °Mee of vice-president of thee Women's - Canadian Club, yice- presidentof the Council of Women, and belongs as well to the Women's HON., B. I!. PEARSON of 'Nova Scotia Legislature , .., • - - , and D•alliousle College, Halifax, and • "for a time Was alderman on the Halt' pee City counete , • -- -e--.-...- e -. 'nutter, ParleY, for feed . ° 6 ° 74 Pens,. bushel .....,.., .....,„ 1 15 1 20 Buckwheat, bushel ....,. . 0(11 0.65 •• Toronto Dairy. Market, Butter, creamery, lb, rolls, 0 87 - 0 'a Better, cretimery, . solids' Ole ..., Butter, seaarator, dairy, lb, 0.81 ft 35 store lots ' 812 004 new, lb 0 161,e 0 17 • NetleyeOrabs, dozen ' 2 50. 3 ce Honey, extractee, lb ..... ,013 ,., Rees, new-taid 0 zi . e 24 Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, march • 23.-Ceistrig-- SoC. a hON, 6 for' ee.eo, or trzel size, eec. At all dealers or froth Peuit-a-tives l'imIted. Ottawa . • , to her room; where her daughter Le- lian had ' retired - a couple of hours before. et is thought that She turned the jet of theeheater off, as: the roam much better I hope you can gee it so ,, I can get Gin Pills in New York . CHARI,ES COLLINS. Sold eveeywhere in Canada at eoc; a si , 1110 G T • • . , .. ' • • ' ,danghter II 'MUST TAKE MEN e • ' ' BACK,- , was if are], and then, by Mistake,. turned it op, apd then retired. ,IVirs, Leaden teas 71 years of age, el' d her Lillian about 35 years. ' Lillian leaden' had been deployed.: in the office of the Gutta• Pemba Rub- bet Co. for some time. , ,eirsi Leaden wee, thewife .of Michael J. 'Leaden,. box, 6 for $2,50. Sample free if you write Nationel Drug and Che'mical Co. of Lanada, Litnated, Dept. A Teronto.., If you need a gentle laxative or 'some- thing tostir up the liver, take National I,azy Liver Pills, 250. a boX. ' 106 ,- e_. °""'""'"''''""-r" owl 1 ez - . , „ eV 7I'1A'''''': Historical Society 'anti to the Mothers' Tine:dn. . , Mrs. Shortt was hOrn at Kingston, and her' husband, who fer a runnber of years was 'Professor of Political .Eco- money at Quedes University, ia nee, ConamisSioner of the Civil Service at , Ottawa. Slit 'W. M. AITKEN, - Canadinu Millionaire; British .M.P. One ° 'mixed, A of the features ' in vit- , - - ' Mother of Parliaments recently was tee maiden speech of Sir W. M. Aitken, the young Canadian million- aire, who, at tee last election, cap- tared Ashtounder for the Wheat -spot 'nominal; futures steady, march nominate May 7s 7 5-Sdi. July Is 6 7-86. Corn -Spot steady; Arneri3an new, Is 3d; de, old, 85.11c1; new lain dried 6s 7 1-2c1; Puttres irregular; May Gs 4 1-46; Sept. 50 2 3-46.' Flour-, Winter patents 29s 9d. Hops in London (Pacific coast) £10 and £11 .5s. , Beef -Extra India mess 102s Gd. Pork ..-Frinte. niees, ;western, S3s 9c1; hams,, w, • march 25.' -el.' he iti ti nee um Ottaa ee .c,3 e ni i Hon. TAY. Grath.: rs, enlister. oi Labor, has laid doNve ti the Grand eollector for .the Bell. Ewart Ice Co. ' Two sons and , two daughters, Mrs. Go odfell OW and Mrs. Rolph, wife of the senioe partner of th3 firm of RolPtt 85 .01arlek also survive. ' . eurrect ene ennnty a watt, a1 'name rhartiriet. .. • The sentence was eight hundred lashes, and the flogging tvas inflicted Wall, A. i...',, 1 ''01 't te.•• ...e. 1m f iA el.,45se A ''''''''' ..'1'4 $3 L';',i, '. '..&•''' tee .e.T"ek"e ,r, , : - f• e, eeek: ' • ...7 1 • e. t'•• ""••• ..e "tiiii: 944. 7 ...se ace. ,e.e. e.i.,, • eiefeesifIeffes 4 essateeez.. e aa. 4k; e 0. , ,. .2, . • ." e. 4,:..,'„, , • , • • ' U111,0111St party. The romance of corn- merce_ has played a big part in Sir mt.,. thirty-tevo years of life. :He 'ij was,. e"discovered" politically by ' iter. Bona" Law. "Why not stand for Par- Ilan -tent?" said Ms friend. Sir Max Aitken turned the idea °leer in his mind •very quickly. He was not a politician in the 'ordinary sense of the word; but. We.8 heart and soul an Em- nire man He was -not a practised - ' ' • . . speaker, but he had something to say. Rather late in the day he started his campaign and east talked In a friend- . ly, conversational, way upon the Im- perial matters which Were near his heart and which be thoroughly under- sMod. He vron. At Westminster he is eagerly a little bit shy. He does not ea embrece chalices for self -advertise- remit. short cut, 14 to, 16 lbs., 53s .6c1; bacon, 6 . , us; C an ' 2 to 30 •lbs. umberl d cut, short t.ths, 16 to 24 lbs, 49s; clear .bel- Iles, 14 to 16 lbs, 49s; long clear Middies, light. 38 to 34 lbs., 51s; long clear mid- dies, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., 60s ad; short clear hacks, 36 ,to 20 lbs, 47s 6f1; should- ersi, uare, 11 to .13 lbs., 44s 651. Lard, --3 m- - -., en sclqweetern in tierces 47s; 7A5ms e6ral: can, retleea, eSs.. Chee'se, CarlaMac finest white,. 75s 6d;. colored, Tallow, prime city, 31s iel; Austraten in London, 328 6d. Turpentine, spirits, see se. Rosin, common, Es Sch Petro- leurn, refined, 9 3-3a. Linseed oe. 380 ea; eaten seed oil, 245 10 1-2d. Montreal and_Pro_due e* . W�10Mquaorteelea23t.o...--dalfyotllowen g roerriPerricati o. y, . I%---AN2 etiow731,fic 0 t -Canadian 'western, No. 2, 521Ao 10 efF4:,d5sofe 24800,515405?oNtoo. 5(121/10ec;aelicwtrft,iteN.060. 01 Trunk Railway that be 1Vould oppose ally. further legislation for the road - ti t 't until it lived up to the agreemen 1 tnade with its men is already produc- i, et fruit, Mr. Crothers has received word that Supt. ICell v f the Gr ••d Tterti‘anwl:thepheiramti. ti. e depealtm°ent willab' e hi Ottatva to-dey to take up the mat- - ' ' strian WI MOTS TO bITIKV. Prag- .7, Austria, March • 25 The . . . , ., . .. .c miners in the Aussing &stn. t have resolved te call a geeeral strike• on Tuesday. Thirty-six thousand men will be affected., with such merciless severity; himself standing by and urging the 11 °gems to do their utmost., that the - untappy inan died soon afterward's. Wall fled, end hid himself for tweiaty years but he was brought to trial in ' • • . • the end, and being found. guilty of =Eder eras hanged in London in the 'i, 'p l- 0. ft ") 4. .11i . • ee el ie. ' ?' ; TWO things 1VIr. Crothers is insist- irg uPon: That the 13$ men who were . Arthur .Hawkes To Report. Ottawa, March 25. -Arthur Hawkes, presence of some forty thoneend peo- pie; who shriek•ed. imprecations upon hit°. . 4. f.r x if 5 -1 4 nslver reinaated by the compa ftet nY a t..it last strike be given an. opportun• ..y ,e . ,, ) it to i turn to wool., ar d that the re- . cent announcement of a cut in wages be withdrawn. ' - Mr. Co./tilers stated last night that if the compauy cloes not come to time he will tight the present financial i( speeial conatnissioner of immigration, tv1,1.2 returned a few days ago from, his trIp to England, hoe put in a report to Hon. Robert Rogers, Minister a the Interior, on, the co-ordination of the , • rniiration, policies of the Dominion in' e and tue erovirides. . WASTROUBLED Witil HEART. DISEASE AND NERVOUSNESS,, SEVERAL DOCTORS COTILD DO HER NO GOOD. THREE sons OP .., ''.e.t- it 112110...... bill of the Grand. Trunle when comes before the House tooth and nail. It is, ti course; a. private bill, and not a Government measure, but ' (idea the majorite IVIr. Croteers Is eon him i (6 the members will sepport him it 1 • .. • , sts eta no. .._,.___,ai . , , Kee,. Emmanuel Leaves for Vienna' ' Rotne, March 25. --King Victor Ern- maned left here Saturday night for Venice, where he is to ineet the Ger- i , man Emperor, Extraordinary police preeautions were taken all along the rode, and at the .s.tation prior to the MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS COMPLETELY CURED HER. • • - IVIiss Mary Lebeau, Edison, Sask., writes: -"I was troubled with ' heart disease and nervousness for over two a ' years, and was so b d at tames I had to pit up at night being unable to breathe, -e---.." rctreeezess mummy Grows el 5i101.11 . Immnions or "DRY p5,usuma.0 [Photograph by the Montapa. Farmers' It Witmer carry the water downward Into 10 1 ' 'Europe's First Parrot ' • ' • SO tar as known, the first introduc- tion of parrots into Europe occurred OWL ' 1 te. f 11. century B.C., when, It is to 50:e; No. 3 local wbue, 49c to 49360.;.No. 4 local white, 48e to 481/frc. , Harley -Malting, $1.05 10'st.10. , Buckwheat -No. 2, 720 to 130. Flour-manitoba, spring wheat patents, firsts, $5,70; seconds, $5,20; strong bakers', I 11 1 0 I related, ene of the geneieils of Alex- Dr. Mrs, AnAll SHORTT, 1 ender's army, returning from India, •A Canadian Weraan of Distillation brought with him specimens of the . • 1 rIngeaecked parrakeet. These parra- - , keets, whieh were called "Alexandrian RON. BENJAMIN le PEARSON, 18.0, parrakeets," after the nionarch ill . ; whose reign they were introduced, are s till very popular with bIrd-fanclerit, Hoe. B. F. Pearson is another bi ape aro so common ea imea.teaL eau_ pur legislators whe have graduated ors continually bring .them to Europe from • the journalistic ' field, being and America, They are docile, and president of the "Chronicle" Publish- while slow. in acquiring speech, finally Mg Co.,, lialifae, and. other journale reake excellent talkers. Roman writers in Nova Scotia.. Ile Was elected Inrorm us that they were not eaten in to the Nova Scotia Legislature,- India, but were held sacred because of at the general elections in 1901 and 'their ehililer to reproduce human again la 1906, and on December 22 speech. of the flatter year entered the ceefinet ' ' without portfolio, and still continues to be a memberof the Executive 'Coun01.1, Born se Mesatown. Colchesteet , choice, 95,10 ID $5,e3; 5,La winteripaten$ts,„ . _ __, .0 . a. _ .i. i ht ro lers, 4.6e to $4.7b, a ., u gs, $2.15 fo $2.26, Relied' oats -Barrels, $5.05; bag of 90 lbs,, al eed-Bran, $25e aborts 937; mid- dIggsf, $29; thounne, e30 to $34'. .Hay -Nn. 2, per ton, ear lots, $15 to 915.50. t westerns 15%c to 1.5%0; Cheese --Pines 1, finest easterns, 1914c to 5e. B tter-Cholcest creamery, 8,11fic to Mei eti seconds 3311c, to 34e. Temrt-Frep, 34; soled° - er bag, car 104.:111.055tai,V1e.ii0. 4131.10issegoSusi,gf riob.2a5ittooirsitos.15101e.d, 9f1,25 to Pork -Heavy caeada. abort cut mess, baereis. 35 to 95 pieces, $22.50; ries backs, barrels, 45 to 55 pieces, $22. Lard --Compound tierces,' 375 . lbs., Me: pans, 20 lbs. neteergat pure, tierces, 375 lbs., 12%o; pure, wood pails, 20 ibs, 018, 12:11c. Beef -Plate, barrels. 200 lbs., 914.50; do,, Plate, tierces, 100 tbs., 921.50. • Buffalo Grain Market, ' t BUFFALO, March 23. -Wheat -Close- . e „. ...,.. , , aro%Ts Hair at 65 Kitie's departure. - ' and every little noise would make Inc shake and shiver. I tried. several doe- tors, but -they were unable to do me any soil.. This may be, aceomPlisbed deep plowing, by. listing or by diskir unplowed lands. ' , • Y. ears.. of „Age • FAM OU 3 0 '3 U BTS, MARTIAL. good. A neighbor then advised me to try a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.• As soon as I began to take -them I began to feel much better, and by the Second. -The water which is carric down into the subsell must be brougl back again into the surface soil, whe the seed is and the --- Dear Sirs: "I imaed 01 Parisian Sage and as my head would Itch tt good dealt, Ithoughie. I would •try It. I never uted any remeclie,s be- pee, ad mme bald on top • oe my '.'-' . head .- • . - • , I amusing' thei tigrci p"rie. auu have alot of hair ;where I was bald I wonitdt like yole 10 see. thlef new hair sprouting from my,head.. The etching in my 'scalp, quidtly disap- , paired, I am 65 yeare old. and have been eitthee'Bazaarl 51 years. Wm. A.HapPereAuetioneer Hark- new Bazaar» Ninth( et Sameon Ste., Philiaddphi P a' - a' Large bebtlet of ParislagWeSage 50 cents. ua3ranby , S Gteed Tlohnes fox dandruff, falling lailir Incidents That Have Roused Ire ot Britons. The public interest that was frous• ee,cifeuht3.' Sttilit?er,reec,optilisticleeiTbrIttr.umtIlioienglh °Ili was, was as nothing by edimarison with tbe fever ef excitement intc Which the country wes 'thrown some lime, back by a court-martial on two young officers of 11,,,, eete Regiment, in 1 Per 'y end Greer, . Says Peao na ec i , „eon's, weekly. These young men were 111.mM:caul. le "ragged" by the other officers, end, because they dared to attempt to de. fend. themselves mete their este in the good old English fashion,. they al d, and their arin were courtenarti. le 9 'careers t'me I had used the third box I was com- 3 pletely cured. I would advise anybody suffering from heart disease and nervous- ness to try these pills. They will save quite a bill in actor's fem." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure all heart ated nerve troublea. by their. restorative Influence on every organ ann trssue of the body. • .. rice cenper box, or 3 boxes for P 50 ts $1.2.5 at all dealers or mailed deed on receteit of price by The 'I'. Milburn Co., Limited,...uoronto, Ont. .--• • Knox in Venezuela. . Caracas, 1VIttreh 25.-A whirlvvind finish marked the last day of the Visit ef the Arodican Secretary of State, Mr. Knox, and his party to the Vene. zue an ea 1 al. e leaves to -da tot ' 1 P t H 9 The Secretary drove . gerniinating yeti' rods are growing, and to accomplit this a good connection must be mat between the furrow slice and the su saoile,rapudowthniss.is the purpose in the te of the subsurface packer immediate ft 1 I ' Third. -Finally in order that the w ter which is draWn up again towel ., _ L0.0 eurrace may not reach the air al be wasted by evaporation the OPP two or three inches of the soil west 1 'met mellow in tbe forni of a at ., 4301011, and this is accomplished in t] grovving of crops by frequent culttv tion, which is not s0. practicable tvi wheat and other small grains as WI corn and other intertilled crops.. sausomiosasolsorsicrimMas Spring wheat dull; winter nrm; No. 2 No. ' '- • • • ithf ry e lour lhat h Ids the. confidence 'f thousa ds of red, in.el.asked; 2 white, $1.02%. . Corn -Stronger; No. 2 yellow, 7215,e; 710. 4 yenow, 70eie; NO. 3 corn, Wee; eio. 4 corn, 69c to "Mc, alt ou track, thru-hilled: Oats -Higher; No. 2 white, 57%c; No, 3 white, 5Ftic: 'N.o. 7 white, Mec. Bariev-maiting,.$1.22 to 21.M. ; . . Duluth Grain Market - DULUTH, Mar. 23. -Wheat closed-- , NO. 1 hard, 31.08 7-9; No. 1 northern, 91.07 7-8; No. 2 northern, 91.04 7-8' to 91.05 7-8; May, $1.0T 3-8 bid; July, 31.08 asked. e... and scalp etch. Puts liee and beau- ty into faded hair and Is a delight - fill hair clreesing. ., ruined. - 0 • t they woUld have been 1, aleast . ruined hit 1 ' tl pubrc utery that ., L .01 1,3 1 -o erisued. The ' press took up their Puerto Cabello. yesterday morning to the residence oi the Foreign elinist.er, Gen. Kennet Mates, where he was entertained. He -,- F rmers Buying More Machinery. "13epartmental reports from Our fie men show that dering the -pest ye ' A - au cHINEBE KILL MEE Rn illSORDEll'AT CHEER. w. . d Mr. Ricks Of Oshkosh, is., an . C'oMpanions Attacked BY P I rateSi , -- .. I chang, Province cit''llupell, China. March 25.,A telegram received here from e't Province cf Szecliv••e n case, and not a newspaper in the country but what was upon their side. Even "The Times `broke with all its traditions, and bitterly denounced therides • warning the militia' y all , them in a tianst remarkable and out- spoken leading altieth that the tem- per d the people was such that mur- eler would probably be 'clone unless Messrs. Perry and Greer were re- . ted • nista . Meanwhile noofficer of the 461h dared show himself in uniform in the streets of Windsor, .where the reed- ment was stationed, and Oven officers of other corps, who had nothing di. reetlY to do' with the affair, 'became the objects of gibes and jeers of the PePulace. -Eventually however, the and had luncheon with the American mie• sion, Elliott Northcott, at the legation. There were special races at the hippo. drome, and later a reception and ball given by President Gomez at the Mira- flores .palace. • Foreign Minister Matose in welcom. ing Secretary Knox, said that his 'visit meant closer ties of friendship and the development of conareerce. The Seeretary, in responding, said: "The volume of incoming and outgoirtg eorn, merce between . Venezuela and the :United -States is relatively larger than between Veneznela. and any othen country. Good _will and mutual cond. ..dence will make it actually larger. Thus interest in Venezuela should in• crease, more ep to date and mo ern machi ery as been purchased and install . . - . on the farm than during any ptevie ten years," ,So declared Secretary 99 son recently in discussing the rese 'of a recent investigation as to the E tent the farmers were following 5 vice concerning the use of mode tooleand macbinery for farm equ' ment. The department has been et ing the use of the latest tools and n chinery for agricultural purposes, I pecially in recent years. Reports slit that not only such improved imp ments as disk plows, two. horse cul ws twenty foot dr vators, disk harro , harrows and. two • horse steel - bet plows, but the latest improved gaeoll honae-cooks . CATTLE' MARKETS. HE present huge -demand for PURITY FLOUR shows the confidence in which it is held by thousands T of home -cooks. • , • Those Who have used PURITY FI.OUR have come to believe in it. They look on PURITY as a friend. They feel they can trust it implkitly, • - E2st Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO, March Se -Cattle Receipts 150 head; active and steady. Veda -Receipts 600 head; active and Me lower; 95 to $9.75. Hogs-Reeelpts 9800 bead; slow, 150 to ssc lower:. heavy ana mixed 97.80 to 97.89; yorkers 97.25 to $7.85;. pigs 96.90 to 97.10; roughs 96.75 to 96.90; stags $5 because each and . every lot of PURITY FLOUR has always been uniform -always , up to the high standard (squid-. ity that has made it.famous.. . • Wouldn't you too like to use , , , t a flour you could always rely , on? Wouldn't you like to feelcalves, certain that your bread, cakes, • • and pies were going to turn out exactly right ? That's just how you'll feel when yOut'l a user of PURITY' FLOUR, --the confidence- -. , creating flour. ' . PURITY FLOURgives highrclass reaults, exeitt.s.iitely of the 'high-grade fportione ' hard wheat. • _40s•• CY - • URI110 of 4,_ AP9P:rt, sem. / war rcoti, 6. niter because it the best if .. i*:,''gathers '• consists Western ,,,.....,,, e '"' to $5.75; .dairies $7.25 to $7,80. • Sheep and ieml3s--Recelpts 4600 head; active. sheep steed y; lambs 10e higher; , iambs $5 to $8.25. Chicago Live Stock. . CHICAGO, March 22.--cattle-neeetpts, 800; market steady; beeves, $5.25 to 465; Texas steers. 0,50 to $5.95; western steers, $5.70 to 98.85; stockers and ,feeders, $4.25 to $0.50;' cOWs. and heifers. $2.50 to $570 e, $5.50 to $8. t ptsKomi-market steady to Hogs-Reee , 50 lower; , light, $7.20 to $7.60; , 'taxed,' $7.25" to Sem heavy, $7.25 to $7,60; rough, 47.20 to 97.35; pigs, 9G.10 to 97,;, bulk of sales, $5.40 to $7.55. . • 1 Sheep arid Larnbs-Receipts. 1500; mar 1 ket dull; native.' $4 to 56; western,. $4.50 to $6.25; yearlings. $5.50, to $6.90;. lambs, 'native, 95.80 to 57.85; western, $6.25 to $8. , .. Liverpool Live Stock. I LIVERPOOL, march 23. -John Rog-' Bra & co“ Liberpool, ea,bled to -day that there was very little business trans- acted fp the Birkenhead market, .ane auotations last cabled remain unalter- 51, States ancl Canadian steers making from 14 1-40 to 150 per pound. ' ; ' ashen, , a s that three Americans-Mes•te. s y, Sheldon he sentences were reversed quiet thereby restored. Kaiser at, Venice. plows, are being need. ' J icks, Heffinan and -a *are presumed to be miisienariee, vow, ettacizeciy.awhile, eeplorieg the g,te ...ede in the regtse River in e. boat 1111 all three were robbed and wounde.l. scldiere and 9, doctor haVe h qui despatched to Wushan trent this ei'y. WUSIMI1 is about 75 miles to toe WeStward on the Yangt,,,e. , , , Pekin March 25. -The American le -charge .. ,• . , .. , ... gawp nere eeceiveo5 a telegram yest a- day from T, Baker, eoeste at Chang- kin g, saying that the Americans at- t st - Ti e tac ed at, us ia,n ate eae ler, 1 k W I • Acme consul says Mr. .flicks, -whose I 'wes Oshkosk, Wis., was killed and that big companionii, though wound- Another sensations) court-martial was that. 1.n which 'a. certain Captain Robinson w.as the pencil:tel._ figure. This also was a "ragging' case, but unlike Messrs. Perri and Greer, Mr. Robinson neade no attempt th defend, o .,,, himself while he was belies "ragged"; so; as it-iwas determined to hound' hem from the service, he was tried en a .. of °submitting to un- ' brother Reptlemanly conduct by his officers?' - - ' To the ordinary civilian mind it ' h ' h had b n seems as if t e officers, ev o. ee guilty of the ungentlemanly conduet wee° .the blameworthy parties rather than the one who under compulsion submitted M it, but this was riot the light that the army authorities re- Venice M h 25 -E • W11. , are . mperot 2 ham of Germany, accompanied by Princess Victoria Louise and Prince and Princess August.William, arriv- ed here esterday and was received at the sta ion by e mayor, he pre- Yt' th t feet and other authorities, the German ambaesadoi and many members of the eimend y. t.gin CTOW C •colon A reat d that th • E at the sta ion gave • e Em peror an ovation and the applause and cheering continued all along the , h 11 It li n route to the Ho enzo ern. . a a ‘,„;v„s,, intermingled -with the o'le`ee`-te., n ; of the Germans The Emperor, WhO Ca1113 here from Vienne, where he spent Saturday with the Emperor Franeis Joseph at Schen. Caetle, King Victor How to Make Sausage. To avers, twelve pounds of meat ta three •tablespoonfuls of salt, three black pepper, sis of powdered sage a one teaspoonful of red pepper. Gri the meat through the m111, tben /I - . the seasoning thoroughly. Let sta halt an -hour, them grind . again, est and hang up in a dry, cool place. Af they hang a week or ten days, or •un the skins are d take dome rub w . • ry, with corn meal, and place in a wood box with brown paper between es layer. Sausage may also be kept frE if f 1 d laced in jars and covet , r e , p in 8 11 not Kende with the drlpp g . , ._.- - , ' a JUST BREATHE IT 1 - garded the matter in. After a trial . . . lasting thirty days they found the • • prisoner guilty, and the usual - sen- . . tence dismissal was. brunn will meet Emimatuel ho is now' on his way to , „ , Venice. 'Shortly after his artival, the ' Emperor, the prince and ' princesses . make up tbe deficiency witb melt lard. Keep. the jar well covered in cool place. -Farm and Ranch. On account of the extra`strength of PURITY FLOUR please , . - • - 'remember when making pastry, to ' add more shortening f than an ordinary flour .. . . pi ii ri iiry rAeciduires.h i , en mak ng sa n bread add more water, e ' ,it n d 13 U. R I T y +LOUR will -expand F .. L into more loaves than F . , • the same weight of , ore rea an ordinary flour can " hl b d d nro uce thus making d . ' ' .. I e II " more bread and bet- better oread , - ter bread." Died From !..juries In Explosion, Kingston, March 25.-A Russian named, Valeymeinlieff, who was bad- Iy injured in the construction camp oi the Canadian Northern Railway, Sydenham, Saturday, died at the General Hospital yesterday. . His arm wa.i so badly' hurt that it bad to be , ' amputated, and, lie could not stand iihe shock. His com.panion is still in i critical .condition. While blasting lhey were struck, With houlclers. ..This makes the third fatality in the C.N.R. construction camps in this listriet within a few -months. An ',request has been ordered. # - Cures egt"' W ....g all tO 1,U S -14' 9 ' i'. , ' ' . A e 1 d . S .ehool 11 thritia , 9 , _ess, Neeee , Catarrh - . , . .. No- treatment is • simpler, or more of pronounced; but again the public arose in its wrath, arid once more the sentence was minuted. A quite different ' type of court- martial, but one that arottserl fully as much. general interest,. was that which sat at Chatham for the trial of Colonel Templar, chief inspector of of Militax Balloon. the Army S Y ing, on a charge of having sold secret ,. information to a foreign Government. The evidence was of the most serisa- e Menai eeseription, feat it pom ed elusively to others as being the real Templar, went htseeing in ,6ola' and paid several 'Visits. The whole town was illuminated last evening and put cn a eruly gala, appearanee. LIVe Stook and ()airy. --- There's a 'Salve for every sore, but it won't do any good if the sore Is on tbe' . hothe and the salve remains in the drug . store. ' ' . mare is the Most successful dual The . , , purpose animal on the farm, perform. . ost a season's work and r . Mg aim aisin ' as good a colt t7,e, 'though . ---- -....4,,,p4.444.44.4.-/R4+4.44,-.8.44,444. . OF COURSE! ......._ Of course 11 One hasn't tbe ' necessary knowledge and ambl- . • of Hon to succeed at fanning there n . ,nace in moving o .osvn is ' ' ' t t o dise • ' to stu• 3. aw or me c e or e- d I , di in b come a policeman, - Farna and " R h 4..v..4......,t ++++ ...t.4444.44444.2.444o g ". ' " 4'4 IV • pleasant. 167 remedy sIo free front pernicious drugs. YOU simplV . inhale Catarrhogone - its medicated vapor 11051 the real,. Won't you use cla- . tarrhozone and be cured ? Two rncn Is yea men , ,, . . amP . tl ' t t ' t $1 00 S ' 1 2I2e, 25 cents; all dealers, or fslr. C. t?olson & Co., Hartford, Conn., TJ,S.A., tncl Kingston, Ont. • • , c i , eti.:E arr .ozorte 1-1 ' ' - . - • . ' ' guilty narties and Colonel - ' ' ' • : 1t.- atter having been honorably acque ted, VMS' ' publicly handed back his sword ftiniel, scenes of frantic entams- ' easm; ' . , e tick memories e us er round the court_rnart.i al -that was assembled at Kingstow J aica by 'Ore -veneer Wall for the trial of Sergeant Arm- ' • strong, The prisoner was charged with mutiny, but his real ()Vence •:' 1 to hav'e been that he had ia- seems . . practically t the tire ear in idienese.' she. spen e en 9 In compounding rations for the cowl the herdsman should not overlook the fertilizing value of the different feeds. For example with nitrogen .at 15 cents ' h lc d d t Per Pound Itnd Pheefiecr ael an P° ash at 4% cents, a ton of corn is worth e while cottonseed Meal would fig- , $6.4e, , um $23.75. • -''' • . . _meta. , .,',., • 'Woors PhoZphodi . , The 'Great Baguet. Item TOMS (OA 1111t1g0Tate$ th0 TV: & , nervoud spawn, makea I ' ';'''‘ ' - Bloodin oidiTeine..curesei oug Dchility ' Mental and Braiarry, , ' - --- ' We lenissieits.S nondency, &peat aloneas1 r maeorriana and Effbats of buBe or .'rce4 P 1 $1 p Oox, sikfor$5. Oa e wellplease '' cc -c kll 11 druggist§ or maik. meoura , 0 l a , - tlin,PekeF;eir 44;23 itenazinatalliettee oo.• Wormer/2/ Felateeeel , To , 4 Make your next flour order sriell.P.U-R-I-T-Y F -L -O -U -R. it costs slightly more, but it s worth the difference. , Add PTJRITY FLOUR to grocery list right now. ' • , 'lee . S.OLD, IN CLINTON BY ,I3eauorn St Smythe, ' cantelon Bros., Geo. NIcLeenitan & CO.y , 'W.: T. O'Neil, , J. P. Sheppard & Co.' I Harrison Wiltse. , L. Snifter Co., Distribaors, , crtl0k913 COtiOn Root Compound: . -reeee. The great Uterine Tonic, ana -----ess ,only safe effectual Monthly " e.e.:7 ...earitegteateronwhichwomen,can -Pe ..--' depend. Sold la throe degrees 1 ,...e4 ea of strength-, No. 1, Sl; '.%. '' 10 degrees stronger, $6; No, 3, _te: for special caws, 5,65 Poe bov. . Hold im, all druggista, or sent Stl , , I.11 trnnannt21;InTni,it°f Pr' ill11111191•111111111.2111111111111 Mplanti CO„ arm Ts . orrncrlull'inds LJuaranteea rare. Ire of nd nd nd Ii ft ter tll ell Len ell Sh ed nt, ed 18