HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-29, Page 3• Young and Old have
them. Some abuse them.
They get tired, tarvecl.
'SYMPTOWLS:2--L03s of
sleep and appetite, in-
digestion, irritability,
eventually wrecked con-
Alcoholic remedies
stimulate only.
SC01193 Emilition
soothes and nourishes,
feeds the nerves. A
natural nerve -food, con-
taining the salts of Hypo -
phosphites, Iodine and
asr-B$DAY, ,RvAR
: atle 19
Gadsby, cre 'The Gallery, Clock' in
the Toronto Stale has been visit-
ing the Printing, Bureau at:Ottawa,
the :great printing institution awn -
sed bvithe people af Ca.nada . and
,which does MOSlif ?of :the printing
eae Paeliainenit. As, no doubt,many
of our reader& have little idea tof
the magnitude of:thi& immense es-
tablishment of which they we part
owners, we reproduce apes-El:graph
fram Gacisby s letter 1Which will
give :them Iight onithe subject Land
may make thenfeel richer. Hat
slaYe •
The Printing Bureaul gives work
and allying /to nine hundred peo-
ple. R is the seeond( largest insti-
tntion af its kind in:North America.
It uses utlf the latest labor-saving
devices. It tuella out more ,stuH
than any dozen; jobeteffices put to-
fgether. It has tent languages to
bandee every clan and, perhaps, a
hundred languages in the 'course of
a year. It make& no mistakes, for
the simple reason that its mistakes
would be regarded as afficiaf and,
therefore, it cannot afftordi to make
them. It runs like a clock. R is
kept very :clease—ate cleaa as the
IVIaval Reform League. When the
Ottawa Improvement Commission
tears it dawn it will begiven anoth-
er home, a palace af steel and
stone, woathy of its high function.
Once ,a yeaw the Press 'Gallery
looks it,over, The place has a Pro-
feesional interest ioi these young
:men who we nat without hope that
some day somewhere theyIx ray he
guiding something Bk e it of their
own. For be it known that among
its other atetivitiess the .big, ugly,
red -brick building pieta out the
most :widely read, non-partisan.
and altogether reliablel newspaelarl
in the Dominion. The Canada Gaz-
ette never publishes facts, :until
they are factse and it is leo:care-
ful ofinaluencing pnblie opinion
that ittwould Boone:a print race
tips than editoadats. It parries no
patent medicine, Whiskey, ar cig-
arette ads, and, one Way 'Wed an-.
Other, is as. unexciting, prosily Prac-
ticat, and indolently, ideal as the
solemneet highbrow eould, Wish.
We :can women:mend the Canadian
'Gazette to all :conferences, synods;
and ,clisach conventions,: local or
,ecumenciall, as the elncolbred per-
fection to Which the Canadian press
mut ,Work up.
ItaUari Naval Squadron
• bards Syi`tan CItY,
Adrniral, In Search of Turkish Gun-
boaes, Comes Upon Them In Beirut
Harbor and Demands Their Sur-
render -- Theft Turks Say He
Shelled the Town--lialian Au-
thorities Deny the Charge -
Beirut, Syria, Feb. Z.—A flotilla
134 Ibalian warships. Saturday ' ram -
lag bombarded this city, killing sixty
peacefal inhabitants and wounding
e large number of othere. They 'also
sank is number of small Turldah gate -
boats anchored in the port.
Appearing sad:deny off tho port,the
bommanders of the Italian gunboat
Volturno and the armored eruiser
Guiseppe Garibeldi sent to Ilse auth-
orities a peremptory demand for the
surrender of the Turkish gunboats in,
the harber.
Before the provincial governor could
deliver his reply to the Italian corn-
mandere or ask for time to .negotiate,
the Cruisers opened a devastating fire.
In a sbort time the T- ;Irish gun-
boats in the harbor wsee• disabled
andein a sinking °audition.The cus-
tom house was greatly damaged and
ether buildings also suffered severely.
, Three torpedoes finally destroyed
the Turkish vessels. The Turks fought
bravely but were at a great disadvan-
tages as they were unable to maacteus
vre their veseele and their guns were
of small calibre
During the fighting in the harbor
a mob looted the Government arson.
al and seized rifles and ammunition.
One shell burst close to an American
building, but iejured no one. All
the Americans in the city are safe.
Italian Commander's Version,
Rome, Feb. 26.—The first official
statement of the destruction of two
Turkish warships Saturd_ in Beirut
harbor was received yesterday from
Admiral Favarelli, eommanding the
squadron, to which the cruisers, Oni-
seppc Garibaldi and Francesco Perna
cio, the attackieg vessels, are attach-
'12he admiral sent the following de-
'I surprised the Turkish gunboat
Avnillah and the torpedo boat An-
gora at daybreak in the port of Beirut.
These ships were ordered to surren-
der, the time limit being fixed at nine
o'clock. My decision, was communi-
cated to the governor and consular
authorities through the Turkish offi-
cer who cause aboard.
"At nine o'clock a signal demand-
ing surrender was again hoisted. As
no answer was :given, fire was opened
on the gunboat, which replied ener-
getically. At 9.20 the gunboat was
silenced, fire having broken out on
board. Having suspended fire, I pro -
ceded aboard the Guiseppe Garibfildi
to the Mouth ot the harbor, where an
action ensued with the Angora, which
was badly damaged. Her destruction
was completed with a torpedo.
'The report that the.town of Beirut
NUS bombarded is absolutely false,
The squadron then departed."
Admiral Faverelli received a de-
spetah from Admiral Direvel, who re-
turned to Beirut in the afternoon
aboard the Francesco Ferrucio, to as-
certain if the Turkish vessels were
entirely out of Dation, He found one
of them still afloat and aecordingly
opened fire and sunk ber with a few
British Cruiser Leaves fcr Beirut.
Malta, Feb. 26.—British armored
cruiser Lancaster left her yesterday
under sealed orders, presumably to
protect Britiah interests at Beirut.
Expel! Italians From Syria.
London, Feb. 29.—Turkey has de-
cided wpm the expulsion of all Ital-
ians in Syria, according to a special
'despatch from Constantinople. The
order will so into effect immediately.
Advertise Now
Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping
butter—the best sheet on the market, in packages,
not printed :
500 Sheets for 50e. 200 Sheets tor 25e
Better Still
Have your name, farm and post -office neatly printed
and make a reputation for your product. We use
only special 'butter paper ink, guaranteed not to run
or to injure the butter.
D00 tor 175 20N tor $3.00 5040 tor $7.00
Wrap your butter, and get two cents per pound
more than if unwrapped.
We also would be pleased to supply you with printed
Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements,
Envelopes, Wedding Invitations or Announcements,
Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Calling Cards, in
fact anything in the printing line you may require.
The Jintoll New
By Lydia Pintkharn's
• Vegetable Compound
Belleriver, Que. — "Without Lydia
E. Pinicham'e Vegetable Compound I
would not be alive. For f ye months
had painful and ix,
regale .perieels and
inflammation of
the uterus. I suf-
fered l'ke a martyr
ad thought often
of death. I con-
eulted two doctors
who could do
nothing for me. I
went to a hospital,
and the best doc-
tors iaid I must
lIlliUijltffr submit to an oper-
ation, because I had a tumor. I went
back home rnuch d scouraged. One of
my cousins advised ree to take your
Compound, as it had cured her, I did
so and soon commenced M feel better,
and my appetite came back with the
first bottle. Now I feel no pain and
am cured. Your remedy is deserving
of praise." —Mrs. EMMA OfiATeta,
Valleyfield, Belleriver, Quebec.
Another Operation Avoided.
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.—I run a sewing
machine in a large factory and got all
run down. I had to give up work for I
could not stand the pains in my back.
The doctor said I needed an operation
for womb trouble but Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound did more
for me than the doctors did. I have
gained fiveipounds. I hope that every-
one who s suffering from female
trouble, nervousness and backache
will take the Compound. I owe my
thanks to Mrs. Pinkham. She is the
working girl's friend for health, and
all women who suffer should write to
her and take her advice.—alISS TILLIE
PLENZIG, 3Jay St,, Poughkeepsie,N.Y.
Thirty years of unparalleled success
confirms the power of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound to cure
female diseases.
nee fitte'ailleee- grace are iniowea.—
Sensation In Paris.
Paris, Fob. 20.—The Italian action
at Beirut has caused somewhat of a
Sensation here, for France, like other
European countries, has important
coesn-lercial interests and religious and
educational establishments m that
Oily. An outbreak of fanaticism,
iVleich the bombardment of Beirut is
'ealculated to provoke, is feared, and
to prevent as far as possible the nab.
ural consequences of each an Out-
break, the French Government has
brdered the arinored cruiser Admiral
Charner, evhich le now al Buda Bay,
to proceed to Beirut without delay,
Alarm In Vienna.
Vienna, Feb. 20.—,The bombardment
of Beirut by Italian warships occa-
sions serious mi.,givings here, The
Vienna papers nelidge jil sarcastic
comments on "Italy's war prowess."
Die Zeit urges the powers to take
action to prevent Italy from repeating
such attacks.
Guests Bravely Rescued.
Galt, Ont., Feb. 26. --Fire broke out
at 7.$0 p.m. Saturday, in the Hotel
Imperial and destroyed the eastern
wings. The damage is $5,000, in-
sured. The hotel is owned by A. 5:
Curdy, Niagara Falls, The blaze
started in the lavatory.
The guests had a narrow escape
with their lives. Miss Cowan and
Mrs. Howthan were bravely rescued,
the former by James Harrocks, ti
boarder, and the latter by H. Rowley,
a hotel porter.
Three guests descended by a rope
ladder from a bedroom, Turner Vir-
gin, Dr. Durran and James Hall. The
first named made a thrilling escape
from a third storey window. The
Hotel Iinperial is the oldest existing
in Galt and is noted throughout Pen-
tacle fol its fine bowling green.
Brandt Witnesses Charged.
New York, Feb. 2.0--Pelice Cone-
rnissioner Waldo Saturday preferred
charges against Lieut. J. B. Allool-
dridge and Lieut. John Taylor, 02 11)0
department, in connection With the
13ran1i, case. Wooldridge is charged
with making a false report and con-
duct unbecoming an otncer. The teal
men will be hied on Feb. 29 at police
Baby's ,OWn Tableta" are a Isafe
medicine far little ones—the Moth-
er may feel Sure ,oflialliat. They and
sold under ,an abs011ete guarantee
of a igovexaraenit analyst not to
,eontain narcotics pr other( harms
ful drugs—they :cannot poseibly do
harm—always good. , Thousands
of mothers IW/eol have used them
can vouch fon this, and lance a
mother has usedl them 11 or her lit-
tle •ones shel always keeps ;them in
the house, The Tablets ouiekly re-
lieve and ;cure all the ;mumr elisioe
babyhood and childhood. They
sweeten the stomach,t Togo:41U, .the
boWele„ expel worms, break up colds
mid make baby healthy, happy and
fat. They are seed by medicine
dealers or by ,mailt at 25 cents a box
from The Dr., Williams' IVIedicine
Co., ,Beackviele, Ont.
Hon. R(P, Roblin's Address To
Manitoba University Students,
Abt ,ale address given' befere this
Engineers' Society of eho' Buivere
silty of Manitoba, Hon. R.P. Rob
Jin eemarked ithat engineereng ee,as
old as history; IWe have( records
of ,inagnificent engineering) feate
from th.e hanging evens of the des -
°et by.the Phuothel (*beim , ;to the
Meeent day. While the Province
ot lVeamiitoba ;WOO at prestent
capped :roan providing( adequate
fueelties for- education and instrare-
ton te engineering students ,could
get th.e principles)there as W11 ate
Tait any : 0§lig AwYtrAti. on,14,
(Saturday Night) r
• If there isanythinee you Want at
'Ottawa, 'est make ta noilse like a
Naltionabat, ,and yen aeeein 'a fair
Way ' of having it presented( to you
an la silver • ;sa1ver—yo bo keep
the salver, The last gentleman of
Nalteornallet persuaSion to be pree-
ented With ta Mee( gat joh is no lese
a, 'swoon tban Mr. Dunbarme, pres-
ident of Le Devoix, the( Nationalist
organ of ;which ;Mr. Ilenia Pours:es°
is managing editor. 11/11. Duehlarine
Noe, of ,couree, the nominee Of le, D.
Monk ;who is laic oneetif'the
own -
019 01 Le DeVoir, andehe jele he obe
tatted for hi n Nationalise pet' was
ecexe o theServ,ice Cum-', •
miesioneeeniPe. A great Conibine-
tiop. that: Nationalise ,Bouriesste;
'Monk. And tin tiunir or Ian the
'tillagethat the Bleglieh 'Conserve-
etiVes ,oe Qeolecte ;end( ' Ontario are
saying under thehe beeatha at the
idea, oleRaneasaa Oen( hogging the
tinent. Al Irian Might be graduated
weth honors- but Otte be lam absolute
tailuu. •The foundations necesearV
to amen were ehara.cter and reput-
ation Have character as the key-
stone oe thein life'sl 'Moak. The op-
portunities en the West were many,
'Illectricity was one) °Pelle egleeet-
est adjunct e orf civilization, and ite
postibilities 'Were illimitablein
:wifieh connection might/ be men-,
keened the great( ase t of ;Water
power. There were; rich and fealtble
fields befowe ;them.
County Councillors Will Send
Deputation to Meet Hon, Dr,
• Reaume.
Toeonto, Feb. 15.—V Ale the hope
of inducing the ,Ontario Govern -
10 Increase tee approprealtion
towards ,eounty roads' improve-
ment !rota one-third to one-half
of the .cost entailed, a deputation
pt .county go,uneillors ;and meinbera
ot the ,Ontarrid 'Good Roads Aesoc-
iation will wait upon Hoaa. Diellea-
-ume on or 'aleone Feb. 27, while the
good Toads ,conventioa is being
helclk in ,Toeanto:
Fox several year, strenuous' ef
emits have been put forward th ehle
direction, but et is felt that the ree
Bate' will be attained during, the
present ;session of the House.
Food Does You No Good
Ham th.o time you're afraid to eat;
your tongue is coated, mouth tastes
bad, stomach is bloated. It you want
to get well, stop using dyspepsia tab-
lets, and go to the source ot the trOu-
ble before it is too late. Strengthen
your stomach, ca.st out the bile, regu-
late the bee/els—do tlids, and dyspop-
33a will be no more.
For your condition the 1st 11.resorip-
tion Is Dr, Hamilton!s which are
made specially for the stomacks, kid-
neys and liver. No better remedy- will
be devised, for Dn. Hamilton's Pills arc
"No one could realize my sum/in:ea
from stomach trouble and indigestion.
For five years I have not been well.
My food did me no good, because I
couldn't digest or assimilate. My doc-
tor said constipation was at the root or ,
mq trouble, so I got Dr. liamiltens
Pills. My appetite improved, :pain alter
eating ceased, and my foodm dIgestea
quickly. I am delightedevens the thor-
ough cure I derived from Dr. Hennile
ton's PlIls.
"(steeled) MARTIN E. WALIMB,
. "Bridgewater."
results attend the use of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills; this medicine 005e0
ell trouble in the stomach and diges-
tive organs by removin:: the cause,
I 4' Ensilage For Steers,
The Indiana experiment station at
Purdue has carried on feeding tests
with silage for several years past and
has lately published the data gathered.
One of the fctets that should be of
value to every feeder of steers was
that when corn silage was added
to a ration of shelled corn, cottonseed
meal and clover hay the result was a
more rapid as web as a cheaper gain
and a higher finish on the cattle; that
cattle fed corn silage shed their coats
earlier in, tbe spring; that a smaller
quantity of grain .was consumed when
silage was fed; that the steers receiv-
ing cottonseed meal and corn silage
fattened mord rapidly, required less
nein, distributed the fat more evenly
and brought a higher maeket price than
similar cattle that did not receive the
two feeds. • .4
Miss Mary Lebeau, Edison, Sask.,
writes—"I was troubled with heart
disease and nervousness for over two
years, and was so bad at times1 had to
sit up at night being unable to breathe,
and every little noise would make the
shake and shiver. I tried several doc-
tors, but they were unable to do me arty
good. A neighbor then advised me to try
a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills. As soon as I began to take them
I began to feel much better, and by 'the
time I had used the third box I was com-
pletely cured. 2 would advise anybody
suffering from heart disease and nervous-
ness to try these pills. They will eave
quite a bill it cloctor's fees."
• Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure
all heart and _nerve troubles by their
restorative influence on every organ and
tissue of the body.
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
$1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co„
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Scoutmasters Disagree on the Subject
of 'Baccy:
Toronto, Feb. 26.—Thefirst couven- -
ton of the Ontario Sgout Moore
Aseoeiation was concluded by' the Sat-
urday 'afternoon oessioneat which
papers' Were read on different points
of letereet to the niovem.ent,, and a
ie14514,,,swgigen „t1,94
. .
Caused Her Much Men%
Mrs. W. R. Hodge, Fielding, Sask.,
writes:—"A few lines highly recommend-
ing Doan's Kidney Pills. For this last
year I have been troubled very much
with nasty sick headaehes, and a weak
aching back, which: caused me much
misery,e0 for T could not work, and had no
lJo;anythitig. My kidneys were
very badly out of order, and kept me
from sleeping at nights. I tried many
kinds of pills and medicines, but it seemed
almost in vain . I began to give up in
despair of ever being well and strong
again, when a kind neighbor advised me'
to try Doan's Kidney Pills, which I did,
and am thankful for the relief I obtained
from them, for now 2 am never troubled
with a sore back or sick headache.
"I will always say Doan's Kidney Pills
for mine and can highly recommend them
to any sufferer."
Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
$1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The TaMilburne'Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When ordering direct specify "Doan's."
•convention was voted a great success
and it was decided to bold oee au-
nually in the future.
"Camp Sanitation" Was the subject
of a paper read by A. E. Mercer at
the ()Marie Scout Officers' eonfeeenee.
The speaker laid stress upon the ne-
cessity of taking every precaution to
preserve the health of the boYs while
at camp. At the conclusion it was
decided to havethe paper printed.
A. Clark of Wycliffe College brought
np the question as to whether a scout
master should smoke. He was of the
opinion that they should not. C. 7.
Atkinson endorsed this opinion. He
thought that a scout master would
have a greater influence if he would
not use tobacco. The mos and cons of
the question evert) discussed and opin-
ion was pretty well divided.
The following are the officers for
the ensuing .fear: Hon. President,
Sir John Gibson; president, W. X.
George; first vice-president, Lt. -Col.
A. E. Gooderham; second vice-presi-
dent, 3. H. Collinson, Hamilton;
Capt. II. S. Wilson, secretary -treasur-
er, comn-assioner for Ontario; H. G.
liammoild, assistant tommissioner
and provincial secretary.
Executive, C. W. Henning, Henan -
tor; Lyone Woolverton, Grimsby{ Lt.,
Marshall, Sir Henry Pellatt, Sir E
Pol. D. M. Robertson, Toronto; NI
mund Walker, Gen, Cotton, 5,
Eaton and James Scott.
Farm anD
It la Easily Raised In the Cold Season
. If Proper Care Is Given.
No crop is more easily grown under
glass than rhubarb. The roots should
be lifted and frozen for a few days be-
fore being used for forcing.
Temperatures favorable for growing
radishes and lettuce suit rhubarb just
as well. When forced under low tem-
peratures tbe stalk grows heavier.
Subdued light induces a more tender
eteak and one milder in quality than
when grown ID the open ground. Gar-
den soil of a light, open texture is suit-
able for this purpose. --American Cul:
It is easy to grow rinibarb during
the -winter in any house cellar provided
.Vieli... ' eimaiiee'ftteeekeeteeeiege
sair4P" -defeja
woama HAIM 511171341113 ST&LES.
With a furnace. Dig large roots and
atom them to freeite for a few days.
Then place close together on an inch
or two of eon in a WarM part of the
cellar wilere there is very little and
Sift fine sell betweeu the roots and
cover with two inches of soil. Watts'
Tileleaf, stalks grow rapidly, and
entehagg'inay be made repeatedly untie
the roots are exhausted, and a neve sup -
LAY .can then be planted in the same
soil. -
There are many rbubarb plants on
almost every farm the roofs pf which
should be divided and the surplue irtay
be used to good advantage in forcing.
Len., L. Watts in National Stockman
awe Dinner. ,
Losson IX.—Piret Quarter, For
March 3, 1912.
Text of the Lesson, • Mark I, 14-29.
leleirtory Verses, 16, 17—Geldon Text,
Matt. IX, 37, 38—Commentary Pre-
pared by Boy. D. M. tetearns.
Accoraing to the harmony of the see -
pets, it would seem that Joins returned
to where John was preaching, and ea
he cried on two different days,. "Be-
hold the Lamb of God:" two of John's
disciples, Andre* and probably John,
the brother of James, followed Jesus
and spent Oome time witb Him tee°
day, after whieh Andrew found his
brother, Simon, and brought him to
Jesus, and the inference Is that John
brought bis brother James. Teen
Jesua went into Galilee to Bethsaida,
the city a Anelrew and Peter, end
called Philip to follow Him. Alter
this Philip brougert Natlianael, and
thus we see the first aiX diedifiett
pording to John i, 29-51, They seem
to have received several calls before
they left all to follow Him fully. The
lesson today indicates a call to An-
drew and Peter as they were casting a
net into the Sea, and to James and
John as they were in the ship evna
their father mending their nets. The
gecount of this incident Is found in
Matt. iv, 18.22, as well as in mit! lesson
verses from Mark. The incident of
Luke v, 1-11, seems to have been
wholly different ana at a different
tine. At that titne He used Simon's
boat as e pulpit and then filled both
his boat and that of his partners,
James and John, with fishes. We
must ever distinguish between Chris-
tlans and clieciples. Christian ie
one who truly receives Jesus Christ as
his Saviour and thus becomes a child
of God, justified freely by His grace
(John i, 12; Rein. iii, 24; v, 1). There
are no degrees in salvation, for all
who ere in Christ aro equally saved
by His precious blood, obtained
etereal redemption for all, and all who
receive the gift of God, which is eter-
nal life, have 11 without moaey or
works of any Irina on their part. Dis-
cipleship follows, and as it is so costly
to the believer few are williag to pay
the price; hence the whole hearted dis-
ciples are comparatively few, and
there are many degrees in discipleship
and many caIls to obtain the few. See
Luke xiv, 20, 27, 38; Matt. s, 87, 38;
' eve 24. Having saved us fully, freely
and forever, Ho desires us to be ever,
only, ell for Hinaself, His own special
property, that He may live His life in
us and reveal Himself through in to
tbe world (Ps. Iv, 8; Tit. 11, 14, It V.;
II These. iv, 10, 11). The ministry of
John tbe Baptist seems to have been
very brief, and, having been imprison-
ed because hated by a wicked woman,
he was in due time beheaded, and the
Lord Jesus suffered it to be eo, al-
though He said that no greater was
ever born of woman (Matt. xi, 11). We
eannot understand, but we must have
unbounded confidence in God.
After John was put In prison Jesus
began to preach the gospel of the
kingdom of God, urging men to repent
and believe the gospel (verses 14, 15).
Both John and Jesus and also the
twelve preached that the kingdom was
at band, the kingdom plainly foretold
by all the prophets, a kingdom of
peace and righteousness under a right-
eous king, before whom alrkings will
fall down and whom all nations will
serve. Then shall the nations learn
war no more, and from a righteous Is-
rael at the center, with Jerusalem as
the throne of the Lome the earth will
soon be filled with the glory of the
Lord (Isa. xxxii, 1, 17; if, 4; eer. hi, 17;
Ps, lxxii, 11). Trulje it is worth while
to follow such a leader through all
trials to such a kingdom and to walk
worthy of it and Him aVlatt. svi, 27;
I These. 11, 12; I Pet. v, 10). We may
so know Him as to be blind and deaf
to all but His face and His voice, and
tbus He will make us fishers of men
to complete His elect church during
this age of the postponement of the
kingdom, beceuse they said, "We have
no king but Caesar," "We will not
have this man to reign over ns."
In the hater part 'of our lesson we
find raim in the spleen -ogle ln Geyer::
eatifti one the' "Sabbath clay 'and so
teaching thid all were astoniebed at
His doctrine, for Ile taught with au-
thority. The words were not His, but
His Father's, tor Ile said only what,
the leather told 13en to say (Sohn xil,
49; xiv, 10; rxil, 3). Power belongetit
unto God, and where the word of a
king is there is power (Ps. lxii, 12
(Bea vile 4). On the night of His ar-
rest His taye worde "I am" sent tee
ro the ginencl, for It
was the eeme eniee eehleh said, "pe,
there be (dem 1, 854. dake61)
possessed man was in the siiiagaglie,
and the evil spirit knew Him and call-
ed Him Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy,
One of God (verse 24), for tbe demons'
believe and tremble (Jas. it, 19). It
is not believing about Jesus Christ
that Saves, elee all demons might be
saved, but it is submission to Him as
God and the reception of Him' as the
Saviour of sinners. See how tbe
• demons confess what many intelligent
religious people today refuse to be-
lieve—that Jesus is God. They also be-
lieve in a place of torment into which
He will cast them at the appointed
time (Matt viii, 29). This, too, is ridla
euled by many, but as truly as, un
detnon obeyed the, voice pf /eptiiutl
mile :Put of the mep go,
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One ef the Best
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