HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-07, Page 5ge 4 'AIR CLINTON NEW ERA. .wieeirestimeertemeasicarresaseeirisiareeomearseuemoiseessueneeemerree Itemly-to• Wear Garments anneersereeeerazoneezenesegegenatmencesimermeerrevetateratesizasearee if you wait to buy )•our Sprirg goo.d5 until spring really comes you will be late in having them. The 'styles for spring are now on display in our store, Be ready the moment winter brake to drop your old heavy garments and put on neye Ones. RenteMber— This is the store that sells Good Goods Reasonably all the year round, 1 s eorsets We represent all the latest ileas in Corsets, as well as Dry Goods, and whether our customers want the ordinary or the special Bias Filled, Afe are at your service. One advantage of Bias Corsets they never stretch or loose their shape, that is because the seams Lre sewed in such a way that there is u� "give" to them, In additicn to being health and comfort Corsets, they are up to the last- minute regards style. Prices Range From $1,00 to $4.50 scn-n res0-62e)1, If yes vvish to improve the appcer- ance of yout gannents tmel amid thc embarrassment cf an us:hooked and gaping skirt or waist, don't fail to try Wilson Dress -hooks. We recommend Ult111, n5 tbirr coal come unhooked accidentally, are at and invisible and will outvvearseverni garments. Can't rust or crush M washing and ironing. No like books and elien or snap fasteners. Bee dozen en a card • 10C Lam and Snuill,inGrar, Black or Malta THE E.ZY.f4 BM SKIRT GUIEGE• It is light in weight and can be adjusted instantly to turn hem at any de- sired height from the floor. PRICE ONLY 25 CTS. 121.1.•1•3111110100.11.1 411.1•11111113•111411101111M1111% Elitorial Opments, Good morning! How is your con. lolifing out? Clintou has a most optimistic out Let us use our advantages to make thein spell &CMS in large let tem, The Clinton Motor Company made a most suceeseful debut at the Motor Sbows and we trust the intteduction will give them the opportitoity of proving in many Places the excellenoy of their output by large sales. . Last year Toronto motorists paid $14,000 in fines for striking too rapid a gait. SOIXI9 et them butted into more the gait. The Chief of Police thinks he sbould have an auto and we think the Council ought to accede to his re - et is not an easy matter to coistrol eartitin portion of what is designated as a sporty crowd anct often a c lab and the town to Whiah it belonga suffers loss by the crazy hot heacIness of some Irrepressible party, At Orilla the ether night when the Toronto Canoe Sub hookey team played there, some et the visitots bad pepper thrown iu their eyes during Wei alter the ma tch, •SACh conduct should be punished by the lash and every effort shonld he nade in such cases to have the perpe- tiator brought to Justice. efithe ranks .whee Eloin. Edward • Blake died. Who Wilil exnueate Ms virtues and rise/ to fill the vac- I =my? Canada isithe pooeee of hiss eenaoasall and yet tbhe Worthy exam- I ple Will noti fail to exert •a I lealthfid aind hopeful influence. Since the beetle of Waterloo rao eriltish. Empire hale {trebled exharea and to -day is Igreated than 'the eembined empires of Russia and China. The fear that Oed BrItain in a decadent Natio nl Asiaeking is the. marks ef decrepitude ox .die- ruptiens John Ball' s heare beats With a vigor that represenbs bound- ing health. 1 people ,when yon i meet them. Let ithe eu ves on yeur countenance teen .uP rather than! down. 18 shoseld molt 'be necessary .2 or you Ito ' be Poirmally introduced (to the folks every day. Shake hands, have a joke, ask albeulti Ithe boys and girls alt heme, and eveguaranttee peop/le will net go amend( ablock /to, miss. you. ;This inedictne ehoele 'be tak en regularly each moaning and we ,will 'be surprised if yoke will net add your testimonial after a Week's tele1 of it, Doret expect sameone to "lug" yoke ,aleteg all -the time et ipul,I y.olue share of the load but even up yeue Whipplettree and prove your mettle. • 1 The London Advertiser is doing a , long neglected work by pioneering a ; splendid "Stity in Ontario" campaign, 1 leis simply wonderful what our pose. eseions are when attention is called specially to them. For years the whole cry and the trend of the ernes has been ' Westward ! forever West- ward." and as a result of it this, and othee Provinces, have suffered heavy depletion of both population and dole ars and cents. Many who went West Ihave done well and the door is still wide open but while this is true all the green fields are not in the 'hese West- erly Provirmes and British Columbia. We do not depreciatc the great wheat Beide and the broad acres but we. think this au oppoetune time to join in (Me extolling of a Province which had its possibilities not been geeat and its people industrious and level headed would have suffered very, ninch more A prince .aanang Men droppedome ; •'Weeternees, evieh mere zeal then Tit uclenee, recommended sever- ance from ince Easterly poetic= oif •rrhe Dominion om ;account, they say --- that the latter is attempteng o Tule elisen ,and from a legislative standpoint hamper lthein progress. No one will blame those wholiveSia (tete West for their 'optimiem and ehe eettle sting felt over ehe rise •cent defeat of IrecilerocitY bat aevegence of ltb.e national) bend /0 %eft the cure. Strengthening ithe interpeoettnetail tie is a witser Odle to play, end by the pathway 01 brotherlhood (end fair spay a Iseater eendition. beaereved .„. seriously by [lie long continued draft made upon it. Nev life is leing stilled into tbe prodects of the emit ard, vegetable growing is taking a Pank it never bad before and our American cousins. generally on the alert Inc No, 1 are seeking the pur- chase of thousands of acres of good Ontario soil and nob bantering about the peice. Are we awake to the fiict that Coterie is the land Bowing wifia reek and honey ? lenue is no beeriee in tbe way oe the modern former in- creasing tbe rebel as of his estate one bushel LO the acre • by heti er culti- vation and the choice of the best seed. This in itself would amount to Dame sands of dollars in the reguler routine of wink. The market is open to evevy growable commodity and at pricea that eneure a good reward for the labor and our cheme factories rend ceeameries ere still recognized ae cone potent to produce the hest the custom - el can purchase. With the prospect of a new interest being taken in Northerly Ontario an awakening of the older sections of this Province is also at hand and by it we hope to re. cord such a development as has ne ter been known in our history. A few people cannot accomplish this out by tbe hearty co-operation of everybody it may be easily attained. "Stay by Ontario" is the tcatchword and the New Era misjudges the residents of Huron County and the other Counties if the financial resents of such action would not be the biggest surprise yet experienced. If you will n,ih your ear 11,e/tAAAAAI,AAAAAAAAAAAItAAAAAAAAAIAAAAALAIllei,AAAALAAAAAAele District News t lithtevale Death reale very spdclenly to Mrs. • Monday. 'She had arisen to six the" TO COHOESPONOENTO. George Ganuet et her home heve fire ahd had returned to bed, and eoon after her hueband hoard her breathing heavily. Be found her in an uncomic: The New Era wishes to 10 - IOW co.nclition, and she died in a few crease if e stale of correspondents minutes'. She MIA 45 years old, and tbroughout the cout3ty and in - her husband is serviced by a family. 'viten the help of those willing to semi in &mu week to week, • BruSeele items of news in tin, lie/ghee od. • Matters of i mpor tan ee The banquet held by the 13russels, are always weleolenh bot "Wally Grey &' Morris !Pelephone Company so are the items telling of the was largely atteneed by its members*, movements of people to end some 200 odd mutt:ere being present. from the locality. 'Pile New Era A lumber of people were here from asks that ell willing to help in other teleplsone compenies. Present tbe work, which will benefit, the' from a distance were G. J. Beaty, 'Mules, hy bringing it before the from Tema°, and K. Scott, from world, write to the Editne of Hamilton. The guest of the evening the NewEra, when supplies of Was .1.3% S. Scott, the untiring ptesicient paper, envelopes and postage of the company. After the supper, and will be furnished, some few remarks were made by the ' chairman, Reeve Lekie. the present etion took place in the form of a laege fine, easy chair. Mr. Ssott replied in a very fitting manner, and gave a de- where thee played With the Varna tailed outline ef the company sinceits team. .The score was 5 to 10. formation, The telephone was dis- Cussed ft•om many difeerent stand Dan lines is lo.id up with a slight at- Cussed such as its use and benefit to taek of typhoid fever. T Bathwell, of Stanley, has sold his farm to his nephew. Mr. Sohn Rada - well, of Goderige Township. It is a good ferin of it.)0 acres on the 2nd Cloncession. They will be much miss- ed in the neighborhdad and in the Methodist Chuteli ofour village, where compeny were conclnated. He Wee he and his Jamey have been helpful' associated with a fine beard of direct members. His sale will be held in a week, after which he will leave the ors, who also did their part. Mr. fame s Scott has placed his tinie and energy Miss E Moody hes rammed from at the disposal of the company, rend Clinton Hospital, bas his reward in having a telephone Miss Grace Murdock has resigned system of 700 libellee, and second to the Stanley school near our village, none in the province for efficiency. where she has taught school since the iVinenain summer vecetions. She leaves in a take her place, week, Miss Anna Bell Petrie will • The Wingham council, an the re. commendation of the electric light Bert ri7'092 Litslite-Fsueteriushgoisse thheeldPrliel committee, decided to make a cut of 10. Brucefleid on Friday of last week: Per cent. 50, rates to electric light l Nehite Oats, A. Watts. . R. Morrison, tiSe7/8* wingnata new has an eight A. Elcoate eix Rowed Barley. 11 cent rate, wialch is the cheapest' oil watsore Huge meeereger, B.. Mor any town at Western Ontario. At este" reed Peas, stewart, R the regular meeting of the Wingliain town council it was decided to in- Watson,: Field Beans, W. Chepmen. aungurate day power' In "Winglearn on R. Watson, Thos Fraser, Timothy April 15 next. Wingbain has two eleseeablee0e es\sVeal, aRr7w.a.3teee7lettirtely)' water powers, capable of developing 175 to 200 horsepower, so 18 10 pos Potatoes, 1. Mckenzie, John Snider, Bon to be independent of bytho power Potatoes General Crop, R. Moreson, if they wisb. A. Watt; R. Watson, Onions, Dutch The Wm. Davies Company is Sets. W. Rattenberry. Jahn Solder, starting toenake butter in Witigharn Full Growon Onions, R 'Venison, W. and is scouring the surrounding count. Rattenberry. Corn in Ear, Hugh Mc ry for cream. They are making 32 Greg"' months' contracts and intend menu facturing all the year around if they secure cream possible within a radius of 80 nines, having it shipped in. the farmer. to the medical men. to the commercial ar d eanking interests, and its social and re911111 effects on the People veto bad a telephone, every one spoke in the highest esteem of MA'. Scot!, and only had the lotelest praises for the way in which the affeies of the , auburn Mr A A Naylor moved to Sersforth loet Friday, Mr. A. V. Shackeltort has taken his place here. Mr. John Taman has moved to hit new home near 'Winthrop and Mr, William Patterson has also moved to the place he recently bought of Mr Taman, There were three car loads of sett- lers effects left here on Tuesday morn- ing, belong to Messrs Henry and Dow, Mr Tisdad and Mr James Jackson, also three sons of Mr M Armstrong left on the same date all going to the West, Tge many friends of Mrs R A Rob - erten who has been confined to her bed for about four months will be glad to know that she is improving and hopes are entertained for her recovery, Reynold Capt..f. Ferguson with his wife and Mrs. Itloorliouse has returned front their American hotne at Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Beatrice Law is now visiting friends in St. Thomas. Mrs. (Dr.) Smith has entirely re- covered from her recent illness. The many friends of Mr. Whiddon and his daughter Ruby will be pleased to hear that they will be leaving Eng- land for home about March 20: While we are wishing them a safe voyage. Another accident has secured at Mustards satemill and this time ow- ing to some heated box, the engine pounded itself into a mass of mere scrap iron. Mr Mustard is now away to Sarnia to make the purchase of a new engine. Goderich Tievinsitie Mr. George Cook is yisiting friends near Wingham this week. Mr. Reuben Johnston and Frank Whitmore are busy cutting wood for Mr. George Middleton. Mrs. Geo. Connell., Jr., of the Obli concession, Goderich Township is again confined to her ,bect and sorry to hear is not improving. Mr Hanley Ottntelon sold his team of horses for $050. That is not a bad price. A. few from around here attended the funeral of Mr Harold Steep, of Clinton. Stock Notes -On Tuesday of this week Mr. E. Wise sold. a fine eleven months old bull calf to elm Chris. Johnston of the 1st Concessicn. This is an extra fine calf and Mr, Wise has one more to sell yet, • Goderieh Miss esabel McKenzie. of London, is visiting !emelt. W. Mckenzie. James Currie, who has been at Alex- andra Hospital suffering. frotn an at- tack of typhoid fever, is improving rapidly and may be _removed to his home in the course of a few days. Mayor Reid, J. B. Kelly, E. Kelly, W. R. Pinder, W. T. Murpee and W, A. Moritoe were among the number from town in •Toronto this Week attending the automobile ahow. The latest business ventute in God- erich is that of the Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Company, which svitlopen shortly in the premises lately occupied by the Bon Ton Livery en East street The company aimeto undertake the repair and erection of all classes of gasoline engines nod machinery work, including automo- biles, motor boats, power plants end fern) machinery. Tbe manage) is I Arthur M. Glover, oE Teronto, who I has had charge of the shop and tech ui. Erneefield eel work in tee Y. M. C. A., awe The Seed Show he'd in Walker's ' school and has held positions ef trust Hall lase lc relay was a successful one, ,; „ with large English and Canadian There was a large crowd present and Tromaailutuser, of Toronto,bes been awarded the contract for 05 erection of the new marine tower /or a good display ot seeds and greens. The:fudge was a good one and all were satisfied with tee judging. After the judging he demonstrated the dill- the concrete elevator ot the Wesl .n erent qualities of the seed. His speenh Canada, Flour Miils Company. ihi was appreciated by the whole asn'ti: piles end °tiler sunh matevial wit ''e fence. . supplied by the Goderich Lumber ;eel Miss Agnes Beatty is visiting frierels -64ililn'Cieeleite7' When the to London and Westminister. is erected and the reeritie leg is ; I - ed the speed et which the grain ho ts Our Hockey Club received it big de. feat in Hensel! on Wednesday last, may he nril°adeil will h4 'greatly creesed. .ehe elevator has a capacity of 600,00e bushel. ANNAJWW.AAAP1ARAAAAAAAAAAA > • JUT' I, SpiaJ Ty 111 .1J1' Scatorth The vote on church union taken in the First Presbyterian, Church, resu I t- ed as fellows : In the SeSeiC)e, seven for and one ,against ; members, 131 for. 61 against ; adherents, five toe 1. acid five am.sitist. Thos 8m:there, who spent tbe win- ter at his hem° here, has returned o • Saeleetoon, Bev. Alex. McIntosh, of Saskatorn, Sask., is here on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McIntosh, of Mc• Killop. Mr, and Mrs. James Lawrence enter- tained the members of the Epwoeth League at their honae MeKillop. Mrs. Robert Hanna has left for Yellow Grass, Sask„ after spending the winter with her parents, Mr. tbIld Mrs. Ie. Robinson. Rev. I, Berry, R. 5, Hays and Dr. 11. E. Cooper are in Toronto attending the ,Grand Chapter Royal Arch Mas ons of Canada. • - Mrs .J, Reynolds, who has spent e the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A, Sells, left for her new home in Sashburn, Sask., on Fricl Mr, A. A. Naylor, the new princepal of the public school, assumed his duties on Friday. Arthur Mason, 'W. Cliarlesworth and W. Charters left on Wednes lay on a trip to Saskatoori. Coal is becoming somewhat se erce in town. The local dealers are des ling out their supply in small quartet es. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Arch, Chisholm, of Winnipeg, were the guests of Mt, and Mrs. Arch. Scott this week, •••••••••warnersagam."•••• P th to Health 3 The Parkyte apeelts are perfect * ty odorless end a. comfortable 3 . eystem of inside closet. No Plumbing necessary $10 to $25; Call ancl See for yourself. Byam &Sutter> Sanitary Plitittliere ,Deelt „trete eeepeett eeterefee to t e ground you will a reacts. hear lgood cheer ,andi emeetuvagerneot Ito I the tread of this forward noarch. PAAAAAAAAAAAAA6AAAAAAAAAAA t THURSDAY, MARCH 7,th, 1912, Varna telarfasteesmasersteleiteleteineesinft Suoceasful Music Popils.-At •the recent examination at the London llon- servatory of Music the nartu3s of the following ladies isu this vicinity apeelle prominently in tile honor eon : Mies Rose Elder, grade tltree, pass ; Miss Ella Elder, grade twee honors ; Miss Kate McGregor, e,eade one, bonore. These wore ell pupils of Miss Annie Foster of thia place ancl all are to he congratulated an their success. The result shows Miss Foeter to be a thoroughly competent anci pains -tak- ing musical instructor, • Stantley mv. Gi111101W, of Winghare, was visiting at the home of Mes. J. GU - MMI/. lase week. , Mr. Robert Douglas visited .at the home of his sister, Mrs, Alex, Sparks a short tirne. Mr, Alex. Thomson went to George- trown last week to yisit his sister Mrs. Je Rayner, Mt, John Halliday. of Filroore, Sask- atchewan, peid a shore visit to the home of Mt'. Th(n, Baird. NM. Tbos. 13. Baird and Mr. Hugh Gilmour are visiting in Ashfield this WleelPr.k.• Robert Baird, of Pasquee, Sask- atchewan left for Toronto on 'illeedsi y, where be will stay a few days prior DO reterning to his home in the West. Porter's Mil Mr. Kilburn, of Byron, spent a few days with her friend, Miss Maggie Cox. - Mr. add Mrs. Tom Morgan and chil- dren have returned to their home at Port Stanley after spending a few weeks in the neighborhood. Miss Walters, of Colborne, is visit- ing at Mrs. Berkes. Mr, Lorne Tabor has returned buck to the blacksmith shop again havieg spent a month at, his home In Swea- burg. Miss Florence Elliott Left for tbe West this week. Mr. 0, W. Potter WaS celled last week to attend the funeral of his -.sister-in-law near Woodstoek. teliver Tichborne left for the West this week. London Hoed. Miss Maud Wiltsie, of Clinton, was visiting on the Road Saturday and Sunday. Mr. endairs. Perry Plemsteel spent Sunday with the latter's mother! Mrs. Rathwell, in Goderich Township. On Monday evening while Pumping water, ters. Henry Peacock :net with 0 misfortune. She slipped and fell, breaking a email bone near the ankle and splintered another. We hope Mrs Peacock win soon he alright again. Mr. and Mrs. Feed Note were in Moses Township Wednesday attend- ing the Craig-Gomm:In wedding. The groom is et brother of Mrs, Non. Mrs. Wm. Grant, of Clinton, is visit- ing on the London Road this week. Mr. George Layton and Mr. John McKnight have bought the farm own- ed by the late Richard Teeter. The farm will be devided by the new owners each taking half. On account of the accident that be. fell Mrs. Pencock, the League met at Mr.Robert Hunters. Mr. Russell Richmond represented the Blyth eelephone Company at the banquet given in Brussels to their president, Mr. F. S. Scott, Rev, A Walsb is having large crowds at the revival meetings beiug held in the Methodist Church. - At a meeting of the congregation of St. Andresv's Church it was decided to redecorate the church this year at a cost of over $405. Mr. S. Mathews, of St. %homes, was tbere with figures and it is left in the hands of the fullowieg committee: Messrs, 3. Car- ter, R. B. McGowan and W. Logan, to be assisted by a conatnittee of the Ladies' Aid: It is also expected that an they arrangement will be rade for, the choir, as • the way it is growing tthheenare. will need to be more room for Inufganuon Donald McNevin, of Hoderich, is visiting friends here. -Me John Johnson visited Clinton relatives. Rev. Mr. Oluff, of &retard, preach- ed in St. Paul's Church. Miss Lula Dunhelde of Seaforth, is visiting selatives here, The funeral of Mrs. Win.Kilpatriek, of Goderich, was held to the tungan- eon Cemetery, and was largely at- tended, Principal Moss spent the week -end at his home in Arnberley. Bev. L. Bartlett is at present con- ducting One of the most suoceseful missionary campaigns in the history of the Methodist ()hutch here, se number of lonal people attended the Royal Englieh Flancidece Ringers' concert in Lucknow. Constance Mr. Martin 'Taylor, of Harriston, is visiting his unc.es, elessrs. Ben and' Andrew Sr:ell, Miss Margeref Chappel, oE Cornarty, is visiting her friend Mrs. Etmest Adams. Mr, Armsterbng, of Grey Township, has engaged with Mr. j. H. Scott Inc ue Mtrih. Mrs, tJoIan Price is visiting her sister Mrs. Dinah Taylor, Mr. J. a). Campbell keeps pretty 1)001;13'. 53s.e, Wilson, of Bothwell, anent D. Wilson. itilylointhn.deagyuest of her mother Mrs. School Institute that was held here last week- was a great success. tee would be pleased to have another one again • Thellett Another of Hullett's oldese resi dents passed awry on S tturclay in the person of Mrs. F. Milne, who had readied the advenced age of pearly • ninety years end bas lived most of the time 11 the Township her husband predeceased her a number of years Wm. Granthum entertained a few of his young friends at the house of Wm. Gray on Friday evening. Miss Bessie (eockerline, of Blyth, spene a few days with her friend Miss May Adams, Mr. Charles Stewart spent last; Sun- day with friends in Goderich Town aliPiess Evelyn Cerbright spent a few days at her home here. The sad death of Mr, W. Chiming 'has cast ct gloom over the whole neigh • borhood. Mr. Canting had taken a severe attack of appendicitis mid per- itonites. Doctors Gunn, Charlesworth and Milne were sun:maimed but in spite colaanlileodmietdoicvaieltiemid. cmouIddoDer,etinaingwaathe ias Now, in the spring season is the time when the beautiful new creations in Wall Paper tempt the home lover to re -decorate the rooms and give to the whole house a beauty and freshness that fully trans - fon -is it, We invite you to the _finest distilay of new Wall Papers we have ever shown. These Wall Papers have been carefully selected for our trade, from the choicest productions of the season, and we know that no finer goods can be se • cured anywhere.. The price will be found exceeding- ly reasonable. The New Papers are now ready for your inspection ALL PIUMIIS TRIMMED FREIE OMIT= .,===WMW}=2:===r=47211.1=60=7.141CrirMiloai.,..• married five years ago to Miss Sarah Fairsereiee who afterwards made a home for themselves im Alberta,. His death is particularly sad when they this winter cn me on a visit to their old homes to be tints endest so sadly. Mr. Ouining tees a young man of noble character, a. member of the Presby- terian Church end a general favorite With ail who knew him raid a kind and loving husband. It is a great com- fort to the sorrowing ones to know his trust was in the Saviour and be was ready and willing to go at his Master's call. We extend our deepest eyelet/. thy to Mrs. Cuming, hurnan heart c tie give in this her hour of deep affliction and to the aged -father and mother and friends of the deceased. One precious to our hearts has gone A voice we laved is stilled. A place made vacant in our house Can never more be filled. Our Fether in His Wisdom called The boom leis Love bad given And thouge en earth the body lies His soul is cafe in Heaven. Tuckeramlith Minutes of Counelh-Council met in Sea,forth ou February 1721,, as arrang- ed by special meeting. Tbe minutes of last meetings were adopted. By- laws 1.. 2, find 13 were passed, signed and sealed. Owing to oversight the council did not pay Daniel Ross for hall for nomination. 1910; the same was oidered tci be Pail Grafitti of $10 and $15 were given to the South Belson Agticultural Society end the Seaforth spring show respectively, In bhe matter of opening 111111 street in hginondville the council did not con- sider 'the need great enough to demand their taktutt attion, as every property interested. has at least one outlet at the present time arid 50 0) NviLh most, of the property in the township, The followlog changes wane made in the pathmasters : Divison No. le Ar - thin: Stephenson ; No. 10, Henze, p.•%- oock ; No. 35, Noeinan Cartel: ; No, a ; Hugh Hamilton ; No. 53w01, Sproat; ;No. 74 John Teaquair ; No. 82 .1. G. Docherty. A few 'divisions will be re- arranged a the next meeting. The • • auditoes presented them report, which was accepted and will be ready for dis- tribution in a few days. The following accounts were ordered paid : Herb. Fowler, gravel, $0 80 '• Bon thron & Drysealenails, etc., 51.41 ; W. R. Veale, printing, $2.1.40 Roger Pepper, sewer culverts 510; Edge and Gutt- eridge, cement tile, $25.75 ,• John W. McIntosh, eaditing $10 ; G. N. Turner, prepering finencial statement $10 ; telephone accounts -W. ft. Veale, printing and advertising, $3 ; T. G. Shillinglaw, expenses to telephone come neon, Toren* 57.90; Andrew Scott, auditing $10 : A. Archibald, stationery and postage, 53; John Eider, labor $ 75 • Geo, A, Sills, hard- ware, $10 50 ; Bali Telephotie Co mien- agee 53375; Stronaberg Carlson Co., telephones, $42 73 ; R. Smith, labor, 573, 50; lt, Smith, freight, 50(15 ; Bell Telephone Omewitching $1.930 29, Mr. James Martin presented a petition of 63 ratepayers praying that the council Appoint inspectors and otherwise en- force the Noxious Weeds Act. The appointment was postponed until the March meeting, All privileges a,nd permits that may have at any time been granted to ane person in regard to the placing of weigh scales on the public highway in the village o1!13ruce- field are revolted and the council auth- orized their solicitor, Mr. R. S. Hays to take immediete action to have the same removed from the public high- way. The council adjourned to meet on Saturday, Meirch lath, at ten o'clocle-D. F. McGregor, Clerk. CHOIR PARTY. On .Tuesday evening ehe choir of .0nberio St. Church With a few others to the numuerl of 25 had a "White Elephant Party" at the home of Mr. Sas, Cornish, Base line. A meet enjoyable time Was spent by all. oherty Factory tisi ck Tean Wins the Cup The hocke,y seaeon is over for ah- and did DIA W,O..i`k very hand f or gue concerned ond the Teoheriby Factoey team havq the honor qf being ;the champions far 1012 by de- feeting the Pastime Club on Mon - other season as fee asn the town lea- his naoney lanace cosesiclerable loaf, 'i got aWayf tram luta but dirty work .ancl oteesitlee caught his eye. There vas a goosi crowd present, •The New Drai believes, however ay night 'by el score of let° 4 these .garees are not always in the .The igame was east and furious but best i nterests of hockey as hard during lthe wholci game only ,one pelinge smug -Imes break out. Our Pastime player iwae ruled eff and Idea bor aetowni league would be the winneen were ()nth° fence quite to have the C.C.I. aod three teams e, few times. The Pastime Clue led pioked tip 20 toevet weth youeg fel- fat 'the first ten mennites by,a.s,cere lows around the age of 16 to 18 and of 2 to 0, hue( three misplays en let them play in the league and de - /their' part ill front oftee goat they velop junkie 0.11.A.. players as allowed the Doherty team to get 3 everyone who attendthe town goals as no lgoalkeeper Rani, see league games the0 year will know with 'two °eared players i,n front that outside of ,o,ne or two player's of him iapzid, a slip oni their pare elie (C.C.I. was, elle only team that means igoiat9, .as le did inethis game, was developing new, playees. en so feem that Opt the Doherty team the lenatime and Doherty team tiny led imeeals. 'Before hale time ehe were practically old players ;that score ,wa,s 7-3. The Pastime club could nolt learn( much more about mimed Pair Onfthe defence, but Kil- hockey, except it might be to play by played agoocI game in his (stead lsbtle ,cleaner hockey. We ,Would Kees' made a seesationalt rush jest like to see 'thee carried out text befowe time anal scored unaaoisted, year alter the 0,13.A. Beeson is over. Jim Doherty scored no leas than If ith:e Wheel teams want 'to play f puir goals by little • from fcever games let them play them, but let point. Diaper and Kerr both play- us bring up, new blood eacli year, ed abate ganael as dtdhteCa114hey ane in a fe,w years the ,Olule wOuld &nd 'Rumbal fee the Clu/s. (WalaY 5000 have excellent laye to i 14