HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-14, Page 5Be Coss of Goods
01 gave Not
Alvanced to Price
Is Watches. ' You may
1)uy for $ '2 to -day a. Gold
'Filled ‘Vatch., fitted with
•a fine time -keeping move-
ment—as good as you
would pay $18 for twenty
years ago
See our fine assortment
of watches •from $1 up-
wards ; all good value ;
all warranted
JIEWELIER, and terelefiflifiN
icycle lial,iiness tor Sale
Proprietor Going West
For the next two weeks we will
:sell balance of ,stock. Nowt is the
time to buy yams supplies. -1 aaew
Cleveland wheel; several e.econd-
hand wheels. 1 iron fire proof eafe
eornbinaltion lock, foe sale cheap.
.All faccounts muse be settled (mow
before Meech 23rd a 1912.
A. Ea TURNER, Clinton.
Sale ol !MUM ()Mlle
The undersigned wiU sell .anolth-
real load of youngcattle at the Nor-
mandie Motel stables, on Monday,
• March 25th.
Low Rat. Pacitc COSI
'MARCH let TO, APRIL 15.th
Spokane, Wash.; Seabtle, Wash.;
Vancouver, B.C.; Victoria,B. C.;
Portland, Ore.; Nelson, B.C.
San Francisco, Cale -Las Angeles,
Cal.; San Diego, Cal.; Mexico City,
Mex. -
'Proportionate tates from other
points in Ontario,
The Gitand Trunk Pacific Railway
'shortest line, fastest time, finest
service between Winnipeg, Saska-
toon and Edmonotan.
For full particulars and tickets call
- A. O. PATTISON. depot. agent
Mrs. 0, L, Burns, of VVinghain allay Islet Fieeaver—Her Dress' Caught
• Frain Bet Coals ---Neighbor Badly Burned VVhile Attempting
• Rescue,
',Warrghten, Meech 8. -Mrs. • C. L.
Burns was horribly, burned at
hoe here, ,wheel bier dales aught
/ire after she had emptied bolt
aehes froba her( ,coal stove mite the
In an inetan.t her( clothing Was a
mass °lifetimes. Her'series attract-
ed neleesboxe who!' isuccee9re e
lthering e flaes. ra, Byrne
pas hurried e6,thel hospital, where
tt wasI1011 ldt liglart her , arms and
jaack had been badly burned. All
Local News tE
Monday of !this weele Mr. David
Steep moved to Stapleton/ where
he well be employed, initiate Bette:
works. -
Monday of this peek Mr. iChes
Longeey moved ito "The Ilua-on
Gaedens" 'the aurae Road re
,cently parebased, fromraVIr. Lane--
eon, and will soon lbe preparingfor 'the auinmer( vegeltabeee tete. ‘e
Maple mola.s,ses.
The Farmers Bane' Inquiry-, with
Chief justice 1Vieredltle as 'Royal
Commissioner, will held ets first
business . sitting on Wednesday,
March 13 alt 11 a. m., Ottawa: Re-
turning loro.nto, the Com-
missiouer will conduce proceed-
ings here on March 18 and tthe
following days of thati week.
.0'tving to the high cost of living
the annual teal meeting in connote -
tion with ehurehes desappearing.
It is claimed( thatthe meal cannot
be provided fog 25 cents, andsthe
elturcEme h.aven(t 'the collage to
raise. ;the price -hence the disappear
anee of the old-tenef social event.
The 'annual Sneetingi of the Up-
per Canada Religious' Book and
Tact Soeiety Fag held in Wesley
church. school room! Tue,sday
evening. Mrs. jet. S. Pobter, Sup-
erintendent Of Sailors work ad-
dreesed the ratleeingeand. gave an
an interesting( acceount oft the work
of the 'Society. Rev. J. E, Ford,
:woe aPPointed President for the
her hair wasl'ibumed oil!
Mrs. el on, .etneighbora had her
heeide terribly iseeeened phile beet-
' ing ontIthe filames. 'Beeps 48
in a very mitigate centletjam,
Litter Report.
Mis. O. L. urns, who was :so 'ter-
ribly: bureed acently • 1whea herr
deees clauglet firer well 1
emptying ashes is progreesing
very favorably in the lecel
• and the physic/lane are certain
her reievery.. '
• nese of a little Over twoweeksaat the
age of three year and one day. Jack
was an, exceptionally bright and
affectionate' child, ' and 'Ids loss is
' deeply mourned by the very large
• circle of friends of the bereaved Tani'.ily. The remains were laid to rest in
the Wetaskiwin cemetery on Wed.
•nesclay attertioon by Rev. E. tee.
• Goungan, M. A; B.. of Ilemonton.
The Many friends of the late E.
Straiten, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Alex
Straiton of Goclerich, formetly
Agmt ut.Olinton and who was called
after Rev. Dr. Stewart, passed away
on March 2. We take the following
from the Star; -After a long and brave
light with the white plague, E. Stew-
art Straiten, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Straiton, succumbed to his ailment on
Saturday hist, at the ear)y• age of 81
years.. It is now three years since he
first took ill, being compelled to give
up his position in a Newmarket -fate
tory,- and theta be put in a.. term bf
several months in the Muskoka Sani-
tarium, but without receiving per-
manent benefit, and 'since his return
home his couditiou gave no hope of
recoeery. Deceased was an exemplary
young man, highly thought of what;
ever he was employed, and had held
position for several years in the God-
erich Organ factory, before going to
Newmarket. The funeral took place
on Tuesday from the reside:me of his
pavane, under the auspices of the
Odd Fellows and Sons of Scotland,
deceased being a' meniber of both
orders. Rey. George E. Russ was the
officiating clergyman, and the pall
bearers were Mayor Reid, ti 0. Dun-
lop, Geo. eleVicar, A, D. McLean,
Wy vele Millar and Fred Sturdy. ein•
cere sympathy is felt for the widow
and two young children, as well as for
the sorrowing parents.
A notice bas been posted by the
Grand Trunk Railway which pro-
vides for a chenge in the running
schedule of conductors and brakemen
and wages of the men. When the G.
T. R. men struck in 1011 an agree.
talent was arrived at, but it WEIE3 not
put into force until Jan. 1 of this year.
'„ehe agreement provided for an le -
crease in pay for the conducters.
brakemen and baggagemen and the
latest order is regarded by some of the
men as a violation ot the agreement
nd the matter will be looked into
horoughly. At the -first of the year
he crew consisted of three men so
ar as the freight brakemen and con-
uetors were concerned: This recent
Ming means, as far as it can he under.
tood, that one of these men will •be
aid off, which will mean that many
men will be placed on the spare list.
he members of the union will not,
owever, take any action until the
atter has been thoroughlyinvestigat-
d. The n
ew orders were issued under
he authority of Mr, Brownlee,
coramg year andi aVIr. Jas. Selelte, 1t
see.-rrxeas.' Imre. TrOuse ,Was( re-- t
appointed milleator.
1)00 mies seeing Alberta Farm ;
Produats in Camroise Specjal Car at
G. T. R.Y'ards an Monday Moen, T
ing, Maeph 1th h
If you Pane eo see What is grown 1
in Alberta be sure eo.veset the Ex- e
hibile Car 'on il."(t
Monday Summing, Mar. t
0 -rand Lodge of the A.
will Meet nett i week tin Toronto.
Mr, J. !Torrance ,wile eeepreserat
Clinton Lodge.
.An hour of ad. reading May save
you six houre of looking', and,
Perhaps, six dollars (more or lesefl
in Ithe met of your •purelva,se.
From the Wetaskiwin times we clip
the following item which refers to the
death of the only child of Mr. and
Mrs. °has. El. Boyer, formerly of
Clinton, Mrs, Boyer was -formerly
Miss Jenny Jones apal nieee of the
late Mrs. Jos. Townsebd: -The angel
of death visited et the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ohaa. II, Boyer, early on
Tuesday morning' and removed then'
only child, John Clinton, al tee an ill
This is a.Gooct Thule
To purchase Sugar and Tea, as prices are advancing'
Then you will be thinking about Tiniotliy Seed, Red
Clover, Alsike, and Lucerne
This is the Place to Buy
,55.0Vear .t,,A111W5.iwlJu,555 ,?5
ralaTif4.1 ,,rtinIFT10,0,V4Mr.t...21.1TIN!0•31UA
' 41eNi.tV.Pf.”54'
6460°11 to Sit OW'
and se is every eheilliwe show.
You select ohe and have wife
• select other. It Will be a item
up" which is best. You can't go
in our stock. They're all good,
Just so with entire stock we
'show, It's hest In town, and
thae's why "those who know'
buy furniture at oor place,'
The Watford Guide -Advocate in a
recent issue con'ained the following
pointed remark on eubecriptions. The
expetrenee of other local weeklies
is again verified, 'We wish to confide
a secret to our readers, It is this; -if
a man pays his subscription to the
weekely promptly in advance, and
everything is favorable the publisher
will probably make 10 or 15 per cent,
profit on that dollar. If it is uot paid
promptly and he has to spend some.
thing for postage etc., he does not
make more than 5. profit on each
subscription and sernetirnes if it is a
year Or twos -behind, he makes less
than nothing. The big city papers
don't make anything on their sub,
scriptions but their advertising tat
are high and they come out alright.
The home paper is tbe same now that
it was when butter was 10c a lb. and
egge 8c. a dozen and if you ever hear
ot an editor getting rich, lay it down
as A sure thing that he didn't get it
from the profits ot his subscraption
John M. Imrie, Secretary of the
CamdianAssociation, met the printers
of Grey 'county in Owen Sound. He
is an expert on cost and talked to
them on this subject. He did not die.
cuss what the printera should get for a
job. • He showed conclusively what
the job cost the printer. As an agent
soliciting orders for a Toronto print
shop hal recently gone through all
the towns in this district quoting
prices which were ridictaleus, be
showedthata job quated by this man
for 5150 actuelly costs the 'prieter
between $7 and $8 to produce. Book
r' weak, snob as church reports' two itors'
reports, voters' lists, et,, cost the
office $1.130 per page, while they have
sold the • work for Si per page. -He
figures this all out on a perfectly sound
) basis, and the public shouldappreciate
4 the fact that they have been receiving
good bargains from the local: printery,
and can readily understand why none
of them have ban able to buy mato.
motiles, while as class they work
from twelve to Weems boure per day.
The Grey County publishers beve
foriaed an organization, and itis hoped
that the Bruee County publishers will
unite with them: Theefirst meeting
will be held iti Henovepen IVIay. •
rFICT101`1. •
, The following is taken ftom Tuesday
evening London Abvertiser ana no
doubt Was written bythe press agent
of the Varna beaky team., lia fiction
in the extreme; exeeptehat they won: -
Clinton elareit IZ- In one of the fast.
ea games ever seen in, Clinton the
Verne Ramblers defeated the Clinton
Waverly Reese teattr the scene of 0 tl
7.' 'The game wets a eplenclid exhibition
about 800, spectators evitnestaing it.
The half tinteecore wee 8 to / in faVOr
of the Waverlys, but in the Sceond
'wF0' ae4aqst
'eh h6.ifi
titn '
aele,-*O"',SheVe%r'040;;•Ir,-.:''''••'- •
,Artd: e pep."
litheleitiRethe"Windfe•eleVintee bieeet
e's ,anarlo'eeteht-the"geip,
koiewteli.the grippe,
Aai cv,gstois:/ibovit, hie' dreary .lite;
And Pete •elairetan ,pie, palsied;
per 'erom: is wifie:
• . • • ,.•
Jeweler and Optician •
Issuer ot Marriage ..Lieenses
hall tbe. Ramblers managed to tie it
,up at full time with a 5 to 5 score. :It
was aereecled to play twenty minutes
overtime, and in the overtime stages
the Raniblers•sherved theitreuperiority,
by witnaing out. Referee- Twitcher;
of Clinton, was satisfactaly. •
, .
levidaye papers annogneed the death
of lir, George Bowles of Brampton
'father of Rev. Prof. Bowles, who
preached in Wesley Churob on Sim-
clev last: -At the age of eighty years,
Mr. George Bowles, earetired farmer:
died Friday morning at bis home,
Brampton,Ont, Mr. Bowles was a
k n that section of country,
hoaxing for years resided at Bruce
Pines, Mona voad. He flared in that
district all his life, and passed throng's
some stirring times in the early days.
A widow, five sons, and one daughter
survive, Professor Bowles, of V ictori
College, and Ree. N. B. Bowles, Meth-
odist missionary in West ,China, ate
sons. The latter was at his father's
bedside when he passed AWAY. He
is home on furlough. Dr. Manley
Bo iseee, Winnipeg; ,f oh n leowlee,
Souris, Man; and Sherlock 13 wrier',
Saskatchewan, are the other sons. Mr.
Bowles was a lifelohg member of the
Methodist; church, and a greet; admirer
of Sir Wilfred Laurier. The funeral
took place on Monday.
On Monday evening last the
choir of St Janice church, Middle-
ton entertained the &nineties ofthe
House of /lenge to in ei•exviele' of
sacred song Phial* Was beaultifully
illustrated by lantern views. The
old people greattlyf 'enjoyed the en-
tertainment (which to theta was
aoIneehing new, and being exceed-
ingly enteresting tancl ittestrucetve,
It is hoped that leating impreesions
fOla good have been the result. ;The
readings Were .lay Mr., Wm. Dunbar
while Mr. Robe. Dunbar manipulait-
ed the lantern. To the boleartb,ers of
the .cheir an their 'friends, the
evening spent ,aft (the inetletaton
was quite a treat, eachand all 'be-
ing high betels( peaeses of :the
warba reception aceordedf them by
Mr. and Mrs. Meth of the consid-
eration shoWn for: their eoineloalt,
and the mailmen kindness' repels:ed.
at their hands. .
Want Our Cider.
Itirthis present year of scarcity,
therais a greater demand than usual
in Etigland for Canadian eider. The
supply hem Canada has been limited'
lesesee• te the smell crop of apples and
ele xe,triaratae portion retailed for con -
as fruit. Inquiries are there -
fate, being made for hese sources . of
suppler Iffeeenneeteee.el wetale.4.4`...'ee•'--
teuirtea, it is worth whileeointine out
that while in the south of England the
superiority of local -made cider is
strongly asserted, there is in the add -
lauds considerable demand for the im-
ported eroduct. It is claimed that ow-
ing to the greater aunshine prevailing
during the ripening s'„aasen, Ca.naclian
apples yield a finer article than CAB
be obtained even Iran the best blends
oi Englisla --earietiere-Canadian Cen-
'•A Big Egg,
A, goose balm:glee to Mr. F, Danzie,
of Ceatle night:id, has
laid an egg maaauring a foot and a
quaeter 10 cirearnferenca lengthways,
And weighiera, 10 1-2 ounces.
A Men Was Made to nough and sing
In days of 'sunshine and of spring,
Ent when the Winds ol 'winter blow;"
,That man is made en tshovel.an,o,w,
Washington Star.
.0, Man is medel ito'tehovel, sno,W.
And yet may Tangle and sing yoho
But • ithexe is (sorrow an his 'seal
I am still in lehe 'Wall Paper Buse-
nee's', +and 'able in a pesetlio,0 3 oIgh0AV
you ithe bait fWlefil Papeete thathave
• be: en [fhb:Win:le c7llilnloini,
Ir. RIMS RANG,- E 011.01)/4 VGIIR
so ONE DOLLAR, • '
MI, papers bougutr.froltri me
be hong hung- leery, ;cheaply. •
All kinds of 'holuee paeatin'g 'dents
end eetimatee !given on old , and
oX deep a pea bailee pin
bring eaMPlee to '7.on:r? *hoe.
it is the desire of the
• publishers that all should
talIce an interest ih this
columll of TIIIE NEW
=fit. yon have friends -
visiting Y0119 or are go.
bug away for a trip, leave
word or send it on a post
4- card.
• judge Hat ;was in town on Mon-
day. , • ' 1
' 'Mee. Thies. Jack -sere jr., levee/tine
in Tor oink..
lIlia Zeitta Bawdee spent lase
week in London, •
Mrs. .Bewclen its visiting relatives
in Exeter this lweek. •
Rev. Mr. Fear, of Blyth, was in
tawn on Friday last,
Rev. Mr. Wylie is leaseeting in Ey-
langelistie ,services in the Peptise
.chulrele at Winghaes.
Mae. (Rev.) Stewart left lest week
for :Peewit° 'atter seeing the hove
hold effects packed( up.
Mies Eraser, 0. 0, I, (teacher was
able to 'resume her duties this liveek
after !being 111 alt her home at
Goderich. ,•
'Mrs. J. H. Kauko. of Kinemicline,
:was called to the bedside of heft
mother who is dangeroaely 311 at
Mrs. Shiers.
Mrs. Odle, ;who( has, been seaying
at her cIanghtee'ss Mes. Shier, foh•
some months peat! is t preetent
seriously ill.
Mies Caul° Akan:, left on Wed-
nesday lor Kincardine,. evhere .she
will as,sume a millinern notate:in in
one of 'the steres there,.
1V17. John Wiseman was in Talton
to this week attending 'the an-
nual'Council of (the Horne Circle as
delegate of -Clintose lodge,
Mr. John Marquis, of Goderieb,
was viateng his eon, Mr. 3'. W. Mar
quis (Base Line, ease Week, The
visitor expects to go West shortly
• Mrs. L. Levis, of 'Wingham, and
children are visiting .with the
fermers-parents, Mr. and Mrs! Thos
'Masta Dila Lincleay) has returned
to Fort Willitihn to take charge of
the millinery 'bueinese for 'Mr. W
S. Newcombe fox the eaming sea-
Owing !be Mrs. A Waite 'being on
the siek live and titLis Watt's be-
ing clebained ad home. Mies Elia
Akem is id t present book-keeper at
T. :McKenzie's fat:eery. ,
We are pleasedeo hear that Mr,
Thos. R. Watts, evhd had his hand
cut at 'MeKenzie'e factory is get-
ting 'along nicely. The splints
have been removedand Inc
e s able
to move his fiagerie a little.
Mr. J. 3H. Worsell of Goderieh,
former well knowae citizen of Clin-
ton was int town this week, ?Ire
Worsen expeeto en( leave shortie,
for (the wose,aigaila where he and
his [son hold d.tedtjaa of land.
Mr. :Charism 1W,E01Measi fox a
number of years a well know e resi-
dent of Part Ceeborne, dropped
dead on Friday, aged 57 years. He
was e,estasie 91 Mr. Robert Hohnea
tOrinerly of Clint0l04
Rev. Joseph took, ot
Gerrard st. Metthoditse ehtia•Ch,
Toronto, has been inveted to re-
turn for his fourth year, andhas
aceepted. He ,was foemerly pastor
of ,Ontario St. Methodist church
Mr. and 1VI1s. Robert Trick ',were
given lattin wedding: surprise
party by their many town and
country friends Tuesday. evening.
All hal a dellghtftel social time.
We wish thenst marry years of hap-
pineee. •
The death oe Mrs. Gallaway, Wife
el Rev. J. Gallaway), Berlin, fornser
ly pastor of ,Oneetrie St.:Church, will
be learned ,with deep regret by
her many old friends here. Sbe
was a woman 'beloved( by all for
her Clariettan virtueand good
ceielitees, •
Mr. C. J. Wallis, whe hes alroadY
taken a g•ooa mane) car loads of
horses west, lef 1 on Satuvday with
two ear loade tor Yellowgrass,
Sask. He is a pretty _good judge
of horses' ante generally ,eomes
out eightcei his investmenta;
Mr. Percy Joyner, late of Landon
England, and nepheiv et Mr. Honey
Joyner, is veseting eeiatives in
town, He is at present the gu(eCt
of Mrs. W. H. Webb, his .conein(eand
may xeitain ip town for sornelense
We welcome If. Joyner to enave.
Mt, James Reynolds, oil the Huron
Ii04.19e, OD Wednesday compleeecl a
two weeks' allay in Alexandra Hose.
pitee, Where Inc underwent an oper-
etta:1i and 'treatment. 'He was acbse
to be out a little yesterday, but
hopes to is.00d regain his health,-
• Goderich Star.
Mrs. Walter Leassaycle of Regina,
who bee 'beera ...spending the las;
'two Months vseiting at the home
of tfilrra. Rutledge, Huai Read,
leaves today accompanied by her
libIle daugb.tee, Margaret, foe
T,oironito and Ottawa; 'before return
ing eo her home en [Regina.
'Mo,ncley evening about 30 ,of the
younger set gave Master Lloyd
Rice qa eouaplete surpreseeet being
the o %Milan Joe his ifth bisthday.
Af ter spending aeouple of ho,ur,s
• In Merry !making, aunty refresh-
ments were 'served. Alt leaving 9 -
bold 10 okloek foal hottne and feel-
ing well pleaded with +their • elm-
:Mr. Alfred Carle ef ,Blyth, stream
eoWn on Ileteday SasI, e ioalne
down eo .attend ,the Execittive Meat
-ing 'of the 'Huron, Regan:ell 'of ' . (the
'Ontario. Alliance butt on aceemat of
the ilthees olio the Peeafident„ Mr.
Buchanan,. the Meeting( ,tved etua-
azellete, eer. 'Carr gave 'Neer Elia
aaairr and'renewed lata 'Seib sexiiPteen
": :Wheels lnaclo, little -40th
That fits well, looks well and wears well at a
• moderate price, is what we proniise from our Tailored -
to -Measure Men's Clothing Department `
This D-parttnent of our business is growing very
rapidly. There Tust be a reason? There is and this
reason is Pffirfect Satisfaction
Otte Satisfied Custotner Means Many More
Come in and SIT Our beautiful new range of $prinFr
Cloths and let us quote you some prices. It will
surprise you how moderate our prices are for such
high-class work
Easter Orders should be in at f 1 c V8 the Dcrt
will be rushed to its utmost at this time an, some
may be disappointed
steel is se
The man who makes the Hair Beautiful
and who Makes Lieatitiful flair Needs.
f4 the
Pember Hair Store
will be at the
Normandie Hotel g
CLINTON, on 19
ita a
, ,v
March 27Ih i',i?
All ladies and gentlemen with poor hair or any scalp
trouble wililbe interested in this visit, as Professor Pember is
the greatest Canadian authority upon hair, its preservation
and Adornment
It will be a pleasure to meet
those who wish to improve
their hair. All desired advice
will be given free, and the new
and correct styles in hair dress-
ing for ladies wilIte displayed
A Special Showing of Hare
1 Toupees
in town he visaed 'several of our
factoricie and .wee( aue•prieed at the
large etaffe that pere ,eraployied,
Editoviai NotS
13uild up Ontario.
'House for Rate
On Heron: Street, a desirable eeei,
!deellee, 'Welt sifuabed, n .00,a
pair, eine atoms, pantry, close*
and both Toon, Geed, ,eellar, lure
light, town water, '
good cistern and etable, garden
and lawn, quarter acre of ground,
Terms reasonable. Apply at
Clinean Spring Show, Thursday -
April eth.
For Sale
Aggressiveness' isone 01 the
fundamentals to 'success', The Ilere is a bargain -Ai 3 h. p. en -
pathway to vietoxy 3821,OU general- gine and upright baler with 68 ft,
ly II:ewer-strewn limed if people of belting„ .alad 13 ff. 01 slhafting,
fail to applaud your beet a:teals Also a lathe. All fox( $20. Apply to
keep right bn, minus -the Malan% NORMAN HOLTZHADER
You're a hero just the (same, '
We are sorry Ithat Hon, -Mr. Math AdilllilliStra tor's Sale of
sone ,conclatien lpreelucles Isis
attendance 'at the Legislature.
Hon. 13f. Luras blade a good job of
introducing the budget in Me.
Mathes:m:1)s abeenee. Mr. Lucas: is
:an uncle eel Mrs. J. ,E. Hovey, ,of
town and a coming ;nan.
aloittate••tale Cilta esstle.elfelle
The pastor, Rev. 3. E. Ford, will -
preach atinth serviees, The con-
g,regation will please reneeinber
that the brallee 051 churcill union
doses on Suntla:y next,
The pestoes Young; Men's ,Bible
Claes meets In:gallery ay natal :att
Sunday School !time. All young
men welcome.
, The incluett'on of Rev. D. K. Grant
will be held on !Tuesday aliening
t Lea Sunday Rev, Mr. Pearcy of
Londesboire Peached in this ohorch
Rev. Neil Shaw! of Egmondville
preach on Sunday Meening alled
evening, •
Relr. A.Walsh assisted the Peseta
last Sunday, preaching ‘two power-
ful evangellette eerrnonele fnr.
Walsh hais eepenIkethe last eleven
Years ineevival work, Hee Many
friends Fere pleased to hear him
again. -
Grocery Blismessior Sale
The anderagned, ,weshing to en -
Houses in Clinton
The aclminiseeator of the estate of
Jane Butler,. deceased, will offer for
stele at public auceleni by T. 'Gun-
ther, auetioneer, on Saturday, the
611). day of April, 1912, al the hour
of 3.30 o'clocle tnithe iagernoon 51
the Town Hall, Clinton, the follow-
ing propeeties,- •
PARCEL NUMBER 1 -.bat No, 314
on James Street,' Clintoll. On thie
property is erected a framle eo,ttage
seven rooms, Stone eater, !waiter-,
works connetetion, and Soft water
eastern, quarter acre. The tooation
jS vexy contrail near to schololsiPotet
office and station..
No, 1216, 'and past of toiwn lot No.
1215 on Victoria Street, Clinton, 8
rooms with woodshed, summer kete
Men, end hard and sett Pater.
This peoperty nee: 'adjacent to the
tpitoannofolia .•at‘nayryinient.tehaenTerriene pea.
PARC'EL NUMBER 3 -Lot 962 on
North Street Melon quarter acee
of land on winch( as ereceed :fey e-
(reomecl coetage with evoedshed, A
eery good home: tor a small tam-
ily desiring a cheap i property.
TERMS -The propeety will be
soRd isubject too; res,erfvoi bid,' and
to 'the approval Of .the official iguar#.
dian. ;Ten per ,eene. of elle plate
eeoent 0:loonaae,erafnerdilltlibee bpaya4abol; itu_idt 114
livery of possesolon, pOlti law,er.Inatn.
June 10t, 1912.
Hollhway, udnainisitaatior, or toi
Foe parslto:cieuliwitiaro.r,s5s;pxyPII)A9.3.1:NO;n,ilbste,iir4ittoe
0:tag° in utile'', chtififfne,ss,, offerstchis s lIttiIlthery Aperentiees 'Wanted.
gro,eery latiainees for wale._ I Apply to '