HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-22, Page 3•iTHLIRSbAY,, rEBRUARV 2210, 191,2 ' a 4, a.n.1111 All. 1.1 i ,,,' - • , e \ 4, • 4v, ' , v.r. 74).., • N.,, , The 'Kind -IR CIA nave Ale-vaae Bought, and le:Lich leas been iifl nee for ever 4-31 amarsle leas borne the•signature of • and ha beelehehdh under his Per". Il .P.A.P.P. ,,.. NOal FP1:4)07.i./5.1 .S,C31, Nine° $ )111 AlneY• ...ma, , ,91.., '''''''''''''" MICV1.11 -.0 OZ 0 ti 1.CPC'E-0 S 11. til'S I All ColtaterfejIte, Imitatfithe and "Jesteasi-goed" are hat kxpaiimentx :that teffee eaeltie .;1;:id endaile, or the health or Infants and Cheltlren-2xperienea againe't Experiment. Whet is Ci4,STO R lA 1 r, .11A ,ctINTON OW BR- . • • EV,Aft)ES.\13IG ISSUE ' • '" School Question Alosent Froi11 h/larlitoba • ' , 'fitSCUSSIO-N TfilS \VEEk • •, r ' The . Pi-emier'js Heralded '13:•oriounize- , /leant on !VI/in/tot/a leounclai•les Is IShorn. of Any . elenti.oie of School Castoria is harm/eels ii17.3.1,Sli1tUtC ft)? Castor 011e Pare, ' gorie, Dos p„7,1c4 rioothipg syrrips. It ire Pleasant. It , contains neither Op uri Ihrphine xier other Nateotic Substance. Ite age fe it gheieantoce It de,etreys Worms I and allays Pc eerie:I:nese. 'la C111"Qi3 Diarrhoea, fuel. Wind 11 Colic. It reliee i',/s Teething Troubles, ehres; Constipation j and Platrileney. It nseimilates the 1.7e0d, regulates the 1 Stomach, alid 2•;'$u'vY,21S, e;dvIng healthy med natured deep. I The Children's Shenacea—The Iliother'sisid , eh The Kill Yon '2, Cik,ST 0 .1-71 A *AY'S "74 thb f?" ee• ( egt, 4, ea • eeljleareeele-kee" /1 • .43/. and Weakness of Cabinet May Be Conceded—Canhot Fess the Bill:This Session, It le Said. , Ottawa, Feb. 19.—The extension of the bounclarMs of the Province of Manitoba will be the subject of clis- cuesien in the House of Commons this week, It will precede the adoption of a resolution by Premier Darden, of , whiali fennel, notice has been given - aS follows: T '"ResMvecl, that it is expedient (a) to extend the boundaries of the Pro- vince of Manitoba northward to the 60th parallel of latitude and north- eastward to the shares of Hudson Bay, upon such. teems , and, eonditioes as may be agreed to by the Legislative Assembly Of. 1VIanitoha and, by Paella- ., nient; (b) to authorize the Governor- ! General -in -Council to pay to 66 said beihg the equivalent M interest at 5 per cent. on $7,631,683.85, the differ- ence between a principal sum of $8,- 107,500 and $475,816.15 heretofore ad- vanced by the Government to the pro- vince for provincial purposes; such annual sum to be paid as from 'the hest day of July, 1908, but subject, however, to the deduction, of certain sums received by the said province , and Otherwise. ' 1 (c) To authorize the Governor -in - Council to pay to the said province in lieu of ownership of Quebec lands in the territory to be added (1) an Lae 'wrs Bought e province an annual eum of $381,584.10, in- Use Per Over 30 Years - annual sum based upon the popula- • tion of the said province as asceetain- THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 111.113PA7 STOALT.: NEW YORK 0179. ed by such quinquennial census there- lee51 `70,' Afel.T.,teithefgis 1,1 , 7' .1 1 Prfi 11 7*111557'5771 19174_ '.9 9 II3UTTER PAPV;I maugazinum, Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping butter—the best sheet on the market, in packages, not printed : 500 Sheets for 50e. 200 Sheets tor 25e Hefter Still Have your name, farm and post -office neatly printed' and make a reputation for your product. We uslt only special butter paper ink, guaranteed not to run or to injure the butter. 1000 tor 1.15 2000 tor $3.00 • 5000 for $7,00 Wrap your butter, and get two cents per pound • more, than if unwrapped. We also would be pleased to supply you with printed Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Wedding. Invitations or Announcements, Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Calling Cards, in fact anything in the printing line you may require. • The elinton New Era Illinconannmeaversimw Assmaaisalas, 1 of, such atmual suni to be not less than $562,500 and not to exceed at any time the annual sum of $1,125,000, and (2) the sum of $201,723.57 towards the construction of public buildings. As will be noticed, the reholution merely provides for the extension cif boundaries and the question of sepa- rate schools does not enter, •so that the debate will he shorn of mach of , the interest attached to it by reports ot a Ministerial split on that question. The resolution, as brought down, shnply provides for the terms govern- ,' ing the allocation „of the boundary lines of Manitoba on 6e extended -territory wit/1M eleflui,hg eaid Tee deetween lettinitehe and tario. The fact that the coneentof the Manitoba Legislature inetst first be required to the boundary as pre': posed, practically- means, that the bill based on the resolution, cannot be dealt with this session since thettiani- toba Legislature does not assemble for some days, and a long debate will undoubtedly have to take place before any resolution on the question can be put through. Meanwhile, Parlia- ment here expect to prorogue before Easter, and the time limit for consid- eration of the bill would be to short for action before then. Falls Seventy Feet. Hamilton,- Feb: 11).—After toppling 70 feet from the roof of a new building at the corner of Hughson and King William streets Saturday morning,. Mike Orousi, a Pole, was picked up with none of the bones of his body broken. - Be was severely bruised, however, and it is feared that he is injured internally. He was taken to the City Hospital. Nine Saved; Eleven Lost. Liverpool, Feb. 19,—The Britis/i steamer Cuban, which arrived here last night from New Orleans, brought into port nine of the crew of the Brit- ish ship Erne; which was -wrecked in a heavy storm at sea. The Erne was bound from Boston, Feb. 1, for Buenos Ayres. The Cuban passed her on Feb. 8, in latitude 40 north, longtitudo 50 west, and rescued those of the crew who had managed to keep themselves alive. Six of the crow were drowned, while the master of the Erne, Capt. Fiekett, his wife, - the second mate and a passenger are missing. Only the cargo was keeping the wreck afloat, 111 iTiT1 00 Which is his HERE'S no mistaking the expression of a man whose farm is well "improved." -He looks as prosperous as he fools. It isn't the size of a place that counts most, nor its •actual cloRars-and-cents value. It's rather that "well -kept," thrifty appearance; the appearance that makes, • you think' of fat stock, and well-filled barns, and Comfortable, contented living. • Neat, permanent improvements go further in giving a farm this appearance than any other feature. , Concrete Is The ideal Material , ' for such improvements. It is neat, harmonizing with its surroundings in the country. ' Everlasting, it cannot be injured by fire, trost, :wind or lightning. Age—instead of causing it to decay—actually makes it stronger.- Concrete never needs repair ---first cost is met cosh New improvements can be added yeer atter year with less expense than would bp reeruired to keep wooden struceures 111 repail-,Concrete Walk fdidiere fleors, clatrY-barrisi MC -house's; root-oenars, well -curbing, fence posts, silos—Which of these dee-% Your farm need most? Whatever 3,01.1 want to build, it's best to build It of cOncrete, ' Do you want to know, eaore about this subject of permanent farm improvements? Then write for your copy of • ' "What The Farnter Can Do -With Concrete It's 5, book of 160 gages, telling how other t farmers, have used the "handy Material" to • 1200d advantage. Published to sell at 60e.' a copy, 15 is now being offered free to all farmers , ,whowrite for It. Address •., • 'Canada-Cemeat C,o, Ltd., National Banlaehilding, MontreaL MORE: • PINKIIA 'CURES' • Added to the Loitg List due to This Fameus Rentedy. , •,.Glanford Station, Ont.—"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's andn6d0taebi eoerr Crooetleniiij'' any medicine to compare with it. I liad ulcers and fall- ing of the uterus, hanodgd000det.oIrssuclaidermede dreadfully until I began taking your medicine. It has also helped other women te whom I have recommended 't."—Mrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station, Ontario. - Another Cure Harvey Bank; N. B.—I ean highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Veate table Compound to any suffering woman. I have taken it for female weakness and painful menstruation and it cured me. —MRS, DEVERE BARBOUR, Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving .Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound a• trial. • It eutely has cured many cases of female ills, such as in-, flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities,periodic pains, backache,that bearing -down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and nervous prostration. It coste but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth millions to many suffering women. If you avant special adviee write tor It to Mrs. Ilefinkhaaln, Lynn, Mass. It is free and altertayskeUptuL hoblin Overlooks Scheei Lepas, Keewatin, Feb. 19. -Saturday night Premier Roblin arrived here with a dozen friends. He addressed o public meeting, but there was 110 political significance to his utterances. It was expected he would announce lj(sPaUCY o SaParate schools in the new territory, find the boundaries, but he did not touch the school ques- tion, and merely referred imeideetally to gee, boueadarteeee•-ehehehVM'e. --Premier Roblin thanked the citizens and congratulated them on the choice ai the town site. He thought it his duty tci bonsult the people of the new Both Governments had arrived ati an understanding on the boundary question, and he promised when the Manitoba House met, Feb. 22, a measure would be passed for repre- sentation of the new territory by one new member. The things asked for in the address would be granted as con- ditions would warrant. A MODERN MEDICINE FOR TOE BABY, . e What nmeher cannoti remember the times all her childhood when the casitoe eili bottle was brough1t1 into use—thel dread with which she looked forward to a dose of it—the figlet she pitti ;up ,wthen forced to take it. Surely all inothers will be glad ,to spare theiri little one's this discomfort—this dread. Modern science has banished the bad smell' ing, evil -tasting, griping; eastox oil and given hilts place a modern rernedy—a remedy pleas,antto take, mild, :thoughethierough in action, absolutely harmles,s and something the little, one won"t (head, That medicine is Baby's .Own Ta.blete— the only xemedy used byethousancia of mothers ofi heti° ones— the medicine that ha e forced castow oil and 'soothing"' syrups lout of the home and hue taken elide pla.ee, to bring heellth to baby: and 'joy to the parents. The Tablets are sold by medicine cleallers or by mail at 25 cents a box fromi the De. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, One COAL WAR IMPENDING. :thigland Confronted With a tremen- dous Strike. London, Feb. 19.—The acutenees of lhe crisis in the British coal trade is kraphasized by the prohibitiVe rate of 14 1-2 per cent. asked by Lloydson insurance against a national strike. Both sides in the contest are mak- ing every preparation for war. The polliery owners are insuring not only 'ffie collieries but their private mei- lenceseas well against damage. The military authorities also have been Making enquiries in the coal mining flistricts aS to the facilities for billet- ing soldiers in the residen,ces, inns 51151 hotels. - • No fewer than 800,000 miners have hileeeely heeded' in their notices to tient work , in thirteen clays from to-, ;lay. On March 1, unless 'one side or the other unexpectedly yields tho nomitry will face a national stoppage •vilich will paralyze, every industry and seed up the cost of necessjfees of life to famine prices.. The authorities of that only two Weeks supply of ,coal is in stock, although, of course, the eailroads, gas companies and other big concerns with storage facilities, are better sup - The ,Federation of National Trans- port ,Workers has pledged itself not to handle "blackleg" coal, so that im- ported coal wili only be landed with great difficulty. The Government archeenees ehat it will take the crisis in hand early this week, although there is as yet no in- dication of how it, peoposes to attempt to break the deadlock. 1 .r , 41..3 , A 'Wo.paYs Phaayheaina; TIte Great Englislx Item,edy. Tones anti invigorates the whOl� nervous, system, makes now Blood in ola veins. Cures tots Debility,. .ilfentat mixt Bratiii, Worry, Des. pendency, ;Sawa Weakness, Thnissions, Sp50. motor:duvet; and Meets of Abose or '100nesses. Pelee 51 per box, s1sta/1z. One will Moan, six will cure. sem 57 lull otiniggistEl et pinged in plain pJrg. on receipt of 'price. Arcir pantnklet =wiled free. ThoWsogig Medidine WO/Wier/1f R4iidser1 anti • 1. / • • ILL ASO11111-1' GO? TELSGRA PH I C BR 1 EFS, • Geaham Gilmour, one of, the best , known i'xiong British aviators; was I fkte-nbrs _of His Retirement Re- ' fuse to Be f-lushed, instantly killed yesterday Inorning by a fall with hie aeroplane from a height , The plant cif the Vietor Milling Co, near Rochesbee was totally destroyed by fire late yesterday afternoon, the loss beirig estimated at $50,000, partly covered by Insizrance. Emiliano Vasquez Gomez last night issued a manifesto accepting the pro- visional Presidency of Mexico. He says he will remain in San Antonio, and take DO part in the warfare. A-I-Ialifax firm has imported during • the last two weeks quentities af Aus- trelian butter, valued at $1.2,000. It Comes via Liverpool. This butter commands the top price in the Hali- fax market, General Canova., commander-in-chief of the Italian expeclitioeary forces in Tripoli, who has been on a visit to Rome for the purpose of censulting with the Government, has returned and reeuined eommancl. The visiting Matcli Gras clubs as- sembled yesterday on the Dufferin terrace and paraded to Jacques Car- tier Church in Quebec. The proces- eien was an imposing one, fully NO snowshoers being in line. George Hodge has been appointed general superintendent of the eastern division of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way in succession to F. P. Guetlius, who has been seleeted to investigate the construction of the N. T. R. ' Parker J. Crosby, a 14 -year-old lad living at 411 Mary street, Hamilton, was accidentally wounded by a bul- let from a rifle in the hands of his playmate, a boy named McAndrew, on Saturday. He will recover. Gifford Pinchot, ex -U. S. chief For- ester, in a signed statement announces that he has withdrawn his support from Senator Lafolletle's "Presidency candidacy and that he 411 hereafter advocate the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt." • A move is being made in Ottawa to urge 011 the Ontario Government the advisability of inserting a "con- science" clause in the proposed amendment to tbe Public Health Act for those who have conscientious ob- jections to vaccination. ATOP DIU HD -- I 1 stop that Itch In Two Seconds' :With D. D. D. No remedy that I have eVer soild for Eczema, Psoriasis, and all ,other diseasee of the skin has given more thorough, satisfaction than) the D, D, D. Prescription For Eczema W. S. R. HOLMES, [Druggist.] 1 " .-_,-. ,..„-,•,-; - "Spiritual Corntorts" Provided. An incident 'occurred at Farnunt camp, where the artillery ancl cavalry of the Province of Quehec receive their annual training, which illus- trates the danger of speaking in meta- phors. It is laid down in the regula- tions of the Militia Department of Canada that during the training ma- noeuvres the artillery must not fu'e unless there is a medical °fame pees- ent with the necessary stores to dress wounds in case of accident. The offi- cer in command of the artillery Is held responsible for the carrying Mit of this regulation, and this year, as usual, a surgeon with an ambulance and stores was cleteihs....,,a,,..0341,gee_ehattineite, during 'practice. One Yeti, hot 'eftere noon two colonels who were diriting the firing became overcome with *jest, and riding over to the medical officer, asked -him what he had in his ambulance, thinking that he would appreciate the significance of the en- quiry:``Bandages,diessings, some instru- mente ancl two stretchers," replied the medical officer. "Any 'spiritual comforts?' " asked one of the colonels. "No. I did not know they were re- quired," said the medioal officer. "Well, that's something you should never forget," said the thirsty officers, covering their disappointment philo- sophically. "I promise that the matter will be attended to to -morrow," said the sur- geon, and the others .rode away. NC:0 day the two colonels, as the day progressed, began to stiffer again from heat and thirst and rode over to the ambulance. ' "Well, have you brough t those `spiritual comforts' to-clayP'''' they ask- ed with pleasant anticipations. "Yes, indeed, I have attended to that," replied the medical officer, and forthwith introduced the chaplain of the .2ilth Canadian 14.10e, A Brilliant Officer. Col H. C Suttees, tee new Unionist candidate for Gates - :lead, joined the array thirty-four yedrs ego, and after a year in the 49th Royal Berkshires, transferred to the Coldstream Guards, and was 5000051 j 11 eenunand of the 1st Battalion in the 13oor War, Re commanded Turk - 011 Mounted infantry DI the Nile ex- pedition 01 1881-85, and tlie 3tel Camel Corps of the Egyptian army on. the Soudan frontier, 1835-85. Col, Surtecs 1,, 5 Staff College graduate and an in- torptetor in the Turkish language. He inis been Military A ttaCh 0 a t' i‘tintincple, and was given the Royal Victorian Order wium the late Ring ,Eclwa I'd Vi i • fr'.'1'01ce 1006. (1.11ZEY NAMED FOE? ER One Lorrrl on Correspondent Says the Move Is Ail Framed Up While An. . other Deelares That the Liberal Cabinet Is Now Working In Per- fect Harmony — Reason GivenL ,- For the Attack on Grey. London, Feb. 10.—(0.A.P. Oable.)— The fact that no official denial has been given to the persistent report of the impending retirement of Premier Asquith and the succession Vs the Premiership of Lloyd -George or Sir Edward Grey, is in itself significant. A well-known Parliamentary corre- spondent, John Foster Fraser of The Standard, claims to have definite knowledge of the subject am able to state," he writes, "that Mr. Asquith will shortly resign e Premlershjp and that, according to popular expeetatioe, Sir Edward Grey, not Lloyd -George, will be appointed Prime Minister." "Loreburn,will retire from the Lord Chancellorship, which office will be taken by the present Premier. "When," continues Fraser, "this decision became known in official cir- cles a while ago, the rank and file of the extreme Radicals, supporters of the Chaucellor, staeted a campaign against the Foreign • Minister, who is not in sympathy with LloyeGeorge's socialistic reforms, and not by any means an enthusiastic home ruler. It wasn't because they -were angry with Grey for having; gs they supposed, almost led England to war ivith Ger- rniny, nor because he prevented war with Russia in connection with Per- sian • affairs, that they baited him but wholly because they wanted to drive him out of office. The only effect of the onslaught was to con- solidate his friends. By his side stood Asquith, Lord Haldane, Lord Morley, Lord Ceewe and other eesponsible Lib- erals, to whom so many of the rank and file of the Radical party owe much. "Asquith intended to retire about the time Balfour did, but he waited -till the return of the King from India. It's now an open secret that the great honor of the Garter, usually reserved for princes and for dukes, was leered upon the Foreign Secretary on Asquithl advice.JWL..alstial 'distinc- tion 'Was ,faitaitied as a rebuff to the extrelasts who repudiated Grey's for- • polloy, and it has hes rightbi interpreted to mean thet Asquith gen- uinely etnnioyeel Sir' 'Edward's diplo- macy when /Mat Fgationship with Germany 'leas strained. mustn't be nnagleecl, concludes the 1f1±i1;."that the Georgltds, who preponderate ip the Commons will calmly acquiesce la the ousting of the Chancellor from the Premiership. On the contrary, they vouch they'll smash the Liberal party prospects, which Asquith painfully realizes." The debate will be shifted from lab- or and diplomatic to constitutional issues this week, and will be followed by a dull financial discussion. The three most important measures on the Goverment's program will be held back until Easter, and there. will be no chance of passing them without a prolonged autumn seAsion, Another , _corr4i5b1ident takes a brighta "of the Liberal party's "Degpite the Chancellor of the Ex- eRa hnaeddqi uctheae ir 's sdteotneurs sun ir rbi jelealct the Foreign Sec- tiwonithd of exrretmart retary to exasperating heckling over the Persjari. affair; Ministers have started off with an unexpected revival of coefidence. Sir Edward Grey, after iteriiiiining too long in the background, is speaking at Manchester this week- end, and is reinforcing the Govern- ment by his dignified and persuasive oratory. Mr. Lloyd -George will be the hero of a suffrage demonstration at the Albert Hall next week, and there will be a full muster of Anglican clergy in the same hall for a vehe- ment protest against the disestablish- rnent of the church in Wales. "Fatuous attempts have been made to represent the Cabinet as divided into two hostile groups over naval armaments and entente diplomacy, when in reality lord Haldane, Mr. Llody:George, Mr. Churchill and Sir Edward Grey have been working in harmony under the direction of the Ring and the Prime Minister. "Practical measures have been tak- en for removing the impression in Berlin that the entente with France and Russia is necessarily an, anti -Ger- man bond that prevents a settlement of controversies and involves the ne- cessity for wasteful armaments. The Radical prejudice against the Foreign 'Secretary has been weakened, espe- eially when the Ring, by his extra- ordinary gilt of the Garter bas macle it plain that Sir Edward Grey will be summoned and not Mr. Lloyd -George if Mr, Asquith retires during, this year of political storm and stress." Boy With (1 1,00(1 a Rolling Stone. • Niagara .Falls, Ont., Fob. 19.—After wandering about this eity and other nearby places on the Canadian side for two days, twelve -year-old Thomas McHale, who left his home in CornIriday, was taken into tocly by American immigration au - i les last night, when attempting e -enter his native land. He will be sent back to Corning to -day. '1 got tired of things ot home, and thought I'd go to Canada to see my aunt," the boy told the Anted att po- lice. who I/00k. Mill off the hands of the immigration department. He had 50 in cash, and carried a bank book showing he has More than a thousand dollars on deposit in his home town. ioneer Woman of West Dead. mei:Ivor, B.O., Febe19.—Mrs; E, sa•Groenvalley, a native of Qu aged 52, who Maims to have been first white woman to cross the dian Rockies, having come by the thiey pack trail in 1883, died yes - y. She lived in Winnipeg from to 1883. e ing, cue totthoi THOUGH IT'S "ONLY A GOLD" - STOP IT BEFORE IT STOPS YOU Have you ever heard of a ease of catarrh, bronchitis, inflarmnation of the zings, or pleurisy that did not start D with a common cold?' , vet'y cold you catch has in it the „,vu81: makings of one or other of these dis- ."`" eases, if it can break down yealedefences. And even if it does tiot develop into bee, somethieg more dangerous, it will keep est0liaoi,r you thoroughly miserable for a week or h' two at least. terda 1880 The wise course, as soon as yon feel I• the cold coining on, is to start taking Na-Drn-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice end Chlorodyne, and keep it up till the cold is knocked oat „completely. This splendid cough syrup will do tfle trick quickly and thoroughly. Yoe can feel perfectly safe in. tatting Na-Dnt-Co Syrup of Linseed, laicorice and Chlorodyne, or in giving it to your ch: einem We'll gladly give your physican a het of its ingredients if you like. Your Druggist can suPuly either eoc. battles. 'fhe National Drug Chemical Co, of Cenada, Limited, 517 ULI/STRATED a dCA'FAtOGIM • 17REE.OTi ligtIPST St Thonlifig ' • '1'"1 r'11' 'Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station kio(Is 0I Coal on liand— (1.3lies Clint Solt Coal Stovo Kennel Coal IFtiennee Coke F R 111111P. 1: Phone 5.2. hisie DON'T NEGLECT YOUR. WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece Ea, 4:1 machinery. It calls for 1.•,,.Srs attention ,than most but must be cleaned and oiled occasional}, to keep p055511 tl;lle. Wicla pre.sper care a Weiteeta Watch will keep ',trivet time. use.clealnt Wyleflurpgilsy.arzil 'ecutcovreraytol:21leer,ttim, 53 m9ntb5 i W. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. AAAAAAAAAAALLAAiAAAAAAAAAA IP. 4 IP I 1 , E < I PlOil, S i 4 - .41 to 1 : iSee and here our finest E 1 New Stylish designs of vs. 4 to 1, DohertyPianosand 4 . .4 > 4 4 Z 4 A veinvans in Art, -1' i . .4 I Cases I 4 , 4 Pianos and organs rent it - ed, choice new Edison !,.* phonographs, Music & ; 4 variety goods. E Num Emporium' E 44 c. a• • • Hoare„ vyvvVvvrirvvvvvvrvarvvvvvrav . . 1 - Piano itrehwers shouh,popeosii ode, the txt the rieD0fIERIT ls host Kahle 0,7 earth , One af the Best Equipped Piano Factories in Caolada $0,1ierty 'Piano and Organ Co,, Limited F0ctorie,s1 aud. Head Office, , CLINTON, ONT, Western Branch, , ' • 280 IIIARGRA.VE STIIBET, , , 11),TINNXPAC311,,MAN,,,- 1.`