HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-07, Page 6e.3 -THURSDAY, MAROH nth, 191n, THE CLINTON • NW Ole Class of Goods Thal Hove Nov Ativonced fib Prite 101111OIXGX=1111:111vImlzamlromy0magvzzpmtz Is Watches, You may buy for $12 to -day a Gold Filled Watch, fitted with a fine time -keeping move- ment—as good as you would pay $18 for twenty years ago See our fine assortment of watches from $1 up- wards ; all good value; all warranted r3149r.1111=0=16151=1113e1111i1e011161131101 W. 11 llittEVAR JEWELER and OrePICtrieN ZetZ2SHM2M0350E10 DistitIct Nev Efarlock A perty'was given at the home of Mr. Bert Allen, on Meaday evening in 'leerier of hi brother, who is soon leaving for the West, Evenyone re- ported a most enjoyable time, Don't forget the concett in commo- tion with the Literary Society which will be held here en Friday evening, March I5th. Everybody welccroe, ' Miss Lizzie Wheatley spent the past 'week visiting Kinhurn friends. Mr James and leLiss Mary Watt and Mrs Peeving have returned from the Southern States, where they spent the last awe weeks. - Master Ernest Stevens and little Flo WillbArns are still confined to bed al- -Ono -ugh slowly improving. elohneaville Mrs N W Tiewarthe spent a few -days at her home, Mr, Malaths her mother being ill. The Bethel and Ebenezer Leagues • gave a splendid programme and every- body eueoyed Itemeelves Monday -evening. Clifford Holland fell on the ice are -day lately and fraettmed his arm. The service in the Methodist Church Sunday morning was well and ably taken by the Epworth Leagues. The service of Sacred Song entitled The Musical Miller," illustrated by lantern views will (D V) be given in fr St John's Church on Thursday even- ing of next week commencing at 8 o'clock. The following is the report of S S No 3, Goderich Township. Sr. IV - Frank Jenkins, Clarence Connell, Jr. IV -Verna, Jervis, Clifford Holland, Elva Proctor, Harold Levin Roy Minn nines,. Harold Cole, Sr. 11I -Milton Holland, Alvin Leonard, Daniel Glid- -don, Stewart Mak, Leslie Jen is. lila- ton Proctor. Jr ITI William Alcock. Sr II -Emily Ford, Altalind McCart- ney, Norman Mairekeed Levis, Harry Ford. Jr II-Eisie Ferguson, Bruce Holland. Pt Il- Wilfrid Jervis, Wil- lie Miller. Pt. 1. (a) Violet Miller, .Marion Alcock, (h) Willie Jervis Dor- othy Jervis, Willie Larder, Charlie Potter, Cyril Proctor (c) Albert Lar- der, Ted Smith, Harold Larder. Lel- ias Mecleicar, Teacher. WINGI1AM 0113INESS SWEPT AWAY IN MG fief. BLAZE IRLIEYED TO HAVE STARTED IN VANSTONE'S STORE AT TWO O'CLOCK SATURDAY MORNING AND SPREAD THROUGH OTHER BUILDINGS—NO ONE INJURED—LOSS WILL REACH $60,000. Winghiam, March 2.-A fire ,which ,covered by insurance. ; broke .oulf at 2 o'clock on SaturdaY This ipithe second itime the Bea- mom beg, ;and raged for five bourn ver Blo;ek hag been bugned. The swept away ,Vanfetone's buleiness present buildings, Were orteetiecl in block, comprising four large [stores ; 1677, ,atter the stares previenestneen and offices. 'The lase 'is. esitimaten the eke had been wiped oat King ,at so,00. . ; Brothers have an inesexanee, of The flee Was descovered in Knox's $15,000, and R. Vanstond 11312,000. jewelry etore by Ma nnatogle, as he King Br °times peace their lope was on his way. home. He instant- $20,000 and Mr, Valasecene. at $15 ,00a9t. le, earned in the n1ar.m, but tlie tire Chief 'VettuNarman say,s• the fire is had agond sitant, ad when the bri- the worst he has. to fight in ' 25 fgede arrived the' store -was aim:- Tema. Heenan well pleas.ed wethethe nace. The flames quickly epreacl to ;water preseure. ' King's dry good n store, Smythis hardware store, .RMII the offices of Dr. Bice arta Lawyer Vansleane. Heavy fire walls atthe ends of the buildings was allithat) saved Other buildings from emit:Ina. The fire department mei oplenclid , , , quickly scattered. Sir. ,weirk, and were aesisted greatly by Schmidt stated aftenteardsf that! he 'the heavy en•aW1 which lay on the anly had a small quantety in Cronvel Scattered. About 3 Weleek where ehe Hee was at its height, poune guar powder in the harcievare store exploded, '1 -leer- ing there might be a quantity of !the cexplasive in ithel building, the roofs around, preventing numerous staele. When the fir was at its height,' other fires from breaking •milt. The chief seeereg that thane, ,wes the a quantity of oil and paint in stock Leant wall of the building fell sent men Mend abet of it was re- eve into the( street!, A •group of moved. This helped to ,checki the firemen had &clove call from be - fire ;considerably. • ing buried. The heaviest loos .was King's dry goods store, wheree big George Heeler and) Albert Dennis steak was carried. fltir.1 King esti- two of the firemens were struck by mated his lose at $20,000. Itleen- bricks when the front wall fell met. derstood that mast oath° losses are Dennis had Mei head badly ,cult. Rev. T. J. Snosvdend paietorI- Thursday night defeated Brucefield of the Varna circuit, then perfarm- by the score of 11 to 5, thus Winning ed the .eeremanyi .of baptism upon their youngest gnancichild, Henry t'1.1;,e Stanley _League. .champiozesbin. by James Brownlee. During the eve,- ae, e nancefieici wen the fast mg a, shoed ,congratulatory; address game, 5 to 4. The Varna juniors are 'cvas eead by Mies Jean Deleon and: the other •gramdehildren present, on behalf offithelmselves and) the ab- sent ones, presented( teirst. Ivinen with a.•gold watch and chain, and! Mr, IV1S011 With eeetenef or table chair Messages of ,congratulations Were : ead from absent membersof the family, also front the bridesmaid of fifty-five years ago. After pinging "Blest Be The Tie That Binds" and prayer by Rev. Mr. Snowden, 'the gueste dispersed. That the aged ccuple 'nary long; bespared :to eac1. other and that the senset of their lives may be bright; and cloudless, is 'the wish of 'their mener friends. lonelesboro Mr. William Grantham gave a party to a 1311/11ber of his friends on 1+ riday evening at the home of Wm. Gray. Arthur Kerslake and Ada seent last week with their cousin L, Shot,. orock. Mrs. Milian, Sr., who was one of the oldest settlers passed over to the great majority last Erie ay, The flin- t ral took place on eloeday. Messrs. Brunsdon made a large de- livery of machinery on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mite Garrett had a successful sale of her farm stook and implements on Wednesday. William Ross has moved from the I3th Concession to the farm on the 10th Concession that he purchased orn Mrs Moon. Wedding Bells rang for Thomas Honking and Miss ?army Lee on Wednesday. The Knox Church Social on Tues- day night at W11 Ball's was an ex- cellent affair.. The night was very pleasant and the company large and happy, Mrs Wrn Brunsdon is on the sick het. Rev Mr Osterhout will deal next Sunday in the Methodist Church with the men and religion forward move- ment. Wedding. -At the Methodist par- sonage on Wednesday afternoon, March 6, Rev .1 11 Osterhout, B united in marriage, Thotnes flunking and Fannie Lee. -Both are well known residents of the Tnwnship or Elullett. Mr and Mrs Bunking let, for a short wedding trip.. Dr II Bell As making a visit with his uncle J Lasham and other Mends, Mrs Sinallacombe after a two months visit here started forher home in Manii etre, She took with her two of Charles Crawford's children for adoption. Ampex' ,Con the evening ofeWlarch 5th., 1912 ia unique ;galthering was held at the holee of 1Ver. and!" Mrs. Win. Ivesan, When a netenber of their) ,childrete 'getandehildren, and ether( relatives assembled eo fcelebrate With thorn Ithe flfty-fifth ;anniversary o their ;Wedding. Atter partaking of the rich dari•nties of a boentalullY :spread table, all eanaired to th,e; parlors, HeliSall In one of tlie fastest games ever played on liensall rink, Varna junitors This is a Good Time To purchase Sugar and Tea, as prices are advancing Then you will be thinking about Timothy Seed, Red Clover, Alsike, and Liwerne This is the Place to uy kha .areMineiteete ' Neureal.Faram.aas.xess. erneessaweater EMPORIUM LONDES130RO , a,A1.111elte !"-3•S unsirwrefo.....eavysexmaoyoymoierstax -erananienalwa "GOOdio ft on' and so is every cheieelvre show. You select one and have wife elect other. It will be a "toss up" which is best. You can't go amiss 011 ANY KIND OF A CHAIR in our stock. They're all good, reet so with entire stock we show, It's best in town, and thene- why "those who know' buy furniture it our place, 1-100VER'Se BALL, FATDERTAIiING 4.1th ITILIITITICE 1 a fest little bunchand play well to- gether, The score at halt; time was 4 to 4, hot tho. second, balf was a run- away for- Varna, who score 7 gods to )3rucefield's 1. George ;Mclemezie, LI, Reid, J. McWenzie, O. E. Jackson starred for Varna, while O'Neil and Manson starred. for Brucefield. Varna was without, its stet- goal keeeer; but his brother, who took his place, pia,yed a great game. The feature of the game was the sheeting of ;Gorge Mc- Keuzie andel. Reid, Brucefield and Varna taus packed the rink to tce the great -struggle, Verna now nixes Zarich in a sudden death game. L. Greig, of ()Hatpin refereed to the sel- l:e'en:on of all, The line-up : Varna Brucefield E. Wanless . gee! 3. Magee R. McNaughton point .T. H. O'Neil tn. McKenzie covet! B. Manson H. Reid metre 3.McDona1d J. McKenzie left 'B. Keiser `E Jackson eight E. Pattison o00000000000000000000-00000 ° WHO'S WHO IN CANADA 00000000000000000000000000 SIR GILDte InelelLelIi Sir Gilbert Parker, 'C.C., D.C.L., M. P. was born in Belleville Ont, in 1802. Ms father, Captain J. Parker, was a British Officer. It was from hitn that the future novelist first conceived the ideas which he has so brilliantly given to the world. In his home life his mind was imbued with stories of mili- tary adventure. These laid the found- ations for his future scIntillaainge and vast imagination. Sir Gilbert's edu- cation made him thoroughly Cana- dian, instilling in him our national ideals. He attended Trinity College, Toronto. After graduating, he de- cided to follow the profession of journalism, towards which he had al- ways shown considerable aptitude and interest. In a comparatively short time he rose high in his chosen voca- tion. At the age of 22 he had already become associate -editor of the Sidney Morning. Herald, Sidney Australia. Even such interesting and absorb- ing work as one has on a (laity papee could not satisfy the latent novelist Drawn by the lure of travel and ad. verdure he visited and indeed studied the South Sea Islands, the Far East, Europe, Egypt and what he enjoyed the most Northern Canada In his wanderings he found many of the leading ideas of his novels which have so won the admiration of the English speaking reader. Although very prominent in the world a letters, Sir Gilbert Parker had not some before the world in general, prominently, until he intatest and organize the first Imperial Uni- versities Oonference in London in 1003. Sift GILBERT PARKER It is by hN novels, that Ste Gilbert Parker has won for himself. such a high place in the affections of all Ca- nadians. His works are very numer ous and display a creative genius of distinguished ability. They aro re. plite with origionalideas and char. eater types, so skilfully portrayed, that they seene to live before the eye of the reader. Amongst his novels dealing with Canadian life and people in most famous are the "Right of Way", the "Battle a the Strong" and the "His- tory of Old Quebec.", Canada is indeed proud of her son who has done eo =eh towards the intellectual ednancemene. et his nenve land, weeenneseeneekfaeafenteteseneene , Headaches Cured, NInet,:. 1,r0, •cc,ngt or 4 Wbheeadcuf,r4)thoj!in ,...1t5,"1VIt.0 e<:k11iafYfC; nhtcebai,: 1•05.a. 1 - ' ) ,o:141.°1 ;In'f'5.-1,144 -.17.-/\ el ur n21! xf a'AlAt:!b71etly . "" (‘'...;r•''''‘) 1 *Itlit***+1,111,4*1114114 + Personal Notes 44 - 401 1± tlinqe haying rolatryea or irrienda ene• visiting in town or going away * IiigTctT\egnZgilertn ree;rneT. 11+4444.44:4+44+4444441V Mrs, .J Leslie Kerr returned from her tie° Weeks visit in 36 on on 'Tneeday evening, Migt3 Martha Dinsley entertained a few of hen friends to tea Sate' - day eveeing. Misa Fraser of the Collegiate staff has been at nee home in Goderich during ' the past .week, laid 6 up With a severattack of tensi- le:Is. Her Clieboin friends, wish to see her back to duty (soon; leettle Mies Winnifred Ham•ilton went throtegh a. slight operation On Monday last. She is ;getting along as .well as .0mi be expected. 1VIrs, Benign of Blyth is visiting her friend, Mrs. Bentley, ;this week Rev. and Mrs. Jeakins spent a day in Go•deeich lase week with friends. The many friendd ctf Mies, Haney Bartliff are sorrynto hear of the sickness of h.ersele a•nd little chil- dren. They hope to soon know they aee all well again. eirs..Tne. Johnston of Rettenberry Ste entertained some et her lady Meads to Thimble Tes, onss afternoon last week. Mrs. H. B. Combe and children arrived home Saturday night after an extended visit with Wood stock friends. Mayer and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings en tertained a number of theirfriends last Saturday evening. Miss Marion Gunn entertained a zaurnber of • her friends ldst Friday night. illre. C. H. Forrest of Leebur Sask,„ and heti ;sister, Mins B. Gi kinson of Elena, were visitors at th home of their aunts Mrs. Walter S DOW1:197 he past week. Mr. an Mem Forrest, weed have spent th vinter in .0neario, will return to th West next tveek, where they ar evidently naakiug good, as Mr. For 'est hap yet to market his las ensene grain, amounting to abou ive thousand bus-hels before be inning operations witn the ,com ng Benisons crop, efiss Lena Plaetzer, of Blyth wa a visitor in town on Saturday. Mr, Frank McCaughey spent Sun day in Goderich. Mr, Bantam Lavis :spent Sunday he guest of bee brother at Wieg- eweler and Optician Issuer oi Marriage Licenses Birth', Marriages dt Dead DEATHS. HOLMES-At 83, MAUVE, Minn., On March ist, Ed. T. 'Holmes, formerly of the Clinton New .Ha, aged 47 years. STEEP -In (Inn ton, on Friday, March 1st. Harced Steep, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Steep, in his alst year. MILLEN -1n Hullett, on Friday, March 1st, CathatineSwitb, relict of the late Solomn Mil.eu, aged 011 y eats and 8 months. CUMINGS- In Blyth, on February 20th, Wm. (runtimes agc!cl 27 y ears, WMWW - Local News MAIARRWARRPRAW SPRING SHOW. Did you mark doevn 'Thursday, April Rh on your .ealen.dar? This is the date of th d great Spring Pair to be held at -Clinton. ,This an meal ;gathering hag. hat' jeuccese wretten upon it since its inspection and 1912 should pee the biggest and beet up eel d,w ate, if eather end roads are favorable. Seventh the effloets 0± thee elfielary by talking 53 ng pu•ttingi increased "go" into it. PASSED AWAY. After au illness extending over a year Mr. Harold Steep, only son of Mr. James Steep passed away at the Prirental home on Friday last at the of 81 years. Deceased has lived in the West for the past 13 years, but re turned home last April and for many months has not been able to get from his bed. Harold was in a Gents Fur nishing Store in Indian Head and was a.great favorite out there as he was in ins home town. He took an active part in all sports and was good cone pany in crowd. Ele was a member of the I 0. 0. F in the Western town. The funeral was held on Monday after noon of this week and the service was conducted by Rev. T. W. (loser's. Besides his parents one sister survives Mrs. A. (laver The pall hearers were of Clinton lodge I. 0. 0. In Messrs Alexander, Kerr, Mitchell, Turner, Johnston, Wm. Collyer. ••••0•111119000•0111•11111/01110 • • IL WITTE TEM CHURCHES. • • • 0000•0001111•011011•0 GOO WILLIS CHURCH. On Sunday Mist mew Mr, SnIfillt Of Hensall, preached two, excelleet sermons inithis .church, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Rev. 3,B, Poitheringleam, rector Of St, GeOalge's church, Goderich. peeached 5 special Leniteni eermon an Priday, of lase week. WESLEY CHURCH Rev. Prof. Bowles, of Victoria lIn iversity, Toronto, preached; isPeeiel anniversary isermans lathe( church on etenclay and :they Were aPPrecial ed bylange congregations, The Trueteee asked for $400 to go to- wards the debit of the ished thattv,as erected. some etvci years age, and the collectiom will amount to near- ly 5450. The annual cangregational At - flame was held oar Tuesday evening and an enjotyable (time ;Was ;spent by all. A good supper; ,was served fallofwed by adportg Item ;the v erious organizations ;-Messrs. R. E, Manning and W. H. Feellyar spoke on behalf of the Quarterly Board, Hellyar taking up !the financial end and showed' that the new system of raising money lost year was an ideal one. Mr. C. Wallis, T spoke for the ruseee Board; A. T. Cooper for the Sue day School; 5-11ss Davis foe Primary aloes ;and Mr. A. Tyndall eoe the Organized Bible Clers,ses ; itir. .3 Greene s on Social Mearee of Grace Mr. 114, Rorke for the Chan ; Mr, Edgar East for ehte Senior Lealgue and 1133s,s D. Canadian foe Januar league; Mrs, Bo,wles for the Ladies Aid) and Men Shepherd far S. During tho evening Miss Gladys Cantelan favored the audience tvlith several piano ael- eciteons and Mese Gentende Chant gave a well ienderece violin 50110. The pastor, Rev., J. II. Ford, was kr the chair. HOLINESS MOVEMENT MISSION, Rev. Patrick Morgau'The Con verted Priest, has since Senclay last been conducting Evangelistic Ser vices in the Holiness Movement Mis Mon. There will he a Meeting each evening at 2-3D and 7 00 P. M. • A large and aetentive audience greeted Mr. Morgan at the Ton Hall on Friday evening last and many oe his experience in Ins evening sermons." Many who express themselves of this weeks privileges. We fear some are more eager to hear exposeres of the false faith of others than to sit undei! the preaching of the Word of God and examine their own heart to See whether they have the true, faith. Protestarits and Roman Catholics will be equally Welcome at the meetings come from the heat of one, who being himself wonderfully delivered from darkness knows well how to preach denverarme to those captivated by sin and a personal devil. Bern. L, Pala Who; has been account ant aft the ioyali Bank for the past four an five months was re- moved to th.e .Thaontof office Sat- urday. Mr. Pair willi be missed in town and his removal taken away an excellent hockey: player, who Was a ,stro•n,g player on the 0.11.A. team. We all wish him 'success. Mrs. J. Wiseman has been visiting her mother, Mrs. George Grant, at St, Maeys. Miss Lenvieg was visiting leer sister, Mrs. ReCneleberteon, at Mit then. lent week. In Walkerton the public and eeparate echolols were closed ow- ing to scarlet fever. The last case to he ;reported was at the home of Mr. 0,15, Leppard principal of the public school, 'whose 7 year old daughter Helen contractedr the disease, and the{ family -are now quarantined. Mr. Leppard is well knownin town as he and his fatally have visited herd on difeeedat ace easione With Miss; Rudd, Mr, John Emmentan, alotmer well known Goderich citizen, nose of Clinban, •W13,9 01 town this week and gave the Stan a friendly tall. He looks ais ithough "the Hub", agreed With him ;-Goderich Star. Mrs. J. McLeod) leas recovered from her severe attack of la grippe Mr. Chas. Hawke; was in Hensall last Week visiting Mr. leech. Blach- feed who has been quite ill. John T. Harland, after spend beg ,a,week in Toronto, reeureed home on Saturday accompanied by his daughter Marion, who has been there for t wot months. Mr. John Gue.siti was this week isking) antimbera of) his family in Toronto. ; Mrs. N, P. Orich ;and little daugh- ters Evelyn andl Maine Who have Tuesday foe their home at Heward Mrs. Nott, of) Ontazio atreet left bee visiting s Mies. Crich's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Mathaffy of town at- tended the fu.neran of the label John :Carmichael fat Dublin last week. IVIies Helen Glenne of London is islitnig with friendLe in town, Ma John NfeClacherity. of (bode lien was .reneweng old friendships in !eaten 'Mans day. Miss. Gertrude Laidlaws of -De- twoit, is the guest of •Mrs. A. Mc- Rae. :Me. John Wiseman paid a beef- :elesi trip itio, Myth last Thursday. 11 ;1.as. A. McRae has returned from visit ,withi her poem in Detrain rs. Sas. Tierney' of Myth was a vis last 'Week. knee ;teeth her) mother in town Plumeteel Made a business trip to Goderich this week. Mies' Eclewhe Gidley, of Blyth, was visitor InitoWn over Sunday. Mx. K•Cooper spent a few days ,with his mother ;and other relatives bit,.0oo,pe5 win leave New York Saturday for ithe Old 'Country a- gain where he is manager of an American concern •tliat Ilene offices in Engliancl. The many friends of Mr. 3. G. Medd' Will be screwy to learn that he is ell svi 33 pleuresy. Mies, •Oantelon and her able assist ant; Mies Smith, who' atte,ndgehe 1VIellineee openings in Tneoinito .ar- rived home Wednesday With a gond stack of fgoodfse Mrs, E. W. Watts returnedhome last Settle day after a two neenteen trip in I/enteral and Western Oat - 8.510 in thd inite-rests ot Panniers tn. Women's institutes, Dr. Shaw •afralf bit. :Fred jacksen, of itowne wonJ't itt Bruesels • last Friday evening attending the eamplimentetry banquet to Mr. 15.8. Stott President of) the succeseeeel Ruled Telephome Company ,centra- lizing there. The Dr. made a sp.ench euilogietic of hie end !friend Scott. Sale ot Young Cattle eteenew The undersigned will ;Sell !anoth- er load' of yorung ,catitle at the Nor- mandie Hotel otalble,s. on Monday, Maiec!li 25th, , • HOLLAND &CONNELL, . , Propr„fetOnsl a 1 Page e That fits well, looks well and wears, well, at a moderate price, is what we promise from our 'Tailored - to -Measure IVIen's Clothing Department asomeolsw aztaensexerawinsmetnnwsztomazanownsmussce This Department of our business is growing very rapidly. There must be a reason? There is, and this reason is Perfect Satisfaction One Satisile,d Customer MealitS Many More 11232310.1111011161l1M01311•1•11.69=1911110 Come in and See Our beautiful new range of Spring Cloths and let ms quote you some prices, It will surprise you how moderate our prices are for such high-class work + Easter Orders should be in at one he Dept will be rushed to its utmost at this time, an, some may be disappointed IESIZZIENOPECIIIZGREZZMP AGS1EMZV ..22I=TazteldtalIMZEMMEn Piturnsteel ros. SIVITILL P @FITS MORE BUSINESS WAstanatostrintar, KIX2116=1MansiummxtEmmm,100211==tla 09•04)160000000•00111111013.411011190 0 0 0 • 0 — • • • 0 • • • • .• • • • • • • • • kind. • • • • Speed up and get business. Better • • • your business by using NEW ERA : • • ADVERTISEMENTS • • And do it Quickly. • • • • 6 G*43mitemo66666666666641666666664,6604,666666 6o600metisieciew 6 • • 0 G e 0 • I N A few years ago was considered a 2 dream of the imagination—now it • is a reality This is an age of speed where slow : methods of locomotion give place to faster ones, • • • • Time is saved by faster trains, auto- I mobiles, and steamships, You get to your destination quickly. • • That is why The New Era ads are 31 • meeting with such success. They : always bring results of the right : • • Bicycle Business for Sale Proprietor Going West Par the /lean two weeks we will sell balance of stock, Now is the time to buy your supplies. -1. new Cleveland wheel; several amend- IIIELP WANTED. JadliSait Mfg., Co, Good positions fan clever, ine hand wheels, 1 mon fire proof ;safe dustmen,girs,Applyls,16y-etaors of age combination lock, foe sale cheap, and upwarrd All •accounts /nue be settled °nee J. McLEOD, Supt. befoee March 23rcle 1912. A. 8. TURNER, Clinton. Boarders Wanted Auction Sale Souders wanted. -Apply Anction gale 01 29 Durhaeutgradd New Era, ce.,.....,,laktuattmcm.....mutnzamaaras MuIk,0o;Ws, ell isuppasedi1to be in calf, or have nee calved, Also some heifers. Sale at Normandie Hotel items, 'Thursday, Starch 144t11. T. GUNDRY, J. HAMILTON, Auetioneer • Pro.prieltor Wanted The City 'Hotel. Landoe, require the services of two( dining room girls, also upetairel gling,. Perma- nent pasitions ;end liberal wages paid. Apply quick. A. 11, BRENER Por Sale to the Wanted manner y apprentices ;wanted. Apply it MISS CANTELOW St CO. farce, 151163 to Rag . reelEe Coasi The property known as the Mc- • FROM 'CLINTON. Queen place awned Lanclen Roadl, MARCH let TO, APRIL. 15th south antonym tonsisting oe tine , acres, containing a nine( roomed Spokane, Wash.; Seattle, Wash.; house, •gared !b•aan( and goad .apple Vaneouver, B.C.; Victoria( B. 0.; archer& Also 1 g'eneral purpase Pentland, Ore.; Nelsen, B:C. haree ; 1 clemecent Wagon* and ton buggy in goad repair. Apply, to CHAS, WILTSE, Clinton P.O. on: ' phone 17 0111 146 aaaa.lesnteseoussnemonf Seed Potatoes , Grewe by Huron Predued Con - Green Mountain, one' ef the test vairlitiee ffi01`, market' and main neap. Price $1.00 pee ineshel. ' JAS. S1TEEP, NeXe Ito Ford er MeLend'a Seed Peas and Oats tor Sale ----- The nedersigned ha,91 a quantity of Seed Peen and Seed! Cane leer Wet Appiy Itot AleBP',A.T,4igeN,Vr.A&e Linue, A! 04 X)4TX.15,015,4 .14e2011Paikt $41.75 Sae Francisco, Lois Angeles, Cat ; San Diegos Cal.; Mexico Citye Mex. $241a75 • Proper1:010inelAteinraiotuestaflota; Oho! Tap P;OPULAR) ROITTE, TO, WESTERN CANADA caicA'Ciy0. The Cleland 'nrultele Pacific Riallwar. shoritese line, faetegif time, (Meet service .betWeeu Sfaiskae ft00,13 ,fied Eldimodoltu4 Far full •partieulare and tecketsenalI RANSFORD SON, Ag•ente