HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-22, Page 1ESTABLISH,ED1855., rr1 la No, 35, THE oyal Bapk OF CANADA INCO1UPO1,,y1ED 1869. Capital . . $6,25o,000 R:&serve - • - $7,0 ei 0,000 The Annual Statement, shows tee fol- lowing increases for 1911 1910 1911 , Deposits $72,079 607 $88,294.808 Loans & Investments 55,283,6'76 62,790,072 Total Assets 92,510,340 110,528,512 • 207 BRANCHES- and. Correspondents througheuttlie world Interest allowed on Deposits. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH • Special SUGAR. dINBEIMI Siegam Market strong and advancing. • • We quote Redpath'a Extaa Standard Granislate(1. $6.00 per hundred! GOOD gon. TEN DAYS ,ONLY. for Cash. or Produce. No sugar heldi unless paid. W. T. UNEIL THE RUB GROCER Phone 48 Increase your Earning oWee attending the Populae F.LLIOTT tide /4/.;i'llea -evieseseteee-- TORONTO, ONT. Best place in Causeta for B.igh Glade Basinees Education. Enter now, Open all year. Catalogue tree, , HYOBB IS TOO BEAR FRB BIG INLiAM FIRM Western Foundry Company Will Install Its Own Central Power Plant. Wingham, Feb, 16.—After taking late, consederation the piece of hydro-eleetrac. pewee guoiedr to towns one hundred) miles nearer to Niagara Falai than here the Weetern Founcley . Company leave decided to 'Detain a centrali power plant and 'generate their own eJlee- titelty o operate both' their eme mense plants, which) will occupy ten acres eels:ant They have at - rived, at this conclusiontater care- fully ',going into the matter, and employing he he engineers a, Yaitable. The brick ,woele for • the new, buildiug, is aduring eoinpleltdonv and they expect) to fterve the new plant In operation by the, first of June, when they will employ an ex- tra 50 men. Three Overcome By. Gas From Coal Stove John Bedford, His Wife and Baby Had a Very Close Call From Death Londesboro, Feb, 15.—Me. Johe Bedfoed, his wifee and their inean•t child had a.eemarkaalyt "close call from being' .a.sphyxiated, by gas from a cowl eteve at their home on comeession 13,11-ullett Town:ship, early yeeter day inorning. Mrs. aediord \vas awakeeedt by heaving the baby crying, and at once slmell- ed coal gas. She: had heathy got rip before she( fell to the floor in a dead faint, The noise awakened her hue:band. He feltvery ill; but managed to get the !windows open, and after awhile eeetored his wire and the baby. They Were very ill foe some time, but no serioue efe feets are anticipated. GOderielt PoitieSIHP The Serviee of Saered Song which was announced to be given in St. James' Church, Middleton, on Friday evening has been postponed antil Fri day evening March ist. CLINTON! ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22 1912 County Auditor !Another Postmaster rnprove West Huron • oisimissed The following ' circula: letter is be- ing sent to the teachers, throughout West Huron arid it is the interests Jacob Kellerman, Postmaster at 0tefatleelieesclnsfil pupils andocoiPronthatneilstabothkethe matter up. Dashwood, for 10 Years, is Dismissed. The office of postmaster at Dash- wood, has been changed,• Mr. Beery Willett succeeding lar. Jacob Keller, • The retiring official, who held the office during the oast ten years, has giver' satisfection, but being a party nem, and met in Exeter. At that meeting sne in fact belonging to the inner circle of .committee appointed in 1910, to report • Kippen, Ont., Feb. ,10, 1912 Dear Teacher, In 1910, in Goderich, the West Heron Tatchers' Institute (I is- , cussed the subject of Improving the appeamaace of West, Huron. The subject created consid-erable in tereet, but was left over for furthur cosider- ation in Oct., 1911, when the Institute Liberties of South .EIttron, he was not at all surprieed to be informed of the change being made. In 1008 be was a canaidate for the Legislature opposing Henry lalber, M. P.P. on the subject, brought in the follow' ing reporu which wee unaminoriely adopted, L That in the Rural Municipalities shade trees be planted along the road sides at least three rods apart. These- • That we deed a rinkhere and I white ash, at many ,advantagest and ,bene- trees should consist of sugar maples. fits would xesulta from the !same, walnuts, hickories, oaks, that many nn dd wo tete dseeef uolf vrahrei ertoi ae sd so atnhde seoveetrh. Mr. Peter Cantelon who was appoint- ed one of the (aunty Auditors at the January session, has been at work at Godeeich 'with Alex. McEwan, of Bluevale, going over the Count goes without eaying, and ,since no Tens on the• north and east sides of Councillor T. Jackson On The Rink Question Clinton, Feb. lath, 1912 Toathe Editor of The New Era, Dear Sir—Will yea kindly allow me space in your paper this Week to -poira out a feW matters in referenck to the building of a much needed skating,, hockey Lana clueing rink in Clinton. As chairmart in the council (tithe spectall committee I have been in correspondence wall an outside party Who has built rink in the town e of Mitchell, Brussels', land Teedwater, and' is now build- ing one in the city otBraletroad. I, have leen informed bythis gentee- man that lae imeeivedl a bonus in cash Seem the citizens of the above named. places of $500, and exemp- tion from taxesi ior tan -yeaes, ex- cept for schooll taxes. So anxioas were these places 'to hal% a rail: built, that thel citizens of jehe dif- ferent Places raised by private eub- scriptio•ns the amount asked for,in every few houra • and the towns gave the fuethea concessioas ask- ed for. I have an offer) from ;this geetle- man that toed cash bonus of $500 and exemption hare/ taxes Porten years, he will buila a much larger rink in Clinton than! in the towns Iabove mentioned, and .according to any plans or suggestione we WiSil 01'1i:take. 13aking The Powder -The pure kind at 25c per lb.the eame peke as the im. pure kinds. Some Baking Powders are as 'good ',es ours but' they cost more. Ours is made only wall chemically pure Cream • of Teeter and Bicarbonate • of Soda, Always fresh, al - !Ways good. 250 per lb. Dispensing Chemist. olsons Bank Incorporated 105 Record of Progress for Five Years 1906=1911 NOB .1911 community will rally to the support 13 person locally has come foreviard 'to. t e roads if owners object to the -bulld one, •and there being no sigas hardwood vadeties. Such trees as • of a goinpany to do' so, -will the cal- silver maples, poplars, willows, and zens of Clinton 'agree to give as .a beecbes should not be planted. bonus to this igentleiman .ox to any 2. That the portion of road allowance person or ,company, in ,Clinton, a cash contribution. to, enceurage puch apeman or ceenpany, to build a modern rink here. I say that if other toivens can do it Clinton can do it. We may have a few, objections teat proposition of this kind, buil they will aefewt for W. H. Kerr & Son Editors and Publishers' FIFTH ANNUAL BOWLING St c knit CLUB ENTEBTAINMEMT Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson Entertain Clinton Bowlers at Their Home \ For She fifth sueceesive year, Mr. and Mete Wm. Jackson threw wide open the portals a their hospitable home, on Fri day -evealing last, end gave their weleelee :teethe members of the Clentou Lawn B,owlin,g Club, The chaeming hos:teas, daintily gowned, and with her pleasing smile and et:este-etched hand, met that she herselfi enjoyed at their the Vedas evidencing the pleasure coming ; 'while, as was Moat befitt- ing, her lord and master kept ha moire humble aatiretrieetl in the) background, called each guest by the more familiar bowliug green name •of ,Porn, Dick or Jack, (Lathe case mnight be, and intimated by a signiticent axed of the head that up stairs , was\ the plaCe to lenge halts, goats and rubbeas. The com- pany finally- being all assembled to the full numerical strength of the membership—for no member of the between Ibis roads and fences be clab le overlooked on these tinespie ploughed and levelled. • - I cams eeceseena prageeeseae 3. That weeds should be cut along euchre was indulged in by a diva roadsides end in the fields. • veva sion of the inerebere on the nOrth 4. That each • farmer place his • name side of the Huron\ Road, being pit- on his gate amd Lhat he be encouraged ted agelost members dwelling on tu prune his orchard, improve his the south side of the Hymn Road, fences and buildings, • e 2.nd as in contests ou the green, the 5. That in towns and villages, shede sceithern.members have on two ()e- we axe aill off one mind lathe mat - get aaink 10 Clinton" has ofeen ter of a rink. 'What eau We do to trees be planted, parks, opened, and eared for, grass. out on the sides ea , periowity in bowling, so, now 'they onions proved their eminent .so - been asked here, and \miaow have streets, weeds and rubbiele removed / ehowed they °cube play euchre in e concrete offer and a good chance from -vacant lots, old idatiees removed a manner that maidei 'the northern to have all Up-to-date 'rink. owners encomaaed t improve -the men, sit up and think, and rub their appearance of their property and eyes axid ,Wanadee what it was thee In eonverdation 'with many citi- struek them. We anderstend that they ace already/ preatiang in groups so.* to be a.bld to cut a t etter figure next' vcar ; provided they cannot perstmae 'M'r. Jackson to institute some other .aame,like tiddle-e-winks, that 'thee know sons 0, this leatneee / have met !Donnell recommend to create elm or beauty spots in the town and with every encouregement to do all I mere where at all possible to erect one or I can to get a rink here and they more statutes of preminent persons. also (state they, would much prefer 6. That in order to accomplish this a to give a cash' bonus rather than take stock in company. / steer% committee of teachers in each municipality be apyointed by this as - A subscription list will be opened ask sot , sedation to interview their respective next week andr I aincerely urge upon your kindly coneideration and, to 1 -511mi°M'I'l ammeils them the properiety of making prove keep up the •goitial reputation eta! sion for thp Accomplishment of these recommendations, Also that a com- mittee be appointed to interview the County Council at their Decetaber session and urge that they take some nation in the matter. 7. That these committees l'urge each Municipal Council to offer substantial rewards to each school (adieu that accomplishes ork along the lines indi- cated up to a certain standard and that very roucb better work should be better awarded. No itevards to be made soener than five yeats hence. 8. That under the teachers directions a. naep of each school section be pre- pared showing where trees grading, etc, are needea and some standard be adopted such !mane mark for each have of douig elungs, Fur ei informastion, will gladly be givee to you on presentation. of the sub- seription list, Yours for clean and healthy sport and recreation. THOS. JACKSON, JR. Rev. C. E. Jeakins Believes in a Bock skating sink tree needed, five marks for each road graded,' twenty marks for each sixty rods on which weeds are cut, etc. A basis may be laid, upon which tweeds ( may be offered and this commendable Editar of the Xew, Bea. 1 week encouraged, Sir—As a one-thne Oollege Hockey aceerdance with No, of these player, and interested in anything that resolutions Messrs, Tom aiggert and tends to benefit our young people, I aohnston were appointed a committee crave the indulgeece of space in' your to interview the 0ouney Council in paper to express nly appreciation of Goderieh during their December see- the efforts' now being put. forward to sion. This was done and the commit-, ewect snbstaatial and well-equipped tee, along with Dr. Field, Inspector or skating rink in one town. It is -a East Huron Publie Schools, urged commendable and praiseworthy object, upon the Camay Cleuncil thee: taking and Lsineerely trust that- the men of sonm action in offering rewards to the ' School sections that planted 1000 . • $3,000,000.00 K000,000.00 those wbo have the project in head, hardwood or evergreen trees and lee- r:Ilea-WE . • • 3,000,00O00 4,600,0110 00 There ate many advantages which' elled five miles of roadside between DEPOSITS . ,. a . . . 28,677,730.00 85,0.12,311.00 would accrue to all in having an up- the ditch and the fence. 'Ihe whole LOANS AND INVEST,MENTS . 27,457,000,00 88,85-1,80L00 to- date skatieg rink, a g, business, inatter was referred to a special cool - TOTAL ASSETS . . . , . 88,000,102.00 48,237,274.00 social etc. But to my mind there are mittee who reported, that, while sound mind in a sound body" is a well taken by the Teachers, of WeseHuron express principle of godly living. And they recommend that the matter be the latter, I take it, is the ultimate end laid over until the various municipal - meta of life. The body uhdoubtedly This report was adopted the County CAPITAL dv ta es than these. "A. strongly in favour of the vvork under- evenhigher a a g lias 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents In all the Principal Plies in the World. A GENERAL BANILINu BISSINIESS TBANSACTBil. SAVINGS BANK bEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch. C E. DOWDING. Manager laniliMPOIMOMIMIENIIMMOMMIMMIlinalla 11.1........ms. ,~1.1........M0......... .01•11•••.......s. 4 •••••••••••••••••••••404.44********•••••• ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : : Annual Mid Winter Clearance Sale ol Men's and IlIoys' Clothing' & Furnishings : • Ten Days—Feb 14th to giqt —Ternw. Cash --;. ' 4i • . • • , 1 More than 000 Men's Suits and Oyereoats. " " =,4112 'nakH • • Strictly p t -date and finest Suits and Overcoats in the trade at Bto to $26 to : c• • • be cleared out at $7.90 to $xg. So anxious are we to clear out all our winter stock 4. : before spring goods arrive, and to do k quickly, we have actually priced a nurnber of : •• : the high-class garments at below cost. • surrs Am4r3D ov-itoo.A.fre * • • • • .* • t . . , 4 • : e7 no For ten days only will buy Any suit in the store, for ten •I • • Wm .7 any slut in the store worth days only, worth up to 35,00 111I 114100 i up to 10,00 for • • • • - • • • •••••sam•••••••••••••11011• • For and suit in the store , Any suit in the store worth • • 1 worth up to 20,00, for ten up to 26.00, for ten days lil t iYa00 : 14 50 t .1 momms+.........•••••••=imeweamo A . • '0 7M0 For ten days only will buy Any overcoat in the store, 44 any overcoat in the store worth up -to 25.00, for ten 18 oo t • • worth up to lo.00 days only • • : • days only only 13.5ft For any overcoat in the store Any overcoat in the store for , kr worth np to 20.00, for ten • ten days only, worth up to 10.56,1 days only 35,00. for . See large bills for particulars. Everything is included in this sale. Saturday's business was beyond our expectations. Come with the crowd, Sale closes Feb. 21 The Morrish Clothing eo. "14 Square Deal for Evelry Man." • .4*.....0•,••••••••••••••••••••;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• and aim of our efforts in every depart- ties in the county act. Has a mysterious haleence on the Council eousidering that they should mind and soul. In and through not do anything until the Miliaieipal continued on. page) lour • .centitnied on page Five, •TO WN /HOCKEY LEAGUE, 'February - 23 -0. C. I. is Peatince. 26—Pastime vs Rectory. STANDING OF LEAGUE. DoherIty .won 3 lost 0. • Pastime Won 1 10)811 1. C. C, I. Von 0 lost 3. DOHER'IY'S WON 13-2. Moadaa evening the Doherty hockey "team took( the -C.C.I. boys Mee eamp by al score of 13,2. The! ice was heavy, and et was hard go- ing foe the playeaa, ahd tthey Were co,ntinualla overskating the puck. At hale time the daere was 3-0, bat in the [Ludt halt the factory boys seemed Itoleave no triouble to find .the net. (Gaigg items hurt in the last half and It -oak loff Watts to even up. The kale:tory board book el. minutes with the time-k.eepers While the C. C. I. boys only visited 6 minultee. L. Fair was !referee. Reid,: the school gem. keeper, is a co,xne,r, ai3d ought to make aemnioat p.51.A. man net year. Following Wad `the line uP,— C. 0.1. Factory Reid Weir Claff Kitty Cook better. The south are supremely iedifferent, feeling cock -sure of beating- them at any! game known to skill andt science., Refreshments were there 'served ; and here traq where lawn bOwlers shine! No really good lawn bowi- ar dyspeptic, or finicky about his food and drink, wed the way in which piles of daintily cut sand- wiches, foaming glasaes of tea and cups of amber colored! ale, cakes, etc., etc., rapidly disappeaeed must leave conveyed 3oy to the generous 'providers, The seething cigar hav- ing been passed ro.und, the host ex- pressed in his own ininietabl3t charming manner, the pleasure it gave his worthy wife and himself to once more ;welcome the C.L.B.C. under 'their roof, and called upon,' the Chaplain, Rev. C.D. Jeakins, to address the company. Thq rever- end' gentleman told of the health- ful exercise he had( enjoyed on the green last summer,: related las lex- periences, Dat always of a .success- ful nature, wheel he ran up against his lay- delegate ie. skipping a ,sicle, and asserted with Inane confidence that he had ecre found lawn bowl- ers bad men, as ,sontie intimate, but on the central"-, they were good- natured, straight, agreeable people to be throw -n with Mr. Ransfard was 'then asked to ease to his feeit, and foithwitla plungedi with great gudto, into a very( dramatic, all - though somewhat humorous ac- count, of his life-long friend, Mr. Joseph Forrestees heart-rending experiences and severe' financial trials in connection with' a steer. It would appear from( Mr, Ranforld4 account, which wad of course, 'as strictly lacetheately matter' of face, unimbellisbed, and free from pro- lixity' as that •gentlemanj is so just- ly famed foe," that the animal , in questioe had beer the subject of highly scientific experimental fe'ecl- ing, on the pert of Mr. Joseph For- xestee ; and 1110,113r the f act that straw, dry, soaked,, boiled-, fried, seetwed, roast, cold) and hot, had formed the diet .of the .a,nimall many weelits, it was, not altogether an unexpected termination„ .when as a:berme/1g conditions! of inability te perleam those functions that tend to the prolougatiod, of exial- once, Were foundl to jexist The .cloamaant. Ma'. Joseph F.orresten peompt utilization of every Meaes then intimated hid desire 'to aexe polled by !the efficient, aid olf, that amine Mr. Ransloed'e head platen, - known Ito the ectramon eaxnaer, sup - well known member ologically, and on 'that gentleman linseed oil in generouslyj peofese. ot veieremetes graciously complying, here, said elr, Forreseer, is another beautiail Dr. Rams, the: administeation of qua,ntities, all failed le theist( par- Opecimen( of skull, rather a laegar, tion Mr, Joseph: Forrester at- lover pf fringeof ahl latihr le art ocPunpder f ,the e pose; and in a moment desper,a- tempted to ,conduct 'the ateee to exposed forl a:taxi:line:Ilion. The the Graad Trunk 'depot, where learned gentleman progeeded to mese coinfoetable accommodation the delete upoD the generally aaceptea explanation of bald heada beteg 'ton ko ITIcaonto. the eesult olat high order of brain wits. provided tied his traaspeata- sented to leave hie, happy home or The steer am_ power ; end of thel coDetant high preeenre use of such/ brain power.; wineed, staggered out into the resulaing in eaely decay of the hair ()Pen .aer, took! oDe brief look at follicles' owing 1° ,the) son and eka aned the ;whiteness al bustion of the adenoid tisanes. Thal the snow, breathed 80 slubject be,fiore me, continued Mee fires.b, (air, down Peeresiter, sbows similar jaw devel, back, kicked hire eeet intim aer lopment aged abncantaity, olthorade token of his disappeobatioxi of -all cavity as the former( subject, re-!, eeienthic, experimental, cost-r.edue- suiting ,am told it the soubriquet of D. M." being! applied Ito elie ilea Plans ea feeding toaatle, and expired. •Mr. Porreeter, that Continued oh Page 8. ogler', philosophic fortitude of the Scotch race, tonetoeted• -himself that although he wou1d! have to .1.), eiN'T FAIL TO HEAR. 11111we THEIROYAL ENGLISH HAND BELL eav:nogiashltahveiia:exein:04apan3%, aihff:deulat 1,diue,ltven Liar.h.„,adolustord shots eo turn 'aside, 'Harry Twit- lagtlye ntigpatn ,otaintdrhyaidiag lithoekpeeempallitve reconne 'how misfortunes 'seldom box needy always) filled with a Grigg r evIng Furniss Graham 1 .wing • Watts DOHERTY 3—PASTIMES 1. Last Friday evening' the specta- Lees ,weeo went to•the rink 'to see the town league match between the Factory seven midi "the Pastime Club„ got their monies anotrth as the game was fast and 'well .contested. At half timer the Club was ahead 1-0. In the second half theFactory hands began Ito gett busy and 0,ue- ceeded in aborting eheeel •goals eo theie opponents 0. ,Botle 'goal- keepers raade stair playa and John- ston had hie- work gut out, all ' We have era: finished' tak- ing our ululate-La-nee:a:tory mad e find aux line' of seack too.ds 5 •allitogettier too heavy. \We are , .going ito xeauce theta by of- B 'Terii3g you. special:at-ages for- - a Waited length( of 'time,— • Rex ,Sugar Food, the great p fat producing food—ea bags ,•t tor 750, $2.50 beige for $1.75 ICramefac Stock Food—$1 & Bae packages, 69e, and 37e. $3.50 pails foul 32.50. Hackney Stock and Poultry Pooas-50c and 250 packages for 370 and- 19a- • InternationaIl Stock Reeds— $3.75 pails fee $2.75, $1, 50e, ,end 25c packages, 69,37, 19e. Dona Miss Thee Chance. ' W. A. McConnell TUESDAL •ttli. 27111 le the clay! DR, VENS Eye Specialist and Suageon will be flat Holmes Drug Seam. All those who( have trouble With their eye e should con- sult Dr. Ovens. The best bracing tonic is Rexall Wine ot Cod Liver 011 Sold By W.S.R. Holmes PhLn B. REXALL STORE. 40.92123211.81,A=KIMPIVAISE= • . Perfectly magnificent specimen of ahead he had the good fortune to, examine, Occasionally, gentlemen mid this learned, Tamer, it is my misItorteme to examine ahead( that: leas hair -upon( it. Miele! naltunelly preveats that minute examination of the diatom( of the skull, that is eeseatiel to ,full eesulta But here, gentenaen herd iris skull,iir ull its bare bald'neeleedness, entire - lee completely devoicT of hair, saere and excepting a slight fringe around the lewdl edge, which in no 'way interfered watt my exarai- nation. I do aot confine! my ea - amination alone to the Skull, the face should betaken in cenjenction with the head. Here, in the subject before you, will be noticed enorm- cus jaw power( • and magnificent' , proportmns in the thoracic', cavity; showing at once good !nature, kind - illness of heed, a love of good aye hig in both eating! and drinking, and not only alove of these, but an ability to indulge, that many might be proud of ;r hence it is, that this' 'gentleman is known to•those who have the privilege and pleasure of his intimate acquaixttence as 'dear old G. R." The frontal develop - meat is large, observation, reason, language, and peaticularly the. ability to detect unreasoxiablenese absuedity and so forth, evhich latter possession, naturally makes! tale gentleman an inv,alnable member of Our 'town collect], 1 A0 the rear of this magnificent specimen 01 asktia I observe •abnoxmal developinent of philemaehy, of paylegyny, of plait- ology, of philenthropy, and of phil- oatergical phitopro,genitivenes,s It 15 10 hoped that these invaluable is to be hoped that these lavaluaaie taitehts will not be allowed to ilk) ,come laeone. 111 ludo tilt pursued. his 'dear ,old feien.d) and he next eveniag, at -wee -fold peed be Dolt quickly broken, ha ea:comet - erect one flushed pith specess, and player who was deang something:be to,st tee hada. shoe-0(11)3ot have been doing. laarey . "Me. Pc:Treater., by wayl of reply, made (leaped referee and.' he Will. f d tl e eDen. may that Mr. have the joa again, we • have no cloulet. Following wee the lihe up: Deheat ' Pastime Johnston goal. . Dick Rumball point J. Doherty c, poent •Pickitt • rover A. Doherty awaited Kee laeleli Taskeer McCaughey 1, point J. Doherty Pair 0 Poing Draper Cook rover A. Doherty Mitchell eentee, ' Kerr L'avie Reneford'a ,a6co-aixt of hi g late ate- veeees, regeetee.d ea gay, ,were only '1100 tire,e,, bat in lieu of mak- ing Aa speech, he 'wailed proceed Ito :give !them preold of • his eatill (to him) a new( -,laran•ch afegisfeaeleh, via, phee-n-eitogyi ' The ,c,o.rapany were delighted., The fleet seated of etatninatio,nsva eauneillotr, ,the :Mae Poreeeter! RINGERS. " "TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY EFORIJARY '13r11. Notaing like Ithem b ever eaacrtby, - Canadian people. They aa'e playing to ,ceowded houses • everaWleare, THIS WILL 0315Tgr, TREAT )P, THB SEASON • , Under lautaices of Ontario Street' •Chett, Been. Peed aackson. \ • f , ace, the nom ,,gentlealan emg lan elaeas al0 Fatr's•Tehai 17t8 r.; \Ville rJPUIIIIISS alt 1, .wing Drapes II zetal0tad, pro,ceecled "to eEota 'what • a I Admission 3e0egal(1,35e.