The Clinton New Era, 1912-03-21, Page 8go • • T eRSDAY, _MARCH 21et, 1 ;4 eererepeeeer,4;..teretee off.. f Clearing up the Department to Make Room for New Lines Ab0tit Orie hundred pairs in the lot, some slightly soiled*. displaying in store, in white and ecru, some very dainty designs M the lot, regular $1.00 for 79c reg 1,25 for 98c reg 1,5o for 1,12 reg 2.00 for 1.50 reg 2,25 for reg 2.50 for i.98 reg 3.00 for 2.35 reg 3.5o for 2,25 5oc Ladies Winter Vests 39c 9 10 dozen Ladies Winter Vests, made by one of the largest manufacturers, guaranteed unshrinkable, daintily trimmed, and our special at 60c, clearing at 39C Deep Cuts in Sateen Petticoats Very special women's good quality Sateen -Petti- coats in black, brown, green and navy; one deep flounce with two smaller frills, gond style, splendid -fitters. This is an extra special -don't miss it, clear- ing-. . , , 59e others at 79C 98C $1 12 Regal Taffeta Petticoats Reduced to Clear , Four pretty styles in ikegal Taffeta, some with embroidery flounting, knit -top and Ra.ybro patent bands, deep dust frill Regular $2,25 for 1.50 "s 2.0o for I•35 " 2.50 for 1.75 " 4.00 for 3.00 7;b ozer• it?wrounz DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON • • P,OSTAleCLEeleeS ClET INCREASE el. teieee.e.geteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeteee.tee A bilUt bee -leee4 'Oven 11-t0'18-lee(md 11 CLINTON 'MARKETS +-1- yeadie ge in 'Paellament 'to, SeeaSia . the odiadle.§ 00;650/Lice cioiqcs $1.00 1- Hogs ....,. 4..e... $7.00 e annually, until $8oOEJ,reaehed and ' 'Eegs • .25 'to 26 $50 annually until $1800 is ieac to32 This inele des( enly :pity posneefices) + Wheat 92 to 93 e• 43 to 00 +, APPLIES FOR THE JOB, • e. Barley 70 to 80 "re, ' Mr, Willis Chipman CU., who had e• Peas . 80 to 95 + charge pi tbo plans and, 'week toe ShortEc-.$$2231:0000 4. thelentOn ;Water WOrkS "See5 0111, is e Bran (appy lthI°' r the job 01 mew "‘v at er \welts ,Corattnisei.onee of Tel -that°, at eeeeee-e-i-e-H-9-7:4-eeelef-feeeeeteef-e++. ealaey of „e5,7,00. He ;should iill ENFORCED HOTADAY.s. the 14111 alt rigtet. W. C.. T., U. , , , Miss LeStevene, teacher) In Room Phe -Wonean'S" Ch.ristiant Temper- 4 of the Public. School has beeneen- mice Union will Meet on Friday af- fined I1Q tile housci.theough eel:noon ,of this week 'at 3 o'clock at arid theecholar.s1 liedholiday:: on the holne 'of -elre. Gibbing,s. Monday, Tuesday and Wedne,say, meeting, deen :thee enteretst of the new Frances- Willeard I-Ionie for PASSE:D AWAY. °eels in . IPoetonelo. All the ladies e ' Af tee. a short illnese with 'pneu- .are invited ;to 'attend this Inlee,tie.g., mania, Mrs..Cole; died at the home- A.ccEpTs ,CALt. , of her daughter,„ Mrs, Shier lest Tbuesday evening, 'The remains Rev."T`.130.11"Woods; of St. Thomas were :taken to Kincardine: for inter- ims accepted IM 'call of Bruckeelelde men:t. • Presbyteriariecliur-. ,eh and the in , deletion is expected to take place TO WOODMEN CONVENTION. about April 19tha The 'Moderator The annual Ineetin,g; of the 'Head will -preside. Reg. D. le. 'Grant will Camp of the Woodmen of the World opened in ',Taranto on Tuesday. The delegate from; Clinton Canap is M. Arthur Clanteloi. Mr. J. B. Hoover, ,Wh0. 19 0111 the Executive also alteeded the Camp mItieting. ,preaeli; Rev, Mr. Johnston will address the -Minis:teen and. Rev. Mr. 0arsave,11 the people. „ THIS 'APPLIES TO CLINTON. 'An ,Oniterio exchange gives this: lig Abut' ianialah? HaVe you the Oranges and Lemons for younsi ? Don't fail to s,eq our 'stock of choice Oranges\ befnre dering yours. Sweet Oranges, "Sunkist" and Navels. 20e to 500 peri dozen. 0Bitter Marmalade rahges .20c per dozen. Phone orders will have our careful and prompt attention. &BARR Phone 111 .. Navigation has ialready opened i SALE CALLED ,OPP. 1 Last Thunsday afternoon Mr. Jas. Hamilton ,callect off his sale of cows at the Nornaandie hotel barns 'and wiU probably dispose of ;them! pri- ate1y. WILL YOIT HELP? - A antnber of o,ur readera have heen good enough to renew( their .subscriptio,no for 1912, buff a Lunge number have evidently forgotten TlOW211.11,UtSlilleraigineV,It!X2 money to run a ne,Wspaper. • on not nf the 'sidewalks, •• MUST PAY FULLI FARE. good advme to ets czens, an Ave commend et to the 'good and loyal Penile of 'Clinton.- "If you will The Grand Trunk and Calleadialh simply makenp your mid thatlyou Pacific Ratiew.ays have) ,sent notefie are going to lave here, if you will /cation to tull thd qolleges and uni- next spring do eome painting and versities In Canada that the 'special. fi 'n'g 'up •Which show 'that you ,raite to students heretofore granted be withdrawn on May, 1,, ,... A MARCH WEDDING. A quiet marriage .was celebrated the,Ontario Street Par sone& by Rev. T. Wesley Ocesene on Saturday evening' at eight o'clock when Mies Katie Eleanor Perdue o/ the towne, everyoee has gat the weisfeencraze shi of Goderich laeocenet the wife knd are treating their own town as el r. Oscar Ernest Telebutt of the ei they eee only there forone night. same 'place. The happy young colt- lelake up your mind itleat you are. ple will settlel near ilolraesville. going Ito live Where Y.ou ;ire, and May their pleasures' bte.mapy and difference to the value of your Pro- their sorrows be emv. per ty. . - SOME PIPE DREAMS. A.PLEASANT REMINDER. ,. When Manager Sweee dreamed On -Satierday last Messrs J W• 'that we would have skating for an - Jackson and Jaines Paifi of Clinton p.ther month. • went to Seaforth and, called upon When the Editor dreamed all his 'their old and worthyi friend, James 'McMichael, and preset:I-reed emleseri leers' had paid; in advance. him w2tha birthday badge cone When Bill Taft &teamed he could graltulatIng him on having attained pick up a golf ball Without bend, - his et hty-hinth birthday. The ing his knees. mean- iteif you • Will invest your , money -here instead of evert corn- ee the earth, your property laver go el.P in value. fit tY. per genie That is apteety big advance,t butetryteo sell out lawny tOntario town 'to -day ane youeveill find that you have to dispose of your holdings; at 50 cents Central Business Colle e Stratford, Ont. Our classes are now larger than ever before but we have eLlarged our quarters and we have room for a few more students. You may enter at any time, We have a staff of nine experienced instructors and our courses are the best. Our graduates succeed. This week three recent gradu- ates informed us that they have positions paying $05, $70 and $125 per month. We have three departments,Commercial,-Short- hand and Telegraphy, Write for our flee catalogue now. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL 111111111P111., GET IREADY FOR SPRING FARMERS Get your horses ready for the spring work - by feeding them' DR. HESS STOe.IC FOOD gives Life, Yigor_ and Energy, -4.rid produces a fine_ glossy coat, and is a wonderful flesh producer In Bags and Packages 75e and $1.00 You can also make them ready by buying a Stewart Rorse-elipping Machine Every horse should be clipped before being, put at hard spring work • Clipping is most beneficial and humane, The Price IS only *9.75. We have Hand Clippers from 81.00 up CYCLONE SEEDERS his Seeder is guaranteed to distribute seed directly and evenly over the gronnd. This Is the best Hand Seeder on the market, $1.75 Each Sap 'Rackets and Spiles-We have a large stock and our prices are right. MARL/4Ni) BROS. W. S. WARLAND W. J. HARLAND Stoves, Hardware and Sporting Goods pixoiNg!-I3R04;E• DOWN, Teeedey moxnang the engine 'on the 411:S1'A:from: eericla -due ee 'ere, eiVe". at S tratior ci. at 8.10; broke eewu 'neer •The auxiliary was called out. , TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. A Huron County Temiaexance Coln •-ceitio'n will bee" held enttlee 'Town: Dalt, on Fraley of -next av eek,Mita• 29th. No doeflot a large number of deiegattes 'tatill be helve. • , VOTED FOR ,UNION. Wesley chueeliecongeogation went serene for church.' tenon. Obi Sun- day the ea et of ehe 'helloes AV 01 g banded inand it was foulectetleat the vete avas 224 for -end l9 against: The Qiieveleely Official; 13oarct voile ,avetts • :oat and 1 tee tune,. I :CONDUCTOR: RESTORED.' , Cenci:enter .TleoM,a:s .Buchanantee restored to his .olcit ran 00 the G. T. 'R. Ere% Go:clexigle to 'Buffalo._ eie. left 'Vie:6day temt "G,odeeich .e -and Tuesday morning, 'brought' in the train feone•Goderiele 'and lei% for His return Wee welcomed: 'badge ears the follawing. anserip- teem lleames McMichael, thes isyour birthday. 'May you have many more. Your ina;ny Clinton friends extend their hearty congratulation 'and beet wielies. Signed by Jane/ Fair, W, B, :Counter, .W. Jackson, 11:. Brydone, .I.Ransford, D. A. Forams - ter, Dr. Shatv, C. E.. Dowding: T. Iackson,jr,i, Mr. McMichael al- though ,carrying so great a ;weight of years, is til1 height` and len:Carte and tho'oks as if he might win many more triumphs an the green with the "wee boots." A STRONG PAIR. We call the attention of all news. paper resdere in this town and district to the fact that we have made epecial arrangements with Tee Weekly Mail and Entpire, of Toronto, to com- bine with our wiper at a popular team p.iee, WA here oiler The Weekly Mei] and Empireand The New Era: the two together, for one year at the nominal rate of 61 55 te inelnde 'When Teddy Reosevtele dreamed the people thought he really shot ;all those Tlgees„ ete. When some eilizeees dreamed that the ,walking was good last 'Friday. AID TO LIBRARIES, In the public acconn fp' of the Pro- vince of Ontario, for the 12 months ending Dee 31, 191i, the folloaving grants .wese naadd to public librar- ies in Huron County:-- Clinten $246,96, , Auburn 36,75, J31y.th 18.70, Brucefield 67.16, Bruesele 86.71, Dungannon 35.71, Ethel 10.00, Exeter 86.69, Gederieh. 147,87, Gorrie 32.00 Hensel]. 66.86, by his old eomeade,s and ?the public after his long alb,sence erom .the line. -Stretford 33eacon.- . HERE ON MARCH 27th. Mr. W T. • Pember, of Tozonto, you will' find et will Bonn ineke a hair clres,ser, will he ae 'the. Nor- mandie Ifetel on Weene.adayelliaech 27th, where he will he plea.sece to consult ,avith those requiring wigs, toupees, iswitchee, etc. He repre- Belles the laeg.est 'selection( of la,d- les' and geots' hale goods in Can- ada. HOIVIESEEXERS EXCURSION TO WESTERN CANADA, Via Chicago, including all points on Grand .Trunkl Pacific Railway, April 2nd, 15114t and 301h; :May lith a.nd 28th.; June llth and 25th; July 911sitund 23rd; August 6th and 2014; Sept. 3rd and 174h. Winnipeg and return $34; Echnentoie .aln.d return $42.00. Tickets good for ,,60 days. Propoettonate rates to principal points' in Manitoba, SaskatcheWaed end Alberta. Borneseekers excur- sion Itickees Well'also 'be on wait on certain dates via. Sarnia na. North- : ern Navigation Company. Full particulars, tickets and illustrated literature from any Grand Tunk agent or write A. E. Duff, district ,passenger agent, Toronto, Ont. MRS. DO,WDING DECEASED. ffee a large portrait ef the kt.ght Hon. leantere 89.56, R L. Borden, 18 x 21 inches, which will Seaforth, 168.06, • be sent postpaid to every subscriber Welton 29.42, who takes advantsge of the proposi- Wingharn 262.69, tion. Now here is a chance to °tattle Wroxeter 74.35, the two tnost useful newspapers to . $231.74, 'was ;spent on Rural Scheel. readers in our comm unite, and we Libraries during the name Year.' state this advisedly, for The Weekly Mail and Ernpire 18 conceded to be the WEDDING BELLS. greatest home and fireside PaPey A veryerretty ieedding took- place published in the Dominion, whie ours, at the home .of laire. T. Gasman, covering as it does all tbe local news, road aalvocating 'the hest interests of this important district, will best serve all residents within the- her izon, of our circulation. Send all orders to office of The New Era, mmon. LOCALS. Send in the news. Clean up the' streets. Steaming Toofs lcrok good. Going to move 'this' ispring. Is your isnOW shovel worn out. Get your lawn MOM/el' sharpened. Who'll Shalt the 'straw hat lseaston LsIt's have areal garden thisyear .0ve0colets ale 'beginning to feel heavy. Hooray ! S,00n be houed glean- ing (time.] - HOINV are you -fixed for acreen windows _ The bullfrog elioir will soon re- sume eehetareals. :Better see .Whether the Inedehe have 'been busy, • The spring paradox, -wet feed; cold inithe head. The price ofteggs ought toceneet dawn. Sat "will et ? :Time to haul those ;coal ashes front our back yards. Don't start 'watering the lawn till 'the frost es one lorethe ;ground. Perhaps this' is the open ;winter ttivalt, sorne fare peemised ba last Twenty years from now add -tim- ers ;will pay, "Dold ? Why, back In Sovereign TRADE MARK REG. Sheathing Felt contains no oil or tar. Is clean; odorless, waterproof, germ and - vermin proof and practically indestructible. Makes houses draft -proof, easy to heat, and comfortable In any weather.. Come in and see it. :76 Sole Caiiadlia Manufsetterms' THE STANDARD PAINT CO. oi causes, Ihultee. MoullvaL , THOS. 'MelliENZIE, CLINTON. when their youtgest daughter Mamie eicInnes became the bade of Mr. Craig. The bride entered the pallor leaning on the arm o her fathei and lcoked very pleasing in a gown oecreatn chiffon Taffetta with trimmings ot baby Ir;sh and pearls, and carried a bouquet cif pink carte atious. She was attendtd by her sister elle. W. Davis who wore a pale green silk. The groom was attendee by Mr, W. Davie Anpie Taylor, cousin of the bridected as ringhearer, carrying the ring in a boquet or carna.tions she wore a dainty gown of cream silk. The .hridat march was playeil by Edna 'Ferris. After the ceremony a tasty dinner was served in the spacious room, t r which all paid ample justice. Mr, and Mr. . Craig received some handsome presents showing the high esteem in which they are held by their many friends. The evening was spent very enjoyably by all. Mr. and Mrs. Craig intend leaving shortly for their home in Provost, Alberta, where the groom intends going into treisiness. They carry 'with them the best wishes el a large circle of friends. The gift of the greom to the bride, bridesmaid and ring' hearer were hannsome brace- lets•set withpearls. The groom was a former resident for a time on the London Road and is a brother of Mrs. Nett. ALWAYS BE EARLY. One ofehe mast embarrassing things a emenery editor hag to con- tend .with is the disposition; of peo- ple to watt until the last moment ef going to prese and then rush en with their items which they "Want in this week sure," Thee is pelzelie- ulaely ithe ease ,with these who wish to make announcements which they expected :to have inserted gratis. People do net reflect upon on the dollar, simply because the fact that the paper is made up daring the whale week .a.nd that its capacity is limited to just so much and the in:atter gauged according- ly. If the edlltoal should' await -the convenience of those 'who have soatething they want published he woiald not get :his paper out until the next weiel,c, rand :then he would have to delay tWo Or three days un- til some kind friend had, made up his mind about a noeice he wants in but which he has nee been able to prepare just to .suit, him. A great Many people do tiot ,get thehr no- tices published in consequence of this disposition to put off tor the last tainute, but those not intereet- ed never note* the oreiseion-the paper appeers ontirae and tuee weed Moves pri just the same, • • With no, small regret The New Era reports the demise of Mesa C; E. Dowding, whose illness' was referr- ed to lee week, Which gad levent took place on Ttiesday at her home here. Hee , jseai1h had not been geed Loa' some) Months but het Many friends holeed ;she Would soon be eothvalescent. Tem remains ,Were takes to Owen Sound on Tuesday evening's Itemise - wherl itellerment is itoebe anade on Friday. Mr. Dowding w.as greatly, beloved' cued was always a welcome tguest in the social circle on accounte of her .ettn- shiny disposition. Het Malden name. was Miss Parker and h,er par- ental home was at Owen Sound. She was aresideni6. of Clinton' ltor aboult llerears. Mr. Dowding need hardly: be assured; that he has' tht deep. sympathy nil tthe entire come raunety en his bereav•em;ent, • WEDDING BELLS. On _Tuesday evening, March 12th, a. very pretty wedding was :solem- nized at the honue ofMr. Jn,o. Bush, Tarnberry, ,whit their ee'cond daughtek, E.Lillieny and NW, E. Weir united teethe hay bonds ef matrimony. Shortly: after 5 o'clock .the coulale, unattended, took Ith,eir places uiader a prettily cleeterneed areheto the.strain % of Lohengrin's wedding march rendered by Mrs. J. COLONEL PUOMIRE • F9ar 25 (tents ?I M A new one and we think a good one. It is called the "Wlitte=aittray" ahd it writes right 'away a feature few if any pens at this price have. Another splendid feature is that points may be so easily changed when a new one is required. It wont blot and it can't clog. Its the best we know at the price. Extra points fc each. TtteW.1)0 Fair eo. jOften the eheapest-Pilwnys.the Best ^. Bentley of Clinton,, sister of the t groom. The bride looked) quits ,elearming in a dainty gewee of all- over embroidery and carried a :bou- quet of white lend. pink carnation's. The eeremeny we econdueted by Rev. E. Collis, oe Wroxeter. Af- ter tthe ceremony the company re- tired to the dining-ropral :whale) a sumptuous meal. Wag served. The evening was enjoyably engine in music and games. The following day, the happy :couple left fox a short trip. The bride'ts !going away gown w.as oil blue broadcloth with hat ;to match. OA their return, the young people evil take upitheir re- sidence in Howiek where•Ith,e groom is .a prasperous young farmer The best wishes of .a•laegel circlo of friends go with the happy ,couple. -The groota is ,a brother of Mils. J, Hantley and Mr. Jack Weir, of the CHILDREN"S AID SOCIETY. .011 Sunday March 31s1, the 'Child ren's Aid Society of Huron Co., Well hold .a field clay in town. Heyde. Miller, of Berlin: land Perguson of Stratford Will supply,' the perepiles and tithe evemeng after ehurch see Vice, 'Me. lefillexl :will give an illust- toted lecture in the Town Hall on this important work. More par- ticulars next week, " WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. The regular meting of the Wo- man's Destitute well be held at the home of Mrs. 3. Johnson, Ratten- Imre street, on Thuhsday, March 28t3s. Mr. J. Bentley Principal of 'the Public School will give a short,address. spected by who knew him. Bie- sides his widow; he is surrviived by two sons,,Senuell and Wilfrid, two' daughters, Mrs, Callan, of California. and Mies Ad:a Holmes' of Pi0Xle Col- borne, one Slider, Mrs. Jas. Did of Oaledonla, and one lar,cetb.erele Hol- mes, ot Wellanciport. ;The( funeral, Which was private, ev•es- held on Sun day afternoon, servioei being Pone ducted at his lake zesidenee by Rev, Deltuesell Smith; interment at pak wood ternetery. The pall -bearers were -Harry Leslie, Sam. Woods, 8. Manning, Geo. Barney, Geo. Hatv- kins and R. Greenwood -Welland -Telegralib.-Deeteased Was' a conga of 'Vire, H.B.Chantt of town. TOBACCO GROWING IN HURON CO'UNTY. The Nile, had shown that tobacco' can be successfully grown in this sectiou. Ile had eight acres under trop, la, t year, end having pet perly cured it. has :sold the entire output et a profitable figure. CELEBRATED DIAMOND WEDDING. On Monday ofthis week Der. and Dirs. Joseph Lyon, pf Hallett !Tine, ceiebreted their Diamond ,Wedding. They- were born neer Scobten, Lia-- 1 colnshire, Reginald, and 'ola. Bear*. I 17th, 1852, Were knarried in the Eng - 1 lish church alt Scotten. A feve days- ' after their mare:lege, they sailed from Hull on a sailing vessel named "Fingal" for Canada. Niter a . voyage of 6 weeks, aerived at Que- bec on May "24th. From that city , they sailed ece Hamilton on a river 1 boat :which took a week to make the voyage and from there took train to Guelph. where they spent three , years on alarm, In 1855 they came u•p to 'Mame County andtbok up land aMile and a quarter north of Londesbore where ,they nave .re - resided up to tb.e preeent. They worked here in ,the :Winter auci were back to Guelph fox .two years fol- lowing to help with the harvest un - 1211 the land here eras el:eared for I crop. These ihrip,s to and. from I Lo:ndesboam to Guelph mere Made on foot. On Monday' the entniver- sary eva,s celebrated. and `all the ;children, 5 sons and 3 daughters' were present to ipin in wiehilag the 'bride ,and groom a happy an- niversary. The only one levalleg that was ,ccenneetedf with the need - ding is aesister of Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Oakley, of Mount! leoreet, who was bridesmaid. Th.e elaildren present- ed the parents with a beautiful arm chair and footstool' ;while, the g,raradchildred, 24 lis number, gave the bride ;and groota a clock. The - New Era with a host of friends join in twishan' .g Mr, rand IVIrs. Lyon many moreseyears oft happy life. •Tlee. grooen is noW 84 years of age while Mrs. Lyon is 81. - COMMITTEE MEETING. The 'Committee thee has ,charge of the organization of "More Houses for 'Clinton" will meet on Monday evening foe to make final arrangements f or the 'public meet- ing 'to be held on March 28114. The citizens are requested fo remean- ber this public( Meeting an Thum - day of next week. • HT.TRON PRESBYTERY VOTES FOR UNION, Huron Presbytteryes record on the recent Union vote As„ as follows ;- for against Elders 115 30 Members 2168 1113 Adheree ts 451 231, Totals 2724 1374 THE LATE CHAS. 'W. 110IrMES. Charles W.Ilohnes died 'suddenly on Thursday morning, last at Port Colborne .of heart failure. Al few weeks ago he had been :critically ill With the sante Aiseasn, but eeeMed to be re.eovering. 'However, last week he .grieve worse, and a.serious attack on Thursday', inorning after his breakfast. Physicians worked over him for sametime butto no .a- -veil. Deceased, 'Who Was in hinbath year, was a ;sore of the late Saknulee Holmes, and has resided: here isever al thnes. A couplet of Yeane-a-ago isa eonclunted .ahv'eryf lousinees at Teeswalter. Mr. Holmes was a Lib- eral in politice and VAS highly re - A Michigan ' ;Governor sugge,sts ' that lereweries ehould' not leepere. knieted to oevn leotele nee go " se . sureties: . Inc , .saloon ketepees: :and there is/nein for same( ,cleam head -s elIthinkln,g talong the same line le. Canada. eee+++.9-9-4-4,-.--9.4.4-4.++++++++++++:94++++4'ete'e•e'++++4,-4.4'++++++_+-te Field Secretary For The Dominion 1: • EsHe will lecture in the Town Hall on 4' ee• the Army Citadel. The Colonel will speak at 11 a, m., in * OCR 31_10 Sunday, March 24th at 3 p. me on the + Social and Prison Work ofeetbe Army -9. in Ore, entitled:, "Human Dere- r Fo Spring and Summer 1912 anad 4. liars". Silver collection. He will also Speak in the Town Hall at 8 p. m. Lots of bright 'music end song. The Colonel was for a number of years the Social and Prison Secretary of the Salvation Army throughout the Donainion, being the first Army Officer to gain admittance to the Prieons of this Country. He also made a study of this Work and will tell of stei king and remarkable changes that have taken place in the lives of Criminals and Social alricho. The Colonel is the father of Captain Pugmire were is at present in com- mand of the local corps here., eimpoosetteesemsees•••••••- a • [ASTIR TERM Exemplify in a marked degreg the remarkable * 4. • advancement made in the manufacture fine shoes. * + Here one can readily appreciate the exceptional * * styles and fit of Canada's best made shoes. ÷ We have spent much time investigating and • studying the merits of all the different lines.of shoes 4, that have a reputation for quality. We have chosen * the goods that we know will boost our reputation * for good shoes. Shoes which combine quality, 4. ▪ workmanship and style --at the right price, Shoes that will insure for us your permanent fatronage and lead you at all times to associate .T • OUT Sulnraer Term from ,Taal. y 4. • Ft1,0811 t eh Merges into * 41 2nd, land glees opportunity • e fico'etr,tchrtilberifireuhseloPe:eoiPlifeeTereilne .T.1. Jackson, our store with the best merchandise. • anent .and serviee,. We halVe 0 + SSkOpSIOPC + - , thins. In influceme 4 equip- • e ' 2 no eutperiorEf. Free catalogue 2 : r g exr8ains why. fgralte Central 1 5 + 1 + +• + 4- DisTiNeTivn S1.410ES 4.4° • Bus:Mese; tOollege of Teranto + le Yonge and Gerrard Ste. + - ' W. 11, SHAW, President, 4. ..+444+4.44.1.+4.4.41.++.4.44,14+++, 6++++.1-6•44-14++444-1.4•44i. seirsikipeosoollifieeoposoiniesotto