HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-21, Page 5tr0 'SR elk
One ClaSS 01GOOdS
Thal Rave No!
AdVarreed ii PP1CC
Is Watches. You may
buy for $i".'2 to -day a Gold
Filed Watch, fitted with
a fine time -keeping move-
, ,1
ment —as goOd as ". you
would pay $18 for .twenty
years ago
See our fine assortment
of watches from $1 up..
wards ; -all good value ;
all warranted
W. 111 111EILVAR
House, for Sale Ort(, Bent.
A frame house on Isaac Streab six
TOOMS, good welh 1-4 acre of land.
Apply to
Ielectric light, town waters
Births, arlit
roes & Deaths
BAIRD -In Stiatlev. • on Monday,
March 1Sth to M& and MeS. Geo, Tho.
Baird, a son,
• DEA -111S
HVANS-ae Clintoa, On March 171,11;
LOUISE), Calp, celeet of tae late Henry
Alexander Evites. '
. . .
DOWDING -In Clinton, on Mon-
day, March 18tb, beloved wife cl Mr.
0. ID, Dowding,
Friday's blizzerd was about as
yough ae any theahas bean exper'enced
Ithis; year. ISariners• and, others hauls
in ff from the courarY were Eerionsiy.'
The' Spring Assizes will open in
Goderiab, en .Tuesday, March 26, be.
fove Mr. ,Tuatice Britton Crown At-,
' torney Seeger reports that .only' two
cases of a eriminal . character are on
the docket.
Tenders Wanted
•Tenclers pee,eived up to
April 61h for. ,the erection of a alew
Brick and Coneet School, in School
Seation No. 11,,Efullett. Plane and
specifispitions .be lecieni at the
untiersigned, lot 13, --,oral. 10, Hallett.
'The lowest or any 'Janda): trot [tag-
easarily, accepted.
Secretary, Londesborio
,Groeery Business tor Sale
,The undersig,ned, -wishing to en-
gage in other busine.ss,, offeasahle
grocery business for, eale.
House for Sale
On Huron Street, ,a desirable Ileat-
olence,, well .raituabeclo in. good ale-
paia nine zlo
.rooms pantry, ciseta,
and 'both TOD1. GoodO} cellar, fur-
---- good mistern And) :stable garden
and lawn, quarter acreof ground
Atution Saie Terms reasonable, Apply at
• ,
Auction sale at Normandie: Hotel
'barns, Clinton, tai, laatandays March. 1
.. 25th, at 1 o'clock, 34. head, of cows
and young cattle; 13 cows due in
• April; 2 due in May; 3 young co Ws,
farrow; 5 netv Milkerss A, heifieke
rising three y.ear,4 old; 3 heifers. sHere is a bargain -A 3 h. p. en-
listing two ,)reaml old; 6 antina 1 gine and upright/ baiter with 68 ft.
calves front 1 to 9 Weeka old. All , '
-- —a a of belting„ and 13 IL °a sthafting
Also a laithe. All for $20. Apply to
cows guaranteed as usual. Terassi--
5 months credit: o.napproved joint N.ORIVIAN1 HOLTZEIA.T.IER
notes or 8 per cent per laninuloi ,of
for ,cash. Holland & MclOonaell,
proprietors; fr. Gundry, Auctioneer Adininistriitor's Sale of
FOP Sale
, ingliaman
lionteseekers Excursions -to
Western Canada
• via Chleatro
April Oral, latlf, and arth, and ev-
ery secoad Tuesday, thiereafiter un-
til Sept. 17th lu
a ineseve,
Winnipeg and retains $31.00.
• Edmonton and c•eturee $42 00
• Tickets good fox 60 days. Pro-
,peatianate rates to otheal poiutisin
"Manitoba, Saskatchewannd Alber-
ta. .Tickete well also be on male
aartain dates via Sarnia nd North-
ern Navigation Company.
Low Rates to Pacific, Coast.
• Tickets on gale daily until April
as --
Do Manitoba, •Saskatchewata nd
Alberta, on sale aviary's Tuesday in
7.91arrat and April
Por fuji particulars and tickets call
on or ,writte„-
Tnannte; •
...tat:* f, aiktkie( passenger s agent
' CIala,ATTISONdepot agentit,
Houses in Cfinton
The administrator of the e,stote. Of
Jane Buller, cleceastecl, will offer for
sale at public anetloat on Saturday,
6ti day of April, 1912, sit the holm
'of 3.30 o'olocki, snthe eataerzoon at
the 'alarm Hall, Clinton, the follow -
Lug prapertiess--
(1-1 acre) an J'ames, St, Clinton, Ola
this property la erected a fame leo't
tage, 7 zooms, atone cellar, Avatar"
works ,connerition, andi seoilt water
cistern, quarter acre, The location
is very central tear to 0,thoolsspo3,t
office And stations
, _PARCEL NITIVI,BER 2--Toevn Lots
Nos. 1218, 1217, 1215 (1-5 acre each)
and part of Town 1,01C No.
1215 on VicitOaaa Street, Clititon, 8
moans -With w.00dished, summer kit -
c en, and hardI andso.flt neater.
This' property Bee iadjacent to the
piano factory In nVeuieint rtosis
Hop' for may Meehan/4c
PAROL NUMBER 3 --Lot 962 (1-1
acre)" On Nox9I Street,
on which is erecaed a fie:ea
rootned aoltbage arit,h, woodshed. A
very good benne) for ta small fern-
- y desir3ng a cheaa( property,
TERMS -The property ;will, be
sold 'subject to sa/ reeerIve, bid( and
to the APPI•oval Of the official guar-
dian. Ten per cent of the pur-
chase Money Will bepayable at the
a3e,and the balace onde,
livery ofpospesoion, AOi falter than
June ast, 1912.
Pow particulars apply to Albert J.
gpllomjay, ,adrainisators tp/,.
1 ',13HYD,ONE,
'Solicitor for -Aclualnistrator
T. GUNDRY Airatiotheer. '
This is a Good Time
• To purchase Sugar and Tea, as prices are advancing.
Then you will be thinking about 'Timothy Seed, Red
Clover, Alsike, and Lucerne
•-This is the Place to Buy
"GOOd to Sit OP
and So is every .chatravse show,
You select one and have wife
select other. It will be ,a "toss
up" which is best. You can't go
amiss on
in our Stock. They're all geocl
Just so with entire stock we
show, It's best in town, and
that's wha "those who .know'
buy furniture at our place.
()0 V E
R.TA.K.tvo AA, Fritsileiloti
District News.
• London Itoait
The League meets next Tuesday at
Mr, Henry- Peacock's
Mr, and bus. 11 Livermore visited
fx•icincls in Myth this week,
The Literary Committee cf the
Leagge is busy preparing an Easter
program. •
Chas. Roweeliffe and wife of near
London, visited his mother and bro-
ther over Sunday. , •
' We are sorry to report that Wm
Stanbury sr,, le laid off with the eold.
Weaope he will soon recover,
Mr. A. .1-, Courtice is oa' thp sick
list. We bope to hear of his speedy
Kr. S. W. 8till0eis improving after
his, recent illness we are pleased to
misIElcOat-, is vi$iting her cousin,
Miss Bertha Stanley. -
Mrs. Arthur Tawnsend, O GoSerich,
visaed over Sunday with her sister,
Mrs, Gea. Proctor.
- Ala Walgate Tebbutt left ,on Tues-
day for Druid, Sask„ wah a carload
of settler's effect's,
The Bible Society meeting was bold
in the alethodiet Church on Wednera
day evening there being a faiv attend-
ance. Two able addresses Wore given
by the resident ministers, • Mr, Lewis
Tebbutt was appointed President and
Mr. Wm. Johnston Secretaay for the
emating yeav.
Cattle were shipped frora here on -
Saturday and also on Friday.
Friday's storm made big piles of
snow but it did not last long.
There will be a let of people around
here making maple syrup;
Rev, Peary preached 10 Blyth on
Sunday morning and Rev. Staten
preaehed in Burns and Knox churches
ou Sunday.
Tbe. 001212Cil met on Monday and de-
cided that the motion of the last
meeting disolving S. S. No.. 4 was
(ultra -vire) beyond their power BO It
wos recinded and S. S. No. 4 still ex-
ists. The matter is DOW in quite a
muddle as a few other sections were
made interested,
Deana Woods of the 12 arm, had the
bad luck on alonda.y evening to get a
fine horse badly hart in a Erste snow
drift. north of the village. -Several
thought the leg wos broken but the
Veterinary sas alt is not, The horse
will be laid up a long time.
Mr. Wun Herbert left for the West.
Mr. E. Watson shipped two cars of
stock to Toronto.
Mr. Jas. thunieg shipped two cars of
stock to Toronto,
Mr, WM. Gray shipped one car of
stock to Toronto.
Mr, James Cumings has rented his
farm to James flatiron, of Lilyth.
Mr. N. B, Gerry, formerly of Blybh,
but riow of Fort 'William, was calling
on Blyth friends this week.
Mr. Geo Blatchford, of Exeter, was
in Blyth calling on friends.
Mr. Rus. Denholm, of Toronto, is
Visiting at his home before going to
Saakatoon, Sask.
Mr, Jos. Carter ia on a business trip
to Berlin and Torotto this week.
Mr. N. Oumiag is attending the
Grand Lodge of the A. 0. tr, Wa in
Toronto the 20th Met,
arra E. Haggett, sr., who has been
sick for some time is not improving
very fest.
Ma L. 0, Charlesworth bias received
ope car of fence wire.
Miss M. King slipped on tbe side-
walk end sprawled hr ankle and is
now laid up in the huuse.
Mr. Albert Vodden of the 8th Con-
cesssion moved to Londesboro last
Ma and Mrs, William 9100001 enter-
tained a few frlefids . last Tuesday
Mr. Will Govier had a wood bee on
Tuesday of this week.
Miss Edith Stewart spent Sunday
ender the parental roof,
Mr. Jack Knox and &lies Lizzie
Wheatly, ofBarka,. visited at the
home of Dave Mountains last Sunday.
Mr. Robert Statith who has been
carrying on the -butchering business
has moved to the farm on the Sib Con.
Mrs. John Cartright spent Monday
with her mother in Clint n.
Mr. atd Mrs.- Hooper, of Blytb,
spent Sunday at the home of Albert
Quite a few farmers are busy en-
gaged in making maple syrup.
MA Eddie Farquhar and his sister
visited friends near Harlot& on Sun-
AaYr' • •
treank ilk70063 had aamisfoabune
'ha beam one othia herees badly injured
diatondasr. •• s s fro
Mr. A. Vanegmond, of Hullett, is
home after spending the winter in the
Western States. He intends returt-
ing in a conple of weeks to start in
business in Boise, Idaho, '
The Irish Social held by tbe Ladies'
Aid of St. Andrew's was only a paatial
success owing to the inpassible condi-
tion of the roads.
Some repairs are going on about the
old bridge so aa to secure it from the
The Temperance meeting for the dis-
cussion of Local Option by Ur Kettle -
well was fairly well attended,
What might be termed as a puglistic
Sflit I B -
. I ism lot 11 in the Wall Paper ,13 -est -
'Mee, and •ran, an A possbon to E4710',,V
You ithe beet WklI Papers that have
been shown in 'Clinton.
All papers boughtf
he hung very
lanAPeaktiimndaistel hi°g4iivse,OP, I, elle
mew, work.
To ,cali or. drop a post eaild Will
bring s,aipple,s; to yet* dicer. .
Geo. Potts
Ninety per cent. of
We cam permanentlY
cure such headaches
with glasses.
if we.fail we will re-
fund, your seorier,,
All J. Gri
Jeweler and Optician'.
ISS er of Marriage Licenses
bout was performed by a pair of Stan-
ley old boys one evening last week.
The contest began at the Commercial
vvhere round No. I was pulled
off and not exaetly according to Misr.,
quis of Queensbury rules. Round No.
1 started with Arrnstrotig on the lead
who tended a right swing over
Sthrennen's eyes leaving the latter too
groggy to retaliate when an armestice
was declared. But they- again met at
Rotel Albion when round No.2 was to
be decided. This Erne Schtennen re -
`deemed himself by landing a, similar
rigta swing over Armstrong's eyes
sending hint dowu for the count.
Chief Consta Me Elliott who apparent-
iy posed as referee decided the chain-
pionship infor of Setwennen when
another Armstrong in the crowd
teproached the constealefor partiality
and withal% hesitation landed another
right swinganta the eyes of the con.
stable Causing him also to appear
groggy. This made the constable anx.
anis to make some arrests and feeling
bis inabilitysat once phoned Mr, See-
ger, of Goderich to send down a force
of constabulary -to quell a terrible tow.
Chief Constable Posselwaite was at.
once despatcherl but by tbe time he
arrived all four men had had their
glasses refilled and enjoying the eo d-
ing draughts of friendships. Constable
Passelwaite declared the six dark
eyes was the only evidence of trouble
and these were oniy improvements
to the wearers so lm hiked off to God-
erich so as to alraw-them any other de.
coration they roiglat wish to confer
upon each other.
'The IVfethodist cburches Belgrave
circuit gave 154 for Church 'Union and
82 agratist and the Presbyterian re-
cord is 175 for and 53 against.
We are sorry to state that Mrs.
James Wighttean is not enjoying
good health, Iler many friends bope
that with the iracoming spring, she
will very math improve.
Wednesday eyening of this week,
HMI:lard and Mrs. •Procter celebrated
Rio 10th a•nniversary of their marriage
and were joined by a goodly company
who expreesed thew good wishes by
kind words and tinware. May they
see the 50th anniversavy.
0 •
Last Sunday morning.. the Pestor
preached the closing sermon of the
series on 'The Lord's Prayer."
In the evening "The First Invitat
ion,' was the theme of an evangelistic
Tuesday evening .of next wee
Willis Church will combine a reeept
ion to Rev. and Mrs. Grant evith a
farewell to Rev. Dr. end Mrs. Stewart
that cannot, fail to be a red letter event
in the history of the congregation.
Rev. D. K, Grant M. A. will oectipy
the pulpit of 020 Preslasterian Church
next Sunday for tee first time as
'settled Pastor. This subject of dis
coarse will be as follows:
• Atli. As AL "A Good Minister of
Jesus Christ." I Tim. 4, 0:; at 7 P. M."
A Peculiar People." I Peter 2, 0,
Rev. ,Mr. ' of Wtugham
preadhea vera'ancepfealraseemearr, an,
-'ithdciflatlit;liteaPastea' 3e'Irakr
• WYlle being 'in Wingbaia.
.1On' Mondayl U,
met at the Charbla' • "The' IiiieWink Was
lead by Willie Blacker..The topic,
"Success worth having and not vvorth
Having", was taken'by Edna, Penne.
Miss Edna PODDebaker WaS appoint-
ed a delegate to atteral the B. Y. P. U.
Convention at Toronto, April 4th ittid
Services next Sunday as usual morn-
ing and evening. Rev. Mr. Wylie,
who his been helping Rev. Collinsaof
Wingliam, in Congregatienal services
will occupy, his own pulpit. -
• o
i - ' .PERSONALS.,
+ • kt is the desire of the Z
Ipublishers thgtt all should
. take an interest ht this
4. column Of TIIE NEW +
: LEA. If you have friends 1
4- visiting, you, or are go-
+ mg away fora trtp, leave I
Z wbrd or send it on a post
+ mid.
; +
Mr, W. Jackson wee in Owen Sound
this week.
Mr. John Medd is recovering from a
severe illnees, •
Miss Elsie IVIegueen, of- Brueefield,
is visiting relativea in town.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr spent
Sunday at their home in Brussels,
Ma Arthur Cantelon was ia 2'orortto
thie weelt attending the camp of the
W. 0, W,
Mr. Weir and bride, of Wrox-eter,
spent a few days the guest of Mrs,
John Hartley. a .
Rev. Mr. Diehl, of Paisley, spent
Wednesday'hight at the home el Mrs.
N. c
mr. and iiiiII.1111111111111111111111M.Mmarnmillainitsgas
• is. 11, icor of Bats- '
seis, sPent;Tuealay ancl part or Wed-
nesday in aovvr. • ,
Rev. Mr- Jenkins deliveeed- a Special
Lenten sermon in TA bitty Chinch, Mit-
on Tuesday night,'
Rev. Mr. Wylie retll tiled from
VVinghtun on Thureday alter tonduet-
ing special eervidee'ut that town,
1VirsaRatasay has veturned- to her
home in Platteville after a short ' visit
vvita her mother,- Mrsa Gilchrist, of
Rattenbury :streets • •
Mr. J. B. Hoover eves in Trannto
'thisi week . , Mr IS oover is On the Ex•
ecutive of the W. 0: W., atid 'was itt.
tepaing the head catup.'
a Mr. E. V. Campion, fertneele of
Clinton and Goderiela is new ataining
a real estate business ittWesalurn,
Sttekatchewara "atal ie doing' well out,
Me A. Vanegmond. • 'of -Mullett is I
home atter spending the wieter in the
•Western States. "He intends Maim-
ing in v, couple of weeke'to start a -bus-
iness 1 Boise, Idaho..
Mrs. Wray receifted word on Mon-
day o f 'the' death at Cape Town, 8. A.
ot Mr. T. E. Wray, only brother of the
late G. W. Wray while en . route with
his wife and two children for a visit
home to Hall, England.
Local News
On Sunday March 17, Louisa Cole,
relict of the late Henra Alexander
Evans, passed way ether:rate rr.
eldents, Erie Stveet. ,Deceased has
been ailing all winter. A grown bp
family. of 5 SODS and • 1 daughter sur
viae, Drank and, bliss Evans being
the only ones at borne. The funegal
took place on Wednesday afternoon..
• Owing to the thaw a Sag block ef ice
fell from the water tank at the Knit
ting Factory and went' through"the
roofacausing some &maga. Foram
atele it haispened when no ene was
on the premises. .•
The third annual meeting of the
Stratford 'District Library .Associa-
tion was held on E'riclay lest at
Stratford. Miss L. Joirnston, the
Stratford librnrian: read a most in-
strurtive paper on "Peogressain our
Local itibravy," Site explained the
plan on which the library is, run and
spoke f Rio disierent departments
such as a children's room and the new
system 01 cataloging book,e
wo of the chtet Ispeakere of • th
afternoon were absent owing to th
storm. Mr. Wm. P. B (Id, B. 0
Port Elgin, and Dr, 0, R. Chaeteris,
first vire-pvestdent of the 0. L. A,, of
Ch itthara '
Mr. Fowler of Goaerich, an expert
on public library matters gave a paper
on general library work and his ex-
perietace in choosing suitable flea
ion for libraries: His Spam. was ex-
ceedingly well written and
0 number of suggestioithieb should
be most useful to the numerous new
libraries which have been launcited in
the sinaller towns and villages,
venbion on the present geberal out-
look, He warned the de.l.efrate.3 that
That fits well, looks well and wears weli, at a
moderate price, is what we promise froni our Tailored -
to -Measure IVIg' D
en's Clothing'
This Department of our business is growing very
rapidly. There must be a reason? There is, and this
reason is Perfect Satisfaction
One Satisfied` Customer Means Many More
COMP in and See Our beautiful new range of Spring
Cloths and let las quote you some prices. It will
surprise you how moderate our prices are for such
high-class woi-k
Easter Orders should be in at clic h e DIpt
will be rushed to its utmost at this time, an,. some
may be disappointed
,.SMALL Bro.
sseasaaassaasassaamaasagm aveassarmealeatemes
The man who makes the Hair Beautiful
and who Makes Beautiful Hair Needs.
of the
Pentber Hair Store
Torota to
will be at the
Normandie Hotel
March 27th.
• All ladies and gentlemen with poor hair or any scalp
trouble will,be interested in this visit, as Professor Pernber
the greatest Canadian authority upon hair, its preservation
and adornment
e stsva'ta
f j
It will be a pleasure to mee
those who wish t p
their hair. All desired advice
will be given free, and the new
and correct styles in hair dress -
ng for ladies will be displayed
A Speciat Showing of Bare
Mr. W. R. Nurses', Ontaale iuspee- 1 ,
COr Lu okri ow Hotel Was Burneci
tor of libraries, spoke ta the
when they are allowed to attend these
meetings at the expense of the Govern-
ment and conld gain so much in-
formation which they cou'si not -get
by staying home, they should show ap
active interest in the library. questiou.
"In fact" he said, „a fine of $5 can be
impbsed on an institution tor not send-
ing delegates to report at these 0012.
ventions "
At this period another very inter.
esting paper was read by Dr, Silcox
of the Norte:tat School on •"The ,Re-
lation of the Library to the School,"
Officers Selected,
The recommendattens, �f S the, nom -
Waring 9ornmittee ,were4h:ep, ta4p,
kite ongebnhkif .odiettriat
'Ptuenit.terv4 as a se
:Stratforda's • ' ". , • • '
Vice.president, Rev, W. 4',, Amos,
Seetetary, Inepector' 3.7 11, Smith,
Stratford. a
The executive connnitetelaecraeisis
of the following : Mr. Wm, Elliott,
Mitchell; Miss Johnston, city; Mr.
W. Ef, Kerr, Brussels; Mr J. 11.
Fowler, nioderich; Mr. W,- 91 Bald,
12. A., Port Elgin; Mr. fatties Warren,
Guests Had Close Call
Lucknow, March 20. -The Royal
H. otel here was completely gutted by
fire, which was discovered shortly
atter 5 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Mis ()Ink, the lessee, was awakened
t th
y sato e, and on hurry-
ing down heard the cracking of flaaries
in the cellar. Oa opening a doorway
to the basement he was met by a rush
of flame and smoke which nearly
overcame aim.
As quickly as possible he rushed up-
stairs and awakened the bartender,
o•nd the twa'rnen cubed
tltrotightthe borate- aroueing die guests
and the help. Some had barely time tq
grab a few clotaes, while ntoste qf the
women eseapod in theiienight rethes.
All the boarders and help lost all their
The five spread rapidly, and in a few
minutes the flames were licking up the
stairways aud the interiorof the build-
ing. The fire department wag on hand
early, bat could do nothing to cheek
the blaze. In a short time the whole
interior was a furnace, and soon after.
wards the roof fell in. Inside of two
hottrs nothing remained but the walls,
. Olaik believes that the fire
started from the furnace. ...."Sver -
• The building is owned by Mr, Trott,
of St. Helens, and as local option goes
into force here on MaY 1 it is not
likely that the place will be rebuilt,
Mr. Clark's loss is about $5,090, end
the building was valued at the sante
amount. The lose is completely covered
by inserance.
Owing to the fire being at its heiglit,
Rio brigade had the hardest kind ole
task in saving the implement store
• -
Help Ole Goodi Howls tuovetnietnt
see the Priefitent leyatran abolished if
it le mot improved, satl) 6.400114de
el, tootract ,tviork tinder close in=
speetion. Hoiad-triakittg.:,naae011erY
ie being brought int0 fite ilfrutnere
0118 inunieiparkilties 011i the results
give an ofb'eet leascas to thoee 09111
We beg to announce our Spring Millinery
Opening •
and following days
The very latest designs will be shown on this occasion
We extend a cordial invitation to all.