HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-14, Page 2terrible WJnrpeg ExplOSIen Aay - :;.IaIm Two Others, CTATORS ARE VICTMS „etek Wall Is Blevsee Out by Some 'Unknown Agency and Firemen and 's Onlookers Are Caught In Shower f Bricks -Death List :May Be Increatied - Several Persons Injured -Work of, Firebug. Wineipeg, March 1L -Seven persons are dead, one or emee are possibly fatally injured, and .a member suffer- ed More or less serious injuries as the • eliieult el an explosion which followed an outbreak of fire in the Tear of the Radford Wright Co., Limited, whole - gale sash and door factory, 770 Main street, ehorely, after 10 o'clock Satur- day night. Captain Dewitt and six of his men oe• fire hall No. 3 were training hose on the back of the building, where hie ere eueeposed to be the work of n incendiary, had staeted in a lean - o annex, when, without -warning, the auk wall. and the great doors opening n a spur teaek, were blown out, the tittlepatty going down in the wreck end rein, which soaught and over- Whelmed seyeral spectators and pass- 01"eby. ' eeThe dead:' E. Molyneux, fireman, No. 8 fire hall, caught by explosion, aok broken, and died in •St. Boniface ospital shortly after midnight; Chas. ePhersoe, firenaan, No, 3 hall caught explosion and instantly killed; alter Rowley, teamster, caught by eXploeion; L. J. 13ertett, bartender at Manor Hotel, -caught by -explosion 'While passing; Charles Chapman, aged 112, caught by explosion; Clarence eVinker, employe C.P.R. dining car department, fell through glass roof of assenger terminal; - Connolly, , .P.R. employe, leilled by explosion or a live wire. e •Theeinjuredi It, G. McDonald, fire- man, No. 3 hall, fractured thigh and internally injured; etindition serious; Chas. Schram, fireman, No. 3 hall, heeled injured; 3. Me0annon, _fireman, No. 3 hall, injured, but not seriously; F. Grant, 4:meet-titer, injured by flying glass; Tony Schilosky, scalp wound, not serious; Antonio Naranto, sPectet- tor, fracture of skull, internal injur- tea, nuty die. McPherson, whose father lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, was aged 29, and had been three year in the depart - blank Molyneux, who had but recent- ly joined, was aged 24, and a native be Liseowell, County ., Reny, Ireland. Of the other fatalities, Bluett,e'aged 28, rf Nepanee, Ont., and engaged to a inmpeg girl, was passing when delight by the expiosioe. Rowley was assititing the 'firenieb. Winker, aged 1, is a son of Mr. and 'Mrs. P. Win- / er, 57'7 Strathcona street, this city, axing been barn in North, Dakota, nd for three years past had been in he ena,ploy of the C.P.R. dining car department, "recently being promoted to the secretaryship of the head of the department. e Standing on the zinc platform on top of the steel and glass roof cover- ingthe train shed 1,o watch the blaze, which day just below him just north, of the subway on Main street, he step- ' ped forward through the ,glass to his death on the pavement below. Connolly, a C.P.R., employe, appears" to have been struck by a falling wire on top of the subway. A boy, Clarence Chapman, whose parents live at 280 Patrick street, was found yesterday afternoon after the smoke had cleared , away, dead, among the ruins, ."I was standing on a plank direct. tag operations," said Capt. Dewitt, "and had a miraculous escape. Mc - 'Pherson and Molyneux being killed at my feet, while not a man else of our squad escaped uninjured. Tons of bricks and doors fell around us. The then were- caught without a chance to eecapee" " 1 A big crowd gathered Nyhen the gIarm went in, but were for the most Nat massed about the entrance to tile tubway in front of the building, which te sieditted °between the International Harvester Co.'s big warehouse on the eauthwest corner of Main and Suther- land, and the Stuart Machinery Co. • elmoke was issuing from the lean-to fea the back, but until the explosion tune the firemen aeqpeared to have l 4 situation under control, • For a time it was a question whe. isher- the adjoining buildings could be fiaved, but the stout fire -walls proved Bufficient and with the help of the high pressure plant the brigade had the eituation under control short13) ✓ midnight, though neighboring' uildings suffered considerable losq ern water and smoke. A firebug undoubtedly was the ause, according to thoee who should now. Mariegen Radford claims that e furneee was out until IVIonday; llIl Building Inspector Rodgers saye en incendiary had been 'working some days in that district. Seven a1ert/14 were rung in Satierdda night, all bear. ing the mail of the firebug. e • allege/. Radford ,says that lest 1 han two barrels - of naphtha were , totted in open tanks, by permission, , feet away from the rear wall. Capt. iI)ovitt thinks the smoke ' and heat engendered in the tight building, to. ether with the stock of varnishes and pleb:elan, sufficient cause. The build - leg,• four years old, is a total loss, the owner being W. Johnston, now in California, and is fully insured. Loss to the Radford Wright Co. is *50,000, fully insured. Loss to ad- joining buildings is not yet estimated. THE POOR OLD LADY. • She had suifeeed (with rheumate iarn-fOr years and the ,constant pain • had kept heat in icon,etant agony. the least d'anap affected her. Many an old pereon has been ,cured by Rheutao and (when all else failed. Pheumo strengthens( and builds up ,the ,whole (system, it purrefiee rand `enriches the blood leo !that the Most eefeehled ,,eirrcueation is (made teeming. •nheueno io eolgreme and •so ewe a remedy Ithatf J. E, Hovey tells it (with eguananteet to give 'onttre satisf(action oti MeneY back, • A month's treatment! enlY caSre • $1.00 Field by JeEellovey or direct all cb.arrge prepaid from V.Mare eon, Bredgeburg, D14t. MOTHER LARGE FAMILY Tells How She Keeps •Her Health-- Happiness For Those Who Take Her Advice,, scattvine, lqieb,--‘,1 want to tell you how much good Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg., etableCompoundand Sanative Wash have done me. I live on a farmandhaveworked very hard. j am forty-five years bid, and am the mother of thirteen children. Many people think it strange that I am not broken down with hard work and the care of my fam- ily, but I tell them of my good friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and that there will be no back- ache and bearing down pains for them if they will take it as I have. I 'am scarcely ever without it in.the houee. "I will say also that I think there is no better medicine to be found for young girls. My eldest daughter has taken Lydia E. l'inkhara's Vegetable Com- pound -for painful periods ancrirregular- ity, and it has helped ser. ."I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I tell every one I meet that I owe my health and happiness to your wonderful medicine." --Mrs. J. G. Jourisciee Scottville, Mich., . 3. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- poundemade from native roots andherbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for woman's ills known, INDIAN CLAIMS Til BE REVIVED. Want GOVerinnent To Stand Bad investment In Grand -River . Navigation, lerantford; March 11. --The Six Na- tion Indians have decided to make another effort to secure from the Dom- inion Government prineipal and in- terest of $500.000, which they invest- ed in Grand River Navigation Co. The ehiefe in council will also visit the Government to protest against the expropriation of reserve land on the ground, that the Indians were allies of the British crown. A. petition is also in circulation in the reserve asking that the Ontario Govermnent grant the franehise to them again. •MANY FAILURES But Parisian Sage OVeroarne Miss Kruger's Trouble. Parisian Sage is nal guarianteed to grow hair nn bald heads butits guawa,nteed by ehe wlt known druggist W. &R. Holmeia to stop failing hair . eradicate dandruelf and stop itichingi scalp, or money 'Leek. Sold in every town in Can- ada, by leading druggists for 50 cents a bottle. Read 1$/1in: Krug- er's letter. " Parisian 'Sage it the beat hair grower and beautieier mid Eland ruff ,eure. I lost all my haltl through typhoid fever ; I was al- most baldheaded and eny,scalp was as pocre, as collate be. I tried every- thing, but in vain. Einally I tried Parillitta Sage, and, after using one i.cttie my hair stele ted g..rtow, and has grown three( or four inethes ins - side of two months. Iadvise every woman who watts beautiful h,air to use Paerisfan Sage." Mise Meta el. Kreger, BrorwmItolven, Minn ATA -NT P1' SETTLED. Saskatchewan Ministers Ask Defirlite Right -of -Way Granted. Regina, Sask., March IL -Commune cations between the Provincial Gov- ernment and the Ottawa Government continue to pass relative th Saskatche. wan's claiths to access to Hudson Bay, and on Saturday Acting Premier Cal. der despatched the following telegram to Premier Borden in reply to Pre. mier Borden's wire of last Thursday, setting forth the position taken by hie Cabinet toward e the claims put forth be the Scott Government: "To Hon. R. L. Borden, Prime Minis- ter, Ottawa. "Your telegram of 8th inst. receiv- ed. The Government of Saskatehewan does not now and never did cousider the resolution 01 1998 and Sir Wilfrid LaurierIs statement referred to in your telegram as a final dispositien of claims for partition of Hudson Bay territory, In point of fact, notwith- standing said resolution, conferences have been going an since your Gov- ernment assumed office with other provinces concerned, thus showing the proposed settlement of 1908 was not considered final by you. "Again urge justice of Saskatche- wan's Claims upon your consideration as sent out in our memorial and my telegrams. As to access given Ontario to Port Nelson, I note that press de- , spatchee state that your Government has declared its intention to transfer to western provinces the public do- main within their respective limits. In that case if your Governnient has finally decided not to give effect to our clainie, set out in our memorial at the very least the 'question of right of way should be settled now. Owing to increase in our populatioe and in our grain production our peoele have a dirt interest in Hudson Bay ports. Before long it is likely that several railways will be built to the bay, one or naore of which may be state owned. (Signed) "J. 0. Caldee." YUAN 8111 KI N PRESIDENT OF CHINA. Was Fort -natty Inaugurated Provi- sional Head at Pekin Pekin, March 11, -In the new 17 01' eign 0111ce yesterday Yuan Shi Kai was formally inaugurated Provisional President of the Republic of China in the presence of a great gathering of delegates, provincial envoys, military • and naval ollicers and other proMin- ant personages, tinny foreignem, at- tended the ceremony, bat the lega- tions were not reprekented. Yuan Sti Kai, who was in military uniform, road a declaration promis,, ing faithfully to develop the republic, observe the constitutional laws and re- tire -ifvhen the National Assembly ap, peinteeR a 'permanent President. The ceremony was • soleme--almost pathe- tic -typical of China's transitio. Most of those assembled were at- tired in uniform or European dress. The only touch of Orientallem was the presentation of the scarfs to Yuan by two yellow -robed Llamas. Break In Water Main. „ Toronto, March 11. -As a result of the broken water main at the corner of Bathurst and- London streets at 11.40 Saturday morning torrents of' water elooded the cellarof the houses in that neighborhood and ran clown Bathurst street, stoppine all traffic, until about 3.30 o'elock in tbe alter - noon, when the tide was sterned. When the main- burst the pressure of water tore up the pavement above and gush- ed out with a tremendous roar which startled the peeple in the neighbor- hood. It poured down the slighe in- cline of Bathurst street, running into cellar windows and doing damage the extent of which leas not yet been ascertained. Child Fatally Scalded. Hamilton, Mardi 11.--A.s a result of a scalding which she received on Saturday night by falling into a pail of boiling, water, little Elizabeth Gib- son, the four-year-olci•daug,hter of Wil- liam Gibson engineer at the east end mountain Moline, died early yester- day morning. Mr. Gibson had carried a pail of scalding water into the room Lor the 'cbilds bathe which he placed near a rocking chair upon which the baby was sitting, A moment later he left the room. It appeara that the ehild had, erut down Irma the chair; and walking backwards, had stumbled and fallen' into the water. WHEN ABOUT TO PROPOSE Dont mention. ,the weather, Don't select reclean onthe ,other side of the ro,ore. If you holed her head, don't keep swinging. ittup ,and down while talking to her atilt You Were ham- mering sormethinig. Dent Multtee to yourself. Dont begin by saying that yen have something on( your inind. • Donit be implusivei and itry • to foece her ,head i on your shoulder before the psychelogical moment. Dont address the window pane. DMA pace the floor. - Dont elasp youTi hands together Same `with your, kips. Dont'italk 'between( your 'teeth. Donit take one ,of her hands in both of your. Dont keep youn eyes fixed leer- siistently en the( end of her nose while you are talking. Dent refer eventremoitiely to the coot of living. DI as bad taste to imply that lova in any sense Is bound by natural/ Leta's. Dont pulI tile( braid off the best sofa pillow. Don' sit foal along time evithont saying anything. ANOTHER STAND. Nationalists Will right Third Reading • of Boundaries Bre Ottawa., March 11. -The Manitoba Boundaries bill will be up for its third arid final reading on Tuesday, The debate has from the start been dm - matte and exciting, and the third reading promises to be no -exception. With ordinary measures the third reading is purely formal, but the Lib- erals have shown such hostility to this measure that it is understood they will put up a last kick on Tues- day, It is possible also that the.Na- tionalist bolters may stir up some excitement, It is said that the amendment which was defeated in committee on Friday in regard to the proteation of minority rights may he brought up again. Outside of the -boundary question it promises to be a lively week. To- daythe bill to nationalize Queen'a University will be before the House. Strong protests against the measure have been received at Ottawa from the Hebrews of Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. There is likely to be an all -day fight ore the ill. Hon. W. T. Whit Minister of Fin- ance, has been confined to his house ei a severe cold, but hopes to he sufficiently recovered by Wednesday not to delay the presentation of the first budget of the new Government. Thursday the House will start morn, ing sittings and even Saturdays will be eappropriated. With the boundaty bill out of the way all the contentious measures will be disposed of. Both sides are anxious to complete the session by the end of the month and with morning and Saturday sit tengs there should be no trouble fin- lehing in three weeks. Power Plans Filed. • Ottawa, March 11. -New plans were filed Saturday at the Carleton County registry office in connection with the expropriation of the Chats Falls by the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario. • To these plans are attached a de- seription in full of the land which will be expropriated by the Ontario Government. This includes the Gov- ernment slide reserve on Victoria Is- land. To the plans there is also at- teched a e of the order -in -council, eigned b Adam Beck ehairman of the etric Power ion. EA Italians Who Went Froth Toronto To North Bay Under Arrest North Bay, March 11.-A. row in the Italian quarter .t'aturduy night be- tween Russians. and Italians, resulted in a stabbing affray in which two Russians were seriously wounded, One of the injured men is in the hospital with a --gash sixteen iiihs long in his 'buck. He will recover if no Qom- plic•ations occur. The other Russian was stabbed near the heart, but the knife struck a rib and did not pone- thate -ear enough to be fatal. The Pagans claim thee 'went hitt), an Italian house looking lot lodgings and were immediately- attacked with- out cause, Two Italians were identi- fied and arrested, The, Prisoners arrived here recently from Toronto, and are looked upon as dangerous characters. HEAD F1P8T --- Above all things take care of Your, ha'ir, your appe,aerance depends on the eare enotil igive yoUr hair, •The healthy hair your have seen and .wished for your 4 if you weill use Sasgeine; ',There is nit dressing vo nice ,anad sof invigorating to the scalp. Soft, thick luxualant hair es the menet of a S ageen c( tree tnee(at. Your hale is the fillet and ginatest of y•our beauties, nothing( twill look half so beautiful as (your heir.Sage- ine has grown beautiful hair Veri men iand (Wroltnen everywhere and ,tvamen everywhere an.d Sageine -is guaranteed and sold 'by J. B. Hovey to ,give you 1,a,clean healthy scalp, faee from dandruff. Sagetne grows the hair MI:hick} and soft, as not sticky or grears,yfeand is not ea dye) Get alterge bettlei 'today it poste cnly 50c (at J.E.Hovey or direct a.11 .charges prepaid from( B. V. Marion Bridgeburg, ,ont, A Texan' hat( 'bequeathed hiss ,wh,ole $100,000 estate to his washer- woman, which ebonite sonnatimee all lwill ,eorne out in the wash. PEARY IIONOR5 "FRAM" CAPTAIN Found Entirely New Route To South Pole and Made Valuable Geo- graphical Discoveries New York, Mareh 11 -The Nee York Times yesterday published the following tribute from the discoverm of the North Pole to Capt Amundsen: "To the Editor at The New Yore Times: I have read Amundsen's terse story in The New York Times with the greatest interest. Reading his ex. perienoes has carried me back to me days on the Greenland ice nap. There seems little room for comment on Amundsen's aeemint. Shaeldeton, whd is fully acquainted by hard-earned experienceewith every detail of that particular' region, has covered the ground fully, "I am glad that Amundsen develop. ad for bitneelf a new and independent route for the entire distance to the South Pole. His determination of the head or the limit of the Ross Sea icy barrier is particularly interesting hi its bearing on the theory -which hao been advanced that tlie Ross Sea and Weddell Sea indentations were con. neeted by a trough of low elevation filled with barrier lee cutting Antarc- tica into two main portions. The story has been transmitted from the antis( pocles with wonderful effectiveness, and The New York Times and The Loedon Chronicle eeserve great credit for their enterprise. (Signed) Robt. E. Peary." ° A Man may not be able to do his own cooking, bud he Can roast the cook. .A.s yet . the •suffragettes haven't charged the pollticiana (with Adam's downfall, Women lose their Maiden names when they Inaery-ainclf Most men lose their identity. • It's easier to induce some Men to run for office than to walk a block to secure a job nf Work. • just (*Quit the time amen begins to think he isf acqnalinted Willa his wife she begins( to act strangely. CAUGHT HEAVY COLD. Left 'Throat and Lungs • Very Sore. There is no better cure for a cough or cold than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Symp. ' It is rich in the lung-shealing virtues of the Norway pine tree, and is a pleasant, safe and effectual medicine that iney be confidentially relied upon as a specific for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarse- ness, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Mr, S. Monaghan, Charlottetown, PHI., writes: - "I certify that Dr. Wood's Norway Pitie Syrup is an excel- lent medicine for coughs'and colds. Last winter I contracted a heavy,cold which left my lungs and throat very sore. I lsad o give up work and stay in the house , or two weeks. I used several cough t tnixtures, but got no relief until a friend t advised me to use Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Three bottles ethirely cured me, and I am recommend it as the best medicine for coughs." Don't be imposed upon by takieg any- thing but "Dr. Wood's" as theieeare many imitatione ef this sterling remedy on the market. "Dr. Wood's" is put up in is yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price 25 cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Cu. Limited, Toronto, Ont. eseeseateeete, -Ile ea weer. 7' 1. If Pert and Itripert , Batter huts gone so high that it orey r film on tiler trdstanraiitmen wide, and a men hes to itake a cleenk to melee his beesadiskict.' huiren. Cry ;FOR FLETCHER'S e:"*1. s -r R A MAR,dH lib or , W B1YDOIF 4ttee41-111,,leen, BARRIS'IERru;11401LoICItl',120011' lel01-Asee. --• • .• MONTREAL, Oratill01,1 THE STANDARD iS tlic3 Nati5nal. r Weakly Newspaper, be the Dominica is_ national, hf :4,11 it 18 ain't& ( d It uses Rid Meet expeneivel ,FregeleVe ines, procuring' the elmeegreisee frelet all O'er ide world. , R.s artielee ere carefully eeleeted "and its editorial e .policy iethorppglsly independent, suhscrip Lion td !,Dlid Standard c4ts $0.00 per yeae to any addregeId Peeriede or Great Britaite ••• TRY IT FOR 1912! , Doctors say soine day surgeeng Will he stopping elm hesert to per - arm' operleaslons. Some of elthem do so now, sled tleret know how to start it again. est f? Je9 • „,,ici.v„„ .,ys coughs, cures cOlds, heats the wirout and 5,g, - 25 cents. The knoll whe wrolte "The Turleee' lathe Stesev" might', take a leek er to Southern , Europe and change the tune( to the "Turkey in the Soup." Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; reStores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all'aexual weakness averted at once. Phosphene5 tvill make_ you a new inan. Price Sae box, or two for 85. Mailed to any address, The 13eobell Druz St. Catharines, Ons. If we Were to have areal old-- fashioned thaw about now, its just as likely ap net (that ecenehody spoil it by deelmend we'll "pay up foe it in! June'? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 'M A S) TOR1A Somebody Wants to know if the ,erusit of is,ocietyl, is made up by the people who have the dough. QMonteeal Standard Publishing 06-4 Limited, rubI;sh0158.iy It's an ill wind (that blows no Igoocl to the Manufacturer of steren doors, ' • There have been a few prize- fightees who had foriteme,s in :their .oevn right, Field Stone Vilaiited Field( Stone ssuitable for rood making is wanted by the Town of Clinton. Price $3.50 per cerd of 13,- 000 pounds. J. A. FORD, Chairman oe Street Committee • Logs Wanted', All kincle of 10,gs, 1Vlaple, Soft Elm and Basswood preferred. Highest price paid. W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co. lir it'ar .9.5dci:Tr' Tr". colds, Boarders Wanted A men onithel west side keens shensibieo tfllts leal,t sej4in .elaereiriggh.borslo rt tpano s *..7 Hg w avinreturned to town I am no prepared- to take boarders, either option Ion half a dozen (g:g$, ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house Is, kiogridge, °titan() eteeet A woman isr always enthusiastic over being married, not ,over the map he is going to marry. Many amen Whof falls in love al first sight kicks himself becausn he didn't take a second( look, Even amen in jail is Past finding out. • Winter frosts 'are votegh on sum- raer engagements. But •a fait purse Makes more hail a slight clinfereece., eland for a girl t like leer photograph, --- Fontune is apt to eavori the brave who hustle while they wait.. rather than by what he threatens to ao-vocin .ereaIcciiiiepdarottainetnaijo„s‘tvgio,reirlpeouies counter. Judge le men by whale lie does Many amen Wouldn't! 'caa`e to go to heave e swim( ef Ithinge des- eJibed by ;women as !cheavenly" ,were to be foitedit here. Seed Potatoes Grotve by Huron Produce Co. - Green Mountain, one ef • the best verities for market ancl main crop. Price 51.00 per bushel: JAS. STEEP, Next to Ford & McLeod's Pasture Land Some first clue pasture land to be so'd in lots: to suit purchasers. At tractive prices. AnplY to John Ransfoed, G T. R. elityAgent FARTII FOR BENT Tbe South 70 neves of lot number 35 and the South Ease ratit of Lot no, 80 14 acres both in the lee conceesion of , Santee, township is forme t for a term I of yeare. This property is clOse to the town of Clinton and poseeession can , be given at once. Foeur fther art - l eiders apply to Beery Pluinsteel. Olin - ten, Out,, or McOartby2 Boys A.: Mur- chison, Barristers, Barrie,' Ont. Tenders Wantcd For the erection of a One story concrete building, 22x35 feet, at the goel, for keeping coal etc. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Connty Clerk. Tenders' received up to March 15th, next, and must be ad- dreseecl to Dr. W.F. Clark, Gode- rich, chairman of committee . The lowest oat any ttender not tiecessar- ny accepted. Dr. W. J, Clark, Chair man ; W. Lane, Clerk. Darted Feb. 1912. Steam Engine For Sale The undersigned offers for sale an upright steam engine; aboutj Seed Peas and Oats tor Sale hoesepowert in goodrunning or- der. Thee is certainly agnan for The undersigned hal a quanti of Seed Peas( and Seed Oats Ito aale. Apply to ALBERT NEAL, Else Line y rmer wanting poveer Tor gen ty eral use on farzn. Engine can be r seen env blacksmith shop. Jabsz Rands, Clinton. Custom Saiiring Wanted. At R. Trick's and at Thoe. wan bush, con. 4, G,oderich, Townshi $3.00 per thousand, McEWEN BROS., • Bayfiel Farm tor Sale. The executor of the Southcombe ,e Estate offelre for sale 50 acre l -- ea Bast half of lot 28, eon. 6, Efullett. Y. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned d °flawfor sale, lot 29i eo3a. 6, Hall- ett, 100 acres. These farms May be bought together or separately. JAMES S,OUTECOMBE. Clinton. FREE TO GIRLS. ;Beautiful French Dreesedl Doll, Cottage For Sale 15 inches tale with eareg that open g I • Mrs. Ross offers hex Cottage on • Victoria street for sale. It il3 ; excellent property in a good 1oe cation and in good re air, . BrYclone, and shut; Rolled Igol locket an chain, or solid Igold. (signet inn free to,any igirl. Send us you name and we wilt send you ithiat sets of beautieul Easter( and othe poot s to sell( at 10e a set (sex cards in each (set). When sold send us the money and we wiU sencl you which ever prize! you choose. For selling 40 pets we will give you ea rolled gold extension bracelet. prepay all charges. Address, HOMER -WARREN CO., Dept. 104, Ton -onto FREE TO BOYS Splendid m•agie lantern' (With 12 slides) steam en,gind tlearly one foot high) :will* whistle; fly wheel ,and .eVeryithring •,cOmpletei for run- ning; solid gold, legnert riing, ,or guaranteed ,w,atele free to. any boy. Send your name and ;we will send you 30 sees of.berautiful Baster •aed °thee post carclis( to sell at 10c set , (six nerds:. en each set). When sold ;send us the money and ;we evill send you which eVer• priZe yon choo•se. Per iselling '40•5ete we -win give. you a "Simplex" Typewriter. We prepay alLehargere Addre,ss , HOMER -WARREN CO.> • Dept. 104, Toronto ' Two HouseS to Let • - The undersigned has two houses to let, apply to Jacob Taos'N Imilmensmensw Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standaede. We also have on hand,, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. • .! We ,always have on hand'eeCaoo,se Wheat, Peas, Barley a.nci Feed Cnem Iligheet Market Prices paid for Hay • and Ian ,Grains. Ford & McLeod I• CO A.1-4 your sea,son's supply of Coal, get Before placing your orders for our prices, The very best goods carried in stock and Bola at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W. J. Stevenson, sit Electric Light Plant., tellERLES 11 ConneYauce, Notary Plablie, Commissioner, etc.: REAL ESTATE0AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, HuronESt., Clinton, • H. 1". RANO El', Notary,Pu bile, Conveyeecer, Finieneial end Real, Estate: sundEclo AGENT -Representing ld reale aelICITICO Companies. Court Office. Medival. DB) 9. W. T/ROMPSDIS Jicinn. Surgeon, Etc snecial attention given to diseases of:the Eye, Eitr, Throat, and NOM Eyes carofullY fexamined, and :suitable in:ascribed, • Office:and Residence, Two doors west, of lite Conunerelid Hotel Unroll St, DRS, DUNN and GAN,DIER zee W. dune, Z. 10 r., a, it. a. e.. Odin Dr, J. (1, Gaudier. EA. 50.10, Offiee-Ontario Street, ClintOn. Sight calls at residence, liattenburs St. or at -11031710a DR. i.W. SHAW. PAYSIOrAtr, SURGEON, cceuelienr, ete, othee and reaidenee on Rat- ienbury se, amoeba W. Farran's residence, DR. F. "LIMON DENTIST te Crown and )(fridge Work a Specially:- Oraduate of, Chicago, and .R.O,D.13 Toronto. Euyileld on-31Iondays, May Sat to bowl:idle DR. 11, FOWLER, DENTIST. - °fame over ONEIL'a etore, Spool's] care taken to make dental treat meat se painless as rateable. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction )er GODERIOH ONT kru re stearsettes a spec:11,1w diem si MEW ERA orhoe, Clinton, prt.on t.y aoteacka to, Terms reasonable. Farmers sale noto discounted G. D. MeTaggaat 3d. D. MeTe.ggar eragfiart Bros6 DERIKERS ALBERT ST, •CLINTON General Banking Bustneas transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop Alutual Fire Insurance (1.0a Perot and Isolated Town Props erty (Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth Jas. Cannella', 'Vice Pres., Godetich Thos. E, Hays, SecaTreas„ S.cai c nth DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; Jolie Watt, liarlock; G. Dale Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoith• T. Dale, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bee newels, • 13rodhagen, M. MoEvrarn Clinton Each Director is inspector of losses In his own locality. AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley Seaforth; James Cumming, Egnioadi vine; I. W. Yeo, Holmeeville Payments natty be „made at The Morrish. Clothing Co., Clinton, or R Cult ' -- --- JACOB TAYLOR eLjNTolV --- Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold, Money to loan Office:Isaac:Street, nextedoor to, New Era Grand Trunk Railway System, - Railway Time Table London, Huron end Bruce, North Passenger London, depart... . 8,80 a na 4.50 p:eri Centralia 9.40 543 Exeter .... .... 0.53 5.54 Hensel!. ... .. 10.08 6.05 Kippen , • 10.16 all Brucefield 10.80 6.14 Clinton Londeeboro 11,00 6.35 11.18 652 13lyth • 11.27 7.00 13elgrave 11.40 7,13 Winglaam, arrive11.50 7.85 South Passenger • Winglaam, depart.. 6.43 a nag3.33 m, Belgrave 6.54 3.14: Blyth 7.08 3.56 Londesboro 7.16 4.01 Brucefield Clinton .. 7,50 4,23 • 8.12 4.39 Ktppen ... . 8.23 4.47 ........ 8.32 4.52 Exeter.. ....... 8.48 5.05 Centralia . . ... 9.00 5.15 Londomtarrive 1000 6.10 :Buffalo and (lode Wese Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford... ,...,10,00 12,20 5.25 10,20' Mitchell 10.22 12,45 •6.55 10.47 Seaforth 10.45' 1,10 618 11.12' Clinton 11.07 •1,25 6,40 11.28' Holmes 11.16 1,33 6 46 11.38( Goderich 11-35 1.50 7.05 11,65 East I estranger am pm pen Go,derieh 7,10 2.40 4.50' Bohnesville . 7.26 2.57 5.06, Clinton 7.35 8,07 5.15, Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell 8.10 348 5.55. Stratford ...... 8.40 4.15 t'6.20 Dr. de Van's Female Pills, A reliable Frenth regulator; never falls. The3*. pills ate exceedingly powerful in regulating the. generative porticn of the female system. Refit* all cheap imitations. ,Tir. de Tan,. are sold 85a box, or three for 810. Mailed to any addree 4 The plcobell Drug Co.. ni. Ciffilar5n08.