HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-21, Page 3ere— V 89 !ARLES DE ILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN, the victims of early indiscretions and iator cesses, wbo are failures 11 life—you ere the °naive can restore to manhood and revive Olio vatic of energy and vitelity. Done give up he despair because you have treated with other doctors, used electric belts and tried various chug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment hall snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, has re. stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made successful Men of those who were "down nod out," Wo prescribe specific rem- ' edies for each Individual case according to the symptoms and complications—we have 110 patent medicines. This is one of the secrets 02 our wonderful suceees as our treatment eau - not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case. Only curable eases ac- cepted. We have done buds= throughout Canada for over 20 Years. — CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY flEADER itoriarire y,lOctiinnIenidrgatgiriatW4 Aas your blood been oiseasecif Dam you any weakness/ Our New Niethed Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest oVnion _ Free of Charge. Booke Free— " oyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood," (Illustrat. • ed) on Diseases of Nen. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT' WRITTEN CONSENT. No names en boxes or enve2. I Opo4, EVerythillg Confidential, Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME . TREATMENT. KEEY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment ilt ;Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our MedicalsInstitute in Detroit as we see and treat . ao patients in our° Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. 6,11rite,for our private address. 1 14."1 elfiej lele. , +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4++++ .+••••••++++++++++++++++++••••••••••••••••••••••40...+4644.....++++++++++++++++++++••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 , , • . + 4- 4. + ePallada, 4- + • id i Foreign, Cables : • The or • • t * ++++++++++++++<-4+44+++++++,41******************1•••••••••••••••••• 004* *****•••otii.4pirovirvo•rowwww_o440••••40••••••••••••••••+++++++++++++++++++++++++o**+‘++4+++++.4.++++++++++++++++4+4+4+++++::: ,, ik Local News BABY TERRIBLY SCALOEO. RELIERD HY ZANI-BUK, THE VILLAGE, CHURCH In pes1)1:45,y a lend; as, meet, tliere is no place ,where :the mind camas* t'urn eleven etself so fully ta1F1 he silence ,and isoletudle of a oil - Doctor Agreed Zam-buk Was lage eluereth. There Is nal ponder, ous vastness, no oppressive Iwleight 'of gloomy rrooa no \vend eaver- ___ nous erypes, ogle)! the cathedral; only a visible .911,1ende, which at once Mrs, Albeit Sawyerof Midland isolates, Item ,Soul, separates et from• , Ont.), says: "Whiee llving in external preservi influences, and lerentfoett last IWilaltee My little eon aoMpels ilt, in Melling back upon it - spilled a vessel of boiling Neter Reif, (to recognize ets ono depthand • over Ms neck. He was leetribly power. Resided, and. we imMacitiately, call- In deity l'ifel We salt Oen a vast • ed in a denten% The! treatment eled library filled eisith ornee hurriedly,. molt seem to give the child easo. tor writing frivolous lebtere upon "vex - heal& the terrible scalds, sio after a altious nolthings"—snattching our ;Week's trial waged oo Zan-Buk food ,and sluareber, for e'er rushing and applied L it gave .the ,child forward with !beating pulse, never, ease almeet iminerleattely, and of- able tbosturn cud gaze away /ram ter a few clays' ase the ;scalds seera- the ,gcsai to examine thlegreat steno/ ed to be getting labang fenely. house—the library around( as. There isone ;advantage, ail:ease, a In the closing of the ,ehurch on week days, ;so lunch complained, of to those .whce do visit Ste -there i8 a certainty that their thoulglits wiiU net be disturbed, And the {tense of ranen's presence had departed from the walls and oaken peseta; the dust Ottawa, March 1.8.—Co1, Sam' what we were mine and bla ,elaid here is not (the dust of 'the highway Hughes, Minister of Militia, has i. we oould use nothing bettler. Zatia- ee the quicI footsteps ; it as the sued a memorandum on cadet eorps 33uic ;aterked,a,coMpd letg cure.e uet ()fiche pa.sttraining, in which he asks for the co- operation of all cleigymee, officers of religious institutions and physical and military leaders of the Y. M. 0. 4. 001. Hughes atate s that the plan of organization in embraces obtaing through school inspectors and school teachers returns from every seetign "Best Possible Treatinent" BABY'S OWN TABLETS , CURE CONSTIPATION Noealemeot causes more suffering to Itttle ones than does ,conseepa- Itiere Hardly a little one escapes Itliisitroutle—many of ellean !meter from it 'continually. The eureet tura end safeet menualy--oneethat is ab- soiltaely guaranteed to be freafeera haanaful dings—ea Baby'stOeva Tab- lets. They never tall—theyehave cared !thousands of caeng, Cloa- corning thero. Mrs, Lev. •Blanchette St, Quee ewailes; " I have used Baby'e Own,Tablete for con- etipeteon and vomiting and have found !them on; excellent remedy, and I have Tecornmencled them to several. of my neighbors." The Tab lets ate eold by Medicime clealex•s or ,by Inala at 25 eente a box from The Dr. Williems' lefedecine Po.,13reek- Ont. T • "o Make quite. sure that all right, however, we.called in a see- med elector. He said evexylvting ewes going alongt ;splendidly, the • amide were .healing and the little • one would soon be quite recovered. Then .we told him! •Zalm-Buk was w• + PLANS CADET CAMPS. Hon, Sam Hughes Will Arrange to -Train Them Under Canvas. Ms. S. Smith and Mrs,. MEL Tea- ,• The ;ancient heavy Nay creaks in kle, of 73 Brock St., Beantelord, whe the .euenbrous lecla; aed the iron knew of the ;above( accideafs ,and latehring has worn a deep groove what followed, write: "We clertify in the scelid ;stone. 'The narrow, ' htalt these facie are tree in every nate-studded. door of black oak detail." yields ;slowly (to the push—Ale net th easydo enter, not easy; to quit ,e • Mothers shouad knew that for horns, cuts, scalds , • ones , and he of Canada of the number of boys fro Dim .es, and all skin bruisee, eczema, deseases, Thatthere le jefferiss. tber attendin school or not, who living world is gone.—Richard say twelve to sixteen yes., whe- mothing to equal Zam-Buk. was the opinion of the doctor con- would desire fo attend camp and be edted with the abocase, and e trathed for one week, during the let- ,ve s • ' J the opinion of husalredel of other A neatneei andi PleTeee wee tuneeter part of uly or early in August. Estimates will then be made of the ,doettors !the world over. Zam-Buk of Ithe snowdrop orlily-of-the-(val- number to be called from each local - is obtainable from all druggiabg ley, lathe peculiaa• fa,seination of a . •and stores 50e. box, or ZatneBuic beauty, being to the body what am- ley These will be formed into squads 40o., Toronto. or sections by schools; the schools * isto the Mind. of a township, or similar unit will IdarImassamcesm, eonstitute a company. The companies from each county will meke up a regiment or a brigade, each under the name of its home county, town or township, and school eection. It is generally comidered that, for this season, the camps should be held in the home county, unless in special cases. The cadetsswill be transported, camped, fed and in part uniformed. They will not be paid. The sale of liquor and tobacco in every font will not be permitted. It is expected that 49,000 cadets will go to camp. 414 714rin 4' • i4 C.N.R.'s Route Through Rockies. Vancouver, 'March 18.--Aoross the Rockies at Yellowhead Pass and over Albmada Summit, separating the wat- ersheds of the south fork of •the Eraser River and the North Thomp- son, the Canadian! Northern has se- cured lower grhdes than those pos- sessed by any other transcontinental railway in Canada, or the United States. This is the main feature contained iu a report submitted to T. H. White, chief engineer of -the Mackenzie -Mann system, by W. I. Bassett, who was in charge of the engineering party engag- ed on permanent location work in that region during the past nine months. To Stbnulate Trade. Toronto,March 18.—A committee of the Associated Boards of Trade has arrangements in hand for a trip of as tnany members as possible, to Great Britain in May, The plans hiclude visits to the more leaportant Chambers of Commerce, and it is hoped that the party will also be able to attend the meeting of the Imperial Federation of the Chambers of Commerce, June 1710h4 quickly stops coughs, cures colds heals the tia7oat and lungs. - - 25' cents, . . T is no more .diffIcult than mixing bran with a strength 'that Increases with time, , mash, once tbe slinple instructions have Concrete Is realisr artlacial rock, more The materials—sand, crushed rock or gravel and cement—each play a separate part The rock provides the bulk of volume a very 'Row cost. The sand fills in all crev- ices between the pieces of rock or gravel. • The cement mixed with firmly bound together than: natural rock, which often has cracks, veinS, assures and other weaknesses: Any farmer can learn how to mix Concrete arid to aepiy it 'to the inundrOdio of was to • But in order to be abSoltitely eure that Ms water, forms a bond, ,fg other words proportlens are correct and that his materi. • a rocky "glue," that ,binds , the ads aril ,groperly suited to the purpose, he other materiels manly together ' should seed for the boodr. and. read ehe careful directions for miXing Concrete /or all purposes!. It alse de- scribes in detail hundreds of ways in which Concrete may be imed to make, the terra. More comfortable, more convenient, rrfore profitable and more valuable. Just send us your name and address—in aJ letter or on a, Dostat —and the book mill eent to you by return snail free. AddreSs r Canada Cement Company. Ltd., Methanol Rank Building, Montreal. •• eavelAT' 'Elie: DADDER CAN DC) WITIL CONf3BETE " 6'V41'"I • "" • " .."••••••,.,••••• •••••kg.•141, ••• •••••0 *Ova • WESTERN CATHOLICS THREATEN TO FORM NEW POLITICAL PARTY. Winnipeg, March 14.—seti a Meet- Manitoba's pew 'territorye declared ing of 1,200 Catholics, repre,seateng einet anew party is to be formed, a clan -elms throughout Manitoba and new patty isen he formed, a, party Saskatchewan, • held in :Manitoba! ot the Church, its one ;aim tote op - Hall here la.sel night, speaker after position teeny Government that eeker in protesting( against the Will not give Reheat Catholics their a elution pt Sepatate schools in true rights PROVINCE TO BE• WEED INTO HEALTH 0IST1UCT3. COMpUlsory Notification Of All Persons Suffering With Infectious Diseases, Toronto, March 15.—One of the mast iMporeent meesurestof the elese elan, the pulblic health met, Wateine eroduced lot° tthe Legislatures yeis- terclay afternoon 'by Hon. W. T. Hanna and ;given Iter fiesereading. 'The bill does noll clifeeeneallierettitY frolie previous loilitline,s that have compulsory notification in respect of persona! istlefeeing Irene inieett- ous and the health offieer of the district wilt have almotst,eve bitrary powers to deal with any situation that may arise. Ink con- solidating the ,claugeo the old !act been !given of Ole •Goveenmeat's leas been atiffened, while the dean - intention in this eLegielation. rrhe ition of "eommunicable diseateeee has been ,consadera bly ,widened. •TMs defenetion includes eany come itagious or enfeetious disease," en- umerating many, and "any other disease ,veluich may be dletelatecl by the regulations tote a commemil- cable disease." to prevent the law 'becoming a hardship in excep- tional ,eiretenstances certain ,enabl- ing clauses are introdueieg giving the health officers diesereetionary bower o exclude certain !ceomenien- icable" diseases from some( of the requirements .of else law. principal MOW, feature afithie( bill ie found tuella/nee 13eundee ;which the lieutenant -governor -in -council May divide the provimee irrto ten health dietrieta and appoint any, legally ,qualified Medecal pracititioner as distridt officer of health, but a city having a population of 50,000 or over shall net be included( in ;such diserldt. ,T.he rworking ofIthis iseetioaa it is expeeted, will meet the' require - talents of those ,who are looking for G, T TRAINMEN NOT DECIDED UPON ACTION ON 1/4 REOUCTION entawa, Neared 18.—meetings were I -- held _en Saturday and Sunday by the ' reeresentatives of the Grand Trunk Co.'s conductors and trainmen, re- garding the recent reduction of the pay of some of the company's em- ployes on branch lines, S. N. Berry, vice-president of the Order of Itaihvay Conductors, bad an - ether meeting with Thee W. T. Ctn. seers, eanister or Lamer, DUG name that nothing had beenedecided upon action we evill stete.d. es yet. "We do not know what ,course of "skate whethet We will apply for a conciliation board that I cannot say poesoe, (uric ,acid, n(that wea :r oute th uptil to -morrow, when we will prob- system, Since Rheum° bes(eame ably holkj our' final meeting," THE ELOERLY GENTLEMAN. is just Yroirn ten to. twenty years' older !than he looks ,when 'bets a eheuterattie eaftreelere Rheumatism racks the Whole ;system. ir.hoz( cone slant dull pain pullet the face out of shape and 'amen( withrheunatea tism esold attfotty. Rheumatism 'can be eared, Rheunao will cuee it quickly and permanently by enriceat ing the blood and driving out the • Roosevelt's Plans. Oyster 33ay, March 18.—The first information conceening the plan of campaign mapped out by the Roose- velt leaders at their conferences in New York on Friday and Saturday was given yesterday by Col. Roose- velt. Col. Roosevelt said at the outset that he would not make a country- wide speaking tour, He thought that each a thing would be inadvisable, and, moreover, that the phyeical strain would be too great, Guilty of Noted "Taxi" Robbery, New York, March 18.--Guilyt of rob. bery in the first degree, was the ver - diet brought in late Saturday by the jury that has been trying the caBe of Gene ltfontani, the chauffeur in the sensational taxicab hold-up of Feb. 15, when two messengers of a bank weee robbed of e25,000. With the ver- dict was coupled a recommendation of merce , ea.— , HEART TROUBLE. • "When Mist acid is dissolved inthe blood ItIthickens the blood almost to ajelly, this is !what eauses the; ilea* to flutter and see* to OPP (because gig ;weakened by the Etrain uric aeid epee mit. Ante I Uric Pelle drive ,Oult all turie ;teed poisons- frone the gyetem. 'They ,aele quick and safe ,andj 'guaranteed by ; 41.E. Hovey. See that the name B. V. ,Marion as on Ithe package. I Peace Being Restored. Nanking, March 18.—The outlook in China is more hopeful to -day than at any time since the outbreak of the revolution. Carefully eornpiled reports received here show that viol th known We lettere been unable:to melee tem hte names of the numetrous persons from ,wboan we bvai re- ceived testenaentada. • Rialiano is positively ,guaranteed by J. B. Hovey pater druggist he will tell you Met how egoc!df it es ,ancl, what every one int ltown thinkof et. Rheumo is $1.00 per bottle at X. E. ]Etovey or direct all charges prepaid froto B. V. 1Vearion, Briclgeburg,Oat. sAY BOAT WAS SWAMPED. Life -Savers Say Many Lost Lives In Wreck of Oceana. Newhaven, Eng„ March 1.8.Four passengers and several sailors ,are be- lieved to have been drowned Saturdey morning as a result of a collision be- tweea the Peninsular and Oriental liner Oceana and the German bark Pitagua off Beechy Head in the Eng- lish Channel. For some time the lives of the lin- er's 41 passengers and of the 280 men of her crew were placed in jeopardy. The courage of the officers and the speedy arrival of assistance, however, prevented a terrile catastrophe. Despite the fact that the life-savers and officials at Eastbourne insist that 25 paesengers lost their lives, officials 0.1 tale hEi2 ec1art4 last night that all Of tb atisenS were landed legate - L' The line officials refuse to say on what they based their belief, while the Eastbourne People told ing tale of how ap overcrowded e - boat tytie tete:eche:I Item tee steether and after wallowleig in -the treligh the sea Ives capsized by an enoriniiiii wave. The oecupants of this boat were mostly women, aeateasseateeletease, The life-savers watched helplessly from the shore as they frantically en- deavored to launch their mein boat, but they were unable to save any per- son except a woman with a life -pre- server around her, who was found clinging to the keel el the overturned boat. Twenty-eight .of the passengers were landed here and nite at 'Eastbourne, unrest is general, during the past . week disoedee has generally 'decreas- ed, and there is Increased cenfidence of the (lie% ..ege, are le' the “ivelit SONGS OF IRELAND. in a iestitiation of teed°. . - The districts of the nerteesest and # se:AMA h t geetetiteeltiee teea; e'en re z r eng unforeseen occurs,. due to eretanding of outside intrigue, the entire country will be again under control within sixty days after the amnoaecoment of the formation of the coalition Cabinet. ,eseeseeeleeettiete, The alarmist predictioes _that a widespreae general uprising and mu- tinies in many, places would occur have nob been fulfilled. The flurry in the north appears to be practically pEhloesepthroincoiRIV0,10:7t,:,.f:oroiir in the body vim and vitality. Premature decay and ni x 1Viri e.seteo urne1 weakness averted at once. Phospbconol will make on a now plan', Price $8 a box, or two for $S, ailed to any address. The Seouell Drug cite! ot. ettotertees. oat. St, eteheick was agentlenean who, ;then serategy, and ;stealth Drove eel She snakes; from Ireland; here's Imbue:Ter to Ms health; ;But not ecto Many leterapers,leest we lose oureelvee and ellen . leerget the good S,einel P4iteck and • see the isnakies again. Herse'slIgtroehe land of iheiteheanito,ck Here's ee each lad and: hip deeding lealleen; Ilereei to the ones ;we love deareet land Meet; And May God rive old Ireland— _ that's an Irishman's. toast. If Illek for Me halth joyorlight,, Tjs I frosn th ; My thoughts by day, enY cereates`by • night, RICE RECIPES. ' All of these are made from ricta which has been preveoaely boiled - or steamed, andr ,show excellent,. Ways of u,sing Ilefe-overs. Rice ,omelette (cipamtity for onle person)—Beat ;the yeah of one ogg and add, ;tablespoonful of intik. eeasen and 1 old inIthe ealtiffly- bealten white .011 the Ogg. Palr in a heavy pan !wee a hot fire a,nd beforre foldlng over sprinkle with boiled trice, Creamed Rice—Pour heeled rice in to half apint of! .cream (whipped very !stiff. ' Sweeten if desired and add preserved ginger cut bath small pieces. Serve in iglasees Rice 'Pudding—,One cup of boiled trice, two eggs, one-half cup toff eager, one cle,seereepooneulr 0(.1 batter, one saltspoenfue of stile one pint of Milk, nutmeg and cur- rants, Bake from iteventy tothirty minutes irna,sietv oven. .Baeley pudding may be made by substit- uting .cooked barley for the rice. Soups—A Retie 'boiled; Tice tsa good addition to clear; soups. r.aariE, Are bat of Ithee, of only, thee. , —Torn Moore. Oome in the evening, ea' coane inthe morning; Come When you're, looked for, or came Without warning; A Ithousand ,tvelcoine,s y,ou'll find here before you, • And the oftener you ,cone here the more Pll ,adore you. —.01clf Irish Toast. i Here's to mud Ireland, the heMe ay e My childhood; Ilere's to the ishatarock, that grows ocher ;shore; tt's long 511100 I saw,. the Mils ct.v But, och, hoer Iloae them Erin lasthore I Here's to ouldgreland ; may ;she iv,er have plinty Here's to her health, thol roatning afar • .; The thoughts avher beauty %sillier before me. And broightens by loife, loike big guidling setae. Here's to add Ireland; the 'relish foe ever; I drink to her health, ha a gond . cup avee.y. Ask iveey Irishman to reinimbee his binthplaee. And 'join Meta toasting St.Pat- kick's Day, G. Vinkler. tig if Pert and Irnpert14 A.•v.v. 'eaereMesteeelieVeaTeeee---ee Better be despised 1 oe too an - `scions apprehenstiona than ruined by too copfident a secueltys Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST R 1-A A miser grow e rich by seeming poor; an eXtravagent man grows poor by seeming rich. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA • In chairadter, In manners, entsityle, in all things, the ,supreme excel - lance itestimplectty4 A slowness Itoapplaud betrays a 'cold temper °Vaal envious ,spiret, • The Mose honesty ainan has ;the leas liegiffeelte thee ails of a Mint. She who would be singular In her The Itinsel )glettee and the ,speci our mien,. delude themoat—few pry behind the seeing. -HOW WEAK WOMEN May Be Made Strong at Small \ Expense and No Risk There are hundreds of women la vicinity, .weak, thin, run-down, tired out and nervous. Suck women need Vinol just as beech as did Mrs. Jane Pepper, Ot f307 Howard street, San Feancisco, Cal., who says: "I have used Vinol for some temp; ivineetial4e1Y itIf tdilltCt wtt ITO dcml, -"mak and eleleilitated, geidgone trig bIi tIdrof viuld I found coriditfai ErIa0 iritad, and gp tot hesitate to eriebninfend :Vinol ittiYone similarly affected." Vinol Is not a secret nostrunf, but 11 delicious cod liver and iron Meet without oil, which Will create an ate petite, tone up the digestive organle make pure blood and create titreagth. Try a bottle of Vitiol with the kai4 deratanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you, Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by, W, S. It. Holmes. le()ai Wood eenlent Tar ds Opposite G..T15. Station in kinds oi Coal on hand-- Chesinut Solt Coal Stove Kennel Coal Furnace Coke A. FORBES LL Phone , DON'T NEGLECT YOTJR WATCH A WATCH is a • 'delicate piece •.11.. of machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be:cleaned and oiled occasional/y to keep . perfect time. • WiI proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect thne for a lifetime. It will pay yon e. well to let us clean your watch every 52 or IS months. W. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. AAAAreAaleaAaaAaetaaaameLeateAA -41 4 .41 1 1 • la• ISee and here our finest E New Stylish designs of 4 Doherty Pianos and E Organs, 4 ra. 4 ' 4 apeciat vaines ip Art I Cases Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison 4 phonographs, Music & variety goo. Music Emporium ________ 3 C Hoare: F a vv• vvyvvyvvvirrtyrnyvvt..-4 ....1•00•111.11 T. WATTS Boot Maker and Repairer • • Repairing clone promptly. Skates put on while you wait Skate straps of solid leather cut any length desired. Suit cases and Trunks:re. paired. A trial will convince you Of the neatness and promptness with Which 1 execute my work Store open every evening Opposite Postoffice. --e-- t • 'iee Wat ts