The Clinton New Era, 1912-03-21, Page 2eite,
TITURSDAY, MARCH fillet', 1918:
e A
,Page 2
, eeceetieles
COMpulSory Arbitration May Result From Strike of the Miners.
Prem ler Asquith's CI re atest Di Fri cu lty mall-,farriels'Thamsay
labor member for Leicester, was not
called into consultation at Saturday's
Cabinet meeting.
While the strike thus far has been
remarkable for absence of violence,
there are indications that another
week of enforced idleness is likely to •
lead to serious outbreaks in the Lan-
arkshire districts. After the news of.
the breaking down of negotiations
was.. published, many non-union min-
ers returned to the pits. They were
attacked Saturday by a great crowd
of strikers. The police 'made many
In Glasgow trade and progress have
been practically throttled. Train ser-
vices have been reduced, some of the
lines abolishing Sunday service. At
the Armstrong, Whitworth & Co.
shipbuilding works, at Newcastle -on -
Tyne, notification has been given that
if the strike lasts another week 20,000
employes will be suspended.
That the prolongation of the strike
will seriously affect the nation's over-
see food supply is indicated by a
cablegram from Buenos Ayres by 4'
large firm of slat -Owners .at Live -
p001, stating that it will be impossible
to obtain bunker coal .for stembers.
at any River Plate port after the end •
if March.
In a speech Saturday night, V.
Hartshorn, the Welsh mine leader,
after declaring that compulsory axial-
taraaidti:an would not settle the strike,'
• "The outstanding fact is that the
workers are masters of the situation.
They have all the power; and it is
simply, a question as to how they will
use it. '
Westphalian Strike Waning:
• Berlin, March 18. -In spite of the
strikers' denials, thiastrike• spirit ap.;
parently is growing weaker in West -
the men not to, return to wo. a: until a phalia. An important miners meeting
bill is passed Which is satisfactory at Bocinun yesterday was sparsely at -1
to them. Hence there is no certainty tended. No disorders are reported ansal
that the passage of a minimum wage caller% A meeting of the miners' dela-
act would immediately terminate the gates at Zwickau has reached a deal -
strike. It is considered sienificant don to strike to -day.
Lies In Making Sure That Miners
Will 'Not Break Pledge - Leaders
Say They Will Not Call Off the
Strike Until Demands Are Met
• /
---Rioting Is Probable Soon.
London, March 18. --Realizing, that
110 settlement of the coal strike is pos-
sible for another week, the nation
'faces with extraordinary (salmi -less the
prospect of a swiftly increasing indus-
trial paralysis, accompanied by hun-
ger and destitution, The Cabinet dis-
cussed Saturday the draft of the bill,
' whiqh, it is hoped, will end the strug-
gle, T9 frame a measure which Par-
liament will pass and both parties
to the,clispute will accept, is regarded
as the mest cliffiCult problem the Gov-
ernment has undertaken since it as-
sumed office. -
I The chief difficulty -lies in embody -
dug in the legislation Premier As-
quith's pledge that the minimum wage
bill "should provide an adequate safe-
guard for the protection of the ern-
- compulsion in some form. The eoal
roloyers." It involves the applioationf co
owners may -be coerced by legislation
to pay a minimum wage, but it is
very doubtful if Parliament will ever
pass a bill which does not also apply
coercive measures to the men, sub-
jecting them to palialties for breaking
the agreements under -which the mini-
inum is paid.
It is generally assumed that it will
necessitate a provision of compulsory
arbitration with Inch recision of. the
Trades Disputes Act as will render
the trades unions liable to damages
for breaches of agreements by their
members. To legislation of this char -
actor the labor leaders • are strongly
9pposed, but the miners' • executive
have announced that •they '11 direct
Tvvo Women Lose fhelr Lives In
American City.
Fire Breaks Out In Logan and Hew-
son Buildings and Citizens Assist
Firemen I n H wile Attempts at
Rescue -Aged Woman and Her
Invalid Daughter Fell Victims
to Stifling' Smoke Yesterday.
Niagara Fella, - N.Y., March 18. -
Two women were killed and another
severely injured in a fire that did
$25,000 damage to the Logan and I -lew-
d= buildings, 80-38 Erie avenue, yes-
The dead are: • -
Mrs. Charlotte Pattison, aged 71.
Her invalid ,datighter, Melte, aged
37 years. '
Another daughter, Ellen, is at the
General Hoapital in a serious condi-
'teen as a result of inhaling smoke.
.Twelve * other people had narrow
eseapes. •
The fire was discovered shohly af-
ler 3 o'clock yesterday morning. By
he time the firemen reached the fire
he occupants of the building were es-
eaping in their night elothing. Henry
'Fisher and his wife, who ocoupied
tjie front portion of the first floor in
emetheection of the buildipg, were
- .
sne nest to gain In, street atter a tiara
battle with the smoke,
Mrs. Ellen Whalen, an aged widow,
who occupied apartments on the first
floor in rear of the Fisher apartment,
made her escapeen the same manner.
She *as almost overcome by smoke.
. Just after .the firemen arrived, two
heads. appeared at a window on the
seoond floor in the south portion of
the building. They were those of Ella
Pettisonand her invalid sister, Melte.
The Bremen could see that Ella was
supporting her sister and endeavoring
to keep her heat out of the wineow.
Great billows of smoke belched from'
the windows.
As the firemen raised the ladders the
women were seen in attitudes e pray-
er. Melte, who had long suffered from
spinal trouble, could not move from
her couch without assistance, was
heard +selling, "Please God send us
help to save mother, Ella,"
• When the ladder was raised to the
window Fred. Carter, electriciv,
sprang up it with a, rope. When he
reached the women they were in a
semi-conscious condition. Gathering
Ella in his arms, he dragged her
through the window and lowered her
to the sidewalk. She is reported to be
In a serious cOndition, having been
'almost suffocated by smoke.
, After rescuing the woman, Carter
as so overcome by smoke that he
was forced down the ladder by com-
radOs. Robert Barr, proprietor of the
Arlington Rotel, took Carter's piece
At the ton of the ladder and with
Genuine Vegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping
butter -the best sheet on the market, in paakages,
not printed:
500 Sheets for Me. 200 Sheets. for 25e
Better Still
Have your name, farm and post -office neatly printed .
and make a reputation for your product. We use
only special butter paper ink, guaranteed not to -run -
or to injure the butter.
• 1000 lor 1.75 2000 tor $3.00 50.0t for $7;00
Wrap your butter, and get two cents ,per pound
• more than if unwrapped..
We also would be pleased to supply you with printed
Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements,„,
Envelopes Wedding Invitations or Announcements
Posters, ...Circulars, Catalogues, Calling •Cardsh,'
• fact anything in the printing line yell. may Jrequiiie.:-
The elititon New Era
The Hind ICU lave Always nought, and which hap been
in use for over3t years, has .borno the signature of
•e9c9 ,,,,;_a_aaa„,,, and. has been mado tanner ins Per-
, Sonal atapervision gin e° Its infancy. ,"
, Alla W no ono to deceive yoss i s
R ,'
, All Counferfeits, Imitations'. and. "J1156 -as -good" are hat .
lExperiasecits Inat triflo'with mad endanger the health of
Infants arid Childrea--Experienct, ageastat Experiment,.
• What h Ci9)&7fOR
eastoria i o barrettes -a sit -petite -it° for Castor 011, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Wart:ass. It is Pleasant. It
eontains neither Opium, Morphine nee other Narcotic
, substance. Its. age'Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It mares Diariacou, and. Wind,
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation.
and Flatulency. It assimilatestho rood, regulates the t
Stomeeh and. Dowels, giving healthy and natural Sleep. '
• ' The „Children's Panacea -The DI:other's Friend
Bears the Signature of
The Kind ou Have Always Bouttt
In Use For Over 30 Years.
eesereeseeeiee, elefedieleleeteftleseseee'efeetesseese -
grea:t difficulty hauled the unconscious
form of the crippled woman from the
room. She was passed down the lad -
'der and died while being carried to
the Trennick Hotel.
It was impossible for *e rescuers
to attempt an entrance tolhe smoke-
filled apartments. The body of the
aged mother of the two women was
found on the bed in her own room,
where the fire had subsided somewhat
hours later. The body was burned
almost beyond recognition, but phy-
sicians say the woman died- of suffo-
While firemen and spectators were
deeply engrossed in the 'rescue two
other families escaped.
• Big Fire at Buffalo.
Buffalo, Marth 18. -Harold Mot*ei,
aged 21, and John Clifford, aged 45,
were fatally burned and five others
seriously injured in a fire that broke
out late Saturc101n the plant of the
Buffalo Weaving & Belting Co. The
fire was due to an explosion of naph-
tha. The property loss will probably
exceed $25,000,
There are manyl of (them; they
are al ways noticeable 'and dieting-
uished beemese of 'their hair; Thick,
heavy tresees of soft, silky and lux-
terian,t hair; free hem dandruff
and ,glowing withall the radiance
and beauty ofthe' ,greatest adorn-
ment of ,women.
Segeine is the °lay preparation
known to science that will make thie
hair so noticeably beautiful; Sage.
elle is no w Isola in Clineoln by1. E.
Hovey who wieh each battle gives
his pergonal iguene'etesi to refund
the money if Sag,eime does net do
all itthat is claimed; for it.
Sageine is the f szvorite in every
-home; it merits ate popularity 'be-
cause ilt IR not sticky oir greasy" land
it isinat a dye. J. E. Hovey oldie a
:age bottle fee 50e.
An Ex -Minister Of The Rilackenzie
• Administration And -A Promin-
ent Liberal,
Ottawa, larch 18. -Senator Rees oV
Nova Scotia, one • of the firstiniambers
in the Dominion Hou alter ,d,onf.ed-
eration; died , Yealterday morning at
0.80 from asthma.. He had not been
w•e11 for sometime, although he took
his Neat In. he Upper House Saturday
mad had lunclusen at the Parliament,
restiverant. Satin -lay night,. . He as
taken ill during ,the •
• Senater Ross was born March 20,
18e5,, and in three, days would .bav�
been 87. He took a prominent part,
it Nova Scotian politicbefore.Oene
federation, and was one of the leadimil
Liberal opponents of Sir Charles,Tiip,
per against Confederatiou.
He was, Minister of Militia wader.
AleeanderMackeezie, and introduced
the 13111 founding the Royal Military
Golleee, set Kingeton. He , was later
appointed, collector: Of customs at
Halite*, vrhichaapeition he held untie
1906,. when he was ealled to. •the.,
Sleep of Death on Bark.
• Philadelphia, Pa., March 18. -With
Iwo members of the crew dead and six
-ethers with well developed cases, of
heti-lane, ex sleeping , sicknee the
British. bark Brilliant; 'which :sailed
, hod 130mbite three months ago, reagh-
i.d the Mareue Hook quarantlee• sta-
tion, a few Defies below this city, yea-,
;Che Brilliant was last reported, at
j:•:,Heeenti,pri Jan. 29. At that, time,
•there.'efas ,no siokeess ore board.
ihst, ease, eht of an American, de-
veloped sixteen eta -ye ego. • T,he
follow -
ng day ale ,Eriglish, senor Was Beigettl
th the ctieelas.e.1 "13oth of the men
aie,d in less than:a-week,
sandits Still at Liberty.
Va,, March 18 -Two thou -
and feet above sea level, among the
drags and eaves of the Blue Ridge
Mountains, the Allen gang who de-
monstrated their contempt ef conste
,ttited law by a massacre of the judge,
the prosecutor and the sheriff of the!
Carroll County Court last Thursday;
oontinued yesterday to defy capture.
, The dare seareti by a poase of sev-
enty-five detectives and citizen volun-
teers, demenstrated that. Unless the
militia is, sent here to begin a system-
etie siege of the hiding place,s of the
outlaws they never may be brought
to answer to the indictments for mur-
der, returned here Saturday. For such
'a plan a camping site was selected
yesterday by representatives of Gov-
ernor Mann. •
Those who know the paths and pas.
sieges of the highlands and points of
Ventage from which outlaws could
Ward off an attacking force with least
hme to themselves, say that the Al-
iens ;unquestionably are conoealed be-
hind the overhanging preolpie,es of
Devil's Den, ball way between her
and Mount, Airy, NO. There,, with
revisions and ammunition, of which
t is aaidelithey have plenty, an attack -
mg force would find the aim of the
aliens deadly.
Police inspector Badly HurtWhile
E;tmining infernal Machine
Sent to Rosaisky.
New York, Marc& 18.1e -4n attempt
to kill Judge' Otto A. Rosalsky of' the
criminal breach of the Court of Gen-
eral Seesionie with a bomb came with-
in a hair's breadth of being taftweeesful
Saturday night. It was o-ly a defeat
-said to be a small accuMulation of
dirt -in the mechanism of the infer-
nal machine, which the justice had
unsuspectingly °panel at savelhim
from probable death oriaertain injure.
Theebomle keel- expeeded while being
examined J Inspector Owen Egan
9,4 ItiSietelreellerti Oombeatileugiseewomad,
And Tickling Sensa-
tion in Throat'.
• Dr.Vood's Norway Pine
Syrup Cured It.
• Miss- C. Danielson, Bowsman River,
writes: --"Last fall I had a very
bad -cough and a tickling sensation in
my throat. It was so bad I could not
'sleeirat night, so I went to a druggist and
told him I wanted soniething for my cold,
and he advised inc to try Dr. Wood's
'Norway Pine Syrup which I did, and after
taking one bottle I was completely cured.
Let me recommend Dr. Weed's Norway
Pine Syrup t6 anyone who suffers from a
cough or throat irritation."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is
ivithout a doubt one of the greatest cough
and cold remedies on the market to -day,
and so great, has been its success there
are numerous preparations put up to
imitate it. Do not be imposed upon by
taking one of these substitutes, but
insist on being given "Dr. Wood's" when
you ask for it. Price, 25 nets a bottle;
put up, in a yellow wrapper; three pine
„tree the tide mark; manufactured only
ikertlt T. Milburn Cm, Litnited, Tomato,
ng Idgan doont tile race and arms
and ialmost blinding him,
The intended victim' of the explo-
sion is one of the most conspicuous
members of the New York judiciary
at present, having lately -received a
groat deal of publicity in connection
with the Brandt case. It was, Judge
Rosalsky 'who sentenced Brandt to a
30 -year term for burglary at Mortimer
L. Schiff's home in 1907 and who later
reversed his action.
The attack upon the jurist is thci
first case of such violence attempted
against a jadge here within memory,
and it set the whole machinery of the
police department speedily at work
upon the mystory.
The bomb came in tho regular mail,
delivered by a postman to :fudge Ro-
salsky's apartments at about 4.30
o'clock .yesterday afternoon.
An hour afterwards the judge open-
ed the box and discovering the nature
of the contents, phoned police head-
quarter to send an expert. It was
while Egan was examining the box In
the judge's library that the explosion
A. thick plate of glass which cover-
ed the mahogany table was grcmnd as
fine as snow, a great „Ore was made
in the tableitself, and the ceiling
directly above was punctured with
'Many holes larger than a man's fist.
Broken pieces of two dry batteries,
of fin elbow of iron pipe in which the
explosive had been pieced and a
spring and cork were picked up in the
• room and held for the detectives. to
examine. It was believed that the ex-
plosive meed was nitro-glycerine.
Judge Rosalsky declared that he
had no suspicions to express as to
who had sent the bomb.
mrs. Stanhope Forbes Away At Her
English Residence
London': March 18. -The death took
place Saturday at. Newlyn, Cornwall,
of Mrs. Elizabeth Adele Forbes, wife
D f Mr. Stanhope ,Forbes,
Mre, Forbes was the daughter of
&fr. Armstrong of the civil
service, Ottawa, end was married to
Lle distinguished Irish artist in 1889.
The deceased was a well-known paint.
sr herself and exhibited at the Royal
Academy, Paris Salon, Royal Society
a Painter Etchers, etc.
Mrs. Win. H. MacEwen, Mount
Tryon, P.E.I., writes: -"For more than a
year I suffered with all the terrible pains
of indigestion, and my life was one of the
greatest misery. It did not seem to make
any difference whether I ate or not, the
pains were always there, accompanied by
a severe bloating and belching of wind.
I did not even gat relief at night, and
sometimes hardly got a bit of sleep. In
my misery I tried many remedies said
to cure indigestion, but they did me not
one particle of good, and I fully expected
I would always be afflicted in this way.
At this time my brother caine nome on a
visit and urged me to try Milburn's
Laxa-Liver Pills, and got me few vials.
By the time I had taken one vial I began
to improve, and could eat with some
relish. was greatly chened, and con-
tinued taking the pills until all traces of
the trouble had disappeared, and I could
once more eat all kinds of food without
the slightest inconvenience: I am so fully
convinced of their virtue as a family
medicine, I have no hesitation in recom-
mending them." •
Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for
$I.,00 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co„
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Breathes there a raan,With isoul
Who never to himself hath ,satid;
I"My trade ot late is getting -bad,
Plletry .anothee eight inch ad."
If such there beegoener him well,
Fos, him ne bank acceunt shall ewell
Not angels ,waitch the golden 'stair
To ,Welcome holme the millionaire.
The Imam arhol never asks forltrade
.By keel ling or ad displayed,
Cares more for irest than wer)dlY
gain. ,
And patronage but gives him pain.
Trelad 0.i.ghtly, ,frienda jf let no rude
Disturb his seditudel prolOund,
Here flat hina; live din calm nepoae,
roasought .except by Men he aWlejs,
And when het dies, go plantihirn.
rrhat naught' may break his drealra-
• Aces sleep.
Where no rude clamor may dispel
The quiet that be loved so wed'.
And •when the world Macy know its
And •orn a stone ahoy%) "Ilerelie;s,
A chump Who. wooldnlb advertise."
' 'Be that sins( to profit will not
profit by his sin.
;apparel had need have something,
• Seed Potatoes
Grown by Buren. Produce Co. -
Green Mountain, one of the best ,
verities for market and main ,crop.
Price $L00 pee hushed..
Nese to Ford, &, ;McLeod's
Se.ed Peas and Oats for Sale
The undersigned hes( a quantity
of Seed Peed and peed OaesI ler
sale. Apply to
. . ALBERT NEAL, Base Line
1 Custom Sawing Wanted.
. .
At R. Trieles and at Thee. Wallis
bush, eon. 4, !Goderich Township.
$3.00 per ithausandi •
• MeNWEN d3R,OS.,
• • , Bayfield
Two Houses to Let
The undersigned has two houses to
t tw
THE STANDARD 13 Natio:nal
Weekly Newspaper 'of Dominion:.
bf Canacia‘L‘Itie 'national ig hil 1L
P11.61410. ETO. •
Conneyancet Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.:
Issuer of Marriage Licenees,
It tfaCS 'the Meet "expensive 'erierevo HureelSte Clinton,
higa, procuring the photographs, from
all ever the world. .
Its articles "are carefully Selected and
its edltorial policy, is, ',thoroughly
Independent. '
A subscription to Thi3 Standard
coStq. $2.00 per year td any address lp
c_apada, 'or Great Bream. ' •
TRY IT FOR 1912!'
Montreal Standard Publishing 0.0..e
Limited, Publishers.
superealtive to balance thee effect-
Wherever there is love and loyal-
ty, !greet puriloegt and lofty souls
even though in hOIT,e1 [0.1` a reenee
there es Pseryland. •.
Field Stone Wanted.
Field' Stone 'suitable foe road
making Is wanted by the Town of
Clinton. Price $3.50 per cord ef 13,-
000 pounds.
• Chairman of Street Committee
Logs 'Wanted;
All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft Elm
and Basswood preferred. Highest
kilTri.eltfialerly. Piano and Organ Co.
. Boarders Wanted
fe; leaving returned to town i
prepared to take hoarders, either
ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house
Mrs, Mogridge, Ontario street
• Pasture Land
Some erse elass pasture land to be
so'd in lots' to suit purchasers. At
• H. T. R AN 0 E?, .
NotaryPublic, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real'Estate..
INKTIZANCE-A.GENT-Rouresenting 14 Piro loT
aellERIlee eon] phniee.",
DiVig1011 Court °Ince.
DRI 41. W. THOIVIPg0111
Eye, Ear, Throat, and. blase. .-
DYes carefully Ioxamined, and :suitable!
eneelal attonggvnure.g.ryo uisirnbg:a::disitilelles of:the
• Office:and ResMenee.
Two aaata wast.noifirtoa: 8C1o.mtnerclO1 Doter
Dr.W. Cann, a. a P., E. It. 0.5.. Edna
lar, (I. Candler.
Oftioe--Ontario Street, Clinton.
Sight calls at residence. Rattenbury St
or at hospital
' PHYSICIAN,. sot:canon
cern" chum. -etc. case and residence on Rat-
tenburY St,. opposite W. &wren's residence,
, Crown and Itrldge Work a Specially."
Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago, and
Baydeld en -Mondays, May 1st to December
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special OM taken to make dental tree.*
meat as painless as possible.
Live stock and general'Auction
!rum stout sales a specula,' Ordets et at
Nair ERA office, Clinton, promu t.y abtencittd
to. Terms reasonable. Fanners' sale note
G. D. McTaggart • M. D. MoTa,ggar
AleTaggart Bros,
tra Owe prices. Apply to
John Ransford, G T. R. City Agent Baroverts
FARM FOR RENT Crerlersi Banking Buoliness
Drafts issued. Interest allowed an
- deposits.
The South 70 acres of lot number 85
and the South East part of Lot no, 86
14 -acres both in the 1st concession of
S'anley teiwnship is forrent for a term
of years. This property is aim to the
town of ,Clinton and possesssion can
be given at once. For further parte
Oulars apply to Henry Plumsteel, Olin -
tee, Ont., or McCarthy, Boys & Mur-
chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont.
Tenders Wantrd
Foe the erection of 00110 story
concrete building, 22x35 feet, at
Ike 'goal, f or keeping coal etc,
Plans and specifieaticeas can be
seen at the' office of the County
Clerk. Tenders received up 10
March 15th, nexe, and must be ad-
dressed to Dr. W. F. Clark, Gode-
rich, chairman of committee . The
lowest os any tender not necessar-
ily accepted. Dr. W. P. Clark, Chair
man; W. Lane, Clerk.
Dated Feb. 12th. 1912,
Steam Engine For Sale
an upright steam engine; about 7
horsepower ; in geed running Or-
der. This eerteihly a snap for ,
any farther wanting power I or gen
eral use on farm. Engine can be
seen at my blacksmith shop.
Jahn Rands, Clinton.
Farm for Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate °Heirs for • sale 50 acres& -
East half of lot 28, eon. 6e alullett.
A first-class farm, well 'watered
and irapreyed, and with good
buildings. Also? the undersigned
ofterri for Sale, lot 214 eon. 6,'Hull-
ett, 100 scree. These farms May, be
bought together or separately.
! Clinton.
• Cottage For Sale
Mea. Rase offers her Cottage on
Vieterial street for sale. It is an
excelleet property an a good lo-
cation and in good reepair.
W. Bredone.
Ford & McLeod
• We're new selling Timothy Seed
-(Government Standard.).
We also haVe on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clever.
We always have on hand -Goose.
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn f
--co-- e
Higheet Market Prices paid for Hay
" and gel Grains.
Ford & McLeod
Before placing your orders for
yourseasons supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stonic and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rovrland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
'The Meiiillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and Isolated Town Pro's/
arty Only Insured.
J. B. Mame), President, Seaforth
Jas. Connolly, Vine Pres., Goderieh
Thos. E. Hays, SeeeTreas., 8m:feta
Jas. Connelly, liolmesville; John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M,
Chesney, Seafertle T. Evans, Beech.
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben
neweis, 13rodhagen, M. • MeEwant
Each Director is inspector of losses le
his own locality. •
Rein. Smith, Harlock; Hincblep
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmoner
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments may be „made at The
Morrisee Clothin.g Co., Clinten,
R. H. Cutt, God,erich.
• Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
Money to loan
Offiee:Issac:Street, nextedoor• Nees
• Era
Grand Trunkitailway system• ,
Railway Time Table
Loudon, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8.80a m 4,50 pen -
Centralia .40 .
Exeter 9.53 5.54;
fiensall • 10.08 6.05.
Kippen 10.16 6.11
Brucefield 10.30 • 6.19'
Clinton 11.00 6.3e
Londesboro 11.18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Be grave 11.40 7.13
Winghane arrive11.50 7.35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart6.438 me3.33'p rai
Belgrave • 6.54 3.44:
Myth 7.08 3.56-
Londesboro.. .. . . 7.16 4.0,11
(Minton, 7.50 4,23,
Brucefield 5.12 4.39
Kippen .. . .. 8.23 4.4M
Ilensall8.32 4,62'
Exeter 8.48 5.05,
Centralia... 9.00 5.15.
Londonarriye 1e00 610'
:Buffalo and Chide
West Passengee
Stratford........110.00 1E11 1111.1201
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5,55 10.4e
Seaforth 10.4 1.10 6.18 11.12
Clinton . . 11.07 1.25 6,40 11.28
1,e3 640 11.38
Goderieh 11.35 1.50 7.05 11,56
• Ease Iessengei.
am pm pm
Goderieh 7.10 2,40 4.60
Hcemesville 7.26 2.57 5.06
... . . 7,35 3,07 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 51,82
Mitchell .. . . . . . . 8.16 848 5.55
Stratford 8.40 4.15 :6.20
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
• A reliable Preneh regulator: nevor falls. TheSt1
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating tho
oesoratIve portion of the feinale system. Refuse
II h '
a c ehp imitations. Dr. diaVaa's•are seld at
PP .
. 15 a boa, or three for $10. Magid to any address. '
• ilarelat wad loads?. Vie!cluite. , .
Rt Elostrle Light Plant.