The Clinton New Era, 1912-03-28, Page 3Teitelee4,. et "i 71,t1Pi't , • , I. . Th a + + • +++++++++++++++++++++44444 0•••••••••••••••••••4•40.44+++++.41.4).+40.44, • Foreign Cables • 4 4 Local News *** neeteitei se! ene • onertenspectiseet o ** * 444 • 474 44 tenet*Onietette0•4,401/11•440..4.++++++++++++++++++++44-44++4+.•••••••••••••••••++++++++++++++++++++++++.0 Saskatchewan Has Petition to Throne Regina, Inas% IE.—Before prorog•a- illoti last night, the Legislature of ' Saskatchewan ,aclopted resolutions /CI toMpose a petition to the tlircinie through thel 'Lieut. Govenner for : 1. The removal of eXemption from t axatio ow enjoyed by the :Canadian Pacific Railway. h,ccess for., Saskatchewanto 'Ilticison'ts Bay. 3. The geanting to the provinces of /the public domain within its lim- its, ( 4. Free ACC08,5tot110 'markets of the :United( 'States( ior the grain products of SalsicateheWan, 5, New outlets forfarrn products and to this end particularly speedy completion. of the Hudson's Mal Railway with, (a line of steamer,s thence to Britain," U 5 MINERS MAY TARE HALF LOIE ---- • BituminOtts Miners Consider Cats ing Derna.nd Down to 5 • Per Cent, Increase In Pay. • Cleveland, March misis in • the coal situation determining whe- ther mere than 450,000 miners in the bituminous and anthareite fields shall • strike on April 1, or suspend until new wage agreements can be. effected, • is expected this week. Merabers of the executive board and policy committee of the United Mine Workers of America began to arrive here yesterday to prepare to dra-w up recommendations for a refer- endum vote by the union. They will not act, however, until after the oper- ators and miners of the bituminous • fields of Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois at their session here Tuesday have decided whether they min agree on a two-year wage scale. John P. White, president of the anion, and the district presidents yes- terday considered a proposal that the bituminous miners .drop all their de- mands except that for an increase in pay, and that they ask for five per cent. instead of ten. The compromise was not definitely agreed iipon, but it wag considered as a probability in view of the stand taken by the oper- etors that they were not inclined to yield, ' • It was proposed that the single sug- gestion for a five per 'cent. increase be considered by both sides before it was taken into conference.' Even if • this plan was agreed upon, it was declared, it still would have to be adopted by the policy cOramittee arid then supported by a referendum vote. The union officials ate in doubt whether such a compromise would be approved at the referendum vote, since the full convention, at Indiana- polis several months ago expressly stood, not only for a ten cent. in- crease, but for many changes in con- ditions such as a reduction of eight hours a week in the working time. The union officials say anagreeable adjustment of the bituminous dispute • would have much influence in secur- ing for the 175,000 antimeite miners a settlement of their differancee. TYPHOON IN AUSTRALIA. -Continued From Wednesday Till Friday—litany Lives Lost - • •ti • Perth, Western Australia, March 25. —A disastrous typhoon has occurred :on the northwest coast of Western 'Australia. It continued from Wednes- day until Friday end extended far inland. Many vessels were washed to pieces on the rocks, numerous build- engs have been wrecked, and, it is believed, a largo number of .lives lost. The total extent of the damage is not known, as telegraphic communication is badly interrupted, BRONCHITIS Was So Choked Up She Could Hardly Breathe. Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the air tubes of the lungs, and should never be ne- glected, for if it is very often the -disease becomes chronic, and then it is only a short step to consumption. , On the first sign of bionchitis Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be taken, and thus prevent it becoming chronic. Mr, John D. MacDonald, College Grant, NS., writes:—"My little girl, seven years old, caught a had cold which developed into toroechitis. • She was so choked tip she could hardly breathe. Reading about your wonderful medicine, , Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I decided to try a bottle, and with such good re - sulfa "(het 1 got another which completely esifed her. I cannot say too much in its praise, and would not Ise without it in the hOnse " Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is put tip in a yellow wrapper; three pine t trees the trade mark; price, 25 cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. _nes. . 4.1044444441.344111 Cramming down ill -chosen • fond, and rtishing back to • work, leads straight to dys- pepsia, with all it means in misery. Proper, habits of eating, with a Na-Dre-Co Dys- pepsia Tablet after each meal, restore good diges- tion, health and happiness. A box of Na-Dru-Co Dys- pepsia Tablets costs but 50c. at your Druggist's. National Drug and Chem - teal Co.' of Canada, Limited. 148 MR. HIIIIRASSA MAY HETIRE • FROM POLITICS, Le Devoir Says He Will Spend Ten Weeks In Europe And • Give Up His Seat Montreal, March 25. --Henri Dieu- rassa has thrown up the sponge and will not seek re-eleetion to the `Pro- vincial Legislature. Le Devoir announces that Mr. Bourassa will leave for Europe in the second week of April for the purpose of recreation and study having plan- ned the trip , for some months past. The Nationalist organ also says that Mr. Bourassa will be absent for about, ten weeks, ao this setts the Question of Mr, I3ourassa's participation in the provincial campaign, as the election for the local •Legislature will take place the lase of May. It is also announced that Mr. Gui. wont, the Conservative Pecleral can- didate in St. liyaeinthee, will ha' the party standard bearer in place of Mr. Bou 'assa. Ib is believed, however, that Armand Lavergne, M.P,P., will contest his seat again fer the Provincial Legis- lature, Hon. Charles Devlin tvill seek election in the new C'ounty of Labelle rather than in Nicolet, and Bon. Jean Baby Thin—nod No Prevost will oppose the Minister, be- sides running in his VAVII County of Terrebonne. • Mrs. Illrlerie $t. Geoxigen St. Ma- this, Que., writes ; "I am writing to ease I an satisfied with Baby's Own Talslets. My baby was ill and, Iitried several, eeinee,clies, but thel xesule ,was distouraging. die became very ?thin, had no ,appe- tite, hardly slept atall and was ex- tvernely weak. I giote Baby's Own Tablets and they, 'soon net him, right Again, tt:W1 at the age of eev- ert he was able to walk and was aeltranign healthy .child. I do not think there is .arnythIng Ito equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones." The Tablets? iatie gold by medicine dealers or by nail at 25 ,oenes a box , from The( Dr.i Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mr. Promdfoot Parlianient That in expenditures on colonization roads and ponds in Northeen Ontario some general scbeine should be adopt- ed was the suggestion made by W, Proudfoot, °attire ITuron. At the pre- sent dins the money was being spent lime and .there- mainly for Political purposes. Of the $15 00C spent that Ray fully one-third hod been viiasted. And, speaking of waste, continued ltdr. Proudfoot, what about the revision of the statutes? "This work," he said.' has been going on for five years. It is not finished yet, and no one knows when it will be finished. Already it has best More than twice es pinches apypeevi OU8 revision." • The vvork, he admitted, was in inary eases being well done, but on the whole there was little difference' from previ- ous revisions. And then when there, vised statutes were brought to the House, the Premier said that because the revision had been done by judges no chances should be roade in the Douse. • Sir James a "Nobody"? Sis James hotly denied making any such statement. "I accept the hon, gentlemen's state- ment," said Mr. Proudfoot, 'but I have certainly on several oceasions citugb t such a statement from that side:of the House." •' "Oh I" retorted the Premien"we are not responsible for your hearing.n. -"My hearing is perfect," declared Mr, Proudfoot. "Nobody but, a nobody would make such a remark," insieted the Premier. "I submit, Mr. Speaker." said Mr. Proudfoot, turning to the presiding officer, "that the hon. gentleman's in- terruptions are in violation of the rules of this House." Sir James hastened to explain that he referred to himself as the nobody, not to Mr. Proudfoot. Then the laugh was the other way. • In discussion immigration, Mr. Proudfoot again agitated the Premier, and again the Premier interrupted in his usual manner. "Mr. Speaker," said Mr. Proudfoot, "I sit bun t that the Premier's interrupt- ions are not in accordance with the rules of the House. He has no more right to break the rules of the House than anybody else in it. You inform cid the House that you intended to see that the rules of the House were pro- perly enforced, and I ask you to begin that policy by dealing with leader of the House." The Boundary Issue. Proudfoot was able to continue for sortie time without interruptions, but when he came to criticize the boundary settlement, on tbe ground that tbe T. and N. 0, would come under the control of the Dominion Parliament and the building of is would enrich Manitoba, the Premier became hispatient. The land will be ours and ours alone," declared the Prime Minister. "Undo: whose jurisdiction will the I people living in that strip ot land be?" asked Inet Proudfoot. "Ohl" said the Prime Minister, "that is for the bon. gentleman to say." "It looks as it the members of the Government here did not want to erm becrass their friends at Ottawa," said Mr. Prouefoot, in summarizing the boundary question. • Ai)Detite '..Ladzes St ThoinaOnt' OLL.,EG ANXIOUS TO ADJOURN. Cilovernmeet at Ottawa Wants to End Session on Saturday. Ottawa, March 25.-1arliament is now on the home stretch. and there, will be a race against time title week to try to complete the session by Sat- •nnesste.T....eseseeteneneeenteneen weld. up work, alteough the whips inday. Both sides are anxious to w,lettenne• ennertereeitesentssnee ar nohe too hopeful r 1 being able to Olean off the order paper until pos- sibly April 3 or 4. At an ell day session of the Cabinet on Saturday, the supplemsntary esti- mates were completed and veil be pre- sented to the House by Hon. W. T. White either to -day e or to -morrow. There has .been no hint as to the amount of the estimates, but it is be- lieved they will be heavy. Among some of the more ineportant, items will be 'one for a liberal sum to start work on the new Welland Canal and for preliminary work on the Georgian • Simple unifaranety of these be - Bay Canal. tokens isimple uniformity, pf gone The Government is also determined . to push forward the Mese,' Bay road. Two millions has already been voted for construction work - ard a large amount, it is understood, will be plac- ed in tbe estimates to start work on t:.e terminals so that by the time the • road is completed, the harbors will be ready for a line of steamers run- ning to England, it is the intention of II Govern- ment to 'nisi) work on the new 'Wel. land Casio, Supt. Weller, who has been placed in charge of ti.e work on the new canal, is in Ottawa confer- ring with Him. Frank Cochrane and a definite announcement 'as to the route which has been adopted will -be made in a few days, Mr. Weller tee- ms what is known as, the •Ten-lVfile. Creek route, and his recommendation Will likely be followed, Work will start this epring. It is the intention to build a canal which will be ultienetely thirty feet deep and will be able to accommodate the largest boats on the great laltee. The construction of the canal will, it is believed, prevent western wheat going via the Erie Canal to New York, and will mean a saving to western viytultteleits nitsoltrntirwelioltur,Ilsiexittasn,g1teuiashinehd, farmers of two to four cents a bustme. • freed the 'mare. Pert and Impertil 0A 01); antrddr Moils rondlas. cures colds, heal/ the throat and lands • 20 cents. , . •• Knowledge o5 oure. duties is the Most useful pert ot philosophy. ----- Children, Cry FOR FLEToHER'S CASTO RIA Neattnes,s ieo drees heispeake neat - nese emit Parityl . of raincl. soTuahe eyes are the ,winclows of the Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in; the lnitly to its proper tension restores virn andvitalay. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonoi wtlI makeyou a new man. Price 88 ti box, or two for 88, 'Mailed to any address. The Seobell Drug qo..0t.,Onihnrines. Ont. ,The !women of tall knave,e are ehopet iwhd gam Mimic( 'their former bone ety aigviatmwdmiq Liberal Majority in Senate Local News Amend a Government Bill Jim MAJW MIWP IYARNk TO GASOLINE USERS, It should be known to everybody in these days ot gasoline tamps and shoves thiat Igasoline will not ex- plode until AO finnes have 'heist' mixed with at least six parts hf at- mospheric air. Gasoline willcatch fire as soon as any liquid known, but let it alone and 11 will burn out doing no damage and leaving no sem( or sign of tire. Mixed witli air in the proportions mentioned in it is far more dangerous Ulan dyna- mite. No recept(a4o of this liquid should be lei'uncorked,: for to do so is to make (the rooM where 11 is kept far iis'ollse than ,a powder mag- azine, This matter pfleafely handl- ing gasoqine ia verse easy, and no toe should, be ignorant 05 1000 it- shoulaebe dlone STEADY ADVERTISING. In eve -2y country town 'the* is a sign at the railroad cro,seing like this "Look out 101! Caere" NoW everybo dy in that town know itNY as a railroad erieseengl the day the track Was 2,9:4d. When the IsIgn wee put up it kook two days—nettles-Ag- ee—for every inhabitant .to become familiar with 'it. In a week • even the small ghildren coned read and spell it bacnward. Did the rail- road take it down? No. If they had 'the isvarnIng would have been fongetten in.a week and smash-ups and damagei suite would have re- sulted. Oneetime adne,rtisements /let the same ,way You must keep everlastingly unit, I like? 'the' raile road grossing "NO TRUCK, on TRADE WITH THE) YANKEES." • The Ontario Depa.itruent of Agri- culture has just issued 13ultetin 196, entitled, ".Tomatoes." After enumenatingt the( possibili- ties °lithe atomatof plane. Thi,s in- teresting little ibooketaktes up the question of ised !selection, !and gives alistr of sin firms all in the Untied States, from wham the On - ;bele farmer 'mays buy seed. The firms in %notion) are inenety Aced merchants not -growerao and thene half a. dozen; firmsi bToxbo and . Londpn, Ontario, which could sup- ply precisely the 'same aeed some priceseyekt "a Canadian firm is included tuella lien HOMESEEKERS EXCURSION TO WESTERN CANADA, Via, Chicago, $nelucling all points on Grand Trunlrf Pacific Railway, April- 2nd, ?title and. 30th; May 14th and 28th; june lith and 26th; July 9.th and 23rd; August 6th and 20th; Sept. 3rd and 17th, Winnipeg and return $34; Edmontonand return $42.00. Tickets ,gooa fox 60 day. Peoporitionate rates to principal points in Ma.erstoba, Saskoncliewtent and Alberta. Itomeseaskers ex.eur- sson iteckete even atm be.o,n }sale oai cer,bain dates via, Sarnia ncl North- ern Navigation Company, Full partieulars, tickets and illuserated literature Irons any Grand Tank ageniti or,write A.S. Duff, district passenger agent, Toronto, Ont. THE MARCH' ROD' AND GUN. "An Experience Off the Coast of Newfoundland: 'Hunting the Hair Seal" opens the March iesne of Rod and Gun in Canada,' pfib'lished by W. J. Teenier lLimiLed, Woodetock, ,Ont, ante (thn interest of this arti- cle is at ',criterion( of the interest' of those that follow, which Include articles descriptive of outdoor life from the elielantice--to the Paceffic. Among these, tin the( first itieceies qf anticles on the Culture of Black and Silver leoxesA wisicle should prove of value to the Many sete,king prac- tical informattion,ene thin subject. A new fenturet this month le thet creaitioxi ot a Game ConserVattion Department editod by Ntr. Frank Etycle, , wherein, Matters( pertaining to 'the subject of 'game cionterva- Lion will be freely discussed. As' this enbjece al on.e. • at %hie' preetent thne and Mid:hely to he for some time to some, or until 'the im- proved laws for which gaddeportse men ore( 'agitating have been eine acted, ;this departmenti 'should Prove of exceptional interest, A STR,ONG PAIR. We call the attention of all news epper readers in this town and district to the fact that we have made special arrangements with The Weekly Mail and Empire, of Toronto, to com- bine with our paper ata popu ar bar• gain p, ice, We here offer The Weekly Mail and Empireand The New Era the two together, for one year at tbe nominal rate of el 55±t, incInde free a large portrait of the Right Hon, R 5., Borden, 18 x 24 inches, which will be sent postpaid to every Eubscriber who takes advantage of the proposi- tion. • Now here is a chance to obtain the two most useful newspapers to readers in our community, and we state this advisedly, for The Weekly Mail and Empire is conceded to be the greatest home and fireside paper publisheci in the Dominion, whi e ours, covering as it does all the local news, and advocating the best interests of this important, district, will best serve all residents within the borieon of our circulation. Send all orders to office of The New Era. §.1_1Crin Impurities In the Blood A ,Tosite Medicine is a IsTedtessiltY gb This -Seateon. Dr, Williams' Penh Pine for Pale People are an all year rotund tonic, blood -builder and inerve-rfestereir. But they are 'especially valuable In the spring when theisystomestload- ed with impurities as a ,reeult of the indoor life of the ,winter months. Thee° its Ind 'Siebert eteaenn When the blood, is ec, Muds Inatered of purifying !and enriching, and every close of these pine/ helps make new, eich, red blood, In {the DeadloCk Between Two Houses of Parliament on Tariff Bill Probable.: 01 tawa, March, 21, --The Liberals in the Senaitd Thursday, used their numerical strengithl for( the fir,st time to turn ciownthe Governinle(nIt. An aMendmeat Ito,tho tariff bill, which Hon. Mr, Lougheed objectietd to, was earried, le was moved by Sir Richartel Cartwriiight1 and pro- vided thee rthei tariff conarols,sion- ors shottld not be appointed for a term ot five years, but phallic' rser ye only during*, ithd pleasure, of thd Crovernment, • Senator Lougheed, (the' Govern- ment Reader in (the Upper Rouse, intimated that 'the Government would not ;accept( the amondmiegt, and a deadlock is assured unless the Libeled senators back down. The Government hold( 'hat they cannot get good( men under Sir Richard's amendment, • Unlessap- pointed for ;Item they .would lean thee dismissen ,would follow a change of administeation. een his tmoition the eammittee arose, , „SENATOR, IONGHEED epoining. spring one feel.% Weak and tired— Dr. Willeame Pills- give strength. In the epringi elle appe- tite, tone the sten:tech and aid weak digeetion: et es in the. ;spring that poisonts in the blood find ale outlet in disfiguring pimples, eruptions • and boils—Dr. WilLiams' Pink Pielsi speedily clean eithe akin beeaus.ei tbey go to' (the root or the trouts:let in the blood. In elle spring alnae-i mia, rheumatism, indigestion, neure- algia, erysipelast and many other troubles are imooli persistent be- cause of pace, weak blood, and it is at ithie time When all nature tak- es on neW illif!et that the blood nicest serionely needsi !aettention. Some People diesel kble,miselved with pur- gatives at thie isaanoni hut thestet only feather weaken theinselve,s. A puegative Merely galloptheough the syeterm, !emptying the. bo!tveLe, butt it deed mat cure anything. oien the other hand Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills actuality make new • blood which reaches every nerve and or- gan in the, body c bringeng new strength, new health and vigor to weak, easily tired Men, women and childrep Try Dr. iWillitams1 Pills this ispring—they will not dis.- eapoint you. Sold by.alli medicine dealers or sent by real at 50 cent.% a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medene Co., Brockville One ackenzie Klog For at liont Chatham, March '19,—It is under- eboad here Itisab Mr. D. A. Gordon, I'. for East Kent, Will re,si,e,n and that ate Libeeal gortvention to be held' on'the 26thinst., Hon, W I,. 1 Mackenzie ,King, erne' be nomilea4(1 to 'contest /the constituency. Is Your Hair Worth soc ? --- Just think how Muds you would ask foe et you evere to 'sell it; stiui there are *Many, ,who never reali'ze the value -of their hair until toe lane. They let the little dandruff germs •dig Inibce thei hair roots day and nighlt 'until ell the lite and vitality is "sapped out of the Inter and it be-. colnes day and hareb,audtedeleslont in .conali fullbn target 'bottle' of Sageine eosts but Enc. ,and • J. E. Hovey your druggist guaxentetee ie to• Stop, fellingl hatr and itching of 'the scalp or Money beck: Get rid fof ,the dandamiff and Make Your hair healthy. Sagetne Will do bE fox yout Get la bottle today, make your hair just as glean and handsome go it aVirOUld be. J.E. Hovey. What RejeCtion of Reci- procity Has Cost The West. All winter the people of the prai- ries have been having daily foxeed on thein attention; the difeicerhinicee ot wines being paid for grain at Milineapos midi at Porte Arthur. This is galled the "spread," and some' papergive 35 daely promin- ence. The followingletablet is Isom the Regina Leader el March 7. The first column 'of fligtiree gives .the prices fat rgratiel ainetoee at Peen Anthur, and the second fox the grain lit eltoste(itt MineneaPolis No, 1 Northern') * 98 109 No, 2 Notethern , • • 95 107 No. 3 Northern( •.90 105 No, 2 C. 'W. Ode 41 50 No. 3 Barley ... 61 130 No. 4 Banley • 60 120 Peed t ... 46 100 No. 1 N. W. letaX. ....... 184 204 As Minneapolis No. f Norithern is only equal bo Canadian tTaipa geed - ed as No 3, the difference—the "spreadei—i9 acitually( eightf cents greater than appears, being no less than treimeli eela emits an wheat. The dieference, 51 will b scan, Is eevene ey 'cents a buehel otn barley and !twenty ,cente on flax. Thief yeaty visible eind direct totss, to the f aim- Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by, ers eepalculaited byMinister of Ag- W. S. R. Danes, iieulture, Motherwell to aggregate I twelve million denten( that meght just ites Well be reposes:* ius thol farmers' pockets: To this is, ,we presume lbo be added their lose through detention, ," and deliereora- -elan of elita.t part of 'their crop thai •ensuld, under. reciprocity, . have found its way /to market by way of Minneapolis, and ,whi,ch, itiStill ole She fanners' 'halide to their great dietress. It will 'be very, Interiesein ing to nate hoW Saskatchewan will vete Welled_ tissue is,kept in linoettt remarks the Montreal Wittliesn , We havq the tenancy for ..nit Uric Pills, Seigeine flair Tonic', Rheum" the Great FinteumatieCure, we guarantee &hese preparations on' amoney back basis. J. E. Hovey, Druggist. J. E. Hovey is Agent in Cimton for Anti Uric Pills ei. 111 • 011P.• Rine Cups—PrePare a tbun Meted by boiling a cupful of mashed rice in ice agshdtrlyy,,rnlatedlierdiletirt,; cootoirltimugntiinil one well -beaten egg, a seant table- spoonful of Auger, a few( drops of vanilla exteaets ance two table- spoonfuls of cream. Beat until eight, pour into shallow cups, platen Ing wherej gad to bacenne firm; when gold unmonld 'and with a sharp 'Speen,' remove aportton of the rice\ from{ centre ot each cup, depressions svith sliced pre- served peachen, arid( a little of the syrup. Cover the top .with pow- dered Mataroni or crackeri crennbs, and atter/ arranging dna • baking sheet Tun inthoi a,hot oven for five minuttes. Serve pleb, or without .cream. Roast Lanab—when the troaet of iamb has been Aesvied hat for din- ner, put ault the bone With las Uttli culeting of the meat as possible whrle the zoasti is still warm. The bane separate,n nastily and cleanly • Shen. Next press thiel Meat firraly into a bawl 'ease' large enough, to •hold it ancli pull °Weight on it to hold it solid. :When oold, itt earn be carved Without the annoying strug- gle to ,cuttf mound the bone. Russian Salad; Dreeteling—thin a rich risayonnai,sei ;Mehl chili sauce and adid finely chopped pimentores, parsley, ihives and green peppexe, • In Making Spanish cream include a pottple of itablespoorteuts set Ong pof fee. WELL KNOWN MINISTER Restored to Health hy Vino' Rev, D. Schneider, who is a well kuown minister in Rice Lake, Wis.; writes: "I had a very severe stomach trou- ble last year from which I was kept • In bed three months. I had enghged the bervices of a doctor, but to no avail. I then read of Vinol and deter - rained to try a bottle. Before it was used up 8 was out of bed, and four bottles made me a well man. Vino' is at eplendid medicine, and I cen gladly recommend it." I Prominent men from all over the country do not hesitate to endorse • this wondeful tonic. Per twelve year Vince hate been sold on the "money back" plan, apd every year strengthens its populitritY and proves by continued tete that It will do what we claim for It. Y aids Opposite di. T,89. Station. All kinds tot Coal ou hand— UheStuut .Solt. Coal . • Stove • Kennel Coal Furimee Coke A.F =Pbone se. ES DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A WATCH is a 'delicate piece An. a machinery. It calls for tess attention than most machinery, but must be ',..cleaned and oiled occasionally to keep perfect time. With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect time for a lifetime. It will pay you well to let us clean your watch every 12 or 18 months. W. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician. Issaer of Marriage Licenst_ts. • eeaAnAhefseeniteenisAAAe.esedicene 4 ill See and here our finest New Stylish designs of 1 Doherty Pianos and r, 444 Organs, 41 4 *Special values in Art 4 1 4 Cases 1 1 I Pianos and organs rent E, .. ed, choke new Edison e A 15 phonographs, Music & E ..1 variety goods.. 5° 1 Nage Emporiuma 4 1 i 4 4 i 4 rITYVVVVYVVVVYTTIMINIVVVVVi C Hoare: • T. WATTS Root PilaIwr and Repairer Repairing done promptly. Skates put on while you wait Skate straps of solid leather cut any length desired. Suit cases and Trunks:re- paired. A trial will convince you of the neatness and promptness with which I execute my work Store open every evening Opposite Postoffice. T. Watts