HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-03-07, Page 211011011ING THE 11E1111E3 Of SOUTH RENFREW.
Sir Wilfricl'e Splendid Speed,
Ottawa, Mach 4. -The Liberal vie -
tory ita eouth Renfrew was celebrated
15,,,Y banelnet ghee to Hon. George P.
tempi= teethe House or COMmolla by
his eonfreres
on Saturday night.
Sir Wierrid Leitrim' diselainted that
he ,had any ententioe of resigning his
pesitiee tie leader or tho Opposition
end stated that he would remain head
ut the paety, as long as he wee wanted
end ae long as Clod spared him his
health and strength.
ail' Wilfrid presided, having Mr.
Low at his right ancl Mr. Graham at
his left, and arneng others tittle main
table were N. W. Rowell, M.P:P.'lead.
er of the Ontario Opposition '• A. B.
Copp, M.P.P., leader of the Opposi.
ten in New Brunsaviek; Hon, Charlee
Murphy, Hon. Sydney Fisher, Hon.
Mackenzie Mpg, Hoe. Rodolphe Lem-
ieux, Sir leredmick Borden, Hon. Wil-
liam Pugsley, Hon. Frank Oliver,
Hon. Robert Jaffrey, Ron. Raoul Dan
duetted, and Frank F, Pardee, the
chief Liberal whip,
After expressing confidence that
the defeat of reciprocity was only
terimore,ry, Sir Wilfrid said his health
was so spleadid that he could hardly
believe himself to he 70 years old. ere
continued; ,'There are other things
that from time to time recall the
Right of years. Yeeteeday eleaee pass-
ed to the great beyond eno whom in
the olden days was my feiend and
master. Edeveled J31ale 18 no mote.
No Liberal can be inclifiereet to 'that
event. He was the man win planted
the 'seed of Liberalism in the early
clays. None bo,t those who ,came into
close coetact with him •can realize
what he did towards the development
of those principles which we all hold
"It is one of the sad, sad things in
life that memory is so short. The
Canadian people of to -day do not rea-
lize • how much they owe to Blake.
Canadians lost one of hes-ablest eons,
her greatest lawyers, and most bril-
liant Parliamentary orators."
N. W. Rowell and Hon. George P.
Graham also spoke.
Dealing with provincial matters,
Mr. Rowell said that there was a stal-
wart band or 22 Liberals in the Legis-
lature, all fighters, already they had
compelled Sir James Whitney to adopt
thine of their proposals, and, he add-
ed, "We are ready to continue to sup-
ply the brains and the political planks
if they will but put them into force."
11, ow 1 Itch
Whet long nerve-racking days of
constant torture -what 'sleepless
nights of terrible agony -itch -itch
--itch,eons ten t itch, until it .seemed
thee I must tear off my very Akin
Instant relief -my okin Reeled,
soothed and healed
The very fired drops oe D, D. D.
'Prescription for Eczema( stopped
that awful itchinstantly; yes, the
very moment D. D. D. touelmel the
burning skin the torture ceased".
D. D. D. has been knoWn for years
(as the only/ ab,solutely reliable .ec-
zemee remedy, for it washea away
the disea,se gemsand leaves ebe
skin aaclear and healthy aelthat of
a obild.'
If you will come to our etore we
have had the agency foe thid're-
medy for so Many yearalthat We can
tell you all about 19.19, D. Prescrip-
tion and howl et cures eczema,
Or you earl get a free trial bot-
tle by writing D. D. D. Laboratories
49 'Colborne Ste Toronto, W. S. R.
'Holmes, Druggist
Toronto, M rch 4 .---:. t e as a typiesi
Whitney reply that the deputation of
tax reformers got on Saturday after-
noon,. when they waited on Sir James
and the other Cabieet Minieters at
the Parliament Building's. The Pre-
mier said the Government was consid-
ering tax reform, but would not be
haety about it. .elore than that he
did not peepose to bother about what
other provinces were doing. Ontario
could take care of her oven problems.
"We ask that municipalities shall
at their own instance tax land values
and improvements in a different way.
Every city in Canada is seriously con-
eidering, this proposition and the west-
ern cities are going ahead so rapidly
under the new arrangement that in-
dustries will be going to the west to
escape the conditions here."
This was the erux of the argument
advanced by Stewart Lyon of Toronto.
' Mayor Hopewell of Ottawa spoke
chiefly and outlined the proposition
for the adjustment of taxation. The
mayor explained that a man might
hold land ln a town or eity, and yet
not live there. The increased value of
the land would benefit him, and yet
the Municipality got absolutely no
benefit from it.,
"I don't dispute your contention,"
interrupted Sir James, "but I think
he ought to divide up with the com-
munity." (Applause.)
"That's just it," replied Mayor
Hopewell. "I don't think I need say
a word more."
Sir James asked if the proposition
was to have this new arrangement
applied to cities, towns, townships,
Mayor Hopewell replied that he rev-
ored the plan, because he had confi-
dence that the people would do the
right thing. "Experience," he said,
"was the only real way of finding out
how new ideas will Work out. I don't
believe for one moment that thie re-
form in taxation would be a cure-all
for every human ill, but I do think
that everybody admits that some
change in the method of taxation is
"Out through the province during
the late provincial campaign I tried -
and tried hard to get expressions of
opinion from individuals." said Sir
James in his reply. "I talked to friend
and foe, but could get no eonnnent
or criticism on the subject, showing
that the idea had not yet crystallized.
This is a good, healthy state of af-
fairs, and tee idea of Oontroller Rock.
en ehould not be lost sight of. Why
should we do things like Alberta or
Vancouver or across the sea? Are we
to confess that we are looking abroad
for ideas and are yet unable to grap-
ple things at home. We are quite
able to solve our own problems."
(Hear! Hoar!)
Sir James, in conclusion, said that
this matter of adjustment would come
up before the assessment committee of
the Legislature during the coming
summer and it would be dealt with
in detail.
He would be glad to again hear the
views of the deputation on this or
any other rnatter. There would be no
hasty action, and whatever is done
will be in the best interests of the
1W1oat about the ;Boost Club?
Nova Scotia Legislature is down
dlo business in ;their' !annual seeetein,
33ahama is pressing for eau/seise/a
into the Canadian! Confederation.
If the people Olathe* islaed .colony
heaed some of the remarks ,ean-
cerning them they, inightlturn pale.
90 miles an hour( was said to be
the record of ithe Igale ;blast ;blew
for )aitiree last( (week. One fellow
,who was elute in ie, pays heie pre-
pared to testify 'thee et feet for all
the world like four times thateon
360 miles in the 60 iseeonds, It io not
a safe rule lbo always be guided by
the way yore feel.
Miesouses State motto; is not a
bad one, It says "Let the prosper-
ity of the people be the supreme
law." Some law Makers get it into
their heads ;tepee party ;comes be-
fore the ,consideraticete !what ester
the weal of the people and it is
doubtful if the lefis,sourearS (govern-
ment live elotee to ;thew isplendid
Sulenesing ieellancleeneVer gelant-
ed 'Home Rule (they ,vall always be
sure els, ;good Canadian blessing
for their kinclacee in sending over
a cargo of potatoes. lee was like
parting ;with a member of ,the fata-
lly end hence all the mere apple -
elated by ns. ;They know) how et
goes to have the "shorts" on the !
,potato question.
Lt Will bee) toocl deal safer Lo
muzile Fido in good Item than [WTI
the risk of testing the 'leaguer cure
atter some 11neteber4 of your family I s
has been lelleteaa. The fact that I f
jibe name! is counted, mem freend
and often !given the best in the
house make,s hi sl presence ithet
greater menace if !the eables are on
• •
Hon, George P. Graham's election
in South Renfrew, where both par-
ties put 'their beet( into. the eam-
paign was a distinct gelee to. the
,Opposition, bye-eleefions rarely
go against elle GoVernneent and the
latter figured that teats would be no
exception to the rule. :The 'country
will 'teethe better of Mr. Geaham's
peesence Melee House,' as his .avet
and Wisdoan will Make for the bet-
terment of conditions.
A good hustling, !Weed Inspectow
in every municipailityA .who would
do his ,wholle duty, ,ould m
do are
to encourage clean farming than
all the (theoretical; knowledge that
can be po,sisesised. 'What is the) use
of air* men on) each coneeseion
determining tribe up-to-date if a
dozen de nee their p,art or if the
roadways are agenulne peed bed
for almost all the v.arietieseof Needs
known? Let us he praeticall and
Week (along limes thee: 0559004 1 ail
Possibly a meedieuen of truth,
coupled .avilth much' suppo,setion,
circles aptatement three our neigh-
bors, 1who reside on elle latnet
Mars, whele they1 mary be ecent
neople all right will never need rto
come here to compete in any of our
Beault7 ShOWS. A visionary photo-
graph makes Itheit pereonat aP-
pearanee (to eons( et of blue eyes,
long nose, heavy ears, huge head,
'bulky cheat land ,spindly limbs.
Mere is possibly itt ,chaneef of the
miter ot the book; describing the
14aeleetee being ,changeable With
lender and hablei eo an Itteltion
or damages. 1Beauty s 0111Y1 elan
deep anyway.
Thole? ;was a naceire on baud by
Po.semasiter .,Gensieal Pelletier' te
chaerg'e t3ia someevhae unmaphon-
eons name of 'Blind! (River, in Al-
goma district, to Riviere l'Aveugle,
An OW ,acidtvge 18 1115511 "Nome are,so
blind melees° who wont epee and
eleose Blind River people cleclenad
eo open theie eyes to ,sele howeehe
new name Was ppelled (and /their
ease te catch the reellifloceue French
teetered en 'them. Amidst the pre-
empt the Postmaster .well likely be
neemitted 'to use „Alm game old
We lose our( guess if "Teddy"
Roosevelt cloe,s not wink. ,at the
fellows who ,ofteei to push his can-
didature to tee Presidency, of the
United Seale's. He heti the nerve
to aepire and no doubt bes nemin-
ation wooed emir smutn big vote as
his cleterminetion and( daring are
strong pointe tlaat appeal to many,
President Taft hag made a ;good
Presideet, end will have plenty
backing Ube Wishee to continue in
ithe 'White House.
Last year the emaatic,as(ylum pro-
perty .on Queen street,' Toronto,
was peed to (the Grand Trunk rail -
:Way and Ithel MaseeYellarris Cie.,
with the intention of eel:neve-Leg the
.a.sylren. IVIany conjecture;were
made asto the( new location but
(these have been ;see to rest by the
report that Whitby has been choe-
.fts 'the Mier .of !the new eneti-
:tuition. It is a ,eacll .commentary 00
life to -day that the number oe in-
mates it eapicely on 'the increase.
Life is evidently nen( at ,to high
tension and the overwrought nerv-
es cannot 'stance( the pace.
Here's .apointer for Clinton. Til-
bury has decided that au the man-
ufaCturers olf(thet place ellen have
minted or stamped on all their .out -
not ;-"Illade in Tilbury, the Town
where they do things." Sometimes
there is considerable bosh (talked
about such. ammuncemene4 but of
this you may be.aure, Outside rivals!
wit not pull the label on for you
unless it be that of depreeia.tion,
There is no haler( in, blowing ;the
horn if you have something to blow
about-ae Clinton has -but 'without
the goods to ;shone for it the a-
lert is Properly characterized when
It is designated as "just Wind."
The level railway cros,sing and
the regular daily serious accident
or death continues while a marked
indifference exists inehe ,attitudes
of !the public; to have this prolitlie
.source of disaster removed or at
least minimized. There is no doubt
people are oftento blame in leek^
looting to keep a sharp look -out
Lor the iron horse !and custom fre-
quently allays the thought of dame
ger and possibly tends to,careleese
nese unfit one day the terribleeat-
estrophe takes place, A smarter
move is evidently necessary 00 the
part of the Government. "Going
to cla," is .13,./4. Iti1L` reaching enough,
Some people have the notion that
a Woman is tenable/ to throw
straighe or whistle boa he etgma
et the latter; is removed by the an-
eouncement of the ;appearance of a
profeesional ;whistler -a IY1.1s 'Wal-
bridge -Who, has been entertaining
Montreal audiences with exhibi-
tions of the art. It the first men-
tioned achievement is accomplished
we will be .gled 'to report it! teleo.
Miss Wale....dge puckers just like a
man and the people pay 25 cents to
see how itisl done,
27 to 12 was the vote east by the
eaekatche wan Legislature in favor
of Reciprocity with the United
Settees. It is stated tWce 'Conserva-
tives -voted .with the majority.
Business not politic.
Soneething Like A Million Dollars'
Worth Of Building Projected,
Brantford, elarch 4. -The value of
the new buildings to be „erected here
this summer will reach the million -
dollar mark and establish an unpre-
cedented record in this city.
Among buildings for which plans
have been prepared are new post -
office, $200,000; new hospital, $100,000;
new dormitory at Ontario Institute
for Blind, $65,000; new elolmedale
School, 460,000; 1IVI.0.A., 41100,000;
Brant Sanitarium, 425,000; Barber Sr
Ellis' factory, $40,000; besides 50 un-
usual number of dwelling houses.
A recent canvass among factories
shows that there will also be consider-
able clevelornnent and 6,500 employes
will be kept busy.
Complications Have Arisen That
lYlay Lead To Dismissal r",
Of Charges.
Los Angeles, Marcn 4. -The jury
bribery indictment against Clarence
S. Darrow, former chief counsel 1 or
the McNamara brothers, became so
enmeshed in legal tangles Saturday
that, according to attorneys, there ie
a possibility that all charges may be
seThe complications arose when At-
torney Earl Rogers, representiug Dar-
row, refused to accept fragmentary
notes of testimony as a compliance
with a court order that the district
attorney supply the defence on which
the grand jury had indicted Darrow.
Judge Hatton, who first ruled that
the partial transcript was sufacient,
and reversed_ himself last week, added
further complications by naming
March 11 as the date when the accus-
ed lawyer should appear in court to
have hie ease set for trial.
14 19 regrettable to find thee
the mercury laael fallen Into Ouch
seril easy Nary to lope a jofb isto be
sure yon knoav more about 111Ithaca
your boe. ,
Soothing Mixtures
Dangerous to Children
Mixtueee poed undee the name
"soothing" are upgrolly, dapzerloas
In the (life °tells) little 1011e5,whona
they are "eupposed to help. They
contain opeates and' nercoties and
any swop promptea through thee':
use es tease aleop-tol Plainer 'the
Mete one is drugged into easensela.
HAY. The only asolultely, !gasman.
teed remedy for (tittle ones-th15
only eeroccly backedby the guaran
tee gf a government analyst toseer_
no opiates, narcotic! Or other
harmful drugs es Bay'a Own' ;Tab-
lets. They cannot poseily do harm
-they ,alesta.vs do good, Thousands
of mothers have (learned their val-
ve. They help not only the new-
born babe, built also the growing
clad. Stomach and otwel troubles;
worms,' coeds ;simple fevers' are all
lanisheld bylthem andfthey pro-
mote that refreshing ;sleep so belPe'
full. Ito little ones. The' Tateete are
sold by medicine cletelees1 or by mail
all. 25 cents abox From The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Coe. Brockville,
BagHelder Saves Labor.
At thrashing time or at other times
when there are bags to be filled the
service of one man may be dispensed
with by employing the,simple and eas-
ily constructed device shown in the
illustration, which is reprinted, with
the article, from the Orange Judd
Farmer.' A hopper is built that is
large enough at the top so the meas-
ures can be dumped into same without
spilling the grain.
The bottom should
be just large
enough to permit
O bag to slip over
it with a lap of
about two inches.
Small brads are
driven into the
Matters of hopper
to project about
half an inch and
the edge of sack, at mouth, attached
to these brads. The hopper is sup-
ported by a standard attached to a
base. This standard must be just high
enough to hold the ()raillery sack tip -
right, so as to allow it to be complete-
ly filled, when it may be removed. Then
by raising up a few inches and drop-
ping to the floor the grain will be
packed down enough to permit the
tie and thus get tbe full capacity of
each sack.
For the Farmer Who Thinks.
The winter is a favorable time to
blast out rocks end stumps and grub
out elders and willows.
There are places where alfalfa and
clovers do not thrive, but the cowpea,
that poor land's and poor man's friend,
will grow most anywhere. Plant plenty
of cowpeas next spring.
Now, when the bea.vy wagon is not
in use, is n. good time to take it en the
big barn floor, disjobat it and wash it
and give it a good coat of paint. This
will add many years to the life of the
Those extra large weeds will make
excellent filling to catch the sedimeut
that is washed down in the ditches in
the fleld, meadow and pasture land,
and their seeds thus will be deposited
where they cannot develop another
crop of the pests next season.
The young man who is Planting a
velndbreak for his future home is mak-
ing a mistake if he does not include a
few nut bearing trees. That four or
five rows of evergreens should be
planted goes without saying, but wal-
nuts, ilickory nuts and butternuts will
more than pay for the land and labor.
Every day's food' is affected -or
should be -by the success or failure
of the fame garden. 31 good garden
makes a good table. "Like a garden"
Is the phrase expressive of perfect tith.
A good garden is therefore an unfail-
ing sign that some one about the place
knows what good farming is -on a
small cale it lease Many a farna
garden is the family demonstration
plat, out of which grow progress and
prosperity as well as pottage.-Farat
and Fireside.
Next to consumption there are more
deaths from pneumonia than from any
other lung trouble.
There is only one way to prevent
pneumonia, and that is to cure the cold
just as soon as it appears. Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup will do this quickly
and effectively.
Mr. Hugh McLeod, Esterhazy, Sask.,
writes :-." My little boy took e very severe
cold, and it developed into pneumonia.
The doctor said he would not live. I got
some of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup and he began to improve right
away. He is now a strong, healthy child,
and shows no signs of it coming back."
Do not be talked info buying any oth
Norway Pine Syrup, but insist on getting
the original "Dr. Wood's." It is put up
in a yellow wrapper; three pine 'treel the
trade mark; price, 25 cents.
Manufactured 'only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, out.
mutably stops coughs* cores colds, beefs
elle throat end lungs • ZS cents,
. .
If you event to have your mend
taken off (Ebel .cost of living, try
11.11e .eoef of ,shopping,
Children Cry
Ni‘,D A S R A
Who sayp the 'cost of 3.iving ie not
going clown. Look at the seven
cents (slump in cement,
quidltly stops coughs, cures eolds, heals
the rnvorit and 111.712S. - '28 cents.
A St. Lcmis; woman Is seeking a
divoece because her husband 'would
only give her kiesee in a leeter.
Yet some Women prefer mail. Ides -
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol rigstigeisnf'op
ver nerve in the body
eY tension ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness avertedat once. Plunginonoll will
-make 'you a. new man, Price Oleor two for
55. Mailed to any address. Zee Szobbox, ell Drug
030., St. Catharines, Ont.
Pride g,oelth before a rail and re -
family „alter it.
Children Cry
You were .given1 two ears in 'or-
der to hear boa( sideof every
Custom Sawing Wanted.
At R. Trick's and at Thos. Wallis
bush, eon. 4, Goderich Township.
$3,00 per thousand.
Beautiful Penh Dres.sere 19011,
15 inches tall, with eyes that open
and shut; Rolled/ 'gold locket and
chain, or solid gold signet ring
free to any girl. Sen(1 ua yo.ur
name and we will send you thirty
sees of beauelilial Eastee and other
pose cards to ser( 10 10e a set (nfix
cards in each wet). When sold send
115 11118 money and ,we will .send you
which ever prize you choose, Foe
selling 40,s10s we will give you a
rolled gold extension( bracelet. We
prepay all charges, Address,
Dept. 104, Toronto
THE STANDARD is the' .NzitiSotM
Weekly Newspaper 'of the Dominion
oe Qanacla. 111 is naeionel en an its
aims, -e
It used the meet expensive 3reee'refeee
ing's, procuring the photographs from
all over the World.
Its articles are carefully selected end
itS editorial policy la thoroughly
_A sueseriptioa to The Standard
costs 4200,per year to any address in
canada or Great Britain. '
TRY IT FOR 1912!
Itiontreal Standard Publishing Cd.
Limited, Publishers.
It's an ell wind that blows no
good to the manufacturer of ;Amen
There leave been a few prize-
fighters Who had re/tunes in their
owe right.
Field Stone Wanted.
PieIcl Stone suitable Toe road
making is wanted by the tleown of
Clinton. Price $3.50 per cord 01 13,-
900 pounds.
j. A. FORD,
Chahman of Street Committee
Logs' IV Elated;
All kinds of logs, Maple, Sof t Elm
and Baseweod preferred. Highest
price paid.
W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co,
Boarders Wanted
ee Having returned to town I 810 now
prepared to take boarders, either
ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house
Mrs. Mogridge, Ontario street
Pasture Laud
Some first class pasture land to be
sold in lots; to suit purchasers, At
tractive prices. Apply to
John Rensford, G le. Oity Agent
The Smith 70 acres of lot ember 135
and the South Emit part of Lot no, 30
11 flarOS both in the ist coneessioe of
8; anley township is for rent for a term
of yeare. This propeity is clOse to the
Lown of Clinton ana possesssion can
Ile given at once, For further parti-
weave apply to Hepry Plumsteel, Clin-
ton, OM., or eleCe telly, Boys ,c.F. Mur-
chison, Barristers, Barrie,' Ont.;
Tenders Wantrd
Poe the erection of et nne story
concrete building, 22x35 Inc.
the -goal, for keeping coal etc.
FREE TO BOW'S. •• Plans ancl specifications can he
, seen at the office of the Co t
Splendid magic hin.heen (with 12
slides) steam engine oe.(aely one
foot high) with whistle, fly wheel
and everything complete for 1100—
ning; solid gold( sgnet zeing, or
guaranteed watch free to any boy.
Send your namo and 970 18111 send
you 30 sees of beautiful Easter .and
other poet .carde to sell at 10e a
set (six cards en each, set). When
sold send 00 140 money and we will
send you which ever. prize you
chose, For 'selling 40 set e 180 97111
glee you a "Simplex" Typewriter.
We prepay all charges. Address
Dept. 104, Toronto
In the matter of the eState of
George Stirling, late of the
'Township of Goderielt, in the
County Of Huron, Yeoman, de-
ecaSed. •
NOTICE is hereby given, pursu-
ant to I George V., chap. 26, sectio.On
65, ntario,thee ,all pereons having
claims against: the estate ef the
said late George Stirling, .who died
on or about the 254h clay of Janu-
ary, A.1)„ 1912, at the Township of
Goderich, !the 'County el Huron,
are required Ito sendf by mail, pre-
paid, ow delivee to George Alfred
Stirling,.administrator of thd es -
tete of the said' deceased, Hayfield
PG., on or before ;the first day .01
Aprie, A.D., 1912, Itheir names and
addresses, and a full statement of
theie eIrdnas, ance the eatuee of .lthe
semplities (Many) held by them,
dully verified.
And further take notice that,af-
ter such taste mentioned date, the
said' Administrator ;will proceed !to
dietteibute the ,aesets of isaidess
tate among eitel persons entitled
thereto, having regaed eialy 1.10 the
claims 01.v/hie's he ,will then have
have notice and, that heevill not be
(liable for said meets oe any part
thereof so distributed to any 'per-
son persoos of whose eliaireeite
;shall not then have notice.
Dated wieGoderich, 19111 day
of leeb,ruary, A.D., 1919.
'Proudfoolt, Hays, & Killoran,
Solecttors torthe .Adminisiteator
Shorthorns for Sale.
Two choice youngboeh
roans, the hest of breeding. Price
40'Silk the times. Also some good
,elean Seed .13arley, NO. 21;
Siberian and Sensation Oats, Apply
. E. H. 'WISE, Clinton, P.O.
Phone No.12 on 155 Gorlerieh PPP.
Two Houses to Let
, The undersigned has two bowies to
let, rapply to
Jacob 'Baylor,
erlc, Ponders received up to
March 15131, next, and must be ad-
dressed to Dr, W.P. Clark, Gode-
etch, chairman of committee . The
lowest oe any (tender not necesear-
ily .accepted. Dr. W. P. Clark, Chair
man; W. Lane, 'Clerk.
Dated Feb, 12111t. 1912,
Steam Engioe For Sale
,,••• • ,•• ••191. • .
B13131.10, ET(7/.
Oonneyancet Notary Public.,
Commissioner, ate.:
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
EfurongSt., Clinton,
NotaryiPublio, Conveytmoer,
Pinancial aed RealPestate.
eleStineleenseeelaNe-neereeentlee 14 Vire Xn
aenvanee compaoiss...
DiviSion Court Wince.
40155, surgeon, Ole
mania] attention given to diseases of:tho
Ei,e, Ear. Throat, and Noss,
Eyes carefully lexamined, and :suitable
Office:and Residence,
Two doors 'west of the Connnerchil Motel ,
Matron S.
or. W. Goan. 5. n. r.. 5. It. (2, 0.. Etna
JOr, .151, Candler. lt.A,15.52,
Oflice-Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night calls at residence, Rattenbri 7 It.
or at 120200,1
ccouchour, ole,, oflico and residence on Rat-
tenbury St., opposite W, Farran's residence.
OH. F.a.Ax�lv
IX Crown and 3Bridge Work a Specialty;
Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago, and 11.0,0.8
on - Mondays, May 155 to becembe
Offieee over O'NEIL'e store.
Speoial care taken to make dental treat:.
ment as minim as Possible.
Live stock end. general Auction itr,
erne suns sales' a 041601s0) thaw 51 Ai
15525 500, orliee, Clinton. prt,mt t,y afterward
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers sale note
G. D. MeTaggeet M. D. MeTaggar
Mg`ragalaTet BLPC0E0
General Honking Duslueze
Drafts issued. Intsrost allowed on
The McfSilliop Mutual
Fire Insurance eel*
Farm and Isolated To -urn Provo
erty Only Insured.
.1. B. McLean, PFrFelscidDeRest% Seaforth
Jas. Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderich
Thos, E, Hays, Sea-Treas., f Seefteell
Watt, Harlock; G, Dale, Clinton; lel,
Jas. Connelsville;
DI Jaw
Chesney, Seafintir T. Evans, Becce•
;mon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, j, Ben
newels, Brodhagen, M. McEwarn
Each Director is inspector of losses In
his own locality,
Robt, Smith, Hariock; Ed, flinehley
Seaforth; James Cununing, Egmeruir
ville; le W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments may be „made at The
elorrisee Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cute, Goderieh.
The undersigned offers for sale
an upeight eteam engine; aboue 7
horsepower ; in good running or- JACOB TAYLOR
der. This is certainly a snap for CLINTON!
any farmer wanting power for gen ---
nal use on farm. Engine can be Fire, Life and Accident
seen at my blacksmith shop.
Jobe?, Rands, Clinton. Insurance
• Farm for Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate offset's( for sale 60 acres] -
East half 01 104 28, eon. 6, Hullett.
A first-elass farm, well watered
and improved, mad with good
buildings, Alsol the undersigned
otters' for sale, lot 29s COIL 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms May, be
bought together oreeparately.
Cottage For Sale
Mrs. Rosa offers her Cottage on
Victoxie street for sale. It is an
excellent property in a good 10..
cation and in good. repair,
W. Brydone,
Ford & McLeod
We're now ;selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hancl, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have On hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Higheet Market Prices paid for Hay
.and aOl Grains.
Ford & McLeod
-Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our primes. The very best goods
carried in stook and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Ordersena,y be left at Davis
& Rowland' s Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
At Electric Light Pent.
Real estate bought and sold
Money to loan
Office:Issac:Street, next:door ;to] New
Grand TrunkRailway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce,
North Passenger
London, depart.— 8.80 a m 4.50 peen
Centralia 9.40 5,4
Exeter 9 53 5.54
Hensel! 10.08 6.05
Kippen 10.16 6.11
Btocefleld 10.30 6.19.
Clinton 1100 6,85
Londesboro 11.18 652
Elyth 1L27. 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 7.13
Wingbam, arrive11,50 7.35
South Passenger
Wingliam, depart6A3 a, rne8.33'p na
Belgrave 6.M 344
Blyth 7.08 3.56
Loudesboro 7.16 4,04
Brucefield 7.50 4,23
8.12 4.39
Kippen 8.23 4.47
Exeter 8.82 4,52'
8.48 5.05.
Centralia 900 5.15
Londonearrive 10-00 6.10'
,Bulfalo and Gode
West Passenger
a m p ro pm pm
Stratford 10,00 12.20 5.2e 10,20
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 IRV
Seaforth 10.45 e1,10 6.18 11,12
Clinton 11,01 el.25 6.40 11.28
Holmes ville11.16 1.33 646 11.38
Goderic5.......,11-35 150 7,05 11,55
East 1555021905
am pm pm
Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.50
Hoimesville 7.20 2.57 5.06
Clinton 785 8,07 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32
Mitchell 8.16 3 48 5.55
Stratford-. ....... 8.40 4,15 e6,20
Dr. de Van's FetnaTe PiRs
A reliable Frond] regulator; neVer fella These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
"1 fgl.ctir cilig_qtrad.r.1117t "
Th. Algob;11 neve co., Bt. Catharines, Ot2t...