HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-14, Page 6.Page
mow Find, a PleaSUM to Enjoy Meals
Here is a case wilich seemed as bad
end as hopeless as yours cae poesibly be,
l'bie is tlee experience of Mr, 11. J, Brown,
384 Bathurgt $t., Toronto, in his•own
Getatlemen—I haveeraele pleasure in
mentioning to you the benefits recelved
front your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets
and ean cheerfully recommend them. I
:simply had confirmed dyspepsia with all
its wretched symptoms, 'and tried about
all the adeettised cures with no success.
You have in Na-Dru-Co Dys p ep.sia
'Tablets the beat curative agent 1 could
find. It is uow such a pleasure to enjoy
meals with their consequent nourish-
ment that I want to mention, this for the
'benefit of others."
The fact that a lot of prescriptions or
so-called !' cures" have failed to help you
is no sign that you have got to gp 611
stiffering. Try Na-Dru-Co ,Dyspepsia
Tablets and see how quickly this sterling
eemedy Will give you relief and start your
stomach working properly.. If it doesn't
help you, you get your money back, eoe
se ilOX at your druggist's. Compounded
by the National Drug and Chemical Co.
el Canada, Iemited, Montreal, ,
The poorer ithe sermon the long-
He who laughs beet doesn't have
Beititer ,a close mouthed. frietnd.
;than one Who is close fisted.
Is Your Nose
Stioffed With Gold
Don't load. down
Your stomach with
eough medicine.
Send healing merit-
zatiOn through the
nostrils --send it into Tee.
The passages that are
Inflamed with Ca- tr
Easil3r done by in-
haling Catarrhozone,
which cures cold in
• ten nil/lutes.
Even chronic catarrh and brou-
elaitis yield to Catarrhozone, and no
ease but it cures in a short time.
Pleasant to use, guaranteed to 'cure
and eo safe a child may use It. Get
eatarrhozone; large 81.00 size abso-
' entely guaranteed; small size, 50 cents;
MI dealers, or the Catarrhozone Cone.
;pally, Kingston, Ont,
It is easier Ito promise bread than
le to provide butter.
Better a woman with, rosy cheeke
than aman ,With arosy nose.
It's no ibrouble dor' eedow man to
exceed the speecill limit when he
Os* down hall,
Are Being Cured by Vinol
New Haven, Conn.—"I was troubled
141th a most persistent chronic cough
for a long time and had tried so many
remedies and prescriptions without
benefit that I was discouraged. I was
persuaded by my friends to try Vi-
nol. After taking the second bottle,
any ‚cough left me,tand I must say I
never felt better in my life. I can aa
so recommend Vinol to any one in a
run-down condition ail the best possi-
ble remedy." -
It is the combined action of the
:medicinal elements of the cods' liv-
ers, aided by the blood -making and
strength -creating properties of tonic
iron which makes Vinol so efficient in
curing chronic coughs, colds and
bronchitis—at the same time building
up the weakened, run-down system.
Try a bottle of Vinol with the un-
derstanding that your money will be
returned if it does not help you.
Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by
W. S. R. Holmes.
When Spoons Were Rare.
Silver spoons were not counted by
the host in, the days of good Queen
Bess, for then every lady and gentle.
111011 carried he or her own spoon
when going out to dine. Substantial
spoons they were, too, not used for
mincing bites but half-grown ladles
with oviforinbowls and square shanke.
Only persens of we,altla could affofd
During the reign of Henry VIII, the
apostle epoon came into vogue. ,iet the
top of the shanks were .small figures
of the apnetles and in the days when
they were made it became the custom
to give a sat of 13, including one wide
an efeeeN ei the Christ, to brides. It
was considered generous, however, to
give the wedded pair two speons, one;
for each, wide teen' initials plainly'
tnerked so there would be me e.onEft
sion at fashionable tables. There were
oleo spoons which were a combinatien
IllallrOW 1.,01•01for handle caul just
plai epeon lor the bowl,
Hoe. the Roundheads rebelled ageinei
the religion of the Catholics is sheen
by speons de -mewl -deli the saiets have
bean t hopped. This made the shanks
herd lo hold and gradually a conces-
sion to oreament was made by flatten-
ing tlie ehanks et 1 tbe end. This, lot in.
developed into the modern spoon with
its eidetopped handle. In the pa eb
two hundred years spooes have varied
litao in form.
A Canadian Punster.
Very ingenioue was the manner in
which the late Alexander Pirie could
handle the English languag-e" to make
p Canadian pun. There was a die
eussion, in the press as to the possi
bility of a murderer going to heaven
on an • eleventh -hour repeni mice.
Some murderer sentenced to be,hang-
ed had declared that he , was going
straight to Heaven. Mr. Pirie's cern
ment was a doubt tis to whether there
exits a next world for men who have
their "necks twirled" in this.
His most famous jest was .Inficle
when the Scott Act was sweeping
the counties, and he suggested that
the Minister of Agriculture raise a
grade of aliort horns for, use in Scott
Act counties.
In 1890, when ,H•ugh Tolin 'Macdon-
ald joined the Tupper'. Administra-
tion, and cane() to tour Ontario, with
his chief, a greet deal of tun was
Poked. at Hugh john, who wits alleged
to be traveling on his father's re-
putation. Like hisefethere ho has
very large nose, and Liberal news-
papers clid not hesitate to say that
that nose was his chief asset and
the strong reliance of the Conserva-
tive party. Mr. Pirie affected to be
grieved over those personal refer-
ences to Hugh aolin.'e nese. "It's a
disgrace," he wrote. "It's 1VOYSF:
1.11 DM a diagtace. Snoutrago."
Cook's Cotton, &Lai Compound,
The great U
Uterine Tonle. and
‘oney -retie cfroetualltionthly
itegttlaier on whieh women oan
depend. Solein three dogreee
of eutength—No. 1, $1; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 8,
for special eases,.25 per box,
Sold by all druggists, or sent
prepaid on receipt of peke.
rem pamphlet. Address.: THE
CNOMMEGIOIN 00,,,YenolDO. 08r. (formeriv 1 Vine/A.,*
Many Animals Injured by Feeding Too
Much Hay, "
Ties proper feeding or farm tualmale
le yearly commanding MON: and more
atteution. tong since it hue beeu
shown that the usual methods of feed-
ing aye not only extravagant, but that
they do not always meet best the ani-
mal's requirements. Too large a pro-
portion ef our farm animals are poorly
fed, although they have all they cad
The experiment station,of Oregon in
a recent bulletin reports: Farm bones
as a general rule are fed entirely too
much hay. This is a positive lejury
to the animal and ften lessens to a
considerable degree, his worklue effi-
It should be remembered that every
time a borse inflates' hie lungs the
stomach le displaced, and if this organ
be kept, 'consteritly full of bulky food
It imposes extra work upon the respi-
ratory eyetera. Heaves, eo common
senon,g Mem horse, is'almost wholly
due to feeding too large quantities of
hay. Colic and other forms of Indi-
gestion are often doe to feeding too
large riKounts of bulky food. Aside
from its paysical enjury to the horse,
the feedlug of excessive amounts of
haY IS a waste that should be con-
A horse weighing 1,000 Pounds -will
do more work and -keep in better
health on &their pounds of hay per
day than he will on twenty pounds
per day. In fact, fifteen pounds of
hay per day is sufficiently bulky food
for a horse of that size. A horse
weighing 1,600 to 1,800 pounds does
not need more than twenty pounds of
hay per day. The balance of his nu-
trients siaould be in the form of grate.
• Feed the 1;000 pound horse ten
pounds of good hay at night .aucl five
pounds in the morning and he will
perform more labor with greater ease
than he would if hay is kept before
him all the while.
If two or more teams are maintain-
ed upon the farm feed one team as
• suggested aud the -other the usual
way and note carefully the result. In
ranking the test, however, teams'
should be divided as to size, age and
individuality as nearly equal as possi-
ble. Whenever practicable 'weigli
rather than guess the amount of hay
Brood Sows In Winter.
Tbe brood sow Is the farmer's pro-
ductive Investuaent 60 which he can
draw for future dividends. Like other
productive property, the sow will
make better CetilrIDI If tale is proper('
cared for. If on pasture with shade
and water she can care for herself
pretty well In the summer season, bet
she must depend upon ber Owner for
every comfort and ter daily. food In
the winter. The size of the litters, as
well as 'the vigor of the spring pigs,
will depend upon the winter care of
the sowa to a very large extent, and
animal comfort means Success. lf the
sow is not perfectly comfortable at,
ell Unite) she will. not do her best. If
she•rocits up the ground, tears up her
Pen or eats' pigs or chiekens It steeply
shows, that elm wants Something
whish she does not have and without
willsh she will not do so well. Her
comfort, then, le a prime necessity,
end this should have the ownerhacare-
NI attention. especially .during ttht
winter season.
0000000000.00000000•000000 C000000000000011110
• Tien 1 N E I'
• •
• a
• • e,
• a
0 •
• e
0 , a
3 A few years ago was considered a I
: dream of the imagination --now it :
: is a Leality ° :
• • •
: This is an age of speed where slow I
% methods of locomotion give place :
: to faster ones, , :
• — fl
01 Time is saved by faster trains, auto -
2 •
• a
* mobiles and steamships, You get :
3 to your destination quickly.i
• _ •
t ,
iThat is why The New Era ads are :
: meeting with such success. They :
: always bring results- of the right• : i kind. '
• ••
i •
Speed up and get business. Better :
: Your business by using NEW ERA 3
• • And do it Quickly.
People all over this land toss night
after night on a sleepless pillow, and do
not close their—eyes in the refreshing
slumber that comes to those whose heart
and nerves are right.
The sleeplessness com s entirely from
a derangement of either the heart or
nerves, or both, but whatever the cause
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills offer
the blessing of sound refreshing slumber.
They do this by their invigorating effect
on the heart and nerves, and will tone
up the whole system to a perfect con-
Mrs. A. E. Martell, Rockdale, N.S,
writes:—"I was troubled for a long time
with my heart, had Weak and dizzy
spells, could not sleep, and would have
to sit up the greater part of the night,
and it was impossible for me to lie on my
left side. At last 1 got a box of Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did me
so much good I got another, and -after
taking it I could lie on my left side, and
sleep as well as before I was taken sick.
They are the best medicine I ever heard
of for heart or nerte trouble." -
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
$1.25, at all dealers or !nailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Orchard and Garden Notes.
Don't f)?get that rotation in •the
flower beds and borders is as neces-
salw as in the fields and gnrdens.
If you want to raise a gooa crop of
mice and insects that will damage
the orchard trees let the weeds and
grass lie,thick on the ground. '
The best fertilizer for asparagus is
• rotted manure from grain fed horses.
Asparagus is a -heavy feeder and will
stand all the manure you can spare.
If you see a little mound of red dust
at, the foot of your young apple tree
don't pass it by lightly. That pile Is
gee borings left by a worm that will
surely kill the tree if yen do not dig
him out now. • .
•filltile trees. improperly proned make
good nesting Mares for woedpeckers.
The birds dig teatethe decayed wood
where stubs of branches have rotted
in to the heart wood and there start
hoinekeeping. ,
"I have beea a leilimaa Com -lector on
tbe C. P: R. and Michigan Central
during the last tin ee years. About
four years ago, I we laid up wide
intense pains in, the groin, a very sore
back, and suffered most tleyerely when
I tried to valuate, I -treated with my
family physician for two months for
gravel ni the bladder but c1id not
receive any benefit. About that time,
I met ithotlier railroad man wlio had
been similarly affected and who had
beee cured by eakii g Gin Pills, after
Mrs. Joseph 'Throop, Upper Point
de Bute, N.B., write:—"I cannot speak
too well, of Doan's Kidney Pills, For
two years I was so tired life was a burden
and I got up more tired than when I went
to bed, and my back wag so lame I
could hardly straighten up. I took dif-
ferent kinds of medicine, but none of
them did me any good until a friend
advised me to try Doan' s Kidney Pills.
I did so, and to -day I don't know what
it is to he tired, and my lame back is all
gone. I can recommend them to any
person suffering with lame back, and that
terrible tired feeling,"
Doan's Kjdney Pills are a purely vege-
table medicine, realizing quick, perma-
nent relief, without any ill after effects.
Dean's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
box, or 3 boxes for 41.25, at all dealers
or mailed direct on receipt of price, by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
If ordering direct, specify "Doan's."
V.rooVs 211ocyllcititie
The eh,eat ltentediy.
Tones and. invigorates tho whole
nervous system; snakes now
Blooclin old Veins, (lures Nerv-
• ous Debieity, Mental and Drain TVorry, Des.
po,idescy, YVealrrces, Entessioys, SPC1,
9natorphtda, coed Ey'ects of .41yse or Excesses.
PA -0601 Per box, sixfor ere, One will please, six
wili cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg., on receipt of price. ,IVeto pcvStyltlet
• mailed free. Tho Woo* Medicine Dem
• h°01,aterfy friadsoi TOrtante Oat
baying been given up by a prominent
physician who treated him for Diabetes.
Ile is now running on the road aced is
perfectly cured. He strongly advised
inc to try Gie, Pills which I did, -with
the result that the pains left me entirely.
FRANK S. 113E, BuievAeo, N. Y.
• eoc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free,
Write National Drug ancl Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Dept. A. Toronto.
If you suffer with :Constipation or
need a gentle laxative, take NATIONAL
LAZY LIVER PILLS. am a box. 105
Lesson XL—First. Quarter, • For
March 17, 1912.
wattelehow tnee relent scowl, rot' tne
_friends succeeded in,getting him "irdo
the midst, before Jesus" (Luke v, 19).
In each of the three accounts it is
written that 'Jesus flaat nen' faith, the
faith of the four who brought him. Bo
In Matt. vill; 10; xv, 2S; John Iv,' 50,
it was. the Utah of another that
bought health to the servant, the
daughter and the son May tbe words
In Ps. :zee 4,5, "Grant thee according
to thine own heart and fulfill ellthy
counsel; * * all thy petitions,"
strengthen some to lay ,bold. opon God
for othersin Matt ix 2 'we have'the
, . , ,
first "Be of good cheer" from the lips
of the Lord. 'See other Jour in Matt.
ix, 22; xiv, 27; John xvi; 33; Acts xxiii,
11. The four words are in the Greek,
just one word of she lettere, bet what
a word, and. from Him who alone 10
able really to cheer oe comfort US.
Then hear what follow, "Thy sins are
forgiven thee." Tbie is what the man
neeclednuore than bealth for MS body.
I heard it for my own soul in the slim-
mer. of 1873. from I John II, 12, 'with
John i, 12 Have you heard Him say
It to you? --If not, why? There can
be no reel comfort without it. The
scribes ancl Pharisees 'began to reason
idtheir heafts: "This men is a bias-
plienier. Who can forgive sins but
God ouly?" If they had tboughtn,
"This must be God eonie down WI
earth, for only Hod can forgive ,sinsi",
they would have been correct, hut to
them He Was only a man, a man 011
the common people a.nd a blasphemer)
Knowing. their thoughts, He read there'
aloud to tixedI,and' we might suaposel
that this would have led them to see
in Him ino,re than a mere; man, hill
they were thoroughly blinded lis- the
god of this world. Then, aenouncing
Himself as -tbe Son of man- having
power on earth to forgive sins, He
said to the sick man, "Arise ana take
up thy bed and go thy wily into thine
house." Inimeffiately he did as he
was bidden, and they were all amazed
and glorified God, saying, "We never
saw it in this fashien," "We have seen
strange -things today" (verse 12; Luke
v, 20). We may imagine the four
friends rejoicing greatly and saying te
others that is what we expected. Are
we gieing the Lord cauSe to say to
us, "0 ye of little faith," or, "Great ie
thy faith, be it unto thee even as thou
wilt." His calling Himself "Son of
Man" might have led them to think
of Ps.. villa and of one who was te
have allthings subdued unto Him, or
of Dim. vii, 13, 14, and of one whose
cleminion would be alt everlasting
dominion never to be destroyed. If
we have our Ons forgiven we Will it
due time have perfect bodies like His:
resurrection body (P1111. iti, 20, 21), se
that we. can well afford to rejoice'
while in these mortal bodies, whether:
In healtb or sickness, waiting for the
resurrection body. All miracles may,
be Called acted perables, and in thie
palsied man we may see the uttet
helplessness of the sinner to do any
thing for himself, but leatis is still tilt
same compassionate one and ready tO
forgive sins by virtue of His grea;
sacrifice for the sins of' the world. .
Text of tho Lesson, Mark 11, 1-12,
Memory Versos, 9-11—Golden Text,
Pee cal, 2, 3—Commentary: Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
After the healing of the leper great
multitudes came together to hear Hini
and to be healed by Him of their In-
firmities. We can hardly imagine the
innumerable happy homes, because
where Once sickness and suffering
ruled now all is health and peace be-
cause of Him who, being anointed
with the Holy Ghost and with power
went about doing good :and healing all
that were oppreesed of the devil, God
being with Him (Acts x, 38). See in
this verse, as in so manes others, the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all for
us, and compere Rom. vlii, 20, 31-34. In
Luke v, 16, we reltd that lie withdrew
Himself into the wilderness and pray-
ed. There was always a conscious
oneness with the Father which we.do
not experience, because He always in
all things pleased the Father (John
vili, 29; Matt. xvil, 5): The healing
of today's lesson is recorded in Matt.:
ix and Luke v, as well as in Mark.
Having returned to Capernaum, the
people- -soon found it out, and such
crowds gathered as to prevent all ac-
cess to the house in any ordinary way.
Pharisees and doctors of tbe law from
Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem bad
gathered to hear Him, and He preach-
ed the word unto them, and the poiver
of the Lord with present to heal them
(verse 2; Luke v, 17). But in their
own estimation they needed no heal-
ing, for they did not know that witli
all their learning they were wretched
and miserable and poor and blind and
naked (Rev. iii, 11). The religious god
of this world,' the devil, had blinded
their minds lest the light should shine
unto them (II Coe iv-, 4). Wliht a con.
nest to their proud self sufficiency and
indifference to tbe welfare of others
Is seen in these four raen who brought
their paleied friend to Jesus, no doubt
fully persuaded that if tbey could only
reach Him with the sick one they
would not need to carry Mai away, for
he would certainly be healed I have
met people who were afraid that they
had not come to Jesus in the right
way, but did ever any elle come' to
Him in so strange a way as this'? -I
here eftet wondered what the heart-
seei end doctors thought of having the
roof .brokeit up over their headsyel
we cannot help laughing within us. nc
eet-e, win present tee Jeleb nesore Uie
It, is not expected diat there will be
any argument at present. The judges
Will 5iinply' fix a dale when tile ques-
tions can he les,aed, Wallace Nesbitt,
1e.0 and Etienne Lafleur, 1(.0 will
eeeyeseut the Dominion side of the
case, end I. P. Hellmuth and P. lelig-
nault, K.C., the ,provhseial side.
It is expected that Quebec will be
the only province which will be re-
presented by eortneel. Most of the oth-
er provieeee have been hand from to
the effeet that they will not appoint
Peserted by Guides. .
New Yorle Irfaech 11,-eFfarry V.
Radford, Arctic explorer, Fellow of
the American Geographical Society'
and. iteember, of the Arctic Club, who •
NI% J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of
the Peace, and etation Master at '
left this City ore Feb. 12, 1909, to en- I
gaga in four years of exploration and
hunting, In Noethern Canada, is re- I
ported to have been forsaken by his
Mrs. Ovila Lamarre, Malvina
Que., ,weetes: "I have found Baby's
Own: Tleiblete• an excellent( medicine
and would' nolt use any other for
my ladle :one.: I thinIO all inolthers
should keep the( tablets in 'the
house?' Thousands of other moth-
ers have thei {game praise foritab-
lets. They are absolutely sat e—
being guaranteed by a government
analyst to ,contain no opiate, or
°then hart:dull dreg. They, break
up fields, expel) iwoirtno, c,ure con-
stipation and indigestion,' in tact
they are good for ail the minor
ills of little onee. The) tablets are
sold by medicine dealers: ox by mail
at 26 cents abox front The D1'-
1VIedicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. 1 •
guides in the heart of the barren lands
between Chesterfield Inlet on the
northern end of Hudson Bey and
Great Bear Lake, about 500 miles in-
land. He is believed to have been left
with:sue provisions ancl fear is express-
ed for his welfare,
A letter written by A. 7. Bell, Gaena-
dian agent at Fort Smith, Northwest
Territory, telling of Radford's plight,
reached the Aectie -Club here Satar-
darnight. The letter, dated January
15 last, said Bell had received word
that two Indians hired by Radford
last sanarner to accompaey him for
one yeer to the barren lands had visit-
ed Fort Resolution last month and
stated that they had deserted Radford
last fall owing to a disagreement.
Increase For German Navy.
Cologne, Germany, March 11.—The
text of the proposed new naval law
is published in The Vacs Zeitung
that, under its provisions, the German
navy is to be expanded from 58 to 61
big ships, and there are also to be 40
protected cruisers instead of 38.
The new law provides that the navy
shall be formed as follawse
A battle fleet consisting of a flag-
ship and five squadrons of eight bat-
tleships each, ten first-class eruisers
and '30 protected cruisers.
The fleet for service in foreign wat-
ers is to be composed of ton first-class
cruisers and ten protected endears.
Three active squadrons and one re-
ievvlt itogether with a flag -
making n all 33 battleships,
are to be kept constantly in commis-
The chief feature of the law, aside
from the increase in the number of
battleships, is the stationing of two
atniared cruisers abroad.
- •
Canadian and
Yoragn °Yews
Damage, &Mounting ta .about e6,000
was aatised by a flee which broke out
in the basement of the building oc-
cupied by the Canadian Carpet &
Comforter Co„ 340-376 Dufferin street,
Three.bylaws carried'at Owen Sound.
one to bearte the drydoek and ship
building company; &nail& to provide
O site for a new rubber factory, and
the third, to exempt the cement one-
pany from taxation. •
The Governor-General, chief scout
of the ,Gatiatlian boy scouts, -has ap-
pointed Mr. Gerald H. Brown, to. suc-
ceed Capt. 11. J.. Birdwhistle, as hon-
orary Dominion Secretary of the scouts
movement in Caaade.
A women. _aviator, :Suzanne 'Bern.
ard, was killed yeaterday at ttampes;
Prance, while 011 dergoing examination
for a pilet's lieense. Sild was Only
11 yeare of.' age and had StlOOpSSItaly
pasiL,P.1iccot Pi the tests.
Tee -death oceureed at Binckyille of '
James D. MCDothiell,' a well-knoivn
customs broker, in his 79th yeer, De -
raised Ives 0 son 'of Col, 'I ohn lel
D on nell, 0 ho comManded.- a regnnent
pf thp Dan,das militia in the' war of
Niagara's great ice mountain was
.forbideen to tourists 031 Sunday be-
eauss a rennithoth crack split it fair-
ly theeunh the centre. 'A half moun-
tain of solid Inc threatens to Vali into
• the river in irent al the American
• uttawa, March 11.—There wili Oe
presentedto the Supreme Coutt to -day
the etated questions Oft the subject of
the marriage 'law which have been
drawn tip by 'the Government. E. L.
Neweombe, Deputy Miteister of Jus
Wellington, on the Prince Edward
Island RailWay, says:
"180111' Years ago I elippod in the"
station and fell on a freight eruck,
sustaining a bad cut •on the front of
my leg. I thought i hie would heal,
but instead of doing so it developed
tato a bad -ulcer, ana later into a forra
of eczema which apread P055 rePidly,
and also started on tee other • leg.
Both legs became go swollen awl 'sore
that I could only go shout my work
by having them bandaged. My doctor
said I must top work and lay up.
"After six months of this trouble
I consulted another doctor, but with
no better result, I tried all the salves,
lininaeMs and lotions I heard of, but
instead of getting better I got worse,.
"'This was my condition when I got
my first box of Zam-Bult. Greatly to
my delight that first beg gave me re-
lief. I continued to apply it to the
sores, and day by day they got better.
I couldsee that at last I had got hold
of aomething which would Caro nee,
and in the end it did.
•" It is now over a year since Zara -
Bilk -worked a cure in niy ease, and
there has been no return at the
.Such is the nature of the rent eurep
which Zam-Buk is daily- effecting,
Purely herbal la composition, this
great balm is a sure euro for all skin
diseases, cold sores, chapped hands,
frost bite, ulcers, blood -poisoning, Teri-
eose soree, piles, scalp sores, ring-
worm, inflated patches, cut, burns and
bruises. All druggists and stores Sell
at 50e. box, or post free from Zam-Bulc
co., upon receipt of price. 1
The Department of Lahoeht prim
record. for January shows the get-
eral price level Ithe highest known
Probably Within the present gener-
ation, certainly sincel the :early
Since the middle( of June last a
pronounced and continuous up-
ward movement has been ia pro-
gress, and though there was a short
breathing spell in DeeembierA Jan-
uary noav shows) the highest [level
of az-
• The department ineleal nutisher,
which tsba,sed on the/ observai8.ou
of finetteations in 2611 eorninotlite,s
rose •se 131.0 tin January. Mutt) is
genenal prices were 31 per (cent
'higher in that month than was :tthe
average for the' decadie 1890-1899,
whieh is taken by the) deportment
as Ithe 'standard! of •comparison in
conetructing its numfber.
Compered with prices tat 18974 he
lowest year in the past quarter rein-
tery, prices aeie now atleast 45 pr
cent higher. The recent rise is pat:-
tieulaely serious front) the eost of
living Standpoint inasmuch) as it is
due Ito industrial expansion; having
enhan.ced the pried of materials,
whale the reported( shortagfe in the
world's crop -has) produced' la like
effect od the price of toodstullfi
The St. Thomas Times has an in-
teresting reference to the increased
cost of living. A Motion, in that
city has a 16 -year-old 'grocery bill,
•the prices on which Might labiost
make one wish( for gche good old
days. The hill reads something
like this ;
lib, bulater 130.
1 loaf bread 4c.
• 1 peek p otalt o es 80.
• • 25e.
Alt, present •the( prices foe the
same goods would cost in the same
town ;
11. butter .38e.
I loaf bread . 5c,
1 peck polteltoes ...30e.
73c. ,
The prices in it:hie instance have
come within .a few cent s of inetease
ing 300 peU tent. 0 '
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl.
dent to a Mona State of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &a While their most
• lemarkable success has been shown in =leg
. Neal:babe, yet Carter's Little Liver Me are
equally Valuable in Constipatlen,euringandpre.
Venting this annoying complaint,while theyals0
correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the
Ibsen and regulate the bowels. Svenif they mall
Ache they wOttld be almostpriceless to those whg
anger from this distressing complaint; butfortu.
nately their goodnessdoes notend here,and those
who once try ltelnwlblflncltlseieltttle pills valw.
able in so many ways that they will not be veh,
ling to do withont them, But after all sick heed
Is bbs bdaonne ootf. so many lives that here where
we make our great boast Oar pills coma whilotllsre
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. Oneor two pills make ft dose:
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by their gentle action please au whe
use them.
0 0011a98 EE0I0111111 fa. EMT Ton, b•
Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures
'vr- No Names or 'Testimonials used without written consen't
' Patient No. 10414. "The Spots aro all
gene from mY legs and arms and 1 foci
gOed now. I am very grateful' to you
and shall never forget tho favor your
medicines have done for roe. You can
use my name in recommending it to
any sufferer. / arn going to get mar-
ried soon. 'Thanking you once mere,
Pal Mid No. 10700. Age 12. Single.
Indulged in immoral halts 4 years. De-
posit in urine and drnins. at night.
Varicose Veins on both side% pains in
bock, weak sexually. Re ,writes:—"1-
received your totter of recent date nos
in reply I am pleased to say that after
taking two months' treatment 1' would
consider -myself comuietely cures, as I
have seen no signs of them coming
bask (ono year).
Patient No. 1=1. "I have not had
a regular Omission 3 don't know when
and am feeling floc. The world seema
altogether different to me and r thank
God for directing me to YoU. 'Yen have
been an Inmost doctor with me."
Case leo. 1.6888. Symptoms ,witen Iso
started treatment:—Age 21, single, in-
dulged in Immoral habits several years,
Varicose Volas on both sides—pimples
on the face, etc. Alter tato months'
treatment he' writes as fol•lows:—"YottV
• welcome letter to hand and ant very
gla1 to saY that I think myself cureii.
hfy. varicose Veins have comillotely die.
uPPeared fluttb a while and ir seems
O cure. 5. work harder and f...3el loss
tired, 5 have ne desire for that habit
whatever and if 3 stay like Ole, which
• baue every reason to believe I win,
Thanking you for your kind attention,"
onarrty) 1 rovicros IN ONE
Patient No. 13511. This Patient Caged
511) had a ,chronic case of 0011101M .00-
ility and Sexual weekness ana was run
down in vigor and vitality. After one
month's treatment he reports' as Poi
,lows am feeling vary it51I 31,500
•gained 14 pounds in one month, so that
2 1110 haVe to Congratulate you." Later
report„,—"I am begintiing to feel more
llitc s. man, I Seel my 'condition Is
getting better every weelt." sTis last re-
' Port t --near I/00tor0-4e I feel Oils is
the dant month's treatment that 3 will
have to get, _I thought at one time
115111 11 nel10cured but I put con-
fid:nce in yOu from the start and you
CONSULTATION 'FREE, ' BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question
Blank for Home Treatment,
fferf. •gEs"14 111c E .irES°'iTITAngly3r &DEggigi",`Svfilltvg6R, ONT.
AJI letters from Canada must be addressed to our Can,
Cor. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit Mich.
. .