HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-14, Page 1pre
— '.;^ 4 • ji ` '17
n".•-• z
eter-rpe,ter, 7-,:eiterstitteer, ',,14"Ziire'r,f47r-V1
E"STABLISHED 1865. Vol. 46,, No, 18
wommtaarnommerrerasermarainionialrellearaltata.i.., ,
Royal Bark
INCO1P318TED 1869.
Capital . . . $6 25o,000
:Reserve . $7,o o t-.),000
The Annual Statement, shows the fol.
lowing intreasee for 1911 ,
1910. 1911
Depoaits 672,070 607 $88,201.808
Loans &,
Investments 55,233,676 62,790,072
Total Assets 02,510,316 110,528,512
207 BEANCHES and
Correspondents.througb out the world
Interest allowed on Deriosits.
R. E. MANN/NG, Mgr.
.The pure kind at ;25c per
lb..tthe eame price as the im.
pure kinds. ,
• Some Baking Powdere are
as goodr as ours but! they
cost more. Oues is made only
with chemically pure Cream
of Taetar alad Bicarbonate
of Sada. Always fresh, el -
Ways good. 25c per lb.
,11".. MICIPTir'Y
Diem:ring Chemist.
HE lVIAP,C11 pp Tiiva
Pif!ty ycsars ago everybody ,was
-reading 'the wae news white aictw
they reta,1 ,rhe latest rieturn,a of the
baSeball !training eamp,s, ,
Lux and'
Coinilfort Soap
Will help( you to do your
house cleaning, which, tits hard
en,o'ttgle ,alt the best
'Why don't you try sone of
our Labor LightenersA as --
Dolt' Dust,
Pe.arline,, •
Ammonia .
Noptha tIt'o.wder
No Rub '
Soap Chips ,
and Lux _
Then there is,CoMfort Soap
fox ten day St we are 'selling
6 Bars for 25 ,cents. ,
C,ornforit Soap,
. Comfort S,ciap,
'Canada's pride,
And 'Cliaitton's hope.'
Phone 48
Increase your*Earningi Petver h)
attending. the Popular " "-
' .14)/ 1 Ei.L..L.12;240,0e2r/V '',..--/-7,4,
1 - /0(t/.../02.kkk--1/:„...../).:,•`.i.•4
Best place in Canada: toe' 'High
Grade Businesd Education. Enter
now. Open all year. Catalogue
Incorporated 1855
Record of Progress for Five Years 19064911
1000 1011
CAPITAL , . $3,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00
RESERVE . . . . . . 3,000,000 00 ' 4,000,000.00
' DEPOSITS . . . . . . 28,677,730,00 35,042,311.0(1
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,000.00 38,854,801.00
TOTALASSETS . . . 88 000 IO2.00 48 287 274,00
Has 85 Branches ilrfalladas and Agents and Correspondents in all
•the Principal tr''ties in the World.
at all Branches. Interest alleered at higheSt enrrent rate.
Clinton Branch_ C E, DOWDING, Manager
• ••••••••••••••0*••4'•*••••• •••••••••40.••••ste•04•••••00
Lest week Mr. C. J. Wallis started
on his 1912 trips for the Wet. On
Tuesday last he shipped two car load
of horses and they will be followed by
two more in a couple of weeks.
In speaking to the New En, Mr.
Wallis said he was afraid that ,the
money would be a scarce arttcle in the,
West owing to the fact the fanners
had not their grain sold and tberefore
would not have the cash to pay down
on tbe horses. .
If the prespetts were not bright
when he got to Winnipeg Mr. -Wallis
may go on to the Calgary markets.
In a year air. Wallis handles many
hoses in tbis section and takes limny,
trips West diming the year to dispose
,of them to the Western farmer.
Interesting Rural Phone Case Set -
tied at OsgOode Hall.
In Court of Appeal at Osg.00de
Hall, March 6;
Village of Brus,sels v. IlicKillop
Municipal Telephone System; Vil-
lage of Blyth v. 111cEillop Munislinal
Telephone System.—An appeal by
McKillop Mumielnal Telephomet Sys
item from the orders .of the Ontar-
io Railway and Municipal Board.of
March 10, 1911, and May 5,1911, in
relation, to Brussels and an appeal
by sable defendant's from the drder
of June 20, 1911, in relailion to
Blyth. The two .appeals were ar-
gued together for cenventlent(e.
Held; Appeal allowed and owdee of
Ontario Railway mid Municipal
Board set a,side 'with costs.
• Brussels (village of) v, McKillop
Municipal Telephone System— An
peal byMcKillop Munictipali Tele-
phone Ststem from the orders of
• -Wear I Ordere
Clothing I d I
Clothing 1911, re relathon to Brue,sels, and
the Ontario Railway end lYluanciptal
Ready -to
Board of March 10,1911, and May 5,
• {
• — • from the order( of Sum 20,1911, in
, the Blyth.ease. 'The villages of
simerv• ic...a.s.•0[Metwar•
. •BrUISISela and BlythMade applma-
: Take Your First Look at the • . tiod to the Railway and Muancipal
. Board
for an ordeit fler connecItion,
• •
HES •.
• •..•....•.•
.• •
• ••
Yon can view the new Spring Styles here. •
inter-eommunietation, a reciprocal
use in the tatasiemisstio,n, of beeirriest
between the telephone systems of
the applicants and the MdKillop
Municipal System upon( the terma
conditions mentioned in the agree-
ment submitted to the re,sposidients
or uposi such) terms as the board
might be pleased to oeder and dir-
ect. The) boned esderedi the con-
nection asked. Held ;Railway and
Mumicipal Board seti aside with
: Laroe quantities of New Spring Suits and Overcoats .• .
' : have" already been received, and this store, as always, : un RAGE To irri
I is the first to show the new styles. - • I II
* mn ;ILL.
• 4. •Maybe you are not reatly to buy yet, but we• :
44. ,
• are reany to show yOu at any time. Come.
. •
• to
$26 00.
44 The above cut is one of the 29 different Styles '
: which we are showing for spring. It is a very easy
• proposition to fit the well proportioned man, but we :
' : have types that will fit the short, stout, the corpulent, I
I: or the long, slim individual, just as perfectly as the t
• i model figure. '.i
• The Morrish Clothing •:
A Square Deal for Every Man. •
linpOrieent Work For Canadian
T. U. Race, of Mitehell, and
formerly Editor ef the. Mitchell Re-
corder, Rig underateadi is to take
up impenitent work for the Cana-
dian Manufaeturers' ASsoeialion
by being spode:amain for a ear or
care ,of inanuaticturingt exhibite
which is Ito travereq the Canadian
West during labia spring Mr.
Race's experience in' co{nnection
with 'greet exhibitions peculiarly
qualifies him INT) the work. He
will spend, SoSnei time Best dn gath
erieg the varied products to be ex-
hibited, and then tom the 'W.est ex-
tensivelY with them. It Is ruMbred
that there is a probability of Mr.
Race being employedabroad or in
other Briltish Dominion* in sandier
work, following the? try -out in our
West. •
▪ - • +t
London, • March 8-11 is
+ definitely understood' that t
• King George and Queen
+ ' +
+ Mary will visit Canada dim- 4.
+ 1913 or 1914. 'Were probably t
• earlier date will be ='eleeted
+ 11 15 not( yet 'certain +
i,whether ,a visit will' also be +
made Ito the United States. ;
In any event it is ;to Call- +
Ada ana not to the United +
4. States that the visit ,will be
made, and ;the ,greater of the
Royal visito,r,s will be spent
In the Dominion.
A Meeting of the eeMnlittee ;ap-
pointed to go Intel the „matter of
!the building of evorlonen's houses
,in 'Cliniton met op Tuesday evert-
ing, 'March' 121th; in the 'Town
Clerk's office. • ,
P. M. Andrews was chairman and
the following representative's of
industriets were present :
'Thos. Jackson, Jr., representing
Ike Jackson Mfg, Co.;
David Cluff, representing the
Doherty Piano Co.
Mr, Brown, representing; the
Wear well Knitting Co.
;Mr. Craig, representing the •Mo-
tor Oar Co.;
Mayor Gibbings, repre,senting ithe
Torwn of ChnItion. ,
S. J. Andrews/ polnited'eout the
necessity tor a eancentratkel mieve-
merit to, urge the eneletioin of
modern workmen's houses •so as to
incluce, workmen, to qome Ito :Clinton
and locatte andl help build up our
indastries, and the town, and asked
lox Tea:maks erotra the resins:Santa-
tives el labor es it, ;what they
thought would be the Most foie-
ibte way of accomplishing the sib-
' Sect.
Mr. Craig. spoke( in deter]: of the
difficulties llis CoMpany 'watt now
confron'ted vi6E du to the lack
of the proper housing facilitie94 for
alse CeaSg Stated that •according
to a by-law paasedt by the toavn
his 'Company wa.a required to em-
ploy 40 men, that presently 'they
had 20 employees in the Clinton
Motor Works, the) paling season
was just beginningand he antici-
pated every busirminer for his
Company which would mean that
he would ha v e to brin gen' more mess
to operate the business end that leg
%vas really now( in quite a delenama
as 'to hew hel.eould induce mensto
come to Clinton end locate here as
there are reallyt,no hawks- they
;cou)ld occupy, land' tlooked as
though his company sva,s.abnost pre
pared to employ the' number•re-
quired. bythe By -lave but the town
of Clinton had apparently not
taken into consideration the fade
that by compelling' the Clinton
Motor Car Co., to employ 40 men
they had matle{ no provision,s to
house them, The .sitita.tion from
Mr. Craig's point of view was a
serioas one and, was somethirug
that should gauge' the people of
Clinton to take cognizance of at
once as no' indisetry could • ex-
pand and no town could grow •un-
lesn with the goeoperetiom ol every
man in the community{ • and the
building of the{ proper houses to
talte caxe of the ineorning popula-
tion and unles,e something Wteg
done at Gime Clinton would Temain
astown and would not ,grow like
•other towns in the provirme.
{Mr. Craig dress, attention to a
similar ,slturublon he was pieced in
when manager {of a large autosnsbile
factory in alittle tome, pointed
out how tlus factory grew beyond
all expectations end that When
people refused to come to the Lawn
because there Wen no. houses they
could live =the Company he re-
presented together with some of
the leading business; men of the
town formed a. stoele company
for the purpose of building houses
Shares in this company were sold
foe $10.00 al share, the inhabitants
of the town were loyal to
the 0 teaser they
in OM dta a man they; sulasola
fox stock in thel c rporation thalt
meant to build u the 'leave. Op -
toms. were ,secure Ibythis eornparaY
on 'vacant RAS and houses were ,
built bythem and sold or rentedstio ,
workmen. -People who had land
but no money{ to build houses on
the same {wee's{ loaned Maney by
this .cormorrution to erect! houses
' {anti the reseed was itnallj 4es (de of
two' years thil town increased in
Popueation from 3000 inhabltants bo
7000 inhallatants. •-
• MT. Craig suggested' Cleat an or-
ganization similar to( this be frrra
ed In the 'Town of {Clinton endthat
,a.movemerst to build :up the town
be munedestely el airte,c1;
, Me, Cluff, represeettne 07.1C o I Si e
()Neat induetries• Lrithei town, stat-
ed that Inc business had been haed-
ica.pped for years and could nst
expand inethe manner 1,1 ought to
because he was •a -f4-- confronted
,wilth the face that he couScl not in-
duce evoxkmen to come here and
,Svoels fort the Doherty Plasm Co. so
as to increase ft a bulginess become°
theme mere nehousies) these, 'men
*4**********, #••••••••••• *********************•**** 4-4++++++++++++++++++++++"
00A1111 OF TIhE
• A special general meeting of•
Z the bitted ot 'evade has •been ;
• called tor Friday i-veniug 1503 4,
• bast, at S p. rue in tem Loulteil •
• ehambe,r for the purpose of Re-
• organw, Oon. We 1)8 ve betud
• good deal • about "mai ibotnr •
•• institutione and it is therefore to •
• Oe hoped that there will he a
• large and punctual attendance •
• of all inernhors of the Board Of 4*
• _trade. • (abeens of the Towo
• who are not yet members ca.n •
• become so by the payment of a a
• mail foe ot one dollar, -to the Z
• Treaeurer, Mr. O. la Dowding, 4,
• and thereby a&quire the right to •
Z be present and take part in the
• proceediegs. • •
• •
°oiled eome Ibo live in.
His remarks Were • slemewhalt
tufting Ithe same bluest ast(LVIr. Craig's
he 'assueing 'the comtnitttee that the
"Doherty P5000 C04 would grow to
be a big redustry{ int -Unites) if he
could only geti Men to elpane Iseeel
ena aesist in tire( expanstuon of thrsi
aya. Brown ma0 ew well poen e
remarks as Ito tare neceesity of
workmen's houses, seated that his
Company was 'Meiling basinesn
away from clay to day becausethey
had reached ;their Maximum output
and that itevent folly foe hissOorn-
pany to consider increasing its fac-
ilities for producing more on ,ace
count or the sdarcity of labor to
handle the business they could get,
'Mr. Brown did holt mean the Bemire
Sty of labor in Canada tor Ida line
ef work, built a scareity of labor in
Clinton end theereason there was a
acaste(ilty enabler Spat (We industry
In Cluaton ias beemme there were
no houses in which families eould
move to Marten anti live an so that
he could employ their labor and
enable his Company Ito double its
Mr. Thos. Jackson's xemarke were
right to the poent. If C111110n is
going Ito grow we mustl have heu,s-
es, the jacks,orS Mainufa&uring Co.
has been handicapped' for many
years through -the iscarpity of thesta
housesand hie company when ex-
pending has been forced Iteenlini
other towns 'and open plants in-
stead of having one mammoth
plant in Munn where all the work
could be done under( one supervi-
vision. He petnted Mee ,what it
• would mean to itha merchants ef
this kern to MVO a industry
employing many people who, earn-
ing good {wages* would pult theie
money into eireilialttioal in the 'town
and make Reins( of the Most pees -
perosis towns50 Huroa County,
Had 'there been( houses in Clinton
to house the employees of the Jack-
son Mfg. Cos 'ads Company ,woulel
not have been fotreed to go gesee
where to lecate fad6oxies,
He pointed out that every man in
the town should be loyal to 'the
town of:Clinton and should 'barest
Chutes' an every Ben,* 01 610 weed,
this, however, mast be done in a
tangible meaner and, Ithat tangible
manner,Whichwould insure the ex -
nameless of the tiO,Wri WOU1141 be e
convantrated effort ,of emery inan
of the towns toastsist ine building
houses, to insure '3.111 increase ,of pop -
Watson, -
• Mayor Gibbings made some
pointed remarks about' the enthus-
iasms -1 and the (loyalty of the people
of Clinton and that enthusiasm and
Loyalty should be brought' out and
ever-ye:ray unite in boosting. Clin-
ton huilieng, hearses and expandeg
'its industries..
The meeting was every esti-rue-
Sastic one anc ttshnwed the Level-
ty Israel (hose present towards the.
,town, Mr ;Craig okingly reworked
that if the en thusieme of that
meeting could he Inject). ed into
every Clinton -len (het it would cell
besamatter of a few years tired
C.enion would expand to such an
extent that newindustries would
be induced ItellocateI hare, that the
,Town of Clinton would 'grow so big
that ie a few, years at would he able
Dr. C.S. Wright.
IWith. Captain Scott's( AntaTctic
expedition Is Dr. C. 5, Wright of
Toronto, second IsOati bf Mr. Alfred
Wright, of the London and Lam-
cashire Fire Insurance Company.
Dr . Wright Went as one ofthe phyet
Mans 0/the expedition to make the
meteorological and magnetic sur-
veys as well as ,sonle ,spacial anway-
ticall, work oft the crystalliee eon-
struetioo of the ;great ice barrier
that has blocked all former at-
tempts to reach 'the Polar regions.
Dr. Wi•ight id an Upper Canada
College boy, end graduated fr,orn
Toronto University ,Witht honons,
• carrying off ;the exhibition scholar-
ship. Prior to hie departure ;with
Captain ScOa for the South Pole.he
• was engaged with Prof.. Par J. J.
Th,onapson at Cambridge in t he Cav
enclish Laboratory. s
Mr. Arfred Wright, of 00 Crpenen
road, faither of hte young tar,etic
explorer, has not re any
yweoarrd afnrdo rail hhailsit,Iste n ' , a
W. I -I. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
I to l'annex Seaforth and G,oderfeh as
The meeting adjeuaned for one
3veek (and it west nnanimously de-
cided that areas,d meeting of pro-
perty holders ,and. ;taxpayers would
be called by lVfayor Gibbinge In the
Tows Hall °lithe evening of March
' 2Sth at ;which meet8rg 9416. Cluf(f
has pr85nised a Musical entent
tient ;with one of the new Doherty
patented' piano players ` to which
meeting ,all interested( Will be cor-
dially invited. •
Anyone who happened to read the
Council report in the News Record
last week, would have concluded that
something awful had happened by the
way that paper reported the utter-
ances of one Councillor, and in ease
the people did not reed it we give it
"Councillor Fred Jackson took ex-
ception to an editorial which recently
arpe,treci in The New Era and said
in part : "The press is always ad-
vising against "knocking our town"
but here is a sample of the woreb
and of "knocking." It is an attempt
to belittle the efforts of one of the
most active committees of our coun-
cil whose labors have been productive
of goocl restalts. It was largely thro-
ugh their exertions that the latest
industry was secured for Clinton and
I think (1 111 becomes any person to
refuse them credit for what they have
'Phe Editor of the New Erv, happen'
ed to attend a Hockey match that
evening so had not the pleasure of
hearing the speech first hand, but up-
on receiving a paper we went over our
Ides and looked up the Editorial notes,
but could find nothing in the'Past two
or three weeke that even mentioned
Council notes or Board of Trade. We
discovered a "Local" on page 8, which
we {have been informed is the item
that Councillor Jackson objects to and
weberewith reprineit:—
'Can an Industrial Committee of
the Council take the place oe a Board
of Trade 7 The experience of other
towns would seem to answer question
in the negative. Members of the
Council have enovigh to do if they at-
tend to their duties efsficiently and it
is the business men outside the Coun-
cil who should provide the required
stimulus for a Live Board of Trade."
•it's wonderful how two great minds
don't think alike. The worthy Pres-
ident of the Beard of Trade, thought
the Edit'or was hitting the Board n
little hard during the past couple of
weeks but taking his own words for it.
'That when a meeting of the Board of
Trade is called five or six members
attend", it would seem that a Live
Board ofTrode was needed, and on
page 1 of this isulue it will be seen that
the officers of the Board ofTrade have
taken our v'esv of the matter, will re-
organize and see if they cannot wake
the members up. '
In writiing the local that appeared
on February 22nd, never expected
anyone to infer that we were trying
"to belittle the efforts of one of the
most active committees of our Coun-
cil," namely the Foundry Committee
of 1011, that secured the Motor Car
Co, We don't suppose Councillor T.
Jackson, who was chairman and who
had practically the lion's share of the
work, took the meaning out of the
Rene' '
The New Eva is not here toknock,
bet her to boost and we are satisfied
to let•our coital/11S speak for them-
selves as to which we have endeavored
to do.
District News.
• Miss MAelland has returned from
Little Norrine Armstrong is vei y ill
with pneumonia. •
Dr. Stereatt is able to be out again
after his illness.
A. few from here attended a party at
Mr. Wm. Radford's in East Wawa -
nosh last week.
Rey. Mr. Farr and Mrs. Farr of
Blyth entertained the members of the
Women's Guild of Trinity Church,
Belgrave, last 7Chunday eiternoon.s
The Belgrave Farmers' Institute will
hold a ineetieg in the Foresters' Hall,
li'iday evening if this week when
!test speakers wil disouss "Seed Selec-
tion" tind "Preparing the Soil." All
tai PI'S a,t invited to attend this
meeting and 8 ke met in the dime
sem. Geo. T. Robertson e3 Preeident
and Miller Proctor Secretary of the
lune' Institute.
A St. Par eriek's ROCiA I will be held
in the Foresters' Mill. Belgrave, under
the euspices of the Belgrave Women's
Institute, on Monday, Marsh, 18. A
programme of speeches, instrumental
and vocal music, readings, and reg.
tatter* will be rendered. Refresh-
ments will be served at the close of
the programme.
London Road
Chas. Wiltse has sold his place to
Arthur Wittingham of Clinton,
Willie Fulton and John McKnight
have gone to Kinburn
Willie Craig and his bride visited
friends on the London Road this week.
Geo. Hanley has gone to London to
attend the L. 0. L. meeting as a deli.
gate from Golerich Township.
Mrs, Geo. Hanley has been suffering
from lagrippe this week.
Porter's Itill
Mr. Robert Marshall of Sarnia was
home attending the funeral of his
father, last week.
Mr. and Mrs 0. W. Potter returned
home irons Woodstock on Friday.
Chosen Friends. -During the past
s: 1%aardtedre'sd1115ill100toheeniceil.ffiNano. b838r6,.
ship. This largeand unexpected in-
crease Was due almost entirely to the
determined and efficient effort ptil
forth by D. W, Ackerman, Organizer
• who spent a week iti our midst and
though the weather was severely cold
end the rads alnaost impossible
Friend Ackerman stayed right at his
job. 11 iS wonderful what can be
acomplistied when you get the right
man in the right place and we certain-
ly think in this case we got him and
,l/i11,1 01, ...... 0,10,0,1 ... . 1X1.1,1•PlrO,1141[144,1,24,
Represents thd haulm -her of it
members intim, Nyalt PamilY
Remedies. Theaffe, Its a relnedy
Inc „everything, from) ;the ,rit
treatment Of 'the hair ois.
your head,, to thd, 'corns oat,
yourfeet, and everyonegooc.1
'These are' no (secret prep-.
aration,s ; ,we can tell e
you exactly the eonapotiltion
of every Nyae line. '
"We recommend: Nyal. Pena;
edies beeans,eWe know ;they
,are stirling ,
We aleo ,carryi a full line oft
Nyal. Toilet Preparations. •.'g
'W. A. McConnell
We Should
We Must
Every yeasWe do a little
house Cleaning, and every
• year we should house clean,
our systems, to Iged rid iof
diesa,se germ /We honest -I
ly believe the best renovator
tor Ithe system/ in the *riling
purifies ithe'blood,
It strengthens the nerve faiO
Mt builds .up thel tinned.
It makes you feel fine,
W.S.R. Holmes
Phut B.
to any coundil wishing the assistance
ot an organizer to boom the work '6701
would heartily recommend Priend 194.
W. Ackerman of Midland, as we
foural him an all round good fellow.
Signed on behalf of the Council.
• R. V. Cox O. Q.
• 0. W. Potter Rec.
,aanf Mmi.1012111,11•Mitall magem.1•311101•001.111011111011
iThe New spring Suitings
for men's wear are now ika
Scotch Tweeds promisi,
popularity; we show .a'very
natty range in browns, greysl,,
and tans, from
Men's Tailors and furnishers