HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-22, Page 2-E•te-e"—,
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„... Under everY,Cenditien where it
liegetueneeesSare to produce
• 'both= Vied eeoneteleany the
dairycows has beeome the,maite,
becauee she more thee aii9
'other animal is able to trans-
'forni neld mpg into the largest
,Ortantity cif human food,• ,
, The ultlinate object oe all live
Steels' and faim laber is to Pro -
'dupe 'food for the masses of ha-
Inanity from the eeld crops. The
different farm aniniale will pro-
duce from 100 pounds of dry
matt'er in the form of field crops
about the following:
The sheep from 100 pounds of
dry matter win recover about 2.5
.',pouuds of edible dry 'matter for
human food. '
The steer from 100 pounds of
dry matter vsill recover about
2,7 pounds of edible dry matter
for lounan' food.
The hog from 300 pounds of
dry , matter will recover about
sixteen pounds of edible dry mat-
ter for human food.
The dairy Cow from 100 pounds
of dry 'ft:totter will recover about
eighteen poands of edible dry
matter for human food.
0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0
tne prinking Wotan
The question of watering animal
in winter is one of the most impor-
tant to :consider. If the animals are
compelled to drink ice water in cold
weather they will not tale enough to
answer the needs of the body and to
aid in digestion, and derangement of
the digestive apparatus is pretty sure
to follow. Impaction of the stomach'
or costiveness may come from lack of
sufficient water, which the animal sim-
ply cannot drink through a hole in the
ice In freezing weather, Give the
sows a thence to drink often, at least
three times a day.
Sheep Raising.
Sheep rearing bas been One of enan's
most profitable and important occupa-
tions since very early times, but it is
uot known wbether the pres,ent breeds
of sheep had their origin iu the will
species now known or whether they
came from species now extinct. It Is
only in comparatively recent years that
very general attempts have been made
to improve the known breeds_ of sheep,
and in making ench improvement the
farmers of America have devoted their
principal attention to the fleece, while
those of Canada and Great Britain pay
more attention to carcass.
Pert and inlpert
The wheel of fortune, has turned
many a.man's head.
A. man isn'tl 'necessarily strong
because he raiseg objections.
Children Ory
The less la) man has ,to sage, the
,raore guessing his wife has to do.
The kleptementiae isnit the only
person .Who takes thinge for grant-
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol 'tees N1=3' `teiri'sToinn;Tes=
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexua
weakness averted at once. rhosphonol will
, make you a new man. Price 58 a box, or two for
$5. Mailed to any address. The Scobeil Drug
'Co,. St. Catharines. Ont.
The man Whol hesitates its 10St-
20 far asthe leap) yew girl is con-
, Some- women sthiukf it is a sin to
do atlat of things( they urge men
'to do,
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat ancl Junes. - 25 cents,
, It Ibralr,es an) intelligent baby •to.
Understand sae language WOmen
Thousands of poop e have tested Gin
Pills in thousands of cases of Painful or
Suppressedtlxiise,Backae le,Aelling Legs
and Shoulders, Pain through tlie• Hips,
Rheumatism and Lumbago. liere is a
case of one cure - out of thousands.
"My father had been troubled with
Rheumatism for a number of years. 115
tried too doctors bat got no relief,
when a friend advised hint to try Giu
Pills. Re purchased a box and after
taking Gin Pills, for a week, found that
they were giving himt much relief. He
then bought three more boxeS, 'rshich
were the means of curing him. He is
now a strong man -in good health -
and able to attend to his daily 'work."
If you suffer, get Gin Pills and be
free of pain this winter. soc. a box.
6 for $2.so. Sample free if you write
National Drug & Chetnical Co. of
Canada, Limited, Dept. A. Toronto. 94
ilea over the Prospects or a nester, un-
derstanding between the two coun-
tries, the 'Anglophils refuse to be im-
pressed by Mr. Asquith's optimistid
statement, and declare that suspicion
and mistrust of British aims are still
Germany's watchward.
Termite, Feb. 19-joseph jessimane,
whose sentence to hanging was •chang
ed to that of life imprisonment fo1
shooting james Longheed one Satme
day afternoon in Hayter street last
spring, passed through Toronto streeta
Saturday Morning fOr the last time.
Sitting between two sheriffs, his writs
brought close together by cold steel
handctiffs, he was carried to the Lime-
stone •Oity in the Grand Trunk Monts'
real train. He was apparently uncon-•
eerned about- anything. The 'terrible
sentence which hung over him 'seem-
ed not to depress him in the least.
Late in the afternoon he was handed
over to the penitentiary authoritieS
and for the balance of his earthly ca-
reer will live within prison walls.
Lord Selbourne, Speaking At Cam-
bridge, Says Real Ruler
In Parts Of Republic
Is Wealth.
London, Feb. Ia.-Following the ex-
ample of his leader, Boma Law, who
charged. the Government with intro-
ducing American methods in politics,
Lord Selborne, speaking in Cambridge
Friday night on political corruption,
told his hearers that if they wanted
to realize the evils which might pro-
ceed from this elevation of the party
machine to the seat of governMent,
they must boo'.' at the experience of
the United States. The party =-
Milne was greedy for money and
would get it where it could and how
14 eeuld.
In aertain parts of America, lie
said, it got that money from the great
corporations and truets, and because
they supported it, it supported them.
Thereby, to a large degree, in certain
parts of America, the real ruler of
the country had been wealth, and ir-
responsible wealth was the worst rul-
er which a country could have.
Lenon VIII.—First Quarter, For
Feb. 25 1912.
trekt et the Lesson, • Matt Ivy, 1,111
Mark 8 -11. -Memory Verses Matt
iv, 3, 4".0olden Text, Hob. 11, 18,
Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M.,
The reaord of the baptism istoundIn
Matthew, Mark and. Luke, but, most
fully in Matthew. in Luke in, 28, we
read that Jesus began to bo,o.bout thir-
ty years of age, and we cannot but
wonder at the lowly and submissive
life of all those thirty years at Nazao
reth.• How can • we ever murmur at
limitations and huraillatimis in our '
lives as we think of this life lived for
us? Ile came from Nazareth, where
lie had been brought up (Luke iv, 16),
'awl after His return to heaven Ele
called Himself "Jesus of Nazareth"
(Acts xxii, 8), yet Nathanaeleaid, "Can
there any good thing come out of Naz-
areth?" afterward acknowledgeag that,
,put of Nazareth came "the Son of God,
the King of Israel"; (John 1, 46, 491.,
• He canto to Jordan, river of judgment,
yet there was nothing in Him to be
,judged. Others were baptized of John,
confessing their sins, but He had no
eine to confess. We do not wonder
that John said to Him, "I have need
:to be baptized of Thee, and comest
Thou to me?" 13ut our Lord's "Suffer
it to be so now" has helped mauy a
humble follower to submit to seeming -
sly unnecessary things that the right-
eousness of God might be seen in them
:and others won to Him. This and
that other saying, "About My Father's
business," His two erst recorded ut-
terances, are good for all of us in'our
daily. life. As He ctune up out of the
'water something happened from the
sides -the heavens were opened, and,
the Father testified, "Thou art Hpbe-
loved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
At the smetime the Spirit of God de-
scended in bodily shape like a dove
upon rum. The Father lutd told John
.that it would be so, and John bare rec-
ord that He was the Son of God (John
1, 33, 34). The ono ho sent John also
testthed that the cafe on whom the
Spirit would descend and remain would
Flbuself baptize with the Holy Spirit.
Then what hinders us thus to be bap-
tized? Luke tells us that Jesus was
praying when the heavens were open-
ed. Lie seems to have prayed always
and about everything and sometimes
all night. 1Ie fasted too. Is that
where we' fall? Consider the other
six places where we read of the heav-
en being opened and always see Him -
Belt Consider well every place where,
es here, the Father, Son and Holy
spirit are seen or mentioned, as in
Matt. xxviii, 10; II Cor. xiii, 14;
Reis. ix 14. See In John xiv, 17, 23,
The Kaiser or the:New Officers Of
The German Reichstag.
Feb. .1.e.-ACeoraing so The
Cologne Gazette, the Kaiser has de-
clined •to receive the new Reichstag
president and vice-preaident, Herr
Kaempt, the president, and De. Dove,
second vice-president; requested an
interview, but Herr Schieclemaan. the
Socialist vice-president, refused to
Participate. The Keiser, however, has
refused to receive the presiding offi-
cers of the Reichstag. Inasmuch as
this decision. was communicated
through the Court 'Chamberlain, it
proves that this is a personal affair
et the Kaiser's.
talk ,to it,
of money i4 rnit,to 11
his evife's hatsselect
married marp*t couldlted
save la lolt gmE
Children Cry
' Show nealmen tvhol builds air-
•1-oastiles and we'llt show you strea1a
:Ow Will Pqrchase' a gold brick.
'As sa bargain teekeV it.Womafl is-
• not in it With a man who ialo.oking
or ,a.birthclay present, for: his bet-
ter half,
Beliemed That Anglo -German
Relations Will Be
New York, Feb. 19.--A cable from
Berlin to The New York Times says
it is believed that the desire for bet.
ter relations between ,Geemany amd
Great Britain will receive powerful
,stimulation by the visit of King
• George and Queen Mary to Berlin in
"the spring, and the .Xasiser's return
• It is undeeatood that at the request
of the Kaiser an exhaustive report 01
,Lord. Haldane's conversations with
Gentian officials is being drawn up.
This report will form the basis for an
of opinions bettve,en Lon.
don and Berlin Foreign Offlees; bu1.
while the analonhi 5 here ase erati.
In Resolution Adopted at Open
Air Meeting In Trafalgar
Square, London.
London, Feb. 19.-Honie rulets were
in the highest spirits yesterday aftee-
noon in Trafalgar Square, where from
15,000 to 20,000 people assembled in
support of the Government's proposed
measure of self-government fer Ire-
land, Liberals and Nationalists com-
bined in the demonstration, members
of the House of •Commons
seven of the platforms.. •
Resolutions urging the necessity of
giving as generous a measure of home
rule to Ireland as ie consistent with
the maintenance of Imperial suprem-
acy bnd suggesting that the bill be
so framed as to be capable of early
application to England, Scotland and
Wales were adopted with the greatest
William 0. C. Gladstone; Liberal
member of Parliament for Kilmarnock
Burgs, a grandson of William E.
Gladstone, the Liberal "Grand Old
Man," who introduced the first honse
rule, bill in 1886, was among the speak-
ers. He said the democracy of this
country had made` the cause of honie
rule as its own.
how the Spirit and the Father and
the See make the bodies of believers
tLeir abode or mansion and to their
:"Whom shall I send, and who will go
for us?" Let us gladly answer, 'Here
'al I; Fiend me," remembering His
words, "A.s My Father bath' sent Me,
even. ee send I you" (Isa. vi, 8; John
:ix, 21). ,Oeel,:etese-ee e••
When Spirit filled we may then ex-
pect to be specially attacked by the
devil. As our representative He was
led by the Spirit into the wilderness
to be tempted of the devil. Both Mark
and Luke say that He was forty days
tempted of the devil. Matthew and
Loke say that IIe fasted forty days
and forty nights; that He ad eat noth-
ing. Thus did -Moses on two occasions
and Elijah once, and tbese three We
find on the Mount of Transfiguration,
and we hear them speak of the devil's
most awful piece of work, the death of
Jesus. Ho is the fearful adversary of
God and man and has been at work
as such ever since he clecelved and
'conquered Adam and Eve, and he will
not cease till he shall be shut up in the
pit for 1,000 years. As the devil tempt-
ed Eve On the line of the hist of the
flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride
'of life (I John II, 16) and won the day,
eo be tempted the Lord Jesus, but was
defeated. Eve had everything that
the Lord saw that she needed, yet she
ate the forbidden fruit. The Lord Je-
sus, having fasted forty days and be-
ing hungry, yet oveitarne by the
words, "Man shall not live by bread
'itione, but by every word of God"
(Luke iv'41. The devil's ambition to
0.5s Vecl eonquered Eve (Ise. sly, 44;
Gen. ,p, iepg. .con -
Mg illby the e;ords, 'Thou shat.liit
leltiit the Lord thy God." Adaio and
ye had been given dominion oVer all
rig? (Gem i, gg-n, _put they legt it
evfng heed to 011sre2l1 enemy,
he like eeee einee been the god of
110er1d. fi Con iv; 4). The Lord
the lest Adam, kuety that tose
aye Re would teitieg the deecliolep t
kee,eud the kingdosaiirlY this Wild
?gill be ills leteedmii- Moo,
6VitTa Fly to the great adversary,
tI'Get thee hence, Satan." It 19 written,
,"Tlfou shalt vvorship tile Lord thy God,
'and Hiin only shalt then Serve." We
lread in Luke that "whin the &ell had
'ended all the temptation he' departed
from Him for a t3easen," and Maftheile '
,sand Mark tell us that l'angels. came
land ministered unto aim:" We emit :
remeraber that the same great Aver-
lsary is 'still going abdiit seeking who& ,
he may devour. Hut with the armor
•provided for us and by the sword and
the blood of the Lamb we, too, May
lbe overcomer% 'seektng nothing for our.
'selves, walking 4rhurobly with our God
and worthy of the kingdom and glory
to whiCb. we are called (Eph. vi; Rev.,
jj,11.i. irWS rested the devil Ile'lltSr.
deer -Dorn -us, for God is with us. ,
Eltek Headache and relieve all the troubles -hie!.
dent to'a bhtLoc state of .the system, such ae
eating, Paln in,the Side, ‘bo. While their most
'1/laziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
remarkable,success has Mon shown in Miring
reaansbe,, yet .aircer's Little Liver PISS are
equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre.
venting this annoying compla nt,whiletheyalso
correct ial disorders of the stomach, stimulatethe,
liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only
Ache they would ha almost priceless to thosewho
suffer from this distressing COMplaint; butfortu.
natelythair goodness does not oud here,and those
who once try Mom will and thcsolittlo pills valu.
able in so tunny ways thatthoy will 001 50
• ling to do without theca. But after all sick heed
Is the bane of so many lives that here Is where
We make oar great boast. OM pIlle emit while
others do not.
'Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable ana do not gripe or
purge, but by their gentle action pleaae all who
- ,ttee them.
O 062222 SEDIsfltVOQ., zmw 20118. (i
110112a, Sol Dow InallIritz
'eelft, att 1 f of, se enteres e alTes ' e
evhseh is eetiMalted at' f ow .pei. cent,
lquciPalities WE, 1 Bo t esponssible ,
�r t1 int esreelel pharge of,the Pees
Wattling' ltW'o per( scent. It li eetime
oted;Ithat the( Pa's(t,"t0I'1he inhabit -I.
,ants ofthe municipailitieS lseeurin,g
.$1.s per .Yeaiii 'foe .4 period of Oort."3,
yearsalthough mainstenausee..ot the
reads' Will devolve' Upon the nanni-,
s e's
leeep the s'wei 'Darrell ana tne steep-
ing quarters clean and keep the hogs
free \from lice and worms and don't
wore' about cholera. It may come,
but 15 10 very much less likely.
Mrs. Wm. H. MacEwen, Mount
Tryon, P.E,I., writes: -"For more than a
year I suffered with all the terrible pains
of indigestion, and my life was one of the
greatest misery. It did not seem to make
any difference whether I ate or not, the
pains were always there, accompanied by
a severe bloating and belching of wind.
I did not evert get relief at night, and
sometimes hardly got a bit Of sleep. In
my misery I tried many remedies said
to cure indigestion, but they did me not
one particle of good, and I fully expected
I would ahvays be afflicted in this way.
At this time my brother came home on a
visit and urged me to try ?Jill:ea-We
Laxa-Liver Pills, and gat me a few vials.
I3y the time I had taken one. vial I heerai
to improve, and could eat with some
relish. I was greatly cheered, and ecu -
tinned taking the pills until all tro...7cani
the trouble had disappeared, and I v....1dd
once more eat all kinds of fend wi,hout
the slightest inconvenience. I am F.0 felly
convinced of their virtue as a feenily
medicine, I have no hesitation in resere-
mending them."
Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials fer
$1.00 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The I`, Milburn Co„
Limited, Toronto, Out.
Cook's Cotton Root Compountt
The great Uterine Tonle, and,'
only" safe effectual Monthly,
Regulater On Which women can
depeed, Redd in three degrees,
of strength -No. 1, 81; No. 2,
10 degrees, stronger I-5; NO. 8.
for Special casesd5. per box.
sold -by 11 dre ate or Sent
• rrel'aidMp°glet. 6.actreomf
epeReltoiliiii(10.40116orTCLUilt Iforinerl Wises*.
qedekly stops cosiiilia. 'tures colds. %eels
the throat and Auaga
Pigtails In British Arniti.
Pigtails survived in ow' army mitil
well into the nineteenth century, the
Welsh fusiliers being the la,st to aban-
don them, Sir Algernon 'West relates
how he heard an argument once as to
whether the hides did or did not weal'
pigtails at Waterloo.. One of -tee' dis-
luttants, who had. seen 'them on their
way te Dover, was convinced that they
did. The'other, who had ,beerc a mid-
shipman on the transport which con-
veyed them to Ostend, was equally
certain that their hair was short. The
giver of the dinner at whicb the dis-
pute arose •rofetred the' matter on the
following day to it friend who had
served re the blues at Waterloo.
• "Bottt y.eur friends were right," he
Field.' "We were reviewed at Windsor
by the King on our departure with
our pigtails on, and at Dover we had
them cut off -before our embarkation."
-London Chronicle.
The West Drew Over $100,000,-
000 From Farms In 1911
The latest projeen o,f Sir Lomer
G011in, Premier of Quebec,' is to
spend $10,000,000 on thei rural high-
ways of that Province. Briefly
summarized, the $10,000,,000 will
provide for a series of macadam-
ized roads between the principal
cities of the Province. There will
be four between Montreal and QUe--
bee, (two on the, north and two on
the soulth shore of the St. Law -
pence River; another highway will
reach from Qu.ebeci to the United
States boundary by way ot Sher-
brooke ; another one, from Quebec
to Gaspe, and' Still another from.
Quebec to Ta•doussae, There will
also be roads from; Montreal to the
United States boundary, and. about
1.200 miles of roadway in the vicin-
lity of Montreal. In addition- there
Will be built about 200 miles of r0141-.
Way in the, Lake St. Jobb district.
Altogether :they expect' to con-
struet • 3,300 miles1 of road. The
macadam Will be laitlf in accord'
ance with the beat system of road -
making under competent( engin-
Ors:. The width •of the road Will
be sixteen feet. Thel 'GoVernment
pays the sinking fund of one per
Choice Farms for Sale
1111{1 A
The following qltantitY of L've Poul.
try 'is wanted PA: the s Holmesville
Pcelt.c$r Station
ct iu
oneach I
4' 1000 Cliteke11
5 $
300 Ritelee
• 8000 DOZ• Wcw Laid EglO
f'oultry takenil the first three daye
of each week.
Highest Prices Paidin Cash
Write or Phone Before yoet
istsO.'sis Phone 4 on 142.
opHIJES P44 1.01,
' ,oee. eeo
W. E3c3c0PIT
00LtanoRRIEIT 13L10,
162 :cores being lots 28 and 29, on
End eon, Goderich township and al-
lots 28 and pant 29 on First eon.
eontainiog 100 acres all of Which is
the choigesiti of clay land and in a'
first ,elass condition; Go'od water,
well fenced and well drained, laege
bank barns and good 'brick nooses
good oechards. Farms axe situated
on the route proposed by the Sar-
nia-Goderich el ectrie [Railway.
Will sell together or separate. For
further particulars apply to
Thos. R. Wallis, Goderich 1'. 0.
And Tickling Sensa.
tion in Throat.
, —
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup Cured It
miss t. -DhialelsoTD, It Oarsman River,
Mane afialtese---:"Last fail I had a very
bad 'eitingli end Is tiekling sensation in
my throdt, It was to bad I Could not
sleep at niilit, So Ievatifte a druggist and
told him Tweeted something for my cold,
and he adViieff 'nie 'to 'try Dr. Wood's
Norway‘Pine Syrup which I did, and after
taking one bottle I was completely cured.
Let me recommend Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine'Syrup to anyone who suffers from a
cough Or:throat irritation.'
'Dr. Wood's Norway' 'Pine Syrup is
without a doubt one of the greatest cough
and cold -remedies on the market to -day,
and so great has been:eitfstteeess there
are numerous preparations put up to
imitate ft. "Do' not fm'imposed upon by
'takiig one of thee substittas but
:insist on being given "De.'Wocid's" when
4? you ask for it. Price, 25 'Cents a bottle;
put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine
trees the trade mark; manufactured only
bY The T. MilburnCo., Limited,' Toronto!
• Notice to Creditors
Tat the matter of the estate of
Jane wilkin, late of theTown of
Clinton, ill the County of Matron
marrietl woniath deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec, 38. of
Gimp. 129, 11,5.0.. 1597, that all persons having
claims or demands against the estate of the said
Jane Wilkin, deceased, who died on or about
the Oth day of November. 1911, are required to
send by post, prepaid , or deliver to the under-
signed solicitor, for the Administrator. on or
before the first day of March. 1912, their Chris.
tinn and surnames tlina nilaTaSOS. WiLli full par-
ticulars, in writing. of their claims, and state-
ment of their accounts curl the nature of the
securities Di any) held 111' 1215..'.', duly verified
by statutory declaration,
And take notice that after the said lst clay of
March, 1012, the said Administrator will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, haying re.
gard only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice, and that the said Administra-
tor will not be lisble for the said assets, or any
nart thereof, to (WY person or persons of whme
olaim notice shall not then have been received
by them or their Solicitor at the time of such
distribution., ,
Dated 1110 715 day of February, 1011
w. ERY1)02,7E.
Clinton, Ont.,
Solicitor for Administrator
Tenders Wanted
Boar tor Service
Having Purchased a thorough-
bred .Tana'arorth Hag, will keel) hum
for 'service at lot 23 on the Srcl.
COD. Hullet. terms $1.00 at time ot
service with the priviledge of re-
turning if necessary.
' L. Tyndall.
.Field Stone Wanted.
Field Stone suitable fax road
making is vaantecl by the Town of
Clinton. Price $3,50 per cord 02 13,-
Om pounds.
Chairman of Street Committee
Logs Wanted;
All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft Elm
and Basgwood preferred. Highest
price paid.
-W. Doherty •Piano arid Organ Co.
Boarders Wanted
einaina..iss 1111111.13
Oonneyarlee, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.".;
• Issuer of lalarriage Licenses,
HuronSt„ Clinton,
[laving returned to town 1 am now
prepared to take hoarders, either
ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house
Mrs, Mogridge, Ontario street
Pasture Land
Nots[ryiPublic, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT -Representing isFire 15
Vaurance Companies. •
DilviSion Court 011ie°.
Seine first class -pasture land to he
sold in lots: to suit purchasere. At
tractive prices. Apply to
John Ransford, Ce T. R. nity Agent
The. South 70 acres of lot number 85
and the South East part of Lot no, 80
il acres both in the let concession of
Sonley township is forrent foe a term
of years. This property is clOse to the
town of Clinton and possesssion can
be giren at once, For further parti-
miltees apply to Henry Plumsteel. fain -
ton, Ont., or McCarthy: Boys ,a.; Mur-
chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont.
Farm For Sale.
For the erection of a one story •
Concrete building, 22x35 £aet, at
the goal, for keeping coal etc.
Plans and speeifications can be
seen at •the office of the County
Clerk. Tenders received up to
March 151h, next, and must be ad-
dres•sed to Dr. 'W.F. Clark, Gode-
rich, chairman of committee . The
lowest °A any (tender not necessar-
ily accepted. Dr. 'W.F. Clark, Chair
man; W. Lane, Clerk:.
Dated Feb. 12th, 1012,
Farm tor Sale
Adjoining the town of Seafortli
Lot 25; Con. 2, McKillop,, contain-
ing 100 acres, more or less. Good
black loan, three never failing
wells, large bank barn, good stabl-
ing 'under barn, large drive shed
one acre of orchard with 'young spy
trees, just beginning to bear, very
best gravel on fermi for cement
work, fifteen acres 'under red clov-
er and five acres under Alfalfa,
Land Well under-clvained and in
good state of cultivation. Large
brick house -ell modern conven
ienees,-with bath -room and closet.
For further particulars apply on
premises .or to Box 123, Matthew A..
Leavrenae, Seaforth.
Fifteen thealleand lanshea beets'
wanted: Rariy crop preferred
Parties Wishing to contract address
Minster Farm, Room 61 Bank of
Tor onto Chambers, Landau, 'Ont.
Shorthorns or Sale.
Two choice young hulls, both
Teens, the best of breeding. Price
to Milt the times. Arse seine good
clean Shed Barley, O.A.C, No. 21;
Siberian arid Sensation Oats, Apply
E. E. WISE, Clinton, PO,
Phone No. 12 on 155 Goderich T.
Farm for Sale
, To clode 'the estate; of stile latIta
jambs Wood, there is offeredk fors
sale that valuable a.rsn' in the
ToWnship oellope, Durham County
Cote 300 acres, clay loam, 250 acres
,cleared, 50 acres virgin pine, hem-
lock and hairdetwood, all well fenced,
Splendid 12-ro,oaned brick house,
furnace heated; bans 414110 feet;
full stone fouridlation andstables;
.ailiso barn 30x60 f eet ; farm well we-
ltered, running stream. All Deal
,work, paoughing done ; 30 acres
planted 14 Sall ,wheat; 70 acres
Meadow. Convenient to railway.
Poet Hope 12 miles; Peterboror 18
miles. 'Moderate terms to suit ,puile
ehaser. IPossessio,n April lst, or
'sooner. Price $9,000. •
(RH, WOOD, Baillieleoxo, Ont.
• Two Houses to Let
The undersigned, has two houses to
let, apply to , ' '
'Jamb gayleir
'italan. Surgeon, gto
Hoopla] attention Faxen to diseates of:the
Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nom
Eyes carefully /examined, and :suitable!
Offioo:and Residence,
Two doors' west or the Commercial Motel
•Huron St.
; The undersigned effers for sale, East
' Half, Lot 12, on ard Concession, 02
Hullett his choice farm of 05 acres, all
clear andin grass, 2 never failing,
springs, good svell at house, river at
hack, a choice gravel pit, cement or
road gravel, A gnod frame house,
new recline kitchen with wood shed, 1
RCI'R good bearing orchard. Reasons
for selling not able to work.. For par-
ticulars apply on premises or address
:as 'RICHARD •TASKE.R, Hollett,
Clinton. P. 0.
Steam Engine For Sale
The 'undersigned offers for sale
an upright steam engine; about, '1
horsepower; in good running or-
der. This is certainly a snap for
any farmer wanting power 'for gen
eral use on farm. Engine can be
seen army blacksmith shop.
Saba?, Rands, Clinton.
Farm tor Sale.
The executor of theiSoutheombe
Estate offegra for sale 50 acreae -
East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hallett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings, Also the undersigned
ofterg for sale, lot 29s con. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms taay be
bought together or separately.
•t • Clinton.
Cottage For Sale
Mrs. Ross offers her Cottage on
Vietorin street for sale. It ie 112
excellentproperty in a good lo-
cation, anll in good repair.
W. BrYclone.
Dr, W, Gann, 1,, It, CI, 1'..1,, R. C. 0.. Ultra
I)r..5. (1, Candler. D.A. MD,
Ofitloe-Ontarlo Street, Clinton,
Night oalle at reaidence. Rattenbury St.
or at hospital
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid fot Hay
ails/ ,all Grains.
Ford & McLeod
imit-"Ordere for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Or,clers may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store, or
W.J. Stevenson.'
utile Light
ceoueheur, etc,, Once and residence on Rat-
iienbnrY St,. opposite W. Farran's residence,
A CrOW1t and 'Bridge 'Work a Specially.
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and ,11,0.D.5
Reynold on-iliondays, May 1st to Decembe
_Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
Special care taken to make dental treat.
ment as painless al possible,
Live stook and general Auction see
I'mat stonf sales a spoondu Olders 51 al
NEW ERA office, ciinton, prbm, t,y abtenuad.
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers sale note
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
Niciraggort Bro.&
as &enteral Betaking Beehive -es
Draft e issued. Interest Ahmed on
The McKillop Mutual
, Fire Insurance eo.
Farm and Isolated Town Prope
erty Only Insured.
J. 33. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jas, Connolly, Vice Pres., Gcdcrbch
Thos. E. Hays, See-Treas., L tifox,11
Jas. Connelly, liolinesville; John
Watt, Harloek; G. Dale, Clinton; NI,
Chesney, Seafoith- T. Evans, Beech -
w000; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben
neweis, Brodhagen, M. MeEwate.
• .
Each Director is inspector of losses to
his own locality.
Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinehlee
Seafortb; James Cumming, Egmood.
ville; J. W. Yea, Hoimesville
Payments may be „made at The
Morrish( Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cutt, Goderich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate boUght and sold
Money to loan
Office:Issac:Street, nextecloor :to New
Grand Trunk Railway system
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart, .. . 8.80 a m1.50 plre
Centralia .. 9.40 5.43:
Exeter 9.53 5.51
Hensall 10,08 6.05
Kippen . .. 10.16 6,11
Brueefield 10.30 6.19
Olinton 11.00 6,35
Londesboro 11.18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave, 11.40 '7.13:
Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35
South — Pailenger-
Winghttm, depart' 6.485 mr3.33:1cle
. , .
7,08 3.56
7.16 4.01
7.50 4.23
Brucefield 8.12 4.39
Kippen 8.23 4.17
HenselV 8.32 4,52
Exeter 8.48 5.05
Centralia.," ...... 9.00 5.15
London,:arrive10.00 6.10
:Buffalo anti Gode
Wes' PaSeen get
am pm pm pm
Stratford........10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20
Mitchell.........10.22 12.45 5.55 10.17
Seaforth........10.45 :1.10 6.18 11,12
Clinton ... . . 11.07 :1.25 6.40 11.28
Holmesville 11.16 1,33 646 11.38
acelerieh ...... V:11-35 1.50 105 11,55
East 1 A Seeng9r
am pin p111
Goderich............ 7.10 2.40 4.50
Hoimesville 7,26 2.57 5.06
Clinton. ... . 7.35 3,07 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.82
Mitehell8,16 348 5.55-
Stratfora........ .. 8.40 :4.15 :;13.20
Dr: delran's F'etnaTe PilIs
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These -
pine are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuses.
all cheap Imitations, Dr. de Van'e are sold at
05 a box, or three for DO. Mailed to any address.
The s ileobeltear woo. Ski oiethertnea, °ate.