The Clinton New Era, 1912-03-28, Page 404444:4:A4AA444A‘AAAA.A...4
t eady-to
Garment s
tin Milliner
Couch & Co. are pleased - to announce thet
SPeing Opening
llialtsday Evening, Mani' 28, and folinn log doys
NolStore outside che city will show a larger dis—
play of Alillinery than is to be seen at this store this
season. We will leave it to )cur own judgment if the
display ha3 evcr been equalled in Clinton.
.F stoag: 8.Emis
t ttr New es
rear 'Devartine
We believe that we have reason for making fav-
orable comments upon our present display Of Tai:or-
Made uits, Long Coats, Skiits, Gingham Dresses,
House Dresses, Ern
broiciered Dresses,
Ladies' Blouses, Etc.,
as.we are showing the
most exquisite and ex -
elusive creations ol the
best manufacturers in
You are invited to
inspect this beautiful
collecticn of garments.
We like to say good
things about our Suits,
Coats, Dresses, Etc.,
we like better to have
you try them on and
tell us tne good things
+ a
+ ---- :
+ et iS the desire of me i
.t priblisherS that 811 should s ,
+ take an interest in this 4
+ commit or nal NEW i
: ERA.. ef you ban friends
+ visiting you, or 'are go.
iing away ter a trip, leave 1
* word or send it on a post
+ card. - +
+ . +
Bev. D. Wren, of Ethel, was in
town last week.
•Mr:Waling Coles of Seaforths for-
merly eonneeltece ' with the Me -
Pherson Sr Hovey feundry, Was call
Sing cad friends' enemies on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. MeTsaggart 'ar-
rived hoSnet froM1 their Pleasure
'trip to Bermuda. .Thety • ,eiajosyed
!the teip an age glad to be back
mace again in Cleaton.
lbs. Slack and Mese Dark, of
Gederiehs ark Vesetingt with re-
Tatives In town.
,. Rev, sit E.
Fond arid leJen. . Deane
-Wage alt London on Tuesday at -
lending 'the fume:fad of the lath'
Bev. Dr. Hannon.
Bev. J.'Greene preached Educat-
ional awn:tonal aity .Fullareon ola,
Mr. Weir, oe Wroxertsee, celled,en
his Welter, Mrs. Hartley, this week
while persisting boand fro to Godes-
feel mithoro he served King George
asal juryman.
fr7r- cf. 99,v9r has bleep l'e-
Zoete 'ess. one cilf 'the head manes,
gees nnesteee Canacliani Order of
woothniwKIA':1414 World for Ithe
cohnina •Yesere • gres Is an enIthesiantice
auppollter of the Oran'.
Mr. Wm. McElroy, of Byte, was in
eown Monday.
Rev. Dr Oaten, cif Brusselservass in
Sown laet Fi iday.
Mr, John Ransford made a business
:rip to Toronto this week,
Mr. Core, of Genn Ray, Wa° in town
last week on a business trip.,
Mr. (Rev) McMillen, cf elimico. is
visiting with Da and Mrs, Gunn,
Dire Vs7. R.Connter and Mester Nor-
man spent a few days visiting at eea-
/oath. They returned horee Moneay
Mr. Thos. Jackson jr , leaves this
week for British Columbia to call on
the customers of the Jackson Clothing
Mr. le, '1', Dunlop, forrneely memo,
„see of the Farmer's Bank, at Daeh.
wood, is now wan the Molsons Bank f
at Clinton.
Maurice Danford, of Brussels,
nephew �f IVIr. Jas. Mulford, of town,
has been dangerously 01 but is show
ing improvement now we are glad to
Mrs. Shier returnee hornMonday
from Kincardine where she had been
attending her mother's funeral and
also spent a few days with her sisters
who reside in the town.
1 The rumor concerning the serious
illness of Rev. NV, iii. Kea, of Tillson
burg, was incase eet as he is enjoying
gond health and busy with arrange
inents for new church build hag,
Mies Thompsou, of onePublic School
stein left on Tuesdey for her home
near Clinton, sulTering with a sore
optic whites ihl neccessiate her being
of duty for is eoup'e of weeks., (Blyth
Standard) -
Me. 0.14.1,Dowding-, Manager of the
Molson's 13a,nk leaves on a, holiday trip
Jo the Pacific Coast. Mr, Dowding
has some veletivee in Western points
whom he will visit, Ms friends will
wish hitt aseleesant trip and a safe
On Tuesday of this week, eires
Whitehead and. Me Little of town
were at Blyth attending the funeral
t of their sister Ann plizabeth Little,
beloyed wife of E. • Ilaegetb, aged 61
years, 3 mouths and 28 days,. Mr,
Charles Glew, of Ilulletts, also ettende
ed the funeral,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper, of town,
expect to sail foe the Old Country
about May 1st. They have been ticket-
ed by Mr. A. O. Pattison, G. T.
agent on the "Royal George" Cana&
On Northern S. S., for London Eng-
land. Their many friends wish there
a delight 'ul holiday and a safe return
to Clinton again,
Wingham ' •
Xmprovernents now in progress on
Main street, and contracts being let
fen new houses, ehow that Wingharn
is very much alive. After April 15 the
town will have the advantage of eon
tinuous electric power.
, „
Robert Knox, jeweler and stationer.
who was burned out in the, Beaver
131esek fire, has reopened in the 'Wilson
Block, in the stand vacated by Mr.
Dow, who, we understand. is retiring
from business.
John Hewer, barber, has rernovee
two doors north, into the Griffin
Block. •
The Bell Telephone Company has
leased the store vacated by Heiler,
-which adjoins their present offices,
and intend increasing their premises
teedouble their presentaize, us owing
to inciease in bush:less their present
large premises were too cramped.
The Kent Block, recently purchase
by the ,Davies Company, is being re.
fitted, and the Davies Company ex-
pects to have its creamery in full blast
by April 15.
The atoms of McGee de Campbell,
gents' furnishings, end Grier's, sboes,
etc, damaged by smoke at the .recent
ire have been repainted and papered.
R, Vanstone, bareister, hes renamed
his offices to rooms over the premises
of the Bell Telephone Company.
The Gregory Block is being refitted'
and one of the double store being
divided into single stores, one half to
be need by the town for electric sup-
plies andthe other half by Mrs. Huff-
man; milliner.
Crawford's garage is in full swing
over hauling old autos and opening
new ones. Mr. Crawford is the Ford
Mr. D. Bell, agent for the E. M. F.,
has fitted up one of his double stores
as a showroom and his it filled with
E. M. F. products.
s ric
Mr. E. Watson shipped two cm, o
stock toToronto. -
Mr. J:Coming,s shipped one car of
,stuck to Toronto,
Mr, J, Cumings reefer/sd one car a
wiik ,WS Satorday 28r3.
Mr. S. McCaughy, of Clinton, was in
Blyth 00 rilenday. .
Watro, of St. Thomas, has start-
ed 00 his contract of painting and
decorating the Presbyterian Cb arch,
Monday 25th,
The Electric Light Committee of
the village of Blyth are re -adjusting
their rates,
I t is rumored that their is a chance
of a flax mill being started in Blyth
this spring. •
The Temple of Fame was given in
.Lonclesboro on March 25th, inst, under
the nuspirses of the Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist Church to a fair house.
The Ternple o Finis entertainment
given by the W. O. T. le, on the .22nd
miff was a grand success, ill87 06 was
reeeived A number could not get in
the hall as it is too smell for a largt.
The. annual meeting of the Blyth
bowlers; Wi6 held in Milne's Hail and
was largely stttended. president; J.
Strainers was in Um Omer Tha secre-
tary-tie:tomer read the !merles 1 state-
ment, which et -mane a balance for the
year just ended, The following offi-
cers were elected: Honoritey president
J, Sbothers ; president, E. Mc raggart ;
vicaprestdent, W. Sims : seeretety-
treesurer, J. Methuen° ; executive
committee, Da a Clh'itelesworth, J.
Combs and A, W. Stem. .
The annual !fleeting of the public li-
brary was helddast week, when tee
following officers were elected ; Pre0.
dent, P. McPherson ; secretary, James
Sims ; treasurer, J. Seabees ;' beck
couneitteee, Dr. Charlesworth. Dr.
McTaggart and Menurchie. 'It was
decided to parchase$75 worth of books
at one,.
Porter's Hill
Miss French, of Seaforth, is spend-•
ing a few clays ab her brothers,
Mrs. John Cox, who had the misfne,
tune to fall and break her hip bone re
cently is improving.
Mr. Stewart MeDougrtil has moved
to their new home.
Roy Freud] wears a broad smile
these days as a bay boy having ar-
rived at ttieir DPW home.
Me and Mrs, W. Carson, of Kings
are visited at George Vanderburgh's
last, week.
Mrs. George Vanderburg, who has
been on the stok list is better again.
A. quiet wedding was soled:mimed
an Wednesday • evening at St. An-
drew's • manse, 4(3 (Minch Seseet,
Stratford, nf Richard Peck, eldest
son of Ala Win. Peek of Seaf rth.
end Martha Rielutedson. daughter of
Sir. snarl Mrs,. Joseph Richardeon of
Stanley township, Huron county, Rev.
W. L. le. Rowand performed the
ceremony. The -young coulne were
unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Peek in-
tend teking pp theirresidenee in Sea
forth; 'Where the etsruser is a piano
Mr Riehaed Radcliffe, who was in-
jured by a. 10 110 hie cellar some . six
weeks ago, is not improving and it hes
Insen deckled to have him Wean to the 1
hospital on Monday. •
Dr. Wbitley gu,ve a stag party at
his home last Thursday evening, and a
large number of the leading citizens of
ocienell WM presents to meet his
son-in-law, Mr. Celina from Edmore 1
ton. Mr. Collins is ermineer ie charge
of ale Grand Trunk Pacific at Edmore ;
John Steed. who, has been s, number
of yearn in the drygoods business here,
is selling oat and Intends moving to
Vancouver Mimed. -
The Presbyterian churches of Varna,
and Blake, of which Rev. D. Johnston
is pistol', have declared themselves
strongly in 'rams of church union.
The result cf the vote is as follows :
Varna—Eldere, for 3. against 0 ;
members for 43, against 1 • adherents,
for II, against O. Tote), For 57;
Against 3..
Blake -Elders, for 4, against 0;
members; for 74, against 1; adherante,
eor'24, eegainet I ; Total, e'er 102.
Against a
Mr, and Mrs. John MeNenghtee.
"wherhavelsetteleneltilinstrielide an this
vicinity dming the winter, left to-cley
for their homiest!' tne West. e
MreRiehard Peck, of Seaforth, and
Misseelertha Richardson, of the Bey.
field ?heel, weee mended at Stratford
on Wednesday. •
Mrs John Bothwell of Gd ih
The New i• -.Sea wishes to in.
erease 115 sear of correepolidents
thret0Jout, ilie county antli in-
vites the help of those willing to
send in from week to week,
items of "news in am nelgbor-
hood. Matters of importance
are always welcome, but equally
so are the items telling of the
movements of people to and
from the locality. The New Era
asks that all willing, to help in
the work, which will Innen, the
locality ey bringing it before the
work', write to the EMtor of
the New Era, when supplieS
paper, envelopes and postage
will be f urni shed.
field Road' took place in London Wed.
esd ay Following the ceretnon 3 ,
Mr. and Mrs. Onncan left for Wyom-
ing, Out They will return to Varna'
later and spend a few days here before
departing for Saskatoon,' Sask., where
they will melee their home '
. London Road
Me and IVirs. Arthur Stephenson
aye -army at Ccatibrook visi ti 'se nt the
home of Mr. Geo, Sperling. Mr. Sper-
ling has been in ill heinte for over a
year now,
Par. John McKnight hal a successful
wood -bee on Tuesday of this week,
Mrs. Fred Nott received the end
news! 00 Monday that her hither, .
Robert Craig, of Morris township hal
a stroke and as he is getting up in
years it will go bard with him. .
Sirs, H. Livermore en terte i ned a few
visitors on 'Wednesday night.
Mr, Clifford McCartney is spending
a few days with acquaintances on the
Maitland this week.
Chas. Pennington Sundeyee under
the parental' roof. ' •
Miss Mabel Lee was a guest at tbe
home of N. Baer, on Monday last.
We understand (.bat EL Fervent in.
tenls going Westen the near future.
Wilfred Biggins had his furniture
and other household effects moved in-
to Mr. Beer's house on dm Wise pro-
perty last week bevies; hired with Mr.
Biter 1 or the summer.
Mr. &tweed Grigg hada phone in-
stalled into his 'residence last et eek:
Mr. Thos. Pennington is now tile only
resident on the 'Maitland Concession,
who cannot ne reached on the pirone,
but he will possibly fell into line in
the near futore and havethis greatest
of modern conveniences installed in
Ws home. '
elesore Mike Dhler aud -Leslie Flick
„ere in Brennen] :his week attending
the funeral of their anon Mrs. Stews
Mr. and Mrs. E N. Jennison have re
turned to the 1Vost after visiting rela-
tives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beeeey dep meal
for Hamilton, wbere they will make
tbeie future home.
Miss Jane Culvert hes 1.13 for the
Miss Elate Coote. of Hessen. hes
taken oharge of 0. Elliott's .millinery
depertment for the sprIngseason. Mists
Jean Seat, ot Harestom is in charge
of J. ‘Welkam's establishment.
elea Walkain has returned to Mit
ellen after visiting her uncle here for
e few days.
Last week several syrup makers tap
ped a number of trees turd reported a
good run, but the cold weather et late
checked operatione this week. Inei-
cetions, however, are very briglat for a
most successful eeason this years
The vote on church nnion on the
Dungannon circuit stands as follows :
Dungannon, members over 18, 60 for
130 against ; members under IS, 7 for, 2
against; adherents, 18 for, 3 against;
tote( 85101', 35 agsinet, Crewe, mena
els over 19, e3 for, 8 Against ; mem-
bers under 18, 1 for ; adherents, 2 for 1
against; total. 2(3 for, 9 apensts Total
for circuit, members over 18, 83 foe, 33
against : members under 18, 8 fre ; 2
against ; adherents, 20 foe 4 agaisist ;
total, 1.11 for, 41 against ; naaeoeitY in
favor of .
The result or the vote in haseine
Presbyterian Church,- Dangannon, is
asefolloweenelders, 2 ,ecen egeinst
their! beteneeasere313, Against. neellieress ss
1:31or, 7 agesinet, a paajdrity 010 iu
favor of'unaon. Deer ,2,5 01.100 to
avdclat-°'Illitd'xylie6tte'katl5fro°G;;Ll'On'dOnder-rcT. I re.,'eIte'v. Mr. cherag,who derived in ('n-
has been Appointed the 13ishop bf
Tewnship, who has ,been seey ill, is _ see
slightly improved.
The marriage of Mr. Hebert Duncan Mena Pastor I
and MisseLaura Richardson, of Bay. uu
8f SI),18Cial
Path to Health
,Parhyte Closets are perfeet-
lYnodorless end a, comfortable
?, system of inside closet.
No :Plumbing necessary
$1.0 to, $25.
a,nri See for yourself.
Go To Brucelield
Call to Rev, Hall' Woods Aproved
by Presbytery --Goes After
April 15
The London Presbytery in session
at the First Methodist Church, Lon-
don, Tuesday, sustained the cal x -
tended by the congregation at Brum
field, in Huron county, to Rev. 11,01
Woode, nf Alme Street chureh, St.
Thomas. •
The stipend promised is 81,100, vs is b
manse and feur weeks' holidays The
likelihood is that the stipend will be
increased • to 51,200 or more. The
call was signed by lest members. Rev,
J. D. Jobtaston, Mr. J. D. Gomm& ;Ina
James Moody appeared from the
Huron Peesbytery and the cone eg-
ation of 13rucefield. They urged the
acceptance of the call by Mr. Woods,
Mr. David Faiebes and Mr, E. Lowe
appeared from Alma Street church
and urged Mr. Woods to remain with
his St. Thomas people, but would not
oppose the call. Brucefleicl was a eery
-important chttrge and they could not
B. stand in his way. The transls tion
yam Sutter eves granted after Mr. Woods had ex.
Mr. Woods will leave St. Thorns s
tee the 15th of April, and Rev. S H.
Sanitary Plumbers Ragman, Port stioney, was a,pp.ol cited
• interim moderator during the vaceucy.
AmmeawAmevoitoseAAAA•von (SS' Thomas Journal)
the en
gannet! and Pee • Albert- Dee -
hates of - the Anelieen Jhuxch. Mr.
Yefing arrived from 1..ordcrl Fri-
day to assume his new dutios, The
Anglicans here have 1)qm without: a
tnim.,.,ler for some mcuths.
farewell PloceiltioR
audience, eeriest which lithe anthem
Continued fawn pag•6 one, •
"Sun of my Seoul" was renderted by
the chola , •
Ma George aleTaggarie was can-
ed upon to read ithe following ad-
dre'ss et welcome tense new pas -
tee, Eev. Mr. Grape.— ir •
,To Lev. D. X.Grant, SLA L. LSD.
Rev., S',—The congengetiore 61:
Church which has cailed you
ace:meting to tthe •eltee of our de-
n elan n ation, (to preside iete thee ,placp
as merle:es .and past on, -accepts) you
gladly into the cleinee ship of .•thin
ccsnemenier an evsarrney ,bicls you
tee come en else fere welt ip ot the
people who ev,orsirin in :Lino edifice:
Thee cluri,eg your service as avsis-
tannto 00,r late pastor you nave
sna,de a place for yourself in ems
ohnech which e-lstife,o &este woecle
of eveleene, you a,re StirelY entitled
to assume from( the a.ceeesbance
'ends which` your Ministry has been
1eoeive5 during 'your probationsarY
peeled jct.] Chbniton, fromethe pries -
once *your Martial earwig:es as Olar
settled neater of.audeancee se) large
and so repreeeteltative of all the
.bodies conducting 'the active. work
Of 'the- enueen and from the large,
part of elle, homer which you ease
joy instills evening's proceediggeni
eommem wall your much loved and
hovered predecressnor. Yen come
sto us as the 'latest' of a eneeethon •
of able, gifted; and much eppreel-
atecl peeler:Bof teach ,of ,whom it
has been' by many ef Op that
shou0.d( not leek upon hits like
again ; you! eorne to us at a time
when We and bidding farewell te
one whom we all look up to as a
,paragon ; alt a rtimes :W•hern it wee° la
great Wonder that Wasboulcl have
hones lehael thiel congregation, un-
der yours or any lolthee mew mins-
try should receives renewed eseueln
reinvigorated fifes on • inerehsed
seecese. Yet it is oue .eheriened
hope Ole these good things may
be in stare for Its an. the immediate
benne ands as, in, your nest mese
sage•io ns, ne opr ssesetessid Paster
you laid oust 1 or yourself ,so straight
a path of rectitude, 5Oelevated a
standard of lisee, an eine and a ms-
sion sso high mete seem almost un-
attainable, SO We losele forward with
satisfaction and 'strong faith that
the future of thia. eongregatio,n
will be peogres,sive and in all ware
gratifying under your' Ministry'
and leadership. Thee you will
never experienon difficulties4 that
nothing will even gemn to go
wrong, that your ministry well be
conclueted without/ resiatance or
perhaps even herashiP, cannot be
promised; Sites in the netuneof
things 'that) thesei incidente mush
happen and a share must fall to you
in common teeth your fellow men
but difficulties 'success:gullyl over-
come will, we all well know, week
for the- 'veiniest good to youreele
and ycoar scongregsat Isola and .we
feel thee 'yetis: 'wisdom, character
and ebtainmentst art such as' Nvill
enesbleyea( to bring about great
good; rtherefene we have called
you to the Inenistry of this church.
Poe ourselves we can but venture
a promisel thee .We Will e)Ideavoue
to beeo 'yen a eaithsful people sec-
onding as best 'we may your aftorts
foe Idler elevation and betterenen.t
of this toneaturney and we nate but
hope Chaste ue, efforts pet forth ise
Was sperenewill attain to a degrees
reafization beyond our interne
We are tease that your accsent•-
anee atlas) charge brings, to ase
Mel yeti and advance thesevoalc yen
are undertaking, youe lexcellent
wife whet hag already won a wren
place In the •afeekelsonsi of the con-
gregation and has begun to fill
moss acceptably a positton scarce-
ly lees important and certainly loot
loemst.diefi,e,ulti to occupy: than your
Tos yourself ana -equally bo Mes.
'Grant Nve exeerals the Nvone hand-
clasp of welcome arld to tine sleet-
ing let us add .an expr,esnion of esen-
fident hoim that your residence in
iCilenton may( ,be pleasanlif end pro-
fitable rbo you, .betle and above all
that your emenesteyst in this ,chuecih
n tnd our ,vu‘i• hwoejIlle
leaRIll he highly ape
predated the kind words of O.o.
addeees ecencerning Mee. 'Geeing and
himself and was gsseetly„ isneezeseeed,
'isiraletenDer Seeteat *p4a7t,pvei
.weedseensleehevy 354.nalip wariesfeetel
'eg 'on ifinerthee evenieneend ere wees"
Meeasearele•jellitenesalle 'the*, 'in !lapel
sendexesentatilen acer'elee future. He'
hoped to have the eight of way to,
itheir hearts easesl a white but he
did mot expect to au the place soe.
Dr. Stewart there and gond things
spoken of the slestiring Pastor would
never peeve him, ,tetur busineso,ss ie
to live ,a day at a time
and only to *eery a clay at n time
11 131 Aral neceseary( to worry at 20
4LatdVenledaloti'earvOirribli'unnigbilyn under
lakail Will corms opt all right. M.
Grant asked the cordial. Or:sleet:1W
and tenuity 'co-opersatioal of the
Whole church and , he and' Mrs.
Grant would:encleamen to do their
share. Rev. Mr. Grant jokingly en-
larged. ppenj Mr:seem:tom Fleacher's
Peet Bali experience and' suggest
ed thee a Horan .Presbytery 'teen
miglee be organized, 'Meth eaNle.
Fletcher as captain end 'a 'genias! of
matches arraneed et :v melons, points
Mellen sillies Presbyteriesn bound v.
The 'eneermae referee to ;both.
leers, ,Geatet and Mre..ntesweet beSre
daughters of tea Mame' and' hone
ehensrightest borne :teemed, be real-
ized en 'the ensignegation,
, The elesing hynant was "He lead -
ens me" was 'song and Bev: Mr.
Fletcher; diennesedi 'eine congrega-
tam, 'tattle the Bersedection. 's
All were Invetseetetso the basenaent
where aansty lunch Nveselerv,ecl and
a half hone s see social reunion- en-
ieeed. The levening was 'a happy
and pleaserat -one lead web:rest te
cally 'the femurs/meal ef a pastor -
este. Marked( wale else best of p00 -
Among the members of. the, eon-
gregatien still eurvivingl :when- De.
-Stewart ,eam,e tSFearS ago 'nee Mes
Wineeluaaan, who- Neal' eelebr ate nee
' eretn, berthclety , Feiner' of this week
and Jao rand J,sanes. Litneesays 'both
'envenom are Eleleser In the ,tongr:e-
Vour 11()i-rie
iLiS C
Now, in the spring season, is the time when the
beautiful new creations in Wall Paper tempt the
home lover to re -decorate the rooms and give to the
whole house a beauty and freshness that fully trans-
forms it,
We invite you to the finest clistilay of new Wall
Papers we have ever shown.
These Wall Papers have been carefully selected
for our trade, from the choicest productions of the
season, and we know that no finer goods can be se
cured anywhere,The price will be.found exceeding-
ly reasonable.
The New Papers are now ready for your inspection
The Golden Mace Is The
Symbol of Government
Continued from page 1
try te swing it to .youe 'should
without the aid of two. Inaa,ct,
bandto. the Macel is eso,childn pla
All other, things' belng equal
pay 1110114ml—a man could Imes
The Mob broke- into the builder
ixtgs, f °seed, theist way into the
to House ol Assembly, and dr.ove the
v. members from the place. One ekes
en ter, it is fituid, fenetehed up the mace'
id from the stable, lifted et to his :shout
a mores comfortable day swinging
an axe in the forest :than A/looking
after the/ Mace on one of those
fusey clays; eehean the Houses of
Conamons ;cannot make up its mincl
Whetber it wishes to set as as Mouse
with elle Speaker in the ehairox as
is Commettee of the Whole with the
Deputy presiding. Back and teeth
iltgees from. ones to the otheneend
Colonel Sinith is kepli tansy with a
sort of Indian ;club exorcise reraov-
ing the mace from the tabee, and
hanging °utile hooks. ,at
the end rand( th-en taketeg et tenni
•the hooksi 'and 2es:toeing it to the
'table. On such is day as ;that Col,
Smith is the, buelest man in .0 ttawa.
sold eVbea all is over, sometimeis
about Midnight, helms nothing to
Show foe hie either except a wilted
collar and a fete sparkling bets of
goldedest ground into the palms
his white gloves from ha.nclang the
great g•olders bauble.
At Lea,st of Golden Appeanance
believes et to ble1 nudging from
eike ale although gene has to admit
linseAstegdilas, on
except the Sergeant-atearms. Gold
that one's 'experience in liftilnig
Golden etas, Irons top to bottom.,
hnge chnnks of pure gold is rether
the eare he stakes of it. le cientain
ly 'looks like Relict ,gold, and it fifes
believes et sect be judging, from
but how_ far through no man knows
the tablet with th
atternoen sun pourieles down upe
itthrough the teeained glase wen
(lows, the ineee melee as neeloevls
as doetst a. members who has, pie
squeezed Soto the Hansa through a
byeeelention, and ets yellow eheekis
look Mord reenteinse and e peat
deal More freenknelean any member'
of line Howe Aver, posseibly, equal;
leer To evdry Weather Vales f te, is
effierdeult ese these igh*wy, th.o. old
niece 'sedate f l ; ' 1 ,
but 'wise, be dignified but simple
be•ithe real thing, just •ass I amaand
in farne you wfil win the Teemed is
Colonel Sinith1 and of the Country
Suet as k 0101 long ago." •
Left the inembere Iliation to the ad.
der amcli .then( sea:0d himself In elle
chair from which the Speaker lead
just fled. Holding • the melee as
high up• as pessible, he shouted at
elm top oil his voice—"I deesolve
this Parliament," en imitation', sao
doubt, of Oliver Cromwell. Blames
were now bursting int° the Chame
San ante some all had to flee for
their lives, A, few loyal membere
eaved ithe pomeraiti of queeta
eine by \cutting the canvas from.
the frame and hurrying away with
11 10 a place of safety. The Men
with the mace careled it away with
him into the etreet.
On 'the followinn day the House
of Aesembly met in the great hall
of Boesecourej `naarketA end Selealee
when the members essembled, was
found the stolen mane lying en the
floor nf the hall. Tho rioters hied
evidently thought the Mace either
too sacred, tor stem melees a thing
to keep, and. .had.lherefore, retura
ed elec.) the Legigaituineti Thus it
name to page Usti the mace that
now glitters in our Haase of Com-
mons once aclowned Betasedonael
Mairket. et twee fourncl however,
upost examining the rebutted mace
thet the 'ewe golden beavers that
had adorned ite head .Wene• mese-
ing, haying been broken off by tree
elotere, either accidently th,e
tough usage •to sWhiele it was ex --
posed, OT intentionally for the pur.
pose of gaming 'a rooter or two a
eo,uple of trophies( Irene an Ingler.s
le issue field.
Because of lee bads behaviour
y, Menstreae lose Parliament, 'and fox
t a nuneber of years( Toronto and
Quebec werienalltexnartely the seat
of Government. The arcane became
a 'wonderer but finally a permanent
resting pinne avae found ;when ins
1865ather pesesenifeHmasee of, eisa-
e 1 me* were cempeet ed. 'en' Wifely%
" There -the Tinhee„ Messed- the House
was not ertting, was lenaglystEeked
away in t1 gaol. .cabinet pre-
pared for eti in the Speaker's ape
peetments, or tendeady depasited
en a 'greet( velvet( euehlon at the
lower end of the 'clerk's table when
the Speaker: 19 111 (the chair, or da -
posited on (two velvet -coveted
hooks that projeee from the legta
alt itheetable at about Moot beton,
the level of the! top.
Eitonie Aaso,elitutiene.
These has been a mace for more
than half a .century. Around it
has georwre up 'the city of Ottawa,
ebaingea by the presenne of 'the
golden "bauble" from the eittle saw
real settlem,ent of ,Bytowns into the
national ;Capital of ,one great Do-
vice of the mace.
Olds Yeti Young:
The old 'mace 11 has been called.
Well, it ess old teething& go in Ibis
new World. The Men who acknow-
ledge ilts ieway have long since
paseed off the stage, arid the hale
cif Parliament know them no
But the Mace remains 10 knit up
the present ;with ftbla pant .and so
insure the gonna -mite, of our politis
cal ensitetutions. --
Like almost everything !else that
shares, this world with ream "that
pendulum betwinti a smile and a
tear," , the Maga .has 'known temeb-
less has cenfrosalted clenger, amid
has '5uffaresi iloasi. 'eomel sleaente,
y,eare, ags . ale that there wae of
Canada were tbe two old Provinc-
es—Tepper and, Lowee Canada --
' whose Leg1datsarc no.nsiet nice -61 a
flouse at Assembly rend a Legiante
time Council. The meed in uso in
or House of Comsnonsi is the one
that 'was need in that old Howie of
As.sembly of United Canada. For a
few yoturts King,slbonl was the capi-
tal, the euildingt 11,01W forming the
centeste wing of lthe Gener,a1
serving, Tao Houses.of Parlia-
ment. .Then Month:ease 144am:sale :the
seat of Governraent, the old and
nether ramshackle Parlisement Build I
ings orn n square Off Mc-
Gee setae+, ther old ,satte beeng oc-
cupied in pant leo-day by the raisle
Way and exprese building and by
Youville Square. In eh% spring ol
1840 the( buildinge evere iuttaelted
by a Mob, woulecli to etneeesernable,
and therefore, all 'the More blend
fury, by eh° signing of sthe Re -
honk -ha Loseee 'Bile by She Earl of
Elgin, the GonernoreGeneeal.
Around ithe Yeletee bal been built
up ell sour lederals statutory law,
which bound In buff half -60f, looks
so pretty .en a library helf,
*mend films( been debatre'd every
Pollee 'that duriaml all these years •
has Itended to make or mei' thefere
tunes of our 'country. The mace
has Peen and heand mese polities
than rainy menaleee of Parlia-
ment, ,
What does lethanle ot et all? No
man knows, eaccept Pesseibly Colonel
Henry Smith, sergeant -at -atlas, thel
=ape's /special guardian andmeat
inithaelte friend—act' xliscreee Mae
that he Is; . he 'wall not tell.
'Dheres a daegee of eurnanseg Into
eoo Moen) Mielitaalent in ehes Cana -
cheat Land. The perebase of a doseen
nee, autornibles foe etaff oeficerslat
an expenditure of $12,0D0 15 a new,
condition of antairs in militeai ex-,
pe.nditure not/ knewn1 in bygones.
•We etIPPosse amoplaniese evill ,eonftes
nex1t. wpm) is estimated as itho
neeeseare exelenee of campol if or
cadet training.