HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-22, Page 8••••,ww..2•••••••1•., Imam. 111111111•1111011 wa.W•mararomiorramrom,....1.•:•m:im•in 811 egUlall18C, 20C and 25c for 12che • For Friday and Saturday bargains this week, we are • laying out 200 yards White Muslip and Vestings, fifteen patterns to choose from, all neat designs, reg- ular 18c, 20c and 20c, clearing at 123e 111111•111111111111111MMOMMIllik 15e Wrapperette 10c We don't want to carry over one yard of Wrapperette this season, hence this deep cut in price, all colors, and, splendid patterns, width 28 inches,. regular 15c clearing at 10c aigar, Grey Flannelette Blankets 1.15 25 only first quality Grey Flannelette Blankets, 6 feet long by 6 feet wide, whipped edges, regular 1,50, clearing at 1.15 25e Hand Towels 18c Two dozen only breached huckaback Hand Towels, damask border, size 18x36 for bedroom purposes, be on hand early for these, regular 25c each clearing at 118C 20c Art Sateen 12i -e 'Ten good patterns of Art Sateen every design good, in all the popular col- orings, 29 inches wide, splendid line for comforters, regular 20c, Clearing at.... 12e sisesitare 12c Towels 15c per pair Five dozen Hand Towels, size 17x34, inches, good •quality huckaback. • Two pair only to a customer. This a huge bar- cleain—don'tmiss it, regular 25c per pair earing at 15e Ladies Astrachan Fur Coates 25 Ladies Astrachan •and Bakaran Fur Jackets, some trimmed with Alaska sable collars and reveres, clearing at Cost Price 1611111MIMMEIRIBMIIIIIMINUIP 411111MalsalfM114110 JritI3M OA_STI S9DialtiM X3.11Jr1C9V3E1=t, A_S CAS Yi MP' 461111=misimigummiskUlamargstaTOIENMIUMOZESSMINIATINIMINROVat 111521e11713 witcumonueetromenetarsmor..............resumsr• Ams dour The Quality Store Our new stock has ar- rived, and every line is complete. 'Your trial or- der will be appreciated. jug to Rand—A bar- rel of Lake Superior Her- rings. Also a barrel of Salmon Trout. Trythem. Are you looking for some Good Black Tea? Get some of our Special Black at 40c lb, You'll like it. A trial will con- vince you of its quality. Phone orders will have our careful and prompt ' attention. Sel3ARR Phone 111 CARD OF THANKS.. Mr. -and Mrs. Iddo Crich, ,OntaCti Street, wish to express, through th New:Era, their thanks to the neigl bars and friends( for the kind:nes shown them during the illness an d e oldest son. ELECTION EXPENSES. , The following has been published bythe Returning; Officer at the late minion election ;—The follow- ing inthe statement of the election expenses of Mr, J. .T. Niemen Con- servative cauclidate in the •elector- al district of South 'Huron, the elections to the Dominion. Parlia- ment, held on September 21st, as certified by Mr. Herbert; K. Eilber and filed in my, orrice ;—Hensall On server $15; Joseph Elliott, 836; M. Broderick $66.18; Seaforth News 830.85; 'IL W. Erwin, $2; Advocate Printing, Company 816.50; John Spackman $8; Crediton Star $4 50 • Geo. Spottton 8150; Candidates ex- penses $213.60; total 8542.63; PRESENTATION TO MRS, SMITH, All the Iast meeting of the Ladies Aid of the ,Ontatie Street Meth- odist 'Church held ;at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Mr,s .01•••M=MOPM.M111=1. silver knives and ;spoons as a:tang- ible though inadequate token of •the 'high esteem; and appreciation e of the members) of the Ladies! Aid and Womans IVEssianery Society, As Mrs. Smith thanked the ladies fo their kindness andi thoughtfulness. At the close of the naeeting dainty re fr eshmen ts were ,s1er ved PUPILS' RECITAL. At a pupils' recital; held at the hoine of Mrs, 111cHartly Smith, the following program was rendered,— Joy Fulness, Giese, Hattie Gveig Valse Joyense, Telmn; Coquette, Buchman, Madge Yates Song, 'Love's Coronation," Helen Doherty Dance of the Stars, 'Godard, Somata in G., Dussep, Letie Murdoch Vocal trio, !Message of the Rose" . Jean Chidlley, :Barbara Mayor, Hazel O'Neil. Loiseau Getais, Heu,selt, Air Verne, ,Bethoven, 3rd Majuska, Godard, Hazel ,O'Neil 1Cosens in a few! ehose,n word; referred to the lots' the diVilernat departments of the church ,Would sustain in the removal of Mrs. janet Smith .and, her esteraable danghters to Stratford ,and gave I the assura,nce that the best wishes I an prayers of thein numerous ; riends: would follow; them to their neW home, Mrs. P, Wasman pre- . sented Mrs. Sinithl ;With ,cases ot 01101010000iimismor 001010111011101s IT ONLY COSTS ONE:FOURTH AS MUCH • TO FEED DR. HESS STOCK TONIC AS IT DOES TO GRIND YOUR GRAIN. Did you get our letter about this ? rViroAtramis Here is the proposition which Dr, Hess & Claric au- thorize us to make:—"We want every one of our cus- tomers to feed Dr. Hess Stock Tonic this season on a three months test, at our expense. If it doesn't pay ask them to return their empty packages, refund their • money, and we will pay you,' When they wrote that they rrieant it. , We want you to know that this store and our reputation is right back of that guarantee. You cannot afford to buy pf pedlars. They have to charge nearly double to keep up expense of ma,n, team, etc. Besides, we are right on the ground to make good our guarantee And don't forget to Iced Poultry Pan a-ce-a to keep poultry healthy and make hens lay, and over- come the debilitating influences of moulting • IIRLAND BRO • • ve.8. Harland W. J. Harland Stoves, Hardware and Sporting Goods BEFORE LONG, IThough you wouldinti suspect to-day— Baseball.' Ice bills. Drowned while bathing. New potatoes. No • oysters. Rock-ithe,13o(at 1,00ls. Oxford, . Prickly heat Sunstroke, 'Peek-a-boo waists. Fish Stories. Palm leaf 'fans. ' !Ice Cold" lemonade. Witted ,eollars. Thonderetornas. :Circuses. DEA'PH OF RUSSEL WILLIAM 'CRICH: With regret me are called upon this week torecord the death nf Russel 'William eldeat( son of Mr. ,and hVIrs. Iddo 1Crich,,Ontario Street, who' passed away on Sunday after- noon efter brief) but severe ill- ness. Reese' was born; imitate town ship of Tunkersmith, January' 9th 1899, and moved with his parents to ;town in the Spring or 1910. He was a good boy, a dutiful son, a loving brolthea•, and a tender/ playmate. :The ,wineo,meness of his dieposeltion made him agener,a11 favorite With all who knew him. His last ick - nese was, borne with IChnistian cheerfulness and resignation. After bidding loved ones 'Good- bye" and asking them to meet hint et The Golden( Gate,' he calmly, triumphantly tell asleep in the arms ,of Jesus. The tunenall was held on ;Tuedclay, and lwael largely attend- ed. Appropriate, services , were .condneted ;at the helmet and grave by Rev. T.Weeley Casette. :Beauti- ful floral itsibute were contributed by the Ontario( Street Junior Lea - gene, M. 81. B. •Oanterisi Sunday • Scheel :Class, Machine Room Em- Playees af the ;Organ factory. Form No, a;of the Model School M. and Mrs. William Dale; Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel Castle, Mr. Baines and Madly, Ceeil and Fred Pickett, and Alfred (Ranier.' The pall -bearers Were tCottr uncles, Mr. Onslow Orich 05 Clinton fold Meesrts, Eli, John and Giffotd erich OfTnelterEimith, Interment took place in Clinton ,cemetex7. ,The , stneere, sympathy e the bereaved,:frietnds. •, of the .gotoninnitY is extended' te and "i(,4417„,0 ntt,01' CLTo PtET nv,A.B1,0 pRoz I 6 00 v 'fant l'e/DPIe aTonn(Inei•e S13at°aart1150 '.Leas 4'04 Ir -ng .?1,•;.99 4'.4•4+4•4•411•04.++ , ,• ege ables,frOnen;,-hibbtela' liivre'ditang".."thg•effid sap, ,••••' • ;n: i;b1ORIVA,-TE SECRETARY1h youn �OIli, of ••••, tone .WOf • .'' 'pinyethl.''',The•-:PninatenSeeretatly" in ;the-tgatin ball•bere last "raellth were' at.030Y•field, Tneadan night ,14c1 • •preeented th,e pie* under 'the atts,' "". picea: Of the Agrieniturl• Societ0n 4104 1:0 0"rettl" geOdf• hl,c; t•O • ,' ii+.1t. 7 • , `‘.;13•: N/31W . SATISPIED. ' D, ,Eoy,oR:k. DiAvt4th. •'Tile Bell Telephone CO:lies termed • new ttlreetorel.es find lurtr•e cleliVOrqc1 410111 :smbgriberts, ,Theine are 140 phones toWn. • .. EVBR MON'TPI, , , • . • . . Subscriberi ' remitting meney"to this of fige nebelf , (not .looknfor a rearreetion of thein label on 'their, AN EDITOB IN LU03. B.IL4CeRHMe/eiNal dam, and seodnit'o°,1;th0e1 itallte8 collector .o,f Chistems" at Wal.ltertan, feeecbeoirveodf.11;ciengril.carrippo.ffintinent as col- • THE FINEST YET. The !Royal English Hand Bell Ringers, songs, quartette, cluetto and solos withBell accamnannn also popular musid peal of melodious Bells. Toiwn day evening of this week. MORE PICTTJRES ADDED. , - The C.C.S. h'a've had more pie es ;added to their( Art Gallery Week composing 'The Fathers ederatian" and ‘Niag• Falls.1' The W. D. Fain Co,, the framing in their' g style. THE ENGLISH BELL RINCrER Weet Liberty, Iowa, --Eng Hand -Bell Ringers succeed in e tivating the audiences. These be me unlike anything ever seen this country and the performa W5 a marvel, E. Charleswortlin an alto soloist of unusual exc ence. Town Hall, Friday, Feb.2 GUELPH' COLLEGE WAS IN DANGER. • The lolierty .brgar( Company of Clinton, installed the new organ in the 'Presbyterian church,' Egmontl, vine, oh 'Friday, is a, v ery beau- • tibia ink:I'll/tient and the aetion of the nommittee in deciding on an hal mediate nerchase is much appreei. .eited by the TAKEN TD HOSPPTAn On Tuesday nigna Harry Jackson, inClintan young( ,who is btaiteaman -os"Ithe Buffalo •;A:ad Gederich train, was talen off ;the ntrain awing .to innernmatoory r711-. eumartis4n. In the evening he was taken to the lyeepita4, gni griendo all hope far/ a speedy recovery, DOGS SSIOULD.13E WATCHED. In neatly every section of Werit ern ,Ontarto their is some 'Press item 05 mad dog scare and severan of the animals have been affected with rabiues, We think it wise for the 160 citizens who own( dags to be ewe- Fri- fill and wafell their animals, lest the mad dog scare, that happened ' two years ago, may start again. tur this On Tueeday the new .officers elf of the Salvation Army arrived end are to•okccharge of the corps here. The did officers names are Capt. Puentire,• uod late of Leamington, and formerly formerly of Toronto, tv•here he was connected with the S. A. band; and S. Lieut, Yost. Special sei•vicea Will pan be conducted on Satnyday and Sunday, . • Us FAIRS WILL NOM CLASH. in nee Mr. S.Lockle auperinten- yu dent of Fall Pairs, stated that by a ej.j_ new arrangement this -year the 3. dates for all the Fairs in the Imo- rince would be arranged system- atically, so that no tWe' Fairs .in neighboring localities will co,ninet. There has been' trouble in the past 'est ancl• loss or money in previous years On- over lack of central ntrinhgement in at the ;arrangement of Fairs This NEW- OFFICERS. A seno.us fire broke out 0 Wednesday about noon at the tario Agricultural College Guelph, and the fire wee kept from spreading' by the great work of the volunteer brigade or students. As it was, abent 81,000 damage was done to the museum, STRONG FOR "UNION. The Methodist Beards are noting Stron.gly in favor of "church union. The Methodist church( as it exists rto'Ray is the result of thennionof a half-dozen different bodies 117, 1883, and the success which has at- tended that union is probably 're- garded as a forecast of What will follow the lat)gell confederation now proposed, • ALIVE BOARD OF TRADE. Can an Industrial Committee or the Council take the place of a Board of Trade? The experience of other toWns would seem to answer question in the negative. Members of the Council have enough to do if they attend to their cantles ef- ficiently and it is the business men °inside the Council who should provide the required stimulus for eLive Board of Trade. STORE ROBBED. Last Thursday evening between 8.30 and 11 o'cleek the drug store of S,R, lloarnes was entered and a sum of ntaney takeit from the till. Mr. Holmes had left the store 'at 8.30 and returnecl abont 11.00, when he discovered thaff the bac doer had been ,opened. and ,t1 thief had made himself busy. ST •doubt ,a local persjon• Was the rua THE GREYHOUND EXCURSION Like the first spring robin corne a nate from Mr. B.11. AyerAof, th 'White Star Line, announcing th dates of the annual June ex.cursio -to Detroit. It is proposed( the the trip from Goderich be on Fri day, June 14th, and the return. tri on Monday, nth, giving two fix days Saturday and( Sunday Detroit. This Would make aspic did outing 'and ought to ensure larger crowd than ever on thispe War trip, 25 cents A new one and we thiok.a good one, It is called the •"Writesnway" and it writes right away a feature few if any pens at this price have. • Another spIehdid feature is that points may be so atily, changed' when a new one is required. It Wont blot and lecan't deg. Its the best we kno7' at the price. 'Extra points rc each. •) 1 TheWeD0 Paii Co. Often' the eheapest—always the Best ossentessanesfalosesseasausiassumseseasurinna„,•„••=mmos MAY EXTEND BUSINESS, From the President's address of the Goderich Board of Trade, we .bake an item which th of interestno Clinton ;—The Jackson Factory — Employs ten menf and fifty girls. The output has increased front /50, 000 pair to 160,000 pair and the class of material used is more valurtble. The wage list is $20,000. If• hydro- electric power cames they erg coneidering passible extension. FAIRS WILL NOT CLASH. In nearly every, section of West- ern Ontario there is some press item; of mad dog scare, and several of ;the aninials hard been ar,kedlefl . with rabies. We think it wise fox the citizens wire( own dogs to be careful and watch their animals, lest the inacli cl a scare that hajp- will be obviated. year, however, these difficulties p e Iwo year ago, may start again. ; A SAD CALEND.AR, San—et was quite ill one day; Feb—rile trouble came her way, Man—tyr-like she la,y( in bed! Apr--oned nurses ;softly sped. May—be said the doct, judicial. Jun—ket would be beneficial. Jul—eps, too, though. freely tried,' Aug—ured ill, for Janet died. Sep--ffichre was sadly made, Oct—aves -pealed and prayers were said, Nov—ices with. many' a tear, • Dec—opened Janet's bier. AS OTHERS SEEN THEM. The Huron County; Ceuecillors did -anent stroke of business for themselves fail the ;session of the County Council viz voted them- selves 8200. a day in addition to the $3.00 paid heretofore so that now they receive 166.00 for each clay and mileage. Two of the ;nein- bers wanted to split 'the differ- ence and make it $4.00 but the maj- ority would not( have it that way. No doubt they heard that 84.00 bilis were likely to bo withdrawn from; circulation but th ei fives are not. (Riply Express) MINOR LOCALS, It Was Mee to see the thaw, Days are legthening Vern per-, ceptably naw. o The Canadian Order of Foresters, ea with its present death rate could ' 'MY all death claims maturing dur- ing :the next( seven years without • calleeting a single dollar front its s inembers. English Hand -bell ringers succeed O in captivating the audiences they ht, are unlike anything' ever he:arcl in V this country, the selections from - Handel, Mozart, IVIendelssohn, Mey P erbeer and ethers, are11 marvienous. Don't 'fail • to head them •Frielay n night. n • a NAMES PROMINENTLY P MENTIONED. WHAT IS SEAFORT,Ff DOING. ,ameeting of the tenni counci of:Clinton last week, Councillor T Jackson, chairman of the special nommittee, reported that he ha been in,carrespandence 'with till president of the CT.R., With refer ence to the extension, of its lin from Walton to Clinton. The presi dent ha's replied that the .company is nowt considering isuell an ex- tension. ,The Mayor and Mr. Jack- son were ,appoluted a delegation to proceed toltiontreall to confer with the officials of the 'company on the scubjelett. This line •matted in which Seaforth is vitally interested and the town ;authorities should .be lank .,ing a,fter hed interests. A .branch ()lithe C.P.R. from Walton to Clin- ton, especially as that/ road has a station at IBlyth, now, does 'not seem a particularly Mviting enter- prise. ,A branch, -via Seaforth aned south :would take In a 'much larger and better territory, 'but no pergoln, cam foresee ,wh.atf railway com- panies may do nowadays, and Sea- forth's interests: 'should be itooked !atter.—Expositoo•.' London Free Press--Threct Lon- don pUlpita ,ard vaeant—the Mem- o oriel Anglican :Church; ,the First Congneg:artio•nal and the Chalmers Presbyterian Church, " the ven- d :aney °lithe Menioa•ial chinch, made e; necessary byithe removal el Rev. - 'Canon Hague to Toronto, there are IN two( names prominently mentioned, ;tho•se of Rev. 0.15, Jeakins, of Clin- ton, and Rev, Arthur Carlisle, of Windsor. To! bath names, ho•wever there was ;the( objection that they had not been( two years .on their Present .charge, this haring becoMe anule in Huron D' TAR I3RUCEFIELD SEED SHOW. The annual spring( show under the auspices of the South Huron .Agrienaltunal Society will be held in "Walker's hall, ihrucefield, On Friday, Maa•chr 1st. This ts an event of which farmers should take aclvantag•e.,, There is nothing more impenitent then, the procuring of 'good seed:. Thie tatiii enables the seller and buyer ito get ,together at,elose range, gives the man who has seed tosellt an opportunity of Showing its excellence and gives the man, who wants to bu.y seed.tthe opporthnity of learning ,Wherel he aim get the best. On this opeasion very liberal prizes \are offered and it is honed there will be a good dis- play of Seeds of all kind. The seed be judged by Mr. Por,Ser, B.S.A., abs will also deliVer stildreas thosei pros- . ant Mr. Porter is M. graduate of atarm Agalmilturel Colle4e Is beam sentr by the ,Oatamo Partment , Of Agriculture, , 'MOTHER'S MEETING" The Woman's Christian Temper- ance 'Union held a !Mother's Meet- ing" in Ontario Street/ Church lec- ture rennin on Tuesday afternoon laSt. There was a large attend- anee. Mrs. 'Wallis, president of the local union, introduced' the speak - et of the occanon,1 Mrs. Follick of Exeter, county President, Her sub- ject was !Our 'Greatest Work " as mothers, which is the careful up- bringing of ehildren in purity of body as:well anemia. Miss Bowlby and Miss Carrie Shipley gave ap- propriate recitations. Refreshments were served 'and asocial half-hour spent. Many thanked Mrs. Follick afterward for her brave and earn- est talk along the lines of person- al purity. The Clinton Bowlers Continued from page 1 • gentlemen in question' or 'S. and S." as lie is known to ,others, Whilst Possessing* the gone) points in the rear' afthe skull I have referred to in the former subject, I ntioce that the frontal development is infinite- ly superior, In fact, whilst I am 06.2061110000061VAS00•006101100- 9s • • 0 09 SCROK • • of Toronto, operated by the Cen- tral Business College of Toronto, O train young men and women for 2 O office positions. Why not get jg • your training under •'Special. • • Eats —some of whom are web- 0 •• known authors of commercial 0* • text books? We have students • se in attendance frent Halifax to 0 Vancouver. Send for free cata- • • logue to W. H. Shaw, President, • • Yonge &Gerrard Ste, Toronto, 0 eeeeeeseeseseemeeeeseeesee ...I•maymp,=•••••40.1•01•••••=1.0....... Central Business College Stratiord, Ont. Our classes are now larger than ever before hub we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for a few more students. You may enter at any time. We have 0 staff of nine experienced instructors and our courses are the best. Our graduates succeed. This week three recent gradu- ates informed us that they have positions' paying' $05, $70 and $125 per month. We have three departments,Commercial,-Short- • hand and Telegraphy. Write for our flee catalogue now. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL • unwilling to embarrass this gentle- man by speaking of hira in his pre- sence, for I notice the bump .of rao- deSty is exceedingly above the average, I must say, gentlemen, • s manr mo mean ,order. The bumps Inowf handle are indi- cative of marvellous scope of in- tellectual ability, r guago, locality, music, forensic tan, ent, ideality, truthfulness', advent - let -cation, .caution, statesman( hire breadth of thought, busineae per- ception, charitableness, true friend- liness, large heartedness, love of art, all lying in strong development side by side. 'Whether it be an:tat- ter of congratulation or regret, I heew not, but •where veneration, should appear, 'this gentleman hat a distinct hello wf in which you see lean place my fing•er; -going. to show :that splendid British inde- pendence that does not care a rep for anybody else's' ,opinion. The would-be phrenologist here began to wonder away( from his legiti- mate snbject, and to speak- more or less incoherently about the Dar- winian theory. Some or his friends gat really alarmed, and feared that anew brand of Irish; aerated water was beginning to get in its deadly work, lie rambled along, and 'the words division of,skull, racial die- •tinetion, descent, monkeys, (simia- dae, cynocephalus percentile, 'were heard disjointedly to issue( from his hips, ending up in a,sickly smile indicative of self approbation. Mr. jackeon was evidently-inn:mit re- leinesvathat no worse consequences Mr 'Hoover in his well-trained manner as a public speaker of ,some notoriety, then spoke, of -the plea.s- - ere it -gave theJ members 'of the 0. L. . . o e piesent; how greatly they had enjoyed( their evening and Moved avote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson, 'which being seconded, .paased, presented, with e fel recei.vecl and' return-. - tied thanks for by Mr. Jackson, on behalf of himself and Mrs. Jackson the pat ty.1nen °nee more exposof themselves to the clangere of lona- metier] open the treacherous roads •and pitch holes, and in cluetimo found themselves again' at la bed. Monowlfaummailimaimmemas. AINIgoislonnelmemswomeogonas., .1.++++÷÷i^+÷÷4.+++++++++++++++:1417,:•+++++++÷÷+÷•1!++44*:++,+4,+ a + ex- cept under extreme( 'circumstances, .1. Did You Ever Think clergyman shall not change, : within t' 411 wo years! after entering a + 4, . +- 41 HURON OLD BOYS., The Enron ,01c1 Boys' Association of Toronto have appointed anom- mittee of ladies, representing ,the vavions tonnis and villages of Hur- on, for theparpose of assisting the exei cutive n the reception( of the guests :at the annual at-home, on Friday eVeriing, the 23rd 'inst., and making them acquainted ;with each other as mach as possible. 'With -this end in view the following lad- ies were •appointed: Goeterith, in- cluding Benmiller, ?o51 Albert :and Nile, Mrs. Jos, d,eck, ,Mns. Harry Chinas, Mrs. 11. C+. Horton; Clinton inclading Hohnesville, Brucefield and Londesboro, 1Mrs. E.1.IORmes), Sii..LF.0( fi'S7dtYt,M,s..FCo. Cat eliri;ar1Sceea' fatith, including 'Winthrop and Eg- thondville, Mrs, (Dr.) ;Belden and 'Mrs. W. Prendergast; Wingia,n, in - eluding Blneyale, Belgra.ve and Dun gammen, Mrs. WtF, Grones, Mrs. L, ':a.:nwso.ns,10:13,17 ;:ora:te(Dr r• 13lysthloaill 7; 4. eluding Auburn ;and Waltoni Mrs. + Brosselts, ineluding Ethel, Mrs, J. F. 4.. Stewart; Bayficiel, includingi Var- na, Mrs., (Dr.) Sibanbnry ; Exeter, in-' .1. eluding Creditor, )and contrana, mrs 11. S. Crocker ; Bengali, inert ding at Kippen, Zurich, am:10111s Green, Mrs H. J. D. Cooke Mrs. 1Viella.ggart; gorrie, inclUding iWroxeterl and Ilef:t4tlitther'iMellis..41"7eich‘ Mrs. G. " + 4. .0. -0 .s. $ + How easily a e c shoe could bheapened. $ + it 4. Cheap 'Linings, Innersoles rnade of pasteboard 3: ..t Eyelets that are not fast color. Imitation welt in .1:: Tplace of Genuine Goodyear—given a high finish * $ which soon wears oft. * 44 + ' , + + „ + None of these substitutions are easily detected *. ::: by the average purchaser, yet they make a world * * of difference in the comfort and wear of a shoe. + 4., 4'.• ÷ 4. While it costs more, we watch these points in our ghoes and have them made as they should by , .i. ' Made. We sell Only shoes that the manufacturer is willing to stand back of with a broad guarantee ' of SatisfactiOn. Wear a pair, then you'll know why our cUstorners are Satisfied Customers. FRED JACKSON EVERVTHINa IN, FOOTWEAR AFesEraglitki.3.-mgc.HEHEtti4.4.4444++++++++++++++++++4,