HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-22, Page 71
, P,F,B11I5ARY 2211(1,10.2
the litannervveg at S o'clock tonight"
'Ibis not was as welcome to the re-
cipieut as the/ dowers in the spring.
tAn adventure? He was ready, iiow
and always.
"1 shall need the costume (4 tvvint-
iner this evening," he said.
"Oh, that will be easy," alUrined the
So it -came about that Carmichael,
'dressed as a vintner, his hat over Ids
leyes, stole into the misty night and
, took the way to the Krurnerweg• He
*new exactly, where he wished to go -
4o. 40 all. who was the lady
in b?ack, and why should he bother
'himself about her? he probably caine
;from the back stairs of the Palace.
And yet the chancellor himself had
, been in this plaeo.
I. A step? Be trained, his ear. But •
' even as he did tirms Were
trasped dimly and t wistgd behind his ,
; back. and at the -same titnen cloth was
I wrapped round tOe lower part dr his
'face, leaving only ,his' eyes :and nose
,visible. He washelpless. Ile. was
gbting agitipat "throe. `
Thep one of the three whistled. A
Minute or two alter 0 closed carriage
came into the Krumerweg, and Car -
Michael was literally bundled inside.
1:Elis feet and hands were bound.
The cerriage began to move slowly.
One turn after another he counted, 'fix -
Ing as well as he could the topography
"of the town through winch they were
!passing. Once the road outside a
!Melberg was reached a fast pace was
Met At.the angendheit barrier the car-
riage stopped. Presently there appear.
Md at the door an old man dressed as
a mountaineer. In ins hand was a
lantern. •
"Pardonme, dear nephew- F'ools!"
!he broke of, swinging round. 'Be has
'trIcked you all. This is not he!"
'Three astonished faces peered over
'the old man's shoulder. One was a
1eaeter, another a butcher and the third
a baker.
' Carmichael, now freed, stretched
"Well?" he said, with a dangerous
"Herr Carmichael, the A.merican con-
tent!" The old man nearly dropped the
lantern. "Olt you internal block -
Carmichaeas anger dissolved, anti he
laughed. Ail the mystery was gone.
Iffe saw how neatly he had been duped.
Be still carried the note. This lie gave
to the leader 'of this midnight expe-
"Humph!" said the old man in a
in food value and
easy to digest. It is just
/Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground
/from the choicest Cocoa
Nurses and Doctors recommend its
use in sickness or in health. gi
Do You
la- "a°. use
• Cocos.?
Copyright. 1909. by, the Robb*.
Merrill Company
--vv'eailtritave our nttie <my areamea
"Who 'does not, father?" Sbe slid
her arra round his neck.
"Herr Carmichael is a fine fellow,
brave, witty, shrewd. If all. American
are like him America will soon become
a force hi the vrorld. 1 bave taken
a fariey to him, end you know, pleat
they 'sayeaf your father -no -formality.
with those whoxn he likes. Humanly
Lata rignt, but in the virtue of every.
day evente in -court life I ani wrong.
Herheck sbas spoken of it, the oltiee
woe:fen:speak otitand they all say"-
"Viliatedo I care what they say?"
hotly. "Are you not the grand duke,
and -Irma not your daughter2"
49r011-131t1St ride no more with Herr
alermichaeL It is neither wise nor
•illeeavas up with his arms folding
;around dier. "Child, it is only for your
"Jake. Listen to me.
"Youtmust be a princess. You must
steel your heart against the invasion
of love eunless it comes from et state
.equaleor superior to yeair own."
' "Yes,- father. I shall not ride with
• biro any more."
"Be a brave heart, and I shall engage
to find 4 king for you."
"I don't want any playthings, fa-
ther," with the old light touch, and.
aben she looked him full in the eyes.
promise to do nothing more to cre-
ate comment if, on the other hand,
You will promise to give me two years
moreeet freedom."
. The duke readily assented and short.
ay 'returned to his snit rather pleased
,t1tat there had been no scene -riot that
he had expected any.
Considerable activity was manifest
In the police bureau the rest of that
day. '
To return to Carmichael, he had
never before concerned himself with
resignations. Up to this hour he had
neverresigned anything be bad set his that marriage to him was merely a
' heart -upore So it was
matterlor Mita to os'.°a t an easy
political pontract What would you
completter to ,
;the aecretary of st
ueite . resignieg
"I believe I begin to understand."
post at Dreiberg. Trhe added that
he desired to be transferred to a sea-
port town, France or Italy preferred.
The high altitude in Dreiberg had at.
fected his heart. Bewever, in case
there was no other available post they
would kindly appotut his successor at
once. It took courage 'indeed to face
the matter squarely and resolutely.
What she was not going to marry the
'king -of augendheit did not alter his
affairs in the least. It was all hope-
less. Ife must go.
Some one •was knocking on the door.
"A letter for your excellency," said
the concierge.
"If alerr 'Carmichael would learn the
ecret of No. 40 Krumerweg let him _
attapanimself• aa,„a. '17 Sakage. andebeete,
Poor WeaftWoman
As she is termed, will endure bravely and patiently
agonies which a strong 'limn vvnulcl give way under.
The fact As women are more patient than they ought
to be miner such troubles.
Every woman ought to know that she may obtain
the most experienced medical advice free of tharge
end in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Meciioal Association, R. V.
Pieree, M, D., President, Buffalo, N. Y, Dr. Pierce
bas been chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., for
many years and has bad a wider practical experience
in the treatment of avomen's diseases than any other physician in this country.
His medicines are world-fernous for their astonishing efficacy.
Thy moot perfect renrody ever devised for weak and deli-
cate SVOltnell is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set
forth in Plain English in the People's Medical. Adviser (1008 pages), n newly
revised and up-to-date Edition, cloth -bound, vvill be sent on receipt of 50 one.
oent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only. Address as above.
what's' going Onqn that bullet head of
"I have resigned the consulship."
"And for what reason'?"
Carmichael ellently drew on his coat,
"ACh! So you bave oue too?"
"One what?"
"One secret."
"Yes. But it's the kind we can't talk
uhderstand. Have you bad -break-
"Neither bave I. Let us go togeth-
There was a large crowd outside the
palace that niglat, winch was clear and
starry, because of a great ball. A
troop of cavalry patrolled the fence.
Carriage after carriage rolled in
through the gates, coming directly from
the opera.
And clew by tbe sentry box Car-
michael saw Gretchen and her vintner.
Carmichael could not resist sopping
a moment. Fle raised his bat to
Gretchen to the wonder of those near-
"Do You know where the American
consulate is?" he aseed low, so that
none Mit' Gretchen and the vintner
"Yes," • said the 'vintner, blushing
with shame. "I live above the agen-
"Good! I shall expect to see you in
the morning."
But the vintner was determined that
he shouldn't. He would be at work
in tbe royta vineyards on the morrow.
"Tomorrow?" repeated Gretchen, to
growl. I thought as much." He wits- whom ttis byplay was a blank. "Wily
pered to bis com- sholild he wish to see you?"
anions. "la e r r "Who lmows? Let us be going. It
Carmichael, I le half after 10," he Added, as if to put
shaU have t is e forward some logical excase for leav-
bo-nor of escort- Ing at this moment.
Ing you back to • A man followed them all the way t�
On the way it
all came bads to
Carmichael with
the vividness of
te a forgotten photo-
graph come upon
suddenly -BOnn,
6 the Rhine, swift
and turbraent, a
towbeaded young
fellow who could
not swim well,
his own plunge. was never a smile, never a glance.
became careless and reckless. He 'lioness s
° 9. have asked for my recall, your
VINTNER? HOT 5500111 ins fingers in the
flaxn hair ad the hard tigitt to the would seek her and talk to her and ,,,
eend so Dreiberg no longer appeals
landing. All this was a tale twice told. smile at her even if the duke threw a to you? You nnee told me that you
regiment In betweem Be saw Grind- loved it.,
Widmer? Not much! bath in the gallery. "I am cursed with wanderlust, your
CHAPTER XII. "Now, what the devil is the Dutch. highness.. .
IIHR PAN. man doing 'with a pair of opera ,'You promised to tell me what she
'T was dam when they began to e •" • - is Like," ,
elasses 9
pull up the road to Dreiberg in a Later her highness stood befeee one Suddenly all his fear went away, all
carriage. The mountaineer had of the long eviedows in the cog...me:ea. his trepidation. The spirit of reckless -
been riding with the
tory listlessly watching the pee ness which had vised him a little while
driver. The
ago empoweie m. Be was
carriage stopped.
"I shall not intrude, 1 trust?" said Ing for her? Sbe twined. ' afraid of nothing.
the old man. opening tbe door and get- It was Carmichnel. "How shall I describe herr' he said.
ring Vahat an opportunity for scatiell I have seen only paintiags and mar-
in.She laughed inwardly. The bateelt "
bles, and these ere inanimate. Have
"Not 110W," replied Carmicbael.
and their wives the ambassadeee' you erer seen ripe wheat in a rain -
"Wien is all tins about?"
"A. trifle." The old man thought for wives and their daughters, Wield into
storm? That is the color of her hair.
awhile. "Suppose you had a nephew them both. And the spirit of deviate -7 There are jade and lapis la.zuli in hes
who was making a toot of him„If „et, My also anon tier •heart, She smiled
eyes." Tie leaned toward ber. "And
I love her bettor than life, better than
a woman."
hope, and between us there is the
"Nothing unusual in that"
distance of a thousand worlds. So 1
"Suppose, though of good character,
must give up the dream and go away,
she was vastly his inferior in station;
as an Minorable man should."
Neither of tbem heard the chancel -
toes approach.
"And because I love her!" .
Her fan dropped to the floor.
"Your higbness." broke in the cold,
even tones of Eterbeck, "your father is
making inquiries about you."
Carmichael rose instantly, white as
"As I have said. I am not a prince.
I am only a consul, not even a (1500,
teat, simply a business arm of my
government. My diplomacy never as.
ceuds above the quality a hops and
'wines Im orted. I am supposed to
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
CHICAGO, Feb. 17.-A sharp break in
prices for Wheat, occurred to -day as a
result of big shipinents beMg made
from Argentina, and because of lvavy
treecipts al. terminals in alio ‘TInited
States. The close was Weals, 1Ao to 10,
under last night. Corn finished 1/),e to
01c clown, oats oft :Au to %c, and hog
products less co,„tty by a shade to 200.
The Liverpool market closed to -day %d
to 1/2d lower than yesterday on wheat, and.
14d to %a lower on corn. Paris wheat
was l/,,c to W‘c higher, Berlin is lower,
'Budapest 3'se lower, Antwerp unchanged.
Wienipee 'Options,
00.11131), Low. dose. ciose.
'''''''''' '''''''''''''' 1100it 110010u: It D11:001:4 y11.00 s t121.
Oats- 4314 4414.
JOiv 401/1 4414
' Toronto Grain Market,
Wheat,' fall, bushel... ..... 95 to 1....
Wheat, goose, bushel .....0 ..••
Y , 110 .
0 50 a
Barley,for teed 0 90 0 93
0 55 0 '75
Peas, bushel ..,.,... 110 1 12
Buckwheat, bushel. 0 63 69
Toronto Dairy Market.
<Better, sepaeator, dairy, lb. 0-34. 0 aa
Batter, creamery, lb. rolls. 0 30 0 28
Butter, creamery, solids 0 16 •
Cheese, new, Ili 01.0634 06 1531.
Butter, store lots
Honeycombs, dozen
8 00
Honey, eXtracted, lb
0002 15441
nngggr,:, ,neceveo,4alontis
'ontreal Grain and itroduce,
MONTREAL, Feb. 11. ---The follow-
ing prices were quoted. on the market
• "Atm Beaman eovn near'
take in any wandering- sailor, feed him
and stdp him home. I am also the of-
ficial guide of all American tourists."
"That is no reason."
"Your anther"- He should have said
the grand duke.
"Ah, yes; my father, the chancellor,
the ambassadots and their evives and
daughters! I be,gin to believe that ybu
have grown afraid of them."
"I confess that I haveI had an ad-
venture last night. Would you like
the Krumerweg. to bale about it?„
Carmichael throw Minself eagerly "Tell me."
into the gayety of the dime% Be was He told her.
an accomplished waltzer, after the oA veiled lady," she Mused. "What
manner of that day, wben one went would. you say if I told you that your
round and round like some madam- mystery is no raystety at all? I am the
ical toy -wound up. This would be the veiled lady. And the person I went .to
lest affair of the kind for him, and he see was my old nurse, my foster moth -
wanted a full memory of it. Between er, with whom 1 spent tbe happiest,
times he eechanged a jest or two with freest daye of my life. in the garret at
the chancellor or talked battles with Dresden. Pouf! A.I1 mysteries may be
old Ducwitz. Thrice wbile on the fioor dispelled if we go to the right person.
ber highness passed him. 33ut there So you are to be teealled?"
the square. Was that. 6.0me one tom. , againd
at the matt and with her fan bade him
be seated at her si,de.
"You have uot asked ine to dance to,.
night," she declared.
"1 am neither a prince tier an anites.
But you have danced with me."
"Yes; 1 have been to heaven now
and them"
'"And do you eject yourself thus east -
'By turning myself out my `8011 es.
teem remains anrufBea. ' the frill In his shirt.
"Then YOu expected to be turned ,
Continued -next week
here Saturday:
Oats--Canadlan western, No. _,--,'Ctto
54e; do., No. 3, 5.11,Do to 52c; extra No. 1
teed, 52Y36 to 53e• No. 2 local white, 51e
to 513(10; No, 3 local white, 50e to 501/2o;
No. 4 local white, 49e to 49*.e.
Barley-klaiting, 51.04 to 51.05.
Buoltwheat--No, 730 to 720.
Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents,
firsts, VA, seconds, 55.10; strong bakere%
54.501 whiter patents, choice, 12.10 to 0.35;
straight rollers. 54.65 to 54.75; do., bags,
Rolled oats• -•Barrels, 55.05; bag of 90
513b.S1.5, to .4503.25 ,
Millfeed-Brtan, 524; shorts, 526; mid-
dlings, $29; mouillie, 528 to $24.
Play -No. 2, • per ton, car bots 515 to
516Ch5Clease-Finest westerns, 101/0 to Me;
finest easterns, to 150.
Butter -Choicest creamery, 230 to 24e;
seconds, 32c to 321/20. _
Hggs.-Fresh, 45c; selecten, 99c to 40c;
No. 1 stook, 330 to 350.
Potatoes -Per bag, ear lots, 51.70 to 51.80.
Dressed hogs -Abattoir killed, 510 to
510.28; country, $.0.5- to 59.50.
Pork-Reavy Canada short cut mess,
barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, 522.50; short cut
backs, barrels, 4510 65 pieces. $22.
Lard-Dompound tierces, 375 lbs., Me;
wood pails, 20 Lbs. net, Sne; Pure, tierces,
376 lbs., Mc; pure, wood pails, 20 lbs.
net, 12143.
Beef -Plate, barrels, 200 lbs., 314.50; do.,
tierces, 200 lbs., 511.50. ,
Had Palpitation of the Heart
Weakness and Choking,' Spoils.
When the heart begins to beat irregu-
larly, palpitate and throb, beats fast for
a time, then so slow as to seem almost to
stop, it causes great anxiety and alarm.
When the heart does this many people are,
kept in a state of moiand fear of death,
and become weak, worn and miserable.
To all such sufferers Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills will give prompt and
perthanent relief.
Mrs., John J. Downey, New Glasgow,
N.S., writes:-" Just a few lines to let
you know what your /vIilburies Mate
and Nerve Pills have done for me. I
was troubled with vireakne,ss' and palpie
tation of the heart, would have severe e
choldng spells, and could scarcely lie
down at all, I tried many remedies,
aut got none to answer my case like your
Ms. I can recommend them highly to
all having heart or nerve troubles,"
"I am grateful for tbatar
"Your iaepbew is an magrateful
wretch. Be knew all along who I
was," went on the American. "I drag-
ged him out of 'the Rhine upon a cer-
tain day, and he plays this trick!"
"You? Carmichael, Carmichael, of
Course; I should bave remembered the
name as he wrote me at the time.
Thank you! And you kneso him all
the while?"
"No, I recalled his face, but the
time and place were in the dark till
this early morning. Here we are at
the gates. What's this? Guards? I
never saw them at these gates before."
After some trouble they passed the
• The mountaineer got out guieirly-
closed the door, spoke a word to the
driver and slippecleinto an alleyway.
Carmichael arrived. at the Grand hoe,
tel in time to see her serene highpess,
accompanied by two of her ladies and
an escort of four seldiers, start out for.
hermorning ride. He waited tilt they
'sad passed, then slunk into the hotel. ,
Tile concierge gazed at him in amaie-
ment. Carmichael winked. The con.
'Merge smiled. He understood. A.raeri-
carter or Ehrensteiner, the young fel-
low8 were all the same.
"Guards at the gates," mused Car-
tutehael ag he soaked Ins bead 10310.11000
10 eold water. "By George, it 'looks
as ray friend the vintner was in for
some -excitement!"
Oretehen! Carmichael stopped, his
collar but halfway around his throat.
Now, by the Lord, that should. not bel
,He 'would wring the vintner's neck.
He was not in an amiable mead. Some
one hammered on the dooe.
Gennabach, entered. e
"You are angry alemt something," he
"So I am. But you are always wee -
"You have overalept?'
"No; on the contrary."
"You are disturbed. jr.aavl
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
S1.25. Por sale at all dealers or will be
nailed direct on receipt of price by
'file T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto,
Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 7636c.
taken occasionally tone up the liver, move the
beWels freely, cleanse the system and elan ale brain. 25c.
a box at all druggists'. •
National Drug & Chernic41 Co, of, Cauada, Limited
1,4ttiea - •
!Wild Duck OonveTsation" by
Peank Hyde, formerly; Edttor of
Outdoter Canada, is tbel leading
number in the February i issne of
Rod and Gun in Canada, published.
by Walt Taylor,! Limited, WOode
shook, Ont. No opotrasanneil inter-
ested in She., peesermatton et thee
important species oe oral wild towil
sittould fail to pro aueef a 00.917 of
the Pebruatry number and readithis
Miele arorn first( to last. A lose
eineitheg, tale is that which has been
eontribulted Maatin Iffuntert the
'well known writer who spent fortY
years, from 18631 !to 1903 in the sere
The Wheels of -Busitietei ,
;Our Classified Want'Ads. fu04i6hra"
Ilibricant' plat is good.fors,anyikind.,of
business machinery;
Do you siisn(aremployer,orse Tem.
aloyee.0). Have you something to sell et
there something yowitist to tset
a No 'menet' how Ian/clot kosramell
your butintss 0, Cepitsfed Ad/Z*411.11Th
provo 31011115.
, OW. 11. W WIWW,3
Winnipeg Grain Market.
WINN/Peot Feb. 3.7, -The local market
was very dolt to -day. Opening Priem
were %c under PridaY's close, and with
no support 3.1111 um undertone of weakness
the decline continued 'until the cloSing.
Oats and flax are slightly eaglet% New
and old May wheat options closed 743c and
.Suly %a lower. Receipts are heavier,
there being 350 cars in eight tor inspec-
tion, against 150 on Friday. •
Cash grain •. Wheat -No, 1 northern,
Ms; No. 2 do., 53340; No, 3 do., 88140;
eNeoe,64, d86%.,e8;20H1 of,ee1dd, 056o,, ss; 1,4,1 or.eisecatoec.1,
511/2e; No. 1 red 'winter, 890; No. 3 do.,
871/20; No. 4 do., 82c.
Oats -No. 2 Canadian western, 40e; No. 3
do., 36e; extra No, 1 feed, 37c; No. 1
feed, 260; No. 2 feed, 34140.
Barley -No. 41, 54e; rejected, 47e; con-
demned, 460.
Liverpool Provisions.
LIVERPOOL, 'Feb. 17. -Beet, extra
India mess, 102s 60; pork, prime mess,
western, 85s; hams, short cut, 14 to 16
lbs, 554; bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to
30 lbs., 46s 60; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs.,
47a600 clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 47s 60;
long clear middles, light 28 to 84 100.,
als 60; long clear middies, 28 to 34
40 lbs, 4Ss; short clear backs, 16 to 20
lbs., 46s; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.,
44s; lard, prime western, in tierces, 440
94; American refined, 45s; cheese, Can-
adian, finest white, 74s; emoted, 74s;
tallow, prime city, 305 60; Australian,
In London, 32s 11/2.0; turpentine spinitS,
35s ed; rosin, eommon, les 7,4d; Po-
troleurn, refined, 7610; linseed oil, 105
60; cottOn seel all, I-Iun refined, spot
23s 90.
Minneapolis Grain market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 17. -Close -Wheat
--.AraY• 51.02344 July, 51.0114 to 51.0481; /So.
1 hard, 51,04; No. 1. siorthern, $1.0814; No.
2 do., 51.0114; NO, 8. wheat, No to 9944,c.
Con -NO . 3 yellow, 540 to 65c.
Oats -No, 3 white, 49c to 493¢c.
Rye -No. 2, 804,
Buffalo Grain Market.
BuirFAIso, Feb. 17.-t:30I118 wheat dull;
No. 1 northern, carloads, store, 51.1414;
winter lower; No. 2 red, 51.0014; No. 3
V6'8O r9n5-0 ;LoNwer ;2 Nwob.it3e'ye4iliovt, Salim No. 4
yellow, Wee, au on track, thru-billed.
Oats -Steady; No. 2 white, 5614o; No, a
white, 565ic; 1So. 4 white, 64040.
Barley -Malting, 5120 to 51.24.
'vice of Abe Huctsest ,Day Co, The
story which is entitled "A. Tragedy
which; Caused the Siege of Foot El-
lice" de.als with( the east" .act of alb,
einp)Oyee of the coin:only, by Which
the p00510711J8 blithe Indians Were in-
flamed. and the lives oa,all in, elm
fort endangered, mat the eabse-
guent diplomatic handling of the
Ted men beano Factor. Pox Perms'
in Prince Ecl.svordl I8Jiasod, 4,. Holi-
day Trip in the! Lill000t Distelet,
13ritish Columbia, A Moose Hun't on
the Peeserve of the Shaftvinigab
Club, Quebec and tether testicles
serve as interesting reminders, oa
the representative character ot this
Canadian sporitainan'a publication.
'13553 00 rI',554433
Confined to Illis9Horne for Weeks.
'Heavy work, severe straining ancl evil habits in youth brought on
Varicose Veins. When I worked hard the aching would become
Severe and I was oftenlaicl up tor a WeOlt at a time. My family
physlnanteld000100 operatiou was 107 0017 hope -but I dreaded It.
tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wantedwas lay
money. I commencell to look upon all doctors as little better than
rognes. Ono day any boss asked me why I was oft work so much stud
I told him my condition. Ho advised 100 10 consult Drs. ffennedy &
Rennedy• as he had taken treatment front them himself and knew
they were square and skillful. I wrote theta and got Ton CI=
illearton Tunkrunss. My progresswas 'somewhat slow and during
the first inonth's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However,
10 continued treatment for three months longer and waS rewarded
with a complete cure. I could only earn 3112 a week in a Machine
shop before treatment, 11014 I an earning Sill and never looso a day.
I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment.
313734I130 0. 00011ST.
BLOOD POISONS aro 1110 10005 prevalenrand most, serious diseases, They sap tho
vary Me blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause
serious complications. Dewar° of Heronry. 86 0157 suppress the symptoms -our NEW
2111T3iO31 ewes allblooddiseases.
TOli/NO 031 llliman Ann]) 35J0M-imprudent heft or later excesses bp•ve broken
dowa your system. You teet the symptoras stealing over vou. 'Mentally, physically anl
vitally you are not diurnal yen used .60 be or shouldbe. Winyouneea the danger signals'?
READER •Af.gelt.g'cilignig;11" igg'°31).°1 507 30010111184?- uer 30,w b1e'roD
Taz.vratuss v11100,0 you. What it has dorm for others it wol clo for 7011. Consultation
Froo. No matter bas treated you. write ter an honest opinion Free of Charge.
BookFrce-"Boyhood,21anhood,3i'atherhood." (Illustrated) on Diseases of Ken.
bones or envelopes. Everything Confidential. Question List and Cost of TreatL°M
.-64513.1 1,6%nyktd,
'Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
estate51 js 55 fail All letters from Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
• temameatramnamat ment in Windsor, Ont, If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Canadian I:tininess only. Address all. letters as follows:
.215355 1614:4,..53a14401, 118
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST BUWFALO, "Feb, re -Cattle-
Receipts, 150 heed; slow and steady.
Veals-Receipts, 200 head; active and
75c 'tower; 55.50 to $10.25.
7100s-Re0eipts3200 head; active
and 50 higher; heavy and mixed, $6,75
to 56.50; 'Yorkers 56.40 to 56.90; pigs,
stags, 54.50 to 5e.50; dairies, $6,35 to
56.25 to 56.35; roughs, 55.e0 to Kan
good to choice, 16.75.
Sheep and Lambs --Receipts, 6000
head; sheep active; wethers 15, ewes
250 higher; iambs slow and steady;
,iambs, 53.50 to 57; a few 57.10; year-
lings, 55 to $5.75; wothers. $4.25 to
54,75; ewes, e3.50 to $4.25; sheep, mix-
ed, 51.50 to $4.25.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO, Feb. 17.--Cattle-Recelpts,
200; market steady; beeves, 54,70 to 58,50;
Texas steers, 54.60 to $5,75; western steers,
64.85 to 57; stockers and feeders, $2,80 to
55.16; cows and heifers, $2.10 to $t.50;
calves, 55.75 to $8i25.
Hogs --Receipts, 4000; market loahigit-
er; light, $6.95 to $6.323i; mixed, $5.95 to
56,2214; heavy, 58 to $6.3.5; lroligh, 56 to
56.10; Piga, 64.25 to 56.90; bulk of sales,
5%20. to $6.30.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 1000; mar-
ket steady; native, 53,36 to 54.85; western,
$2,60 to 54.90; yearlings, 64.85 to $5.80;
lambs, native, • 54.40 to $6,90; westerns,
54.75 to 56.00. '
Liverpool Live Stock.
LIVERPOOL, Feb, 17. -John Rogers &
Co. cabled to -day that there were very
, few cattle for sale In the „Birkenhead
mark, and these were readily sold al
lightly higher prices than those last quot-
ed. Indications denote a better trade
• front now onwards. States and Canada
steers were malting from 140 to 14140 pet
toed. ,
For Luiants and °waxen.
•De Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears 110 •
eignatuee of 4. „ze,
702E7O,„,:ar,,,pn,M IV=
arn why PURITY
a LIR is unlike any
other bran
PTIURITY FLOUR is unlike any other brand of flour.
No two milling companies follow exactly the same
process of milling. In fact, nb two different brands
of flour in' the world are exactly alike in quality.
And here is another fact worth knowing: Every wheat berry
contains both high-grade and low-grade por-
The process of milling PURITY flour costs
more than to mill ordinary flour. The low-
grade portions are separated and excluded.
wheat flour. It has greater strength, greater
absorption and greater expansion. It is a
thirstier, more elastic flour. It drinks more
water and expands into more loaves.
Use PURITY FLOUR for your next batch
of bread. Count the loaves. You'll find
you have made "MORE BREAD AND
when you've used an equal weight of weaker
and cheaper flour.
More bread and better bread"
IMAGINE, if you can, how much whiter, and more tooth-
• some, and more nutritious, the bread made from such a
HIGH-GRADE flour must be.
And can you imagine yourself enjoying the
-flaky pie -crust and the light, delicate cake?
-your reWard for using PURITY flour
When making pastry, please remember to
add more shortening than required with
ordinary flour --for on account of its extra
strength, PURITY FLOUR requires more
shortening for best pastry -results
Yes, PURITY FLOUR costs slightly more
than ordinary flour. But use it once and
you'll say it's worth more -much more -
than the difference.
Add PU'RITY FLOUR to your grocery list 0
right now.
SOLD ItT CLINTON BY 13eacom & SMYthe.
Canteto n BTO Goo. McLennan & Co.,
W. T. J. P. 'Sheppard &Co.,
Harriaon Wilts% • L. ,9:uttter Co., Distributor%