HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-29, Page 5X, 4411.113SDAY, VEBBITARY 2941,1212., THE CLEANING Tn14 oUNTIDN N QF WATCHES With us is Thoroughly Done. mama. Each timepiece is taken entirely to pieces, and _ each minute piece is con- scientiously cleaned. This takes time and much care and although everything else is now higher in price we still charge only a dollar. Trust Your Watch to us for Safety and Satisfaction. Repairs Sent in by Mail will have our careful attention. IIMMIZITOKIIIIIMIIIMMINEmmatnawastRat W. 11 11EUVAIR JEWELED and OPTICIAN gr=mamengaza +++++++++++++ +4. PERSONALS. • tt is the desire of the 4 - publishers that all should + • take an interest in this t column of TEE NEW * If you have friends + visiting you, or are go- • ing away for a trip, leave t word or send it on a post Z + card. ++• +++++++++++++4++++++++++ Mr. and Mrs. Doig have returned from Toronto where they have been visiting the latter's parents, also at- tending the big temperance conven- tion in Massey Ball. Mr. Wes. Newcombe, of Fort Wits liam, was in town during the past week. Mr. Jas. Livermore has been confin ed to the house with an attack of lum- bago. We ere glad to he able to say he is again on duty at the Organ factory, Rev. Mr. Wylie was et Listowel on Wednesday of this week attending the ordination services of the new Baptist minister in that town. Mr. Allan Rayson left Monday for Windsor where he has a position. Mr. and Wire. Rayson intend living in Windsor in the future. The last wishes of • their manyfriends here ac- company them to their new home. Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart came back from Toronto on Friday last and is now busy packing up the furniture to move • to Toront Mr. James W. Butler intends return ing to the West on Monday. His old friends wish him all kinds of luck. Miss E. L. Holmes, who has been with the Massey -Harris Co. at Regina for nearly two years, has taken a position with the Sterling Securiti es Co,, of Edinoeton, of which Mr. George Emerson, formerly of Clint on, is the Manager. Miss Holmes is a daughter of Mr. Robert Holmes, form erly of Clinton. Mr. Craig, of the Motor Car Co. was in Toronto iast week. Mr. Brown, of the Clinton Knitting Co,; made a business trip to Toronto last week. Dr. Gunn was in Toronto last Sat- urday. Mr. James Fair took in the Auto show in TOr0Dto last week. Alderman Thos. Jackson, 'made a flying visit to Toronto last week to • visit the auto show. Mrs. JamiesNott vvIa6h'a'a been'aleita" • hag with her daughter, Mr'e• Wma Grant, returnell to her home on the London Road on Wednesday, Mr, and Ittr. Mel:Knight sire of the London Road, are visiting witk relat- ives and friends in tow, ` Mr, Chester Copeland, mail clerk on the London trail"' has beep laid aside faona duty by that painful affliction knovvn as inflamatoey. rheumatism. Mrs. Andrews returned to town af- ter a six weeks' visit with her daugh- ter in Cleveland. " Reeve Glenn, �f Stanley, is in Toron to representing the ;Jaunty at a meet- ing a the Association for the better ment a Oonsunaptives at the Prince George Hotel. Ile wili also attend the Good Roads meethig held in the Prince George betel in that city. Mr. Glenn is not the (Jo. delegate, but itakes an active interesb in the Good RoadseMovemen a Last Saturday evening at Toronto e Miss Eileen Hoover daughter ot mr. and Wits. J. B, Hoover of town, end a pupil of Mr. Frank le Blachford, gave a fine violin number at the recital given in the hall of the Conservatory of Music, by Dr. Albert Ham. Miss Hoover's many friends will be glad to hear of her success. aVir. W,allter Gibson( of Sealearahe ,Who has been laid up With pleurisw, ' is able to be out, and paid hits friend, Mr. Jame a Butler, a vlsit on. Wednesday. ' Births, Marriages tk Deaths BIRTHS GOULD-In Olinton, on, Sunday, Webruary 25th, to Mr, and Mrs.,, Harry Gould, a son. WILTSE-In L,ondon, ,on Feb. 23th, to Mr, ,an Mrs. G. H. Wiltse of WilluiPag, a daughter. MARRIA GES 'REID-REYS-In Stanley, on Tees - day February 27tb, by Rev. T. W. Oosens, Miss .Annie, eldest daughtee a Mr and Mrs Wm. Keys, to Mr. Tames A Reid, of Carinclat Sask. . DEATHS. JOHNSTON-10 Clinton, on Mons dew February 20th, Charles Johnston, aged 75 years and 5 months, KA1SER-In Henaall, on February 23rd, Benjanaen Kaiser, aged 8a years COLE -In Goderich Township, on .Tuesday, .February 27th, Winiam Cole, aged 80 years, 8 months and 20 , Mr. Graham's Place hi The House Sir Wilfred Has No intention • of Resigning—BanqUet to South Renfrew Victors. Ottawa, Feb. 23, -The Liberals of Parliament will tender a banquet to the victors of South Renfrew, Hon. George V. Graham and Mr. Thos. Low, on March Mr. Graham will probably take hie seat in the Commons a week from Monday next. He will, as has been already announced, be Sir Wilfred Laurier's deskmate,taking the seat which has been left vacant for him since the opening of the session. ' The stories printed in the Con- aservative press to the effect that Sir Wilfred would now retire from the leadership in favour of Mr. Graham are, of course, utterly without foanda- tion, The "Old Chief" was never in better fighting form, and with Mr. Graham as his first lieutenant will continue in the leadership. Active organization work in every Province is under way, and when the next Plee- Lion comes, probably within the next two years, Liberalism, under its pre, sent leader, will go into the contest with a far better organization than was the case lett September. Much Wheat Still Held in West Statement SSued by NOrthVVeSt Grain Dealer's Association. Winnipeg, Feb. 23. -The following statement has been issued by the Northwest Grain Dealer's Association. and covers the three weatern Pro- vinces. The report is dated Febru- ary 22: - "What inspected to. date, 91, 519,- 000 bushels "In transit, not inspected, 3, 6000,000 bushels. "In store at county points, 21.000,- . 000 rbushele. • ''Required for cant -dry mills, de. This is a Good Time • To purchase Sugar and Tea, as prices are advancing; Then you will be thinking about Timothy Seed, ked • Clover, Alsike, and Lucerne ' This is the Place to Buy 411021:6112101011161311O2r4111:11g Re ADAMSLO MINIM -.re • ese .1ress,e Isnolawa 6%004 fo. MI OP, and so is every cheirl]we show. You select one and have wife select other. It will be a "toss up" which ie best. You can't go amiss on ANY KIND OF 4 CHAIR in our stock. They're all good. • Just so with entme stock we ' show, It's best in town, and • that's why 'those who know' buy furniture at our place, 1-1()()V__ ER & SAL L •UNDEDTAKINO AND PIIIINITIIRE imeamerimemeismenermw c.4 , Eleaida4che6 Cured. • Niue1Y•per cent: of, , hew:1401*a ore caused Ety, irnperfoct eyoo; We coo permouchth, cure oUcf, •hoodoOhel, • , with &moues., • wo• wuaree e sena ;your WITOrMY., • Gri Jeweler and optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses 000,000 .bushels.. "Required for seed and feed, 24,- 000,000 busbels. 'In fanners' hands to market, 33, 000,000 bushels. "Tetra wheat crop, 179,110,000 bushels. "Oats—Inspeeted to date, 23378, 000 bushels, • "In store at country points. 7,200, 000aushels. "In farmers' hands to market, 21, 500,000 bushels, "13arley---eInspect to date, 4,056, ,000 bushels. "In farnaers' hands to market, 2, 000,000 bushels. ' "Flax --Inspected to date. 3,012, 000 bushels. 'In farmers' hands to market, 3, 000,000 bushels, "Reports indicate • that there is about 10,000 bushels of grain yet to be threshed, and that less than 30 Per cep t of the fall plowing has been done" District News. Zurith The Molso,nis'Bank, evhich opened a branch in Dashwood ,about a, year ago, following Ithd failure cif' the Farmers Bank, last ;week closed its office there as theid businese bad not been satisfaetoxy, and the pro- spects, toe the future Were none tho bright unless a geed percentage comes from the Parmees 'Bank liquidator, but nobody can tell haw much this wi1j be or how isloon tt will be. The FarmerBank, it es eeported, had about $100,000 on de- l -melt at that point, and f or a bank succeeding tthem there was little money to be deposited, Having no bank in Dashwood will be an inconvenience, ,as 1 or ovea 20 y.eare they have had, this laccounmodatoin including four banks, two of which failed, the Sovereign' and Farmers. Previous to this 'Mr, jes. Snell had a private bank. Drueefield Dan Ross has returned from Dray- ton. where he has been working on the flax mills. On Tuesday next the Presbytery will meet in the Presbyterian Chums, when the calls to Rev. H. Wood, of St. Thomas will be considered also the call to Clinton congregation of Rev. Mr. Grant. Miss Eliza Moody was operated on in Clinton Hospital last week for can- cer. So far the patient is doing well. Mrs. V. Diehl attended the funeral of a relative in Zurich last week, The voting for Church Union in the Presbyterian Church was 125 for Church Union and 28 against it. A large number did not vote. Miss Pannie McKenzie has returned from London where she has been for some weeks. A car load of sugar was delivered at our station last week. Miss Hazel Ricotta of Guelph, visited here last week. Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead entertained a number of her friends on Monday night to an oyster supper. John Kaiserwand family attended the funeral of Mr. Kaiser's father in Hensall on Tuesday. Trains are now running fairly regu- lar. Mr. Reid, of Manitoba, and bride left from our station on Tuesday to spend their hopey moon at Toronto. W. Brownlee of the West is visit- ing at the home of his sister, Mrs. Little. The weigh scales of the village have been taken down. It will be a great • inconvenience to the farmers as there is no other piece in the Vinage tp weigh stcck. They will be obliged to take them to the neighboring towns until scales are provided. • Stanley Mr, C. Layton, of Seaforth, with his wife and family visited at the borne of Mr. Heigh McGregor, on the first of last week. Mts. 11. McGregor is Mrs, Lay ton's aunt. Mr. J. H. Pentland and his son Lorne, of the Nile, were visiting at the home of Mr. Thos. Baird a few days last week. Mr. Robert, 13aird was visiting in Seaforth at the end of last week and first of this. Whiie Mr Goldie Graham was cutt- ing a limb off a tree in the woods on Friday last the axe slipped and cut his foot. ib will lay him otf work for Some time. Wedding Bells: -'A social serene of more then usual interest occuried in Tuesday at high noon at the bailee of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. L. Keys, Of the Township of Stanley when their eldest daughter, Miss Annie was joined la the holy bonds of matrimony to all. Janaes A. Reid, of. Cariradurf, Saskat- chewan. Owing to the unavoidable absence of the pastor, Rev, T. J. Snow. den, the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. T. Wesley Oceans, of Clinton, in the presence of about 30 guests from Clin- ton, Seafortla, Luertn, Leadbury, Sum- merhill and Goderich. The bride was given away by her father and entered the nom as the wedding march was played by her youngest sister, Miss Myrtle. See was beautifully gowned in cream silk 'and carried a bougnet of carnations • and hyacha thee, The bridesmaid, Miss Mayme Keys, also a sister of the bride wore an handsome frock of blue poplin. The groom was ably supported by Mr. (Aeries L Tyner. After hearty and long con- tinued congratulations all partook of dainty weddingwepast. The presents were valuable •and beautiful ehowipg the high esteem in whieh the yonng couple were held. Noticeable among the presents Was a purse containing $52.00 from the Goshen Methodist Churca in which the bride has been the efficient orgauist and valued worker, Mr. and Mrs, Weld left on the afternoon train from Brucefield and after 5ohms, honey amen trip to Y41e, Miehigen, ,and other places will settle in them Western borne, May their years bejwight. beppy itiad pros- perous is the wish of their numerous friends, The brides going away dress was myrtle grsen emprees clotb Loridesboro • A socialevening will be given by the Ladied Aid of 'the Londe,sboro Presbyterian Church, at the home Tofueildr4yWetav'etn: 6th. Bovn" erybody welcome. The Sunday School Institute on Tuesday afternoon and evening was very interesting and inspiring. Rev. Air, Millar, of Auburn had charge. In the alethodiet Church on Satur day night last the Pastor Rev. J 41 Osterhout, B. D , gave an illustrate(' address on "Strangers Within Our Gates". The chnrch was well filled At the conclusion of the address Mr 13runsdon, who has been treasurer of the Church for over 80 years was called to the front and presented with a gold watch and chain, accompanied by the hollowing address, Dear Mr. Brunsdon:- Your faithfulness and efficiency as treasurer of the Londeaboro Methodist Church has long been recognized by the members of the Congregation. For qver thirty years you have given your best attention to to the Finances of of the Church and the success of its Financial interests has been in no Baia)) degree due to your pains taking efforts. You have done your work so well and uncomplainingly that we bad begun to look upon you as a necessary part of the Churches, machineay, and vve were hardly prepared foe the time for you to give up your position. We feel that we cannot &note you to lay down the burden a the office without in some small tvay showing our ap- preciation of your labors, We ask you to accept this watch and chain as a slight token of our appreciation and as it ticks off the hours may it remind you of the many hours of faithfri/ service you have rendered to the Lord. The influenee of your life and Labors a Love ,on behalf of the Church will long remain with us and we pray that God may permit you many more years of service for Him and may your closing years be peace- ful and happy. Signed on behalf of the congregation. E. McVittie and I. Allen, Mrs, Joseph Garrett has postponed the sale of her farm stock etc., till the Oth day of March, Mrs, Millen sr. of the 13th con. is in a very low state of health at present, The regular ineetinga the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday the 7th of March at the home a Mrs. Jas, Woodman at 2.3e Mrs. Osterhout will have charge of the program. The Orange Lodge hacl an all night session on Teesday of this week, it is now in order to ask John Bruns don -What time is it? As he was presented with a gold watch. This was a present well deserved. Mr. Peffer is putting in a supply of ice for the summer to be used in the hotel. J. Huttonshipped a car of Hour on Thursday. HolmesvIlle Hamer laanteloin has purchased a new driver. On 'account of bad 'weather Mr. Holland's sale (Wad 2,2nd at Sea - f (nth was postponed until the 24, Next Sabbath manning the ser - 'vice will be taken Iby the Epworth League. Quite a number from here attend- ed the funeral eife Mrs. Snowden! wife ad Rev. Snowden of Varna, on, Tuesday. His many friends around here sympathize ,witb/ him in his sad bereavement. The Leagues of Ebenezer and Bethel. ,are invited to 'Holmesvillei next Monday evening. A good Program is expected: Mrs. Michael enteratained the, choir on Tuesday' evening. 0 .ne of Mr. Jas. Hamiltan'e grey hoese.s, took al on Wednesday, tvhile oarathe vayi feam Paalters 41011 to Clinton, and is being( leoked atter alt Mr. R,o,berlf McCartney's, Cut Line. ' (Too late for last week.) The Anneal Institute Meeting on Thursday February 15th was well at - 'tended it being both profitable and in- teresting. The weather took a decided change the latter part of the week which the people enjoyed. Quite it number from here attended the Valentine Social at Porter's Hill Valentine evening Mr. Andrew* Pfrimmer end sister Clara, of Myrtle,Manitoba, spent a few days a,t Mr. Joseph Proctors, Mr. Geo Holland intends having his sale of cows at Seaforth Thursday, February 22. London Road About 50 of the London Road Lea guers spent a very enjoyable evening at Mr George /lanley's on Tuesday evening, The consecration meeting next Tues day night will be held at Mr. Henry Peacock's. Invitations are out for the Marriage of Mr, 'Will Craig end Miss Gosman, all of Morris. Mr. Craig was a former resident of this line and is a brother of,Mrs. Fred Nett. Mrs. Jas. Nett returned home Wea- nesday after it have weeks Visit in tosvP Mr, Isaac Weayer is laid up with the grip. Mr,and McKnight sr. are visit- ing in town this week. • Colborne 'Townsbin What, is tiseang with i ane weather this Week. • ,111r. Leslie and MIS'S Agnes Flick arrived laio'me on Sendlay frOm tivo weeks vast( 3vith faliends an Rae' Township. • s Mrs. Jobe( Jordan' la having a sale of Tann staekg implementa, laud h,ousehead lgo,ods, on aVIonday and contemplates igivina up farming. The term on Itthich she has been Oiving havang beensold Ito Schwalm, Mr, Henry youhd has Italian 'a contract ,foreculttersal 100' epelde of ,Woo'd in ,Mr. 1. 10. Forster's bush. Andrew and ,Miles Clara Pfrisnnaer spent [haat Week vielting with friends ollithe Maitland. • W. Lee madd a busineas trip to Loinclesbaro on aVfondaY. James White is v.laijazig rip hia sister, pioher. ,ag 'Jar. D. Scharanz ,;had engaged the eerViees 90,40.n. Herazinan toe, (the The ,Yee,ng people of Bethel Clettech are giving a leap year en- tentainment oti Thmadayi. evening of this week, ffiltE( As at decided novelty 'gad nobody slso,uld mies it. • Baylield The'eerrices of the Rev. arr. Grant iu St. Andreees was greet y a preetat- ed on Sundey last. - A series of Evangelietic meetings will be held by two Goderich lediee in the Methodist church for the next two The recent easterly blizzard carried the ice from our shore end with it some valuable nets of the ice fisher - St. Andrew's church bell is again'in operation after the cold Wee° and as sap flies were in evidence on Saturday Jest with these signs we are privileged to hope for an early spring. Leehurn The Siterameht of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in the church here on Sunday, March IOth in connection with the morning service at 10 : 30. a. m. The youne people of the C. E., are holding a parlor social on Thursday evening 28th at the home of Mr. D. Lawson. A programme will be given and lunch served. A silver collection will be taken up' in aid of the church shed funds. The ballots on Church Union are asked to be handed in next Sabbath. Mr. and Miss Bennett and Mr. TIch- bourne and Miss Elliott all from Por- tCir's Hill visited in our burg on Mon- day and Tuesday. Mr. James Mcdaw happened with an accident last week by failing and breaking two ribs. We hope he will soon be alright again. Local News g Kilvmmimmong MINOR LOCALS. 15 08 advertising that keeps a local newspaper going. I es, and it is advertising diet keeps a business env ing, or a town from dying, Symptoms of auto fes er have de veloped in town recently. Quite it number aro affected, and some at tended the gthat automobile Ex- position in Toronto last week, fcr treatment. A PRESENTATION. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Jackson of Cul-, rose, recently sold their farm in that toarnship and purchased ano- ther near 'Clinbon. Mt. Jackson is' a brother a Mrs, Wm. Paittiso,n of Wingham. ,One evening la.ea week about seventy of thefts' neighbor aesembled atitheir homd and pre- sented alr. ,raelesan( with a couch and Mrs. Jackson, ,with an auto- graph.quillt, accoMpaniedi by the.. following, addrees,- Mr., 'and Mrs, James Jackson -We y,oux friends :and/ neigh.bo' rs have assembled here !this eviinthg,Ito en- joy it few soda' hones with you, knowing' that shortly you are to remove from thee locality. To leery that werdgret youri departuab, is expressing our feeling very as your isojeurn among us has been a pleasant one; and 'shall nolt aeon be forgottein. '!jou have ever pro, ven kind friend,* land meighboxle, and eveltrust y,o,u phalli find a Pleas- ant future awaiting( you in your new home, whet' el wIth your true faiendaw and eevial Manner, Yon both soon make Many friends, We did not game here however to look at the ,eloud,y side, .leat to:state our pleasure in meeting hell% to esc- Press our geatitudd to you, and as a small token o4 load esteem, ask you to ,accept thid couch and quilt and pray that! evhere you may go the suashiree of prosperit yr may illuminate your pathevaa. May We all so have lived that .we Will_gath- er again in nstheokeins ,union 113 thet house of many enainnons. Signed in behalf of your( friends and neighbors, Maude Cronin, Eva 'Pennington THE W. DOHERTY PIANO & ORGAN CO. LIMITED. Another financial year of the Com cony will close on March 31, This has en another year of unsurpassed progress and success, last year all past records were broken and a sure found ation Mad for future business, This year developments have been very rapid. Many intelligent visitors from Clinton and outside points have wit- nessed With, pleasure the sadden and complete treneformations in the Few, today where now the most up to date machinery and methods have been M- etalled and adopted. Here the life- long experience in manufacturing establishments and in travels gaitied by the General Manager Mr. David. S. (Muff is being turned to good account. Tbis alone has made possible the rapid, erfea and extensive manufacture and sale of the complete line of Pianos, Player Pianos, Organs, Benches, Stools and other products coming front the shaming room in such quan- tities a's to almost double the product of former years. The 'company has completed plans whereby the greater part of this product' may be sold direct to the consumer. The Secretary Treasurer Mr. F.J, Hill has just re- turned from it visit to the Company's Retajl Store at Winnipeg. Two years ago a store was opened there and the quarters though large have proved klitogether too small and soon :Dohetty Pianos wil11 be sold from much more elaborate quarters, the new store being one of the most beautiful and commodious in Winnipeg, it suitable hoine for the instruments which have become the 'Standard of Excellence" where-evei sold. . Anotherstory has also been added to the Oompany's warehouse on Wall street andea rangemente completed whereby, the supply of Doherty Pianos will at all times meet the growing demand. The staffat Winnipeg consists of Western Manager...WS G. L. Stanwood of life. long experienee in the Piano Bnsinesse Accountant, Mr, A. A. Hill; Pianist and Player Demonstrator Mr' Harry satephenson, with a staff of office a,ssis tants, city salesmen, tuners and others necessary to conduct a large and successful retail business in this great efty of twe west. A.branch business has also been established at Calgary where,aft, Frank, S. Jost well known to the Pialao trade of the West is in e barge, Cliatonians and others id. terested in the , welfare of our tovvn will beglad to hear the neivs of emcees. We trust our readers contemplating thpurchasof Pianos will remember , e e g Saving Here 10 to 50 per cent DiScount on all ffinter Goods During Balance of filchruary. Now is your tirneto buy a Suit or tivercoat, as the balance of our stock will be cleared • out regardless of profits Special for Saturday—About 20 Men's and Boys $io to $12.5o Overcoats. Choice of the lot.... 795 Don't fail to see what we are offering as we promise you Some Iig Bargains Amanawnreamintansomaninaenemamereareneommazal Plurinsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS the Doherty line, not only because of the large, growing sale throughout Canada, in open competition, with all other makes. Goderiell The Canadian Pacific Railway con- templates large additional sidings, and a shed 500 feet long is to be built Meng the pier, to accommodate the line of ',vessels that they intend run ning here from Gladstone, Miclat two vessels it vveek of the Mutual Line of beats, with -flour in bond for export, and returning loaded with package freight; also in bond. Interowitchirig with the Grand -Trunk is also being arranged, the railway commission having ordered it some time ago. Engineer Halley is here in charge of the work. It is said the 0. P. R. con- templates in the near future to install its own lighting and heating plant for all theer different buildinge, and will add to it an electric hoist to take freight and passengers and land them on them on the top of the big hill at the rear a the station. Low Rale' ileific Coal FROM CLINTON. MARCH lst TO APRIL 15th --TO--a Spokane, Wash.; Seattle, Wash.; Vancouver, ,B.C.; Victoriai B. C.; Portland, Pre.; Nelson, B.C. $711.75 San Francisco, Cal.; Les Angeles, Cal.; San Diego 4 Cal,; Mexico City', Mex. $4475 . 'Proportionate rates front other' points in ,Ontario, THE POPTILAR ROUTE TO WESTERN CANADA VIA CHICAGO. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway shoeteet line, fastes1( 'time, linest service between Winnipeg, Sazka- itoon and Edmeneoltm For full particulars and tickets call on - JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Agents A. 0. PATTISON. depot agent HELP WANTED. ,M•••••••••=. Jackson • Mfg., Co,, Good positioas for clever, in- dnstriott girls, 16 years of age and upwards. Apply to a. MeLEOD, Supt. Custom Salvino* Wanted, At R. Trick's and at Thos. Wallis bush, con. 4, Goclerich 'Township, $3.00 per thousand, MeRWEN BROS., • Bayfield • HEE TO GIRLS. Beautiful French Dressed Doll, 15 inches tall, with eyes that open and shut; Rolled gold locket and chain; or solid gold !signet ring free to any girl, Send lie your name and We will send you !thirty sete of beau(tialpl Eastee and ether post .cards to self at 100 it set (ales cards in each tset). Wheal sold send us the money and ,We will send you which ever pried you cheese. Poe selling 40 'sets We will give you a rolled gold extensieit bracelet. We prepay all charges, Address, HO)WER-WARREN Dept, 104, Toronto HUT TO BOYS. Splendid magic lamitera (witb. 12 slides) steam englnd 12-zarly one foot high) !with' whistle, fly wheel and everything .complete for run- ning; solid gold( egnet riing, er neranteed watch fred toany boy. Send your evened and Ave will send you 30 seag of beautiful Easter and other post scartes‘ to sell at 10e a set (six ,earda in each set). When, sold send as the money and we will send you ,which ever" prize yo.0 choose. For isellin.g 40 sets( we will give you a "Simplex" ,Typewrite, We prepay peaches -gee. Address HOMER -WARREN CO., Dept. 104, .T'ovonto Boarders Wanted Boarders wanted. -Apply to the New Era, di10 9 Is it necessary to use a megaphone to call your attention to the fact that every time you patronize" Mail Or- der House -in some distant city you take money out of circulation in your own conurninfty, thereby reducing to that extent the prosperity of your neighbors, including yourself in the long run? Think it over carefully and get back into ,the ALL HOME TRADE procession. La„,