HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-29, Page 8Page g. 4,1-4"1•4•1•44:1"1"1":•+++++++++,1•1++ ' • ,1 ( Regular -118c, 20C and 2Sc for 12c3c For Friday and Saturday bargains this week, we are laying out 200 yards White Muslin and Vestings, fifteen patterns to. choose 'from, all neat designs, reg- ular 18c, 20c and 250, clearing at 1.2%c 15c Wrapperette 10e We don't want to carry over one yard of ,Wrapperette this season, hence this deep cut in price, all colors, and splendid patterns, width 28 inches; regular 15c clearing at ` 10e Grey Flannelette Blankets 1.15 25 only first quality Grey Flannelette 1 Blankets, 6 feet long by 6 feet wide, whipped edges, regular 1,50, clearing at 1.15 r-- 25c Band Towels 18c Two dozen only bleached huckaback J -land Towels, damask border, size 18x36 for bedroom purposes, be on hand- early for these, regular 25c each clearing at 18e 11,91111111EINIMMENIMICIIII:7 401110a 20c Art Sateen.12ic Ten good patterns of Art Sateen every design good, in all the popular col- orings, 29 inches wide, splendid line for comforters, regular 20c, clearing at12c 12Y2e Towels 15c per pair Five dozen Hand Towels, size 17x34 inches, good quality huckaback. Two pair only to a customer. This a huge bar- gain—donT;rniss it, regular 25c per pair clearing at I5e Ladies Astrachan Fur Coates 25 Ladies Astrachan and Bakaran Fur Jackets, some trimmed with Alaska sable collars and reveres, clearing at Cost Price 131€-r CL.A.tW W/1400R,11E, 1131E.719MEIEt A.:Ted-)13 111111112Z211 The Quality Store Our new stock has ar- rived, and every line is complete. Your trial or- der will be appreciated. Just to iland—A bar- rel of Lake Superior Her- rings. Also a barrel of Salmon Trout. Try them. Are you looking for some Good Black Tea? Get some of our Special Black at 40c lb. You'll like it. A trial will con- vince you of its quality. Phone orders will have our cnreful and prompt attention. &BARR Phone 111 WORRY. Weary never paid a bill, Weary never tiered' an ill. Worry never won a battle, And I'm sure it never will. Worry 'never Stopped a blow Or a kick .from some ones toe; I've been kicked( and I've been And I think I ought to know. If a clisappointment'a due: Stand right up and see it thraugh ; And remember till it happens Nothing has (mewed to you. eoseeeeeeeoeeeeo•••• e . 1 e WITH THE CHURCHES. • • 1 800064141100••••••••0•00 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. The Ladies IGuildi of St. PauTs Church will hold) their regulaa monthly ;tea, in the School mom at 3 o'clock ton Monday March 4th. good attendance is treque,ste,d dur- ing our 'Lente,n) Tea's. . WESLEY CHURCH Remember that 'next Sunday is LannivexgarY day, and that thellev. E, P. Bowles D. D. of Victoria Col- lege, Torento, avill preach. Mr. ailowles as ome of the foremeat . preach.ezs Df (the day and has had, ,eharge of some of the most prominent ,churche,s in (the eosinexion, The peo,ple should avail themselves of ithe privilege, of I hearing him. Special music., gotegamme•mal LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT: We have more Scissors and Razors than, we want and in order to reduce the quantity in these lines we are going to put on sale our entire stock. NEXT SATURDAY ad the following week At such low prices that there WOht be any doubt about our selling them. SCISSORS -Our stock is composed of all the best makes, and we h qe every kind from embroidery to tailor's trimmers, both nickle plated and japanned. A few pairs of left handshears RAZORS—We have a large range in English, German and Canadian makes, any width. Below we give a few of the reductions so that you -will see the SAVING TO YOC SCISSORS Regular 35c value for 25c 50e value for 38c 75c value for ........ 55c 1.00 value for 75c ALUMINIUM We have a few pieces • RAZORS Regular $1.03 value '75c 125 value for. ... 98c 1 50 value for.. .. . . 1.15 3:00 valae for...... 1.00 of this ware that we are selling WARE below cost to clear. ' PIRLTIND BROS. w. S. WARLAND W. I. HARLAND Stoves, Hardware and Sporting Goods + Mr. D. Cole, dispased ef Ins THIJESI)AY, FEBRUARY 29.4,1912 , ... clNTon• wiARIOLirs' + and ticxt.. to IviN Charles palter, who' . Egos a.„......,a,ae,e,, 34 ace .35 . aa reoent1y moTe., ,1.13, rota,- .,Gioderjch• IlaulEter . ' • • ' 1 30 toe() • .1*. ateavaiShip., e • • . , i . '' '' . $6 50 4. • - ' Wheal' ' •'' •••• - .'' 9.2tor 95... - +,' .L.OST AT SEAF0,11'131, . 'Pats ••••••' 4`,.."..). 43 iti0 99 • .'rl'he'IC; 0.3. ' t &mill lvv,e1111' to Sea (Begley •,... ,.a..; 70 ita 80 '1.: ' iortb on Tuesday nig,itt audloot to , Peaa,...a., ,..a. ,...• 80.Ito 25, ' + the Higli-Seho.ol Again by.a score . .Shorts a a .... „..$28,00: •it' I of, l-2.,' A good) rune Was played', . . , , , , 1 ....+4.4444., +.1. 4.4. 4.+4.4.+4..a 1 ENGAGE1V1ENT CAI\TCELLED.• 44aaa ;The English Eell Ringeta WerGu • . . am' arnet a (staff peapositton last ,Week 1\IIN011 LOCALS, Need any more coal this winter? Feiday is the first day of afarch. The weather men ought le DLit on the soft pedal pretty oon. ANOTHER RUNAWAY. !Tuesday afternoon 'sleav'two yo -ung ladies have a fast ride ,up the main streiet, !Me hollge (wee ;caught ,up • the street. The young lady driver was making a good' attempt .at holditla the Muse. BAPTIST CHURCH. The services on Sunday were well IN CHARGE F.013. 14 YEARS. Recently the •Winghaml Advance cornphielted its fourteenth year undter the proprietorship of the pre,sent . mindgam . The l was employed as a editor, 'The Advance is, ,without I domestic and War highly -spolken exception, one, of the beat (Weekly of. She .came to Canada .about 4 ' When ItheYlrad tatoa • panacilam winter ;Phea, opany is trying( to come albeit mon(th tItg, suitable date cap be arranged. • A RUNA‘WAY. Sunday morning the horse at- tached to EaBlackee's railk (sleigh decided' to ,break aimining record. belt Mager 'Willie Blacker }stayed with the sleigh and hung on. The, horse was .stopped after travelling five OT six blo,cles, TAKEN TO .GODERICH. A young English( girl wata taken to Goderich, on Tuesday, awing to her suddenly going( omit. of her journals in Weecern ,Outariojan we trust that' it will !Atm continue to meet .withl success. L113RA1tY CONVENTION WAS POSTPONED The third annual meeting of the Stratford District .Library Association slated to he held last Friday morning in the hall of the Stratford library,, was postponed owing to the non- appearance of any out-of-town (dele- gates. BACK FROM NEW YORK. Mr. 'Percy Towne cutter for Toz- er & ,Brown, ,arrived back to -day from New York where he has been looking up the new spring (styles. Mr. ToWne no doubt, will be busy Mow with the .coming spring trade. A LIVE BOARD OF TRADE. The people can1 always obtain what they twantl if they want it attended th • , , e• past oe preae ling very helpful sermons. B. Y. P. Y, met on Monday evening, Rev. Mr. Wylie opened the meetingland Miss Delmage gave a very interesting paper an The Christian Work of the Converted Indian." On ' Tues- day evening the Ladies Mission Circle met at the home of •1VIrs, Thos. -Watts. Services next Lard's Day as usual. At thet close of the evening service the ordinance of Baptism \vill be administered. ' ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. The Citizenship department( fur- ished ,applendid programme it the Epworth League meeting, on Mon- day evening. Mr. C.E. Dowding held the audience spell -bound while he delivered ,athoughtful a.ddrese on "Our Banking Institutions." The (beautiful quartette entitled "Some- body Cares," was wel lrendered by Miss Lucy .Stevenk, Miss Grace Walker, Mr. 'Gordon Tayier and IMr. DeWitt •Cosenad and Mrs. B. J. Gibleings delig•hted all present with pne of her best ;sales. The Monthly Consecratioal Meet - ling will be held next Monday even- ing. • • .,'The pastor will preach next Sun- day. Fellowship meeting will be held in the lectuire room edinmenc- ing eat 10 a.m. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. 'Penned uptwith seventeen Cattle in a railway van, let, ;Clinton, o:n Saturday, the llth of Peb., one Of the ,eadest dayof this 'winter, two calves ;suffered terribly in Pransit. On he tarrival af the -car alt Toronto on Sunday. morimg, a constable found one of the calves deaid, and itthEk other in sueli a con- dition it had to be as,sisted tout of the oar. There,mas n:o partition between the galvee and the cattle, and no proiteetion from the cold. The shipper was fined $10 and coat, months Ago. I( is believed! that she .was subjeal these !spells in the ,Old 'Country.. MRS. SNOWDON DEAD. After an illnees extending, over many years, Mrs, (Rev. Snowdon Paesed away attain Methodist pat- sonage, Varna, oin Saki/rd.:4p. -The 4funeral was held) on Tuesday, the teervice altithe house being conduct- ed by Rev. Mx: Greene, of 'Clintaii and Rev. Mr. Johnston, 'Presbyter,. Ian minister of Varna. The; inter- ment Was made at Clinton temetery and the serviceS there ,were eon- duCted by Rev, 3. E, Peed. To Rev. Mr. Sneavdon, and Mie,s Snow- don,. the sympathy. of their many old friends is expressed. STATUTE REVISION COSTS $148,084. The Statute Revision Commission has cast the Province to date $148,- 084,15. This information was given bad enough and are persent to Mr. Proudfoot last Friday alter - enough in their :appeals( till they noon by the Attoaney-Generae in obtain that fox which they ask, la ,answer toaeveral questions put on (they ,want aLivd Board of ,Trade e the order paper by the member they can have, It. They have only 'foe Centre Huron. The Revision to ask loud enough and long enough. A FORMER CITIZEN DEAD. The New E'ra received word this week that William .Croes, an old resident had passed away at Bay city, Mich, on Feb. 14th, Mr. Cross went to Michigan in 1885, Tie is ,survived by eleven children. Mr. Cross came to Clinton fifty years, ago and sunk the fiest salt well at S•tapieten. The old friends who remember the family ;will be sonar to hear (Lathe death oatildr. Cross. allJEON PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. The .annual public school promo- tion examinations will begin March 281h, 1912. Papers will be prepared for the junior and senior ,second and third andl the •junior fourth classes and kcopy will be sent fox each pupil. The teacher must not- ify their inspector! before Meech 91h, giving the) eumber of papers required for eachl class. The par- cel. of papers will be,eent to the teacher by mail •abottll March 22nd, as well as full instructions for con- ducting the examination: ' DO YOU TAKE THE HINT. A subscriber once received a dun through the postoffice, and it made (him Mad, Be went. ;to see the edi- tor who showed him a flaw danao(f his own—one for( paper, one for type, one foe fueland several ethers "Now" said the editor, "I didn't et mad when these came because Conimis,sion of 1887 was appointed on December 11,1885, and complet- ed tts 'week on December 20,1887; the commission ,of 1897 \vas aq- pointed April 21,1895, and finished its work On December 20,1807. The -cast respectively in thesel casoi was $79,942 and $76,936. The,an,saver stated that the( goemnission would Probably reach an end, of its labors this year. MORE TEACHERS. A circular leter from the De- partmen af Education is in part as follows, "About 1100 legally quali- fied publhic school teachers will graduate from 'the 'Normal Schools and ]faculties et Education at the end of the current sessions,. Of thee about 200 are holding, second class ceutificaets, with at least one years experience, will be available im- mediately alter Easter. The re- maining 000, holding first and ;sec- ond class eetitificaites, will be avail- able after midsummer. All of the 1100 have pled,gedi to teach in On- tario for at leas ii the fiftt year of their teaching experience( and un- der the reguiations are •entitled to a preference °yeti teachers with lower qualifications, AN IMPORTANT •CHANGE. Absolute control over the vacci- nation of children, whether in pub- lic or private schools, .will be hand- ed over to the) Medical Health Of- ficers, local Boarclat of Health by legislatio,n introduced inthe Hose by Pion. W. J. Hanna. The bill is I knew 11111 I had toolo was ..Ita ask known asithe vaccination! act, ,coine, and( help me nut and then CcOmmenasisf,;idolu.n ,ttwhie‘th o%tealtoer several reliable ge,ntlemen like you two lan- (I could sebUe alt of them." When portant changes. Sections 16 and the suhscriber saala hoev it was he 17 in the aid act have been omitted relented, paid up andl renewed for •entirely. The first provided that another year. it should be lawful fox (school trus- tees to enforce the production of a TWO MILLIONS FOR HYDRO. certificate af vaccination before al- SupplementAry estimates for' the lowing children Ito attend school. fiscal year ending( Oct. 31, 1919; The foillawing section allot 17) con - were presented to the Legislature taping, a provision tha.t 'where it iv Sir James 'Whitney, in the ab- neceesary by the Medical Health (Bence of Hon. A. J. alathe,son, Pro- Officer, owing to the presence vincial Treasurer, who in ill. In- smallpox, he may require at certifi- jeludingk grant for the extension of cate of vaccination front pupils alt - the line ,throughl Huron, Grey and tending high sahoals, collegiates, Bruce, and $2,000,000 to the Hydro- And universities. Electric Co,mnils,sion, the) supple- mentaries total $4,0777,454.18. The BEOTHEE DEAD. main estimate,s, presented during the lest oessiox( ol the Le,gisiatuee, celled for an expenditure of $8,090,- 911.66( so that the total eatiaaated expenditure for the current fiscal year is $12,168,365.84. In addition to this imam, furthea supplementara estimates will be presented( during' Ike sessio,n, bringing the amount uP to several huadred thousand dole lees Mote. , I 1 . 'PREMIER lY4cBRIDE of British ;Co- lumbia, who igocirl to the people on the 28th of :notch, With a rail-, Irs'Y PO4s9. ' ; FATHER DEAD. The funeral al Mr, Bentamin Kaiser, ote of the pioneer residents of Bengali, was held Monday after- no,o(n to the 'Union C•emetery, 'and wao laagely .attended. Ant impre,s- sive iserviee.;Wael conducted at the hawse by Rev. Mr. •DohertY, Iof the Anglican Church. A large number , al very beautiful Ilona tributes were received from; .frileinds throughout the dietriet. Mr. Kais- er was in hi4 84th year,. and died 00 Saturrday (at lab( home after a Very brief illness. Prior. to cam -1 lig to lifens,all„ he:kept'. a hotel at Eaucefielel. He ,was born Feb. 22, 1828, in the toiwintihip) of York on the old town linebetween Vaughan land York; 12 miles north of Tor- , onto. In 1858 he aneevedi Timm' County, sealing in Tuckeremith, TOwnship, where he carried on a blackstrathing, butsinese far 25 years Later he came tballeas,all, and as a contractor built manyl places here.' When a young maitrAlr. Kaiser took part in the Fenian: Bald and he had many Stirring reminiscences, tore - late of that and other happenings. of the early days. Besides histwitte, 'Mrs. Margarrelt Kaiser:, he islauttiviv- ed by five sons and fontidaughters William, of Angeles; Joseph, , of Caron, Sask. Brigham, oif Clin- ton ; John, of ,Brucefield; Albert, of Winnipeg ; 'Mrs. Meddlaglu ef 'Pell - Otani Mich. t Mao. J.'Zeuth, anim- a:all and Zlieset0 Ciantrude and Lot- tie tattle:rime. Mrs. S. Strang, algiStei iI3 7,74 years : of age. !Eighteen grandchildren survive. Katiaer I° plain Pen For 25 cents SZIEBERNBErffint A new one and we think a good one. It is called the "‘ArritexPiway" and it writes right . away a feature few if any pens at this price have. . . 1 Another splendid feature is that points may la:: so easily changed when a new one is required. It wont blot and it can't clog. Its the best we know at the price. Extra points Lc each: Often the eheapest—Pilways the Best =mu j TheWe De Fair eo• DOING BUSINESS. Thursday morning brougha in tWo more orders( for the Clinton lalatos Oar Co. One was a three - ton truck for Owen Sound; and the other Was a delivery van for alarm - dry in Toronto. Up to Wednesday I evening over 71 enquiries( have ' been received at 'Clinton, asking I about the machine g that are mar..e here. Does that look like businese? Let every .citizen; boost. COUSIN MARRIED. From the Fordavich) Record we take the foliowing eveclding notice, the bride being a cousin of Mts. J. Hartley:—Phe home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Soithera.n, 6,th coneHowick, was the scene of a very pretty -me_ ding .011 Feb.11th when( their only daughter, Nina M. ,wae 'united in marriage to :Mr. Marshall' Atm - strong, a popular young man of the same locality. At four o'clock, while the strains t of the wedding • march were being renaceed(by Miss Hazel Spence, the bridal party teak their place in the parlor. ,The bride was charmingly dressed in white silk Bolienne,• trimmed with white satin ancli all over lace, aticl. carrying a beautiful bouquet' of white roses. The ceremony was perforMed by :the Rev. BA. Kind - 01',, rooter of :the Anglican Church, Fordwich, inthe presen,ce of over one hundred •g•uests. After hearty cougratulations to the bride and groom, all proceeded to the din- ing -room Where :a daint y wedding dinner was provideclt by ;the hoot and hostess. ;The, tables were art- istieally decorated ,withl carnations and smilax. The toast to the bride wo s proposed by Bev. 13: A. Kinder, the groom, being. called upon, re- sponded in a very able manner, saying he was the resipient of a real Valentine, oust of lifoNvick's best young ladies. A pleasent evening was apeat in music, :games and social conversation. The gifts were numerous :mill costly which .testified -the high( esteem in ,whien the young .co,uple are held. Guests weee present from) Clinten, Palm- erston, Harristo'n, Wroxeter and Wingham. The happy ,couple leat on the morning' train for Toronto and other eastern' points. ,The bride's travelling suit heing a navy blue with hat l to match, with white eeesseeeeesemeeeeesseeeee- r•SLIA 'S ot • • • • SCI1001! 1114 of Toronto, operated by the Oen- • tral Business College of Toronto, • 2 train young men and women for "6 office positions. Why not get p your training under "Special- -• 0 ists"—some of whom are well- 0 Sknown authors of commercial • text books? We have students • • in attendance from Halifax to 0 The following refers to 0. brother Vancouver. Send for free cata- . of Mr. D.Priori itawn, who died • logue to W. H. Shaw, President, in Exeter, on Feb. lath The f el- 0_ Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. • • loWing is taken llama the :Tintes•.— One ,atter another( the older resida 00000000.00111011)08000000.90. ents of our town are pas,sing away Central Business Colleot Stratford, Ont. Our classes are now larger than. ever before but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for a few more students. You may enter at any time. We have a staff of nine experieneecl instructors and our courses are the best. Our graduates succeed*. This week three recent gradu- ates informed us that they have positions paying $65, $70 and 2125 per month. - We have three departments,OommeicialaShort- hand and Telegraphy. Write for our fiee catalogue now, ID. A. MoLachlini PRINCIPAL plumes. 1.After their return Mr'. and Mrs, Armstrong will take up their residence in :Carthage, Perth county, where the groom is com- petent cheese maker,: will take charge of the Carthage factory. MINOR LOCALS. "Stay in Ontario" is slogan avhich Ontario farmers should hear and hear often. demand for 50,000 men for rail- , way construetions in Canada is one of signs of a good year. The early Spring robin is being looked for. Stick a pin through the cork of every bottle thatcontains poison, when seek ing medicine in the dark. and the:a Weel4 we record the death at Thamei.s Prior who died at- his 'home on Elisabeth street Ion Friday last alt the age 01 69 yeara and 4 months. The deceased had not been well forl some time. About three years eget he was kicked by 41. set in and (since 'that he gradually Did You Ever Think a horse andl had his arm, betaken 4. and shartly afterwardal (anaemia + aeoe weaker although. being able to get around until about four -weeks •atgo wheri he NV aIS coanpelled 4, t o take his bed. The decea,sied was + been in Devonshire England and 3: SATURDAY NIGHT THOUHETS, Who takes the. fine.st things I've got, And puts in 'stuff to make thein Tot, Then Swears' she didn't-Tsurely nolt—? My laundress. Who lases handkerchiefs with lace, Brings cotton loine,s back in their place, And talks me down with ismiting face? My laundres,s. Who shrinks myflannel one by, one, Until they'd fin my infant son? Whu rcakes the slowest colors run? My launclrees. Wha fades my ,costliest linen gaWn? Who, ,changes pink to dingy brawn? 'Who firmly ,calmg my temper dawn? My larandreaa. Who eleaus my puasel out every ' week? To whom 'must I politely Ispeak, And humbly turn the other cheek? My eaundreas. Who late melee) wondrous 'cleat Alt dread of lo,sin,gt her, I eact tremble at the, autloiok drear? My laundress. came to Canada in 1854 With his 4, -parents and ,family of three broth- + ers and one ,sister. They (settled t. let Saiiithwold, neer St. Thomas and .1., six yetans afterwards they Ramo to Esellaorne oettling on the 2nd eon- 1: cession. He was (maxried to Rhoda .71. Buelein ,Who peedeceased him and a.. was survived by three small ehil- + dren. In 1881 he Was married to Susan Cuclanore, hite bereaved iwi& ow, For number of years he con • - ducted a butchering business in t town' and later went into hog-btiy- + 4.4.+ lug land assueb. ;was widely known thrOughout this district. He was a men -ibex of the Methodist Church for n,early_40 years. 1T'hosei Who survive him, bestitieS his sorriowing widiclmri,o, Mrs. Relit. Sweet ; Nel- son and ilermain,. Peatage La Prairie; Mrs . Kay.: af Mrs. B. Beebe, of RidgeltoWn and I Olive talthorne. The funeral 1was + held' Tuesday feorm the James, street + Methodist Church and VIM ton.. ducted by the Lo. o. laaisiatect by Ildsr. John Ball, of Oil Springs + The floral tributers were very laleau- * tifull and (consisted( of ,wireathes from the family. The White Pack- + ing okSkrialttordt *he I.D.O.E. and Ithe ,besides 'several 4. wins a lifelong Mepxben afthe Atig. spurs. The interment took place liettn ChArrth. , tett e Expten tertietiery. How easily a shoe could be cheapened. Cheap Linings, Innersoles made of pasteboard Eyelets that, are not fast color. Imitation welt in place of Genuine Goodyear—given a high finish which soon wears oft. None of these substitutions are easily detected bY.the average purchaser, yet they make a world of difference in the comfort and wear of a shoe. While it costs more, we watch these points in ,our shoes and have them rriade as they should by made. We sell only shoes that the manufacturer is willing to;stand back of with a broad guarantee of Satisfaction. Wear a pair, then you'll know * why our customers are Satisfied Customers. 441 4. .1. + 4. 4. 4. FRED JACKSON EVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR a++.1.4.daHtfieleleiellaffeL444-1414.4+11.+:14-1.+,+++++++++++++++++ 1