HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-14, Page 8•fr .f resseseesse. 'Weer seri natiteeienatesse' Lace Curtaifls Cleating up the Department to Make1Zootn or New Lines About one hundred pairs in the lot, some slightly soiled by,displaying in store, in white and ecru, some very dainty designs in the lot, regular $1,00 for 79c reg 1.25 for 28c reg 1,50 for 1.12 reg 2.00 for I.50 reg 2,25 for 1.75 reg 2.50 for 1.98 reg 3.00 for 2.35 reg 3,5° for 2.25 50C Ladies Winter Vests 39c 10 dozen Ladies Winter Vests, made by one of the largest manufacturers, guaranteed` unshrinkable, daintily trimmed, and our special at 50c, clearing . at 39c Deep Cuts hi Sateeil Petticoats• Very special women's good quality Sateen' Petti- coats in black, brown, green and navy, one deep flounce with two smaller frills, gond style, -splendid fittErs. This is an extra special -don't miss it, clear- ing at 59e others at.............. . ......... . '79e 980 SIR Regal Taffeta Petticoats - Reduced to Clear Four pretty styles in Regal Taffeta, some with embroidery flouncing, knit -top and Raybro patent bands, deep dust frill Regular $2.25 for " 2.00 for 2.50 for ..........,. • Local Ne 09.4.0•4441•0 EXCELLENT SERMONS. seeeeeenese+++++++++++++++++++ Rev. Grant ,'o Clli iton p)eached 4` CLINTON 'ARKETS cellent sermons in dart -nal 'Church '0 11 M 4. ' Onscrver.} I 'Hogg -' , 1 FHE GREYHOUND EXCURSION Excursion Agent Ayer, of the White 4*. Wheat ,... Star line, writes that the dates of the • ,Oats Greyhound excursion f dr 1912 will he : Arrive in Goderich June 113, leave for Detroit imm 11 allowing tot day Sat urday and Sunday and Mondav fore- noon in Detroit, lenving there at noon, for Goderich. Further p otitulars in gond time. MINOR LOCALS, Croderich Autoists are organizing with a inembershiP"Of 21. • It is rumored that we are to have several new autos ,In ILe spring. , rhe l',1ew York, Sun suggests that the name for the 'fittest, known among the diseases of we'll:len he named the Pank burst disease. $ + 25 10 26 '4. . to32 ; °Site e5 43 t&O0 • + Barley 70 to 80 .1. Peas ...... 80 10 95 74,' + Shorts . ..$23.00 Bran $21.o9 * BRITISH EXCHANGE CHANGES -HANDS. The British Exchange hotel, Godo. rich has been sold by E. R. Swarts, the present proprietor, to S. Brown, of Wintho ,, We understand the new landlord comes into 'poseesion next Tuesday.- (Signal) 11 was 10 years Sattutlay since the ' • Iwo companies-- the Goderich Gard- Last Thurisday 1VIr. Jacob Taylor son Artillery and the 'Huron Rifles- Paid •t'a IVIrs•JanisSteep $1000 from te 00, left here for Sarnia to do frontier sei- the Confederation Liwhich was the insuran.ee carried by her son, lthe gate' Harrold Steep hi thalli company. vice to repel any attempt that might, be made in invading our beloved Can- ada. The force, including officers, a, mouuted to 100 raek and file. GAVE A DELIGHTFUL PROGRAMME A very clever aggregation is the Bo-val. English Eland Bell Ringers. They appeared berme a laxge end de. J ONE WEEK DID IT, Last week Mr. Chas. Wilitee put an advt. inithe New Era to sell his houpe on ;the Londans Road and an Saturday ordered his advt out as Mr, Arthur Whietingbam purch- • ased the property. The property ITRSDAY MARC 14Ith tan iffumummenimmiemiammicra.mmimmumwompainiamilmaifia4smum;mmilowim• ason,wc. CARD OF THANKS. • - I ,wish tcrthan14th 5.0:Ei 'lodge /and Ithe ether) Ititidnes.s allaown, 'by 'them, Mrs. R. Titsler, paid the •insuraneo of my husband of Clinton for the pxolnet WaY they ANY WATER IN TH11 CELLAR, Many people are colniplaining^ all ready of having' iaIfe,w inches of water in their cellars. When film thaw ,cornes, unless the wafer igieh away quickly many( cellars wi't be flooded, • FELL AND BrtaKE An.4. .This week Mrs. D. A. Forres1Ler fell and broke her left arm. Her many friends will be sorry to hear this arid wilt all wish for a speedy recovery. WAS FIEND. Police Magistrate Andrews had a Visitor lia,sit week for heang drunk and disorderly. The fine aniount- eiI to $13.50. WAS THREATENED WITH APPENDICITIS. .The MiLchellRecip,reler,---Atc .thie beginning •of the ,weekRev. Mr. lLivin,geltnine was under 'the doctor's rare, being Ithreatienecl with appen- dicitis, but ,We are plea,sed to Imam , that. he is nowl inch 'better audit) is not thought that an operation wJjU be necessary. RomE PRINT NOW., lighted audience last Wednesday even- is knO1Vaa 'aiSt !the McQueen 'slack. CAIVIROSE CAR. Our citizens .arer reminded of tele fact that .a speceaS ear: from Oame rose, Alberta, will) be here al Clin- ton, on Mondays Meech leth from 7.30 to 3 oVelo,ckl in the 'afternoon. The daily pa.peTe ;speak highly of the exhibits ,shown in the can, MOTOR DELIVERY' ,OF MACHIN -ERY. Tuesday afternoon elre Clinton Motor Car Co., had lSeheir big melee track 'one and delivered, a load of Mac1'xineir3t1 to Me. J. B. 1VIi11er, agent of the NM-Cori:nick Coe of town. This Isom up-to-date way of leaving goods delivered. M. 1V1il1er is well-known here'end will keep aU kinds of -farm implements and also gasoline megines on hand. Letereture and ealandersl 'are at the office anal are freefox ehe asking. Mr. Miller IBM the stand in which his father conducted the same line of business) fox yearei: A STRONG PAIR. We call the attention of all • news Paper readers in this town and district to the fact that we have made special arrangentents with The Weekly Mail and trupive,, of Toronto, to com- bine with our paper at; a popular bar. gain ptiee, se -VA here offer The Week's, Nail and Empire and The New Era the two together, for one yeav at the nominal rate of 81155 to tricande free it large portrait of the Rlgh s Hon. R L. Borden, 18 x 21 inches, which will be son postpaid to every subscriber who bake e advantage of the proposi- tion, Now here is a chance to obtain the two. most useful newspapers to seadevs in our community,teed we state ibis advisedly, foe The Weekly Mail and Empire is conceded to be the greatest home and fireside papev published in the Dominion, whi'e ours, coveriug es it does all the local news. mud advocating the hest interests of this important, district, will hest serve all residents within the horizon of our circulation. Send all orders to office ot The New Era. , HOUSE OF REPUPE COMMITTEE nig and met with an entheneetie re- ception. They leave very soft and oul. tivated English voices and gave sever. al solos, quartettes in a pleasing man- ner. The Coate:tor, Mr. jesson bas especially it capital baritone,. But is was in the Bell Ringing that the Company excelled. The umet ditf 'cult numbers were interpreted by those clever Britishers on their Bellsgtolably the intermezze from "Cavellerie Rustically." and Suppe's exquisite oyes- ture from the •'Poet and Peasant." :Altogether it Vratil a cielightSul even- ing. It is many: Years since English Bell Ringers have been here and their visit is a most welcome and should be most successfel. Tbe Ontario St. Choir are to be congratulated upon bringang sucla excellent talent to Olin ton. ARE YOU PROPERLY DRESSED? 1.50 These .are the etas the properly - L35 dressed man should have, accord - 1.75 ting :to the 'Master TaitODS' Aseoc7a- 4.00 for 3.0.0 She sack euits. ozer L 2rown DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON II101:1812131kilellett. Hoiv About 1Wailllialad? Have you the Oranges and Lenanns fox yound yet? Donk- fail to see our !stock of eloice Oranges) before or-. derialg 'yours.. SWeat ,Ciranges, "Seaside and Navels. 20c to 50e per dozen. Ritter lYfaxemlade Oranges 'at, 250 per eilozen. 'shone Orders evill'Inelle our careful and prompt ' •attention. Phone 11,1 P1110.1110e141Par FROM AN OLD CLINTONIAN. ` The following letter,' Was re- ceived thiS eveek from ;axe old I Clintemian, in the petsont of l Leal Taylor of Chicago ;-"Enelosecl find postal Money( order for one dollar atd, fear (emits ,subsenipt- / ion to the Neer( Bra for the cur - 1 rent year, Am pleased) to notal• • that the boleti Is alive to its tereste teeth regard to securing In- dustrie% Nv$thout tWhitch1 no towli can prosper, It Is apleasure to read from time (to time. about 'the esnecess of either, the toev)n ,or anyone \yam has beeu a former re- , sidentel Map% Mr...7441V=1.•111.M.M. Cehtral Business Coifewe Stratford OM Our classes are now larger than ever before but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for a few mune students, You may enter at any time. We have a staff of nine experienced instructors and our courses are tbe hest, Our graduates succeed. This week three'recent gradu- ates informed us that they have positions paying 1865, $70 and 8125 per month, We have three departments,Commercial,.Short- hand end Telegraphy. Write foe our 11 es catalogue now. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL 71111111111eatinmamasellellialileineeteeente GET READY FOR SPRING FARMERS Get your horses ready for the spring work , by feeding them DR. BLESS STK FOOD t gives Life, Yigor and Energy, and produces a _fine glossy coal, and is a wonderful flesh producer In Bags and Packages 75e and $1.00 You can a,lso make them ready by tallying a Stewart Horse-elipping Machine Every hone should be clipped befbre being puFat hard spring work • Clipping is most beneficial and humane, The Pelee So lestlY $9.75, We have Hand Oil ppm s &Om 1$ 1.00 up eYeLONE SEEDRS -this Seeder is guaranteed to distributeseed directly and eventenvev . the gronnd, This is the best Hand Seeder on the market, $1.15 tach Sap Buckets and Spites -We have a large stock and our prices -are right. 14721kRL14NI) BROS. W.S.IVARLAND W. A. IlleltIAND Stoves, liardvvate,and Sporting Goods Poua• business cut -always. Two dress cutaways. Two chyle sults . Pour suits of flannels, One Raglan suit, One Nenfolle suits MVO week -end suite: ,One camping suit. One yachting suit. One full des,' yaeleting suit, One informal yachting suit. One riding frocks One riding sacks One Tiding fall dress. One hunting. One polo. .,One fishing. Two tennis, One goal. Twa double-breasted frock coats. Two double-breasted each coats. GREAT VICTORY. On :Friday Mee we received a let- ter from W. McLaren( Doig, a 'fla- mer Hurobite, butt) noN ,attorney and ,eounsellor at law at Sault. Ste. Marie, Mien, accompanied by an express order, renewing his estb- scription. ]1(-‘aso enclosed( a. clip- ping taking from the SOO 'rinlesdn which he defended a caste; under new law ever there. W)e, herewith give •the item,-'Thd jury in the eirenit cosset -yesterday afternoon took but ,onel ballet in the case of Duncan McKillops, which wes una- nimous on a charge of amen. -The jury retired abated three o'clock and when St returned and Foreman Miller ennouneecl the findings, crowd that filled the ;Sourt'neom shooed ,approval by a vigexons clapping of hands which) lthe court allowed --to go unrebuked. •The gam xrae the barclest fought of theterin ,consti)ning three dayn its trial, ta,nd was a geese) yietory for At- torney W. Iti. Doig, who prepared a,ncl conducts& thel deeence, aesist- ed by Judg'e Holden. .The protein- ence of the aceuseell Man in thee coMeneueltygsvheee he has retie' ed fee' many years, Oiled the .coug: /none With his friends, who eagerly ,watched eveTy move in the pro- ceedings. 51 ,wais generally 1 etiev- ecl thee a vercilet1 fox •ae'q e Steel would Insult Jang befc,re 51 \VAS given eo the jury, as the defe /offered a Serge number of, wi)1.1 e In- es to prove the good character of the unwed. 01a01 anti 1.1:1 have proceeded further had net tbe nre- secution objecked to- ,fuether "(tes- timony ot this natures 'stating, Slat It would ,arlbeief that the allaneueSer • of MelCillo.ps ;sve,si ailthet could be desired, ,an,d ;there wae nothing to his descredet, so far; we known, pre- ious to the fire, It) ifs contended by uany who) heaed the evidence, of the prosecuting witneeses that there is room fon furthese investi- ation as to the engin of the eireiet quesition. The result oe the jury was ex-teen:salty plealsIng ta 1559 hundred's of frie.nd0 of Mr. McKil lops -and hei is receiving .their con- graltulations on every eide. lj-BER-0 ITRADic mAnii,,fizatfitelno. 011Ctilgfir Ht*Tlit ROOFING too 4% will not warp, rot, crack, blister, crumble or rust. Strongly fire -resisting. Ru-ber-cid nitofs laid 21 years ago are still sound ' and weather tight. if you want a roof to last. investigate Ru-ber-oki. 3 Permanent Co1ors- Red, Brown, Green - and natural Slate, , 76 Sole Canadian Mfrs. THESTANDARDPAINITO. ofgerataseemileementren. THOS. McliENZIE. 'marmot*. The quarterly meeting of the house of refuge committee was he'd et Olit ton on VVedriesclay of last week. The aecouto s for the last three months were auclitecl and found correct, the tet:11 amount being 81,680.85. At present there ave ninety inmates at She tense, nearly two thirds of the nember eel/3g men. le thorough in- spection of all the departments was made and the committee expre.ssed it- self as web eatisfied with the manage- ment. Three tenders for meat were received and it was decided to awaid the contract fpv supplying fore.quar- ten s at ten cents per pound to R. Fitz- simmons of Olinton. This price is 011e (18131:1)igl*r than that which was »aid previously, be windmill on the farm was damaged during a recent gale and the inspector reported that he bad it repaired at a small expense. For the Ilse of a telephone in the x•esi donee of Inspeetor Toe:pence and one in the house of i'efip Ebe eeninsittee ays the Ball Telephone Co, 800 )(sally. The inspector was insirucied to colon) unicat e 11101 tixis (10/11P)1 11Y in an elf rt to lieve the rale id Meal. A au.nlu of private money 111A1181'91(5 co in ection with the esteem' of inmates were eonsicleted and dealt with. ENTERED INTO REST. 1\seidaygrortring of last week Mary Jane Cardiff beloved wife ot Renry Hamilton'a well known resident of MeR• illoptownship, clied,quite suddenly at the home of her Slaughter, Mrs. John Bolger, leth con., G-rey town- ship, wbere she and Mn Hamilton were spending. the Winter Mrs. Hamilton was 1 11 her 75155 year and wee born in Ki day tawnship Leeds Ca She was a daughter of the late Mark Cardiff, 71h cone Grey. and dame West with the family over 50 years ago, The subject of this notice was united in marriage to her now bereft partner 50 years en Wedneeday of ;his week and resided in Mornington township 12 years before coming to McKillop township, The surviying 80119 are:-Tolm R. of Edmonton: Mark, of Vancouver, B. C. ; George, of Saskatoon; and ,Joe, of Mellillop. Mrs. Inn, Bolger, of Grey, and Mrs. fiedgins, of Lucan, are the daughters, Deceased had enjoyed splendid health and her good- constitution helped her through a long and severe illness last year. The end came suietly, peace fully and unexpectedly and was occasioned by heart weeleness. Mrs Hamilton was a fine spirited woman, She best of neighbors and devoted to her family. Her demise will be deepely regretted and, the bereaved sympathised by the community, Owing to the absence of severel of the children the funeral was postponed until Thursday afternoon of this week when interment was made in Brussels cemetery, Rev. D. E. Cameron her easter, conducted the service Mrs, Hamilton was a faithful member of St. George's church, Walton, and 'bad taken a lively interest in the organiz- ation and work of the Lady True Mae Lodge at Walton. She is an Aunt to Mrs. Harry Magid of Clinton. Last week elie Ceo,derieh Star dis- carded' their patent inside, and the management are now printing "the whole paper at thein office. They columns to seven ! mhaesin,eit.tuhso reduced the isi4e of Paper front. eightthe coign:me, It es ,a deeedecl inaprove- THE DR.'S DINED. The recently - organized Huron Mecliewl Aseocewiio,n held, their first ,annual banquet( at Win:ghats. on Wednesday of thiisl (week, When alaseast :the entieel baedieal fretting - lay of -the county, was .prelsent. A feature of 'the ,gathermg was to nisa-le he 50th' annivers.ary of Dr, Tenthlyeals ewreet tin ehe medical profession, which hjs) fritters: con- sidered WAS something, to be hon- ored, 111s. Shame and Gaudier were present fronet owin DISEASE DIMING FEBRUARY, During Bebrual.7 there/ wale 73 eases of smallpox en !the peovinee, but none resulted fatally. In Feb- ruary, 1911, there were 80 castes'. During February theref were 719 eases of etnetagioue diseases' re- ported in the province. Of 'this 130 sesulled fatally. Phis is a mark- ed decrease from Februazy, 1911, when there wenn 766 case's and 224 deleths. While there is a, sharp de- crease in the numben of typhoid eases the death rate is startlingly high.' While there were only 34 eases, there ;were) 15 deaths. Tub- eretgorsis: sho,ws. a 'welcome decrieaSte With 92,ease,s, 68 deaths, as, against; 131 cases and 114 deaths last yeas TOWN LEAGIJE HOCKEY EANQUET. .A. very ,pleasane evening was spent at the Commercial Rotel, all Monday evening when 30 hoelr,ey enithustaeties oat dawn to an oyster ;supper ,giverS by the rink manager, M. Robert( SWeet. Af- ter enfOlitle ;alle the good things providecl by Sefee. end. Mrs. Mc- Caughey, lir. Jatnee Doherty twee eSeeted chairman tor; !the evening in .11rhiCal he) filled intavery suit- , able manner and abter 'thenking those present for) electing hills tO the ehair he• gave a shoat address , l an "Haw lta run; the sport's of the s lown."He 'eailed upon( his hese, Mr. Robert Sweee; who respendeil in,a very eloquent manner -thank- ing these preeenlf for the hearty suppont they had) liven (Si tiles 1 For 25 cents inneranieSsiorlIZEimentlit2==lnarmazzawielazzactianeammicrazaliaitWlerm A new one and we think a good one. It is called the "WritexPiway” and it writes right away a feature few if any pens at this price have. Another splendid feature is that points may be so easily changed when a new one is required. It wont blot and it can't clog. Its the best we know at the price. Extra points lc each. aelaieffieseneallielteneeetierraenzueseesaasafrineelealeneSZlearellerelaraillintlelirearal eWoDo air o eme j Often the eheapast-Paways the Best (1.1=EUZIEE=1;116813861=81311113111190813S11181;11! CLINTON 3; BRAFORTIE 2. k Tuesday evening the Seatorth Jnniors played am exhibition match heTe with; the Interraddialte team and gave ithens. it good game. The first half 'wag a tie 2-2 with Chase of Seafollth as referee. The second half was- much closer, noith- ing escaping tile eye of Tlairiy.Twit- chell, who handled ;the hell nothis half. Both goalkeepers had leome hard shoes. to clear. Outside of McCaug'hey johnotan and IVIitch- ell, ithe Clinton team was the,same team that played Seafoeth in the junioxs last year. Followings was the liee-tm. . Seaforth Clieton Efinchley ,Goal Johnson Richardson Point • Rumball Reid C. Point leleCsau,gley 13nrxitt Rover OlDonnell T. Dick Centre • ,Kerr J'. Dick L.Wing Draper Muir E. Wing Mitchell SEAPORTH 'CSI. WON. Last Thursday eveniag the lackey team of -Hui Seattorth C. L mane up here a.nd defeated :the 0,0.1. boys by,easeore ,of 8-2. The 'tome boys Were endlined 'to rough t ,and consequently ka.ci to keep line in -the penalty) bqx.E. Gra- ham was .struele over the aye with tho puck, en the; last half, and re- tired from the) game, &Eamon go, 1 35 winter ,ana the inees in whieli She games were ester -Sep out. Be closed .seith presenting the teophy to -the Doherty Piano &Or,genteam wieners of 1912. Mr. CarlDraper stroke in behalf of the ,,Organ Factory team-ansaid, in a,cetept- ing the Cup, he hoped they would au. agree With him that the best team wan, which was latesevered by hearty eheers. Mr. Haaesy -Pere- lift, representing ,thi. Executive coarehittee spoke in the nem esaY f hews the teams had abided by their decisions and of the 'good feeling !that had prevailed thro-ugh out, 311, lVfoxiey Counter, mana- ger 'of ithe Pastimes spoke in their behalf while Messes. Will. Johnston and 4t.31itche35 epoke on the ided of bringing Om Ithe younger players next year:- Mr. Feed Benebell, Manager of the Col- Regiatte team then -took the, Iloor a 0 ,dea1iasou alt the opening of the sea- a son to train thd ,O. II. A. team land + had done so In a very esapable mare- ± nese A voite of ithankn was then give:n to Mr. and Mrs, Caughey for the sumptuous supper Prepared and -+ and to the host/ Mr Rob 't ng off to even up. The two Dick boys were a whole team in them - elves„ and put up a ,wenderful game. Dick Tasker wa,4 director f ceremonies, Following was the inc up,- eaterth all T. Die lilise . Dick oebes Slthehly Clinton. goal Reid point Tele:gunnel C poinli Cluf;f rover Kitty centre( Kesel Wing • Greig 151o,'800 r wing Gr,akam. HE MIGHTY HAVE PALLENa :Monday night allthe rink Zoe einherdtJs bumph of, hockey play - 18 ,went down to defeat at the auds of the Vaena ? lio,ckey team, The sewing ejecta at Varna Met hat night and would not let the oys frorn it.b-aer burg eusv,ay, except eKenzie, who flips coppees down k e the banthere and another fee- ° tv named 1VIcKenzie, of course the, termer had au) excuse to 'Some as and allthough he had not pilated 1•1 his teats .to 'victory he thought '1 they had se -least' held their on h? to -nig. Mr.. jack Weir also 1 gave a shotH rapeeeh. Mr. arry Twiecholl the offices I eefesee•spo.ke few words mid' offered eangrat- alai:ions to all the learns Lox the' , easy manner in which :they had llo:wed, him' to Tele the ,gasnes. ne Ise made ,eomplineeetaryl remarks f Mr. Richexd Ta.sker, wleo had tens '1 - Sot. ,They all jolned in singing "He's a jolly Good( )Fellow," and She host eeplied thanking them all for there presence thewe that even- ing ,and hoping that'they may all eneelt again ,and that the good tee:, in,g shown there Might always pre- vail. They eonelueled evitle a vote of (thanks to the chaerman and ris- ing seng "God Save the King." Al] clisperee& Ito their &fees:lent blames hoping far the( hoekey season to eenne again and for anew rink eviith R. Sweet as manager. eseaseeasageemaemeasseas- a • NA S • T-ak A.90 • • SellOOL •of Toronto, operated. by the (Jen. • tral Business College of Toronto, • • trein young men and women for •office positions, Why tot get • se your treining under "Special. -its'--some of whom are well.• authors of commercial ; • text hooks? We have students • 0 in attendance from Slain...ex to • IVancouver. Send Mr tree cattle 2 logue to W. H. Shaw, President, • • Yonge &Gerrard Ste, Toronto • •sepooseessesoeseeteiseeSeite. his /lone is here but we don't know what the excuse the other ealow lead. On their ,way up they .captur ed O'Neil at 13rueefield ancl brought him aSong-athat madei three play- ers front the/ Southern burgs.' On their .arrival they started In and picked the best) they etould find, About 8.30 Harry Twitcheli got the players together and gave them fatherly advice andl at once xuiecl joelteinleardt off till VaTna ,could find another Clinton player to go on the ice. In a feel minutes how.. everthe Captain' of the "Flying Dutchmen" gave thd speck -atoms - an exhibitjon. fon' their ea.oney and at half time the( score saes 3-11 eor their side. At full 'One 'the scor, ' was 5-5, and extra time kadtoebe played„ the final score being 9-6 for Varna(?). We u,nderstand they Will protest thiS ,game as aoll). . Downs wee trying to see too Much : fax hie money' and the puek hit I• him over tbe eye. The gases was exciting, and If a hele dozen were not Saying down, at once it wee be- cause somebody had not tumbled and the Test fell over. In thid extra -time .the :timelee.epers tell asleep anclAthe lest five Sainates was isereeched to about fiStieen min- utes and ev'eni then Jos team' eauld not Wien 114Keuzid fox Vare n -a scored faun (goalie millets from point so he ,yeek the star, - !though several leald they1 saw eters when they took a tumble. P,ollowing wes: e • up,-. VaTne. , . Clinton. Reid goal 'Cook G. McKenzie pother ,O'Dminell C, Draper c point ' Didkson O'Neil over Bee:lb:21'dt Merrill centre Bailey J, McKenzie 1 wiag Fumble 1/1. Draper x wing Pinch TEM _ADVT. READERS, Household taanageraent has) /tak- en the place of mere hou.se-keeping And thrifty Management is obvi- 'needy impossible ,unlesse the houses. wife is a ;student De the ads.., watch- ing for buying opporitunitses with as eager interest as the. husband (if the husband be the( Money -pawner of the annily) ;watching for money making oppontunities. MINOR LOCALS. • Yon are invited to visit free Exhibit of Alberta Farm Products in Special Car at C+. T. B. yards on Monday morning, Mar leas ++++++++++++++ How easily a shoe could be cheapened. Cheap Linings, Innersoles made of pasteboard Eyelets that are not fait color. Imitation welt in place of Genuine Goodyear -given a high finish which soon wears off. None of these substitutions are easily detected by the average purchaser, yet they make a world of difference in the comfort and wear of a shoe. 4 4.] 4•1 4.1 4° • '49 4: While it costs more, we watch these points in 4; 4, our shoes and have them made as they should by * $ made. We sell only shoes that the manufacturer * + • is willing to stand back of with a broad guarantee' * + • of Satisfaction. Wear a pair, then you'll know * + why our customers are Satisfied Customers. gVERVTH1NG IN FOOTWEAR FRED JACKSON 4. ,