HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-21, Page 1(( • ' 's a."1, ESTAiSLISHED 1865. Vo k 46. No, 39 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY MARCH 91 1912 W. 1-1. Kerr & on Editors and Publishers THE Oyral • Bark CANADA ItICOUPORATD 1859. Capita/ . . . $6,250,000 Reeerve •= $7,090,000 The Annual Statement' sheers the fol. • lowing increases for 1911 1910 . 1911 Deposits 872,079 697 $88,291.803 Loans ($5 Investments 55,283,676 62;709,072 Total k.ssets 92,510,34.6 110,528,512 _ 207 BRANCHES and. • Correspondents throughout the world --Interest allowed on Deposits. - R. E. IVIANN1NG, Mgr, CLINTON BRANCH 13aking-- Powder The pure kind at 25e per 'Ib. the 'same price as the pure kinds. Some Baking Powders are as •good as ours but they •costamme. Ours is made only ;with chendeally prate Creata of Tartar •and 13icarboaate of Soda: Always fresh, al - :ways good. 25e per lb. Ji 30.1--ItYNTEIC Dispensing Chemist. MINOR LOCALS. 'Winter probably has anohlar card oa ;two to play yeas; Tin,oans avill ;soon be sheaving up Olathe vacant tots, goratutrvreix.rnts . Lux and Comfort Soap Will help 'you to do your ' • houseMeaning, which diehard enough at the .best Why dont you try some of oux Labor Lighteneoso ao- Goid Duet, Peataine, 4 Ammonia Nop the Pialwder. Bon -Ami, No Ruh Soap Chips and Lux ' Then there is CoMfort Soap .for 'tea daya Ve are selling 6 Bars for 25 cents. Comfoat Soap, Corniest Soap, Canada's pride, ,And Olinton's hope. W. T. O'NEIL THE ll1T1 GIZOCER. Phone 48 Increase your Earning" Power attendina. the Popular TORONTO, ONT. ' Best place in Canada: for Hig•h. Grade Business (Education. Enter now, Open all year. Catalogue free. The Molso .s Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years 1906=1911 1906 1911 . $8,000,000.00 $4,000,000,00 . 8,000,000 00 4,600,000,00 • • 28 (377 730.00 85,042,811.00 . 27457,090.00 33,864,801.00 fOTA 8 . . . 33,1390,192.00 43,237,274.00 • CAPITAL , RESERVE . DEPOSITS . , • . LOANS AND INTESTMENTS Has 85 Branches in Canadaland Agents and Correspondents in all the PrinCillal. "ties in the World. • ... • A GENERAL IIIIANKINts BUSINESS TRANSACTED. .rine and the rul 0 of the churcga 1 v. D. K. Grant, NI, A:, L L. B. Inducted as Pastor of • Willis Pre byteritan Church Tuesday ev cning a moat in'erest- ing service was held Willis Press. bYterlau church herr! when Rev. D. K. Grant, ;M. A., L. L. :B, was in- ducted into the pagotate of that , congregation soccer:ding the Mucha loved pastor, Ilev. Dr, Stewart, who for 34 years had mitaisitered to the spirltual, needs of tlie people. I A goodly audience had aes.eniMed when Rev, llf.r.Pletelser, Moderatot ef Buten Presbytery, ,opened the pro•ceeding,s: Associated with him onthe platform were Reads. eleis- ' szs. Smolt' of 'Blyth; Smith,' of Bengal; MeParla.ne, Bayfielcl; Roes, of Godericha Larkin, cif Sea- foxth; Pearcy, of Londeaboro; Richardson, of Kippen; and Hamit- tan, Clerk, of Gederich, • members of Poesbytery; and Revd's.. Fords Cosens. and Greene, Methodirst Min- isters of the town:. • • Rev. Mr,,,..•McParlane was appoint SviIl ed to preach. ;Psalm 98 was sung', aportion of St. Matthew's 'Gospel, as recorded =the 20th chapter, read after whichithe ,choir atendered the Anthem ."Jaist1 as lora," =good voice. The speakim chose as his text "Even as the Son of man came' not to be ministered ante but to minister," Maitt. 20-28, from; which a very suitable discomse to the oc- casion was given. He 'showed ;that the true wa to honer is by pa.criti- ee. Christ drew a dastunction; be-. tween the 'Selfish lite' and them eNV ideal. of life devoted/ to sersice: lame and humility meth° elements, with the forraer as the pinnicle• This high 'standard; was illustzated inthe lives of each people as. St Paul, John 'Howard, and Florence Nightingale. , (Christ's. idea of His miesibn was. siiblinae, one of red= ptioa and benevolence. 'He; taught and lived thai1 it'Was greater to serve than be 'served. This service must be voluntary,. continuo= and eonstanit. Few born with) the gen- als,ef the heroic but allinay eontri- bute to the happinessroS lifer the 'true law of which isto far Sane another, No true .g.00dnessl ,whete the good of others is exclude/I It. naust come 'upon( us a.po.wer and passion and will be an iinspiratioN to our lives, .A. holy compact - which prayer and „work will join heads. An earnest ministry, aided by an earnest' chantli, can accorn- plisliageod. . The choir sang; every suitable number 'and Rev. Mr. Ross, who had acted as 'Moderator in the( call. to Rev. Mr. Grant, was asked to nar- rate the steps) talcien'inthe matter. Rev. Mr. Fletcher, asked the etas-. tomarv questions relative to doct- • . 'and on receiving satisfactory re - SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT plies prayer 'wail offered and the p stor hear ily welcomed into at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. , •Itlhee.wf-ama 117 of Huron Presbytery and Willis con.gregateon. Rev, Mr, Smithof Hensel], most appropriately addreesecl no min- ister .calling abtentioat o the Di- vine neces,Siity °Ube Goalsel being preached. Some drifted into.; the ministry lout the church; ascand be as oich ,wilthoult1 them. The work demanded 'all our powers as it was the hardest worki 10 the world and none but .a.here ,ean undertakiela'ad accomplish. What is demanded. The preacher must be a fightlex and he will have many 'battles but he must w not igroraorbid, sour or cynical but keep calm, serene tund ,sweet, Avoid being personal( in preaching or .conversation. Never mind, crit- icism if honest cultivate point. The 'World demands strong preach- ing, not forgetting • the clottrinal side. Diluted .character -often comes trona ,Watery preaehin.g .and dry preaching isnot Inuich better. Bone is better than custard. Weak sentimentality arid uncertain isPielc- wiation are no good. Have convica bons. There we's life and inspira- tion in the stirrin,g; appeals Made in the days of the Covenantera and Puritans. Lay good foundabon,s 55 souls are given Ito your eare, Many of them plastic who mast be tar:laid-. esi for eternity. ' The congregation's part aa it re-. lailea to the new pastwas Well presented by Bev. .Small, • of Blyth, who said a lot of good things, foundinas his remarks on Hosea, 4-9, "Like people like priest." This as as mutual relation and the influence of the congregation can make or mar ithai =Meter. Kieep your yews and promises made in + the Attend to hie Material welfare,m remembering that the ,eost Clinton Branch. 01114.1•11111=1.111Mi C E, r./OWDING, Mdnager 1111•110161•1••=1•1111111•1111•••••21. fininiONINIMMIllibilla •••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ' • • •••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • * • • • 010 thing .. 0i:tiered 1 4•• Clothing • * • • Ready -to -Wear • • sr • I Take Your First Look at the : • . • i - NEW .SPRING CL OTHES • • • • . • , . • • Saturday • . * •. * • . + •. , Yon can view the new Spring Styles here. : *. * Large quantities of New Spring Suits and Overcoats • •` have already been received, and fhis store, as always, • is the bra to show the new styles. * Maybe you are not ready to buy yet, but we are ready to Show you at any time. Come. • • • • * -* • * • Men's Suit; $7.50 to $26,00. 21 Styes to Select from The above cut is one of the 21 different styles which we are showing for spring. It is a very easy proposition to fit the well proportioned man, but we have types that will fit the short, stout, the corpulent, or the long, slim individual, just as perfectly as the model figure. • The Morrish Clothing I • jt Square Deal or Every Man."' of living la e inereased 33 1-3 per ,IMPIUMENN DINEATA non cent. Be prompt and regular in paying. The pastor is hurnau and cannot al wayd 'strike 12 o'ci.o els pos- siblY in preaching; but remem- ber that thei clock does awl always strike 12 aornetimea it id 1. Iris physiGal, ability ita limited so dank" eapect too much visiting. 'The minister's throne isthe pulpit 'and time is needed Rio proportion, -Don't pam- per him but give kindly considena- tion and ,complimeat him ;when his sermons do you 'goo& Protect him, stick up fox him and be careful of your cratictism. Be fair, as the 'devil Is glad When people ;scold 'about their minister. Be regular at charch Arad • atand by the pastor when be goods for great snooal is- sues. Prey for him and don't le,ave all the • praying to the naimittex, Come to chetah witb/' receptive Minds f or the TotIth, andif these things are done •Wallsis church accomplish wonderful 'things( .ia the Mastees cause. A telegram Wall read from Rev. Dr.-Stew.art, frt Toroato, ex- preasing his good Wishes for pastor and people. 0 The Interesting iservicd 'was 'con- cluded by a most auitable hymn af- ter Rev. 11/Ir. Fletcher had referred to the lapse of 34 years' .since the congregation had to do ;with arians• duetlon service. He thought there ;Were Many adVantages to be deriV- ed from ;attending them so three both preachers and people could hear .good plaits things that Might not be so ;suitably 'sus on other oc- casions. ' Rev. Mr .Grant requires ITO iutro- duction as he has already spentthe past 6 months with the gongrega- ties] but of course( now stands trio new relation to the .church and the outlook is hopeful. The following personal sketch Will bequlte las place at this time: - The aeverened .gentleman is a ha- tive of Nova Scotia,' and is a 'grad- uate of the DaLhousie University. graduating ,with honor% B. A., 13/I. A„'L.L.B., and also for the Pieton Theological Seminary. Ten years ago o he;wa,s inducted into the 'Ministry( and Married a (laughter oillev. P. S.Megregor D. D., of Nova Scotia. Three years ago Mr. Grant Saes Stationed at Hamilton, Bermuda, hut for the sake of health earner back ItoiCaSraa ado and decided' to settle if pm- sible•in the heart of the Dorninion. Rev. - Mr. Grant's grandfather Rev, Alexander (McKenzie. was the founder of the Presbyterian ehurch at Goderieh, while the granilfather of 1VIrs. Grant! Bev, Janes Gordet McGregor, D.D.,. Vui :the pioneer Miesionary inNova Scotia. Both Mr. and Mrs. Grant are well read and 'take a deep interest in the young' people. in the church. The hone is bleasedi with a. family of a son and daughter, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The purchase of one thousand dollars worth of goods from. your own town or your own country, instead a purchasing + outside, means the addition of t one person to your town or your country instead of ' suppoating • him abrr al. + ' • • • 4 +++++++++4++++++++++++++++ WINGHAM MAN PRESENTED WITH • MEDAL. Humane Society Recognize the Act of Mr, Win, Haines. Winghtm, March 16. -The Wing - ham council chambers Were packed last night when the Humane Society presented a medal to Wm. Haines, a young Ulan, who risked his life last Christmas Day to save three boys, named Johns, Galbraith and Buch- anan, frona drowning, the lads having gone through the ice while skating. Addresses were given by Mayor Spot - ton. Rev. C. 11. Croby, and Mt. A. H. Musgrove. whci presented the medal. DEAR 19.91 ..-,'...••••444,i40-4.44444••444.4,4•44. THE WINTER Of 1912. - Breathes there a man who ever saw A winter pass without a thaw ; Who saw it blow and snow and storm, And thought -it never would get warm? If such there breathe, go ask him how Tie thinks that time ,compares with now? Low the therrriornater, "'high the snow, Piled up as high as drifts can blow, Despite the fact that we have seen, It stated that there's never been Such cold as this, perhaps this man Can tell us things no other can: Living through two such awful dates, Doubly iznkindhave moved the fates, To force a man while brebelow To pass two winters in, such snOw. maniummuum HOW THE JAWS IF Tiff 1"46,006*(000,60000**Govre , 8188. Edita'Aai Nt,Dtzs Waheentassaaaieeeeeeettesseaasse lot:r•Vinli?att do you .ilaInia of Tax Re - INTO Bills cuse of two kinds --and hay- ing g (DIU that far you are liable lae in.teroupted by the man Whose ex- perience is wholly commercial. He will tell you yeso bilis are of ,Lwe kinchi-bills payable ,and Villa re- ceivable. The sebtlem en ti, of , ono Oasis 'leas ,weldoSne as ilowora that btoomin spoing, itheasertionsaiti ,0f the other sort is like( pulling teeth 111. is not, however, billa of either cat these •two isottsthat are now under consideration, for 'Parliament neither pays nor collects bills,. It runs spa good many and it impos- es ,agreaf many more onother pad_ ple ; bult both 'are? attended to by the Government having ,eharge of the national treasury. ,Thel bills here under eonsideogion ate "in- .complelte acts of Parliament" -leg- islation in the procese of making, and 'they stand =relation) to State. 'story law much the sameais the amtriatel'illinetevleag(tieetnablo"aandinci'Lbeer,Pa. ffstrhYe Prepared meal lathe Act of Parlia- ment; 'th'e .crewds are thentembets, and often the result is anillu&tz'a,- tiSn ()tithe trtath of the old saying -"too many Rooks ;spoil thebroth.” Bills IthenarefrheDinTo5mkp'etie Acta of P.arliament; and it is only When they receive the asaenli of the three branches of Parliament -the Com- mons, the Senate, and the CrrOirn, represented bythe Governor -Gen- eral -that they 'become laav. If we trace the progreas•of a billthrough Porliament .we shall ape In, outline how' our statutory lawis made. Bills are divided. into 'two:general classea-private and public, the dis- tinctioin ;being ;that private, bills directly relate to Hie affairs1 of private individuals or of corporate bodies, 'while public Mlle, relagete matters of public policy mite, the community 121 general. ' An ;authority on these matters States that both private and public bills had 'their riael in the ancient petitions to the Cream or private grievances. "All trace of this ori- gin has disappeared front( public bills, except, perhaps, in•the case ot the 'preen:Melte appropriation bills; but promoters ,and ellen the oppon- ents of private bills,as a rule, must proceed by petition, ,and cionse- quently this ,clasa of legislation re- tains evidence of an aucletat, form which hasasurvived for well nigh six hundred yeats.'' a, Private Bills. .The introduction iota private bill 151 'therefore, not arnatterief right. Notice that Stith tibial/ isi to ' be brought uptnust be given in the Canada Gazette 'a nuraher of weeks before the o.pleniag lof•Parliament, and atter the House %settles dow.n to business all these petitionsr are re- ferred toe special committed •on Standing .Orders, for the purpose of ascertaining if the rules have been complied with, The report of the Committee being peo- mission isgranted to introduce the bill. The public bill is introduced without .these preliminaries, Iluit some bills, whether( public 03. private, .eannot beintrodueed by a private naerober% The Principal bills of this kind are 'those =mei- Vingsa charge upon the people, im- posing ItaxatIon, nr asking for an expenditure of public money, • Money VOW these matters the Govern- ment tang take the reaponsibility; the •lapproval ()lithe G.e.aernor-Gen- eral mug beobtained, and thelmat- 'ter isintreduced by means eta; rie-• solution, ,upoe,which, when Adopt- ed, 0.13111 is based 'and introduced 'In the usual way. As a•rale, .a.rei introduced at the opening of, a sittings immed- iately after routine proceedings, the member introducing the bill aisiag Ain his place and saying "I beg' leave to introduce a bill entit- led an Acit tointorporate," fon in- stance, "The Po•dasak Hallway Com - The hill having been intro- duced, its fiosit reeding is at °WV moved and usually earried .without ailinet7'eat4nof a. private( bill its Pro: =biter „Will often be asked to ex- nlatn, ,and Inas .concise arnainer 82 possible he will tell the House All he knows Jaibout the pr.oposed rail - .way. If ills an important Govern- ment !measure the minister intro- ducing ilt,will rifler a full explana- tion but Without 'arguing the mer- its .of the matter,. and the !leader of the %Opposition May offer morals and the Motion for a first reading .Patssing eriticiana ; 'but that it all, wili becarrried forthwith. Three,Readinge; There are three readings of abill ,and yet at none of .thent lathe bill actually read in ithe House.' The readings are names, given Ite the three •Stages .09 .thie prove:Vs Of the 1 lashich it con be debated and possia .1)111 through ,the .Housle, at each p1 bly defeated. • •After being read a fire(t itimethe hill Igoes on the ,orcleli paper which is the printed pro.graGrri of •each ' day's IrAsineas. In due lama the bill • Is ,agatin- reached, and now lilts " and weardingis Waved. • It Jaen this motion that the PAD- cinles .of the bill are debated% and, if if be a bill ,conitatinaing a measure of public policy it is upon this motion that the .conteading patalea ,fight out the question. i `,ThelEtel sr' the• 'big debates of the irieeallo'n, eltien carried on fro= day Ito 'day at a • week, or more, .and 'brought te Ran - elusions by divisions. ••' The tsetion Lowe second, reading may being by cliffehent amen - • 'Manta declaring ;aosoe principle ad - samara. toll= prineipae. of the shill .aallieg f Or tuttlier ttitormati4oni .PrOportingercane • other - procedure With xespect .t0-ther matte*, One of ,these amendpoitelsknawn 443 the ' anion ' hetet" awthich pros ne "11 Balm= :County ran hold lts own with the 'best of them, 1912 ,w11.1 see great expan,siou M eleetric railways in Ontario, Boron (County sholid-pr.ove a. good field for enterprise ,along and's' line, "The 17th of Ireland" coming on a Sanday possibly deprived $0100 Of the .more enthusias.tic Iran practichag with the shillelah, If ill= discovery of 'the South Pole' has anything to clo with last Pole has anything bo dok with last Friday's 'snow ..storm, our troubles . . are only ,conarnendang. • Intensivefarming is oaten ahead of extensive tillage, Thig is be- coming more ,apparent every- year and' 1912 'will be the best) illus- tration of this fact' tip to date. No small interest' will •centre. around the enquiry con,cerniagg the Fa'rmers' Bank. Dr. Beattie Neabitt might throw some new light nnthe matter if he only had time to come home. • - • —0 -- The gospel of beltitlest a•goiculturte has received a .grierati impetus through the naediana of th.e travel- ling trains diaplaying temples of grain, fruit, etc. These pratibleal lese,osaa are like burs -they stick. 117,458 settle= frona the United States !settled in Can.ada) between April: lat 1911 and March asit 1912, as against about 107,000 for ash:abler periodi the eleven Months previous. This Donalnion isiglant to welcome our ,17.5. consins) even it Mr. Ben-. nett of Calgary, said taxi thing,s about them being amenace to -Can- ada. If we can annex 5,000 to 10,000 per month it will not be very loag =Ail we will doubld our popula- tion. 311,846 was the total ,arrival from ,all points for past eleven months. gebrnary of this yea)1 the recordsabands at 11,141. Canada is the land of great opportunity whose praises a3ad posaibilities it Would be ditlficult to portray in too1 rosy a hale. In the open doer itis ,wellto remember that quality of ten counts better than quantity. Government, agents cannot exercise, too much care in seeking fon the, beet. arntinued on Page 4 Carnro'se Car Was Here. -----.1 The ten thousand dollar advertis- ing proposition for 1600 people leoka like •a•pretta; big thing to hamdle, yet their is What has begin vidertaken by Cantrose, Alberta. A party of Camrose boosters, in their special car paid for by the .town, aid a visit to Clinton, on Monday owning, in the course of a pax - Weeks tour of .the Bast, and showed just whet enterprise and unbound- ed opthnista •and( ,self-cossaid,ence trill dein the way of municipal ad- vertising. The project is being caroled out. by Oamrose alone, •without any Government or railway asaistanee, and menabers of 'the party gated that the cost' would reach close to $10,000, Of this ,a,smatil patty •was raiaed in 'subscription among the businasi men of the distr•iet, but the larger portion mane direaly ham the town, •all whose citizen's were apparently so •confident of what they had to of that they had no hesitation inmakin.g the heavy ex- penditure involved. A special can was chartered' 'and a parity of nine volunteered their services se a boo,sterd brigade. They 'id 1, a couple (of weeks agoa'and will visit all pante of Ontarrio ahd 201110 parIs of Quebec, returning by 'way of the United States, coVering many thousands of mules in the course of their jour- ney. The party travellha.g on the spe- cial are, -Geo, P. Srpith, M.P.P., 1 ox- merly of Strathroy ; Jabea Harris,. president of the Board ea Tradie; Prank L.Parley, a Member) of the., council; Frank P. Layton, Mayor of Oamrese • Dennis Twomey, lex- /Slayer ; 3'. Watson Young, ex -alder- man; M. A. Maxwell, 'town .enginear Camille David, 'Merchant ; and J. S. _Fox, atepresentative larmen from the Catarose district. ' Oamrose, -which is slaty miles 'south ofXdrnontion on the C.P.B. is the centre of Alberta's fatarms mix- ed. fanning district. The Ca/moose' special carries the actual producta The Clanarese' Board( of Trade has secured this ear from the Grand Tounk 'Pacific fon a period of 35 days bathe eounse of avhieh time the leading centres of popolation in Ontario. ,will be visited Attractively displayed samples are shown %Atha ,grain gaown in the fertile Oarnrosie 'soil -a rich black loam on • clay subsoil, (which produces oats teating 49 1-4 pounds to the 'bushel at the mite of rialo)0 75 to 100 busheis; to the Acre; relaeat 35 bushels itothe acre, weighing 62 pounds to the bushel, 'and later prodace in proportion. Angie., timothy, clover hay, peas, squaw coon, barley -a splendid eample, are a few .of the paoducto ;noticed - There are potatool which will run the Omens So.utla Yarmouth pro- dnOt A close race, and a wide range of vegetables can be grown. Then there are stinapaes' of the excellent quality of lignite sceal tamed in Cararose and 'sold at $3.50 a ton. / There are live goal taines within 17 miles of Oanarese, .with seams varying from 6 (Le A feet in thick - nese .arid, Vail ,winter the tninea • 1 shipked 12,900 (toes( of await to Salsa kat ?van. The town had a ninth- .cipse,lighting plant, and last yeak ..... !,11,4 o .... Represents the autaber of members =the Nyal Family Remedies. There ss a remedy Lor everything, from the ttesitment of Lhe hair on your head, to the corns on Your feet, ;and everyone good These are no ;secret prep- aaations ; we can tell you eaactly the composition of every Nyail line. • We recommend Nyail. Rern- • ecliee because we know they are Stirlin.g quality. We a.l.so carry a full line et Nye". Toilet • Preparations. W. A.McConnell jTfleMlg,M4w$j Is the da y DR. OVENS, Eye 'Specialist, Will be at Holmes' , Drug Store. If ',eon eyes need attention itis to yew interest Ito see 'Di. Ovens, Rent! skin Crean' Keeps the Skin Soft, Smooth and White W.S.R.11ohneS Phm B. REXALL STORE. metaanilliSeew ...11112911119.1, spent $100,000 in the .cot,structionof 511 up-to-date waterworks' system. • This year $10,000 will beispent isa cement sidewalks. The population at the agent cen- sus .was 1,600. 'rhe New spring Suitings for men's wear are now in stock. Scotch Tweeds promise popularity; we show a very natty range in browns, greys and tans, from $20.00 11 TOZER & ROWN Ilciesjallors:Oad Furnishers.